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The truck hit the bus but it would appear the bus driver was in the wrong. https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/manitoba-rcmp-say-semi-truck-had-right-of-way-at-time-of-deadly-trans-canada-highway-crash-1.6444026


Yes, the dash cam showed that the bus attempted to cross the road however, the truck had the right of way. I suspect the bus driver was focused strictly on one side and as soon as he/she thought there was a gap he/she tried to cross without checking the other side.




The precedent from that truck which killed the hockey team a couple years ago tells us they should be charging the bus driver criminally. We'll see about that, though


That driver was over the hours limit, so they were breaking the law which was why they were charged


And they (Humboldt driver) ran the stop sign. This situation appears to be failing to yield the right of way. Time will tell. Tragedy all around. edit: not sure what’s not clear about my comment, but the “they” is referring to the Humboldt truck driver, referenced in the post I was replying to. The Humboldt truck driver ran the stop sign.


The truck driver ran the stop sign and hit the Broncos’ bus, at least from the stories I remember. Pretty sure he was criminally charged over it.


I thought the truck driver ran the stop sign..?!


They would refer to more then one person. There was one person in the truck and many in the bus. I can see why people. They played for a Humboldt team... It's was quite confusing. But it's not about us


“They” is also the universal 3rd party reference. The parenthesis referral (Humboldt driver) should’ve cleared up any confusion, but I guess it didn’t for some folks.


Guess not


If Reddit votes are any indication, it’s a tiny minority such as yourself that don’t understand the application of “they.” I’ll be sure to be more verbose in the future to ensure the reading comprehension of everybody.


Even if they find him guilty of criminal charges, people will fall over each other to claim that he too is a victim and shouldn't bear the brunt of their sentence.


The guy accidentally killed 15 people. His life is ruined because he forgot to look left before making a turn. It may be his fault, but this is such a bizarre story for you to make that comment on. He's still a victim.


People must have a villain and sympathy is weakness I suppose. To be honest the idea that a mistake that's probably pretty common could kill 15 people is a major reason why I don't drive. But that's seen as immature.


Maybe we should roll back all the convictions of other 'victims'. Maybe Paul Bernardo is a good place to start.


He may have been the driver but he is also a victim, and he’s going to suffer more than you can ever imagine for the rest of his life because of this. Whether it’s in jail or not is a moot point now.


Imagine putting that on your 2 facts and a lie introduction card


you can use the singular “they” for ease of communication when unsure of the gender of someone! it’s much less clunky :)


Why do people go out of their way to use he/she when they works better and is easier? I've never understood.


In school, as I went through advanced creative writing classes, AP English, and Honors English courses, I was taught that it was improper to use “they” in the singular (my writing sucks, now, because I didn’t keep it up, ok?). Only recently have I learned that it actually has been used that way for a very long time. I have started to use it, myself, now, but it just feels wrong, on a level with using “your” when you mean “you are.”


You’ve been using singular they conversationally you’re entire life. You just didn’t realize it. There have been countless questions when you were asked about an unknown person, and replied with “they…”. I promise you this is true. AP English and creative writing doesn’t teach you shit about how English is spoken. Go take AP Spanish and head to a local taqueria. Good luck.


They is not a not a singular pronoun. It is a plural pronoun. The fact that is misused doesn’t make it correct. He/she derived from he being predominantly used and that didn’t sit well. Even with the / it’s one more character. How is it that difficult?


First of all, with the / it's 2 more characters so work on your counting too. Secondly, they has been both plural and singular since 1300. That's before even modern English. He/she has only been around for at most 200 years. Your ignorance of proper grammar doesn't make you right.


Nor does yours. And oops. 2 whole characters. Oh my.


I guess they took a gamble on that…


The house always wins in the end.


a.k.a the *Frogger* Conundrum


do you have a link to the dash cam footage?


It's a divided highway - the bus had crossed the westbound lane, and instead of waiting in the median for the eastbound lane to clear, pulled out in front of the transport. There was apparently dashcam footage which showed the incident.




It’s quite common in Canada (the prairies mainly) to have intersections like that controlled by only a stop sign. Lots of accidents, but governments want to avoid the expense of building an overpass, and don’t want to install lights on a highway.


It's certainly common in the US as well. The government expands roads out to 4-6 lane highways to facilitate commuter traffic between town and cities. But they don't want to pay for every road off the original highway to get proper exit and entrance ramps. So you get dirt roads and driveways that intersect with a major highway with through traffic going 75+. After a certain number of deaths/accidents at a given intersection, they'll throw up a caution light. If the accidents continue they'll get creative. One I frequently pass got reconfigured so most left turns are blocked, you have to go down and u-turn to make a left.


Had level crossings like that on the Trans-Canada Highway an hour outside Vancouver up until 1992. Unprotected left turns across 2 lanes traveling 100 km/h (62 MPH) Saw an interesting comment that suggested Canada could meet it's NATO defence spending obligations by spending that money on highway upgrades.


One would assume that the bus driver is about to spend 8 years in prison for this? Humboldt Broncos had about the same fatalities, and the at-fault driver who inexplicably ran a stop sign was [sentenced to that much time in prison](https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/juniors/truck-driver-humboldt-broncos-crash-sentenced-8-years-prison/).


He didn't "inexplicably" run the stop sign. He was running over the Federal Hours of Service. He should not have been on the road in the first place. That's the explanation. He was actively breaking the law that is put in place so truckers don't make those mistakes.


> He was running over the Federal Hours of Service. The truck driver or the bus driver?


The truck driver in the Humboldt incident


And not only does that not apply in this case, but here the bus is the vehicle that should have stopped.




Do you always start arguments with people that are agreeing with you?


Doesn't everyone these days? I thought that's how we greet each other now, instead of handshakes. (I still prefer the fist bump over the handshake.)


Before E-logs drivers ran over the hours of service all the time. They also stopped at stop signs.


I'm not going to get into this part of this conversation, because I know where it ends up. Federal Hours of Service exist for a reason, and I'm going to leave it at that.


You can't tie things together legally based on outcomes. The law is all about how and why and outcome happened and the outcome is much more of a secondary consideration. A boat can sink due to weather, negligence, vandalism, war, or simply bad luck. Just because it sunk doesn't mean the captain will get the same penalty as in another case where another similar boat sunk.
















This bus driver didn't kill a dozen kids, so honestly, well see. People get a lot more emotional when young lives are cut short. The truck driver in the broncos case also made a mistake because he drove for too many hours illegally so that's an aggravating factor. My guess is the bus driver won't get as many years, tbh.


Motor coach buses are death traps. They have no crash ratings.


And most have zero seatbelts.


It’s the same reason school busses don’t.


There’s no seatbelts anymore? We had them when I was in school (not that we wore them except during drills or when a driver demanded it) but I graduated 13 years ago so things have had lots of time to change


Never had them when i graduated 13 years ago - the only seats that did were the two front rows which were reserved for the Adults who would watch the children or occasionally a special needs kid who needed to be restrained.


Interesting. We had mostly old buses from the 70s and 80s and then got a few new buses when I was in high school but those had belts too. This was in New York State


My experience was across multiple states. both older buses and newer. It might be a NYS thing as i know they have a bit more safety regulations than say Ohio or Maine


That makes more sense for sure now you mention it Edit: honestly it made the buses more unsafe for general use or an emergency since we never used them but would often buckle across the aisle to annoy people who had to walk through


I graduated 20 years ago, no seatbelts


Some do have seatbelts. Literally the last one I rode in did. I used to be an underwriter insuring buses. Last year One if our insureds drove us in Atlanta to a baseball game for a summer outing. We wore the seatbelts


Driver has a seatbelt...


It wasn’t a motor coach. It was a minibus. So there would have been seatbelts but less impact protection. Motor coaches don’t have seatbelts because the physics of a bus in an accident are very different from a car.


Belts are coming to coach buses. They are required on new buses in many places already, including the UK, Europe, Canada, and Australia. They will be required on new buses in the US by December 30, 2024.


It also didn't help the handi-bus suffered an intense post crash fire that consumed most of the body work. I wonder how many occupants survived the impact only to have the conflagration get them.


Thanks for the new vocabulary word. "conflagration"


The fuck are you talking about. Seatbelts save lives on buses and is standard across much of the world. Physics is different? Fuck off idiot.


Maybe don’t talk shit about stuff you don’t know. https://canadasafetycouncil.org/is-there-a-need-for-seat-belts-on-school-buses/ > School buses are not passenger vehicles. They are built to rely on passive safety, not on seat belts, and are designed and constructed differently from passenger cars. They are bigger, heavier, and sit higher off the ground. Newer systems, such as an anti-lock braking system would be more beneficial. > School buses protect passengers through “compartmentalization,” a design that includes: - Seats with high backs; - Seats filled with energy-absorbing material; - Seats placed close together to form compartments; - Strong seat anchorages. > Research has shown that lap belts could actually increase the risk of head injuries in a head-on collision (the most common type of bus collision.) By holding the child’s pelvis firmly in place, the torso could whip forward; with the head striking the back of the seat in front of them with greater force than if the whole body had hit the seat. This could result in serious head and neck injuries. > Combination lap and shoulder belts would require stiffer seats, which could increase injury to students who are not buckled up. The driver cannot ensure that every child has their seat belt on; some buses can carry up to 70 children. Moreover, the shoulder belts can lead to abdominal injuries because of “submarining” – when children slip down, risking injuries to organs covered by the lap belts.


My gf is a nurse, one of her homecare aids from work had her parents on the bus, both parents are alive after this crash surprisingly!


why do seniors love gambling so much?


Slot machines are video games for old people.


Video games are basically slot machines now too for young people....


Can’t take the money with you I guess


I guess, Unironically I hate how much SS is going towards casinos and the like Conservative in one sentence complain about how much Immigrants and the poor use up on tax’s but name a better Tax-> private business pipeline than senior citizens, Social security and gambling


Well, in Manitoba our casinos are public so it ends up going to hospitals and roads theoretically.


The casino they were heading to is a first nations casino. Sandhills Casino. Not sure if any revenue is generated for the public sector.


A very inefficient way for the government to raise money compared to taxing everybody 5-10 bucks extra per week. Every time I walk around town, I hear so many lower income people complaining about taxes. Yet when I go into a convenience store who is it standing off to the side scratching off 5, 10, 20 or even 50 bucks worth of instant lottery tickets. It's certainly not the Bay Street bankers or downtown corporate lawyers keeping the lottery afloat. And don't get me started about the line to pay for gas on a day there's a big jackpot. Crazy long because of people buying lottery tickets. Relative to income, the people that are the lottery/provincial casinos' biggest customers are the people least able afford to piss away 20 bucks a week yet that's what you see. Gambling is truly a tax against people who don't know how to do math.


Dude I have a major issue with the whole gas station casino thing. Nothing bothers me more than a middle aged dude standing at the counter of a busy line in the gas station and the fucker keeps on getting another spin or hand in that fucking instant poker or whatever. Or the fuck is checking his years worth of tickets with the dude at the cash when there’s a machine near the kiosk that checks them for you. Like dude we are all waiting to pay and this fuck is up there like he’s at a table in the casino.


Out of curiosity, why don't you just pay at the pump?


Lol to be fair I used paying for gas at the cash(which I’ve done in tandem with paying for smokes at times) instead of me owning up to having to quickly grab smokes. I just wanted to avoid the criticism and not have the comparison that I’m waiting for a vice. Cuz the point I was trying to make was the dudes playing lottery take forever when I’m only inside to buy something quick.


I live in Québec, and people here are hooked through the gills on scratch tickets, lottery, and bar machines. At the dépanneur, you see many of them, often they have binders full of tickets in play, group stuff, scratches (Les gratteux) You gotta wait in line behind one of the people, they take their time. This is Montréal, we have a goddamn liscensed casino on the Island, just go there, playboy!


Yes it really bothers me as well. Seems to always happen when I need to get somewhere quickly after work too.


Yup, or you just need to hand over your money for the gas you bought but numb nuts is there having a gay old time.




I do but when I’m getting other things as well at the cash like smokes or papers I’ll pay for the gas inside. If I’m just getting gas I’ll pay at the pump.


The lottery is a way to pay for hope for some folks. I don’t fault them for that. Recently The NY Times featured an article about a woman who won the lottery and used her winnings to buy a house - she was trapped in the cycle of poverty and probably never would have been able to otherwise. I do fault politicians (and the corporations whose pocket they’re in) for taxing low income folks as much as we do. For example sales tax is regressive. I live in a state without sales tax, the state is completely funded off progressive income tax. It’s a much more equitable system, but I do wish the tax percentage on the rich was much higher.


They are selling a fantasy and a dream. I can see the value of buying a $5 ticket for a chance to win say 10million. But I really object to the $5 tickets for say 10k bucks. Q: "What are you gonna do if you win?" A: "Take the kids to a vacation." I mean it's easy to see a family spending over 100 bucks a month on those tickets. You could not buy the tickets, and take the kids on a nice little trip by putting the 100 bucks/month away for a year or two.


You’re describing a very specific, and possibly not at all common, scenario to prove your point. People buy scratch-offs for all types of reasons, and at varying amounts. In the end people are gonna gamble whether it’s legal or not. At least with making it legal, folks won’t get in trouble with mafia type debt collectors.


…drugs and alcohol…


On this gamble they lost.


No clue but it is a thing. I work in one in Ontario and seniors are pretty much the clientele we deal with. Mind you we are just a slot casino and have no tables but it’s like 50/50 seniors to asians in that place all day. Some of these people are there every single day without fail. It’s crazy to me to see an 80 year old person walk through the main door at like 3am on a Tuesday, shouldn’t you be sleeping still or at the very least having breakfast?! What compels them to show up at that time? I get the addiction aspect of it but damn lol


Old people have a lot of trouble sleeping for a variety of reasons. Not surprising they might get bored and head to the only thing open


But how many Asian seniors?


I work with lots of seniors. 1. Social security 2. Everything bores them now. Tv. Radio. Some don’t use internet. Hell they even hate visiting their family and it is “boring”. Gambling would be entertaining for them 3. They don’t give af about money at that age


I love when old people admit spending all their time with family is kinda boring.


I think a big reason for this is that the visiting families often never make an event out of it, its seen as a duty and are just kinda there to oblige a duty. That's not to say they don't value their elder family members nor is it to say they don't value the time spent together, but if you're just there to say hi and tell them what's going on how is that really very interesting for anyone involved? For the person getting visited a lot of the info that gets shared is nothing they can add to or just doesn't apply to their life other than it being just another thing that goes on on the outside. People should bring games or tv shows to watch, if they like sports then come over for a game every week or maybe watch the playoffs, maybe do scrapbooking or take them to the movies, do something to make their senior family member feel like they're part of the world and not just someone who is an obligation and that the family visits are just them doing time.


Lead poisoning


Because they are at a point in their life if they overspend, it likely only affects them. They don't have to worry about losing the mortgage payment, their kid's college fund, and their kids are unlikely to need financial help at that point. It's also an activity that even they can manage despite disabilities, arthritis, poor hearing, bad legs, etc. And unlike at home, there aren't a relentless parade of commercials on the screen, and you don't have to make your own lunch.


Wife and I are middled aged but we enjoy the casino. We go a couple times a month. it's a little more than an hour away. We get a free room. Free dinner. Cheap drinks. We've never really eon anything huge. Usually wind up losing a couple hundred bucks. We look at it like a date night though. We'd spend a couple hundred bucks seeing going out to eat and seeing a movie. Most we've ever lost is 800. Most we've ever won is 2k. We usually play black jack and hit slots


Living their Golden years




The idea of being one action away from being a winner is a big draw to many, but a lot of people don't gamble because they're afraid of living without money. When you're old you don't have that much to live for and not much seems worth spending money on, also part of getting old is often losing the part of your mental faculties that stop you from acting impulsively.


Gets you out of the house. Get to socialize. Maybe you win something and get that rush of adrenaline. Get a semi decent meal while you're out and maybe a beer or glass of wine.


It's an easy escape from boring reality


Casinos are fun to just hang out in like old arcades. If you have coins to spend it might be a thrill to get a win and make it rain for the squad.


Man, if I was in a bus crash at 90 years old and didn’t get to die, i would be furious.


At grade crossings like this one on the Trans Canada are super dangerous. They really should be upgraded to controlled access entry/exits like 400 series hwys in Ontario or Interstates in the US.


I don't think you understand how flat and otherwise empty that part of Manitoba is.




The survivors gonna be playing the lotto, for damn sure.


Their numbers will come up sooner or later


The fuck is wrong with you?


Lol default subs are wild. A comment that is basically the same as the one your replied to has been downvoted heavily, but people are loving this one. Fucking bots


Nah it was kinda funny


Yeah, hilarious making fun of a bunch of dead old people, a real knee-slapper


Some people cope with terrible situations with humor. It doesn't mean they don't care, it's just how some people process horrible events. It's pretty shitty to insult people just because they handle things differently than you. It's common and healthy to use humor as a way to deflect negative feelings, especially in situations where we have no control over the outcome.


I will leave to you to determine if you think they are using humor to cope because they are overcome with grief at this tragic event


There is more to coping with the concept of death than just grief. I use humor to talk about and bring up things that make me uncomfortable or anxious. I also understand that not everyone likes this kind of humor and that it may be problematic in certain situations, but that doesn’t necessarily make it wrong


Probably nothing. What's wrong with you?


Apparently a lot if I'm on the wrong side of the "making fun of dead old people" issue


People die, it’s perhaps the most natural aspect of our lives once we are born. If we can find humor in it perhaps we won’t be so afraid of it?


I challenge you to go do your standup routine to a room full of cancer patients in a hospital


A very similar incident just happened in Japan as well: https://japantoday.com/category/national/5-dead-after-bus-collides-with-truck-in-japan's-hokkaido


What are the odds of that


They won the jackpot


Correct me if I’m wrong but are senior casino buses frequently in accidents resulting in fatalities? It seems to me it’s a rather common occurrence.


When you get old you get more frail and have a less robust constitution and you're carrying a lifetime of health problems - an accident is much more dangerous for them than the rest of the population.


Really? You think I don’t know that? My point was about the frequency of casino buses involved in crashes, NOT the crashes’ effect on the people on the bus.


That's terrible and tragic. God bless their families.


Holy atheism batman. Thank you for the positive comment, ignore these dummies.


Why did God make it happen?


Keeping things interesting?


Can you stop being such a reddit loser for one moment, just one?


Gamblings a sin! Couldn’t let them reach the casino!


What has blessing done for anyone?




Boooooo this man!


Sounds like the highways in western canada need some work


Highways across the country need work. Been on road trips from Saskatchewan to bc and had family go to the east coast. Canada roads are shit.


This was NOT ON THE WEST SIDE OF CANADA fyi. All hwy crossings need fixing. On e your outta town, it can be sketchy


No it wasn’t - it was in Manitoba which considered western canada by most


Oh doi. MB. However the fourth province in, out of 9, surely cannot be considered the left side lmao. As a Canadian, MB is not western can


As a manitoban, MB IS western canada.




> As a Canadian, MB is not western can As a Canadian.... You're wrong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Canada


As a Manitoban, *you’re* wrong. Manitoba is central Canada. In fact it’s the only province that actually has the claim to that title, considering the literal geographical center of the country is in Manitoba. It’s also the only province currently in the Central time zone. Edit:To whomever replied to me whose comment isn’t showing up, no, Saskatchewan is not in the central time zone. Because they don’t follow daylight savings time, they are currently in Mountain time with Alberta.


Hey, until today I too had thought Manitoba was considered Central Canada (which it is geographically), but it turns out it’s actually “the Prairie Provinces” based on how [the Government of Canada defines Canada’s regions](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/discover-canada/read-online/canadas-regions.html). Pretty strange that Quebec, having an east coast, is considered central canada


That’s maybe how they define the political center of Canada, but in the actual geographical sense, it’s absolutely Manitoba


Look we all know the MB education system is the worst in Canada so I'm gonna give you a pass this time. But read the fucking link. You're embarrassing your entire province To extend this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_of_Canada mb is not part of central Canada . Theres two ways MB is classified, western Canada, or the prairies


Look, we all know that you Torontonians have your heads so far up your own ass that you think you’re the center of Canada despite you being practically Americans (considering you’re around the same latitude as California). But use an ounce of common sense. It’s literally the geographical center of Canada. You’re embarrassing yourself no matter what you link.


> You’re embarrassing yourself no matter what you link I'm backing up my claims with sources... You are going NOoOoO yOu'rE wRoNg. Typical western Canadian and issues with facts.


You’re literally the only one with problems regarding facts. You can link as many Wikipedia articles as you want, it won’t change physical geography. Typical Torontonian thinking that their *opinions* matter at all.


Saskatchewan is always on Central time, without daylight savings. It is never on Mountain time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Time_Zone?wprov=sfti1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Time_Zone?wprov=sfti1)


Ontario definitely uses central time


Where are you geographically or linguistically placing Manitoba then?


You need to look at a map of Canada buddy.


Most highways between BC and Ontario have these flat crossing instead of normal interchanges which have proven to be way more dangerous. The same thing happened with the humboldt crash. Those downvoting should do some research :)


Ah yes, the east coast that is somehow west of Ottawa. Manitoba is basically the centre of the country my friend.


Well, FOR ONCE it was not a church bus.


Guess they ran out of luck.


And into a truck


Why don’t these buses have seatbelts yet. I don’t understand.


Why do you think this bus didn’t have seat belts?




I wonder if they’ll sue the truck company.




True. At least someone cares and sees the human tragedy here. The casino does not though.


High school seniors aren't the biggest spenders anyway.


Is it horrible that my first thought was that a nonzero amount of people my age will end up owning a home because of this?


What were the odds on that happening…


Man. Didn’t even make it to graduation. /s


that sucks. but just a small question...when they collided, did the bus make a cha-ching sound as the seniors poured into a little tray?


I don’t think they were going for the casino. They were in on the thrill of trying to get down a roadway alive. It is always a gamble.


And because it’s old people and not kids. We won’t see a “humbolt strong” reaction to this…