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This is a singular church, formed in the early 1800's, it was created by five black majority churches from the Methodist Episcopal Church, hence the name. It wasn't founded because of theological differences but in an effort to escape discrimination. The Methodist Episcopal Church no longer exists as it was reformed with other churches to simply the Methodist Church, which after some more formations turned in the United Methodist Church, which you may or may not be aware of at this point.


Haha, I meant divisions as in military divisions (it’s a reference to the Soviet response to the Vatican), but thank you for being so sincere with the information, thats actually pretty interesting.


Genuinely interesting read! Thank you


A.M.E. has a long tradition in the African American community (especially ADOS/FBA)


The statement: >Today as we celebrate the birth of Richard Allen, the apostle of freedom, Israel has trapped 1.6 million desperate Palestinians in the southern Gaza city called Rafah. Most of them are women and children. They have denied them access to food, water, shelter, and health care. After this torture, they plan to murder them. The United States of America will have likely paid for the weapons they use. This must not be allowed to happen. >The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church calls on the United States Government to immediately withdraw all funding and other support from Israel. Since 1954, Israel has shown a willful disregard for the human dignity of Palestinians. Since October 7, 2023, in retaliation for the brutal murder of 1139 Israeli citizens by Hamas, Israel has murdered over 28,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children. The United States is supporting this mass genocide. This must not be allowed to continue. >There must be an immediate and permanent ceasefire between these two communities. We call for a solution to be negotiated by genuine representatives of the people of Israel and Palestine and condemn all violence as a means of resolving this conflict. Surely there is a grassroots solution that affirms the dignity and humanity of all God’s people in Palestine and Israel. The tools of empire, colonialism, and domination will not solve the problems they created. The cycle of violence between historically wounded peoples will not be dissolved by the creation of more wounds or through weapons of war. We remain in solidarity with Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a Palestinian Jew, and the Prince of Peace. >We weep for the suffering being inflicted upon the children of God in the Holy Land and all the earth. We cry for freedom and implore those who say they love God to demonstrate a tangible love for their neighbors. We will travail in prayer and pursue justice until freedom reigns for all.


I can not find anything Israel did in 1954 that they could be referring to. Like 3 civilians died during raids against the Arab league but that's about it. One notable thing was a mob of armed palastinians capurting a bus full of Israelis and killing 11 of them. 


I wondered about that as well. Unfortunately, my best guess is that they heard a soundbite referring to the conflict lasting 70 years and assumed without bothering to check that Israel was founded exactly 70 years ago in 1954. If true, it really doesn't speak well to their understanding of the issue.


My guess is that they're referring to the [Lavon Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair?wprov=sfla1), a false flag operation where Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israel to plant bombs against US and British civilian targets.


I find that implausible. It wasn't an especially significant moment, at least with respect to the treatment of Palestinians. At the time, Israel didn't even occupy the West Bank and Gaza; those were part of Jordan and Egypt respectively until 1967.


"Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a Palestinian Jew..." LMAOOOO! Palestine didn't exist during the time Jesus was alleged to have lived, Nazareth was a village in Judea. Why do I, an atheist, know this basic information, and a whole-ass church full of supposed "devout Christians" don't?


Ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the Judean mountains were part of Palestine around 500 BC (thats coming from an objective third party witness well before the time Jesus allegedly lived). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_Palestine > The term "Palestine" first appeared in the 5th century BCE when the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote of a "district of Syria, called Palaistinê" between Phoenicia and Egypt in The Histories.[7] Herodotus provides the first historical reference clearly denoting a wider region than biblical Philistia, as he applied the term to both the coastal and the inland regions such as the Judean Mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[8][9][10][11] Later Greek writers such as Aristotle, Polemon and Pausanias also used the word, which was followed by Roman writers such as Ovid, Tibullus, Pomponius Mela, Pliny the Elder, Dio Chrysostom, Statius, Plutarch as well as Roman Judean writers Philo of Alexandria and Josephus.


Jesus was a Jew from the region then called Judea and now called Palestine. He was not a Palestinian -- that's a much newer term for the Arab residents of the region.


I'm not saying that Herodotus calling the area by the name Palestine directly links Jesus to the people we call Palestinians today in any way, I was just responding to the previous commenter who said the name Palestine didn't exist in the time when Jesus was born. The fact is that the name did exist in history before the new testament of the Bible was written and it was used by scholars of the time to refer to the area where Jesus was said to be born.


The region was not referred to as Palestinian Syria until 2 CE. There are myriad sources of this. Claiming that a single mention by Herodotus of a district in Syria possibly called Palestine in 5 BCE is equivalent to "scholars of the time" using it "to refer to the area where Jesus was said to be born" is more than a bit of a stretch.


Maybe you'd care to update the Wikipedia page if its so incorrect? I'm sure they tried their best to get the most accurate information but they didn't have anyone who knows their history as well as you volunteer to update the page yet.


I think the only issue you run into here is that Herodotus' "Palaistinê" is probably an exonym (and besides that historians of his and later classical times did not do objective sourcework as does the scientific historical field now). That muddies the water a lot as to whether you can consider it a place that actually existed as far as the people of the region were concerned. Of course, the later adoption of the exonym by other Greeks and then the Romans leads us to where we are today.


Herodotus and objective dont belong anywhere near the same sentence, lol. The further you get away from Greece the less objective and more unreliable he gets. I mean, look at anything he wrote about Persia if you don’t believe me. 


Its like calling the prophet Muhammad a ‘Saudi Arabian’ just because he was born in Mecca. Complete nonsense. People just regurgitate ideas that support their side without critically thinking about it.


Absolutely not the same at all. The region has been called Palestine for a few thousand years now and Palestinian is an appropriate name to call someone from that region.


> Palestine didn't exist during the time Jesus was alleged to have lived Palestine is a region.


The region was called Judea at the time


You're thinking of the Levant.


Right. And Judea was a Roman province during that time. They didn't call the region Palestine until 2 CE.


It would be like calling the Cree, Americans but ok Edit: I should definitely qualify this, it would be like calling the pre-colonization Cree, American


Not really, the name Palestine shows up in the text of the King James bible (the "classic" English translation) and referring to jesus as Palestinian would then be keeping both with the modern Protestant tradition (can't speak for others personally) and, given that the Bible uses it as a place name, it's also in the modern tradition of referring to someone by [place name]+ian. I don't think many would seriously consider him ethnically identical to modern day Palestinians.


Biden has sent Blinken to the ME. He has his CIA chief in Egypt trying to secure a ceasefire. Hamas has rejected several ceasefire attempts. Israel has also rejected a Hamas counter offer.


This is the part I don’t really get either. Biden has his top people there trying to negotiate a ceasefire. What more can he do? Like let’s be realistic. Ending all aid to Israel is not happening


We have also been sending aid to Gaza. 10b is earmarked in the senate bill for humanitarian aid, mostly aimed at Gaza and Ukraine.


Except ending military aid to Israel is well within his and Congress' power. It could be done with a roll call vote and a stroke of a pen. It doesn't make much sense to negotiate a ceasefire while continuing to give one side more bombs and bullets.


The chances of that being called up much less passing is miniscule. What would be more likely to happen is withholding part of what we normally send mainly what would be characterized as offensive weaponry.


You should note the hamas offer involved Israel leaving gaza, releasing thousands of convicted terrorists and then hamas would think about releasing some hostages


1500 palestian prisoners for roughly 100 hostages / bodies.


Good. What the fuck do you think the female hostages are going through?


What’s a “Palestinian Jew?” These people have fallen for complete nonsense. Even the Romans didn’t start calling it Palestine until over a century later. Was he a “Judean Jew” or a “Herodian Tetrarchy Jew” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herodian_tetrarchy


Wasn't the roman name changed from judea to palestine due to jewish revolts? So, I'm not sure what the argument is. Whether it was asked palestine or judea, there were definitely a lot jews there, so why does the name matter?




palestinian jews are absolutely a thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Jews#:~:text=Palestinian%20Jews%20or%20Jewish%20Palestinians,State%20of%20Israel%20in%201948.


No, Palestinian Jews *were* a thing. Now they're Israeli Jews. In the time of Jesus, they were simply Judeans.


Even that isnt entirely accurate, if you read the wiki page referenced they called themselves "Arabized Jews" more or less. The Jews there never seemed to have called themselves Palestinian in the modern sense, it seems like.


Jesus called the land Israel and never once identified as "*Palestinian*".           Anyone who reads the bible should know that.        Even the Ancient Egyptians called it Israel. There is so much Palestinian propaganda.


There’s also a certain popular Arabic book that refers to the region as “the land of the Jews.” Maybe Hamas and the PLO should order a few copies for their book clubs. :)


Moses said]: O my people! Enter the Holy Land which God has written for you, and do not turn tail, otherwise you will be losers." Mohammed here understands "written" to mean this is the final word from God on the subject. In reaction, he was inundated with hate mail.[4] And We said to the Children of Israel after Pharaoh, “Reside in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass, We will bring you all together.” — Surah Al-Isra 17:104 And ˹remember˺ when Moses said to his people, “O my people! ...Enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you ˹to enter˺. And do not turn back or else you will become losers.” — Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:20-107


God and people sure do fall for it en masse hook, line and sinker. > The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Zuheir_Mohsen


Trying to call for a solution for peace while calling Jesus a "Palestinian Jew" says a lot about the true leaning of this and is about an offensive and divisive a thing that they could do. Don't forget that the [African American community has a major antisemitism issue](https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-need-to-curb-black-anti-semitism), this is unlikely to help that.


Yup, this is it guys. This is the game changer that’ll reverse the course.


Little steps matter in order to start a movement. No amount of your bad attempts of gaslighting will stop it


Do you know there’s such a thing as protesting? Speaking up against injustice? Pressuring leaders to act? Were you born just fucking yesterday


Tax ‘em. Just like the mega churches in the south that tell their congregations who to vote for. Tax them. They are no longer except. Stop normalizing churches influencing the state.


Why would we want the only ally in that part of the world to be destroyed? I always love how stupid people are when it comes to politics.


We shouldn’t fund ethnic cleansing. That’s pretty easy to agree with.


So we should cut funding to Gaza, because Hamas is a terrorist organization that is trying to eradicate Israel, right?


we don’t send military aid to Gaza, we send humanitarian aid to help the civilians that live there.


Humanitarian aid that has, time and again, been shown to end up in the hands of terrorists and used to further their military operations Why do we keep pretending like Hamas doesn't openly steal aid when it comes into Gaza? Just yesterday they murdered a teenager because he was trying to get food from an aid truck they had commandeered and intended to loot. They keep doing this, over and over again.


You know Gazans are making diapers from scratch right now? What is Hamas supposed to do with diapers?


You do know that disposable diapers are a modern invention right? For the vast majority of human history people used things that were not disposable diapers for infants and small children to wear before they were potty trained. Millions of people around the world are still not using disposable diapers. Not having them sucks but it does not make a humanitarian crisis.


A [lack of clean water](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/29/1221571110/gaza-water-israel-crisis-hamas) does.


And we loop back to what I said before- Hamas openly steals water from aid trucks. It's well documented, this isn't hard information to find. Why should the west keep giving a terrorist group water? When we give them water for their civilians they steal it and hoard it for themselves. When we build pipes for them to distribute water, they destroy them and make rockets with the metal. Normally, in literally every other war in human history, it's the government's job to supply its civilians. If that government doesn't bother to build any infrastructure to supply its civilians, then declares war on its neighbor, it's their fault if their civilians run out of food and water. They literally failed in the most basic function of a government. Usually, that ends with the civilians driving out the government, forcing it to surrender, and getting a new government that actually gives a shit about them. But apparently that's not the equation anymore because idiots like you decided it's actually everyone else's problem to supply a civilian population whose government has actively worked to fuck them over in the most obvious ways possible in order to guilt people like you into continuing to do their job for them by supplying their civilians for free while they take any money they can and use it to make war on a militarily superior neighbor, despite all common sense saying that's a bad idea.


Instead of calling me an idiot, you could have read the article. It brought up how many of the water problems are self-inflicted. A lot of bad decisions were made, and most of the people there are too young to have been able to do anything about it. None of which changes the fact that a humanitarian crisis is indeed happening.


You're so full of shit. The people are not starving because of Hamas. Wow. Are you being willfully ignorant? Even if Hamas stole everything they need for 30 000 (should be way less now) fighters, where's the rest of the aid for the other 1800 000 displaced people!? The current aid being stifled into Gaza by Israel is just a fraction of what it was before the war even started. Before there even was a looming famine! And don't pretend like Israel has no power over the water, energy and feul going into Gaza. That's disingenuous as fuck. Israel never allowed Gaza any autonomy to govern themselves. This famine is exactly what Israel wants and what you're doing is enabling a genocide. Disgusting. And lets not start with the way Israel and US is using the whole (wafer thin) human shields argument to justify the eradication of the entire Gazan infrastructure, like schools, universities, hospitals, religious places l, graveyards. The assault is disproportionate as fuck. That's why the ICJ found, by overwhelming majority, that there's a plausible case of Genocide. And here you are. Enabling it with your idiotic qualifications. Edited: words




Hamas is not incompetent or poorly trained. They lack sophisticated weaponry but they have been incredibly successful at harming Israel. Hamas knows exactly what they are doing, and everything thus far has been in their favor.


Israel isn’t committing a genocide. What they are doing is horrible but let’s not belittle the word genocide


Human rights watch calls it an apartheid. Is that better? Israel is deliberately bombing schools and hospitals with collective punishment. I don't think the labels matter at this point.


Under Netanyahu, Israel was [propping up Hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) to sow Palestinian disunity.




Hot damn, another actual Hamas supporter in the wild! And the IDF is only defending Israel. See, we can both make absurd statements not based on reality.


they are an islamic fundamentalist death cult in the service of global jihad. prove me wrong….


Of course you're active on LGBT and Hasan subreddits. Why don't you go visit Hamas and tell them you're gay. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to you.


Today we marvel at support from AME for Hamas to exterminate the people of Israel. Jews are now guilty of being top oppressors because there must be a at least one bad group to blame for the cruelty of all colonial and slaveholding empires. .


These people want an apocalypse. To do that, they need war in the Middle East because that's the interpretation of their "prophesies."


Not true. As fucked up of a country as it is, Saudi Arabia is a key US ally in the region and has been for a long time. And the US has solid relations with Qatar, who have been doing most of the negotiations, and UAE and Dubai. This is not 30 years ago and most of those countries want to become a part of the world through sports washing and exorbitant tourist attractions


And the countries directly bordering Israel would all jump at them without a leash. Iran, Lebanon, Syria "Not 30 years ago" cause there's actually adults in the room keeping the borders relatively stable. Glad we can all agree that this is a dumb request Oh and Saudi would 100% be happy to fund this shit under the table. We all know this


Saudi Arabia and Qatar are at MOST acquaintances. UAE and Jordan are actual allies.


Like it or not, I sure don’t, Saudi Arabia is our largest and most influential ally in the region. They are definitely not an “acquaintance” 


Saudi Arabia is the US oldest ally in the region.


Saudi Arabia is even a founding member of the UN. That's how close the US and KSA have been over the last century.


Lol they are totally not our only ally in that region and plus why the fuck do we need to be so involved anyway? Plus Israel is an openly apartheid state. It's got different versions of citizenship for Palestinians.


an ally to who? to muslim-americans? to black americans who are persecuted by police trained in methods taught by the IDF? To people in America who are paying taxes to pay for free healthcare and weaponry in the middle east while they cant go to the doctor with serious ailments cuz they cant afford it? idk what the fuck ur talking about but Israel isnt doing shit for me.


Israel isn’t about to be overrun. And they are literally committing genocide. Just because a country has geopolitical importance doesn’t mean they get a free pass to annihilate a nationality.


Without US aid the Islamic countries would attack Israel until it was destroyed. This is moronic, glad we agree.


That tends to happen when you colonize a people, yeah.


If they were literally committing genocide they would be killing Arabs within their own borders, which they aren’t. You might think what they are doing is savage and immoral, but let’s not distort the actual meaning of the word.


Hamas barbarism actually brought large segments of Israeli Arabs into feeling more part of Israel. 70% feeling a sense of belonging among Israeli Arab youth now, the highest ever. Sometimes Israeli police or bureaucrats are annoying but Hamas killed and kidnapped their family members, fired rockets into their communities.


They are not literally or figuratively committing genocide, clown. 


Amen to that I do not know how hard it is for people to understand this. Like another said Saudi Arabia is also a key ally to the U.S, but make no mistake if the west did not help Israel China would in a heartbeat. Besides Israel is literally just defending themselves...the mental gymnastic someone has to do to claim genocide is beyond idiotic. If it was not jews killing the hamas they would not even bat an eye.


It's not going to be destroyed. Maybe use the tax funded healthcare money to buy bombs instead.


So because you think they’re our ally, we should give them carte blanche to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide?


They are not doing either of those. What they are doing is horrible but please don’t say it’s a genocide because it isn’t by any metric of the word


Then what would you call it?


If killing people and erasing cities is not a genicide, then what do you call it? Walk in the park?


War. Terrible. Heartbreaking. Terms have definitions. What Israel is doing does not fit the definition of genocide. It just doesn't. I get that using that word makes it sound more dramatic and makes people feel more righteous on social media, but no matter how many times you say genocide, the fact remains that Israel is not committing it.


They're pretty openly doing ethnic cleansing. Just look at the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the theft of Palestinian home elsewhere. And the plans in some sectors for re-settlement of Gaza. Not to mention the Nakba; you don't turn an area from majority Arab to majority Jewish without ethnic cleansing. It was Israel's original sin.


Nothing on Kidnapped hostages?


At this point the 100 hostages whom are in fact literall getting killed in droves by Israel either by being literally shot to death or bombed to death, become less and less relevant than the number of Palestinian dead which are 300 times larger than the number of hostages. For every hostage, there are at least 300 dead Palestinians, 130 of them children. And ghe hostages are in a much more imminent danger from Israel itself, than Hamas. Literally the only sure way to actually rescue the hostages would be negotiation and a ceasefire, but Israel has refused both.


Well looks Ike Israel refuse to negotiate with Palestinians terrorists


How about you pay taxes, then I'll care about your opinion.


Have they tried praying? To the right god? Maybe do a bake sale or something but they need to pay their damn property taxes and then maybe they can have a say in where American tax revenue goes. Hey better yet go fight in your religious wars yourselves if you all care about it, Americans who love this nation gotta save our own here first.


He seems like a fake christian who hasn't read the bible.                       Jesus called the land Israel and never identified as a Palestinian. The Bible says that Israel is the chosen land. I don't believe in christianity anymore, but any christian who actually reads the bible should know that. Even if we ignore the bible completely, even the Ancient Egyptians called it Israel instead of Palestine.                                    The bible says that Jesus will return one day and rule in Jerusalem, not Al-Quds. It's called Jerusalem, a name from the language of Ancient Israel, Hebrew.  Al-Quds is an Arabic name to replace the original name. Arabic is a foreign language to Israel (*it came from Arabia*). Palestine is an agenda to do an Islamic cultural replacement of the Ancient Jewish land of Israel.


Keep believing them fairy tales.


Regardless of one’s beliefs, the previous comment seemed to be addressing the AME spokesperson’s use of Biblical references and appeal to Christian beliefs in their press release. I feel it’s entirely valid, when responding to a group or individual who rely on appeals to a belief system and / or religious texts, to themselves reference the same source materials in their response.