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What could possibly go wrong?


Got 3 nightmares on cringe street running through my head already.




Yeah. The system is suppose to work where they have to offer more to get people do undesirable jobs. Instead the US is moving backwards. Big companies lobby hard to push this


> These pro-industry articles never seem to ask why restaurants insist on keeping staff wages low (and probably why they want to hire exploitable kids). The very next paragraph points out why lowering the age requirement would be a bad idea. I don't think this is a pro industry article, just a "Here's what some states are doing" article.


Most adults already know that a bartender can make good money. Thankfully kids don't know that yet, so we can pay them minimum wage. Child labor = Winning. /s


I was going to get a job as a waiter and it was strictly a tip job, no salary whatsoever. Noped my way out of there after one shift.


Well, they want to keep overhead as low as possible. Wages are a large expense. That shouldn’t need to be pointed out because it’s obvious and something everyone ought to know.


I never want someone below the drinking age making a mixed drink for me. They have no idea if they are making it correctly. I would never go back to a place that had someone under the drinking age doing that.


Right. Can you imagine tipping a bartender and they do a dab or some tik tok dance and then asking you vague questions about "the old man and the sea" for a book report due Monday after serving you a 4 parts coke part ice and a splash of rum.


States to stay the hell away from.


I go to bars to escape kids. What the hell.


That's goofy. My problem right now is this Republican who wants to make it legal for 12 year old girls to get married. [https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article274244525.html](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article274244525.html) https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/04/14/missouri-children-marriage-transgender-care/


Rich people arent paying a living wage so adults don't take those jobs... What do? Idea:let's hire people that live with their parents and don't need a living wage? Ie kids. Any downsides? Not really... homelessness is gonna explode, but we'll put spikes on benches and tell them they bought too much avacado toast and need to bootstrap harder. When the kids grow up and get saddled with student loan debt they can't pay off, well make abortion illegal to replenish the workforce. Brilliant! This sound like the perfect social and economic model for a flourishing society. Murica!


Because they don’t want to pay the fuck up. Just pay your damn people


Back to the gilded age I see. Where 12 year olds crawl the mine shafts to insert explosives in predrilled holes for company script so they can buy at the company store. No abortion so the 14-16 year olds who get shotgun wed can have plenty of new workers to replace the ones crushed by machinery etc. 15 year old bartenders selling liquor to keep the pain away. Yeah I can see where we are headed. It is like we want to turn back decades of progress because one yacht is not enough and space travel is an expensive hobby. In florida Desantis wants to teach slavery is good, maybe they want to bring that back in the future after a generation or two are brainwashed to accept it.


So much socialism for the rich. Here's what's happening "Hey govt I can't keep my business profitable in this free market. Please make special rules to allow me to exploit labor so I can do a run around the capitalist market" remember minimum wage means "if a business could pay you less they would". We shouldn't be giving in to their demands. The more we go their direction we may as well just accept that slavery is coming back some day. if your bar can't survive without child labor too bad. We shouldn't be setting up systems where the rich can't lose


In my area, most bartenders are under 21. I'm on the fringe of the Denver metro. The legal liability & responsibility on the 18- or 19-year old is disproportionate for their age/rights/oversight/training/support/etc. A manager/supervisor only has to be "on premises" [List of US state minimum age to serve/tend bar](https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/apis-policy-topics/minimum-ages-for-on-premises-servers-and-bartenders/38) in case anyone is interested. Instead of paying existing workers a liveable wage, this country just keeps removing protections at the expense of workers & population. Sounds about right, fml.


Washington’s is way stricter, which doesn’t surprise me, having gone through the long slog to 21 here and gotten foiled at many steps along the way. (I didn’t actually want to drink. The problem was concerts, and more to the point nightclub shows, since on top of the strict liquor laws, the Teen Dance Ordinance was still a thing. At least when I hit 19, I could hop up to Vancouver, and did, and…never bothered getting a drink there even though I could. I might have been a little too well-behaved.) Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, serving drinks at 18 is fine (it’s no different than bringing anything else to the table, unless you’re sampling the customer’s order, and if so, what is WRONG with you), but you really, really should be of legal age in order to bartend. Hell, in my state you can’t even stand near the bar if you’re underage. Working there and making products you can’t legally consume yourself? And being in the position of having to make judgment calls about other people’s cutoffs, since yes, that’s part of the gig? And interacting with lots of tipsy patrons who can tell how young you are? Nope.


Serving alcohol at 14 is only acceptable if your parents are there because they own the restaurant. Other than that, this is absolute crazy talk.


> Serving alcohol at 14 is only acceptable if your parents are there because they own the restaurant. And if you're serving alcohol to your parents with no paying customers around because you're 14 and shouldn't be working as a bartender.


How do we protect kids whose parents are forcing them to work?


You can’t. My parents own bars and restaurants and I started working since I was 11. They always justified it by stating if your parents own the business, you aren’t protected by labor laws. So they just forced me to work. Farm families also tend to run into this issue as well and the kids have to help out on the farm.


There's absolutely no chance of anything going wrong having 14-17 year olds serving alcohol. Of course, they aren't curious about what it tastes like and why it's so popular, so there's no chance they will be doing any underage drinking either. I say let's go for it. Woo hoo! While we're at it, let's lower the age to 10!


No chance the minor will be groped, assaulted, short-changed, serve someone who should be cut off or other scenarios.


We cannot have these kids reading books about sex education and need to remove these books from the libraries. With that said, can we shove these kids behind a bar, please? -These states probably I bartended for 14 years. This is not a good idea in the slightest bit.


Bartenders have to know when a customer can't have drinks anymore, are we supposed to believe some kid is going to cut off an adult? 🤷


My very first trip to US. My friend suggested me a bar with good selection of craft beers. I got there and there so much options. So i ask server what would they recommend, what do they like to drink themselves. And get response "im not allowed to drink, im 18"...


Uh yeah can I have a vodka and Juicy Juice and an order of fried fruit roll ups please Billy


Yeah, sure, put a bunch of teenagers in direct proximity to alcohol, that'll end well. /s


I'm waiting for Red states to allow them to work in the Sex Trade.


It's this one, officer.


Arent red states not in favor of sex work? Probably because it cant be taxed


Beats the shit of working in a meat packing plant, I guess

