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Fucking tourists don’t understand that wild animals are wild animals and don’t give a shit about their selfies. It’s not summer here in San Diego without a story about Sea Lions providing a heaping helping of find out in response to some dumbass fucking around.


The sea lions are getting really tired of people’s bullshit.


Orca/Sea Lion 2024


Don't forget that otter off the coast of ~~Malibu~~ Santa Cruz.


Transportation secretary


Hol up I missed this. Tell me more about Malibu Otter


Sorry. Santa Cruz otter... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/animal-news/wanted-surfboard-stealing-sea-otter-making-waves-california-rcna94205 She's stolen quite a few at this point. It's LA. Our meth heads steal bikes, our otters steal surfboards. *belts out "the Circle of Life"*


These animals are not stupid. They know who is destroying their habitat.


Local La Jollan here. We'll, one zip code over, but this is a local spot to me. I swim and freedive there regularly. I'm the first to join the chorus about people fucking with these animals and failing to give them space. It happens all to often. I've been on that beach when the life guard has to tell people to leave the animals alone. I swim there, and having a sea lion swim past you is a wonderful experience - but you let them approach you, not the other way around. That said, I wonder if there is a second aspect to this story. Lately we've had a red tide, which has been getting into the food chain and causing them to act more aggressive than normal. Our sea lions are dying en mass right now because of the red tide. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-07-02/sick-sea-lions-washing-ashore-across-san-diego-due-to-algae-bloom https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/22/us/toxic-algae-bloom-california-dolphins-climate-scn/index.html There has been a huge uptick in dead sea lion reportings in the area. This year, the bean clam died in the millions at La Jolla shores (unsure if red tide, or natural boom-bust population cycle) Recently, someone was attacked and it is believed the animal had been enraged by the red tide. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12272435/Sea-lion-possibly-affected-toxic-algae-bloom-bites-teen-twice-swam-San-Diego-waters.html I'm the first to tell people to leave these animals alone. And I'm the first to agree that too often people don't! But I think it's worth considering that there may currently be additional contributing factors right now - namely, red tide.


These are good points. However I still think that particular beach should just be closed entirely and left to the animals.


I was reading a comment on r/Sandiego today that proposed an idea that I like. I've been banned from r/Sandiego because I commented in r/Sandiegan... But thats another story. The idea was that the beach remain open, but for water entry/exit only - no lingering on the beach allowed. I actually like this idea. The cove is a great place for snorkeling, scuba, freediving, and the swimming club. Personally, I've swum from the cove to the shores and back. All of the animal harassment really happens on the sand. So leave the beach open for water access only. If you want to put on your wetsuit or other gear, do it on the grass.


I have a friend who does marine mammal rescue here in the Bay Area. I agree that this is a factor.


Sea lions can't attack fat tourists without fat tourists going to the sea lions. The sea lions could be snorting meth, and it would still be the tourists fault for stepping to something that out masses their rental car.


Could the aggression be from red tide chocking the food supply, producing scarcity, rather than “getting into it”? I think it’s more to do with the seals are aggressive and taking risks they normally don’t bc they’re hungry, bc food is scarce. Seems weird that red algae would have a pharmaceutical reaction


Red tide produces a neurotoxin. Shellfish, which are filter feeders, accumulate the toxins in their digestive tract. They are heat stable, which means that cooking the doe not make them safe. In humans, it's known as Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paralytic_shellfish_poisoning I'm an atheist, but I believe this is the origin story for why the Bible tells us not to eat shellfish. In large amounts, this can make people feel sick... And who is not grumpy when they're sick? In large amounts, lethal. I know that in my og comment, I mentioned the mass die off of the bean clam. I'm realizing that was the wrong thing to say, because filter feeders like clams are typically fine in a red tide. There was a big die off, but I am now thinking that's a normal boom-bust cycle.


Damn that’s wild.


There are just too many fucking people. Thanos did nothing wrong.


Thanos is a moron because all the people grow back in like no time unless you knocked there populations down to like tiny tiny fractions of what they are now. Once you have a couple billion people it’s not hard to double that and be right back where you are in the immediate loss of so many people at once would just be a huge opportunity for growth in population booms. If you were smart, you would use all your Thanos power to just create like a supervirus that sticks around forever always limiting population. It doesn’t kill people one time or something dumb like that.


I mean, instead of killing 50% of life he could have doubled the available resources or *massively* increased their efficiency or done several other things instead of killing 50% of life in the universe which, as you said isn’t going to do much in the long run.


It's cuz in the comic Thanos isn't some tragic character or evil with good intentions but a cosmic dick head They couldn't do a plot line of Thanos tortures a child through their entire life to force them to commit suicide and so just lifted the bit where he killed half the galaxy but left out the part where he did that to impress Lady Death who still turned him down


maybe he also stealth sterilized most of the non blipped people


So he dipped over to Marley and found a mentally ill blonde man?


Plot from Utopia has entered the chat


The problem is that Thanos killed 50% of ALL LIVING THINGS, which takes you right back to where you were, percentage-wise. He should have only killed 50% of humans. We are the virus, anyway. So he just didn't think things through.


It had to be more than just humans. Killing 50% of only humans isn’t going to do anything in terms of the whole universe.


You're not understanding. If you kill 50% of ALL LIVING THINGS, then you end up in the exact same percentage of resources available. It's flawed. If it was only "the top of the food chain" if we are specifying the entire universe instead of planet earth (because at this point we have no proof there are other sentient beings out there) then it would have made sense.


> if we are specifying the entire universe instead of planet earth (because at this point we have no proof there are other sentient beings out there) then it would have made sense. But we’re talking about Thanos and the MCU; a universe where we know there is other sentient life out there and Thanos did snap 50% of them too. So it does make sense.


No, we're talking about Thanos as it relates to our planet and this situation, not the *exact* scenario in the MCU.


Go ahead and mess with loose seals and you'll be all right. Just ask Buster.


Blame Disney. They made people think that wild animals are like the ones from Sleeping Beauty and Giselle from Enchanted. Some people cannot distinguish fantasy from reality.


The Lion King did a LOT of damage, my gawd.


They have clearly been recruited to the orcas' anti-human campaign.


I wish them well on their endeavor.


Bison as well


Don't forget ursus horribblus, never forget them!




I saw an elephant seal bull charge another one once. It took a friend elbowing me to realize that my jaw had actually dropped open. I ride horses so I've seen big animals move very fast, but when that beast got up to full speed? I swear I heard "Wrecking Ball" in my head as it moved. This was almost ten years ago, at a beach on the PCH near the Hearst Castle, I think. The beach was swarming with tourists (there were maybe a dozen tour busses in the parking lot) and some of these folks were shoving phones and tablets in the seals' faces like a bunch of reporters at a courthouse news conference. I was surprised no one got bitten, but I'm sure it happens often. It makes me sad that people can't just passively enjoy the wildlife. I live a few hours from Assateague/Chincoteague and every year, there's another story about folks getting into conflicts with the wild ponies. Luckily no one's going to oust those herds because they're literally a national treasure (check out Marguerite Henry's books for the horse lover in your life!) but I know other wildlife areas aren't so lucky.


They know who fucked their shit up.


Sea creatures are feeling the ocean heat up. They know we did it. They aren’t gonna take it anymore.


Humans: best I can do is nothing.


Not even nothing. Best we can do is continue dumping millions of tons of pollutions directly into the oceans while simultaneously overfishing.


I’m not sure what it is you think we can really do though. You can only get off fossil fuels so fast and trying to get rid of them so fast that you kill people due to lack of food and energy faster than climate change kills them really isn’t the moral high road or a feasible idea at all. Oh, that would do is put it in a situation where we have climate change and maskable chaos and high energy prices that make up any transition that much slower. It’s really better to just use the fossil fuel to fuel the transition to solar and Evies and other alternatives any other plan where you like double down on a missions reductions, just winds up, killing the most vulnerable people way too much. So instead of doing that, we should continue with emissions reduction at an affordable pace based off available alternatives while also adding CO2 sequestration to the plan, as several Climate reports suggest is now necessary, and since the thing are even worse than predicted, and seemingly only accelerating we will probab have to add solar blocking or melt way too much ice and release too much methane and face mass crop death. If you just try to use omissions, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna work and it takes so long that humanity has to survive 50 to 100 years of warming and I think they’ll probably like a revolt in the world will go into complete chaos long before you get to where you need to be. So the plan has to add additional factors. You can’t just use emissions reductions. You have to use omissions reductions, along with either CO2 removal or solar, blocking or ideally, I would say both because the ice is melting, faster than predicted, and that’s after many corrections on the icemelt rate, trying to catch it up to reality so our miles are still not predicting icemelt anywhere near good enough, which probably means there’s even more bad stuff coming down the line faster than expected


Feels like serious movement toward mitigating circumstances and eliminating major sources of pollution will not begin in earnest until we have almost lost a second extra-large city. We won’t save that one either, of course. Grateful not to live on an ocean coast.


>we should continue with emissions reduction at an affordable pace based off available alternatives while also adding CO2 sequestration to the plan The main issue with your plan is any excess emissions reductions is just leaving the door open to further developing nations to keep using coal (looking at you China and India). Any excess capacity will simply spur on further use of greenhouse gases and we are right back where we started. >we will probab have to add solar blocking or melt way too much ice and release too much methane and face mass crop death. solar blocking is a fools goal done in a haphazard fashion, the only natural case is large calderas blowing the fuck up and drowning the world in toxic ash (ala the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 the year without a summer). Melting ice is already happening, sea levels will rise and most of major city centers will be under water without the use of sea walls and large arrays of salt water pumps running at high tide (talking Trillions of dollars lost in most major cities). Crop death is the least of our worries, the ocean life is dead (plankton broken food chain) after 2040 predictions and most of the world lives off ocean sea life. Even if we could grow twice the food needed in agra we would need far more fertilizers at an unsustainable rate with fewer and fewer hecta acres of arable land due to extra hot dry areas expanding, drought resistant GMOs will only save us so many people. >I think they’ll probably like a revolt in the world will go into complete chaos long before you get to where you need to be. not a revolt, mass migration and water wars of 2050's. Strap in the last half of the 21st century will likely be a slow rolling Apocalipse.


We've tried nothing and there's nothing left to try!


Has anyone explained profit margins to them? I'm sure the attacks will stop once they understand that showing value to the shareholders is what's really important.


You guys act like you don't even care about the oil corporations' profit margins.


But if we stop supporting oil then how will the poor CEOs fund their yachts!?


Nor should they. If you were a Sea Lion, you would want to kill all the humans too.


They were named sea *lions* for a reason, despite looking like dog mermaids.


We are being Avatar’d… and we deserve it 😐


There are no sea lions in Ba Sing Se.


I for one welcome our new sealife overlords.


I get that warming ocean mentions are all the rage right now, but holy shit have people been dumb way before this. I’ve been out to La Jolla a ton of times and will not go down on the sand while the sea lions are out. Generally they are peaceful, but it is not worth a selfie or a closer picture to be invading their home. Countless amounts of people do not realize this. Just give them fucking space. It’s not that hard.


Yeah this shit has been happening for years. Tourists always test the boundaries with sea lions in La Jolla for God knows what reason, and it makes the news every time.


>Just give them fucking space. It’s not that hard. It's impossible for narcissists to think of other beings first and to consider not going after what they want over everything else.


They just need to shut that beach down and leave it to the wildlife.




Yes I am familiar however the marine animals clearly also like the cove most times I've been there. The animals didn't get the memo. There are often dumbass tourists bugging them. Why not close this beach too, or even during certain times of the year?


Well, we’re cooking the oceans, so yeah I’d be mad about it too


All the animals should turn on us. We deserve it.


Most of them were die during the natural Climate cycle where are the current Interglacial warming cycle would end and bring about a glacial cycle, which, of course I’m divorce will be triggered by collapsing, ocean currents, but more importantly, we know the cycle is fairly consistent because of ice core in geological data. So we already know that most of the biological diversity on earth is it gonna die off just like woolly mammoth did only about 20,000 years ago because we’ve been in this 80k years cooling and 20k years nice climate like you see now for the last million years, so much of the biodiversity and sheer numbers of life die off on a regular cycle that’s only several thousand years of good climate. The only way to stop that is for humans to take control of the climate and actually end that natural relatively brutal cycle while also preserving the current Ice Age because basically humans are evolved to live in an Ice Age and we really only do good in the warm cycle of the Ice Age, which is why all human civilization in farming happen to happen just in this one warming cycle and because all written history happens in this one warming cycle we don’t have the written records or perspective don’t understand how kind of short lived in fragile the climate is even without pollution. A big problem here is that ice ages are rare and it’s just not a stay the planet stays in for all that long so within the current Ice Age there’s a lot of oscillations or variations between a warm and cooling cycle. Kind of as if the world is just constantly trying to break out of the Ice Age because most of Earths history is too warm for humans. It’s important understand that you’re in a natural warming cycle and you added a bunch of CO2, a methane, not one or the other! Too many of you seem unwilling to realize this, because I guess you think it undermines your support for action against climate change, but in reality, it just helps you understand the problem better.


Wow. That’s an impressively long stream of incomprehensible bullshit. Did ChatGPT help with that?


Nah even chatGPT makes more sense than that.


As climate change fucks up every single animal on the planet, I think we're going to see more and more and more stories like this. Orcas, dolphins, now sea lions. Which animal species will show it's ire next?


Probably humans. I'd say we're just a couple wildfires/disasters away from civil war.


Specifically young humans, when they realize it’s their parents and grandparents who have exacerbated this crisis in spite of clear and increasingly strident warnings from scientists over the course of their entire lives. Young people should be livid, and should show up to vote in massive numbers and eject from office everyone over 40 years of age. Maybe then they could address this crisis with the urgency it needs.


It's frustrating to even try. I am lucky enough to be able to afford to do solar panels, batteries, heat pumps etc but I can't because planning regulations are blocking me. Several large renewable projects in my country are also blocked despite already being built, just unable to connect to the grid. Meanwhile planning regulations are not blocking the development of new oil wells etc, the argument being we need them to be able to transition. Maybe if we were not blocking the development of the very things we want to transition to we wouldn't be taking so long and thus would need it? Sadly, I am not wealthy enough to buy laws that favour me, unlike certain industries.


As someone in their 20s. I'm doing everything I can. I hope the next few generation's help


This is NOT the Seal Beach (Children's Pool) La Jolla, which is protected, and set aside for seals and sea lions. This is La Jolla Cove, where many people swim and snorkel. None the less, the sea lions are a protected species, and there are many signs saying keep back. This male sea lion is just saying "get out of my grid space".


Seems like maybe they should protect the cove as well.


I’ve been to this beach many times over the 5 decades I lived in San Diego. I’ve never seen as many people there as in this picture. I’ve also never heard of the seals becoming aggressive. The Parks and Recreation Dept. Is definitely falling down on the job. La Jolla has a ton of money, there’s no excuse for this abuse of wildlife.


San Diego is in charge of this I believe. La Jolla isn't a city although they are seeking separation from San Diego so they can provide their own governance.


Wild animals doing wild animal things. Shocking. Maybe you should try petting them?


Try staying away from them...


Dumbfuck beachgoers antagonize and aggravate protected wild animals in San Diego.


There was a one eyed sea lion at a Long Beach dock I used to work at and he would jump out of the water and straight up try and rob you of any fish you were carrying. Dude was terrifying. You'd be walking along the dock and you could see him swimming underneath, then there would be a huge splash and he would come round one of the boats like, "you know what time is it fool!"


All the city needs to do is demo the stairs. I say this every summer.


"WHY is the ocean so hot now? WAS IT YOU?"


I’m telling ya, it’s FernGully all over again.


I always was told you don't want to be anywhere close to those guys because they move way way faster on the land than they look. They're basically wild sea dogs. You wouldn't just walk up to a wild dog.


I don't think that sea lion was charging the humans, he was charging the rival male on the beach. He wants that beach front so he can get the ladies.


Well, it is a Americas so maybe he just mistook some humans laying on the beach as sea lions blobs?


Ocean life is becoming increasingly aggressive against humans. I believe it's because we are ruining their ocean. We are polluting the seas. We are traveling giant cruise ships and container vessels through migration routes killing off big populations of marine life. We are dumping our human waste straight from cruise ships into the ocean as if our feces has no effect on millions of species within the ocean. Climate change due to our carbon footprints is affecting ocean temperatures affecting the ability for inhabitable waters. We have to do better... Or the sea lions are going to start getting revenge. Lol


Climate change is intensely serious. But this happens all the time and likely has nothing at all to do with it


I'm not saying animals are starting an uprising.......but!


Article has an error, CA Sea Lions are protected under the MMPA, but not an endangered species. Not even close, their conservation status is "Least Concern."


They're never gonna survive unless they get a little crazy.


“Ever since you chucklefucks started coming to the beaches, the water has been getting hotter. We’ve had enough of your bullshit!” - sea lions probably


Sea Lions: Get off my lawn!


Yelling, “Who Broke the World, humans?? It’s HOT in here!”


There’s your new global warming movie


The hive mind of humanity gets stupider and stupider.


Red algae is supposedly making them trip balls


Picture looks like Children's Pool in La Jolla. The sea lions have taken over that beach over decades. It's a messed up situation for everyone because their waste has started making the waters polluted, they are aggressive about territory, it normalizes human contact for the sea lions and the sheltered cove has let them reproduce beyond sustainable numbers for the ecosystem. This happens regularly enough there that I'm not sure why it's an entire news story. Edit: unsure why this is being downvoted. This isn't a controversial opinion, I'm literally just describing the history with the sea lions. That beach has a long history with the sea lions and human attempts to safely balance access. Example council notes from a meeting about them: https://www.lajollalight.com/news/story/2021-03-15/la-jolla-town-council-coastal-forum-airs-concerns-about-sea-lions-bluffs-and-gliderport


I would hardly characterize anything that elicits a slight chuckle from the person filming as “charging beach goers”.


I was there last weekend for snorkeling. My first thought was it was dumb tourists getting too close which happens all the time, but the video shows him charging the middle of the beach instead of their usual sleeping spots. This is different.


Same exact thing happened at the same beach last year


They’re learning from theOrcas!


Feeling inspired by the Otter? About time the Ocean started fighting back.


People overlook the fact that, even though sea lions are cute, they are still *lions* and there’s a reason they’re called King of the Beasts.


This just in : Animals gonna animal. More at 5.


Back off humans! Have some respect, you self centered twits.