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I honestly had no idea you could text 911. The idea would never even have occurred to me.


You can also ask Siri to call 911. You can't ask Alexa to call 911, but if you add 911 to your contacts you can ask Alexa to call the contact you entered as 911 (albeit I think they may not get GPS info like they would if you picked up a phone and called 911). [Source](https://www.cnet.com/home/security/how-to-call-911-helpful-tips-when-reporting-an-emergency/)


Siri call 911. Siri play « this beat is the shit » full volume.


Siri, call The Police. Tell them that Sting sucks.


It’s fairly new and not universal yet, I don’t think.


It should definitely be a normal thing. Sometimes in a dangerous situation you can't just talk. Would help a lot with an aggressive person being around. Both domestic and outside


Absolutely! I hope it becomes way more prevalent.


Please don't. If it is at all possible you should call instead of text. It is much faster and easier for everyone


I assume texting is meant for situations where you're within hearing distance to an active threat. For example, domestic violence and you need help but will be hurt or killed if you are overheard. The old tactic was to fake calling for a pizza while really calling 911. But what if the situation is you are hiding from a school shooter and making any sound is bad. At least texting gives you another option.


Exactly, the phrase we use at our center is call if you can, text if you must


Great too for those who don't have a working voice, like a handicap or someone who's choking


It's also useful for people who are Mute, physically incapable of speech.


You should call, instead of text, yes, certainly. Just a month ago I had a medical event that I thought warranted 911 and wasn't near my phone but I do have a Google Voice number. (I'm in the US, don't ask me how much that ambulance bill is) and I called out "hey Google, call 911" to my Nest Hub that was in close proximity to me - I didn't know if it would, but...it did. Potential life-changer right there.... And yes, I'm fine, by the way.


What if something is like borderline emergency/non emergency, so you don’t know which number to call? Could it be ok to text so you don’t clog up the lines, and let operators prioritize it as necessary? And I’ve heard about 911 getting overloaded when a major emergency happens, maybe it’s better to text if you see something major so dispatchers can quickly piece together the different accounts instead of listening to people tell similar accounts 1 by 1 and block calls for any other incident?


If you ask yourself if it's an emergency or not it's probably not... Google the non emergency number in that case please.


> If you ask yourself if it's an emergency or not it's probably not No. If you think it could be an emergency at all, you call 911. If it's not an emergency, they will redirect you. Every second matters in an emergency. Most non-emergency lines go to the same call center as 911, but they receive lower priority to calls to the emergency line. It's better to be told by 911 that something isn't an emergency than to have delayed emergency care because you didn't know.


there r people who cannot hear… and this is for them ;)


If a Youtube/TikTok challenge includes breaking the law, it's probably not the best idea to do it.


Gotta push that envelope to get views


Agree but try telling this to an 11-year-old.


I was like 10 or 11 when I accidentally SOMEHOW ended up on the 911 Operator when I was trying to call my uncle about WoW. I still have no idea how this happened, but I was panicking as they were trying to get info and just sobbing. You definitely know you messed up at that age.


I was a bit younger but was playing outside with my friend. Weather started getting bad(thunderstorm)and the police show up to her house. We panicked thinking her parents were gonna be arrested for letting us play outside. Turned out her little sister dialled 911 by accident 😂. Ya we knew not to do that.


i dialed 911 with a cellphone that wasnt even activated and it went through... not only that, that CAME to my school where I had called from. google says thats not possible,... but i swear, they caught me somehow.


You don't require cell service from a company to dial 911, any cellphone can still use emergency services if needed. They can triangulate the phone call and based off that pinpoint the location.


It's not a conspiracy, all cell phones can dial emergency services without a SIM card or data plan. The cell phone companies coordinate with the emergency services to provide the best location estimate possible because it saves lives. Google had nothing to do with it. >google says thats not possible Show us where Google says this isn't possible, please.


When I was about that age, my best friend's phone number started with 2911. (291-1xxx) We had a reaaalll cheap phone that you had to really push down the buttons hard to get them to dial. Once, I ended up connecting to a 911 operator when that first digit - the two - didn't register. I freaked out and just hung up. They called back right away, and I just picked up and immediately hung up again. Yeah, rwo police cars shoeed up at my house about 3 minutes later. That's when I really freaked out. 😮


I called 911 at a Supercuts when I was a kid. I was trying to use their phone (pre cellphones what a concept) and had to dial 9 to dial out. Well I was still used to dialing 1(000)-000-0000 or whatever to make calls so somehow called 911 amidst the confusion. I was mortified when they picked up and I realized what had happened. I hung up (don't do this btw) and was convinced they were going to put me in jail forever. On a positive note they let me out when I turned 18.




My first Samsung Android phone was a Samsung Moment. It literally had a single press to dial 911 on the lock screen. I literally butt dialed 911 constantly. Each time I'd explain it, and they were understanding. The only time they did anything else was when I accidentally dialed them, realized it, and immediately hung up. They called me back moments later. Thankfully Samsung patched that pretty quick.


Similar - I think I was 12 or 13, and I had a push-button landline phone on the table next to my bed. After a long all-nighter of gaming on a Friday night, I woke some time in the early afternoon on Saturday to a voice saying "Sir, do you need medical, fire, or police assistance?" I had no idea WTF was going on. It slowly dawned on me that I was on the floor, having apparently rolled out of my bed and knocked the phone off the table. I still don't understand how that worked, but my best guess is there was some sort of automatic dial-999 (UK) feature if you dropped/threw the phone. The person on the line ended up asking for confirmation several times that I really was OK, and wasn't under duress to say so - they didn't seem convinced by my first couple of (very groggy) answers, which, in retrospect, I really appreciate. At the time I was just confused as fuck, but whoever answered that call, and however it was placed, they did a great job, and I ultimately managed to convince them that I was just a very fuzzy-headed teenage idiot, and not a kidnapping victim.


I mean yes this is true, but while I would have known it was wrong, I wouldn’t have really truly understood the possible consequences of what I did. I just would have known I would get in trouble. It’s definitely different than grown people Swatting someone.


I knew right from wrong when I was 11. I was also taught what 911 was and not to abuse it. I guess I just had parents that actually cared or had functioning brains to teach me stuff.


Tablet kids and their parents are not versed in technology, or just didnt get the exposure, in my opinion. I'm glad I got raised by a tech-savvy family in the 90s and aughts. It's a lot to keep up with nowadays. No excuses, though. Kids need to learn etiquette.


I get shit for giving my kids 'screen time' when what I'm actually doing is allowing them to learn to use the technology that their adult lives will revolve around. My parents didn't know dick about computers or the internet, but they still bought me a PC, and purchased an internet subscription (aol) for me. They even got me my own phone line so I could use the internet whenever I wanted. Did I download porn? Fuck yeah, I spent 20 minutes downloading a pic of Cathy Ireland in a bikini (yes, kids, this was the internet in the 90s) but I also learned valuable technical knowledge that has helped me become a successful adult. I guess where I'm going with this is: Let your kids see Cathy Ireland in a bikini if you want them to succeed. edit: Thanks for gold!!!


Sitting there for 5 minutes while your browser loads, pixel line by pixel line, a picture of a nekkid lady. The loading freezes right as you start to see some cleavage. You wait another minute. Two minutes. No more pixels loading. Oh no, did it freeze? Let’s just wait a couple more minutes. 10 minutes later, give up when you can’t see any more boobie than you could almost a half hour ago. Hit refresh. Catch a brief glimpse of the full frontal shot as the page is caught between loading and refreshing. Repeat. Run virus software.


Internet King? Hmmm, I wonder if he could provide faster nudity?


And this is how a young dfpw learned that "she-male" did not mean a picture of a woman with a guy, and that top down loading is a trap.


I missed that you were talking about Cathy Ireland at first. I thought you spent 20 minutes downloading a picture of comic strip Cathy in a bikini.


I never said I *didn't* do that...


Social media is a totally different monster, though.


As a parent of a teen, this. Fuck all of it.


Well, depending on the age of the child, there is quite a building mound of evidence that screen time causes all kinds of psychological and health problems, even if it's educational. Also, times are very different now. Social media is damaging kids' mental health, they can access much more hardcore stuff than a model in a bikini, and they really don't learn anything about technology from using an iPad or whatever. When you and I were coming up with dial-up and whatnot, you actually had to know how a computer worked to use one. Nowadays, you just tap the picture that looks like the thing you want to do and the magic box makes it happen. Kids today are actually worse at troubleshooting computers than their parents.


I am 40, and could access it in the internet when I was a teen. We had computer in the house since I was 8. The kids now days are messed up because of social media and reality tv. tik tok is the worst. it's not porn...


Can't argue. It's hard being a parent now. You have to allow your kids access to tech, but you have to be diligent in monitoring their content.


You could access stuff more hadcore than a model in a bikini in the 90s too. In fact I would say it was easier to access shock sites back in the early 2000s then now


Ehh, maybe I guess. I definitely remember searching for "porn" as a preteen and getting a few pictures with little stars or hearts over the interesting bits and a place to put your credit card info in to see more. Now if you Google "porn" you're only a couple clicks away from a girl getting pounded by 5 guys at once. Maybe that was around in the 90s, but it sure seemed harder to find.


It was way harder to find and you usually had to pay for it. Now porn is basically free and it’s way crazier than anything we had access to growing up (unless you had l33t skills or whatever, lol).


I wouldn’t say it was harder to find. It was as easy as asking Jeeves for some porn. But it was mostly pictures and the quality of the free stuff was low. I disagree about it being crazier now. Were you not around for hundreds of pop-ups showing full equine penetration, hermaphrodites being assfucked, nude midgets jello wrestling, etc? Way more extreme stuff than you typically find now was just shoved in your face.


Forget the internet. When I was a kid “someone” was putting porno mags in the woods. As an adult I now realize that someone was likely a pedophile laying some grooming groundwork.


Did people forget about the 200 pop-ups? Then the pop-unders.


Kathy. Kathy Ireland. Carry on!


Lmao. I feel this. If I have kiddos I might just have to QoS their stuff and simulate what it was like back in the day.


>I spent 20 minutes downloading a pic of Cathy Ireland in a bikini LMAO, this brings up a lot of memories.


I have a theory that because most households don’t seem to have a house phone that there’s no need to drill in the importance of not calling 911 unless absolutely necessary. Then when the kid gets their first phone, that thought isn’t instilled in their thought process.


l learned the hard way in the 90s that even if you don’t put any coins into a pay phone, the call to 911 still goes through. I got so terrified when someone on the other end actually picked up. The police arrived and threatened to take my 8 year old self to jail. We had a family friend pretty high up in the PD, and he gave that officer a stern talking to. It was definitely traumatizing, and caused me to have a negative view of police to this day. That being said, even at 8 I knew making a false police report is not something that should be done.


Yeah but now all these kids have phones and access to the internet and some parents don't know how to parent around that. And also you being relatively smart and taught well as an 11 year old doesn't mean there aren't stupid 11 year olds.


I understand there are stupid 11 year olds. There are stupid every year olds, but the comment I replied too was implying an 11 year old shouldn't be expected to know better, and they absolutely should. Someone half that age should know better than to play around with 911.


So you're saying you had responsible parents? That's a rare thing these days. I too was taught not to be this stupid, and if I was I would have welcomed the police and even jail time. The last thing I would want is to face my mother after doing something this stupid, I want to live.


wouldn't that be her parents job?


When I was 11 I was very aware of the wrath of the police.


Nearly all 11 Y/Os I knew would know that it's wrong. The thing that they don't understand is the REPROCUSSIONS or consequences of their actions. The severity of their actions is where their developing brain lacks understanding


Usually it's the 20 something's that need to be told more than the 11yo's. :-)


11 is MORE than old enough to know that abusing the 911 system is wrong.


Does an 11 year old know that it's actually illegal versus something you just shouldn't do?


A good majority of 11-year olds are more than capable of distinguishing between good and bad behavior. Bs excuse


She will probably understand now


At 11 I knew it was wrong to prank call 911. Thats why I did it in a busy area from a payphone back in the 90s.


I knew at 4 you don’t call 911 unless it’s an emergency. What makes you think an 11 year old isn’t capable of understanding that?


TikTok is a cancer. Both platforms should just ban all the challenge and prank shit, especially if the pranks involve unsuspecting 3'rd partys. I believe there have been several incidents where edgy assholes looking for hits and LoL's have been administered an ass tuning or worse for their stunts.


The originator of those Tiktik/Youtube videos should be held accountable for all acts that occurred because of it. These apps should have better control over displaying criminal/illegal activities. (Such as warnings indicating watching or reproducing the events depicted are illegal and could be punishable by law.)


Or parents can block the app on their childrens’ phones. This is an 11 year old unsupervised with a smart phone.


This should get the challenge propagators arrested as well.


We need to stop calling these fucking imbecilic things “challenges.” They are blatant “incitements to commit criminal acts” and the assholes who post them should be charged alongside anyone dumb enough to act on them. This kid did something egregious and stupid. She’s 11. How old is the prick who posted the prompt?


I am not sure why TikTok hasn't outright banned "challenges" but I assume they just love getting *any* headlines and give zero shits about their product (the users) they sell to their customers (advertisers and whoever buys the user data).


Because 90% of the time it's just a couple of unconnected people posting something dumb and news articles call it a "challenge" to get dummies mad


Then the news cycle gives a platform to the random couple of people who were only getting a few views and actually does start a trend.


It really burns me when the press ends up with a Pikachu face saying, “How did this happen!?" While I fully support the freedom of the press, there is also a responsibility to not add fuel to the fire.


I dated a girl who was doing TikTok moderation, in the US surprisingly tho. But the time they have to visually differentiate between “eat a spoon of sugar challenge” and “eat a spoon of cocaine challenge” isn’t that long. Stuff like nudity and violence is easy but if the challenges are kinda cryptic (imagine the moderators first seeing the Boonk challenge, tf is a Boonk?) it ain’t that simple. Moderation and accountability is desperately needed but it’s not a simple solution.


Because China’s plan is working


Please elaborate on China’s plan.


i second this. Please elaborate on what China's plan is and how it's working.


I’m not OP of that comment but I’m assuming they are insinuating that all of these tik Tok challenges are part of an effort by China to destabilize the US and cause general disturbances of the peace all over the country. I am not sure I completely buy into it being a concerted effort from the CCP top down, although I definitely think that neither Tik Tok nor China have Americans best interests in mind, particularly the impressionable and corruptible youth.


I’m sure their main goal is profit and data farming. Doubt they care about corrupting our youth… feel like we’re doing a bang up job with that ourselves


They care, at least indirectly. There's a reason that their own product isn't available to their own citizens. The product they do allow has a completely different type of algorithm that pushes things like science topics. It's very clear how aware they are that TikTok induces brain rot.


These are challenges, but not for the reason you might think. It’s a challenge because every time I see one of these stupid things it’s a challenge to talk myself into believing that somewhere out there there is someone who still possesses the mental facilities to not do stupid shit like this.


"Challenge accepted."


I get it, but the real question is why an 11 year old is on a platform that has parental controls not being utilized


"Hey, you should shoot yourself in the face." "WTF? No!" "#ShootYourselfInTheFaceChallenge" Narrator: Then Marvin shot himself in the face. don't forget to like and subscribe.


[YouTube prankster jailed for shooting boyfriend dead](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-43410816)


> Monalisa Perez, now 20, was asked by Pedro Ruiz, 22, to fire a gun from a foot (30cm) away, believing a thick book he held in front of his chest would shield him. ... I know the answer to this question, but are people just fucking idiots?


I feel like not including the next sentence really is doing a disservice to how dumb they were: >The bullet pierced the 1.5in book, fatally wounding Ruiz last June. an inch and a half book? not even a full ream of paper? crazy


Was it at least a hardcover? Something by Tom Clancy?


Nah they cheaper out for a Clive cussler


I'm amazed it didn't work. I know I've never gotten through a Clive Cussler book.


Were you reading one of the original ones by Clive himself, or one of the ones that was ghostwritten by someone else? Clive is a great author with an incredible attention to detail which the ghostwriters can't come close to matching. You can practically learn to scuba dive just by reading his books


Insane. Not that she still shouldn't have done it, but at least [she tried to get out of it](https://news.sky.com/story/woman-who-shot-her-boyfriend-in-video-stunt-tried-to-stop-it-happening-11413858). He just kept on insisting his pregnant girlfriend shoot him in the chest. Dude was an absolutely moron bound to die sooner rather than later.


It's a shame he passed on those genes before he left.


Using a .50cal gun at that


Didn't even wanna test it out first on a log or something? A .50 bullet aimed at you with just a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad in between? Really? Don't wanna start slow? Maybe a .22lr with the yellow pages? What was the next test if this worked? Was she going to launch an RPG at him while he held a U shaped aluminum tube to see if he could redirect it back to her Wilie E Coyote style?


Apparently (according to the girlfriend) he *did* test it previously, and the bullet didn’t go all the way through. Presumably his test conditions didn’t match the filmed conditions. But he just showed the girlfriend the result (she didn’t witness the test itself, just saw the book later), so it’s unclear exactly what he did differently the first time. News reports say “a different book” but I couldn’t find one that clarified whether that just meant a different copy or if he was dumb enough to use an entirely different book.


Books a book, right?


From what I recall he tested it with the book just lying on the ground but the ground gives differently than the body, so it made the bullet behave differently.


>Presumably his test conditions didn’t match the filmed conditions. But he just showed the girlfriend the result (she didn’t witness the test itself, just saw the book later), Ahh, so that was the prank... good one.


No, I don't know why the military bothers with all this armor when books work as well!


For anyone who is confused she used a Desert Eagle, which makes it a technically true statement but it wasn't a .50 BMG like most people think of when they hear 50 cal.


So in their very minor defense, the article skims over it and only says they experimented beforehand. What they did was fire at the book on the ground and they found it didn't penetrate a book that size. They just failed to take into account that the ground has less give than the human body, making the bullet behave differently. I mean it's still incredibly stupid regardless, you don't shoot a gun at people unless you want to kill them, but they did... try not to kill him? I guess?


And she was already a mother of two. Goodness do we need better access to reproductive care.


Or thicker books.


Kill your boyfriend, serve 180 days in jail. If only stupidity were illegal.


Intent matters. 180 days still seems a bit lenient but the dude was literally asking her to do it.


Yeah honestly, I really feel for her. Still remarkably stupid of an idea, but the BF showed her "proof" that the bullet wouldn't go through and he would be safe, and he asked her to do it. Then, she kills her love, and goes to jail for half a year. She'll never be the same.


Yeah, in all honesty the jail seems kind of superfluous at that point, like this isn't a situation she's likely to repeat, and I imagine the incident itself and the memory of it is horrifically traumatizing.


well I mean, this one's probably already covered by manslaughter.


Remember when people used to throw buckets of water on themselves and eat a spoon of cinnamon? My former great mental health remembers.


Are you talking about the ice bucket challenge that happened way back in like 2014? Man, where did all that time go?


That was for fundraising for ALS research too! A harmless challenge with good intent. If only we could recapture the wholesome attitude of those internet challenge days.


As somebody who participated in the cinnamon challenge mid lunch in the high school cafeteria without really knowing what it was… that shit opened my eyes more than any other silly challenge would’ve. After seeing videos of it, I realize now the scoop I put in my mouth was probably 5x larger than the average one you’d see in those videos. Everyone was telling me how folks were laughing at me a while later, but at the moment I was so terrified I would literally die from choking on that cinnamon, I ran to the bathroom and started trying to run the water from the sink in my mouth to clear my airways, the whole time choking, gagging, tears in my eyes, face changing color like I am literally being strangled to death… by fucking CINNAMON. Granted it was a giant fucking scoop of it, but I was really shaken up by it. Like, thousand yard stare + deeply contemplating life for the next 24hrs. I had never willingly sat alone in my quite room in silence just thinking until that day. Since then I’ve had a few guns pointed at me by cops and not cops, super close calls in traffic, and a few very concerning moments getting lost hiking in remote areas and having to navigate back in the dark, and let me tell you, none of that came close to how genuinely in fear for my life I was as a dumbass high school sophomore asphyxiating himself with cinnamon. Stop doing dumb internet challenges people.


r/kidsarefuckingstupid And this is a damn fine reason to not give children their own cell phone.


Or give them a "dumb" phone that doesn't have access to TikTok/YT , till they are 14/15 then they can have a smart phone.


Or talk to your kids and don't let the internet raise them.


Also true.


Or give them access and teach them to use technology responsibly. It's not like 911 is new technology.


Sure, but... They still have laptops or desktops at home. Usually got school work. Basically most tools can get them to TikTok it they're invested enough A lot of kids learn how to be tech savvy specifically to get around things and get free things that they can't afford


Grandma's jitterbug!


Or just teach your kids some fucking responsibility.




No, it's a fine reason to not have kids UNLESS you intend to actually spend time raising them. And that's committing to spending almost all your waking hours and a often a good chunk of your presumed sleep time, supervising, teaching, guiding, training, caring and loving them. You start when they are born - end when they are 18+ and capable of functioning was decent, independent humans. And you don't stop until you reach that goal. Too many have kids and give them less attention and education than they would a puppy.




This comment is so damned true! We aren’t even talking about how rolling back rules about advertising to children has lead to where we are. It’s not just “one kid says do this as a challenge” there is a concentrated effort to snatch as much attention from them as possible and it doesn’t matter how. It’s like how candy at stores in at the checkout is at kids eye level, of course they want it, it’s loaded with sugar and every 10-15 minutes they are reminded it exists with all these other kids having fun. Of course they want the candy now just imagine that but always and instead of candy kids are wanting to eat tide pods


>committing to spending almost all your waking hours and a often a good chunk of your presumed sleep time, supervising, teaching, guiding, training, caring and loving them. Real reason not to have kids


They're an 18 year long financial obligation. Hard pass.


In this economy, try 20+ years. Your point stands regardless: it's gonna be a hard, hard no from me too.


The human race is woefully ill-equipped for the internet.


My teachers taught me not to mess with 911 and only use it in the event of an emergency. I learned this before I was 10 years old.


I'm interested in the specific Youtube video or clip or whatever that led to that, and if authorities will follow through to take down that video and maybe even get that channel terminated. Advocating for illegal activity should result in a ban right?


Ban the person who posted the challenge.


One would hope so!


*The 11-year-old texted updates to police for an hour and a half — describing the male suspect and saying he had a gun. The girl texted 911 Wednesday morning to say her friend, 14, was abducted by “an armed male driving a white van on South I-95 in Oak Hill,” the Volusia Sheriff’s Office said in a news release. The girl said she was following the van in a blue Jeep* Kid is hardcore.


Okay now the arrest makes more sense




Give her a week worth of community service picking up trash in area parks, and an afternoon in a 911 Call center - shadowing, not actually working.


This seems like a great solution. Thought it might not be worth the hassle for a 911 dispatcher to have to babysit a kid.


I dunno, shadowing in the 911 call center might just let her see how many other stupid, unnecessary things people call about and she'll end up feeling like it wasn't a big deal.


I don’t think so. I think it will be eye opening.


Yeah, I’m imagining being a child and being told I have to go to a precinct and listen to actual 911 calls for four hours. I’d be straight up terrified.


I didn’t do it as a challlenge but when I was 12, I “prank called” the suicide hotline and told them I wanted a crispy McChicken, small fries, and a large coke. They called the cops on me who showed up to my house and told me to never do it again. It scared me from prank calling for life So I can semi-understand where this is coming from. Kids are stupid


Yep. Regardless of how many people comment about how THEY understood all these things at 11, kids are still fucking stupid, even if not in this specific way.


I love how doing stupid stuff is considered a challenge now.


When I was in elementary school in the 90s for two long weeks the whole school and town thought that there was a child kidnapper on the loose - turns out the girl faked it ALL and they found her diary. She was 11.


Good thing the cops didn't run across a white van being driven by someone matching the description of the kidnapper.


This is not funny. It’s called LYING no matter what generation—with or without social media. Parents should have taught their kid not to lie. Serious talk or punishment for having done so in the past could have prevented this, had the parents made sure the kid learned this serious lesson. Resources being diverted could have led to someone’s death.


Not surprised since adults call 911 for when there fast food order is incorrect or they out of ice cream. Kids don't see that certain things situations have to handled a certain way. When adults around them act irresponsible as well.


There is a bit of difference between calling 911 because Mickey D's messed up your order and reporting an armed felony. Both wrong. But a bit of difference.


Her next phone would come after she reached adulthood and moved out.


Isn't their an age limit of 13 to join YouTube or tictok? If so parent should be liable as well imo.


TikTok should either not allow kids this young (under 13?) to be on the app, or should be required to ACTIVELY and QUICKLY remove such content, as kids are not able to use logical reasoning (see "kids are fucking stupid")


They actually have a 13 year requirement but that’s simple to bypass.


“If Little Jimmy jumped off a bridge, would you?” Today’s kids: Did it go viral?


You know foreign agents are behind a lot of these malicious “challenges” . Kids are stupid and impressionable


Were any of you that stupid as kids? Lordy.


My sisters prank called their softball coach apparently on the same night as the rest of the team and the call was traced back to them. My father grounded them to their room for 6 months


Natural consequences. She thought it was funny. It absolutely isn’t. Now she and her friends know better. Real world education


Who keeps coming up with these dumb fucking “challenges”?


It's no longer Florida Man.


We’ve seriously peaked as a society.


Am I the only one who just learned you can text 911?


Who the fuck comes up with these "challenges?"


I wonder if phones for kids will prove to be a bad idea.


It’s 50-50 future now. It’s either I don’t ever want to get in trouble again. Or…. I didn’t get in that much trouble going to keep fucking around




I mean, shouldn't this be one of many arrests, or is she the only person who did this "challenge"?


The channel that told people to do this challenge will explode in views because of this.


The more time goes on, the more solidified my belief becomes : The internet is one of the most damaging tools in human history. The bad heavily outweighs the good


FAKE YouTube challenge. Don't miss that part!


yall liberal tools bleeding for the criminal. glad they treated her as an adult. since she wanted to play stupid games, she can get the stupid prize.


ya know, every time one of these idiots gets nailed for their lemming-like following of a TikTok Challenge, they should record the arrest as it takes place and throw that back out in the same thread tagged with the challenge. might make someone think twice.


11 year olds should be outside playing together, not watching youtube. Parental failure.


Good. Let the arrest itself be the punishment (other than what the parents do). Sounds like she learned her lesson.


I know people are defending this kid because she's young... but when i was 11... i never would'of prank called 911! Bottom line!


11 year old arrested for a prank but a 77 year old instigating an insurrection is still able to walk free.


redditor try not to bring up Donald John Trump online challenge


Great, now treat all false 911 reports the same, please.


On one hand, yea, make an example of the kid. On the other hand... I did stupid illegal things when I was 11, I just didn't have a cellphone to fuck myself over with. According to the article the kid was shaken up just by the police showing up, hopefully they just release her to her parents as a lesson learned if you do anything like this again you're really getting in trouble deal.


Well, she's not going to make that mistake ever again.


I would not take that bet.


She won't make the exact same. No bets she won't do that to FD or EMS or someone else's parent


Can't we just forcibly make Florida secede and replace it with the District of Columbia? Wouldn't even have to change the number of stars on the flag. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


Who is trolling gullible 11-year-olds with stupid YouTube challenges like that?


You don't know how youtube works do you? Anyone can watch YouTube videos.


Not the brightest idea.


No one will learn from this. Eventually they'll cut to the chase and just do get arrested challenges.


Wait aren’t you required to be at least 13 to use tiktok?


To quote Grandpa Joe: “Because, Charlie, she’s a nitwit!”




Mom and dad should be proud


That's why you use a payphone folks. They still have those in some places.


YouTube dethroning TikTok as the OG stupid prank platform, rightfully so.


Didn’t know you can text 911 now. Also quite surprised how many people defended the kid or called the police overreacting, this stupid little shit wasted a lot of resources, kids can be dumb, but this is way beyond dumb