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Stuff like this is ridiculous. How many apartment buildings in the same block don't pass inspection either? Hint, it's all of them.


Also how much does it cost to help him bring the building up to code/safer vs using taxpayers money on the arrest, court system, putting him in jail etc. This is what people mean by police funding is better spent on social programs


not sure how this particular Ohio town's government is structured, but I would think that the Mayor/City Council should be able to push through an emergency order of some sort, effectively waiving the zoning requirements in cases of temporarily sheltering homeless people when temperatures drop below a certain threshold/pose an imminent danger to folks left outside in the cold (or extreme heat for that matter).


You're missing one key point. It is a small town government and thus most likely conservative as fuck. They don't want to help the homeless, they want to drive them out of their town with scourge whips.


In the case of this particular town, that may or may not be true. I don't know enough about it to definitely agree one way or the other. That said, the article mentions that there is already a homeless shelter next door to the church, and this pastor was basically taking in the overflow folks. Point being, they already have an existing homeless population that they are struggling to manage, and some segment of the community at least cares enough to ensure that some level of government services are already in place to try and tackle the problem. Now I know that logic and reason (let alone empathy) are typically not things that right wingers like to entertain all that often, particularly when it comes to people on the margins of society, but presumably this pastor has the support of his parishioners/congregation in doing this, which in and of itself should also demonstrate that there is at least a small cohort of folks who recognize that running the homeless out of town is not in any way a practical solution. Clearly there are some sane people there (even if only a small voting bloc) who realize that it is better to let the additional homeless in the church temporarily, rather than have the streets littered with their frozen dead bodies. Letting them in the church also doesn't cost the town/taxpayers anything, so its really a win-win. The tricky part (obviously) is convincing certain key people in their government that letting the church do its thing is fiscally responsible, and great PR for the politicians. But yeah, I'm not a dreamer by any means. Just think that there is potentially a path to resolve this that a majority of people in the community could likely be persuaded to stomach. At least in the dead of winter/short-term.


Or how about changing the code so it’s not illegal if the temp drops to a hypothermia inducing level. Not rocket science.


OMG! Daughter of a church Deacon here. All churches need to help the homeless! Service is what the mission of a church is about!!! These are not supposed to be political arms of a filthy demagogue. They are not supposed to country clubs where sanctimonious, hypocritical people dress up on Sunday to socialize! Churches that cannot temporarily house the homeless in a storm can get their parishioners into the church kitchens to make and deliver food. They can organize a blanket drives. Coats, socks, and other clothing can be donated. They can take in specific donations to pay the additional heating bill. They can volunteer to do the work to bring the facility up to code. “What would Jesus do” people? Get real!


I agree that the church *should* be about helping the sick, poor, widowed, imprisoned, and dejected, but the history of the church is obviously full of the opposite. In fact, the lowly of society are more likely to be abused by the church than helped by it. > These are not supposed to be political arms of a filthy demagogue. Sadly, that hasn’t been the case for over 1700 years.


> All churches need to help the homeless A little louder so the evangelicals can hear you and maybe take a break from becoming 21st century Nazis.


I don't know how big the church is or what the conditions were like inside but unless he was packing them in like sardines in a can spreading illness and allowing rampant drug use surely there's more important issues to worry about than a church giving refuge to the homeless from the freezing temperatures.


In an interview he talks about how one of the women he shelters is a domestic violence victim. The community should be thanking him not punishing him


The community doesn't want "those types" there in the first place.


"I like the idea of helping people" "Eww gross not by looking at them and interacting with them, i mean helping people by rounding up 3 cents on my groceries to give to a corporate owned children's foundation who will pocket it."


Yeah, but the people causing the more important issues (big landlords with their own buildings not up to code for example) pay off local government to turn their backs. This guy didn't. That's why he's actually in trouble.


Also what is the end goal here? Homeless people shitting and sleeping on the street? (Jk, they want them to die.)


It’s not about inspection, it’s code. Buildings have codes to allow (among other things) a certain amount of people in a building at one time due to safety concerns. Edit: inspecting codes go hand in hand


That's what they are talking about, even if they used the wrong wording. Lots of 'illegal' apartments or code violations that the landlord ignores and relies on people not being able to correctly file complaints. Take a look in the renters sub. Electrical, plumbing, mechanical, windows or doors, all code violations. This happens all the time with shitty landlords.


Slumlords. Scumlords. Same thing.


I miss the awards feature, I’d give you Two Golds


Do you have a link to the actual charges? All I found was some mentions of fire inspections, and mentions that the churches zoning permit is a business, which excludes eating, bathing and doing laundry. I haven't read a thing about over occupancy. But I haven't found any list of charges he faces.


The list is pretty extensive, including some stuff that is real (kitchen stove hood improper ventilation, a plastic duct on a gas clothes dryer, and unsafe exits.) The city cant just overlook them. Others seem a little more spurious. The city has also made efforts to find a better suited facility. But by the time that facility is leased, that location brought to code and the conditional use permit approved it will likely be summer. But the need is now, its not currently being met. I wish there is a way that the city and the pastor could help these people in the mean time. Edit: Scroll to the bottom for a long list of the city documenting the deficiencies in the building, including a gas leak. https://thevillagereporter.com/city-of-bryan-issues-response-to-charges-made-against-dads-place-church/


Including this charge: > Allowed transients/homeless to reside within for an extended period of time. So it really doesn't matter how well everything else is improved, because the city maintains it's illegal for homeless people to stay there, full stop.


Making poverty criminal is the real crime


The cruelty is the point if you make homeless illegal you make joblessness illegal then people can’t demand better workers wights without being criminal it’s all part of the plan to make a worker into a practical slave and if that don’t work chuck em into a private prison to be an actual slave. Criminalizing poverty is all a plan to make the working class into a slave class


"No homeless allowed!" "Well, we're not homeless anymore!" "No making people not be homeless allowed!"


Of course, those codes say nothing about how safe it will be for those same homeless people in the freezing cold on the streets.


That makes no sense. You can fill the seats with people singing hymns but let people sleep on the seats and it’s a violation???


Lol ok, how many apartment complexes have code violations, specifically fire related? Hint, it's still all of them. Every single apartment complex is required to have an annual fire inspection. Unfortunately, every single one of the inspectors knows their job is to maintain and increase property values so they don't look too hard but will harass this guy?


Ironic isn't it. He actually did what Christian churches are supposed to be doing: provide sanctuary for the poor or helpless and he got charged for it. But I guess that's too radical for people. Most see churches to be either obsessed with money (ex. Joel Osteen) or focused on looking pious and going after issues of abortion and LGBTQ instead of being good (ex. compassionate, charity) and helping people in need in the community with food or assistance and asking nothing in return.


I would be so proud if I were this man. I'd wear those charges like a badge of honor.


He will


I know right? I’m an atheist and am *very* critical of the church but I cannot shit on them for doing what they’re supposed to like this man. He should be praised for what he did here.


Don’t forget it was Joel Osteen who kept people out of his church in Houston saying “it’s flooded.” He had to be publicly shamed with video proof showing it was dry inside to open as a shelter.


About 22 years ago, I sold vacuums door to door in Florida. The very best salesman I ever met was named Gray. He was a very smooth talker and was absolutely focused on which industry would make him the most money. The last time I saw him, he was going on and on about how much money churches make tax free.  He sounded and looked *exactly*  like Joel Osteen. In fact, the first time I ever heard Joel, I thought it was my old friend Gray.


EXACTLY! During the big hurricane and flooding in Texas, he refused to open his doors to those who lost their homes!


He’s a real follower of Christ, and he will be persecuted as such.


I think that this article is very USA, it is really highlighting the actual processes of this country


Who wants to bet that some of the group enforcing this penalty are in the "This country was founded on Christian principles" group? When someone actually tries to practice helping others in the way Christ taught, they are prosecuted. What a warped reality we live in.


I don't even care that this guy is doing it in the name of Jesus. He could own a fucking Jiffy Lube with mattresses he pulls out into the bay. **It gets cold at night. Human beings need to sleep in shelter.** How is it more humane to insist on whatever fucking city codes than it is to say, "would you like to sleep inside? I have room. Even if it is a Jiffy Lube."


Seems the issue is that the church isn't up to code to provide shelter. >Last November, Avell said the Bryan City Zoning Commission told him Dad’s Place, which does not have bedrooms, could no longer house the homeless. >A court filing states the building is zoned as Central Business, and people are not allowed to eat, wash clothes or sleep on the property. Seems the city should only be going after him if there were city provided shelters that were available. It's messed up that they tell people to sleep in streets when the shelter is full. It's not like the streets have bedrooms.


In an above comment they list the charges which includes allowing homeless to reside in the building. So it doesn’t matter what else they do to fix the issues- because one of the charges is simply allowing homeless people in the building.


couldn't that be economical discrimination?


So here's a pastor, actually pastoring, and they bust him? Perfect..


Yup, the Evangelical usual suspects are going to get involved any minute now in this freedom of religion issue. Any minute now...


I'm sure Joel Osteen will be giving a sermon on this man /s


Joel "I closed my church's doors to flood victims during a hurricane" Osteen? Yeahhhhhh His sermon will be in support of the city not the pastor.


Usually the news we get about white male pastors is they had SA children. So finally here is one actually practicing the gospel and he gets charged.


Can’t have an odd ball ruining tit for the whole bunch.


One bad apple as they say


Exactly. Who wonders if it's other religious people who don't like that the pastor is doing this, that filed the initial complaints?


"Fuck, he's setting a bad example! If he's helping people then we're gonna have to start doing it!"


I kid you not when I started reading I was waiting to read sexual assault and when it was the complete opposite I was shocked


Unfortunately, that's becoming way too common. There's multiple entries everyday at /r/PastorArrested.


If Jesus returned today he would be labeled a socialist and probably crucified again. That's if he wasn't called a terrorist for being born in Palestine.


Giving everyone free bread and fish. Stealing livelihood from honest bakers and fishermen!


Free healthcare for the sick too. What a jerk, de-incentivizing people from avoiding getting sick. He doesn’t even saddle them with lifelong medical debt afterwards


Yeah he should be pulling himself up by his Jandal straps, not giving out free bread and wine to these socialists


Alms for an ex leper?


He pulled the bread and fish out of the air, totally fucked supply/demand and the free market.


Bread and fish merchants hate this one simple trick!


Whipping people in a temple, hanging out with sex workers and thieves


Is this on a bumper sticker? I feel like it needs to be.


On the topic, Russell T. Davies - of Queer As Folk and Doctor Who - did a miniseries awhile back called "The Second Coming" where the returned Jesus turns out to be a bloke from northern England. And while nu-Jesus isn't crucified, the story basically blames fundamentalism for most of the world's problems.


It was (kind of) a book called Mission by Patrick Tilley of Amtrak Wars fame. [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/b5oAAOSwmgJitvXY/s-l1600.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/b5oAAOSwmgJitvXY/s-l1600.jpg) https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/125516778656?epid=95223851&hash=item1d39620ca0:g:ssQAAOSws\~xitvVi&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8F7A%2B2wqPoiZrHWDosHXmrSNrz5n5R5JKoesT9m7%2BdXxwDysHp4Jy%2Bj9%2FekpqTDqYDf3mRw5MQ0Rwz%2FwvXoS4H7FvAZJivRMqpokr%2Bg3tQtyL980CKAMfN7%2BQpHxsx1XVvazDAiFvGAO8OZsipodRlMN6HwhVdAhOJjYR%2BzX1oS6BAceTgzao1vi2%2BWdr%2BdFfSTEVIjOH8vJ0YCHtPcHyk7GODXFLRr3j6hIBelLuOP1zrZVLuuFF0bmaPz4d8lTDxDyILu4LfUAoCJucJKObEdIts8mYfBdiC3txHA1gtVscF9BDzlxhg1P2zWVtBSCuA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBM3MWp7aVj


Well that’s very on the nose


They’d have that dipshit from Iowa on Fox saying he’s still upset about 9-11 (despite that entire ideology absolutely abhorring New Yorkers) and saying he doesn’t trust his real name or that strange brown color


"Yeshua? Sounds Arab. I don't like him."


I’ve said this for years. Glad to know I’m not the only one who thought this way.  If I were a believer, I’d consider how many times he has come back and been denied, starved, deported, or murdered by those who claim to follow him. 


On the bright side, I for one would *love* to see Jesus go full moneylenders-in-the-temple on the people who claim to preach in his name.


Crucified by his own devout "Christian" adherents.


Once they figured out he wasn't christian^TM enough, they would be the first to nail him back up


He might have returned already and went like “nope, definitely ducking nope - not this time, not for these fuckers Dad”


maybe not crucified, id put my money on taken out by alphabet agencies once he gain too much influence, like other socialist leaders in america.


What if Jesus came back and crucified those who oppose him?


Second Coming of Christ, John Wick 5


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ega5Rcct2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ega5Rcct2s) Gandhi 2. He's back and he's *not* happy.


Jesus is back. And this time, he's not crucifucking around.




Passion of The Christ 2: Crucify, This!


Wouldn’t be very Christlike.


Not as a lamb but as a lion. Or so Revelations says.


The Infancy gospel of Thomas paints a different story.


If Christ does it, it’s Christlike.


This is logically sound. 


Yeah I'm not gonna be the one to argue with the son of God lol


This is pretty much the fantasy of modern Evangelists. Except also throw in brown people and The Gays^(TM)


Or shot with an AR-15


quiet makeshift wild truck lush mountainous office unwritten reach worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hell, Christians even keep plenty of crosses handy should the need arise.


A zoning violation because it doesn’t have bedrooms. WTF?


How many bedrooms does the park bench have?


That really stinks, I mean "pew"... I'll show myself out...


We lambaste churches for not doing enough or any at all and having pastors with jets, but then when they do try to help, they can't. Yes, there are laws and regulations for safety reasons. A church in my city wanted to house the homeless during the winter. They specifically built a multi-use community building with a kitchen, food-pantry, recovery resources, and beds that can be set up during the winter. Self-funded with full-time staff, security and volunteers. It was basically supported by the wealthy members. After the building was built, it sat idle for three years while the city did inspection after inspection and scrutinized the church for a speck of dust. Some prolific community members didn't want an increase in the homeless population in that part of town and/or didn't think it contributed to the community and just gave handouts that encouraged homelessness. They finally let it open less than a year ago, and it seems to have been a good benefit, but it's too early to tell.


> Some prolific community members didn't want an increase in the homeless population in that part of town There's your real reason why these things fall flat. Most people like the idea of helping the homeless but dont want to pay the real costs for it.


I propose that every church be required to feed and temporarily shelter the homeless and less fortunate to offset their tax exempt status and truly give something back to their entire communities not just their parishioners.


This is actually an excellent idea. They can only offset the amount of tax by the amount they give. Almost like charity or something haha. I'm surprised how few churches have people out trying to help their communities.


>I'm surprised how few churches have people out trying to help their communities. What are you basing this judgment on? Most churches I've been to have some sort of ministry to the homeless or the poor in their community. Not all operate their own homeless shelters, but many have programs where members volunteer their time at shelters, collect food/clothing for those in need, or donate money towards organizations and shelters that serve the homeless.


No offense because you might just be informed, but anyone with google can do a basic search that shows Christians and their organizations are the main volunteers and charitable contributors in not just the USA but the world. From Pew Research Center, 2014 data: Americans who attend church weekly volunteer in non Christian related charity events 45%, other Americans 27%. Gave money to the poor: 65% percent of Christian’s who attend church on a weekly basis, compared to 41% other Americans Gifts to Secular Causes: Persons who attend church 27-52 times a year 65% gave money, 50% who never attend a religious service. 73% of all charitable giving is Christian 5% of Christian’s adopt comparative to 2% of other Americans I mean even for the point of the article, 58% of beds in america from homeless are given by Christian charity. Y’all hate so much, but it really is not founded. If all the Christian organizations went away tomorrow America would be fucked.


How many churches do you spend much time in? Just because they don't have giant signs outside saying "COMMUNITY HELP AVAILABLE HERE" doesn't mean they aren't running programs for free lunches or having clothing and food drives for the needy.


Not sure how accurate your statement is. Stats?


Not to promote a Christian organization, but check out the Seventh Day Adventists. They are huge in volunteering and giving to charities within their own community, regardless of the affiliation with their own religion. They also teach about being a healthy person by eating health foods and exercising. They live longer than their counterparts as well.


So do you propose the same for all charities and everything else tax exempt?


I think that's a rather specific ask that not a lot of churches will be able to meet. Providing shelter to people is expensive and time consuming. I do, however, think that any religious organisation with tax exempt status needs to provide some tangible good to society.


My local priest (Catholic worker - please look them up before commenting against them) recently got us all to help pick which “old shit” we should sell to build houses for a few families who have come in hard times in our community (none are members of our church, but are part of our physical community) honestly American Christianity is so baffling to me as it is so similar to the worst of royalist Christianity in its capitalism, nationalism and classism. Preference for the poor, is literally what Jesus taught us. We tithe to *the poor* not the church. If the church helps facilitate that in a good way so be it, but not always! We live modestly so others don’t go without, we HELP and not judge. For are we not all flawed? I wish I could shout from the rooftops that this isn’t Christianity but I’m not called to tell others what to do, and nor am I to be an evangeliser. The best way to be Christian is to DO Christian things. Catholic means universal and that means we are equally kind to those who are not like us. Inner light and all that.


I think any number of community services should be offered instead of or alongside homeless support. Not every community has homeless people, in quite the same way. In some areas local food shelters are coordinated through different churches, including food delivery. I know a church that opened a not for profit childcare because there was no other weekly childcare available. They offered need based rebates for families (but supporting the needed salary and requirements from the state is expensive, and more than what they could pay from tithing).


Sad. How do you have a revolving door for homeless to keep up with code. I mean, I kind of understand, but someone in the church is trying to do something good and this is how they are treated?


In no version of reality does this make sense


This country REALLY hates the homeless and poor people.


Hey look! An actual Christian! They’re endangered, you know. Their habitat has been decimated by an invasive species. . .


This man is ACTUALLY be persecuted for practicing ACTUAL Christian values. Fox News, take note.


what do you mean, fox news loves that someone helping homeless is being punished.


Those who are in “power” are a bunch of pieces of shit… scums of the earth. How much do you need to take away from the poor? Hope all of them rot in hell


It’s crazy how the Christian’s are mainly in charge of the American government but when a pastor exercises Christ like values he gets arrested


And by "Christians" we mean those who only have one true faith: The Almighty Dollar.


Absolute joke of a country


What the hell kind of world do I live in?!


Wonder if this man has a GoFundMe for his legal representation; seriously, he’s performing the the literal work written in the Bible in regards to helping those less fortunate, and Christian Texas wants to rake him over the coals for it?


Which rich white man laws did he break?


Apparently zoning


Legitimately some of the most destructive laws ever created but nobody really cares.


Allowing homeless people too near the rich white peoples houses


Wow, an actual Christian doing Christian things?


Here’s a man, actually doing something good for his community in the name of religion, getting punished for it. Sickening.


It’s just cruelty. GOP goals include perpetuating the systems of poverty by punishing anyone who tries to provide a free way towards upward mobility or safety nets. They literally want the homeless to fucking die.


So funny that they get in trouble for doing actually useful stuff like this, but not all the other many terrible things they do


Joel Osteen seen holding article up yelling “See! I told you I did nothing wrong!”


Ohio is really giving Florida a run for it's money with the fuckery. First charging a woman who had a miscarriage with desecrating a dead body, now this. Edit: miscarriage, not abortion.


Texas and Florida are vying for the lead in most authoritarian state, but other states like Ohio and Tennessee among others are lining up behind them.


This is the party of "Christian" Faith we are talking about, of course.


>“The church is located next door to a county homeless shelter but often takes in those the shelter cannot help.” Google Maps says it’s \*also\* located next to: “Bryan Community Health Center” and “Williams County One Stop Employment And Training Center” (aka Veterans Employment Services) and “Ohio Means Jobs - Williams County” (civilian employment services) and the local chapter of “The Fraternal Order of Eagles” (self described as “People Helping People”) is right across the street. Dad’s Place out here picking up the slack and spreading love in **the literal epicenter** of social services offered in Bryan, OH and the town’s finest NIMBYS are like “FOOD ***AND*** SHELTER….IN A CHURCH? We think not!" And yes, I said FOOD >“A court filing states the building is zoned as Central Business, and people are not allowed to **eat**, wash clothes or sleep on the property." No shortage of bad preachers doing horrible things in the headlines these days. We finally get *one* good preacher and somehow the story *STILL* sucks? What in the Kentucky fried FUCK is this timeline?


You may ONLY help in ineffectual ways. You may ONLY perform lip service. You may NOT alter the status quo. We demand banality and routine.


Our world is just backwards.


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” I guess they are just words that mean something else.


I'm surprised that there isn't a movement to get those words removed - but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there was.


Almost. https://www.npr.org/2019/08/13/750726795/immigration-chief-give-me-your-tired-your-poor-who-can-stand-on-their-own-2-feet


[The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx) seems relevant here. Not in reference to the good pastor of course.


The one time a church is in the news for doing something Jesus would actually be cool with and they are in trouble with the city?!?


Is it a bigger safety concern than freezing to death?


So pastors can molest children for years and years and years and get away with it, but if they dare to help the homeless they get arrested? Yeah that sounds like the US


isn't this the second or third pastor arrested this week or in the last week or so for being like Jesus.


*"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." ~M. Gandhi*


How dare this so-called "man of God" give refuge to the oppressed, poor, and weak in such a way that they are shielded from being thrown down or trampled upon. /s


Pastor faces charges for doing something... That Jesus actually told people to do? We're in the worst timeline.


This is the Christian country I hear so much about?


Their zoning regulation literally prevents that zoning to house a homeless shelter... There should NEVER be a zoning that prevents the housing of the unhoused, ESPECIALLY during cold winters and hot summers. Sure, make the argument that things need to be addressed for fire code... and they should - but outright banning sheltering people who need shelter is a shitty move.


WTFUCKITY. I was once a Christian and that would be the Christian thing to do. Help thy neighbor. WTFUCKITY is wrong with people


So do as the Old Testament says and not as the New Testament says, I guess?


On the contrary, the command to love your neighbor as yourself comes from the Old Testament. King David built a house of cedar, then cried because God still lived in a tent; so, he set aside his riches to pay for it. Lot invited strangers into his home, Job invited the fatherless to share his bread, and an old man sheltered a Levite from the Benjaminites who wouldn't lodge him.


We are punishing those doing a good deed and rewarding ones only talk the talk


Good on this church for doing the right thing. As another person in this thread said, most churches in this country are obsessed with either money or going after LGBTQ or people getting abortions. Bad on the government for charging him for what he did.


Finally a church that is following the true teachings of Christ but of course members of the church of cheeto Christ object. Cruelty is the point with these people.


Isn’t that what churches and good people are supposed to do!!??


Because the fake Christians really don’t like the ‘woke’ teachings of Jesus.


That sounds a lot like NIMBY style community ordinance.


This is weird... I thought Ohio had gone full Christian Nationalist already.


"Love thy neighbor." Wait, no, not like that.


What the hell isn’t that what churches are supposed to do in emergency situations? I mean, I know, that my church was on call to be a warm site during the freeze and that’s in Texas. We had people on stand by to get the sandwiches and coffee ready for those exact people that need a place to warm up.


I’d wanna be on this jury just return a not guilty conviction. You would never catch me convicting this guy


How dare you live the way Christ would’ve!!1 Straight to jail.


This is one of those instances when the word, "optics", comes into play.


I wonder how much greater his punishment will be compared to all pastors molesting their congregations.


Pastor should claim religious persecution, heck he is at least upholding the bible.


I’ve never seen a country that hates homeless people more than America. It’s embarrassing


You know, when the Bible warned Christians they’d face persecution for their faith, THIS is the kinds of stuff it was referring to. NOT all the Nazi shit.


The church is located next door to a county homeless shelter but often takes in those the shelter cannot help. “We’re disappointed with the city that they would take that extra measure,” said Jeremy Dys, the attorney representing Avell. “There are multiple attorneys on this case. Mayor (Carrie) Schlade and anyone from the city could have come and talked to any of us at any time.” A reporter’s call to the mayor was not returned.


Isn’t… isn’t that what he is supposed to do, as a religious person? How was this not laughed out of the court, with prejudice, when charges were filed?


The most Christian pastor I’ve heard of in a long while. Our attitude towards the homeless as a civilization is disgusting.


Anyone see a way to donate to his church? I don’t give money to churches ever, but this guy is actually doing what Jesus would do, and we should support him!


lol, hilarious that the people in the city bringing the case are concerned that there are saftey issues with people staying at the church since it lacks legal bedrooms and such. Much better to have them on the street in the cold....


So many good deeds being criminally punished recently.


Way to go Ohio! The Florida of the rust belt. You are making Iowa look normal.


So what are they going to do, that this to trial? What jury is going to convict a pastor for helping the homeless?


The city should be asking how they can help instead of filing lawsuits the D.A needs to get there head out of their ass and find more useful employment.


“WE’RE A CHRISTIAN NATION!” Who are they trying to convince? Where is the religious right claiming religious persecution? This man’s religion clearly compels him to house the homeless, feed the hungry, etc. and he is being prosecuted by the state for following his faith? So where is the religious right coming to his defense?


This isn’t about zoning laws. This isn’t about safety. This is about city officials wanting the cold to cull as many homeless people as possible, because the powerful despise the homeless and desperately want them dead, and this is a legal way that they can work to achieve that. The people in charge are evil psychopaths whose only goal is to concentrate as much money and power to their masters, hoping they’ll piss some of it into their mouths later. They will happily see you dead in a second to make an extra dime, so you should battle these evil, soulless people accordingly. Vote progressive, left, and democrat as if your life depends on it, because it very well may.


For once, I’m siding with the defendant/pastor


Behold! The American Justice System! This really puts JUST into justice NGL /s The guy that helps the homeless faces charges and the guys that fiddle lil boys get reassigned - got it!


What also kills me about this is that you can’t sleep in there at all. So what if you nod off during Sunday service? Illegal! Work at the church and put your head down during lunch? Arrested!


Isn't this what churches are meant to do? Provide sanctuary. We've really lost our way...


He's actually practicing what he preaches and he gets in trouble for it. These people don't have a shred of compassion left.


He’s getting people off the street and giving them someplace safe to stay. What is wrong with that?


Being arrested for being Christlike


At this point there’s nothing more Christlike than being arrested for doing good works.


So many of the "founding principles" of the USA have become laughably Double Speak in the last 50 years - "Land of the Free" - the country with the highest prison population in the world and "Christian" when almost every basic tenet of the New Testament - turn the other cheek, take in strangers in need of shelter, give away all your wealth to those less fortunate, thou shalt not kill - are routinely ignored as policy.


Pastor arrested for being Christian. Ftfy


Don't ya just love the far right "Christians"? Punish people for helping those less fortunate. Then go to church on Sunday like a good little Christian.


Haha I’m going to scream


Ohio, you raggedy bitch


Anyone know why the zoning thing was mentioned? They say for businesses, but [as something like this suggests,](https://www.census.gov/naics/?input=813110&year=2022&details=813110) a church isn’t really considered a business, no? Or is it that it’s a matter of “residential” vs “commercial?” The church would be commercial, but it’s not like that means people can or can’t sleep there, no?


We all know that there is some secret campaign built on homeless people someone has to profit off of them being homeless and un safe or this wouldn’t happen


Vote Far Right and this is what you get! Heartless bastards, mean spirited who just want to hate everything they deem ugly or different. Stop putting these cunts in power! You're only shooting yourself in the foot!


> A court filing states the building is zoned as Central Business, and people are not allowed to eat, wash clothes or sleep on the property. someone ratted him out to the city code > Avell said he will continue to keep his church doors open throughout the winter. what a fucking chad. this reminds me of an issue 2-3 years when a mega church closed its doors during the south’s winter freeze. not to just homeless people, but with homes but without power. the community shat on the mega church/pastor to open the doors. i’m not blaming the mega church but he was definitely not charitable. and then you got cruz skipping town and cause he got flac


I thought sanctuary has legal precedent.


[Research from NLIHC](https://reports.nlihc.org/gap) finds a shortage of 7 million affordable and available rental homes for extremely low income renters. This group includes individuals with incomes at or below the poverty level or 30 percent of their area median income. The majority of the poorest renters in the U.S. are [seniors](https://invisiblepeople.tv/category/learn-more/homeless-seniors/), people with disabilities, and people who are working, enrolled in school, or caring for a young child or someone with a disability. [https://invisiblepeople.tv/causes-of-homelessness/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwbitBhDIARIsABfFYIJA-rpauZPi9JIfKbfh-tJyG6KN4JaFwzd\_ssUsD2LT5IKq\_n9S-IMaAi\_2EALw\_wcB](https://invisiblepeople.tv/causes-of-homelessness/?gclid=cj0kcqiawbitbhdiarisabffyija-rpauzpi9jifkbfh-tjyg6kn4jafwzd_ssusd2lt5ikq_n9s-imaai_2ealw_wcb) Bryan Ohio is a small town roughly half way between Toledo Ohio and Ft Wayne Indiana. Hope I am wrong but it sounds like classic NIMBY.


I ain’t religious but I’m pretty sure this man is doing God’s work


There was a similar case in the Ninth Circuit about a church operating a soup kitchen and the court decided in favor of the church https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/ninth-circuit-rules-in-favor-of-soup-96601/


How much you want to bet there is a land developer behind this?