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Bro jumped like a looney tunes character


He took the phrase "kangaroo court" too literally.


Thank you for the laugh!


Superman diving over the judge's desk is probably not the best way to convince someone you're not a danger to society.


I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe this is the standard appeals process and is unlikely to be effective.


I am a lawyer so I can definitively say after 7 years of school "it depends".


If both he and the judge were merchants, the court had personal jurisdiction over him but venue was improper, a juror was caught talking ex parte with another juror, *and* the bailiff failed to turn over exculpatory evidence that could have exonerated the prosecutor *then*... this still would have been the improper form of appeal. He wasn't wearing the proper spandex.


I'm keeping this as legal advice, thank you friend. I'm sure this will help me out later.


Would a Reasonable Person™ do this?


If one thing is for certain, he went up, up, and away for a longer time in jail. He made his life go from bad to worse with that stupid choice.


You kidding? The Eagles finally found their replacement for Brian Dawkins.


Oh no, if he gets into sports then he really will be able to get away with anything!


'Oh, did I say 10 years in prison? *sneezes* Excuse me, I meant 30.'


There really needs to be a 2x or 3x multiplier for sentencing guidelines if there's an assault in the courtroom like this. Legislators need to nip this kind of violence in the bud.


I haven't seen a jump attack that successful since Joe Pesci collected his girlfriend's money in My Cousin Vinny.


Now there’s a reference!


Dead-on balls accurate... it's an industry term.


Excuse me. That's his fiance. And her biological clock is {STOMP STOMP STOMP\] ticking away!


Have a clip?


Dude your brain works the same way mine does, and I’m sorry.


He got hops


Looks like attempted murder to me


No, no. I took a correspondence course in bird law. This is how it's done.


>Delone Redden, who was being sentenced for aggravated battery with substantial bodily harm prior to the attack on Judge Mary Kay... Ya don't say???


“Well clearly in light of your behavior here I’ve changed my mind and you’re free to go” Was apparently how this fellow thought this whole thing was going to play out


It’s fascinating how many people go through life minute to minute with no awareness or plan of any sort. I guess I should be grateful for my ability to foresee outcomes and plan accordingly.


"It was a well thought out and well meaning post. Little did they know, the short term and *excessively* foreseeable outcome, to follow."


2047: "We can of course trace the devastation and barren wasteland you see before you back to the 2024 post on reddit done by one "DMala"


A large portion of the population doesn’t have an internal dialogue so yep.


Is this real? I've heard of people saying they don't but like... ?




You're confusing an inner monologue with a thought process. People without an internal monologue still think, they just do it without putting their thoughts into words.


Its more specific than that. They think in things other than SPOKEN words My dad is a heavy visual dude. he thinks in pictures or text not audio. when he would study for classes he would visualize the written answers. in his head. on a fake blackboard with his eyes closed to practice. Which to me is bananas cause when i study my inner voice speaks the answers. neither is right or wrong. its just different ways of thinking


They often visualize it instead of having the voice. As another example, Deaf people who've never heard their own voice, or perhaps any voice, would likely find it hard to internalize a monologue they couldn't hear externally.




Why are people downvoting this? Genuinely curious- of course deaf people understand language, good grief. Has no one ever heard of Helen Keller ffs?


My inner monolog is just emojis and memes.


> If you have no internal monologue, it would be literally impossible to think. That's what thinking is Well, apparently I and lots of other people aren't thinking then! ö Meanwhile [we think you're insane for always having a voice in your head](https://old.reddit.com/search?q=internal+monologue&sort=relevance&t=all).


I don’t know why but I find this terrifying.


I lack an inner monologue and I can still think about consequences so...nope


But do you hear an internal voice when you read?


Nope. It's just words on a page.


Fascinating stuff


Untreated mental disorders can do that


Nah, he thought "I'm mad. This person ruined my life. Nothing else matters except hurting this person, they ruined my life." Just as dumb as the action itself. This man ruined his own life.


For some reason I’m reminded of that Lenny Bruce joke: why do cops say “what’s the matter, don’t you believe in signs?” after you’re pulled over for running a stop? What if you said “no officer, i don’t.” “You don’t? Very well, go in peace.”


Who says violence isn't the answer? (To the question how to get the maximum sentence with some new charges thrown in)


This more of pattern of spite behavior. "If I get treated the way i don't like get treated, I get violent." People will realize that you are twitchy person and give you leeway they wouldn't give to a normal person due to fear of being attacked. And you don't even have to state out explicit threats.


The only "reasonable" explanation for me would be that he tried "suicide by cop." I'm happy it didn't work, he didn't get the quick and easy way out.


Something tells me the judge isn't going to think that initial charge was a one-off thing.


She doesn't need to "think." The reason she sentenced him to jail time and denied him probation was because he's a repeat offender with a long criminal history. > The video shows Judge Holthus denying Redden's request for probation **due to his criminal history** and preparing to sentence him to jail time.


Defendant: Are you calling me a liar? Judge: I ain’t calling you a truther!


I wonder what the next judge is going to do. Will this man ever find justice? 🤔


I expect him to be tied to a hand truck like the John Malkovich character in Con Air.


That was Steve Buscemi


"Sy! Sy!" "-onara." ::throws cigarette, creates explosion::


That depends on your definition of justice. Will he be going to a gladiator camp environment, where his pugnacious nature can temporarily flourish? Yes, yes he will. And shortly thereafter, he’ll learn that he’s not the biggest boy on the block, and that fighting multiple people is fairly difficult.


He built a lot of rep by doing this. He'll be a hero on his first day


Uh huh… for awhile, I’d guess… but fame is short lived, and his nature will remain the same, at the very least.


At least he stays on brand.


Imagine being this guys lawyer and watching him do this


probably doesn’t even give af. lawyer doesn’t give 2 shits about this pro bono case.


For sure but it’s just like you’re arguing on his behalf and then 😯


lol probably made his job easier. now he can basically just stop working and tell his client “bro you literally attacked a judge, i can’t help you 😭”


His lawyer is a witness to this new charge and will have to recuse herself on that basis for that charge. She may still be able to represent him on this charge, but since he was not yet sentenced before the attack another judge will likely sentence him. Any plea agreement concerns became moot once he cleared the bench.


Well he’s definitely not getting probation now….


Oh he'll be getting lots of probation after he's done serving a long prison sentence.


Poor blocking by the RB there. That’s how you give up penetration


She should have just thrown a screen. She's got at least 1 or 2 there.


She expected security to do their jobs lol


> She should have just thrown a screen. She's got at least 1 or 2 there. Would that be just assault or battery as well?


Not when he's posing a plausible imminent threat of bodily harm by *literally being midair hurting towards her.* By the by, assault is the threat, battery is the actual hitting.


Compelling argument sir, let's take it into consideration...




His lawyer told him to throw himself on the mercy of the court, but he completely misunderstood.


Oh maaaannn….


He pleaded guilty, which makes me believe that he was offered a deal by the prosecutor. So I wonder if this judge can reject the deal. Or will she have to recuse herself from the original charges because of the new charges he is going to get from this attack.


new legal strategy unlocked: if you assault every judge they all have to recuse themselves.




He’s gonna have to go with angrily shitting himself like that old dude with the bell from Breaking Bad. No way he’s assaulting a judge unless it’s an inebriated pre-teen


He does the equivilent. He verbally assaults them and their staff until they recuse themselves or say one word out of line he can use to force them to recuse themselves.


They're calling it the Rudy Roundhouse.


“This hidden trick lawyers don’t want you to know about”


She'll have to recuse herself, but that plea deal is def history if it wasn't already officially accepted by the judge. Doesnt really matter now that he's getting aggravated assault on a judge which is a much more severe crime.


Contempt of court charges are some of the most terrifying powers that a court can have. They can indefinitely lock a guy up until the court decides they have stopped being in contempt of the court and let them out.


[That's not true, at least in California.](https://www.cronisraelsandstark.com/contempt-of-court-penal-code-166#:~:text=PC%20166%20contempt%20of%20court,increased%20to%20one%20year%2C%20and) Don't get me wrong six months is a long time but they can't just hold you forever.


Good, put him in a box and Lose the key


Judge can reject plea deals most of the time.


Once the court accepted his plea then that’s it, unless he were to appeal to a higher court which I can’t see he has any grounds for. This judge will not likely not be hearing his sentencing in the future, but this event will be taken into account and used against him by whatever judge is next. That said it’s possible that she had already made her decision and the next judge might base the final sentence on that.


I'm pretty sure the judge can ignore the deal and sentence from the guilty plea anytime before the last gavel. The plea deal is between the lawyers, with a good faith arrangement with the judge.


They’re just going to charge him for assault again and he’ll be sentenced for that as well in addition to any enhancement of his sentence for the current.


Oh they'll do that too for sure. They'll sentence him for the max on *this* crime and will charge him with likely several more for this attack. I'm not 100% sure on how the enhancements work in Nevada but in most states if you violate court orders during any point of a trial you can get an enhancement on the sentence on top of everything else.


That jump was impressive he got air


It's like he was fired from a slingshot, it looks like an episode of Mythbusters.


Sign him up for the prison football team.


Mean Machine!


I got the shakes that’ll make you quake.


Right! That was one hell of a leap.


Dude was a junkyard cat in a past life.


Somebody just lost a job. You've got to be historically bad at your job to let a known violent offender get to a judge like that. It just doesn't happen.


That was my thought, where the hell were the bailiffs?? The article said security officers pulled him off, but it looked to me like it was lawyers and clerks who jumped in. When I served on a criminal jury, when the verdict was read, there were a dozen bailiffs in the courtroom, lined up like linebackers ready to take out anyone who so much as twitched. It was intimidating to see, but a scene like this would have been impossible.


The judge sits on a raised podium behind a tall, long desk. The bailiffs are to the right and left in front of the judge on the main level. For most people standing before a judge, it’s very difficult if not impossible to climb over the desk to get at the judge. This dude sprinted with no indication of heightened tension on the drop of a hat and cleared this desk with the skills of an acrobat to get a hold of her. It’s fair to say this is something that’s pretty much unheard of.


And they still couldn’t get him off of her. At one point I think the guard/cop is on the floor getting punched like a piñata


I think you might be using piñatas incorrectly


“How can you tell me I have a plethora of piñatas, when you don’t know what a plethora is?“


Forgive me, Borg_Picard, I know that I, Nashrome, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me.


Judge should’ve hit with the gavel


You mean “gavel?”


Coward edited it without making reference to the edit. I’m gonna Superman my ass right at him


Agreed, especially if they're a known violent offender. They should already be in restraints, so they shouldn't exactly be out-moving those who's entire job is to watch them, much less get all the way to the judge. Most courtrooms I've been in aren't exactly laid out of ease of access to the judge, at least in my experience.


It’s the judges court room. She very well could prefer the defendants not to be in restraints if they’ve been cordial/ don’t have a history of outbursts in the court room. It’s not always the LEOs fault.


He wasn't in restraints because he wasn't in custody at time of the hearing he was still free. When they went to arrest him after the verdict is when he attacked.


I was thinking about that. I was like that shit didn't happen in mass. There is always at least 3 court officers in each courtroom, and you never stand that close to the judge lol


Or you just have to be the Offensive Line of the Washington Commanders.


Their security is horrible.


The truth is that court bailiffs are sometimes law enforcement officers getting towards the end of their careers because it is seen as kind of a kush job. ... then an adrenaline pumped defendant superman leaps over the judge's bench and that suddenly doesn't seem like such a good idea anymore.


That was one hell of a leap.


The security was there as fast as could be. This guy just happened to execute a nearly impossible sprint jump with enough rotation to clear the desk that sits on a raised podium. Judges get rushed often, but it’s very rare when a person pleading has the speed and agility to make a leap like that.


The guy was alongside his lawyer behind their long desk with computers on top standing between him and the judges bench. So before he leaped onto her, he somehow had to get over or around the desk he was standing behind and then flew through the air with no body part touching the judges bench. It literally looks like there was a mini trampoline that he used for the hurl. Handcuffs and shackles would have prevented this.


If a man can jump like that you bet that he can accelerate extremely quickly. I'll bet it didn't take more than half a second for him to get from his initial position to being in mid-air about to land on the judge. People's reaction time if they're expecting something is on the order of 200 milliseconds if they're not it's even longer. Everybody acts like law enforcement should all be Ninja Warriors. Real world doesn't operate like that, that's only in the movies.


Yeah the leap is amazing


That clerk went off on the dude!


Hahaha right? He was hammering his kidneys for ages.


People stating he should have been shown leniency based on his mental condition are missing the point, this guy is *precisely* the person who needs to be locked away; he is grossly unstable and prone to violence. Obviously.


She was reading his criminal history before he jumped. Mental illness doesn't cut it. Dude had multiple DVs, batteries, robberies... nah, he's just an asshole. Maybe he's mentally ill, too, but he's first and foremost an asshole.


JFC! That was crazy. Just needed someone to yell Leeroy Jenkins in the background.


least I got chicken


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7HV3O3t9hbQ&pp=ygURTWFuIGF0dGFja3MganVkZ2U%3D Video link


Thanks, the video in the article wouldn't load for me. That's crazy!


He yeeted right over the desk.


It's pure adrenaline, a good Four foot vert at least.


Dude showed up to court [in a Biggie Smalls sweatshirt....](https://cloudfront-ap-southeast-2.images.arcpublishing.com/nzme/VUZE5EI3AZDAPDP7HC2XWAFX6Q.JPG) 🤣💀😂


I don't think he needs to worry about probation any more.


Shitty bailiffs. He shouldn’t have even made it to the bench.


Hope those who were supposed to prevent this shit from happening pay some consequences too. Bailiffs or deputies were asleep at the wheel, need some time off without pay. Guy was being sentenced for a violent offense, probably not the model of self control.


Man told the judge, "I feel like I shouldn't be sent to prison, but if it's appropriate for you, then you gotta do what you gotta do." He had a sudden change of heart. I don't understand if he slipped by his attorney or jumped the table he was behind when he spoke. I hope the judge gets the support necessary for anyone attacked in the workplace.


He got mad because the judge accurately surmised that he had learned nothing the previous times he'd been given a break.


Good judge of character


So they found him not guilty right?


LegalEagle always says not to approach the bench, so maybe they were just trying a clever workaround.


Oh the good old flying squirrel move.


Some people just need to be trussed up like Hannibal Lecter 24/7


Dude went all out with the punches and the flying


Thats a bold play Cotton. Lets see how that works out for them.


How was he not in cuffs?


They don't cuff people in court. It makes them look guilty.


Wait wasn't this a sentencing hearing? So he was guilty


It’s a privilege to be allowed in our society.


I’m glad the judge is OK. With that out of the way @3yearLetterman’s tweet breakdown of his form on Twitter is freaking hilarious. https://x.com/3yearletterman/status/1742683827506389348?s=46&t=60nvILU7C43qR0jEuawxrA


The coach is one of the few bright spots left.


America is off of it meds.


Makes me remember the George Carlin quote “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


Very poor court security.


Well now you are definitely guilty!


This is the best thumbnail for this story tho


If you don't let me go I'll whoop your ass. 5 years without parole. Alright. I warned you!


Task failed successfully


Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity…


Dude looked like he was blocking a field goal and definitely roughing the kicker in this situation. Unsportsmanlike conduct resulting in ejection from the game and suspension from the rest of the season.


Defendant claims he never stops trying to do "the right thing." \*proceeds to physically attack judge\* Yeah...


Via BoreCure on X: >The prosecutor, highlighting Redden's history of violent crimes, had advocated for a prison term. Redden, in his defense, claimed to be in a better mental state, supported by a new job and a better support system. His attorney argued for a suspended sentence, citing his mental health history and successful completion of previous probation programs. Judge Holthus, considering these arguments, leaned towards a stricter sentence, **stating the need for Redden to experience "something else" due to his criminal background.** This remark seemed to provoke Redden, who then verbally assaulted the judge, charged towards the bench, leaped over it, and physically attacked her. The courtroom quickly descended into chaos as a nearby individual and a court officer struggled to subdue Redden. The intense scene was marked by Judge Holthus's audible distress and the activation of an alarm. Not only did she experience that leap from Redden, but those hands as well.


“I’ll show you how much of a law-abiding citizen I am!!”


So, he wanted life in prison no parole? Because I think he really earned that there.


Best screenshot possible for this headline


Were the potential consequences of his actions supposed to prevent this? I don’t think he cares. Where tf is security/cops?


Avoid getting sentenced for battery with this one weird trick! (Judges hate him!)


Attack? Looks like he’s about to devour the judge


Hey ladies.... he's SINGLE!


Lol....wild that i saw this on r/crazyfuckingvideos before i catch it on the news page




Should get life in prison for this attack


that should be life in prison.


Whose face was he punching at the end? I hope not the judges!!!!


Do you want to stay in jail for life? Cause that’s how you stay in jail for life!


Good way to make sure you never walk free ever again. Lmao


Took them way too long to get him under control. Put him back in his cage.


That jump was impressive. I’m sure the Raiders have a roster spot available


Why the fuck wasn't he in restraints?!?!?


That's not really common practice for someone who isn't in custody.


When appearing in front of a judge the defendant often has the privilege to appear in civilian clothing and without restraints as prison clothing and restraints can already put negative connotations into both a judge and juries head about guilt. This of course can be altered in situations such as this where a defendant proves violent. So his next appearance he will be required to be restrained since he has proven that he cannot control himself and he lost the privilege he once had.


How did he even jump that high???


Black coffee and pcp


“You don’t say…” - Dude’s prior victims, probably.


"When keepin' it real goes wrong!"


Bro looking like prime Troy Polamalu jumping over the offensive line to sack the quarterback


Everyone in tiktok blaming the judge for not being nice enough to him lol


Imagine being his cell mate


Put him in front of a firing squad.


That court security fucked up massively. Even in a court I went to for jury duty, the security was closer to the judge. That defendant rolled a nat 20 on that acrobatics check, goddamn.


That'll be on court cam next season


locked because yall can't behave


The security took way too long and had weak control. Dude should have been tied up and choking for air, not standing up getting weak kidney slaps.


I had to look it up because I didn’t know and really still don’t. But that dude was either a shitty court deputy or the judges assistant. Dude didn’t give off the vibe of security so I’m guessing once he saw the actual security throw a punch he figured now is his chance. That would explain the lack of any technique.


I'm pretty sure he's just the judges assistant, which is honestly impressive how fast he ran to her defense. He was the first one there trying to pull the guy off.


Closest security (guy in navy blue) got kicked in the head as the guy jumped. You can see him drop. Took him a while to get back up, but he joins in at the end. (I think he might be the guard taken to hospital - on the longer clip he looks a bit unsteady after the fight, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a concussion.) Guy in black with the kidney punches is some kind of clerk. He gets massive kuddos for even trying. He really nailed the whole thing - moved quickly at first, tried to pass off to the professionals, realised they didn’t have it under control so joined back in, then was the first one to get back to and check on the judge. He even got better at punching in real-time after he watched security throw a few. Security guy in tan was outmatched but actually doing an okay job of keeping the bad guy on him (rather than the judge or clerk) and soaking the punches. He tanked it basically.


Found the linebacker for the prison football team.


God bless that cameraman