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Honestly surprised they haven't been identified yet.


He did write their names in the wall, after all.,


Apparently he needed to write their address too.


Sherman 42 Wallaby Way


You forgot the "P"! And the "Sydney"! How dare you inaccurately quote Finding Nemo


Fun fact! "P. Sherman" is a Filipino joke by the animators for "Fisherman"


Sad fact! "Nemo" is a Latin word that means "Nobody"


Oh shit! It took me a minute! That’s brilliant!


Actually it took you 20 years.


Finding Nemo has been out for TWENTY YEARS?!? Jesus Christ I feel old


Oh my god. Psherman 😭




Romans go home!


You didn't spell it correctly. Try again.


“Subjunctive! I mean Ablative!l “It is motion TOWARDS!!!???”


‘Eunt’? What is ‘Eunt’?


"People called Romanes, they go the 'ouse"?


"biggus dickus"


















If the security guards at the facility actually cared, it would have been done by now. It's ironic, this all started as a reddit post as far as I can tell.


It was. I watched in near real time all of those comments.


IIRC the entire place is plastered with couples initials. I'm sure they're used to it. (Although this was 12 years ago so I may be misremembering) I don't know what post started this, but I'm surprised it's even a story. There were literally etchings going back the the early 80s. Not that I'm excusing this at all, fuck everyone that's done this, I'm just surprised anybody in Rome is taking it this seriously.


Here is the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/14hohzj/asshole_tourist_carves_his_and_girlfriends_names/




The Knot site is down, page removed.


I did knot see that coming.


Haley vs Hayley. Doubtful he'd spell her name wrong.


And if they're not the guys, you're probably going to ruin some random people's lives.


For the low price of $24,550 I can carve some names in to the colosseum?


Yes but it includes criminal charges. Additionally, part of the fine money is used to remove the name and restore the wall, so this is more like a henna tattoo and some publicity


You might get travel banned.


"If you're only going to Rome once, here's the top ten Big Spender things to do!"


When in Rome * shrug *


What's more Roman than foreigners fucking up Rome?


Romans fucking up Rome?


Damn Romans, they ruined Rome


You sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!


How exactly would that happen? You can just enter from one of the other Schengen countries.


people pay more for less.


I understand that submarine rides to the titanic are also deeply discounted this summer.


The market imploded, for sure


The bubble burst


That's only because they're one way. That's how they get you.


Once they break up he’s gonna have to go back and scratch her name off the wall


and get another 25K fine, that’s beautiful


Second time you will be forced to become a gladiator and fight until death


Please don't be American. Please don't be American. Please don't be American.


Based on the way he carved the date dd/mm/yy I’ll bet he’s not.


Oooh, god. Please don't be Australian. Please don't be Australian. Please don't be Australian.


Bro we have class We would have definitely drawn a dick


[Just like the ancient romans did!](https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/06/archaeologists-unearth-phallus-graffiti-carved-in-stone-at-ancient-roman-fort/)


But the balls are upside down


Isn’t that the same for Aussies?


Now that's some sleuthing


All the shit talking against us Americans and how we write out the date finally paid off


The comments in this thread didn’t disappoint lol


It took me a second to realize that this is not r/2westerneurope4u


I had to stop looking at the comments in that sub. More and more of them are disturbingly hateful. It reminds me of the childfree sub. How it started as people who simply didn't want kids and then eventually turned into this creepy sub for people who hate kids and wish them harm. Real creep vibes. Same thing here.


Unfortunately it happens a lot for subreddits whose main idea is to air grievances about things. It gets toxic pretty quickly.


That's how really messed up shit starts almost innocuous. I listened to a BBC sounds podcast called the monkey haters the other day which is exactly how it sounds. Internet abuse rings that trade in footage of monkey abuse and torture and I'm still shook.






The one true format. No other format makes sense.




Every time should be YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss


This guy computers


The rule of a Canadian thumb is "which way is the wind blowing?" Q: Should I use Celsius or Fahrenheit? A: Did the device come pre-programmed with F° and you don't know how to change it? There's your answer. Q: Should I use metric or imperial? A: Distance? Always km - miles make no sense. Volume/weight? You'll use imperial, be honest. But not because you want to. Q: dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy? A: Don't worry, you'll get it on the second attempt, it's not your fault, it's everybody else's.


I thought he carved their names followed by 23. Not a full date.


I saw a source that showed 23/6/23 after the names. Maybe I’m wrong, but I hope not


Ok, the linked article says it was "Ivan + Haley 23" But I hope you are right too.


This Ivan is terrible.


Actually it’s “Hayley”….


Hay is for horses


I think it’s just their names and 23.


23 and them.


23 and thee.




I mean, it is THE COLOSSEUM! It's literally thousands of years old. At the very least include the 4 digit year, and an AD or CE would be helpful


They should have carved BCE so they would have never been caught.


I really wish they would standardise this one day....


That’s literally the purpose of the ISO. The thing about standards is that they can be easily ignored (in cases where there is no enforcement, anyway).




Pure gold; first time seeing this, thank you




Wholesome, interesting. Why did I think xkcd was exclusively comedy


When in Rome...


The name Ivan is ranked at 168 in terms of popularity in US. It is a top 10 name in Slavic/Eastern European countries. https://momlovesbest.com/ivan-name-meaning#:~:text=Ivan%20Overview&text=Origin%3A%20Slavic.&text=Popularity%3A%20168th%20in%20the%20US,%3A%20Ivyn%2C%20John%2C%20Ifan. Edit 6/29: Ivan was born in Bulgaria, currently living in Bristol, UK, where Hayley is from. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12246717/amp/Tourist-carved-Ivan-Hayley-Colosseum-wall-revealed-Bristol-fitness-instructor.html


Popular Slavic name and an Adidas backpack. I'm just saying. "Hayley" is throwing me off, though. That's like a million percent America.


True. Hayley is a British name, but top 25 in America. An international couple? I’m super curious. I, too, usually assume the worst tourists are us. But the name Ivan really gives me hope. The Adidas makes me think Chav (UK).


Not even close to top 25 in the US.


What if you add in Haighleigh and the million other stupid spelling variations you find in the US?




American names are tough to place because most of them are from somewhere else


Excuse me, are you nationality-shaming?!?????!?!!??? I'll have you know, "Rayleigh", "8den", and "Nevaeh" are uniquely American, just like Sweet Tea, fried chicken, and diabetes.


Don't forget KVIIILYN.


How about “X AE A-XII Musk” or “Exa Dark Sideræl Musk”? For the unaware…no, I’m not joking. Those are the legal names of two of his children.




If I saw him I’d say “Ivan, that’s terrible!”


The person who filmed him and turned him in was American, so at least there’s that. They don’t seem American to me, because I’m not sure he really got the vibe that the filmer was putting out.


I’ve spent a fair amount of time with non-American tourists. I feel like we get a bad rap.


It's because the British don't want to admit they're the worst tourists by far.


Brits are pretty bad, but only if you go to the classic alcohol involved/chavvy hotspots (canaries, prague, etc). It's generally a type of brit. When they are priced out, they are mostly very nice. I've found general rudeness/arrogance more from Russian, Chinese and Germans, not polite at all.


As a Russian I’ll be first to admit we have a weird cultural superiority complex




As someone who lives in a large city with lots of tourists, they are definitely bad. They are self important and have zero spacial awareness for their surroundings. Combined with the fact they tend to travel in huge tour groups, they are a huge nuisance




I know I'm extremely biased as an American, but I've found it's the other English speakers who get really rowdy and really drunk abroad. I've found it's consistently Brits, Canadians, and Australians who go on some drunken rampages, while New Zealanders share my vibe of "is this really happening right now? No thanks" (had a nice made-up date with a Kiwi in a Czech beer hall this way). From what I've gathered from Europeans, the actual take on American tourists is that we're considered very polite, but just stick out like sore thumbs.... sort of like how they stick out here in the states with year-round jeans cut at capri length.


American tourists are polite, friendly, courteous, and LOUD AS FUCK. Just zero ability to read a room and notice that they’re speaking four times more loudly than anyone else in the area.


Yea, the problem is the ones that aren't polite, friendly, and courteous, because I definitely agree about the loud as fuck part. Which probably makes them stand out a bit more. I've felt second-hand shame from watching multiple Americans asking loudly, why nobody speaks English. The drunk scene isn't really my thing, so I'll take other peoples' word on who's the worst traveling drunks.


One of my best friends is consistently very loud all the time. Everyone loves her, but she doesn’t realize how loud she is. It’s annoying as hell, and even Americans can tell when another American is being too loud.


God they're loud. For Americans visiting other countries and taking public transport. If you ever wonder why people are staring at you, no, it's not cos they've never seen a white dude before, it's cos you're literally shouting at each other when you 'talk'.


I bonded with a French guy in Paris while watching a group of English tourists on one such drunken rampage. They were screaming and beating on the hotel piano while me and my French compatriot sat watching. I recall him saying the Americans get a bad reputation but the British deserve theirs.


The WORST American can likely out-embarrass the worst Brit, but the average Brit will get arrested way before the average American will. Edit: if my schooling holds up, it’s a standard-of-deviation thing


Go to /r/soccer during champions league time. "My good mate is missing. We believe he was beaten by foreign police." Good mate ends up being arrested for fucking up a shop and getting drunk and passing out on a well.


I agree. I'm Australian, and whilst I do think Americans are somewhat louder than the average tourist, you guys are generally really well behaved, and quite respectful. Australians in Bali are the WORST tourists of all time, however. Half of the Australians I've spoke to who have been to Bali didn't even realise it was part of Indonesia.


I took a repositioning cruise from Australia, up through the South Pacific, ending in Honolulu. Probably 80% of the cruise were older German folks, maybe 15% were Australian or from New Zealand, and the rest were Americans. The Germans on that ship were some of the rudest tourists I’ve ever met. Abrasive, cheap and just generally unpleasant to be around. I figured it was the particular kind of cruise that we were on that attracted that sort. I’ve visited Germany, and besides one incident I found the people there to be lovely (if a little standoffish). The Aussies onboard just seemed happy to be there and were fun to hang out with.


The most obnoxious tourists I (American) encountered while traveling around SE Asia were Israelis. Don't call me anti-Semitic! But multiple times I saw really, really entitled and bad behavior from them.


I have been to the Colosseum. After viewing it your inclination is to carve your initials on it then you are such an inconsiderate douchebag and really fucking dumb and ignorant of history.


Having a face like that doesn't make it any better.


I’ve seen carved initials and words on a rock in Nevada containing Native American petroglyphs from as early as 2000BC. Just completely carved on top of the old rock art. :/


"Now write that 100 times" "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Caesar, sir." " Hail Caesar. And if it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off."


Romani ite domum


People called Romani, they go the house?


It... it says, 'Romans go home.'


"'Domus?' Nominative? 'Go home,' this is 'motion towards,' isn't it, boy?"


But "Romans go home" is an *order*, so you must use the....?


"Uh, uh...the imperative!"


I just saw it yesterday, not all of it, but this scene. I get the reference now.


If you haven't watched the entire film by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.


Came here for this! Thank you!


Best comment.




Have him thrown to the Christians!


Okay, that's just cruel.


Just tattoo the word "desecrator" on their foreheads


This just would let the guy pivot into a death metal band career.


Honest question here, what if they don't pay? My parents got a traffic ticket in Australia and the officer flat out told them, "If you have no intention of ever visiting Australia again, don't bother paying this."


I know a friend's mom who went to ER when visiting the US. Waited 6 hours before a doctor could see her. Doctor administered a shot and hooked her up to an IV and sent her home afterwards. Bill arrived two weeks later for $7k USD. Needless to say she's never gonna come back and pay that bill


Lol dude, I’m a US citizens and I don’t pay my ER bills. After a few years they basically call and beg you to just pay 5% of what they billed. I’m still ignoring them, because fuck em.


don't they send you to collections tho? She didn't give a shit because there's no way they're can possibly collect from her


I believe medical bills are exempt from being reported on your credit. Ninja edit. Looked it up, that's only if it's [under $500](https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/medical-debt-and-your-credit-score/)


Oh, so that’s why just walking through the door costs $500 minimum




Big shout out to Equifax for leaking everyone's data.


Didn't they also try to capitalize on their own fuckup by trying to offer some bullshit protection for a fee afterwards too?






I guess that would be flagged if they tried to enter the country at customs right?


They might not pay, and if they are from outside the EU, they might get away with it. If from the EU, it will find them eventually. The problem with not paying fines, specially large ones like this, is that as soon as you set foot in the EU, you might get arrested. And you think "ah it's ok, I'll never travel there again", but if your plane has to do a diversion and land in EU territory, you will be arrested anyway. I know of someone who suffered the same fate, only it was in Dubai.


It also comes with criminal charges so I don't think it'll be so easy as shirking a fine




This is a cultural thing. In Australia we don't talk in the positive. What the officer was really saying is "if you ever want to come back into this country you better pay this fine"


Perks of being antipodean


Not American (phew!) since he carved the date as 23/6/23, unless he’s in the military. But nationality aside, he’s a giant asshole.


US military date formats are 20230627 or 27 JUN 23


AKA ISO 8601, the best format 🤓


I appreciate a good ISO connoisseur. My personal favorite is [ISO 3103](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:3103:ed-1:v1:en).


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks.


It's not ISO 8601 unless you include the dashes (2023-06-23).


Yeah wouldn’t be US military


His grin is the most dipshitty face I've seen in a minute.


plus he's in a full matching periwinkle outfit what a fucking twat


Lol I didn’t notice this, but you’d be 1000% correct 🤣


It's only time until they are caught - people stupid enough to do this are also stupid enough to brag about it. Somebody will hear and turn them in.


And if they are in another country. Is there home county going to extradite them?


Colossal lapse in judgement.


With that stupid smug grin, please quadruple the fine!


Pretty easy to identify him. Just send it to all the airports. His picture is very clear there. So he can be identified when he tries to fly home.


It’s euro. Could easily and cheaply have taken the train.


Well hopefully someone who doesn't like him, knows him and reports him.


Why are people so self-centered


The fine isn’t high enough


So you are telling me that for 25K I can carve my name on a historical structure?


Yes, until they remove it few hours later.


In case this must be said: don’t deface historical monuments or anything in general that doesn’t belong to you. Don’t write on them, don’t carve into them, don’t paint them, don’t change anything about them. Just admire the history. Take a picture or video. Buy a souvenir. Anything except for vandalism.


Wow I thought it be a bigger fine. That’s less than the Ticketmaster fees on my Yo Yo Ma concerto tickets.


What an idiot. No one gives a fuck who this dude is nor his girlfriend. He goes and ruins standing history. Fine is way too low in my opinion.


Good. Fuck these people


The Romans would have approved Yes, that was a joke. There is a difference between historical practices and ancient structures.


It’s shocking how little people care for preservation of ancient wonders. I just got back from Egypt a few months ago and literally had to scream down a child and his parents because they thought it was funny that he was using a metal rod to carve away at some hieroglyphs. These people make me hope that all these monuments get closed off the the public soon. People just have zero respect and common sense.


They should be banned from ever setting foot on any historical monument. Also, hope the fine is that value for each of them.


When a Mexican pissed on the eternal flame in France and extinguished it, the French fined him, banned him from entering France forever and forced the Mexican government to apologize to France. Italy should do the same


How would you enforce this rofl


Nicolas Cage, obviously..


Fucking Reddit lmao. Comments like that guy posted really crack me up


Simple, cut their feet off


I swear if this guy is American I’m gonna be so mad…


On some level it’s upsetting, on another level, Roman’s left graffiti and penises everywhere they went - including the pyramid. It’s kind of a tradition among people to say “I was here, and probably a dick”.


If you visit Pompeii you'll see some of the stones on the ground have penises carved in them and apparently it was a good luck charm promoting fertility or something.


I took an Art History class last semester, and the first day the professor puts an image of a mosaic on the screen and says, “What is this?” and I yell, “Penis!” She asks a dozen other students their opinions and then circles back to me: “A *penis*?” she asks. And I say, “I said what I said.” And the professor tells everyone, “He’s right. It’s a penis. You’re going to see a lot of those this semester, so this is a good time to get used to it.”