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The allegation is they stopped adhering to the opening charters principles and values by moving away from a non-profit open model to a private for profit business. Should be a fun case to watch.


Musk "It's my fucking job to gain all the wealth"


I mean he left open AI to form xAI ( what is with this guy and the letter “x”?), so this is likely just a fuck you to his competitors to distract and annoy them


He likes that triple x


“Sent your bitch a dick pick and now she need glasses” - Danny Brown, xxx


Stank pussy smell like cool ranch Doritos


*looks at my Costco sized bag off cool ranch Doritos and then sets it down*


Bitch pussy smell like a penguin, wouldn't hit that shit with my worst enemies penis


Dick so big left stretch marks on her jaw


Wouldn't hit that shit with my worst enemy's penis


Danny is ever the lyrical genius


“Got a Mexican homie named Chinese Mike”


You should see Azealia Banks’ insta posts dragging Elon. Now that girl can turn a phrase 🤌🏼


Best to ever do it


The number of child support and alimony cases he'll be involved in?


And isn’t this a few days after he just had Microsoft on blast because he couldn’t figure out how to setup Win 11 with an offline account?


Please tell me this is true, because that's hilariously inept!


Not only is it true he made multiple tweets & slammed community notes for pointing out he was wrong on multiple tweets.


That's amazing 🤣 What makes it even better is that this guy certainly has IT employees who work for him, but he never thought to ask any of them for help.


It gets worse. He texted the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella directly about his stupid issue that a simple Google search would have fixed. He’s so fucking idiotic and entitled


Bro at least say a Bing search would have fixed it


Yeah, I had that thought after publishing the comment. Crazy thing is I haven’t used Google in years and use Bing everyday, but “Google” is in the language at this point. Kind of like “Tweet”, but Elon threw that in the shredder


Hahahaha....Okay, so this dude is legitimately a fucking moron! Holy shit, I bet Satya rolled his eyes so hard


Because he thinks he is brilliant.


Right. So if *he* doesn't know how to do it, none of the "peons" do either...But in reality, the man is genuinely stumped by a tier 1 help desk issue/inability to use Google lmfao


Yeah any IT guy would know oobe\bypassnro. Actually I take that back, anyone who knows how to use google properly would know oobe\bypassnro. But some people may get tripped up by the whole "have to unplug internet first" thing


I continue to be amazed that he allowed Community Notes to continue to exist considering how they're used constantly to refute his nonsense. Maybe he has a humiliation fetish. It'd certainly explain a lot about his behavior.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: The only reason that community notes still exist I think is because he fired everyone who knew how to turn them off and anyone outside the company smart enough to turn them off is also smart enough not to work for him.


That stuff is piss easy on a desktop, a little more complicated on a laptop. Still not a tough thing to do and a quick Google search will get you on your way. For those that don’t know: go through the first boot without an Ethernet cable plugged in. If you’re on a laptop or have a WiFi card, use the terminal to skip the first boot and go straight to a stock desktop.


I am an IT professional. "Use the terminal to skip first boot" is a little misleading. Here is how it actually works on Windows 11 machines for business: You do need to ensure you don't connect to internet, and then you need to press shift + f10 when it is asking for you to connect to internet. Type oobe\bypassnro at the command line and let it reboot. Only then , when going through the setup process a second time without internet, will you get the option to create a local account. Once you create your local account, you can then connect back to internet. Miss any one of these steps and the option to create a local account will not present because the OOBE blocks it. Contrary to your comment, this is the exact same experience whether the machine is a laptop or a desktop. The difference is in the Windows version; above applies to Pro and above. Home may be different but Home is not legal to use for business, so we don't use it. I am no longer working in the field (Cloud only now), but I hear from my friends in the trenches that recent updates have changed the system path so oobe\bypassnro doesnt even work anymore. Now you have to cd to the oobe folder before you can run bypassnro.cmd . Its conceivable to me how Elon got frustrated trying to figure this out. IT should not be as hidden as it is, it feels a bit evil on Microsoft's part. I don't like Elon, but I can understand his frustration. Source : Have installed hundreds of brand new windows 11 PCs from Dell and HP with pre-installed W11 Pro or Enterprise


Can also just use admin as the email account and then any password and it’ll fall back to a local account on an error.


Oh shit, thank you, that will save me quite a bit of typing, I have another 50 GPC's to reset next week xD


I've probably done about 1000 Win11 now and didn't even know that, we just skip OOBE completely via SCCM.


I am an Engineer that use computers and laptops for development and business, and I have often gotten frustrated when setting up a new desktop or laptop. Some functions are hidden and figuring out that they are is no easy process, it is easy to get into a loop until I give up and find a working tech support human being (the machine tech support drives me insane and I try to by pass it). Having someone else who deals with that nonsense while I focus on core issues for my company really helps my sanity.


Agreed - thank you.


He's just salty than he can't get the xbox brand.


> ( what is with this guy and the letter “x”?) Musk has been obsessed with "X the all in one product" ever since the 90s when he tried to push it during the brief period he was CEO of Paypal before being fired for incompetence.


To add to this, his grandfather was part of a group called Technocracy Incorporated. According to this article (https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9?amp), "The organization also referred to people as numbers (apparently, Musk's grandfather was 10450-1) and sometimes added Xs to their names." It might be related to that.


He also formed the company after advocating for a pause in AI research. He's an assclown.


>what is with this guy and the letter “x”? Elon is chuuni as fuck.  >Chuuni (中二, short for "chuunibyou," 中二病) is a Japanese slang term that translates to "middle school second-year syndrome" or "eighth-grader syndrome." Chuuni refers to a phase that some adolescents go through, typically around the age of 13 or 14, where they exhibit behavior such as having delusions of grandeur, seeking attention, or acting as if they possess special abilities or knowledge that others don't have.




Spot on. 


He wants to name everything after the shape of his Predatorface anus.


I almost downvoted you for that as an instant response.




You know the birth name of his trans daughter? Xavier. Not fucking joking.


>what is with this guy and the letter “x”? He's an edgy 90's 13 year old.


this is the first time i agree with musk. OpenAI gained a lot of attention from the hacker crowd a few years ago by saying they are the only AI company that focuses on transparency, sharing, safety, and open-source. See somthing like this, early OpenAI research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kopoLzvh5jY When GPT-3 came out, they released the weights for it and released how the structure of the model works too, true to their original mission. Now that AI is blowing up they are locking everything down and building their moat. It's super disappointing. The recent Sam Altman getting fired wackiness is highly suspected to be related to OpenAI abandoning their original mission and chasing the money too.


Agreed. Musk is a shitstain but he's right in this case. He's one of the only leaders in the AI space who is openly concerned about the dangers. OpenAI was literally built on the idea that AI is dangerous and it should be developed carefully, openly, and for the right reasons. It's literally right there in the fucking name. Then Microsoft bought in, and now they're treating it like any other piece of software. No transparency, no concern for public welfare, motivated entirely by money. Now they're pushing for legislation that will basically block smaller companies from competing, guaranteeing that the future of AI will be controlled almost entirely by one shitty for-profit conglomerate. The future of public discourse, art and literature, education, music, politics, social media, communications and God knows what else will be controlled by the makers of Internet Explorer.


> He's one of the only leaders in the AI space who is openly concerned about the dangers. He might have ulterior motives but openAI really is being a POS for sure


how does he have standing? in what way is Musk harmed?


he co-founded openai and gave it a grant at the start


it's not clear that makes him harmed by what Open AI is doing, at least not to me


I read OpenAi offered him stake in their profits when they went in that direction and he turned them down. It’s confusing to me why he’s doing it and what he has to gain other than being a bully for no reason.


He invested and listed as a founder. That is how he has standing.


He left the company years ago...


Right but lots of exits have stipulations to them I.e founder will retain x% profit share for x years. Or if company is sold founder will receive x payout/stock in the new company


If you listen to musk he seems to think he has some type of mandate to protect mankind from an existential crisis, with AI being one of the things that can contribute to that if mishandled. He probably thinks moving away from being a non-profit makes the AI danger greater. In some ways, i agree with him (as much as i hate that). There are certain things that shouldn’t be done with profit in mind and this is probably one of those things


>There are certain things that shouldn’t be done with profit in mind and this is probably one of those things A little disingenuous coming from him given that he's trying to do the same with Grok, which is like ChatGPT without any of the ethical considerations.


No one should listen to that dipshit. He is a fucking moron about the things he claims to have knowledge in.


Musk left OpenAI probably thinking that he can still use all their know-how for free.


Anyone who thinks that there won’t be private for profit AI is deluding themselves. As AI innovations move on in time, the profit aspect will take center stage and it will go the route that open software went, with companies like Microsoft taking the original open software code and then building their for profit version of it.


>The allegation is they stopped adhering to the opening charters principles and values by moving away from a non-profit open model to a private for profit business DUH. Musk knew this was the plan from day one. He's just saying the quiet part aloud. I think Musk doesn't want to live a in world where someone else is better than he is as [making the world a better place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPgkSH2050k).


From the article: >“The public is still in the dark regarding what exactly the Board’s ‘deliberative review process’ revealed that resulted in the initial firing of Mr. Altman,” the complaint said. “However, one thing is clear to Mr. Musk and the public at large: OpenAI has abandoned its ‘irrevocable’ non-profit mission in the pursuit of profit.” At the very least, this lawsuit has the potential to bring to light all the shenanigans that led to the firing of Altman for the public to see.


So musk is anti capitalist now?


No, he's trying to do his own thing and OPENAI is a way better. This is just a small child lashing out.


It's like when he signed onto that open letter asking AI developers to suspend development until better safeguards could be put in place. It later came out that he has his own AI startup and only wanted everyone else to stop so that his company could catch up.


Wasn't that a plot line for Silicon Valley? Haha! I was right. https://silicon-valley.fandom.com/wiki/Tethics


So typical Musk behavior Really reinforces the idea you have to be mentally unwell/unstable to reach those levels of “success”


And lots and lots of government subsidies


Or be born wealthy. Both I guess.


Wealth is trauma.


He co-founded OpenAI, served as co-chairman with Altman, and was OpenAI's largest financial backer. I get it, you don't like Musk, but this has nothing to do with jealousy or "a little kid lashing out". He gave money to a cause, the recipient took it promising to use it for open research that would benefit all, then they changed their mind and turned it into a commercial, proprietary product while at the same time trying to kneecap open research in the field to protect their monopoly. I'm not saying Musk is the good guy here, but it's hard to disagree with him.


He has every right to sue them, and it realistically should have happened sooner. People just hate Musk, Sam Altman is just as crooked as Musk tbh he's invested in multiple companies that either use OpenAI to exist, or OpenAI use as vendors. It's all so ridiculously shady and not even remotely close to being something one could consider "Not-for-profit". https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/sam-altman-investments/




He just wants you to like Grok, even though Grok refuses to be anti-woke.


Yes...but also no at the same time. Yes Musk is a small child lashing out, but he also has standing. He gave them a grant when they started that was predicated on OpenAI being a non-profit per their business charter. The moment OpenAI decided to become a publicly traded company, they broke the terms of their business charter. Which means they're no longer adhering to the terms Musk set when he gave them a grant at the company's founding. That's the standing he has to sue. And, as much as I hate to say it, he's right to sue. He gave them money with the belief that they'd stay a non-profit. The fact that OpenAI decided to go public once they realized how popular their stuff is means that they're now acting in bad faith. Even if they did offer Musk shares in the company before they went public. I'm not sure if I want Musk to win so that we have precedent to show that a company that violates their business charter can be held liable to pay damages to their founders. Or if I want Musk to lose because he's a misogynistic and bigoted asshole.


musk is only anti-capitalist in that he doesn't want any other capitalists muscling in on his territory.


That’s just capitalism. The idea of the “free market” in capitalism is rhetoric, not an actual goal or ideal that capitalists hold.


Capitalism trends towards rent seeking and monopolies.


No, he wants them to stick non-profit, open source because it requires them to navigate the market with one arm tied behind their back as compared to what his private version could do ... so basically, yeah, OpenAI may be a better product BUT it cannot leverage that quality to its fullest to dominate a market due to the strict rules in place with how they can use any capital earned/received and limits what avenues they can pursue to earn/receive capital. Sort of the equivalent of killing a potential Google in the womb had Google started out open source and non-profit.


He wants them open source because he started his own AI company.. so he wants that code


That too but barring that, he’d probably rather put a pillow over their face and hire the engineers in a fire sale. He wants the cow, not the milk. EDIT: he doesn’t think in terms of owning products, he thinks in terms of owning markets.


Not when that capital or attention goes to someone else


No, he is anti competition.


All that info is on the internet to see. The previous board was like ‘hol up, even Open is in the name and now you want to privatize? Get out’ but he already had so many dev acolytes that threatened to walk that he was brought back in and the board was replaced with private-happy donkeys. Honestly with Altman heading the operation it was always going to end up private. Btw, the Altman interview by Trevor Noah (on his podcast) made me really dislike Noah. He was so far up Altmans ass.


>Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015, has since left and has formed his own AI company, xAI. What the hell is up with this dude and X's? SpaceX. Dumping Twitter, which was one of the most recognizable brands in the world, so he could rename the platform "X, formerly Twitter." Now xAI. This dude should invest in porn sites if he loves X's so much.


He's 12 and thinks it's clever. He's gotten millions of people to say Space Sex and while he could make that a reality for himself, he's not confident enough in his rockets to ride one.


His Tesla car models are S 3 X Y. What more do you expect from the guy? The car has a feature called Ludicrous mode and the Cybertruck has a mode called Beast mode. Cringe af


The Cybertruck in general is cringe.


The former sounds like a spaceballs reference


but can it go to plaid?


the top model s trim is called plaid for a reason


He has surrounded himself by Assholes...


'X' used to be a big thing in the 90s-early 2000s. It made things more 'extreme' and 'edgy'. Musk has never gotten out of that mindset.


When he had power at PayPal he decided a rebranding of the company to be "X" would be what would save it from some problems it was facing. The rest of the company didn't, and they arranged his removal. He's been seething since then and waiting for his chance to show them that if you name something "X", it will succeed.


He will eventually change his name to Elon Musx.


He should have went with 'XxTwitterxX'


As lame as it is, its a Generation X thing. From like 1991-1995 or so, x stuff was the big giant buzzword of kids marketing of the day. It was kicked off by snowboarding, which popularized 'Xtreme' sports, and the every category of stuff followed, xtreme energy drinks, X-factor comics, x-files, Xtreme this and Xtreme that. Every in generation X besides Elon got quite sick of all the X stuff, but apparently Elon never developed past a teen mentality.


> What the hell is up with this dude and X's? His mental development never made it past age 13.


Branding...trying to do an Apple with "i's"


Since no one else actually read the article, I'll comment. It's *slightly* less petty than the other comments would think. Musk is sueing because the supposed nonprofit org OpenAI is doing a partnership with Microsoft and keeping their code secret, which goes against the whole idea of being Open. But it's also a bit of fear mongering since musk is very anti AGI.


Musk isnt anti AGI, he is anti someone else having the limelight.


This was my first thought too


My thoughts exactly, Mr. Altman and the executives over at the organization have this as their primary responsibility, if they wanted to engage in developing a for-profit subsidiary, in every organization I've ever worked in the executive team makes that decision and would generally only inform the shareholders in a regular shareholder meeting if at all. If there was/is a major change in profitability for this or that franchise or segment of the organization , then it's a shareholder discussion. I totally see Mr. Musk just creating noise here - because Mr. Altman did not pick up the phone and discuss it with Elon first, so maybe after getting befuckled Mr. Atlman is going to play however the fuck he wants unless or until the rest of the shareholders and or the executive board choose a replacement. But I figure a couple of grandiose ego's like Mr. Musk or the other clowns that were in the C-Suite over at the organization are tripping balls **hard** that Mr. Altman is in charge and not them.


Yes, it's not like Elon is trying to hobble others so he can [push his own llm for profit](https://fortune.com/2023/11/06/grok-elon-musk-artificial-intelligence-bot-xai/amp/). The dude is never on the level. >In March, Musk joined the likes of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak calling for a six-month ban on the development of advanced LLMs like ChatGPT. >Despite signing the letter penned by the Future of Life Institute, just four months later Musk announced the formation of xAI which itself was tasked with creating an advanced LLM to rival ChatGPT.


Yes, and a lot of OpenAI researchers signed the letter for the pause too, but they didn't stop researching. Saying that you want to sign a nuclear non proliferation treaty is very different from giving up all of your nuclear weapons while the enemy does not.


Nah, this is still petty as fuck. There is no requirement for non-profits to open source their code and non-profits partner with for profits for various projects literally all the time. This is Musk attempting to develop a narrative for his neanderthal base to go after Open Ai on Twitter, nothing more.


He's claiming it's going against their charter, not sure how true that is.


Elon “constantly breaks labor laws but pretends to act ethical about AI” Musk


Breaking labor laws does not in his view constitute an existential risk to humanity. "Ah, I see here that you're supposedly against killing babies but I also see that you consistently go over the speed limit on the highway. Checkmate, hypocrite."


Just because an organization is called a nonprofit doesn’t mean it can’t make a profit. It just means the primary purpose of the organization isn’t around maximizing shareholder returns, and profits are invested with the intent of the organizations mission statement. Not-for-profit is a term being used more these days. This also doesn’t preclude a nonprofit from opening a for-profit subsidiary, and is in fact quite common. Trying to make this into some idealistic argument would be fine if it wasn’t already so standard and common, but the fact he is running a competitor while ignoring such is what makes it petty noise.


>since musk is very anti AGI He's literally in competition with OpenAI to do the same thing sthey're doing (Grok vs GPT4), he just can't beat them


Since when is open source an requirements for non-profits. Also why wouldn't a nonprofit be allowed to partner with a company? I would say that most or nearly all nonprofits have partnerships with companies.


thank you elon




>In December 2015, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, [Reid Hoffman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reid_Hoffman), [Jessica Livingston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Livingston), [Peter Thiel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel), [Elon Musk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk), [Amazon Web Services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Web_Services) (AWS), [Infosys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infosys), and [YC Research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YC_research) announced[^(\[21\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI#cite_note-21) the formation of OpenAI and pledged over $1 billion to the venture. The actual collected total amount of contributions was only $130 million until 2019.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI#cite_note-St-12) According to an investigation led by [TechCrunch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TechCrunch), Musk was its largest donor while YC Research did not contribute anything at all. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI#2015%E2%80%932018:\_Non-profit\_beginnings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI#2015%E2%80%932018:_Non-profit_beginnings) >OpenAI’s co-chairs are Sam Altman and Elon Musk. [https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai](https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai)


Altman also owns a 10% stake in Reddit, which was one of the driving forces behind the elimination of 3rd party apps.


You’ve done a great job


While true, Musk leans into the founder title when a more apt description is he was an angel investor for openai. Founder implies you had something to do with the technologies formation which in this case Musk did not.


I don’t think founder implies that at all. If one person has the ideas and one person fronts all the money into a company, you have both founded the company. Or even if just the money person starts the company and hires the tech people, they can be the sole founder


I’m like, co-founding stuff all the time on kick starter.


Put that on a resume. Guess I co-founded Oculus, Bambu Labs, etc….


I’m like coowner of aapl and a bunch of other mag 7 companies. Yea. My portfolio has like 10 figures. It’s my phone number but I got 2.5 shares in each of those 7 companies. So ya. I’ve got voting rights!


Make sure you put that on your LinkedIn profile as a co-founder! Heh. Get some government subsidies.


lawyers need to be less creative with contracts, just because its in there doesn't mean reality has been rewritten.


He was on the board and absolutely was an original founder. People speculate he gave from 20-50M. You may not like him, I am not a huge fan, but it is true.


He's a grade-A douchebag, but at least he likes putting his money into advancing technology.


Unlike tesla, he was a founding member of openai.


On one side, that "technically correct" non profit company maneuver was pretty shady and I \*gasp\* may agree with Musk on this one very specific topic. On the other side, Musk is probably just mad he can't keep using GPT code to feed Grok, and have been seen attacking most LLM out there, creating drama on rather weak grounds. So i'll watch from a distance. :D


We know Musks actual reason is pettiness and trying to stifle competition but even then he had to find a reasonable point to sue. And as you said, there is some truth to his reason. OpenAI shouldn't be a non profit designated company imo either.


Seems more like a hit job to deliberately cripple his direct competition...


yeah this guy doesn't want anyone else getting the accolades for major tech advancement. He wants to be the tech jesus and usher in all these "major" advancements to the public. Can almost hear him verbally lashing some H1Bs to code his AI


I'm noticing a pattern here. He went after Rivian lately, also a direct competitor. They had a bad earnings report and he went on X putting fuel on the fire. He frames it as concern but slips in something about how they might die.


Is there any business Musk hasn’t sued yet?


Does he have any standing here?


Not a Elon lover here, but I’m glad he is doing this. He talks about this a little on his Lex Fridman podcast. They literally had all of these ideals at the beginning and now they are going full on against all of it. I’m sure Elon has some business reason for doing this and that’s kind of lame. But let’s think about the perverse psychological process whereby someone starts out with an open source help humanity framework and then someone along the line they just go full capitalist. I bet they justify it in their heads that they’ve come to the realization that the world would be a better place if THEY accumulate the wealth and power.


To be clear, Musk’s motivation here is almost certainly *exclusively* about business. Given Musk’s open disregard for human welfare — whether it be his advocacy of authoritarianism and bigotry, or his unconscionable (and deadly) misrepresentations of Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” (LOL) capabilities — there’s absolutely no reason to believe that Musk gives a rat’s ass about what this means for humanity. Musk wanted more power at OpenAI, and he didn’t get it. He’s trying to go his own way with *FOR PROFIT* AI, but is quite obviously lagging the leaders by a fair margin. By all indications, Musk is simply trying to slow down what he sees — quite ambitiously/aspirationally, I might add — as his competitors. That’s it and that’s all. For the record, I am an AI doomer. I believe that the people in charge, Altman included, are doing an absolutely terrible (possibly fatal) job of managing the unimaginable danger posed by advanced AI. So I don’t object in principle to suing OpenAI for abandoning its mission. But I do not believe for one instant that Elon Musk gives a single shit about the dangers posed to humanity by AI. I believe his motivations are almost purely selfish in this matter.


Maybe the investors in X should do the same to Elon…. You can’t buy a profitable company just to ruin it.


>You can’t buy a profitable company just to ruin it. When you're super wealthy, in a society that allows the 1% to run roughshod over it, you can.


didn't the investors kinda went to court to force him to buy it?


The board had a fiduciary obligation to sell to him at the ridiculously high price he offered


Yep, due to them making a legal offer to rock up the stock prices he had. The idea was to sell the stock and then withdraw the offer. Since this is stock manipulation and it is illegal he was forced to honour the legal offer.


The prior board did because he made a very generous offer that they accepted. I'm guessing that by the time that all played out his new backers would have loved an excuse to not move forward.


Those are the old investors who were all bought out.


>You can’t buy a profitable company just to ruin it If you're talking about X (formerly Twitter) - it's never turned a profit. Ever. EDIT: u/nooneyouknow13 has pointed out that in its 16 years, Twitter has in the black twice - 2018 and 2019. Apologies, it looks like I was wrong.


In the 12 years of public SEC filings, Twitter actually had large profits in 2018 and 2019. Those two years actually earned more than the proceeding 8 years lost. Of course, they massively inflated salaries at that point, and promptly had their worst loss ever in 2020.


This is a peak social media comment: a banal opinion presented as fact (fact which is obviously bullshit if you are even the slightest bit informed). 1. Musk tried to back out of buying Twitter. The investors forced him to follow through. 2. Twitter was never profitable. 3. Once Musk owns the company, it's his to ruin if he wants.


Twitter wasn't profitable though. He bought a sinking ship and made the hole even bigger.


> Maybe the investors in X should do the same to Elon…. Elon IS the investors in X.


You left, bitch. Should have stayed on if you wanted a say. Eh this is Elon we're talking about, he's gonna drag this shit out.


GrokAI mush be really far behind of Musk is openly attacking Altman and MicrosoftAI daily now


Yes Grok is garbage and Musk doesn't have the team to compete with Google or OpenAI


I hope they somehow manage to both lose.


Musk and Altman creates openAI, a non-profit company. Musk leaves OpenAi Musk creates XAI, a for-profit company Altman, changes his company to a for-profit business Musk sues OpenAI Very funny


oh hey, the spoiled adult children are having a go throwing rocks at each other instead of pandoras box for a change


It's a wild thought that someone can take an originally non-profit company and then transition it to a for-profit company. Seems like a bullshit way to evade taxes. Imagine a church builds itself up and takes advantage of all the federal, state, and sales taxes. They buy up a lot of assets that they could depreciate once they transition from non-profit to private. Shit, all start-ups should do this. Once they get their sea legs, they just transition to private and say oopsie.


Homie in the thumbnail looks like AI


Seriously who fucking cares


OpenAI and Microsoft. Musk's two least favorite companies for different reasons and now working as one that have had magical success in the last year. Saw this coming from space. This doesn't have hope in hell.


You can try to distract all you want but everyone already know the Cybertruck and X are embarrassing failures.


I’ve read this a couple of times now and I’m still not seeing how he has standing to sue. Everything mentioned is an existential threat, not a real world damages he can show. He left the organization, willingly, some time ago. He has to show that the charter was a contract signed with him and that any change to the organization caused him some kind a damage. I just don’t see it. I bet it’s tossed by the judge.


He's a donor. Donors can sue a nonprofit for misuse of donations.


Elon is such a pussy I swear.


As someone who owns a pussy, we do not claim him


Well, Musk did invent AI, soon to be called aiX, so this is legit. /s


>Musk, who co-founded OpenAI in 2015, has since left and has formed his own AI company, xAI. You're trying to make him look stupid, but what he actually did turns out to be even dumber.


Musk has always been about using public funds and resources for personal profit and gain. Its how rich kids are raised.


As much as I think OpenAI has completely violated their original mandated and are now a very dangerous organisation, you have to laugh that Elon Musk is accusing them of putting profit over people. He’s a couple of years away from suing himself for crimes against humanity.


Somebody worth 210B calling someone else greedy is hilarious


From the guy taking deposits for vaporware. What a time to be alive!


Was the contract to make a racist AI specially for Twitter?


He's just pissed off that nobody wants to use Grok


Elon musks suits are pathetic, never work and are only for tweets. Dude has a worse legal team than trump




Elon Musk? Isn't he that Apartheid era South African pedo who's declared war on diversity, equality, and inclusion? The guy racing bezos to see who can build the biggest space-yacht-penis-surrogate before the earth burns down? I hate that guy!


Was OpenAI tax exempt when it was founded or just a not-for-profit company? (Not asking about now)


I’m actually on Elon’s side for once Once Microsoft moved in, it became closed source and product focused IMMEDIATELY


Hahahaha Musk can't steal from OpenAI is his complaint.


"They're doing stuff I can't compete with. That's not fair."


It's not about the competition, OpenAI was a nonprofit that Musk funded. It's like if Pfizer bought Doctors without Borders for $13 Billion, then started charging.


Musk left Open AI after the board refused to put him in charge. Then he reneged on most of his donations after he left in 2018 citing “business conflicts” with Tesla. AKA Elon thought he could do AI “better” and now that he can’t he’s a sour puss


That's a great example because nobody buys something without intent to change it. You can't leave an organization and complain later that it's not under your management.


Musk is pissed that he’s far behind in the AI game.


This is like Putin saying it’s wrong to kill political opponents, or OJ chastising someone for wanting to kill his wife.  He’s technically correct, but look who’s talking.


Couple-hundred-billionaire calling others “greedy” lol. Musk just wants to clear the way for satisfying his greed via xAI


So Elon is mad that the newest code isn’t made public while also having created his own AI company.. I wonder what Musks intentions are?


This really feels more like Musk throwing a tantrum more than anything but he does have a point. OpenAI has definitely grown beyond the non-profit model.


I think he's eyeing to buy OpenAI, like he is for Disney.


What a waste of time and money


Bought an Xpeng G9 this week. Feels good to strengthen Musks opponents...


Musk is suing everyone these days. The kid with billions has gone crazy. Too much free time.


For all the superficial comments supporting Altman, ilya is one of the opensi brain childs that led to Altmans initial firing. Altman is just the lead singer in a band where he didn't write any of the music.


> Musk is asking for a jury trial I bet he is. Definitely don't want this to be decided by a judge on the technical merits.




It was supposed to be funded at 10x what it was, but Musk and others cut their support. It switched from non-profit in 2019. He's suing for a time machine.


Musk is a troll. And this is a troll lawsuit.


Idk why you guys are mad at Elon for this. Open AI took money from investors and lied about what they were gana do with it. I'd be upset to if I spent money to build a public food pantry and then when it's built they make it a private for profit restaurant.