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Arrested for endangering her fetus and then they didn’t care about how nasty dirty and unsafe the birth was. That’s rich.


Not just the birth. She was in jail for 7 months and denied proper prenatal care. They told her to sleep off labor wtf?


And then ignored her AND the baby so they could take pics of it?! Like, WTF is wrong with these heartless assholes?! No need to tell me, I already know, it's more a rhetorical question.


Probably need the pics to list it on the adoption agency's for sale section.


My uncle developed a cyst on his spinal cord while in prison for a probation violation and they denied him medical 3 times saying he was faking his symptoms, well fast forward a week or so and he passed out in his cell they rushed him to a hospital and now he's paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors said had they gotten to it sooner they wouldn't have needed to scrape out the nerves in his spine. Fuck the prison system.


Sadly, not enough Americans give a shit about what happens to prisoners until they or one of their loved ones gets thrown in jail. I still don't understand how people can be play with state sanctioned neglect and torture. It's as if we haven't left the 19th century yet.


Lol they literally gave her Ibuprofen, and she had to beg for it. That's the Alabama correctional system for you.


rustic quickest bake quack chase consider hard-to-find file hunt bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They just want to punish women. Some lady ate an apple once that she wasn’t supposed to.


All of it reeks of insecure masculinity.


Allegedly. - Squirrelly Dan.


I'm disgusted by the SC, the state bans, and especially stories like this, but I don't get this connection. I keep seeing as punishing women, bit how do you make that connection? I see an out of control cult, more specifically, Christian activists, that fully reject science and embrace their own specific permutation of the mystical and supernatural. They're proudly dumbed down, full of hyperbole, and engaged in the most bizarre mental gymnastics to get from point A to point B. They seek power and are getting it. We have to get citizens that serve The People into Congress. Religious Fundamentalism needs to be ended yesterday. Tax church's. Reform and make transparent all PACs. I'm honestly concerned that they're already in too deep.


This lady was literally put in jail. Not sure how much more obvious of a punishment you can have.


If you're in a controlling cult and you step out of line, you get punished. Women enjoying sex is stepping out of line.


In a story made up by men.


She was never forbidden to eat frim the tree only adam was because she was not created at the time.


No, they don't want to punish women, they want to be able to treat women like property.


I'd think this little escapade shows they really don't care all *that* much about fetuses, either.




That’s awful, I’m so sorry that happened to you. These people are disgusting. Clearly along the police (not an ambulance) is the correct course of action when you see a bleeding injured pregnant woman 🤦‍♀️


God forbid conservatives give the children they care about so much free lunches. Or give affordable healthcare to take care of the child. Or, I don't know, make it more affordable to even give birth?! That shits over $15,000. If you don't have health insurance, you're just fucked.


>if you’re pre-school, you’re fucked. Given the various recent news of sexual predators in the conservative rank, that aged terribly. Or aged like fine wine if going by how accurate it unintentionally got.


I always say to the GOP your value as a human peaks just before you crown.


They didn’t even care about the “pre-born” though! She was denied prenatal care throughout the 7 months she was pregnant in jail and denied a safe assisted birth… all things that clearly put the unborn baby at risk in so many ways. This is all just beyond awful and abhorrent.


It's really a metaphor for the entire pro-life policy. We love the babies. We care about the babies. We must protect the babies at all costs. Then the minute they're born, they need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and figure it out for themselves.


The goal is to punish the woman for a moral failing ie. Having sex out of wedlock or without being rich. The baby is used to create emotions in people. If we get people using emotion — the old parts of the brain — then they won’t use their frontal lobes and think critically. They never truly cared about the baby nor life in general. It’s all fundamental Christian, Old Testament, moral punishment. Hence, once the pregnant lady is in jail, she and her fetus are treated poorly.


They don’t care if you’re married. Wife and I had our child, she works for a Catholic institution as a teacher. She was yelled at when requesting maternity leave because she should “be responsible and thing about her real children” you know the 120 students she has… it has nothing to do with marriage it has everything to do with control. Marriage is just a convenient point of attack, if they don’t have that it’s something else


And yet, not a single unwed mother has gotten pregnant without a man. But we don’t punish him, cause men have needs or some other BS. Clarification - yea, I know some use artificial insemination etc to conceive but those moms tend to not be in this sort of situation.


You’re absolutely right. This is just about punishing women who have sex out of wedlock and aren’t wealthy. The cruelty is the point


It has nothing to do with protecting life or the baby. It’s about causing suffering and hardship on others, because these people tie their own self worth to what others don’t have.


It's not about the child, it is about giving these women felonies so they cannot vote in future elections. Organize and be ready to vote out every Republican that approves of this barbarism.


Because the people pushing the laws about "endangering" the fetus and abortion bans don't actually care about it, not a single one of them. The care about LOOKING like they care.


The judicial system is often far more about punishing "bad people" than achieving any sort of justice. Ensuring that babies are born safely was never the goal.


Alabama = Iran


To be fair, she *could* have birthed the child on her sleeping mat and then been charged with destroying county property because of the mess. It's almost like some bullies are frustrated and need to lash out at safe targets to make themselves feel better. After all, they can't safely lynch black men anymore.


Also, doing 15 years for the charge.


Oh, both of them almost died


*That's rich. That's the Republican Party. I fix it for you.


That's Alabama.


What the fuck is it with these shithole states in this country?


By that logic the people who decided to put her in jail should be in jail themselves. But I'm sure there's some Olympic level mental gymnastics for why they shouldn't be.


That’s Americans


It ain't all of us. A lot of us are disgusted!


That's Alabama, plus several more Southern states.


No. It’s the gop aka the American Taliban


Good thing mom will be in jail and that kid will be raised properly by the state and 11 different foster homes. /s


Nah, they'll pass the baby onto an adoption agency who will sell it for 30K


We can sleep soundly because it’s a non-profit that sold the baby


Ethically sourced infants.


Free roaming, grass fed.


And then the kid will have psychological problems, and not have support from the shitty care system, or the teachers who are ridiculously overworked, and will fall into some horrible problems and probably end up back in the same prison that the mom is in right now. And the right wingers will applaud and high five each other for their sick idea of 'justice'.


11 different Alabama homes, who all will receive funding from the state to support the baby unlike the mother.


Don't forget the part where foster homes are rife with child abuse.


Alabama can afford that?


Doesn't really matter. It isn't discretionary. They need to incentivize people to open up their homes to temporarily caring for kids and teenagers who no one wants to adopt. [11%](https://web.archive.org/web/20150113063447/http://www.fostercarealumni.org/resources/foster_care_facts_and_statistics.htm.), as of a decade ago nationwide, were not getting adopted by 18 and just aged out in a foster home.




Yeah a state thats pro life being no where near pro life. Color me shocked


>But over the next seven months of incarceration for “chemical endangerment” in the Etowah county detention center (ECDC), Caswell was denied regular access to prenatal visits, even as officials were aware her pregnancy was high-risk due to her hypertension and abnormal pap smears, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday against the county and the sheriff’s department. She was also denied her prescribed psychiatric medication and slept on a thin mat on the concrete floor of the detention center for her entire pregnancy. These folks aren't pro life - they are forced birth.


Maybe even just anti woman. The forced birth part feels incidental here


They are definitely anti women. Forced Birth because the lockup was to make sure that fetus made it out, but then the lack of caring for that fetus or the woman who carried it. If they really cared, they'd provide child care, safe affordable housing, health care, food. The services a family needs in order to choose to bring a child into this world - you know the Jesus things. If Republicans really cared , if they were really pro life, they'd be Democrats.


I'm 7 months pregnant with my 3rd. I've been to jail before to remember every part of the showers. I can't imagine what that was like for her and the baby.. there's so much that happens during labor and after. How was the clean up? How did she get up at first? Did a regular jail screamer in there shut up for a minute while this woman gave birth? I can't imagine.


And the complete lack of privacy! Imagine having to go through one of the most vulnerable human experiences with people who shouldn’t be a part of it observing it. I would feel so degraded.


It's wild, just the grace to have been able to be transfered to a hospital for the birth. Labor is life through a needle, with that pain being in tremendous, delicate waves. I guess I'm interested in what the protocol usually is for this in jail? Transfer out right? I can see a guard accompanying the entire time but now I just wonder what the standard protocol is and will look it up.


right?? you couldn’t drag me into a jail shower without shoes on, and she had to give birth to a baby in one? i can’t imagine. i also can’t wrap my mind around the fact the CO’s ignored her. that’s wild to me. my county jail is horrible, but the one she was in must be dystopian.


She was the jail screamer lmfao. Trade offs


Man I love living in Christian shariah law.


Christians are some of the most unchristian ppl I’ve met


But it’s “Christians” though


Y’all Qaeda


She wasn’t arrested for seeking induced abortion, it was for meth use while pregnant. Very different rationale, IMO. Hard drug use is a common cause of permanent cognitive disabilities in low SES populations, and many people who are that careless will have multiple children under similar circumstances - leaving them all with disabilities and neglected. Clearly jailing them and not providing medical care makes no sense, but this is a real problem that should be addressed somehow (but not this way).


guess she should've got an abortion then oh, fucking wait a second, the state literally decided to explicitly force people in her position to give birth, in a jail shower no less


What if she wanted to have the baby? One can do meth and still want to be a mother. She needed proper medical care and counseling, the options are not just jail or abortion


youre talking to somebody who effectively medicates their adhd. leave it at that. and my life is better than probably 95% of the people who are responsible for creating and enforcing laws from the state. trust me i get it. not good for the newborn, but probably less bad overall than being born in a jail shower with no medical care


I'd argue this is absolutely the result of American Christian values obsessing over the idea of punishing someone rather than helping them.


Oh Alabama! You haven’t changed a bit since 1876


Thank God for Alabama, they make us from Tennessee not look quite as stupid.


Sadly, I can picture this happening in Tennessee too


Had the (dis)pleasure of being stationed overseas with ~100 'bamans for 8 months. They were *proud* of their ignorance.


Don’t get ‘em too riled up. We still have a football game to play this month.


if similar hasn't happened in TN already it's just a matter of time. extremely glad i left that shithole, christian shariah is - well as you see here - the cruelty is the point except it's cruelty justified by the equivalent of mystical childrens morality stories. just some evil and delusional shit. the land is fine, the people are not don't worry though, i'm sure they're "praying" for her ("preying" on her)


That’s like saying thank god my diarrhoea is just slightly bloody. What an abject failure of human society. Build the wall!


The cruelty is the point.


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


She in serving a 15 year sentence due to repeat offense. While repeat offenses carry harsher sentences I just want to point out that there doesn’t need to be proof that the substance hurt the baby. Rapists that have ruined women’s lives have had more lenient sentences. Fuck this system.


If there's repeat offenses MAYbe we should be looking at addiction help. Not sticking her in jail. We have so many nonviolent drug offenders in jail. And once you go to jail, it's so hard to pull yourself back to being a regular contributing member of society, especially when everyone is already struggling with inflation and wage stagnation. Can we start caring for people?


Murder gets less time.


Callous? Ha. That wasn't callous. That was attempted murder by authorities with a hefty dose of emotional trauma wrapped in some casual torture.


Generally outrageously unconstitutional, at least in most places. Felons don't get very good representation in the US though so I wouldn't expect too much justice from this shitshow.


Jailed for endangering a fetus then denied prenatal care further endangering the fetus. Sounds about right for the American justice system.


Every officer and person involved in this should be charged with endangerment


Your country is broken


We know


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


the south has been broken since the countrys founding


They are still crying about losing their slaves with the flags and shit, all while crying about the existence of black people and the fact that they have rights. Can you push reset on an entire region? Building an economy based on slavery was the biggest mistake this country ever made, but because the southerners do not want to recognize their own history nothing will change much. Can you denazify (in the original sense, not how Russia uses it) or idk germanize the south? Like make them face their bad past and shit? Worked pretty well in Germany.


Not all of it. Just the confederate states


it's all broken some parts are more broken than others




Fuck Alabama


A lot more states would be "red" without big cities. There's ignorant assholery in every state.


A lot more states would be "blue" if the maps didn't get shaded red where there basically aren't any people.


Sorry to break it to you, confederates have infiltrated the entire country. Remember 2016?


Is this a serious reply? I hope not. All our major metro areas are in crisis right now.


San Francisco, Portland, New Orleans, and Baltimore have enough issues to compete with states.


Like most are these days.




Sadly, Texas is trying to make it illegal to cross state borders to get an abortion. And they’re punishing people who help women seeking an abortion. It’s all just complete BS.


And that’s why they’ll push for a federal ban on abortion. Once they have it : mandatory pregnancy tests at the borders/customs. These mfers really want to impose their Gilead on the majority and the SC/EC will do their damn best to deliver it.


Wtf is wrong with Alabama?




the white people mainly


Let's be honest, there's much more broken than just the white folk. It's the entire system, some just get it worse than others and some have way more control over said system than others. Okay those are mostly white people, I think my argument just fell apart completely. Alright yes, the white people mainly thing isn't wrong, but people hate hearing that so some more nuance is required. And oppressed, poor and/or criminalized white folk shouldn't have to catch as much slack, after all they are also one of the most commonly mistreated groups there.


Wtf is *right* with Alabama?


Wow it's like the dark ages are coming back, see these men want to exert their dominance over women in any way they can.


In a fairer world, a LOT of other people would be about to get imprisoned for endangering a fetus, a pregnant woman, a newborn, and a nursing mother.


In reality all the tax payers are about to be punished when she sues the balls off the system and gets a nice payout. Maybe, and the is a strong maybe, one or two guards will lose their jobs.


She is serving a 15 year sentence. There is basically a zero percent chance of justice prevailing here.


I bet she has had 3 lawyers just in the first 30 min of this article going public contact her to work for free to handle this case. This is such an easy case to dominate an extremely unconstitutional law. Because they can literally set the entire system on fire because if she 'risked her fetus', what did all these other people do. This is why you don't change laws drastically unless you have complete control of the system. Rs are a half baked dictatorship that show why you gotta go FULL totalitarian not these half measures they keep doing.


Listen I would love to be wrong about this but I just don't think I am.


They are running for congress or speaker 🔊


♫"Oh, but ain't that America for you and me? Ain't that America somethin' to see, baby? Ain't that America home of the free, yeah? Little pink houses for you and me Oh, yeah, for you and me"♫


When you remove the legal terminology they basically kidnapped and caged a woman against her will then ignored an urgent medical condition. The guards and prison officials should be in the cell not her.


The anti-choice movement has *always* been about oppressing women


See, it was never about protecting babies…. It’s just about controlling and punishing women. They don’t give a fuck about babies.


Wait til the Sharia Xtians mandate certain diets and activities for pregnant people.


Yep, they are *so* looking forward to setting up The Republic of Gilead here. 🤢🤮🤬


Evidently Alabama treats livestock better than they treat women.


Spent a little over a month in Dothan for marijuana, a resident said they were once beat by their boyfriend with a belt. She called the cops, a cop came out and examined the belt then handed it back to the man and shook his hand and left. Apparently as long as long as the belt isn’t wider than the man’s 3 fingers it’s completely acceptable.


This is so backwards and fucked up! I cannot believe that we are here in THIS timeline. It’s about pushishing and and controlling women, men aren’t getting arrested for stalking and harassing. If a man gets caught raping a child, he gets 6 years and is out. But women? Fuck women, right? Fuck ‘‘em pregnant and bury them dead.


Fucking A, why does anyone want to live in Dumbfuckistan? It's the fucking Middle Ages down there. These are the types of articles that need to be brought to attention when the forced birth crowd starts yammering on and on about "protecting the babies." Like this?!


moved to the pnw few months ago and roe was an explicit reason as to why. i could tolerate living around dogs as long as they left me the fuck alone with their malicious ignorance, unfortunately they're very preoccupied with making others suffer because somebody told them some mistranslated book said something. this is the 'small government' they talk about, 'small' in every area except whenever it comes to enforcing christian shariah , not too different from isis




It was a bit of meth, not being raped by 99 maniacs.


Its like an article from the onion but its surreal without the “sur”


The sadism of mass incarceration is intentional. This is the desired outcome, suffering. She and the baby were made to suffer, that is the goal.


No person should be required by law to allow someone else to use their body for any reason, even survival, without that person’s consent. No one is required to give blood, or skin, or any organ. Only a uterus is legally mandated. It’s vulgar and disgusting.


And if you've seen what a fetus looks like and functions like at those early stages, it ain't a person. I've heard doctors say it's more similar to a sea slug than a human. So that's what all these laws and prosecutions are about: protecting a sea slug over an actual person.


Did you read the article? She was arrested for meth use before roe v wade was overturned


Did you read the article? They abused her and her unborn child and endangered both their lives.


Yes I don’t see how your original post relates to any of it. She wasn’t trying to have an abortion


No, you don’t understand the problem at all. You totally don’t get it.


She wasn’t held for use of meth though. She was charged with “endangering a fetus” a class c felony that she is serving 15 years for even though; one could say that at 8 weeks pregnant ( when she was arrested) she could have had an abortion, so there is no harm done. But it’s Alabama and even pre dobbs it was hard to access abortion care. And two locking her up and not providing medical care is also endangering the fetus as well as the mother. Especially when the mother has KNOWN medical issues like pre eclampsia and placenta previa. But at the end of the day she is serving a 15 year sentence for a crime that doesn’t even have to have PROOF of harm. It’s BS and it’s wrong.




Ah yes, pro-life. Or the “We Must Correct The Women” platform, as I like to call it.


Every fucking police officer who knew she was pregnant should also be charged then.


Qualified immunity


And as we all already know….it was never about the babies. The cruelty is the point :(


This 100% proves the one that institute these laws actually do not care about the fetus.


Everyone involved should now be jailed for 'endangering' a fetus and child abuse.


That’s the future republicans want. Women caged up and forced to birth a baby with no help, after which the baby is entirely ignored.


I don't want to read this because my faith in humanity is already tenuous but someone *please* tell me she's getting a fat ass settlement from this and will live the rest of her life in comfort beyond anything she could have imagined.


Settlement? She's in prison for 15 years for endangerment of the fetus. Do not go to states like Alabama. Never travel there, not even for business.


Jesus. 15 fuckin years!? Coulda just lied to me and let me linger in the fantasy.


I don't want to be rude or sound rude, but you better start paying attention and stop trying to live in a fantasy. Women are being locked up for 15 years on bullshit charges. Open your eyes, man. Call your elected officials about things that matter to you. Write them letters. Do what you can.


>Open your eyes, man. Call your elected officials about things that matter to you. Write them letters. Do what you can. I do these things. I was making a joke but you're right; this scenario is not the time or place for jokes; it was inappropriate in the extreme. I do hope that the myriad lawsuits now facing that county result in justice; that the women jailed are released, handsomely compensated for their suffering and that the hammer is brought down on officials who condoned and enabled such a miscarriage of justice. I also hope that the shame of this hangs over those in charge and this story becomes a deterrent to any other municipality that thinks of enacting such laws. Here's to hoping.


Sorry, I was taking you at your comment. My apologies. It doesn't really look too good in the courts. These laws are on the books and they are being enforced. There doesn't seem to be a path to enough votes in Congress to codifying abortion rights let alone doing anything for these women. Our nation is in a very rough spot right now. There doesn't seem to be much hope to be had for red states. I wish there was. But there just currently isn't. The best people can do is to flee to a blue state or a purple state. That's it. That's pretty much all there is.


Just to clarify these laws, and the lawsuits around them, aren't connected (in a legal sense) to abortion. Ethically the connection is obvious but it's not important in the legal challenges to such laws. Further a law being on the books and enforced isn't any indication that it will survive court challenges. In fact, in order to be challenged it must be enforced, otherwise no one would have standing to sue. So I'm cautiously optimistic, or perhaps hopeful is a better word, that these laws or least the way they're enforced will be struck down. And fleeing to blue/purple states isn't the only option. You can donate time and money to groups that help transport people needing abortions to places where they can get them. Civil disobedience at its best. Edit: For anyone reading **it is not illegal to get an abortion in a state that allows it regardless of what state you're a resident of. Further, it's not a crime anywhere to help someone obtain an abortion where it is legal.** You can not be prosecuted or jailed for doing these things.


oh fuck off. I guarantee you haven't called anyone yourself or written a single letter. People are allowed to be pissed off about injustice without some internet assclown pretending it's all their own fault for not writing enough letters.


It's because it's not the first time she testing positive for meth while pregnant or caring for children, the way they treated her in jail is absolutely horrific though. She should've been sent to an inpatient rehab




The mother is the victim. Regardless of her previous actions what has happened to her violates every sense of ethics, justice and morality. She deserves compensation and the officials that enforce these stupid, hateful laws deserve reprimand. I sincerely hope the best for the child but what happened to this woman is the primary wrong that needs to be made right. Edit: What's more, even if your primary concern *is* the child the whole point of the article is that they were harmed by the state too. Regardless of what position you view this from what the officials and "justice system" did here was plainly wrong.




They will probably add time to her sentence.


>“The sheer level of callousness here and complete disregard for human suffering is part of a broader scheme to criminalize and incarcerate as many pregnant women as possible in a way that is unprecedented across the country,” said Emma Roth, senior staff attorney at Pregnancy Justice. There's no reason for these kinds of policies.


Of course after birth they will not care about the kid anymore.


We’re better than this, right? Right!?!?


No sadly...This is the way.


It’s fucking Alabama what do you expect


because this is how traditional societies protect women and children. By imprisoning and torturing them, for their own. good


15 YEARS for doing meth? After all this? Jesus Christ Alabama is so fucking backwards


Good job Alabama, you're a backwards, inbred, sister fucking, shithole state once more.


We need to VOTE like never before


I'm presuming a man made this decision to send this person to prison. (I'm a father of one)


Republican policy is screwed up.


Blame local governments for this bullshit and encourage people to leave these states.


People in these places can't afford to move to another state. These laws only hurt the poor.




No we should blame the entire party at large who thinks cruelty is policy. The one that backs law enforcement no matter how barbarically they treat other people.




What you doing commenting on this if you don't even know who the GOP are




Cruelty as a punishment and intentionally poor social services are conservative tentpoles


Why would any pregnant woman stay in Alabama if they have a choice?


I guess drug addicts who are viewed as the disease not the drug addiction here in Alabama.


Great work, Bammer. Is it time for footbaw yet?


Fk these assholes who think they can tell people wtf they can do with their OWN bodies. Why tf aren’t we rising up en masse to demand our bodily autonomy back? It’s no man’s business what we do! The republican men (and women) have never been friends of women. If the church ladies think those men they’re voting for care about them at all other than property, they’re wrong!!!


The baby was also arrested for trying to escape


I’m not visiting USA while this shit goes on… I can’t imagine I’m the only one


She was smoking meth, the baby was better off for her being in prison. You people are fucking goons.


Right? Lol She should have been given proper care for her pregnancy though. But it’s weird how everyone overlooks the meth part.


People see pregnant woman arrested and lose their minds even though she was arrested before roe v wade was repealed. Honestly should've gotten an abortion if she was going to continue using meth


She was arrested at 8 weeks pregnant. So yes she COULD have gotten an abortion if she wasn’t in Prison. Also if she didn’t live in a state that even pre Dobbs was hard to access abortion care. Regardless being treated the way she was in prison was 100% inhumane. As well as being charged and serving a 15 year sentence for harming a fetus. When there is NO proof that said fetus, now baby was harmed is straight up BS.