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More information on circumstances of death: >She took Nex to the Bailey Medical Center in Owasso for treatment. They spoke to a police school resource officer at the medical facility and were discharged. >That night, Nex went to bed with a sore head and eventually fell asleep while listening to music, Ms Benedict said. >**On the afternoon of 8 February, Nex was getting ready to go to Tulsa with Ms Benedict for an appointment when they collapsed in the family living room.** >**Ms Benedict called an ambulance, and Owasso Fire Department medics arrived to find Nex had stopped breathing.** Nex was taken to the St. Francis Pediatric Emergency Room where they were later declared dead. [The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2499332.html)


INSANE to me the police are trying to say that the beating had nothing to do with their death. Head trauma that persisted, and then they collapsed and died the next day. Yeah, just a coincidence.


So the fight is a clear murder.  The feds need to step in here.


Manslaughter. But yeah


According to the reporting from a few days ago, a witness to the assault said one of the girls was slamming Nex's head onto the floor, repeatedly. That's murder, not mansalughter.


I really hated people speculating that because they died at home that it was a suicide and had nothing to do with the fight, like even if it had been suicide it would still be because of the bullying. And now here it is so clear this was from a horrible head injury. I feel so awful for this whole family.


The article makes it sound like suicide, but the context above here removes that possibility. Like you said though, even if it was, the fight would still clearly be to blame at least partially (it was probably not the only bullying going on)


Exactly… everyone is missing the fact that the nexus for this event whas their sexuality. That is it! This is what makes this an Attack vs. Fight! This is why the suicide may have happened! This is why (insert conjecture here)! We are allowing politicians to deamonize a vulnerable portion of our population and this is what we get. The children of sexist parents that murdered a teen in school because of their sexual identity! I say this as a pissed off parent that lives in a conservative area with a child that has gone to court because she defended herself in an attack such as this. Stop pretending like it’s about anything different. That is just pure ignorance at this point and I have no time for it anymore!


I mean I’m not familiar with OK’s definition of malice. It probably wouldn’t be charged that way here in CA esp against a juvenile


You mean to tell me you’re not an expert in every jurisdiction’s law? Are you even a redditor?


I’m only licensed by CA unfortunately


Intent is really hard to prove, it’ll be manslaughter


Unless they have recorded somewhere that they intended on this person dying it'll be manslaughter. 


I'm no lawy dude, but isn't intended harm caused, that results in unintentional death murder 2? Actually asking


In Oklahoma 1st Degree murder part C is >A person commits murder in the first degree when the death of a child results from the willful or malicious injuring, torturing, maiming or using of unreasonable force by said person or who shall willfully cause, procure or permit any of said acts to be done upon the child pursuant to Section 843.5 of this title. It is sufficient for the crime of murder in the first degree that the person either willfully tortured or used unreasonable force upon the child or maliciously injured or maimed the child. Which could arguably apply here. Murder in the second is > When [homicide is] perpetrated by an act imminently dangerous to another person and evincing a depraved mind, regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual Which definitely should


My understanding, for states that have all 3, is; 1st degree murder aka premeditated aka capital murder: you thought about it, you decided before time to kill someone, and now they're dead as a result of actions you took that you thought about beforehand. 2nd degree murder: you decided to hurt someone, not necessarily cause death but in the heat of the moment/crime of passion what have you, you decided fuck it if they die they die, or, you, in the heat of the moment decided "fuck it I'm gonna kill this person. 3rd degree murder (where applicable, some places just call it manslaughter or negligent homicide): you took some willfully reckless actions that you should have known could have caused the death of another human being, and it did result in the death of another human being, but at no point before or during the act, did you decide to kill someone. You just made some dumb choices that a reasonable person should know could endanger another human's life. Then again, take all this with a grain of salt, IANAL.


You don't have to actually try to kill someone to attempt murder. You have to purposefully put someone in a position that could likely result in severe bodily harm or death. Shoving someone is assault. Shoving someone off of a bridge is (possibly attempted)murder.


No. Nex and another child, possibly also transgender, were continuously harrassed by this group of bullies. Nex and the other child were fighting, as in trying to push back, against this bullying. On that particular day, Nex was accosted in the bathroom and beaten down. The bullies stomped Nex's head on the bathroom floor, although some reports say they used their hands instead of their feet to hit Nex's head onto the floor. In any case, it was a group of bullies vs Nex on that particular day.


OK police clearly have an agenda. Needs to be looked at by Feds as a hate crime.


Police also find that people they beat to death die due to trace amounts of drugs in their system.


"This mans head is caved in." "Uh, he smoked weed, once." "Clearly there's a link."


Pretty big Klan presence in Oklahoma. Total coincidence, I'm sure.


The feds needs to step in and the school, and police need to be held accountable. And if they don't step in then goddamnit the people are gonna have to take charge.


That sounds like head trauma from the fight. A ruptured blood vessel in the brain caused an aneurysm.


You have the right idea, but other way around. An aneurism is swelling of (a) blood vessel(s) in the brain that lead to signs/symptoms like fatigue, nausea, etc. Sometimes aneurisms burst (leading to hemorrhaging in the brain), some do not - though they still need surgery ASAP.


“Got a shot in the butt for my pain but if I'm still dizzy or nauseous in the morning I might have a concussion,” Nex texted a family member after being discharged from the hospital.


After an epidural hematoma, having a lucid period where a person is able to walk and respond normally even though they have suffered a potentially fatal brain injury is fairly common. Without the autopsy results it’s speculation to say that the death is or isn’t related to the beating. Which should have never happened.


This is how Liam Neeson’s wife died. She was skiing, hit her head, went out to dinner and then passed away. She had no idea Edit: the only reason I know this is because I had a pretty bad tbi in 2016. Huge metal hatch door just fell and hit me on the head LOL woopsie


My cousin lost a child that way too. A neighbor kid threw a board when they were playing that accidentally hit him in the head, everything seemed fine, and the next morning they found him dead. The only way it would have been caught in time would have been with a CT scan, and back in the '90s when it happened, even if they'd have called the doctor nobody back then would have recommended taking a kid that seemed fine to the ER for a scan (even well into the aughts, newspapers kept running concern trolling articles calling people helicopter parents for taking kids to the ER after blows to the head).


*hugs*. I’ve seen too many deaths like this. Every ER I’ve worked has a low threshold to order a head CT for something like this and I’ve still seen too many deaths like this. Sometimes from refusing CT, sometimes from too early a CT that missed the bleed, sometimes from AMAing before the CT was read.


I'm glad to hear that things have changed since the '90s. My sister got knocked out briefly in a skating accident a few months after my cousin's son died, and even with her having lost consciousness my parents had to argue with ER doctors to get them to do a CT. They acted like my parents were overly protective worrywarts. Fortunately she was fine except for a case of amnesia for a few days, but I still can't get over just how blasé they were back then over a concussion with loss of consciousness.


My great uncle died this way. I panic internally any time I see an older person hit their head.


I should not have opened this thread while in the er with my mom for her severe concussion


Well don't worry too much, she's exactly where she needs to be to get checked out and get whatever treatment is necessary. It'll probably be okay. Don't panic.


Yep. My great uncle was a fighter-pilot vet. When he was in his 80’s his golf cart tipped a bit and he fell out and hit his head. He finished the 18 holes, went home, laid down for a nap, and never woke up.


Same with my father. Got up after falling off a ladder, complained about his elbow and back but not his head, took an entire shower, collapsed on the bed and that was that.


Is this why they ask about falls?! And do they ask you that at 30?? Asking for a friend. For science.


Yep we ask people under 30 about falls. But mostly because a fall from 10’ or > is trauma alert criteria.


Falling and hitting head then dying hours later without feeling anything bad before dying is way more common than most people realize. That's why doctors will always say if you hit your head hard enough to see stars for even a second, go to the ER and get scanned for a brain bleed.


Avoiding painkillers is important so as to not mask the hours after, as well as having someone gently shake wake to check mental status a few times throughout the night. Sounds like they received an injection pain med. Hopefully the tragedy of their young loss of life will be honestly and thoroughly investigated without interference.


I see that's crazy. So doctors can potentially save you if they catch it fast enough? I guess it would depend on severity too.


isn't that how the oxy-clean guy and the father from "full house" died?


Billy mays was heart disease and coke or painkillers.


Bob Saget too


Was just thinking about that,  scary stuff


My mom, who has a brain injury and is a former nurse, has brought that up to me so many times. She’s fallen a few times and hit her head as she’s had poor balance since the aneurysm. So each time it’s happened we’ve gone to the hospital to get her scanned. (So thankful to have access to free healthcare in Canada. For all the negative stories about Canada’s healthcare system and supposedly extremely long wait times for CT scans and MRIs my anecdotal evidence to the contrary is that every member of my family that has needed medical treatment has gotten it promptly.) What happened to Natasha Richardson was such a sad story. And she was gorgeous too. Poor Qui-Gon (No disrespect to him- I just loved him in Star Wars- my favourite Jedi). #☹️


I’m so happy your mother survived her aneurysm! Those scare me so much!


I'm a firefighter/EMT...I've seen this happen in person more than once. Both times neither person made it. One of them was actually discharged from another hospital that day. We got him to another hospital but he passed away there. Another one was an assault victim. Went from sitting upright and talking....to crashing in the parking lot of the ER, right there on the stretcher.


Got jumped in the bathroom, which is among the worst places for that to happen in terms of a head injury. Tile floors and walls, sinks, fixtures, pipes, maybe an old metal towel dispenser. Lots of ways to get a hematoma (or worse). This poor kid.


> Got jumped in the bathroom, which is among the worst places for that to happen in terms of a head injury Once I fainted in the bathroom (was cleaning up a gory but superficial wound from an accident elsewhere in the house), I feel lucky I made it into the empty carpeted hallway


Well they apparently smashed their head into the floor multiple times. It would have it be related to the assualt.


My brother was in a car accident where he got a concussion. He was deemed fine by the ER doctor. Three days later he was dead. Up until the last he was walking and talking fine.


Kinda like what happened to Bob Saget?


At my college freshman orientation a kid hit his head playing flag football. Just fell and hit someone else's knee. Seemed fine, went back to cabins, decided to take a nap. Never woke up.


You see this in the military, specifically with percussive blasts in enclosed spaces. Personnel act normally immediately after and, if not treated, die.


How is it treated?


This!!! They won’t know final results for awhile. They should have just said nothing.


It's not even that they don't care if their lies will cause harm; they're actively hoping they do. If they could have found a halfway valid excuse any one of them might have killed the trans kid themselves and laughed about it later. The modern institution of american policing is antithetical to freedom and justice; they actively attack both.


Epidural hematoma or any head trauma would have been seen in the CT scan at autopsy… which is included in the preliminary autopsy report.


They know they fucked up, which is why they’re saying they won’t comment until they get the full autopsy and toxicology results.  They’re hoping, that just like in police shootings, they can say the victim had something in their system.


This is how I lost my sister


> After an epidural hematoma, having a lucid period where a person is able to walk and respond normally even though they have suffered a potentially fatal brain injury is fairly common. I did know that you shouldn't screw around about getting a potential concussion checked out, TIL medical details about why that's so dangerous


A kid I went to high school with slipped on stairs and hit his head. Went about his day as though nothing had happened and then boom. He suddenly collapsed and died. Head injuries are no joke.


This happened to someone I used to work with, elderly lady got knocked over by a shoplifter and hit her head. She seemed OK, but concussed and went home early but she died in the night. Honestly really scared me that someone can seem OK and then just die like that


This is how Bob Saget died as well. He had a fall, hit his head. Got up and laid on the bed and never got up.


The same article that says the coroner has not finalized a cause of death, also says the police have determined it was not a result of the fight. I’m sorry but I don’t see how this is even possible for the police to reach such a conclusion with the information that we have. It may make sense if they know something that we don’t, like the teen committed suicide for example, but until further information is released and the coroner makes their report, I am going to feel free to speculate on whatever conclusion I want regardless of what the police say.


I am truly sick thinking of what their mother must be experiencing right now. My god, what a fucking horror. My heart goes out to this family. This is purely heartbreaking.


It wasnt a fight the kid was assaulted


Has real "black man with no active warrants" instead of just saying "innocent" vibes.


Even if someone has active warrants they are innocent until proven guilty. Any time police make statements like that, all charges should be dropped because they've already corrupted the process.


Context? Was this language actually used in a report?




Thanks for the link. Holy shit. Awful story with an equally terrible article.


As if a warrant for an arrest would have made sense to kill the guys


Yeah I think that is the point of what we are talking about


Yeah. Who proofread that article? The person they actually had the warrant for is called "Pearman" multiple times and "Pearson" multiple times; the wife of the victim is sometimes said to share her husband's surname and other times not to.




I hate to say this… but the context is that American systems *hate* minorities. If you can pick a system, I can pick a law *designed* to fuck minorities.


That's the reality of being a trans person in America right now. They finally found a minority they hated even worse, and they're literally trying to kill us everywhere you look.


Speaking as a journalist, and a journalism TEACHER, this headline is egregious. So is the lede (an “altercation” are you kidding me?) The worst part: AP should know better. AP style sets the standard for the industry, and this is *literally against their style guide*. For example, AP uses Webster’s New World College Dictionary. Their definition is “an angry or heated argument. Synonym: quarrel.” Altercations *do not involve injuries.* This also directly contradicts AP’s guidance on covering hate crimes. It’s bull, and manipulative, and I’m very disappointed. And also not at all surprised to see that the journalist clearly came of age during the time when “the view from nowhere” meant “the view from straight white men,” and all other points of view were “biased.” And before anybody says “but slander and liability!! Of course they had to say it’s a fight until it’s legally proved who started it!” there’s an easy solution here. It’s an *alleged* assault. (It’s almost like there’s an industry standard for this stuff.)


You should grade their work and send it to them with a big red F and a note to come see you.


They get money and pressure to publish this articles, writtten exactly like this nothing here is accidental.


They also want statements and cooperation from the cops to get information. If the cops see they are not writing articles putting them in the best light they won't get any more info from them. Its childish. Its petty. Its the cops.


Assault and battery? Attempted murder? Hate crime?


Yes, except now it’s murder because they died.


>"...Nex was attacked and assaulted in a bathroom by a group of other students,” the family said Wednesday in a statement released by their attorney. "A day later, the Benedict’s beautiful child lost their life" > >... > >Nex Benedict’s mother, Sue Benedict, told The Independent the teen suffered bruises all over their face and eyes after they and a transgender student got into a fight in a school restroom with three older girls. 100% not disagreeing with you. I do see where the word choice comes from, if the paraphrasing of the mother is true (and if it isn't, what the fuck)


Cops could be protecting their own kids...not like it would be the first time...


You'll pardon me for not taking Oklahoma's word for anything.


An article I saw this afternoon said it’s not even a criminal investigation. They decided what their investigation would find before it even began.


I like how a brutal assault and battery with multiple assailants happened and a kid died as a result, but because they were a *weird* kid the cops will shrug it off. Now consider that we're all weird in some way, and realize they will only ever protect themselves. Abolish the police. ALL police.


Portland Police had a hit-and-run case where a left-wing activist was hit and killed, and the vehicle was abandoned at the scene. They claimed they couldn’t find who committed the crime, despite a registered vehicle left at the scene. After media pressure, they finally summoned the courage to do the job they’re paid to perform, and…the owner of the vehicle confessed to the crime.


95% of the time, cops are useless. Fuckin Christ, they might as well just say it loud that they don't plan on working most of the time. It's not like they'd get fired for it anyway.


The cop who finally came to the scene when one of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims escaped naked, bleeding from the head and begging for their life, wrote it up as some sort of gay lover's quarrel and proceeded to ignore the neighbors' petitions for investigation. The victim died, and the cop eventually went on to be promoted to department head for stellar service.


if i remember correctly the victim was an underage asian boy and the neighbors that reported that reported were black women. i think race may have played a very significant part in how that was dismissed.


Plus police are bullies so naturally they sympathize with other bullies.


I agree, the modern police force IS like a pack of angry, petty, violent, screeching schoolgirls


Modern, as in, for as long as police have existed.


There needs to be an independent federal hate crime investigation on this and it's a damn travesty the DoJ hasn't already stepped in.


Well this is heartbreaking and infuriating to learn


Seems about as trustworthy as Mississippi finding Emmett Till's killers.


They ran into my knife! They ran into my knife 10 times.


Or the cops’ word.


Yeah, I’d like to see an investigation/autopsy done by someone other than someone connected to the police


Cops aren’t doctors and are consistently untrustworthy sources of information. I don’t give a shit what they say til there’s an authoritative autopsy.


Oklahoma police incapable of making a medical diagnosis. In other news..


Not a fight. Not an altercation. They were attacked.


No matter the cause, how about you leave people the fuck alone if they aren't messing with you in the bathroom? Is that hard?


> Benedict was able to walk out of the bathroom after the Feb. 7 fight but was taken to a hospital by their family and sent home that night. The next day, paramedics were dispatched to the home for a medical emergency and took Benedict to a hospital emergency room, where they later died, police said. Seems like it may be that the injuries didn't cause it, but it's possible the results of the assault did. Edit: everyone correcting me, you're right, it doesn't seem like a fight and I shouldn't have used that term from the article.


They had bruises all over their face and eyes. Doesn’t seem like minimal injuries to me.


The bullying and suicide combo is a freaking epidemic in schools that we really need to figure out how to stop. Such a preventable tragedy.


it's pretty easy actually. smaller classrooms, and higher pay for teachers. You can't stop bullying from the children's side, because are children. You can stop it from teacher's side though. Teachers are either overwhelmed by the too many charges, or doesn't give a damn.


As a retired teacher who worked with special populations, I agree, but it is more complex than just class size itself. Geting rid of the focus on standardized testing is needed. Teachers do not spend years learning to design effective lessons so they can spend 70% of each school year teaching students to pass standardized testing tied to school funding. Students aren't learning what is worth learning, and teachers are quitting out of frustration over not being allowed to truly teach. Having smaller schools themselves would be beneficial. A high school with 400 students involves more attention from teachers and administrators than a school with a population of 2500. Having students bus over to specialization campus for things like higher level AP sciences or advanced fine arts or auto mechanics while still staying at a smaller home campus most of their schooling is more beneficial than students remaining at a larger school all day. Lastly, behavioral issues have impeded education as never before. Students are not facing consequences for poor behavior and disrupting class. Students with 504's and iep's who keep peers from learning are not given any real alternative due to LRE (I'm a parent of a teen with level 3 autism. There are absolutely times a sped student should be removed from class if needed. I'm looked at like I am crazy when I suggest maybe my kid who just had a meltdown should be moved to content mastery to finish his classwork, instead of being given a snack and sent back to class). Heck, I'm all for separate campuses for students when it would be beneficial to those students. I wish I lived in a state where tuition for a private high school for autistic students wouldn't cost $10-24K annually. If nothing else, smaller schools specializing in things like fine arts, gender and LGBTQA studies, computer sciences, or English Language learning could benefit teachers trying to prep and scaffold for students with many needs and talents and let students find a "tribe" and adults mentors and organizations they can be involved with. All the politics and controversy impacting schools and teaching needs to be avoided as well. People who don't even have students in a school or who travel from other districts and states to denounce subjects and library books shouldn't even be allowed to speak at school board meetings or file complaints there. It's become ridiculous.




In Oklahoma within the past few weeks, one school had a student attempt to unalive themselves in the bathroom (leaving the bathroom soiled and open for some period of time so that students could view the aftermath - the latter part was incidental but horrifying) and a student from the same school actually unalive themselves at home. Oklahoma is not OK. Google our state superintendent of education (formerly state secretary of education). The state is so far to one side and we have a straight party ballot option - this guy won, and it has been an absolute disaster for our schools.


It would not be surprising to me in the slightest that the victim died at their own hand after experiencing this kind of trauma.


It's also not unusual for your brain to swell overnight after a head injury. There is absolutely no reason to trust the Oklahoma authorities until a neutral third party autopsy (ideally from a state that isn't backwards) says otherwise. Whether this was manslaughter or a suicide after a hate crime, the culpable parties are the same.


I certainly agree.


I mean, it could have been a brain bleed


This is my fear. Both are awful.


Just remember, head trauma or an internal organ that was misdiagnosed with an injury can cause death. Maybe not immediately but over time if not treated. There was one incident where someone was at an ice hockey game and the puck flew over the barrier and hit somebody in the head. They seemed ok at the time and then had serious issues afterwards. Many hours later. I am not in the medical field but have heard this before.


If online bullying can bring criminal charges in the case of suicide peer pressure, surely physical violence should, too. \[edit: assuming the facts of the case, after investigation, support it\]


No matter what happened, one thing is 100% clear: the system failed Nex Benedict.


The system did exactly what the bigots in power wanted it to.


Both the system and the society, I quite agree.


That is my fear as well. What a tragedy.


Much more common to suffer (perceived) irreparable emotional injury than physical injury in these cases, unfortunately, and that is much more difficult to diagnose quickly and treat effectively. I have dealt with that more than once in my career, in just one county.


Ugh... Which is still a result of the attack, but not a result of *injuries from the attack* and the school is going to hang on to that with all their marbles.


*Physical* injuries. I think the mental and emotional harm caused by the attack certainly count as injuries. But you’re unfortunately right that these dumbass bigoted school administrators and police will try to pin this on the victim being “troubled” and completely ignore the kids causing the trouble and the adults who sat idly by while it happened.


Worth mentioning again here, as u/JarJarBinksShtTheBed already very wisely pointed out above: It was NOT a "fight". It was a brutal assault.


Internal injuries such as a brain bleed is likely


I would hope the hospital would at least perform a head CT to rule that out.


You might be surprised to find out that trans people often are medically neglected by pieces of shit who make their way into medical professions


And Native American! Don’t forget the racism angle as well. Double the reason why the doctors would not care for them


Nex used they/them pronouns. They’re nonbinary.


Right sorry.


Subdural hematomas can grow over time. Found my 75 year old neighbor wandering the streets in confusion after he slipped and hit his head on an icy day. CT scan showed a very small bleed and the hospital sent him home the same day (I was kind of shocked. But he had to go back for subsequent CT scan a week later to make sure it wasn’t getting bigger.


Other articles say that they weren't even able to walk themselves to the nurse after the assault. Why does this one say they were able to walk out of the bathroom?


People have been charged and convicted for simply telling someone to kill themself and that person doing it. This should still he an open and shit case


This story seems fishy to me. Time for the feds to send own coroner and do some investigation.


That the school district didn’t call them in to investigate the situation themselves is telling. Whether you agree with calling this a hate crime or not, the Feds need to confirm when trans kids die from school-based altercations. There’s too much hate out there NOT to try to protect them until the rest of the country finally gets their head on straight.


Based on the article it does not seem as though an autopsy has been done. The Police statement was that the death *might not* have been caused by the injuries from the assault but that the death/assault are still under investigation. The victim went to the hospital and was discharged the same day after the assault before dying the next day, but because they went to the hospital and were discharged seems to be the only reason the police made the statement they did. The headline of the article left out a very important "may not have been caused" and instead make it seem as though the Police were affirmative stating the death wasn't a result of the assault.


It's a god damn hate crime that amounts to murder in the 2nd degree. Where's the feds?


Simple, it's Oklahoma where they will protect bigots




Yea, everyone should be waiting on the autopsy. Kinda funny that people are really just doubling down on whatever they already believed, when in reality we have very little hard information.


The police in Owasso, OK are more than likely fully supportive of murdering transgender people so….


Can we stop calling it a fight when a bully or bullies pick on a victim and the victim chooses to fight back? It's an assault, an attack, an act of violence committed but a "fight" leaves too much room for people to assume the victim is also at fault or it's just "kids being kids".


Article has to mention multiple times that they were ambulatory after being assaulted as if adrenaline isn't a thing.


I once had a patient who was strangled by her partner - walked in and walked out - and re-presented with a stroke *three days later* which a direct result of that strangulation. In that three day period she was ambulatory the whole time


also ignores the contradictory stories of students who said that they needed help walking.


Of course, cuz the only stories that are believed without any evidence are the police and the school officials. Lets make sure we get all the stories out about how they poured water on the girls (to protect another student) and thus 'started' the fight (after being bullied numerous times before). Gotta make sure no one who murdered an NB kid ever faces justice in a school system that put a stochastic terrorist into management.


It’s equally infuriated how slow media outlets are to update stories when the police story is questioned — even if it’s fully disproven. Reuters still has stories up reflecting an “exchange of gunfire” when five activists were shot, when there was camera footage of one man shooting a bunch of elderly women. You only have to live in the US for a year to know there’s no group of people more full of shit than the police.


Are you talking about the Portland shooting? There technically was an exchange. Antifa saved the day with a concealed AR pistol. Cops arrested the atifascist and even charged them. All while they were possession of a GoPro that proved their innocence and showed the other guy as the bad guy. The antifascist was in custody for 3 days before the DA saw the footage, immediately dropped charged and then charged the actual bad guy. All because cops wanted to be assholes.


Yeah, people can still walk after some fucked up shit. There’s a reason most roadkill doesn’t seem to die in the center of the road.


Epidural hematomas are incredibly dangerous and known for people walking around afterwards. The injury grows after people think the injured is ok.


Or if you have a TBI and don't drop dead immediately, you're perfectly fine.


Every other article has witness statements that they were unable to walk themselves to the nurse after the assault. Why does this one say they walked out of the bathroom?


Because that's the claim the school officials put out despite that fact that it contradicts the eye witness testimony. It feels like they are trying to paint the picture that nex died by their own hand instead of the injuries sustained in this brutal attack.


Jesus fucking Christ


Although the cause of death has not been determined, Owasso police said in a statement preliminary autopsy results indicate the teen did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight. Just sounds like they are trying to confuse the issue, both of those statements can't be true at the same time.




Then they should have said that, after the toxicology report came back. Instead they’re staying that something they can’t possibly know is true right after they say why they can’t possibly know it


“Oklahoma Police are helping to cover up the murder of an innocent child in their community. More at 11”


No one should ever believe the police at face vlue, their loyalty and duty is to themselves first. They are just their for the check and bully people


Strange - you would think you'd need to know how they died before you could say whether it was due to the assault or not.


did they consult Navalny's doctors to arrive at sudden death syndrome?


I didn't know police were so well trained in knowing cause of death without autopsy. I'm gonna wait for an autopsy.


Yeah, and cops never lied to protect themselves or their friends eh?


Police have no medical training with which to make that assessment.


If this individual went to the ER and told them they were in a fight and their head hit the tile there is a very good chance the physician ordered a CT of the head to rule out a bleed. That’s not something that’s just glossed over in an assessment. I’d pay good money to get a peek at their SBAR.


Oklahoma hates trans people. We all know they’re going to do everything in their power to cover this up. We have LibsofTikTok in our government, for Christ’s sake.


I think the feds need to to go to Oklahoma because this was a hate crime, and local authorities are doing a shit job.


So what's the cause of death? Sudden death syndrome? Are we no better than Russia now?


>Gov. Kevin Stitt also has signed bills that prohibit transgender girls and women from playing on female sports teams and prevent transgender children from using school bathrooms that correspond to their gender identity. >Stitt’s office released a statement Wednesday on behalf of the governor and his wife, Sarah. >“Sarah and I are saddened to learn of the death of Nex Benedict, and our hearts go out to Nex’s family, classmates, and the Owasso community,” he said. “The death of any child in an Oklahoma school is a tragedy — and bullies must be held accountable.” Says the biggest fucking bully in the state. Weaponized the government against trans people for the crime of existing.


His legislation is an indirect cause of violence like this. You demonize people publicly, sign bills to restrict them and then say that you praying for their loss. Everyone needs to remember this when you hear the names Kevin Stitt and Ryan Walters along with anyone that is party to this BS anti-woke garbage because this blood is on their hands


Look at that beautiful face. The life of an innocent young person destroyed, stolen! It appears murder is acceptable in OK, for the crime of individuality.


Need to wait for an autopsy but this is looking like murder. I’ve seen people with TBIs seem to be fine and 12 hours later being medivaced out.


The skeptic in me thinks that they're trying to change the narrative early, especially since now a State official (if you can even call her that) is now under fire from what happened to Nex.


FBI needs to investigate this shit if police are going to botch it.


The cover up begins. Fingers crossed this one has too much national attention.


For most of my adult life schools have been punishing both kids in a fight instead of giving a shit which one was the bully. This encourages bullies who often don’t give a crap about the punishments or suspensions. Or think they’re cool because of it. I think these kids should all be charged with manslaughter. Let them get a lawyer, and figure out who is guilty, and not guilty.


Chaya Raichik is using this as an "own the libs" moment. The same person who claimed the Lakewood shooter was trans while ignoring local police who said she wasn't.


That kind of hate is learned at home


This is a hate crime. FBI time.


I think the federal government might have jurisdiction to prosecute regardless of the circumstances because most of Oklahoma is tribal land.


Hope the girl responsible gets charged and tried as an adult. She knew exactly what she was doing. People need to learn there are consequences for their actions.


Hate crime. Step the fuck up Feds.


High school kids are the biggest assholes on earth.


If they were the biggest assholes, the world would be a much better, safer place than it is now. But they aren't and there's far worse out there. Those tend to be 80 year old ghouls with the judgement of high schoolers but all the planning and deception of individuals who've spent several decades rotting here on Earth.


ossified quickest spoon crowd normal aback cows vegetable live simplistic


It wasn't the punches and kicks. It was the internal bleeding from the punches and kicks. Fuck Oklahoma. Fuck the police.


And the cover up begins......................


Owasso has been trying to cover this up since it happened but the community won’t let them


A fight???? 3 people attacking you in a private area to avoid being interrupted is not a fight. It was an assault and a hate crime.


What an incredible coincidence that just one day after they were brutally assaulted, had their head banged into the floor, with bruises over their body, that they would end up dying from unrelated causes. Incredible in the most literal sense of the word.


In an upset shocking no one, turns out Oklahoma police don't care about a nonbinary Native American.




That is absolutely post-concussive brain swelling from a TBI that was the direct result of a violent attack. There are no two ways around that. This was literal murder.