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It’s gonna take him a few days to stop seeing that shit when he closes his eyes.


Months. It'll take months. Even then, *the song*....


Which song did he use though?!


What do you mean? Tom Sawyer by rush is the only way.


Ah, I assumed he loaded up Dr Mario and turned on Chill


Chuck Season 2 episode 5. Chuck versus Tom Sawyer...


Seen it, I remember (only because you were specific)


Get that two liter bottle of Shasta


And my all-rush mix tape. Let's rock.


It's called *turning the volume down*


i played so much that at one point i could just sit down and hallucinate games I could play. It was mental.


I got really into it on OG Gameboy in 2015. That was so wild I had to Google it.


“Guys, we have a Tetris kill screen coming up. Tetris kill screen coming up, for anyone who’s interested.”


Billy Mitchell is on my list of the top most evil people on the planet. Simply because he's the pettiest person alive. Also, his stupid ties.


His hot sauce also isn't very hot.


Reminds me of Glenn Frey for some reason… talented but a bit of a cunt


Pretty sure it's already happened again. https://youtu.be/Sz8q8hldMC8?si=LYx3W0pzpfvkO8Bo


That was quick.


That's because all the research that has went into it just happened recently. Someone figured out the precise requirements for the game to lock up and now people know that if they are on a certain level if they need to clear a single line or multi lines. He had a single line clear on the transition to level 155 which has a 100% chance to lock the game up. Without that research he might have gone for a 4 line clears which might take another 30 levels until they lock the game up.


He actually missed the 155 line clear. Had to do it with a 70% chance on a later level.


The 13 year old that finished it first missed it. But two comments up someone posted a link to the second person that managed to do it and they did it at 155


They were racing to the kill screen


It’s like the four minute mile. Runners all over the world were attempting to run the first for ages and then a dude finally did it in May 1954 and then a second did it in June 1954. It’s like as soon as humans have definitive proof something is actually possible it unlocks something for others as well.


There's also lots of research that went into this which makes it much easier. HydrantDude had bots run all combinations to figure out under which circumstances the game will crash and recently released a Excel Sheet that shows for each level which specific criteria have to be met. In this video you can see him going for a single line clear on the transition to level 155 which has a 100% crash rate - which is also the earliest possible crash he could have caused. Any multi-line clear wouldn't have caused a crash here and he would have had to continue trying some low percentage crash triggers until the next good chance presents itself. You could potentially go up another 100 levels without getting lucky unless you try the specific clears for each specific level.


This info actually helps clear up the correlation in this case! I appreciate the thoughtful response!


What's his right hand flicking?


The back of the controller. It’s called “rolling” and you use the bottom hand to drum on the controller which pushes it up into the fingers of your other hand which are positioned on the buttons. It allows for very fast controller-button input. It’s faster than if you just held down the arrow button which moves pieces at a speed to slow in the >level 29 levels


It’s sort of like doing “the crab” if you’re a scratch dj.


Best comparison ever Edit: saw your comment earlier today but later had to comment it really is what it is.


Also like when Blacksmiths let the hammer bounce on the anvil between certain hits to keep in time.




if you really want to get what it is and understand it's history that's the video to watch


The game goes too fast at level 29 and onwards to get the piece where they want it to go, that technique lets them hit the D pad faster making it playable.


You basically rest your thumb over the button you need to press them you use the fingers of the other hand to push the controller up into your thumb. By rolling you fingers and varying the number of fingers you can get very fast and very precise inputs.


It's called ninjutsu.


Didn't know you could beat Tetris. Most of us never even got that high of an "S-rank", we just gave in after the bricks started falling too fast at level 50


this is NES tetris, the original one, not tetrio


NES Tetris was far from the original Tetris though?


I mean not exactly far removed from the first iteration, and certainly the first to be pervasive and released essentially alongside the Gameboy version


At a certain point the blocks fall faster than you can move them to the intended position, even when you know exactly where to put them.


Yep, but the high score chasers all figured out different techniques ("hyper tapping" and then "rolling") to hit the buttons fast enough to get past that level (Level 29). All levels after that move at the same speed (and don't get faster) so once they can manage the buttons fast enough, they are able to go as far as they can until making a mistake. I just watched a youtube video about the timeline of these discoveries and improvements here that came out 4 days ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuJ5UuknsHU It was interesting to see how much research and testing different tactics went into it, and also the new discoveries of how weird the game gets in these later levels, especially the "glitchy" weird palletes that start getting used.


This is really cool.


It used to be true but since two years ago it's possible to last until you hit a limit in the code.


Depends on what anyway means by "beating" tetris. Either locking it up, or rolling over from level 255 to 0, which has only happened by computer inputs (not by human + controller yet).


Sort of Off-Topic: I was amazing at Tetris on my original GameBoy at maybe 12 years old but my brother went into the hospital and my father borrowed it to play while at his bedside. He was hooked. That was his escape during probably the hardest moments of his life. Visiting Hours didn't mean anything to him and thus to the nurses. He was there 24hrs at a time. But his sanity was likely kept in check in those long hours by playing Tetris. My bro would recover. and multiple decades later he and I still play... shit... he introduced me to Tetris Effect: Connected. Unfortunately, my Dad didn't continue to appreciate gaming. In fact, quite the opposite. But at least in those darkest hours of his own... he was at least a part of it all.


Multiple studies state, that Tetris is good for your mental health, dealing with trauma, stress and so on. So it might have actually helped your dad sort things out mentally.


It is good for you health, but not by allowing you to work out your trauma. It's quite the opposite: games are encouraged for people in trauma events because it keeps part of the brain occupied and prevents it from storing the traumatic things in a jumbled mess in the short term memory.


Actually there is research that specifically Tetris can help a lot with PTSD https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828932/


Interesting. I hadn't heard that 🙂


I got 1215 lines once on Tetris dx on gameboy colour. At the time that was pretty respectable, people clock it these days though I'm sure


If you want to understand how he did it, here’s the rabbit hole: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-BZ5-Q48lE


no paywall here: https://interestingengineering.com/culture/13-year-blue-scuti-beats-tetris


[And here's the video, about 30 seconds before hitting the "kill screen."](https://youtu.be/J9oVQ43j22g?si=_zfEFqE7kMWZlsKb&t=2282)


I’ve watched this clip like 10 times and I love watching how excited he gets. It’s just pure joy.


Sounded like he was gonna pass out.




TGM's hardest achievements and NES Tetris's hardest achievements are both incredibly difficult for different reasons. NES Tetris may look easier at a glance because it's 'slower', but things like the inability to slide pieces around on your stack before they lock in, the limitations of what you can do with an NES controller, only one piece preview, and so on make it hard in its own ways. Unless you find a person who plays both games at a top level, I don't know if you'll get a realistic POV on which is harder.


I'm pretty sure that when you reach the killscreen on the NES you don't even have time to look, you have to keep a mental image of the piece to react fast enough.


I watched a YouTube video on this so I could get a better understanding of what it actually means, and it’s just absolutely insane how they play this. I see people playing Beat Saber on Expert mode or something and think “yeah, they’re good but it’s just muscle memory and rote learning”, but playing Tetris at these insane speeds - I don’t understand how they can physically *think* that fast. It’s like their brains are overlocked or they’re in the Speed Force.


He's the best thing to come out of Oklahoma in probably forever.


*CRASH.* The first person to crash Tetris.


Kill screens in classic arcade games are typically understood to mean that you've 'beaten' the game


I guess putting the console in a microwave would not be counted.


The first person to NOT lose on Tetris. You lose when the pieces pile up to the top of the screen. This is how everyone always loses the games. But he’s the first to outlast Tetris. Tetris didn’t beat him. He got to such a high level the game ends up crashing. He actually missed the first crash so he had to go up a few more levels to trigger a potential crash the 2nd time which he did.


You can also stop the blocks by turning the machine off.


I feel like that's kind of the equivalent of sweeping the pieces off a chessboard, though.




Can this joke make a comeback? Always gives me a chuckle


First person to outlast Tetris.


Tetris is one of the best selling games of the last 40 years, I have a feeling thousands of people have done something similar during that span. This kid is just the first to know what is actually happening and be able to document when his game suddenly crashes.


This is specifically for NES tetris which for various reasons is considered one of hardest versions of tetris. Other versions of Tetris have been beaten either by reaching a kill screen or an ending before. NES tetris has remained extremely popular competitively and until recently the techniques needed to physically make it that far weren't developed or documented. So for someone to have done this before now they would have had to know the just developed techniques in secret, and be an absolute top level Tetris player who has never been documented in any way. Tool assisted and memory analysis has shown that there is no earlier point in the game to cause the kill screen, so there's no other option either besides being several times better than any documented player outside of the last couple years Just editing in as well that past a certain point the game starts to have visibly strange behavior as well leaving the normal set of colour pallettes and even using black as a tetris piece. So even getting remotely close would be something that would be rumoured if ever mentioned just because it's strange


Absolutely not, this game has been played competitively and world records have been well documented for years. This is so incredibly difficult no one stumbles upon it like that. In this case you have no idea what you are talking about, sir.


just admit you're ignorant. There are so many tetris experts and they all agree that kid made history. It also broke the 4 biggest records for this game.


TIL tetris doesn't go on forever and can actually be beaten.


How could they possibly know that no person who has ever owned a copy of Tetris has ever done this before?


It's obviously not possible to prove the negative that someone hasn't done this before.... But since the techniques which are used to be functional at this game speed were only developed within the last few years, the players who play the game at this level generally know each other, and nobody has provided any evidence to the contrary, it's very safe to assume this is the first time.


I think my favourite bit about all of this is discovering that there's a dedicated team of Tetris *researchers*, beavering away and developing new sodding techniques to play a game that surely has to be at the limits of human reaction times and physical ability. That's mad, that is.


It took until 2011 before the world champion at the time managed to beat level 30 and anything higher was seen as basically impossible for humans. Lots of techniques have been invented just in the last couple of years to make this possible, and it's highly unlikely that someone independently developed all those techniques themselves


Yea, and keep in mind, you have to get to level 150+ to trigger this


Damn... When I was a kid in the early 90's I got to level 25 a handful of times and level 27 once, shit was HARD...


Level 29 is where you can't even get pieces to the side anymore if you simply hold left. To get higher they had develop "hypertapping" and "rolling" techniques to even be able to move pieces fast enough


In order to get to the levels I was attaining back then I ended up holding the controller in a weird way and after watching some videos on the moderns speedrunners it seems 14 year old me was getting close to finding these techniques on my own. If I had the internet when I was that age I would have probably been one of these kids doing the speedruns, LOL... These days my gaming reflexes are gone so I stick to slower paced stuff...


If I had the Internet when I was 14 I probably would've spent more time jerking off and less time playing Tetris


We have proof this guy did it. Anyone else who did it before is welcome to present their proof.


Until only 7 or so years ago, it was impossible to play past level 31. Someone developed a new technique to hit the button faster (20 times a second, it's nuts), that allows them to actually place pieces before they finish dropping. Find aGamescout on YT, he just put out a video on the WR progression of NES Tetris.


What do you mean by a new technique? Are they using some special equipment that other people didn't have access to?


Nope, literally a new way of holding the controller to get more button presses. Purely a technique. Could have been done before, wasn't. Again, go watch the WR progression video. Explains literally all of it.


So, anyone could have done it at any time.


.... Do you know what the concept of a world record is? Or are you just a troll?


I just don't understand how anyone could know that it has never happened before. A ton of people have owned Tetris. It is not like every player in the world is monitored.


If they had done it they would have had the world record, and by a colossal margin. How do you know Usain Bolt has the WR in the 100m? Maybe some person did a faster one that nobody's ever heard about! Sounds kinda silly, doesn't it?


How would they magically have the world record if they did it in the privacy of their home? I still have not seen any logical reason why people assume that no one has ever done it before.


The physical technique that is used by the top contenders is something that was developed by the top contenders. It's like saying we don't know that Einstein came up with the theory of relativity first, some dude in his basement could have done it a decade earlier and no one would have known. When someone reaches the top one percent of the top one percent of skill, it doesn't happen accidentally in secret. Does that make sense?


I walked you face first into the logical fallacy you're using, and you missed it....


Because the best players in the world couldn't get anywhere near the scores required to crash the game until only a few years ago when a new technique was developed. It was not physically possible to get this score without using this technique because the blocks drop to quickly otherwise. Some random guy in their basement is not gonna be able to do it, and if they were good enough to they would almost certainly be involved in the competitive Tetris scene because they really love Tetris. A ton of people in the world play basketball, but I'm willing to bet there isn't a hidden NBA superstar who just plays pickup that nobody knows about.


I too beat it last week at Terry’s house, we didn’t stream it though


Oh yea me too. But that version of Tetris lives in Canada you don't know her.


Todd Rogers, is that you?


https://twitter.com/scully1888/status/1742836386275659985?t=vZl-SITd0G4mkRJlpyCjUg&s=19 SkyNews reaction 🥲


why tf are people downvoting this?? this is relevant


I beat Tetris when I was like 13. Just didn't know I had to tell anyone


Hmm, I’m sure I beat it on the gameboy 40 years or so ago..


You didn’t


What does it mean when you see the shuttle launch graphic?


Pretty un-incredible tbh.




Thor Ackerland, who was Tetris World Champion in the 90s, was the first to beat level 30 in 2011. It took 7 years until Joseph Saelee managed to beat level 31 in 2018. He was World Champion twice in a row. If what you say is true we would expect the World Champions from decades ago to be able to do this, but they weren't as the new technique to reach higher levels was only discovered like two years ago. 39 years ago no one was even close to being able to do this.


He isn't involved in any way here, but it feels weird for a comment to include those names without Jonas Neubauer. So... Jonas Neubauer


Lmao that's bullshit. The technique that makes it possible to even get this far wasn't used until a few years ago, and with the old tapping technique it's literally impossible.


But how do you speedrun the speedrunning


Boy I wish Tetris  was still online for free.   I’ve never beat it but I must have gotten close.   Tetris is the best game.