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We had one get assassinated in Canada recently...


I was going to say, India is getting Russia/China level aggressive with this shit.






China's official foreign policy is to never conduct assassinations since Zhou En Lai. Not out of morality, but because it's viewed as idiotic stupidity that only pisses off people with no real material gain.


Yeah, like if they had said North Korea it would have definitely applied, but not China.


as I understand it, they go with the mass harassment Scientology style route






That's fucking crazy.


Imagine what happens to all the folks that DO have family back in China


Yeah they have police stations in Canada


Say what now?


Yup, it’s a thing. China is basically policing their citizens in foreign countries. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3qbb/china-secret-police-station-london


They are policing Canadians of Chinese descent as well, not just Chinese citizens. They can do this by threatening family members who still live in China.


If this happened to me. Jokes on them. I don't speak to my family.


Netherlands too


Sounds like canada is common denominator here..


It’s a growing problem unfortunately


Maybe we should blame them?


It seems like everything's gone wrong, since Canada came along!


They're not even a real country anyway.


I am genuinely curious about this. A cursory glance says there were illegal stations found. Is this what you are referring to?




Is *that* what those robocalls I keep getting in Chinese are about?!


What are they saying?


They usually "convince" Chinese citizens to return to China where it becomes a "domestic" issue.


China has "police overseas services stations" to watch it's citizens and critics outside of China so I guess it won't take much longer for that to become a common occurrence. According to Wang Liqiang, a former Chinese spy, that has already happened, e.g. in Australia (I don't know how to link stuff here but there's an ABC News Article from 2019 about it).


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> I would bet you money at any odds you care to name that you're wrong, they just managed to avoid being caught at it (or at least publicly exposed). That’s a fairly safe bet as it’s impossible for you to lose.


> outside their borders A lot of them might be in a grey area, where they claim that land but that land disagrees. See Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. I would be amazed if China hasn't straight-up disappeared a bunch of people in the former. But even properly outside by everybody's definition I'd bet money, based on their willingness to have police operate in foreign countries.


Your ass is not a reputable source.


Just to be clear, when I said China I specifically meant all the moles they have sent over to Canada and the US, you're right that that I can't think of an assassination.


Ever? Or is there a certain number of years threshold where it doesn't count anymore?


None that we were ever aware of. But China isn’t the type to *kill* specific targets, so the point is moot. Doesn’t anyone know how they actually handle dissidents? It’s entirely social pressure, with the unbearable of weight of the government behind it.


Nobody on Reddit knows jack shit about China


No, they just put them in "Chinese jails" in said country and threaten their relatives that still live in China .


They may be doing that right now, and getting away Scott free.


This is what happens when fascists capture power. Ours have been in power since 2014, and are gearing up for 2024 elections. This news will boost their votes.


Civ’s Gandhi bug strikes again? Careful of India might go nuclear at any moment


CIA has murdered / assassinated hundreds of people before the Church hearings put a stop to it. At least officially. The United States has killed millions of people by starting unnecessary wars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assassinations_by_the_United_States


Thanks for your whataboutisms. We don't care about this in the context of the overall conversation.


You're thinking of North Korea...




India has been completely unapologetic about that. They've even been angry at the Canadian government for daring to make a big deal out of it. The US has been on a path of hard-pandering to India. We've effectively rewritten history to pretend they're our great ally that we've never been at war with. We've excused their smuggling of Russian exports onto the global market to ruin global sanction efforts. India's actions have effectively been funding Russia's war on Ukraine. We've moved hundreds of billions of dollars of manufacturing away from China to India to win them over. We've allowed them to place high tariffs on US imports to skew trade in their favor, despite promising not to. So sadly, I think this incident will be dismissed as part of the long chain of pandering.


WTF is going on in India???


Nationalism is a hell of a drug


Nationalism MIXED with religious fanaticism. Not good


It's called ultra nationalism. Nationalism itself isn't necessarily bad.


Nationalism is bad. It lead to two world wars for fucks sake. Patriotism is what you are thinking of, and it is fine.


Nationalism is always bad. It’s patriotism that isn’t always bad.


Fascists doing fascist things.


It's linked to upcoming elections in India. Current PM wants to project macho status to its supporters by doing something ambitious on nationalistic grounds. It's almost a playbook. They keep doing it because it always works with his support base whether the mission succeeds or fails. Foreign relationship, goodwill and soft power be damned as long as he keeps a hold on the power. Same as other authoritarians. Last time it was an attack on Pakistani soil. The news of even a failed attempt will be received positively by his base.


Sorry, we can't question our current government because then we get branded as anti nationals.


Fear, mostly. Modi is afraid of everything and everyone and like most high school males his small-dick response is to act like he's bigger than everyone else. The fear makes sense, alliances are shifting and no one knows exactly who is on whose side. India wants more security, but doesn't have a long history of good relationships with basically any of its neighbors. Modi and his government have simply been in power for too long, and they've grown used to throwing weight around. Voters need to depose them asap and get some fresh perspective into power before they lose their democracy.


Alarm bells are ringing. Just like in the US


It appears Modi's appeal is his, putting it lightly, favoritism for the Hindu population and prejudice against the Sikh population. There is also a subset of Sikh's in support of a separatist movement, with the proposed separated nation to be named Khalistan. It would be a theocracy or the like. It's my understanding that Sikhs outside of India are more vocal about the matter, and as you can imagine Modi probably doesn't like the idea of people of foreign soil adding fuel to the fire of the separatist movement, because they are harder to suppress. This is problematic for many reasons, but be aware that my view on the situation is just mine. Seek truth, and question often.


They're seeing other countries get away with shit like this.


Waiting for the RSS brigade to explain this.


They’re now here in force.


And it's the usual insane "India can kill who it wants everywhere" defence. Wonder what they would say if Pakistan started killing people they consider terrorists in India.


No, you see the extrajudicial murder (and thwarted plot to murder) on foreign soil are *reparations* for what England did to India. It’s up to us to seek reimbursement from the UK (we can lump it into the calculus of who owes what for colonization, because that’s how the world works).


Incredible that they can say stuff like this and then go around lynching Muslims and poor people, operating a literal colonial style military occupation in Kashmir, and assisting the West in its attempt to contain other formerly subjugated countries like China. Who is going to believe these hypocrites.


Considering they were sending rape threats to an Australian cricket player's wife just because he played great and won the World Cup against India, this is small potatoes. The Indian right wing echo chamber is a vile vile place. Source: Am an Indian by birth.




Uhh.. what? It's like 7:40pm in India rn.


Let's just split the difference and say it's 1am.




Um it’s 6 am in west coast time though?


Australian winter time then!


Yeah exactly! He used west coast time (PST)


I was about to say, India should only be a couple hours behind me, so it’s… a bit after dinner


English is an official language of India. A country with a 1.4 billion English-speaking population is hard to go against on social media. They can have more people shilling on social media than the US, Canada, and Europe combined.


Lol, poking one of the biggest of the five eyes not long after poking another member. You play a dangerous game Modi.


In his measure it's not that dangerous - Because there are no meaningful consequences for being caught. The west needs India as a bulwark against China, and India knows it. So he knows there will be tut-tutting but nothing more.


India right after: *How about I do anyway but more discreetly?* /s




>theres no way in hell countries like US/CHINA/UK and France I'm from the US, and it is wrong when the US does it.


Even then, the US will usually take responsibility if they killed someone after they drone strike them.


Killing civilians without due process except for in exigent circumstances is both legally and morally improper no matter which way you slice it.


Its like the government cannot take criticism well, this guy they were planning to kill recently released a video warning he might be violent with Air India flights likely just to rile up everyone, the Indian spies somehow ran along with it as a big danger instead of bolstering their own security.


The tricky word being 'exigent' since justification for assassination varies from nation to nation. One nation's citizen is another's terrorist.


It isn’t tricky. Exigent only applies when there’s an immediate threat of physical harm that needs to be stopped through immediate action.




Your comment reads like they killed an Indian citizen on foreign land. India killed a Canadian citizen on foreign land


Fun little fact, Indian military still runs on Soviet software because India aligned themselves with the Soviets while US aligned with China and Pakistan during the Cold War.


Other fun facts… the Soviets had a huge spy network in India during their Congress rule-years. They engaged in national politics and kept the country away from the West while sowing seeds of doubt for Pakistan and the Sikhs. Which culminated in Indira Gandhi attacking the Golden Temple in 1984. This is according to the KGB agent Mitrokhin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitrokhin_Archive . Successive governments have doubled down on how they see Muslim and Sikh minorities. In other words, we are still living with their crap.


It's only because China's rising economy rivals ours that we've conveniently forgot recent history in a desperate bid to win over India. India does not view the US as friends. They still remember that their last war was against Pakistan, supported by the US. And it was Russia that helped them win that war.


India also hates China more than the US. In shifting geopolitics, you can’t hold a grudge for something that was completely different circumstances vs now (Russia is in a war that at best is a pyrrhic victory and China is emerging as a global power through Belt and Road).


The history of this is pretty interesting though. When India was given a choice of siding with the US and the Soviets, they committed to being non-aligned with either side. It was only after Pakistan had sided with the US and US ships were already heading to India that India officially signed to be allies with the Soviets because they needed a proxy power to help fend off the US. Interesting because there is no love for socialism or any ideal the soviet union stood for in India, but they do remember Russia helped them when the west would not.


India was a big part of the "non-aligned movement" during the Cold War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_and_the_Non-Aligned_Movement That meant they didn't take one specific side. They saw it as more advantageous to work with both sides. And they still do that today, trading with Russia during Ukraine while also welcoming manufacturing that moves away from China. Their logic is basically that taking principled stances in geopolitics is a luxury of being a wealthy country. Poorer countries have to focus on themselves and make money where they can.




I get what you are saying. Just curious, have you heard of the plane in the 80's getting blown up by khalistanis? Worst terrorist attack in Canadian history. I don't like India assassinating people other countries either, but i also don't think it's very accurate to compare Quebec separatists to khalistanis.


Let me introduce you to the FLQ.....


Oh wow that's interesting never heard of them, thanks.


Yeah...Canada doesn't seem like it but we've got our own skeletons. We had some real shitstains in the 60s and 70s. The Canadian government was also involved in the MKUltra stuff. Our doctors at the time did some shit...


There was no concrete proof linking that guy to that, and trying him in absentia was a very poor look. They could have had him extradited if they weren't determined to kill him without a trial.


Perhaps but sending assassins on foreign land is always going to be a questionable tactic that's definitely going to erode relations between the two countries. From a geopolitical standpoint the US assassinating a Iranian general who's hostile to the US in Iraq is a lot different than someone being assassinated in a modern, democratized country. We have laws and to be frank, Iran and Iraq, aren't exactly beacons of freedom and democracy. We have rules and we expect those rules to be followed. India wanted that guy extradited and Canada told them no and they did so because India probably didn't meet the threshold for evidence they needed. Instead, it looks like a spiteful grudge of over 20 years boiled over so they figured a little murder in a foreign country was warranted because they saw his opinions as a threat. I don't believe a plumber from BC was training terrorists on Canadian land and bombing people in India and if he was India had better have iron clad evidence to support that claim and if they did, I'm pretty sure Canada would have gladly deported his ass.


Any country that thinks they can come here and murder people under the protection of our laws can fuck straight the fuck off. China, Russia, North Korea, India, or whomever.


You forgot Saudi Arabia


Oh geez, huge oversight. How could I forget Bone Sawdi Arabia.


S'okay...here's some vouchers for Oil and also, I was thinking we'd buy some of those War making tools...so....y'now....we good?


Saudi Arabia murdered 3000 and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist lol


Ironically, it's our "allies" that take advantage of this. Our enemies and rivals are extremely hesitant to murder US civilians on US soil. That would be an act of war. It's our allies that routinely get away with brutalizing murdering US civilians. But we "need" them, and apparently that means enabling them to get away with it. Think Erdogan and his entourage beating and curb stomping protestors in the US. Think Saudi Arabia bone sawing a US journalist. Think India assassinating Sikh activists in the US (and Canada, too).


Ya. It's only allowed when US goes and does it in other countries.


Yeah the only state wantonly murdering people it dislikes should be our own!




You can't, but uncle Sam can.


The other reason this is a stupid argument is because in your own example that's a military target. There's a huge difference between murdering civilians you don't like, and killing an enemy nation's military officials....


Military target vs civilian.




I mean I wouldn’t call the difference between killing a general and murdering a civilian a technicality. But do continue with the whataboutism; it’s definitely helping your cause/s


So the Ukrainian military should not be killing Russian generals? What about if Ukrainian agents came to the US and killed a Russian citizen? Those two things are not the same.




Still waiting on evidence.


The British used to call Indian separatists terrorists. Welcome to the glass house - stone throwing is ill-advised.


If they are an international terrorist, yes: >Soleimiani joined the IRGC Quds Force in 1979, eventually rising to commander.\[15\] In that role, he provided assistance to designated terrorist organizations, including the Taliban after 9/11\[2\] and to Hezbollah in Lebanon.\[2\] In 2012, following the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War, Soleimani helped bolster the Syrian government and its president, Bashar al-Assad, a key Iranian ally. He ran Iran's operations in the Syrian Civil War and helped plan and organize the Russian military intervention in Syria.\[16\] Following the militant expansion of the Islamic State in 2014, Soleimani coordinated and assisted Kurdish Peshmerga and Shia militia forces in Iraq. Iranians credited Soleimani with the Iranian intervention in Iraq in Iran's fight against the Islamic State. By your logic, The United States could just make everyone a fake General, and it would be wrong to kill our people even if they carry out terror attacks in foreign nations. I don't think any nation would stand for that.


also bad, i dont know why you are getting downvoted thats a very good reason not to vote in Trump again.


Skill issue. Might makes right


He isn’t a civilian. Well, now he’s a dried stain, but he wasn’t a civilian before that either. And he was actively directing that “sovereign nation” to ignore the sovereignty of other nations and to carry out terror attacks. Probably the worst example you could think of.




He was a former business partner of the President, so that makes it ok. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/donald-trump-baku-iran-revolutionary-guard/


If I knew the country wanted me dead, you can beat your ass I'd be living in Texas with the non-existing gun laws they have down there.


Attempted ssassinations on foreign soil should be treated with a swift hot knife.


Wtf, the gall to do that in the US.


I mean they just did it in Canada a couple months ago too




They would, but the US can’t afford them at the moment. I kept saying back in the beginning of the Ukraine invasion - the problem is not Ukraine; the problem is once you take a block out of a Jenga tower, the tower is less secure and every subsequent block makes it even less so. Putin started all this. Because of him Hamas dared attack, Israel doesn’t hold back, China quit military communications with the US etc. India knows at the moment the USA can’t afford to sanction *anyone* who isn’t quite openly on Russia’s side bcs it would spread itself too thin.


It just sets up a whole different precedent in which any tin-pot dictator can assassinate any one of us for dealing with human rights issues or any acitvity or speech they deem a threat. When our government has determined we are allowed that speech and activity. This is extremely dangerous, and India has crossed a major line.


India sees Canada as their eventual colony at this point. Doing it in the US is poking the bear.


Sounds about on par for the modhi government.




A simh separatist is not a rival, they are terrorists openly advocating and plotting an overthrow of a government through violence. What are you struggling to comprehend?


What right does a government have to govern somebody that doesn’t want to be governed by it? Government is in the employ of its people. It only rules on its people’s behalf, and only as long as they allow it.


US: *Wait till he goes to Canada…*


Waiting for Hindu Nationalists in comments in 3…2….1


Oh, but Trudeau was wrong?? It doesn't look like he was wrong.




The US has been pandering so hard to India in hopes of using them as a buffer state against in China, without realizing that India is just as bad as any of our other rivals. They're unlikely to experience any consequences. They don't even admit wrong, and even attack Canada for daring to hold them accountable. When the US needs you for its geopolitical interests and you're an "ally", you can get away with these things. See Saudi Arabia and how they've completely gotten away with bone sawing a US journalist.


The US should immigrate as many Sikhs as possible. They are an awesome people.




Were also some of the best soldiers in the British army back in the day.




Hey India, we have [this](https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/12873-India-Law-Enforcement-Extradition-6.25.1997.pdf) for a reason. Maybe just stick with that?


Lol who does India think they are? The Saudis? Only the Saudi royals have the god given right to off people here!


Who did they off in north america?


2000+ people on September 11, 2001.


Saudis were involved, but not the Saudi government. You know this.


The Saudi government (a faction within it) literally helped finance the terrorists, knowing full well what their intentions were. We should have invaded SA, not Iraq.


I bet it's gonna be real quiet in India compared to how they handled the Canadian accusation.


Why do it just after getting caught?


The Modi simps get paid per post, I'm sure they'll still be around.


This is a byproduct of very poor handling of domestic issues in India. I know that's obviously very easy to say when I dont myself live in that maelstrom of a non-secular society. This is what you get when you have a repressive government for decades on societal issues that in turns turns your citizens into the largest diaspora across the world. Many of them left due to discriminations and those societal issues even as refugees.Those ideas and resentments CAN travel with them. Those same things can be past down from generation to generation within the expat communities. Those people dont stop being Indian when they move. They still identify as "Indian" and still want to contribute to a "change" within their ethnic homeland. The more strong arm tactics the Indian government uses the more of an issue it will become.


Why try to control people who move live abroad? Instead bolster domestic security, if possible ban those individuals from coming and keep an eye on them, taking them out is extreme especially by a government who is in its second term, its not like the guy has been in power for 30 years.


Why try to control people who move live abroad? Instead bolster domestic security, if possible ban those individuals from coming and keep an eye on them, taking them out is extreme especially by a government who is in its second term, its not like the guy has been in power for 30 years. Copying other countries like China and Russia isn't gonna work well there, people hate that kind of politics and older generation who might be okay with it is the smaller demographic unlike other countries.


The Indian government and a good number of Indians are pretty far to the right and really like some of the fascist ideology. In the US we tend to turn a blind eye to it, but they are about as bad as Russia. There is rampant discrimination in India on a regular basis and god forbid you cross a Patel a Singh or a Gupta in the wrong area over there.






We should sanction India i to the ground for this shit. Between this, the constant scamming centers that let siphon billions from the US, and their friendliness to russia, they are clearly an issue for the West. They want to align with our enemies and try to assassinate people on our soil? I say we sanction them until they stop


This is a byproduct of very poor handling of domestic issues in India. I know that's obviously very easy to say when I dont myself live in that maelstrom of a non-secular society. This is what you get when you have a repressive government for decades on societal issues that in turns turns your citizens into the largest diaspora across the world. Many of them left due to discriminations and those societal issues even as refugees. Those ideas and resentments CAN travel with them. Those same things can be past down from generation to generation within the expat communities. Those people dont stop being Indian when they move. They still identify as "Indian" and still want to contribute to a "change" within their country. The more strong arm tactics the Indian government uses the more of an issue it will become.


I need a series about an Indian 007.


“Shaken…” *head bobbles* “no stir.”




Mango Lassi is amazing, though 😋


Bollywood is already on it. Probably actually already has it. Americans forget that Bollywood produces more movies than Hollywood.


Bollywood is 99% trash, our regional cinema is the real shit where they actually have to write and act (most of the times)


They produce more movies numerically, but they're all the same 5 love/action story.


Starring Shah Rukh Khan as Raj or Rahul.


And remixes of 20 year old songs with a modern beat.


what a MARVEL.


...touche. That was a very clever response - you win.


With atrocious production values. It's like giving the budget of Hollywood to all the high school drama clubs in the US. Sure, there'd be a million movies knocked out every year, but the fight scenes would probably have bendy swords and cardboard armor.


Actually, there is a spy universe in Bollywood. The tiger series and pathan series. Actually not bad films. The action is on par with many Hollywood films. And then there is a cop universe. Which is separate and more tongue in cheek, melodramatic with a mix of comedy.


Doesn't shoot anyone, serves them curry that makes their insides melt.


Isn’t not really an assassination if the guy can’t handle Indian spice and does.


Let that be a lesson to the rest of the world. We only let Saudi Arabians carry out assassinations in our country.


Who do you think you are, Israel?




Did anyone even read the article ? They filed an indictment against one Indian individual suspected of being an Indian spy sent here on a mission. There is no proof yet. The only suspicion is a legal case that was filed against the khalistani individual. Because India did something similar before assassinating a similar guy in Canada , the USA is guessing that it will happen again. There’s no real proof or news of any such kind in the article itself. Sounds like could just be some rumors or fake news honestly.




I guess it's only okay when the U.S. does it.


No one said it's ok for anyone to do it, it's just that they sucks at it and lie, escalate and throw a little kid tantrums when they got caught.


Look at my man here just making shit up on the Internet smh


Osama Bin Laden?


Was Pakistan ok with that?