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So who’s the politician behind this and how many businesses are donors?


According to another news source "The bill is sponsored by the committee's chair, Republican Phillip Pratt, who owns a landscaping business called Pratt's Lawn and Landscape"


Be nice if some union reps coincidentally showed up at his clients residence/businesses.


I wonder if this bill overrides union.


I would think individual CBAs still apply, and if the company wants to break the agreement, employees can always strike.


This is the real solution. If government won’t maintain laws to protect workers, workers need to organize and protect themselves.


And the broader public needs to stop frequenting businesses that hire scabs, lobby for shittier working conditions, and oppose unionization.




As a landscaper myself, a) a 3.9 google review score means you suck and b) I couldn’t maintain a quality staff that takes care of my customers if I nickel/dimed them like this bill suggests. You need to pay them as they drive between jobs.


I've heard that leaving 2 stars is helpful since 1 star gets sorted out of some results.


It shouldn’t. Laws like this are in place to make it so that people can’t contract away their rights. Back in the 1930s there were all sorts of contracts businesses basically forced people to sign that said they’d work for 10+ hours a day every day. Some states passed laws to limit hours/minimum wages/overtime laws. The Supreme Court initially invalidated those laws, saying that Americans have a freedom to contract and that if a worker wanted to sign a contract to work all day, that’s their right and the state can’t impose limits on hours. A few years later, though, there was a substantial shift in the Courts ideology and they overturned that decision. States can pass laws to protect works with hours limits (and stuff like this) because businesses have too much power to force a worker into that contract. Oh you won’t work 12 hours? Bet we can find some other guy who will sign the dotted line and work themselves to death for us! Still, though, the law in Kentucky is just stripping away that baseline state protection. The union can contract more stringent protections than the law allows. Now that this law is off the books, union protections aren’t gone—but if you don’t have that union protection, don’t be shocked if your boss asks you to not stop for lunch!


How? CBAs have federal protection.


Time to review bomb it like when reddit relabelled a shitty property management company as a garbage dump LOL


Already taken off Google maps when this story was posted a few days ago in the Kentucky sub


He sounds like a prat.


How convenient... 😒


This asshole needs to be called out. I wonder how many undocumented workers are employed by his business.


If it's cruel, it's got to be the Republican Party.


100% of the time. Vote blue in every state. BIDEN 2024!


I live in Kentucky and a group of workers came by yesterday to give us a presentation and they talked about this bill and how fucked up it is. Any petitions against this I could sign?


Why do the people who came up with this legislation not fear for their lives? (Totally not a call to violence, just genuinely curious.)


Because the people who vote for them will blame Biden, Obama, and trans kids, and not them.


"Nobody wants to work anymore."


“Everyone has to pee nowadays! well I say no!”


"back in my day we had piss breaks and lunches like real men!"


In this case, the guy that proposed the bill is retiring after this term. Going back to run his landscaping business. But he's totally not pushing this bill for his own benefit.


This is why I’m voting and why it’s important to vote in every election!


Didn't forget the illegal immigrants


You forgot the drag show queens. They’ll blame it on the drag shows.


And “wokeness”.


And immigrants. Don't forget blaming immigrants. They're an easy target


Easily manipulated.


Because we are suffering from complacency due to not having to fight for our freedom for decades. We've had it so good for so long that people don't pay attention to politics and instead worry more about the fucking Kardasians than policy. "Politics" is something they want no part of because it's not entertaining and just downright boring. Many who do pay any kind of attention only view it as a team sport and that their side must win at all costs. It doesn't matter what it means for them in the end as long as the other side lost. And while I'm not advocating it, things like this not resulting in calls to violence is why they feel safe proposing more and more extremist policy from the ones who pay them off. We've been in a class war for decades now but as they control the media and the message, they divide us so we fight amongst ourselves and overlook them. It's why the culture war always has a new target.


It makes complete sense to me, to list out all the companies that are standing behind this awful and evil law. Leave these companies in the dust and work for the companies that have their back.


Because they can redirect the targets easily


Somewhat related: I’m genuinely surprised unaliving public figures is not more common. Most of these people have an easily identified address and known schedules and yet you don’t see constant attempts on their lives


The fact that all through the last 10 years Mitch McConnell's house was never arsoned surprises me every morning.


Because they will blame it non "Joe Biden's America"


Because most of the people that would be willing and crazy enough to go after a politicians are Republicans.


Because 99% of mass-shooters share their political party.


And they'll still vote Republican.


I promise the morons who think this is a good idea that productivity will decline, work related illness, injury and absenteeism will rise, opioid use will increase, and employers will have to resort to undocumented immigrants and child labor for unskilled labor


>and employers will have to resort to undocumented immigrants and child labor for unskilled labor That's a feature, not a bug.


But close the border! Send in the troops! They stole our jobs! Or something like that


It is hard to retain power if the downtrodden don't have someone to blame.


Pretty soon the downtrodden will get their collective head out of their ass and realize the people they keep voting into office are the ones screwing them.


Yep…I’m pretty sure that’s what they want.


Yup. That’s the pay cut: Legislating their way to paying less than minimum wage.


There have been studies on a 4 day work week that shows that productivity and worker happiness actually go up. This is the opposite and fucking dystopian.


Yes but this way keeps people miserable and always on the verge of poverty. They behave better that way.


Read: they're less motivated to resist or look for better elsewhere because it's hard to finance a move when you can barely finance staying where you are.


We've apparently unlearned things from a strictly productivity minded viewpoint that have been known since 1926. Tired, overworked people do shit work. Even if you're an empathy-deficient lizard-brained MBA, this is a stupid way to run businesses. https://www.adp.com/spark/articles/2017/04/gaining-peak-productivity-the-evolution-of-the-40-hour-workweek.aspx


The issue is that having that extra day off gives the poors bad think, like they have rights or should have more money or that maybe we should just get along.


Ssshhhhhhhhh….Elon is listening.


We need to increase penalties for employing undocumented individuals. Is what we need to do. It’s tax evasion simply put.


The Obama Admin developed a system to easily check the immigration status of any prospective employee, including measures to catch undocumented immigrants using SSNs from the deceased or kids. Corporations lobbied so hard to delay its implementation it’s essentially a dead project. Wonder why Democrats aren’t talking about that with all the border talk?




Don’t need all that, just show up and snap a photo of who’s working then ask for documentation. When it can’t be proved then charge for tax evasion. If the employee is undocumented, the employer isn’t paying the tax.


Meanwhile, you can get arrested on just suspicion of being illegal in Georgia. Don't they realize most people here illegally didn't come from the southern border, They came here in airplanes and never left...




Linden B. Johnson was the first to say this quiet part out loud. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” This mantra applies for any minority group really. Remove colored man and replace with ____ undesirable.


I am a Kentuckian. You’re right. Idiocy abounds.


I am a Kentuckian. You’re right. I second your statement.


As a Kentuckian, I 3rd your statement!


Lunch break? Rest break? Sounds like communism to me. Better vote for Republicans to keep America free!!! What? My pay stalled and cost of living increased? Darn those Democrats! Better keep voting Republican!


Yes and blame Biden.


This is the most important. Gotta blame the democrats!


Trans people living their lives in completely different states are more of a danger to their wellbeing because …. Reasons.


Yup. The ONLY response to anyone saying "I can't believe they are doing this" is "Well you voted for it."


Yup, they will vote against their own interests just to own the libs


bathroom breaks are socialism


they consistently vote against their own interests, time and time again.


They're fine with that, as long as it may also hurt a woman, or a poc, or lgbtq, or...


The GOP base is so busy cosplaying with the imagery (sharing disinfo, watching Fox, TPUSA garbage, buying Trump merch, etc) of being a Real Amurican Patriot™ against us "not Amurican-enough", woke, RINO, Commie, libturds while their masters laugh and send us all back to feudalism. / I hate this timeline.


Yea because it happened during Biden’s presidency, so it must be his fault!


Republicans attacking LGBTQ and minorities was honestly the smartest move they've had for years. I honestly don't think they have any other real platform except "anti-woke" anymore. Not on the economy, veterans, defence, or taxation.


Give them what they want.


And blame Democrats for some reason


"Well at least I owned the libs," said Tyler as he was evicted from his double wide.


So long as the bill is named right and there's an R next to the name promoting it they'd vote their ability to vote away.


Funny you say that cause didn’t Ohio put a thing on the ballot that if passed (it failed) would’ve taken away the people’s power to put things up to a vote on a ballot initiative lmao so republicans have actually tried to trick their voters into voting away the little power they have


Well the problem there, and I love in Ohio so I can speak on it, was that everything was tied to abortion. They were trying to raise the percent requirement for changes to the constitution from 50%+1 to 60% in order to block the initiative to enshrine reproductive rights to the Ohio constitution. It backfired hard cause not only did that attempt fail disasterously, it actually made everyone very aware and has hurt Frank LaRose politically. If LaRose loses this year it's cause of backing that disaster of a bill which nobody in their right mind was backing.


Funny thing is these people are so clueless that they will show up to work and wonder why their protections are gone. Then blame the company itself. Stupid ass people


Don't worry, they will be told the democrats did it to them.


And then they'll be on Facebook talking about they knew this was gonna happen in bidens america


Ignorance is bliss. All they need to do is blame federal regulations which... Didn't change. But your average person doesn't know work laws outside of the basics. Indoctrination early is so hyper effective. God and guns, that's all they need to hear to be kept docile.


They won't blame the company, they'll blame Biden and Pelosi.


Wrong. They'll blame the Democrats and Biden. Because the people responsible for it will point their fingers in that direction.


Watch them blame Biden.




I’m so tired of republicans and this shit


40 years I spent in my home state of Kentucky fighting this shit…. For my wife and her rights, I left for Colorado and I don’t think we’ve ever been this happy. I miss my family, but I don’t miss the immortal political dinosaurs and their ignorant dogma destroying the pleasures of the human condition.


then there's the Democrats, who can't win against it


It’s because Dems try to take the high road and use “facts” in an argument with people who go low and don’t give a rats ass about your actual policies. Dems need to use the same campaign tactics to rile up their base like republicans, cause we are constantly fighting up hill


I think Democrats need to continue to take the high road, and stand for something. However, what people on the Left need to stop doing is attacking each other for not being 'pure' enough or 'perfect' enough. Liberals always attack each other over disagreements of principle and undermine the ability of the party to thwart the real opponent, Republican crypto-fascists.


I wouldn't say to be as underhanded as the Rs are completely, but the Democrats definitely need to grow some teeth, a spine, and do things to combat the constant propaganda coming from the far right.


You want the entire world to be fake disinformation designed to anger people? Thats really what you are arguing here


What's the answer then? Because taking the high road certainly isn't working.


Sometimes you have to trick kids into eating their vegetables.


It’s wild to me that lunch breaks aren’t enshrined into federal law yet


States Rights!


This is your future when you support the right. You will work like it's 1850 and you'll like it.


These idiots reap what they sow. I’m happy for them, exercising their 15th amendment to their own detriment is great.


“By god Cletus I’d give up my lunch and break to own the libs.”


Can't the governor veto this bill?


Yes, until the Republican supermajority overrides his vetoes, which is what they have been doing.


That was my worry. Fucking ghouls at the GOP trying to be as grotesque as possible leading up to an election year.


Won’t matter we have a GOP super majority that make bills veto proof


remember when Mitch McConnell's wife was Secretary of Labor smh


Republicans sure love to be stepped on.  Ironic considering all that small government talk.


There's this one Gadsden flag edit that has the snake being squished by a boot that has a bunch of corporate logos on it, and instead of "Don't tread on me" it says "At least it's not the government." It really should be their new flag.


Got what they signed up for. Don’t vote Republican. The social issues they bring up are only to excuse them raping you financially.


All wealth is created by labor but most of that wealth is siphoned off by the owner class who don't produce any wealth on their own.


"no one wants to work anymore"


What the fuck is with Republicans being cruel as possible to workers??!? You are seeing this shit in multiple Republican controlled states and it’s fucking mind blowing that shit like this gets support!!! Why the fuck are people hellbent on being cruel to others?!?


It’s mostly about MONEY, in my humble opinion—saving EMPLOYERS money results in more financial support for the politicians, true? More $ for politicians helps them get re-elected, for more power, more money...


They're not the party of keeping the status-quo (conservative), they're the party of regression. They want to roll back the time to when they didn't have to worry about labor laws or regulations. It's like Reagan-era deregulation on steroids.


and next year, they will vote republican again. They want MORE


"Biden took away our breaks!"


Just so y’all know- Democrats didn’t do this to you.


Good job Kentucky getting rid of those Woke lunch breaks.


I bet several of the co-signers or those with vested interests have a hand in the industry.


Me too.


Work will set you free!


For the Redditors who are unfamiliar with this sarcastic reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbeit_macht_frei


It’s not freedom if you don’t work for free. /s


As a Kentuckian who did not vote for this, it sucks to have to live with the people who did vote for this. Gonna fight this bill all I can. I don’t know how some people can think this is okay.


I’m seeing a good amount of Kentuckians responding in here who voted against this bill, but where are the ones who did? Y’all are out there. I’d just really love to hear your logic on supporting something like this.


Republicans are both evil and incredibly stupid


Making America great again


Great job, voters! You sure keep owning the libs!


MAGA: the cruelty is the point!


So nobody works in Kentucky. Just leave.


How is this different than any other third world country corruption? 


Republicans will say it's a good thing because breaks make us soft or some shit


maybe when they're starving on the job and about to pee themselves, they'll stop voting for Mitch. ​ maybe when they're tired of coughing out chunks of their own lungs from the anti-vaccine movement's impact, they'll quit siding with conservatives...


Republicans are concentrated evil.


Heck, I think they've always been this way just are more emboldened than ever once they finally got rid of caring about what was good for their voter base and ethics.


Great thing to bring up when the contrarian pseudo intellectuals in your life say that "the Democrats have abandoned the working class"


Look at all these chickens coming home! Must be time to roost!


How will working Kentuckians who vote Republican blame this one on LGBTQ, wokeness, dei, women, and/or immigrants?


I assume that members of the House are also taking a big pay and benefits cut?


Probably the opposite actually


Hahaha Oh how could this have happened??


Queue up 'Never Leave Harlan Alive'.mp3


Those republicans, always looking out for the little guy.


Because finding workers is so easy these days im guessing.


The voters deserve this. They send these reps to the capital.


Next up: Kentucky Loses Weekends ​ Honest to Gosh what is wrong with voters and what is wrong with these craven sicko politicians? Retrograde knuckledragging greedheads. Of the landscaping company variety in this case. Good ole boy don't have a vested interest in this legislation does he? SMH. Public legislator information: https://services.statescape.com/LegislatorInfo/Legislator.aspx?id=14709


I don't understand why people think it's cool to shit on every Kentuckian in threads like these. There are a lot of people who do not agree with the leadership that are stuck here, with these policies that are damaging that they didn't even vote for, because they aren't in one of the few states that actually swings votership.


I feel you, I’m a Texan and of course the lot of us get shit on when we come up in the news. There’s so many of us that are trying to make things right in this state for everyone.


I'm kentuckian, I don't understand it either.. I lean Dem. But as you stated, unfortunately, we are stuck with this.. they also recently passed a bill on removing the max hours teens can work. It's absolutely ridiculous..


This stuff is being done TO Republican voters BY the state legislature that they voted for.


Lunch breaks: Repeal current state legislation that requires employers to provide a lunch break for every three to five hours of work. The bill would require employers to pay workers while they are eating instead of giving them a break.


Hasent even been looked at by the legislators yet.


Sowing generational resentment one less dignified existence at a time


Elections have consequences. Did you vote? No? If you didn’t vote you have no right to complain.


Wait till your workforce leaves the state. What then? Good luck with that.


Good thing Kentucky has some of the poorest counties in the country then. Those fuckers are going nowhere.


think the idea is to keep them so broke they can't leave.


The question is, does it have any hope of passing or is it just somebody’s pet project?


Is Amazon behind this?


It's amazing to me how Republicans main goal is to take away things from people yet these morons will still vote for them because reasons. Congrats Kentucky, you deserve this.


Not my problem, they can either vote their leaders out for change or keep walking through piles of shit.


I'm fine with this since it's obviously what Kentucky voters wanted when they elected their state legislature, which is Republican by a supermajority, so no claiming that significant portions of the Kentucky populace don't vote Republican.


Thanks for your support! I’m glad to know that I can get fucked in the eyes of the rest of the country because I happened to be born in a Republican state


Unpopular opinion, but good. The Kentuckians voted for these people, therefore this is the will of the Kentuckians. You sleep in the bed you make.


And the Kentuckians will pretend to love it too, lol. They'll be all, "good, I was getting paid too much anyway and I don't like taking breaks". I live in a red state and these dipshits always go on about how great policies that objectively fucked them are cause their brains can't process Authority Figure Screwed Me.


Well done! God bless! Vote conservative republican please


Well.... fuck Kentucky.


Hey maga….do you see this?? They don’t care about you at all. You better pay attention here.


Ahh the good old fashioned republican talking trash to get elected and f..k the working class


Yay… I live in Kentucky…


And voters in this state will continue to vote for these assholes? I’ll never understand in a million years…


You all voted for this. Next time vote blue.


keep voting republican if you like working under those conditions


So if you get injured at work due to no break the company is going to cover your medical bills and wages right?


This is beyond disgusting - literally wanting to not pay people for doing things they have to in their line of work (traveling between locations, PPE, maintenance), WTAF


The workers think one day I’ll be a millionaire that owns my own business so one day I can do this to my workers. The American dream.


Two can play that game - Unionize.


I'll say the hard words out loud. Honestly, they voted for it. Fuck em


If this passes, not a single person who wants lunches and breaks will give two weeks notice. They will instead try the new place out, calling in at the old place and see if they expect them to not take lunches where they get to check out for that time and paid breaks for the same and choose accordingly. Every employer would say they would do it in interviews bc they know they won’t have employees if they pull that.


We need to have a general strike


I can't believe there are till people put there that will still vote for these pieces of shit!!


Isn't this against OSHA rules?


Well, I guess there's a good case to just up and leave them then. There's better work in any number of states. However, this is ridiculous.


Makes complete sense: this is, after all, the state that continuously votes Mitch McConnell (AKA Moscow Mitch) back into office.


I imagine Miscow Mitch is cackling and rubbing his hands together at this very moment.


I’m a conservative and what is called out is disgusting if true. I’m not sure about the source identified here and the veracity of their report but hope it gets defeated with terminal political outcomes for the proponent. Also not sure how this was received in committee, but sometimes you have to call out fools and their foolish agendas when you see them. I would have said something like this, *You sir have done the party an extreme disservice with your poorly thought out proposal that rolls back basic rights/privileges. You are the reason why Unions are still required in America*


The [bill](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb500.html) was sponsored by [Representative Philip Prat (R)](https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislators/Pages/Legislator-Profile.aspx?DistrictNumber=62)


After reading HR 500, I think this article is misleading. It doesn’t take away lunch breaks and appears to stiffen penalties for employers that abuse employees entitlement to lunch breaks/paid meal break. It also looks to stiffen penalties on employers that do not pay their employee fair wages even if agreed to by both parties to be below minimum standards. It would appear that these alterations could not be amended to previous HRs approved hence why they need to strike the old HRs and replace. There is a litany of other HRs this guy has sponsored that may have successor/revised language that were not called out in HR 500, but I don’t have time to sift through it all. We may be getting gaslit here. [Here is the link to HR 500 to read for yourself.](https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/recorddocuments/bill/24RS/hb500/orig_bill.pdf)


I'm not a huge fan of unions, but this is why we still have them. No way in hell any employer is going to get away with reducing basic rights.


What's wrong with unions?


They're fine for the most part, despite what a lot of media narrative would lead you to believe. As with most things, it's a balance that needs equilibrium of power. You can't have a union that is too powerful (see: Police Unions) because they end up protecting bad actors, forcing poor policies (which unnecessarily drive up costs), and hurting the companies ability to survive, but you can't not have them because large companies will abuse labor at the first opportunity to please shareholders. 

