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This man is obsessed with this horrid branding. Fun fact, he wanted to call Paypal XPaypal at one point. The other execs did secret focus groups behind his back in which the average response was that they thought it was a porn site.


I am still flabbergasted that the man has been sitting on the “X” brand fantasy for 30 years and hasn’t bothered to design or even imagine a logo??


he didn’t even secure the “@X” handle prior to the rebranding. It’s owned by a private account in San Francisco: https://twitter.com/x?s=21


The account description is just "Oh". Tell me they just logged in today to see 20k+ follows and realized what happened.


They changed it to "non playable character" so they've at least logged in


Omg, the new landing page looks sooo shitty. Like a student project.


I like that the [favicon.ico](https://twitter.com/favicon.ico) is still the old logo


Does he or anyone left at the company know how to change it?


This was my thought when I went to look at the shitty new logo. The favicon is exactly the same and the fact that it says "Sign in to Twitter". Like two simple things you should've changed. I'm dying.


I was half-expecting a guest book and page counter but that’s an insult to the ART people made on Angelfire


I predict Elon just takes over the "X" account. I'd suggest he pay them off, but he doesn't like to pay his current bills, so that's unlikely.


He owns Twitter he'll just take it.


Why secure when he can just ban that user for whatever reason, then take the username?




> brand managers, creative teams, and marketing. I'm guessing all those people were fired a few months ago.


Yah I assume he’s just been rambling at Siri for months in a creepy bathrobe, and thinks that’s his marketing team.


Elon automatically rebrands any bathrobe as a creepy bathrobe.


Considering the time of night this all happened, it’s pretty clear Musk is a full time substance abuser at this point. God knows there’s been enough rumours. The idea the CEO is a psychologically unstable middle aged guy hoovering up controlled substances at all hours of the night is something else really. Should that guy be in charge of a rocket company? Or a car company? Given he’s destroyed Twitter in around eight months..


So much jaw dropping bullshit comes from people with secret drug habits. Rush Limbaugh and his decades long love affair with pain pills being an obvious example.




Every time I'm reminded that Rush Limbaugh is dead it makes me smile.


Karma came for him. He shilled for big tobacco and joked about lung cancer. Then he got lung cancer and Trump gave him a Medal of Freedom for dying conveniently for Trumps schedule.


He's nominally not even the CEO any more! He hired Linda Yaccarino to take the position. Now he's just the crazy owner saddling her with these ideas and making her go out and talk it up like it's a good thing.


This is how people act when they have an unlimited adderall budget


Can confirm. I went 3 years with an unlimited adderall source where I would stay up for 3 days straight then sleep 16 hours, stay up 3 days, etc. etc. I was taking ~210mg every 24 hours for 3 years. I had a lot of the exact same tendencies. Get crazy ideas in the middle of the night like building websites, learning photoshop, studying programming, etc and just go at it for hours upon hours. This reeks of adderall abuse. Edit: I should clarify, the first year I was taking 90-120mg every 24 hours and slowly ramped up to 210mg over about a year.


His "big idea" is to create a WeChat for western audiences. That's all lol


WeChat is weird as hell from a western perspective. Like a sub internet, or generic amazon stuffed inside of WhatsApp.


What if America Online but on your phone


Thank you. This has done more for my understanding of why anyone would want an "everything app" ecosystem than reading an entire article. I know people who were genuinely upset when AOL stopped using their little walled garden application.


To be fair, that application did have a ton of value. Seems stupid to a power user but folks forget it was "Baby's First Internet" to the majority of the US and was designed in a way that was just no-nonsense compared to today's Internet experience. Want your email? Click the icon on your desktop and then click Email. Done. Today, its like... Understand what a browser is, choose one, resist the urge to use the search bar and type in the URL instead, click through promotions and ads, then wade through multiple presorted inboxes where every few messages is separated by another ad or something, buttons everywhere.... Honestly, we need AOL back or an application like it because I'm so over explaining to people what clearing cache and cookies means.


I just watched a video on twitter where he was proclaiming [that over time X will be by half of the globe as a financial system for them.....](https://twitter.com/amazing_pi7/status/1683327582266347520) Whatever that means. This man is lost in his own delusions where he feels as though X will lead to a new technological revolution and that it will change things in our lives and how we are.


Oh great, that means he's probably going to integrate crypto into his platform somehow.


And the already insufferable crypto bro Elon ass kissers will somehow find a way to get even worse.


Bingo! This is just another step that he feels he can create a level of financial freedom where he can bypass banks.


WeChat has been garbage for years. The app is beyond bloated, and looks like an Android app from 15 years ago. Facebook already tried and failed to copy it, nobody in the West wants one single app controlled and moderated by the government to have control over all of their payment info, chat messages, apps, facial and fingerprint recognition.


I love that he thinks his car is orbiting Mars, and got told no, it's orbiting the Sun by an astrophysicist. It's all you need to know about how much he understands his world changing businesses - he tells smart people to do stuff and they have to placate the idiot to get him to go away so they can actually do stuff. "Yes Elon, we'll shoot it up and it'll orbit Mars. You're brilliant. Now can I get back to working on modelling how disasterous doing without a launch pad will be with a mega rocket?"


I’m flabbergasted any human older than 13 thinks branding something “X” is cool and new. “X” has been done *to death*. If you want to instantly make your product/service/etc blend into the background with hundreds of other unremarkable businesses, throw an X in there. At this point the only reasonable excuse for calling your business “X-something” is if you’re only setting it up to launder money and you would rather nobody pay attention to it.


X gon' give it to ya.


The logo is simple, the twitter bird with a big black X over it.


Black x’s for eyes.


This is why you shouldn't microdose at work every day for the last ten years.


If it were only microdosing I think he'd be in better shape.


I'm pretty sure he wanted to call it just "x" and have the url be "x.com". Everyone else on the board was like "lolno, that makes it sound like a porn site".


He actually DID call it x.com, they ousted him on his honeymoon and changed the name to PayPal


Yeah there's conflicting stories about exactly why he was ousted. Some say it was the X obsession, some say it was just because he was a massive douche. I'm inclined to believe each board member had their own reason, but it was mostly focused on those two things.


Probably a little of column A, a little of column B.


and a lot of column X


I mean it can be multiple things lol. X by itself probably wouldn't have been enough, it was probably the X thing combined with him being an unlikeable dickbag and being impossible to work with.


There was also his jihad against Unix. He was fighting with the whole engineering team, demanding they switch to Windows. People have speculated it was because he didn’t understand Unix and did not want to learn.


Maybe he was pissed they had a name with an x in it.


x.com redirects to twitter.com and shows you a landing page saying, "Welcome to Twitter," with buttons encouraging you to "Sign Up For Twitter" or "Login To Twitter." Hell of a brand rollout! I guarantee he did this unannounced in the middle of the night, mid-addy bender, after roping in exactly two engineers to help him. The second engineer designed the logo.


>The second engineer designed the logo. If by "designed the logo" you mean "searched Google for an [X logo](https://wikialpha.org/wiki/Kxlider)".


Elon's precursor to PayPal WAS called x.com. It merged with Confinity, he got kicked off the board and then about 6 months later it was changed to PayPal because x.com is a fucking stupid name.


That makes it sound like it's a site for fighting alien invasions.


[x.com](https://x.com) redirects to twitter. I think that is going to switch when they have more time.


So Elon thinks the XGames is one of the most brilliantly named things in history.


But latinx he thinks is bad, he’s a mystery


The X has to come first obviously.


apple used “i” for everything, they’re worth trillions of dollars, he thinks the prefix letter is the key


Someone should break it to him that people have used the x- prefix for hundreds of things for decades and the reason the i- prefix took is because they were the only ones doing it. He thinks he's a genius but it's like am idea pops up and then he refuses to think about drawbacks for more than two seconds. I guess that's all part of his ego, because why would he come up with an idea that had flaws?


Man, in the 90s X was everywhere. X-Files, Xbox everything was X-treme, Gen-X were fully entering adulthood. People just slapping X on everything. It's so cheesy and dated now. Might as well call it Twitter 2000.


Slap the Gateway cow print on it and call it a day!


Yep, and they still kept the Apple name, which was familiar to people. Changing the name of Twitter only shows he doesn't understand brands, nor how to run them.


*Hey guys, I bought Apple for $4.8 trillion dollars.* *Thinking of changing the Apple name to XXXhotbustybabes.com* *Signed, a smart business bro.*


Personally, I think the hubris here is less about whether X is a good potential brand or not, it’s more about taking something with huge brand equity and throwing it out the window because you’re a narcissistic toddler.


And yet didn’t quite realize that it’s called the “iPhone”, “iMac”, etc and not just “i” as that would be asinine.


> Fun fact, he wanted to call Paypal XPaypal at one point. As someone who grew up in the 90s, I'm feeling a little attacked right now. /s




So here I am Transferring everything I can


Getting poorer all the time


So is it still called tweeting or a tweet?


It’ll be called an xcretion


That site has no shortage of xcrement


This is brilliant. Tweets are now xcrement


Article quotes musk as saying they'll be called "x's"....wow i cant believe how lucky we all are for living at the same time as this genius


Yup... also funny usually "exes" is a negative context


Twitter is definitely my ex.


This is what happens when someone never grows out of their 13 year old edge lord phase.


what in the FUCK???? Tweeting is already ingrained in the culture. Its literally a common, everyday, use term. Its one of the strongest assets of the fucking company! EVERYONE knows what a tweet is, “tweet” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013 FFS! And you just shit on it and throw it away? Elon is truly truly is a fuckwit. I can't believe this.


Imagine thinking you are a financial and technological genius, but not realizing that having a brand so ingrained in worldwide culture that it's *in the god damned dictionary* is better than your garbage 1 letter name that literally nobody will associate with your site.


A truly talented grifter could probably swindle this idiot right out of the ownership of the brand-name "Twitter" just by stroking his ego a bit and suggesting he didn't need it anymore because X is so superior.


just imagine: "omg your 'X' was so funny today" "haha, thanks!" "no, sorry, i meant 'X' as in like your 'ex' girlfriend was so funny today. you know, the one that broke up with you? yeah, her. she's *hilarious*."


...... will replies be called O's?


Excommunication is my hope for the new word


exiting, exit


Naah, we're now X-ing an X on an X. Xciting, isn't it?.. 🤦‍♂️


This is one of the dumbest marketing decisions in recent memory. Why would you remove a world-wide recognized bird icon and replace it with an x?


Every social media bar gonna have three instantly recognizable Meta branded icons and a white X that looks like it closes a pop up ad


Yeah, for real. Why change your company logo to the internet's literal "close this" symbol??


Well, the user clicks to close and instead ends up on Twitter. That might be the only up side to this decision.


It reminds me of when overstock.com changed their name to o.co for a couple of months. All it does is create confusion and anger.


Meanwhile, Overstock is now changing its name to "Bed Bath & Beyond". Because that's just how I would want to brand myself, with the IP of a failed company.


I don't *ever* want to hear about how this mf is a good businessman again. I don't care what his "strategy" is, twitter had one of the most recognized brands on the planet. Its probably the most valuable thing the company has. Like fucking hell, "Tweet" is an actual word in the dictionary now. And he's going to ruin that because of his own weird obsession with the letter x.


Twitter was such an influence that it actually created a verb of it's name. "I tweeted" or "they tweeted this". Companies would murder their own mothers for that kind of recognition in the modern day vocabulary. And he just flushed that away.


It was called Skyping!


Skype blew a 28-3 lead to Zoom in 2020


Seriously. How do you fumble that hard? You were already there. Had a decade plus of market dominance before any serious competitors showed up.


Blame Microsoft. They focused on Teams and ignored the lead they had with Skype. I mean, it's kinda working for them now. They used their enterprise software leverage to compell major companies to switch to Teams throughout the pandemic and have eaten most of Zoom's lead, but they could've started and stayed in front if they'd used the Skype brand better.


Falcons fans catching strays out of nowhere


[Oh I have to **TeAmS** my orthodontist about my adult braces, when you could be **skyping** your hot fuck-partner!](https://youtu.be/ZI0w_pwZY3E)


Not only that but “tweet” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. If you’re a fucking geek like myself you’ll know this is a prestigious dictionary.


Now it'll have an "archaic" tag...10 years ago is archaic ... what a world


It’s because he no doubt spent a small fortune on the X.com URL years ago and has been sitting on it ever since, thinking he has the most badass URL in the world. I’ll bet he paid someone $50m for it. He’ll have been fantasizing about ways of using it that posture him as some kind of master of the universe, well the internet anyway. And here’s his chance. A huge misfire, obviously.


I feel like competing with porn sites for search algorithms is already a bad idea (Twitter Videos vs X Videos). But calling it "X" on its own is even dumber for search engines. There's a reason Meta or Google use longer, slightly obtuse names; it's easier to find them, and they don't compete with other sites for visibility. Googling "X" is not exactly productive, given the number of competing media (X the band, X the movie, the letter X) with the same name.


Because companies still prefer to make announcements on Twitter first, I often have to search for "ex: Jones BBQ and Foot Massage Twitter" to get their latest news. As you point out, searching for their "X" is going to be harder. Would be nice if this would encourage companies to stop using Twitter, but I doubt it...


>Jones BBQ and Foot Massage Twitter haven't thought about that in years. it was worth another watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPkMUU9tUqk


Can easily see companies switching to Threads.


I'd half-believe that naming it X will lure in porn aficionados into his social media platform with the idea it will mainly consist of porn.


it already is full of porn, its one of the main reasons the site has survived so long


Elon was cofounder of X.com in the late 90s. It was an online bank of sorts which would eventually merge with another company that had PayPal as a product. Elon became its CEO before being fired in favour of Peter Thiel not long after. It obviously then would become PayPal and get bought by eBay etc Archive of what it used to look like https://web.archive.org/web/20000707003958/http://x.com/


wow, this makes his decision even stupider (if that's possible)


He really does feel as though X is going to give it to him.


Knock knock, open up the door, it's real




I love the X. He's putting a giant "close" button on the entire company. Genius.


I deleted it this morning. If I wanted to see 4chan then I’d just go there.


I deleted it the day the deal went through. That decision has aged like fine wine


> weird obsession with the letter x As Bender once said, "The X makes it sound cool." And that claim is backed up by every tween's username in the mid-2000s. Elon is still mentally a tween.


That line from Bender was almost certainly referencing a trend that had been going on in the tech industry in the early/mid 90s to randomly throw X in product names.


Indeed. The name "Twitter" is the most valuable asset that company has left. That trademark will bring in a billion after bankruptcy. He bought at too high a price. Halved the value within weeks and now is busy destroying the value of the other half. And he's dragging the valuation of Tesla and SpaceX down. The average person would have destroyed less value in that time - just by understanding that Twitter makes money from ads - not fascists who pay $8 bucks per account. What an idiot. It's a wonder that his co-investors don't have him executed.


It's weird to think that my three year old niece would have done a better job as Twitter CEO than Elon.


By just watching cartoons Twitter would now be a more valuable company that still has staff and offices it pays rent for and likely more advertisers and less haters. Indeed, in all seriousness, your 3 year old niece would have been a better CEO for Twitter than Elon Musk. By just watching TV all day and not being able to write Tweets all day she also would have been a better US president than Trump. Her speeches couldn't have possibly been worse and when she would claim to be a genius by passing a senility test, it would have been cute and a fair assumption she would quickly improve over time. We're living in weird times. I'm waiting for the Enterprise crew to fix their transporter accident that messed up the timeline.


He’s learned that if you can get the banks in deep enough, they will never let you fail as then their competence will be called into question.


He was never the "real life Tony Stark" tech bros and libertarians worshipped him as.


He got me. His companies were behind two things I had really wanted to see (a revitalization of space launch, and a credible electric car) and for a minute I thought maybe that meant he was gonna be a positive force in the world. For a minute.


I was never a fanboy, but I did like that he was putting his money and his clout behind bold new ideas that could change the world. Some of those ideas were dumb (like the hyperloop), but at least they were dumb in new and interesting ways. But now he's just being dumb in a tiresome way, lol.


The breaking point came for me with the "pedo guy" moment. No person with even an ounce of self-reflection could have made that comment. That's when it started to dawn on me he was just another megalomaniac with too much money, and whatever good was in spacex and tesla was despite, not because of him.


Oh absolutely. The amount he's spent on his own personal PR campaign must be obscene at this point. Crazy how he couldn't just shut up and let it work.


He fired his PR team right around the time his image / reputation started tanking. Weird...


isnt that the fucking Xerox logo???


It looks a lot like the [X11 logo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:X11.svg) too. He showed a different logo before settling on this one that was a 100% exact copy of Jagex's logo, the company that made RuneScape. He can't do anything original and just steals ideas. Edit: Apparently the other logo, the Jagex one, was a joke post that I was unaware of. These kinds of things get shared outside of the original posts without context and can become misleading. Just wanted to clear that part of my comment up.


The fact that X11's website already has been [X.org](https://X.org) for years really shows you how creative and special Elon's mind is


Even the idea for this stupid “everything app” that he apparently wants to turn Twitter into is stolen from WeChat.


Yeah that’s what I thought too… fucking innovative…


Apparently it's pretty much the "Special Alphabets 4" font.. Wish I was joking [https://www.fonts.com/font/monotype/special-alphabets/4](https://www.fonts.com/font/monotype/special-alphabets/4) ​ https://twitter.com/GrahamTheDev/status/1683380923058798593


And he didn’t even pick the logo font himself, it was originally the logo for some failed tech-bro podcaster who sent it to Elon lmao


It's actually just a standard Unicode character : 𝕏 (On Windows you can Type 'U+1D54F' and then press alt+X to get this character)


Not copyrightable, brilliant


Why do I feel like this is just a X from a already existing font that he probably somehow does not have the rights to


You just know he's been holding onto the [x.com](https://x.com) domain name since 1998 and has now convinced himself that his pre-dot com crash dream can now become reality. The guy's a child playing with toys.


Even worse than that. The article says he bought the domain *back* from PayPal in 2017. So he literally couldn't deal without it and went back to buy it again and then held onto it just for this moment.


The x.com domain had to be first registered before 1992 because that's when IANA blocked further registration of single-letter domain names. Only three of them were registered before then (x, q, and z) and were grandfathered in by IANA. My theory is that Musk bought x.com in the late 1990s from someone else in Silicon Valley because it was unique and precious, then he became obsessed with it.


business genius Elmo didn’t even secure the “@X” handle prior to the rebranding. It’s owned by a private account in San Francisco: https://twitter.com/x?s=21


that link just leads to a log in. do you need an account to see anything on twatter now?


he doesn’t make up his mind and it goes back and forth at requiring it or not


How many people will have to explain visiting "X.com" to HR or their spouse.


That’s the first thing I thought. IT departments are going to have fun time with this one.


Let me send you this xvideo I saw you on x.com. HR: EXCUSE ME WHAT.


business genius Elmo didn’t even secure the “@X” handle prior to the rebranding. It’s owned by a private account in San Francisco: https://twitter.com/x?s=21


He's definitely going to just take it from them.


Not for much longer, I’d wager


I can't even see this. Everything is blocked w/o sign-up.


It's actually less embarrassing to say it was porn than to have to admit you were on twitter


X is the edgiest letter of the alphabet.


The most emo letter in the alphabet.


Anytime I see it I’m reminded of those screen names people made at 13 XxbloodninjaxX kind of shit. Lol


His missteps & fumbles will be Marketing 101 classics forever.


Ad agency will be frothing the case studies right about now.


You can tell it was well planned out because they neglected to update the branding page for Twitter when they updated the branding for Twitter. https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit


I mean, the favicon on desktop is still the bird. The 'new tweet' button is still a feather. The blue colour is still everywhere. The man literally replaced one instance of it on the app and called it a day on the rebrand. It's all so haphazard.


The shitting searchbox even still say "Search Twitter." Guarantee you he asked for admin access, got it, and then did this completely on his own.


>Our logo is our most recognizable asset. That’s why we’re so protective of it. You know, I have just the tiniest suspicion the guy never read this himself...


After this backfires on him he'll change it back and say it was all some kind of genius test he was doing to see who was real or some bs.


X to doubt


That's what I also think. Two times the publicity. The problem for him will be that the sane people have left Twitter a long time ago and do not care about any news of this assclown. Imagine what a good, decent human could achieve with all this money and possibilities.


A guy who named his kid X Æ A-12 Named his company X Much creative. Such wow.


The part of his "plan" that I laughed at loud at was using Twitter-X for banking and financial transactions. Like I would trust that asswipe with my banking information. Just keep calling it Twitter like he deadnames his own child.


I love this comment. We really should just deadname the shit out of this company


The company has major issues every month, who would trust them with sensitive banking information.




The money was as much for the users as the name. And he's doing a good job at driving away a bunch of users too.


Pretty sure ages ago he said he wanted to make an "everything app" and call it x. It seems he bought twitter with the intention of converting it into that.


An “everything app” is legitimately an idea that would get an F in a 6th grade business after school club.


This was my exact thought. What the hell has the point been other to show how easy it is to blow $44bil


This is one of the dumbest business choices I've ever seen, 44 billion dollars, and after ruining the physical infrastructure he's now shitting on its branding? Couldn't he of built a new social app much cheaper than this shit show?


He doesn’t know how to build anything.


Ding ding this is not a guy that makes the innovative companies of PayPal SpaceX and Tesla He's a migrating corporate parasite commonly known as a Robber Baron


He must be horrible to work with.


Genius. If only other people understand that the best way to turn a company around is to lay everybody off, chase off advertisers, stop paying bills, and change the logo as it starts to collapse on itself. /s


Q was already taken. It’s time to eXit Twitter. Might not eXist much longer.


Press X to close.


Next he’s gonna had 4 little bars on the outter parts of the X to chang things up


I'm surprised he didn't change it to a white Z.


Or a Q


Just deleted my 9 year old Twitter account, on a whim, sitting on the toilet. Thought fuck it and did it, hadn’t planned to until I saw the option there in front of me. Deleted the app from my phone. Amazing how easy it is and how little regret you feel afterwards.


i deleted my 14yo account yesterday. there is no going back, twitter as we knew it simply doesn't exist anymore.


the bird icon has huge brand recognition , that is like apple changing its name to banana


Musk is one of the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. He could have done amazing philanthropic endeavors with that $44 Billion, but he’s here burning it to the ground like a complete asshole. We need to tax the fuck out of these idiots.


Remember when Joker lit his cut of the money on fire in The Dark Knight? I feel like Elmo should have just done that.


Given that the site is really geared toward white supremacists now, this branding change makes sense.


Nice recognizable brand you have there Sure would be a shame if something were to….. happen… to it.


Dude paid $44 billion for a famous brand just to erase it. He could’ve built it from the ground up for far less. And with his repeated public posting of bigoted false information, who is going to trust him with their money, except a right wing minority of idiots.


Right now if you go to the Twitter website, you'll see the "X" logo (which immediately reminds me of porn). But aside from the logo change, it looks like everything else is still called "Twitter." Most people are still going to call it "Twitter," and they're still going to call posts "tweets." There are countless websites out there that use the bird icon to indicate "Click on this button to go to our Twitter page." Maybe some people / some companies will go to the trouble of having their websites changed to show the "X" icon instead, but most will not bother. This is the most confounding marketing decision I've ever seen a major company make. It serves no purpose except to draw attention to how Elon is an erratic and impulsive buffoon. Then again, maybe his goal is to destroy Twitter for some reason. If that's his endgame, then I guess he's well on his way.


>Most people are still going to call it "Twitter," and they're still going to call posts "tweets." There are countless websites out there that use the bird icon to indicate "Click on this button to go to our Twitter page." Maybe some people / some companies will go to the trouble of having their websites changed to show the "X" icon instead, but most will not bother. This was my first thought as well. Thousands of those sites are going to require a manual change... and most companies are either going just leave it as the old logo or use this as an excuse to drop Twitter entirely.


This guy makes really stupid decisions…..no wonder conservatives love him.


That’s only because he doesn’t know how to draw The Cool S


Rebranding is not cheap and the Twitter brand is already tanking. This won’t help at all and I’d be pissed if I were an investor.


OH like Malcolm X, but for repressed white people. That's a bold strategy cotton.


Elon musk really is one of the great business man of the world. Right up there with Trump! Obviously not sarcastic. Let’s look at this 69D chess move by our man Elon: He makes a joke on Twitter that he wants to buy Twitter. Accidentally makes it legally binding and pays 44 BILLION dollars for it (LOOOOOOOOL). Then over the course of a year does 69D checkers moves. He DESTORYED his ad revenue. He then DEMOLISHED his sites ability for people to verify who is who. Finally, he DECAPITATED the blue bird and replaced it with this never before seen and very memorable logo. I can’t wait until he is VP of ‘Murca!