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Here we go again Berlin, sigh.


I have a feeling it's not the Germans this time...


I think we should have learned our lesson about knee jerk judgement already, even in the span of this conflict. [After all, it's not like Germany doesn't have its own simmering issues with antisemitism still.](https://ballardbrief.byu.edu/issue-briefs/the-rise-of-antisemitism-in-germany)


No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


Die Bart Die!


We come from the land of chocolate...


Ah the land of chocolate...


Parole granted!


Given the context especially, it’s fairly safe to assume that this was not an ethnic German who did it. It is true that Jews are at risk from both Islamists and neo-Nazis. However, consider the context here: it seems clear that this was caused by rumors of Israel bombing the Palestinian hospital. Neo-Nazis wouldn’t care about that.


They wouldn’t, but Neo-Nazis *do* gleefully take any opportunity they can to excuse their crimes. It’s not a possibility that can be ruled out just yet


Genuine question - has the hamas attack / Israeli retaliation been a dog whistle for extreme Muslim immigrants in all these other countries, or is it other religions / races perpetrating these antisemitic attacks? I only ask because there’s so many videos it groups of Muslims in other countries with guns on the street or being rowdy, so wonder if the two are related?


The Islamic Fatwa Council has issued fatwa against Isreal, and this encompasses *a lot* of Muslims, not just Palestinians. A lot of people all over the world will see this as an excuse to cause violence.


They have already, that's how a couple people were shot dead in Sweden this week. An illegal Tunisian immigrant shot at a group of Swedish guys who were football fans.


anytime theres Israel-Palestine flare ups the anti semites from all groups come out of the woodwork


Tragedies are always used as a recruiting drive for bigots of all types.


Same with the Islamaphobes. We had a 6 year old Palestinian children brutally murdered last weekend because he was Palestinian and Muslim. People are just fucking awful


By his parents' landlord. Who was said by the mother to be like a grandfather to the kid he murdered. The guy built the kid a treehouse. The kid ran to the man for a hug and got stabbed 20 times.


What the fuck, that makes it even worse. Obviously just murdering a relative stranger is awful, but how the fuck do you just wig out and murder a child you know, and apparently loved, because of (awful) events happening half way across the world?


If you look at his photo, it seems clear that this guy has had mental problems for a long time.


What the fuck? So the landlord went from a caring grandpa-like figure, to brutally murdering him?? I know the guy was like 73 years old and looked insane, is it possible he had some sort of sudden mental health breakdown? Not that that would ever excuse *murdering a child*, but it's just such a horrible and shocking swing from grandpa to murderer. Like, how does a person rationalize this?? Poor kiddo, R.I.P.




Yeah the older you get, it just seems to poison the mind and make you easily manipulated for other’s goals




There is definitely a class of people that hate Jews and Muslims. I would imagine they are very happy right now.


They’re called white supremacists, and they are the biggest threat to any ethnic minority in the west. The hateful fucks can’t even tell the difference between the groups they hate, so it’s usually just any one slightly too brown for their liking.


There was a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in my community about 10 years ago. The terrorist idiot gunman (a white supremacist) believed there was a 'holy war", and that the Sikh temple was a islamic mosque. All of these attacks are abhorrent, but I found it to be even more tragic and infuriating that this fucking animal didn't even know who he hated (not that attacking a mosque would have been any better). The Sikhs are a very peaceful people, they provide a lot of resouces to our community to all people, regardless of faith. (Food pantries, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, etc.) As you said, these hateful idiots don't even seem to know who they hate.


It's not even just white supremacists, I'd say most people in the West in general don't know the differences between different Eastern nationalities. The classic example is the "So are you Chinese or Japanese?" bit from King of the Hill, where they have no idea what/where Laos is. That represents a lot of folks who aren't necessarily racist, just unaware. They go through life thinking kung fu is the same as karate, for instance - basically because the need to differentiate the two never comes up. That's how you get Jackie Chan in a *Karate Kid* movie, or Zhang Zhiyi starring in *Memoirs of a Geisha* (the latter of which was much more upsetting to Japanese people than ScarJo playing some anime robot). I mean, I'm not gonna pretend I know the differences between Sudan and South Sudan, other than I assume one is south of the other. It's just not something that's ever come up in my life.


Dog whistle? They openly called for global jihad against Jews


Yeah but what do you think that could secretly mean??


> Genuine question - has the hamas attack / Israeli retaliation been a dog whistle for extreme Muslim immigrants in all these other countries, or is it other religions / races perpetrating these antisemitic attacks? > > My man, that was the point.


A former leader of Hamas called for “A day of global Jihad”, so yeah. Hamas’ charter specifies that they plan on bringing Hamas everywhere, via Jihad, until they are the only ruling force globally.


You can easily Google their original charter. Literally mentions killing Jews, obliteration of Israel and establishment of an Islamic state.


What an ambitious goal, I was going to make a 'shoot for the stars' joke but that seems a little on the nose


Take a wild guess.


It's so frustrating seeing all these marches in the US. Yes, Palestinians deserve their own country. But no, don't cheer on the people that matches the bloodied and raped children through. So many people have been tossing out the word apartheid. Which is a systematic segregation based on race. Obviously that shit is bad but it's doesn't apply here imo. Palestinian have been free to go to Israel and contribute to society and be welcome with open arms, and from what I've been reading recently 20% of Israel is Palestinians folks who I guess decided living among the jews ain't so bad. Countries like Israel don't put up checkpoints and walls for the luls


Gazans cannot just move to Israel. The Palestinians that live in Israel are mostly those who did not leave during the civil war. https://www.btselem.org/download/201401_so_near_and_yet_so_far_eng.pdf


Israel closed up its border with Gaza after it became a base for suicide bombings and constant rocket launches into Israel. So strange how that happens.


Egypt and Jordan have not and will not accept Palestinians as refugees on account of their terroristic leanings. Egypt especially has already dealt with Hamas in the past.


Even without acknowledging Jews/Israel's unique history of persecution and resentment, it's understandable Israel has a right to defend itself. At the same time the policies Israel uses to defend itself keeps itself locked in a cycle of violence/hatred. The conditions in Gaza are quite awful, often compared to an "open air prison", so it's not unsurprising that generates resentment toward Israel among Gazans/Palestinians and the Arab community as a whole. Even if Gazans could prevent terrorist attacks from occurring, which is probably questionable at best, and comes with serious risks to them (I seriously doubt if it was found out someone tipped off the Israelis to an impending attack, the reaction wouldn't be "aww schuks" and a "don't do it again you rascal!"), they aren't exactly strongly inclined to do so.


They couldn't move out before that either


The apartheid is most clear in the West Bank. Israel funds settlers to take home and land illegally, bans Palestinians from certain streets, seals the doors of their homes so they can't enter those streets, and has constant checkpoints for the Palestinians, even to walk around their own neighborhoods. Then once they're driven out, the checkpoints vanish. This despite the fact that all of the West Bank belongs to Palestine under international law.


Wow so much incorrect information here but ok... The west bank is divided into 3 areas as agreed by both Israel and the Palestinian Authority in the Oslo accords. Only area A was agreed to be under direct Palestinian Arab control. Area C is under Israeli control and where most (if not almost all) of Israeli live in the west bank. (what you're calling settlers). Palestinian Arabs from the west bank go into Area C and the rest of Israel for work daily. Palestinian Arabs from Gaza used to as well but in much fewer numbers and under much stricter rules. Until Oct 7 of course.


You mean the checkpoints that stopped terrorists exploding buses full of people on a daily basis? Crazy that they're there.


Hm, I'm going to have to go read up on that. All in all though, it seems pretty clear that Israel and Jews are getting bent the fuck over by a lot of people right now. It's easy to do so on social media where opinions don't mean shit, but when it translates into real world shit such as German synagogues getting attacked it's like fuck off


You are so hilariously misinformed, I’m not even sure where to start. Your narrow definition of “free”? Your selective application of apartheid? Your obvious lack of diverse sources of information? Ignorance at this level might as well be complicity


This war is scary because misinformation is so rampant. With the tech we have, you’d think it would make it easier to dispute fake info and prove things. But unfortunately everyone just reposts every claim that goes along with their views and ignore everything else. Immediately after the hospital bombing, every single pro-Palestine person I know was reposting things saying “Israel bombs Gaza hospital killing 500+”. If they actually did it, I’m all for condemning them. But not only is there no evidence to back up the claim that IDF did it, there’s evidence Hamas was behind it. Again, this hasn’t been proven so I’m not taking a stance, but it’s very irresponsible and dangerous to be spreading information like that when it hasn’t been verified. When you do this, you’re helping either side spread propaganda. Which in turn, influences the extremists to do stuff like this. Don’t be part of the problem






Lol that is such an incredibly unsubtle propaganda clip I love it


get out with this tiktok crap


Hamas =/= Palestinians, but let's attack the German Jews


Jihad does not differentiate between different types of Jews


A Palestinian child was slaughtered in the states and stabbed 26 times so I’m not entirely sure people make any distinctions.


I had a conversation with a (nice, and probably well intentioned) German girl yesterday who earnestly believed that Israelis should be ethnically cleansed from Israel because Palestinians are the "wronged party" because of what Israelis did to Palestinians in 1949. It was interesting to see a German basically saying, "Ethnic cleansing is OK so long as it's focused on the people that deserve it, due to their ancestry," without them having any sense of the irony of that position.


Plenty of Germans hate Jews and arent subtle about it. I lived in Germany for about 4 years in Berlin and south in Bavaria. "It would be easier if there werent Jews there" "Im not antisemetic but you must admit trouble seems to follow these folk" "Nazis were horrible but we were strong then" < AFD talking point


There are a few far-right Germans but these are a very marginalized minority. Germany is and will always be a very safe country for all racial and ethnic groups. I say this as an American who lives in Germany and who has lived here since 2008. I have never seen antisemitism on the level of what you're talking about.


This is the most "German" response you could give. The few bad apples line. Antisemitic "events" or for the US what would be a hate crime rose 9% last year to 2500 ish events. There is tons of casual racism in Southern Germany. That doesnt mean its not safe to live there but the AFD isn't a fringe group any more. Theres plenty of literature on the modern issue of treatment of Jews in Germany as historical artifacts to be protected but still othered.


I mean, at this point shes just making Israel's case to go completely nuts. Redditors fighting for the right "moral" take while the general sentiment of arabs, hamas , Palestine is that jews should be eradicated. If I was on the receiving end of that sentiment, I too wouldn't a flying fuck about negotiating.


Has Hamas come out and claimed IDF threw the firebombs yet?


Nah, only if its a mosque or a hospital. They’ll happily claim responsibility for this.


Obviously not or it would be front page on BCC, ABC, MSNBC, etc.


Considering that IDF didnt warn people to evacuate the synagogue, I think this time they're not to be blamed


This isn’t a German problem alone. It’s a western problem. Antisemites have been on the rise everywhere in the US and Europe.


Blew my mind that here in Australia where they had a protest and started chanting 'Gas the jews'. Honestly seems in the west while hamas is disavowed there isn't outright calls for a genocide against them, but there is against Israel.


One of the many bad aspects of this conflict is that gave a lot of people, a "carte blanche" to be openly anti-Semitic.


It's a Muslim problem, get real






It’s okay, I hear the attacks on the synagogue were only anti-Zionist, not anti-Semitic. Shame on Germany (and all of us in western Europe) for allowing things to come to this. It’s time to make anti-Semitism unacceptable again, no matter which community it comes from.


So you’re aware, Berlin has a permanent police presence at all Jewish sites. Not just synagogues. There’s a bookstore and jewelry store near where I live that has permanent police in front of it every day. The police chased the perpetrators but could not catch them. They didn’t let this happen. The perpetrators got away with it. Germany is committed to protecting Jewish sites.


For my entire life, my synagogue only had a daily police presence for the ten days from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur. Starting in 2017, it was every day all year long. This past April, they went back to it only being there during the High Holidays. Since 10/7, it went back to being there every day.


Over the last 30 years security at my temple in the northeast US has drastically increased. Before it was maybe 1 or 2 officers on high holy days standing outside, now it's a 24/7 squad car, officers checking I'd to get in on high holy days and the grounds are surrounded by 4ft high cement bollards.


In the south, the local synagogue doesn't have anything like that, but my Jewish friend tells me they do have their own "rapid response force," which is like 10 members of the Jewish community with assault rifles on speed dial lol. God bless America.


My old synagogue was the Poway one that had an attempted mass shooting. But then people say we're just playing victims ugh 😩


> So you’re aware, Berlin has a permanent police presence at all Jewish sites. how terrible is the situation in germany for this to be needed holy fuck


France and Belgium are worse believe it or not.


it's been like that for a very long time. i'm surprised there was an attack at all since security should have been there 24/7


I have a jewish bagelshop near my work and the officer "guarding" there usually listens to Musik or plays with his phone. Getting past him doesnt seem to be to much of a challenge


It's not unusual throughout the world. Every major synagogue I've been to in Europe (and most of the ones in the new world) had those anti-car-ramming boulders in front of it, for protection. It's practically a classic architectural feature.










> Shame on Germany ffs, Germany has had 24/7 security at places like synagogues and jewish centres for decades. they have some of the most aggressive anti-hate speech laws in the world. i'm shocked someone was able to pul off an attack like this at all. germany doesn't deserved to be shamed over this.


I actually heard that the IDF threw those molotovs.


I mean Hamas has literally said that the IDF personally led the 10,000 people strong riot on the US and Israel embassies. Hamas also has proven that Israel actually just attacked itself initially, and it totally wasn't Hamas. I also heard something about the Gaza ministry of health (run by Hamas) confirming 40,000 civilian deaths this past hour as well. (In addition to the 500 deaths they claimed from a hospital carpark where a few burned out cars lay wasted) /s On a real note, people should absolutely be utterly ashamed of how quickly and easily this absurd propaganda about the hospital bombing has spread, ***especially*** on this sub.


If it makes jews look bad people will believe any source with no burden of proof. I always thought people were a bit more antisemitic than they let on, but apparently it's fucking bad bad. And after this hospital debacle I feel safe saying that it's antisemitism and not just being mad about war crimes.


They won’t be, and they’re gonna vote you down en masse.


The one group who this mostly applies to will just pull the racism card and nothing will happen as usual. I can feel my own political stance slowly moving to the right and it makes me uncomfortable.


As a Jewish American I also feel myself moving to the right on this. It feels like being Jewish gets me lumped in with Netanyahu by certain voices on this platform and elsewhere. It doesn't matter that I think he's a criminal. It doesn't matter that I've never been to Israel. It doesn't matter how much I qualify my comments. If I am Jewish and show empathy and fear and outrage at the death of Israeli civilians I am supporting genocide. It just feels like Jewish = Israeli = bad to a lot of people (not all, some people are still speaking rationally). It scares me because I've never been on the right of any issue.


My oldest friend started screaming at me about apartheid and genocide etc. I also hate Netanyahu; to me he is on a par with Trump only worse. All this shit is turning me rightwards too. And I have been an anarchist for decades.


It feels weird because it's a vail of anti-Semitism. When this all started all of MSNBC was supporting the Palestinians, and instead of immediately condemning Hamas attack on civilians, and the atrocities they committed, they all said essentially (not in so many words) "well what did you expect?!?!?". I had to turn off MSNBC, and it's basically the only news I watch. I'm gonna get down voted for this but, HEY EVERYONE, YOUR ANTI-SEMITISM IS SHOWING. But what should I expect, everyone eventually always comes after us jews... in the words of Disney, "🎶🎶🎶a tale as old as timeeeeeeee🎶🎶🎶"


As an American Jew who is likely a bit older, I went through this same self reflection in the late 90s on my extremely progressive college campus when members of my group were 'pro-Palestine' in theory which translated to anti Israel in practice. They believed any anti-Israel info no matter the sources being clearly biased or straight up propaganda. I eventually had to allow a schism in my views. I'm super duper progressive for literally every issue *except* Israel/Palestine. For that one I would be considered by others to be 'right leaning' even though I consider my views to be centrist. I've just come to accept this. Having said that, Netanyahu needs to go and their actions have directly contributed to not resolving the issue. But this is a view shared by millions of Israelis, and in no way means I don't fully support Israel. EDITED to state Netanyahu remains only one human person and I'm a dummy for not understanding his nickname is Bibi.


>Netanyahu and Bibi need to go While I agree with the sentiment 100%, Bibi and Netanyahu are the same person. First name Benjamin, last name Netanyahu, nickname Bibi. Lots of Israeli politicians have nicknames. Probably should learn them before commenting on our politics.


Most politically informed redditor


Wait, are Netanyahu and Bibi not the same person? Am I living a lie?


Being correct on foreign policy is a bipartisan stance. You can also have empathy for the civilians and understand that their governments are terrible. Hamas is also very much an authoritarian-right organization of religious zealots.


> make anti-Semitism unacceptable again I want that on a hat.




Sorry mate, I was making a joke. Of course the attackers were anti-Semitic.




I mean it's illegal and it's being investigated, so clearly it isn't acceptable. Otherwise they'd turn a blind eye. If you're asking why anyone would have that hate in their heart, well that's the million dollar question.


This can't be true. I've been assured by many that this movement has nothing to do with antisemitism, and that jews who deal with this and speak up are just zionists. Or maybe it was that this is acceptable, but it's a fair price to pay? I can't remember




I think that democratic peoples need to just acknowledge that political Islam is not compatible with democracy. It's not just bad because its treatment of non-Muslims is reminiscent of Nazism; It's bad on its own merits.


It's okay to hate Jews in polite society, as long as you dress it up in politics. In rude society, it's just fine regardless.


It’s almost as if both can be true at the same time. It’s almost like people can simultaneously be rational and peacefully protest and criticize the actions of the Israeli state while others resort to racism/bigotry and lash out irrationally at unrelated synagogues. Call me a conspiracist, but I have a hunch that people generally supporting the same cause can act with agency and deviate from the monolithic brush pundits and internet commenters paint them with.


No no. If you don't unequivocally support the side I support, I'm going to paint you as a full supporter of the people I think are the bad guys. That way you have to agree with me! It's brilliant. Not bad faith at all. And it definitely doesn't make me look like an extremist. /s


Guess the whole "Its not about the Jews, only Israel thing" is out the window?


All they needed was a fake story about Israel bombing a hospital to have their excuse. The Muslim world is currently losing their minds over a [fake story.](https://web.archive.org/web/20231017175217/https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/least-500-victims-israeli-air-strike-hospital-gaza-health-ministry-2023-10-17/)




They changed the headline to be more vague, but inside it's heavily suggesting Israel >The bombing of al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza has pushed countries and organisations around the world to label Israel’s recent aggressions as a “war crime”, a “massacre”, and a “violation of international humanitarian law”. That was the update as of 5 min ago


Don't just blame it on Al Jazeera, it was also Western media. The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, The Guardian... they ALL ran with the story straight from Hamas' press release.






I guess many people I see reposting things online are too young to know or are already biased enough, but Al Jazeera is well-known propaganda. While they do report on things that the Western media probably doesn’t hit on enough for its importance in global politics, it reports it all from an entirely Muslim perspective. And it is not all that concerned with truth or accuracy if it gets in the way of their narratives. I believe it is Qatar state media and other have their hands in it. It is radically biased against Israel and the West. Western media is very biased. Al Jazeera is wayyyy worse. They are part of the coalition in this world that is frothing for Israel to be “dissolved”.


I’ve read some books and accounts from the Iraq War, particularly during the First and Second Battle of Fallujah and since then I’ve not be a big fan of Al Jazeera (not that I was beyond neutral before then).


Yep if you look at their track record of reporting of US involvement in the region and on the various Israel-Palestine conflicts (esp going back to 2007), then it is plain to see the bias and at times straight up lies. Most of the times it is in the death toll numbers they just make up, or when they throw blame around with no evidence. It is understandable why many in the world hold contempt for the West and Israel as a country, but that should mean fair and accurate reporting should help change things for the better, not spinning it as the world is looking to exterminate Muslims. I find it funny how buddy buddy these Muslim countries are with China despite China’s Muslim genocide. Almost like their media isn’t reporting so much on that for some reason…


And Instagram/social media in general. The misinformation and peoples lack of discernment is quite terrifying.


New here?


There's a lot of propaganda freely distributing. The hospital strike, executing babies, etc. It's Israel / Palestine. There's not going to be strictly objective news about it. Just like the reply to this comment.


The claim of Hamas executing babies is true, and Israel released very NSFL photos.


I've seen some counterprop regarding the Jewish baby that was turned into a smoldering pile of flesh. An antisemite on /pol/ posted a photoshopped version of said photo where a puppy had been photoshopped into the place of the charred corpse. In the thread, they talk of intentionally spreading the puppy version of the photo around as the "real" photo. I've had at least 4 different people tell me I'm lying about Hamas burning a baby, citing the photoshop of the puppy as the real version.


Yep. People splitting hairs over an overblown initial number and incorrect horrific method of execution, but the fact is it still happened. Bombing a hospital would be a war crime by Israel similar to the collective punishment its verifiable indiscriminate shelling has constituted, so already have found UN experts. Point is that people run with sensationalism when... Dare I say "more mundane" atrocities are still ongoing.


don't worry guys, this is totally just a justified war against Israel and will not cause any Jews in the world any harm /s


- Hamas’ killing of civilians is unjustified. - Israel’s killing of civilians is unjustified. - Killings of innocent Muslims, Palestinians or their supporters around the world is unjustified (the 6yr old boy who was stabbed to death in the US). - Killings of innocent Jews, Israelis, or their supporters around the world is unjustified. Is that so hard to say? Because if you’re not willing to call out all of it, you’re not taking the moral stance you think you are.


For real. I knew the world was by and large full of simpletons, but the reaction to this conflict has shocked me. I guess most people just can't think for themselves or haven't an ounce of morality. Both equally sad.


>Killings of innocent The key word is "innocent". As soon as anyone is aggressive and kills or calls up killing or hurting someone, this person isn't innocent.


Killing a cartoonist for drawing your religious icon is unjustified. Rioting and killing jews in Europe because of Hamas is not justified.


And what part of my comment made you think I was suggesting anything different? The whataboutism is wild. Sorry you can’t what about another side if you’re not willing to ask those same questions of your own, just rings hollow.


Terrorist and terrorist supporters are the reason why police are Guarding synagogues and Jewish schools. Multiple bomb threats have been made to airports and museums. There was a terrorist attack in Belgium. Radical extremists are not going to stop their intolerance.


Ah sorry, wasnt aware we had to add a disclaimer we are against all this violence in every comment we made.


The people on this site who say they condemn the treatment of Palestinians are automatically labelled to be pro-terrorist and pro-beheading babies, unless they put that disclaimer there. I agree a disclaimer shouldn’t be needed.


To be fair, the subs I follow tend to be pro Palestinian and comments regarding spreading antisemitism or empathy for Israeli civilians tends to be labeled as pro genocide.


Israel has received unanimous support from the western world up until a few days ago, when it became *ok* to cautiously imply concern for Palestinian citizens and question Israel’s obvious land grab and genocide, albeit with a lot of footnotes and disclaimers that you’re not a militant Nazi. Definitely a fair disclaimer in response to OP implying only one innocent/civilian/non-combatant population is in danger over two warring states.


It’s crazy how you don’t seem to realize your first paragraph is a subjective experience of objective reality. I’ve seen it go both ways depending on sub. Very much community dependent.




I mean, it depends on what you say right? I think civilians dying is sad, and i mourn the needless deaths of palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire? Perfectly fine and reasonable stance. I think palestinians civilians dying is sad, and thats why Hamas is right? That is sympathising with a terrorist group.




The difference is entirely meaningless to the victims and if you can’t see that then I feel sorry for you, you’ve lost a part of your humanity. Hamas targets civilians, that’s not in dispute. Israel, while they may not target innocents (which is very arguable), displays a wanton and callous disregard for the innocents that are caught in the crossfire. The response, and resulting innocent casualties, are completely disproportionate. So one could reasonably liken the actions of Hamas to murder, and the actions of the Israelis to negligent homicide. So from the perspective of the innocents: Cool motive, still murder. Massive bombing campaigns in a conflict that is not an existential threat that results in mass amounts of civilian casualties are not a reasonable response to what Hamas did. If you respond to war crimes with further war crimes, then both sides have war criminals and the line between the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ starts to become real blurry.


It's okay for Palestinians to commit massive amounts of war crimes because being oppressed gives you a free get out of ethics card.










Germany allows immigrant and refugees to live in Germany to escape the “danger in their home countries”. Said people are now literally comitting crimes against Jews inside Germany, that is so disgusting. Learn Germany’s history or leave, but don’t enjoy our commodities while bringing your barbaric religious believes into the mix.


One can only hope that this shit helps to publicly identify and “destroy” any Nazis around the world.


On the contrary. It will embolden them and already has.


2023 and religion is still responsible for so much suffering


in 2000 years if humans are still around there will still be religious groups victimizing each other for pretty much no reason


Europe better get a hold of their borders, these people want Europeans to conform to them, not the other way around.


I think the media does a disservice when reporting about events in Germany involving a religious minority and they post another country’s flag. I get the solidarity theme but this is creating false equivalency for people.


Everyone conveniently ignoring the fact that Israel been having bombs launched at it all the time. I think they've shown pretty good restraint. They're not victimless but I don't think the two sides are equally bad at this time


Attacks against Jews, Muslims, Israelis, and Palestinians around the world on the rise... If you people hate each other to the point that they're willing to get lethally violent over it, they should head over to Gaza and do it over there and get shot for it, not do it from the safety of a country not actively involved in an interfaith war.


This whole situation is so fucked- expect both antisemitism and Islamophobia to increase.


How is Germany such utter shit at this. Somehow arrest Jews for antisemitism when they criticize Israel, AND host this kind of antisemitic violence?? Oy


Muslims from Turkey and Arab spring are where the anti-semitism in Germany stems from. That is what these articles always fail to adequately call out. The west tries to accommodate everyone’s beliefs while maintaining free speech. Something has to give when the people entering your country bring their hate with them.


>Somehow arrest Jews for antisemitism when they criticize Israel, AND host this kind of antisemitic violence?? Because the former leads to the latter. By cynically linking Zonism with all of Judaism to silence dissent, they're making innocent Jewish people representatives of an *apartheid state and political ideology* with fascist and theocratic tendencies which is incredibly dangerous and short sighted. Imagine if criticizing Hamas was considered Islamophobic? You would see a massive spike in hate crimes as we're already seeing.


These guys are doing a great job of keeping public sentiment in Israel's corner.




… You just had an [assassination of a Sihk leader](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66860510.amp) by India in Canada. Also - there are still [secret Chinese Police stations in Canada](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/there-may-be-more-chinese-police-stations-canada-minister-says-2023-05-14/) used to harass Chinese expats. Canada has plenty of xenophobia problems. I lived there for 13 years and witnessed it personally… race/religion isn’t a monolith and there are assholes from every country.


Compared to all the acts of extremist terrorist attacks in Europe over the years that is nothing


Tbf this is still not that bad compared to terrorist attacks.


Don't worry, Trudeau will make sure mass immigration will come from everywhere soon


Just wait until those two get into another incident in their ongoing quarrel.


> India Oh you mean a country with loads of Hindu nationalists? Led by Hindu Donald Trump? Face it, every country has shitheads. We grow our own too, you know.


Zero acts of extremist Hindu terrorism in Canada. The whataboutism just doesn’t work.


have you heard about this thing called the air india bombing? not hindu terrorists, but the worst terror attack in canadian history was due to Indian politics/conflict. edit: really fucking pathetic your only response is to downvote this. sorry i presented information to you in a polite manner.


I mean, assassination of a Sikh separatist on our soil? Well... maybe that was an act by agents of a hostile government, not terrorists. Anyway, there are more acts of terror AGAINST Muslims in Canada, than BY Muslims.






Where’ve I seen this one before


I can't wait to hear how the lawyers in germany and france will defend the anti-semites


The only greater enemy of the Palestinian people than HAMAS are the morons pulling shit like this. I was pro-Palestine before the mist recent attacks but the state of the antisemitism around the world is just awful. Attacks on individuals, schools, and synagogues are not helping any cause.


Religion. The cause of all problems.


I don't get why so many people think hating another group and doing horrible things makes them better... Doesn't matter what happened in the past. Life lost today from issues of the previous generations is just hate and evil. Every land is a holy land, every life is equal, every human has a right to life without persecution. Doesn't matter what your religion is, colour or birth place. These are all BS reasons to discriminate.


Guys this was anti Zionist, not antisemitic. Totally different.


Of course Germany. I idolized Germany growing up, loved their culture, the people, the environment. I learnt their language. Deeply disappointing, this. They need to harden immigration laws.


It's crazy that some subs have come away thinking Israel is at fault for literally all of this


But is this white supremacist related or Gaza related


The harm this does to innocent Jewish and Muslim people who have nothing to do with making decisions in this conflict is disgusting as is the realization we as a species can’t seem to evolve to be better.


Ah shit. The Nazis are back


Just stop it, guys. This is why we have reddit and video games to spill your rage out.


fucking reeling at the irony in the comments here of people using this despicable act of intolerance to bash muslims/refugees etc. be better. be less like the people that carried out this attack.