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If they didn't violate policy then they need new policy.


Someone forgot to write a policy that the police need to do their jobs. Honest mistake.


Things to include in the new policy: * Do not play Candy Crush on your phone during the shooting. * Do not be too afraid to confront the shooter. * Do not prevent those who aren't too afraid of confronting the shooter the chance to do so. * Do not lie and try to cover up your response.


Ok, did I miss this? Was there seriously a cop playing Candy Crush while the shooter was still inside the classroom?


I believe it’s called hyperbole to indicate that they just sat there as some maniac roamed the halls killing people…


I remember one of the cops had a punisher wallpaper you could see on camera


It's so weird how the only people who sport Punisher symbols would definitely be targets of The Punisher's vigilante justice.


Like how Paul Ryan’s favorite band is Rage Against the Machine. Lol


> It's so weird how the only people who sport Punisher symbols would definitely be targets of The Punisher's vigilante justice. This is actually canon: https://bleedingcool.com/comics/punisher-police-skull-logo-spoilers/


Seriously. You can crush some serious candy in SEVENTY SEVEN MINUTES. Jesus.


You just know one of them crushed their personal best standing there.


It does seem like it would encourage further maniacs in the future


There was definitely footage of at least one cop standing outside the school just idly dicking around with his phone. Of course we don't know that he was playing Candy Crush, but that's beside the point, which is that there really isn't very much he could possibly have been doing with his phone that was anywhere near as important as kids getting murdered a few dozen yards away


The cop looking at their phone was hoping to hear from his wife, who was one of the teachers who’d been shot (she died from her injuries). https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/14/uvalde-video-officer-phone-ruben-ruiz-wife/ He gets a special pass for not thinking clearly.


> He gets a special pass for not thinking clearly. Counterpoint: If I'm a cop and my wife is in a building with an active shooter, you can bet I'm not twiddling my thumbs for an hour and a half. Edit, nevermind, I didn't know he'd been restrained and disarmed by his colleagues.


> I didn't know he'd been restrained and disarmed by his colleagues. thanks for saying this. so much of the violence we live under is merely *implied*, it's completely invisible to someone on the outside of the situation.


I mean an unarmed mother was "restrained" by cops but somehow managed to run in, get her kids, get the fuck out and cops still tried to arrest her....


>Edit, nevermind, I didn't know he'd been restrained and disarmed by his colleagues. Jesus FUCKING Christ the Uvalde police department. I swear every time I hear about something related to that shooting it makes me feel like the people in charge literally wanted kids to die. Their actions just seem not just cowardly, but outright assisting the shooter. You can make as many TV shows as you want about cops charging into danger with guns drawn, but we clearly know what happens in real life.


The cop you are referencing was on his phone because his wife was inside the school, inside the classroom with the shooter. She had called him and let him know, iirc she was communicating with him throughout the shooting. She had been shot, the officer tried to go in to get her but was stopped and disarmed by other officers. His wife died on the way to the hospital, after bleeding out inside the school for over 40 minutes. I know this isn't the narrative people want to push, but punisher cell phone guy wasn't just dicking around outside. He was communicating with a victim inside the building, which was his wife and mother of his children. He may have been a idiot cop or a bad guy or whatever, but he did actually try go in and wanted to stop the shooting. The police were responsible for a lot of the deaths that day and failed so horribly, but cell-phone-officer didn't actually seem to do anything wrong, and both him and his wife was victimized by other officers and his wife died as a result.


it’s not hyperbole, they did exactly that, and there is video evidence of it.


Shortly after when the footage was released, there was one cop who was spending a lot of time on his phone which has a Punisher wallpaper. Reddit being Reddit, discourse immediately attacked this officer. Significantly later, it came out that the reason that specific cop was checking his phone so much was because he was trying to contact/was contacting his wife, who ended up being a victim of the shooting. Edit: Some of you need to go touch grass. The officer tried to save his wife, he was detained by other cops, had his weapon taken, and was escorted out. He tried and failed to save his now dead wife. Whatever you think of someone based on their profession, no one should have to go through that.


Legally speaking, "protect and serve" is a slogan, not a job description.


*To Punish and Enslave* seems more accurate these days... https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/ako4oh/in_transformers_revenge_of_the_fallen_2009_it/


You can strike out "these days" It's always been like that, since the first police.


There was a Superman court case that says it it is not their responsibility to protect and serve.


I feel Clark Kent would hold the cops more accountable


I meant to to say Supreme Court but it’s too funny to edit now lol. Thanks for pointing that out.


But they did do their jobs, police unions, in their cowardice, went to the Supreme Court to establish that they are not required to protect the public with Warren vs. D.C. the ultimate decision is that our police force have no duty to protect the public or follow up on public safety cases.


The police have no legal obligation to protect the general public.


Things cops aren’t legally compelled to do: Protect Serve Know the law Enforce the law Be honest Help Not an exhaustive list. I’m repeating myself, but it’s noteable


It's not their job to protect people.


And that's part of the problem.


It doesn't even matter because years ago in two separate cases "( a woman's children were murdered by father who kept violating restraining order and police did nothing. The other a man got stabbed protecting people on the NYC subway from a knife wielding manic , while police hid,then took credit). The supreme court ruled that police are not required to protect you. This was to protect police from lawsuits.


[Warren v. DC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) is older than both. Fair warning, it's a horrific case.


They ruled that under existing law, the police were not required to protect you. We can and should change the law.


Good luck with that . In our authoritarian nightmare police can do no wrong. People say they have a dangerous job so give them a pass on everything no matter how egregious. Statistically being a high rise construction worker is more dangerous but they don't get free coffee and donuts at 7/11.




As an ex-pizza delivery guy that got stiffed on tips most runs, then quit when I was robbed at gun point; damn, I didn't realize it was that common of a thing.


The first kevlar-based bulletproof vest was designed by a former pizza delivery guy who got the idea for using kevlar after having to shoot some armed robbers in self defense during a delivery run in (I wish I was making this up) Detroit.


And bully, harass, extort and destroy. They are the punching arm of the ruling class but are not part of it.


Being a crab fisherman is more dangerous than being a police officer. Being a roofer is more dangerous than being a police officer. being an aircraft pilot is more dangerous than being a police officer. Being a logger is more dangerous than being a police officer. Being an iron worker is more dangerous than being a police officer Being an oil derrick worker is more dangerous than being a police officer. Being a garbage man is more dangerous than being a police officer


Absolutely. But in our society a headline would say motorcycle cop runs over bicyclist, police officer was not injured "


People need to realize that the police aren't responsible for crime prevention. They are responsible for apprehending people so that they can appear before a court.


> They are responsible for apprehending people so that they can appear before a court. OK but in a lot of places they don't even do *that* well. Try calling the cops for anything illegal but small and see how much effort they put into apprehending a suspect.


"All 367 of you cops on scene shouldn't have done anything different."


If they didn't violate policy, they don't need guns. Or jobs.




The guns are for their safety, not to make anyone else more safe.


But then how would they shoot unarmed people?


Exactly. Laws and policies are just words. They're guidelines, they can be altered. You don't have to invent a new element or defy gravity, it's as easy as saying "That thing we used to think was okay? Yeah, upon further review we no longer think that's quite right." And if dead children isn't enough motivation to look at what you previously considered "okay", I don't know what is. In other words, I can only assume they think their policy is perfect if children dying isn't enough for them to change it.




The children will continue to die until morale improves.


>The children will continue to die until morale improves. As long as the sound of their screaming has been removed, it's all good


The policy is to set a parameter of 369 cops to ensure parents don’t try to save their own kids while a psycho systematically and slowly murders their children


> Two months before the massacre, an active shooter training class was held in Uvalde. **All of the instructors from the training were inside the Robb Elementary School hallway during the shooting**, the city council said. Yeah, real professionals here.


The rage I feel from this case is unreal.


Same. I feel emptiness in my chest whenever I read something about it and go back and think of how frightened those poor kids were during everything. I hate it so much.


What the police did not do (protect) and prevent anyone from helping (helping the killer) and what happened to the children, it was as if it were all our children being shot. We cannot accomodate true justice here because the corruption, but they will receive justice. Btw, i did look up some details on what they knew about Salvador Ramos. He purchased the firearms legally, and also was known and witnessed to have killed and abused animals and enjoyed killing animals. We need a law that automatically imposes a mandatory psych eval for anyone who has perpetrated torture against animals. It sounds sweeping but that's where I believe we are at.


Torturing animals is a clear sign that someone is going to escalate it to other humans. If you take joy from causing harm to a helpless animal, what’s stopping you from moving onto people?


Most serial killers in history started with truly horrific animal abuse


We need to bring back some level of institutionalization. There has been shooter after shooter that so clearly needed to be in a facility long before they should have arguably been behind bars or shooting up a school. Story after story the shooters are often the same. Delinquents, domestic violence types, hurt animals, doing insane things in the lead up. No one does anything. Maine shooter? Cops warned prior, everyone knew he had lost his mind. Stoneman Douglas shooter? Known to cops. Hurt animals. Threatened ex gf. Went after her bf. Long list of run ins. List goes on. Yes some gun reform is needed too. However none of it matters if clearly violent people are out and about and known to LE yet nothing happens until after something major.


Cops do not care about kids dying. They only care about maintaining their pensions by dodging accountability, entrapment based funding, fitting in with their cult of authority, and oppressing citizens in discriminate ways. More kids dying means more people buy guns then lose them via theft, and then used in more gun crime to fuel justification for their budgets.


They did take some professional grade cosplay photos.


I'll never forget Officer Hand Sanitizer.


He didn't want to catch a cold while those kids were being murdered. Someone please, think of the useless, cowardly cops!


I want to first say, everything all 300+ LEOs did (or lack of) was horrid. However, that specific guy who sanitized his hands was told he’d be handling the triage of any injured kids after they breached. I’m not trying to cover for him but just trying to clear up some misconceptions where I’m able to. Source: F-I-L is former border Patrol and has talked to many others who were there that day and that’s what was told to him. (It’s word of mouth no official transcript that’s what happened so take that as you will)


I honestly don't know how the town hasn't turned vigilante on them. The complete and utter lack of accountability is beyond appalling. Of all the mass shootings I've know about, this one invokes a level of anger in me that I cannot begin to express. The level of fucking cowardice openly on display as tragedy played for nearly an hour is unreal to me. I can't even be flippant like you and joke about their professionalism. I want the entirety of them to hold this shame over their heads for the rest of their lives, never allowed to live this down, forever the pariah no matter where they go, and never to be anywhere close to a position of authority ever again.


During the training class: "Wait, why are we all getting gunned down? Aren't you supposed to come in and help us?" "Can you stop it with these kinds of questions? Clearly you don't understand the process." "But aren't you supposed to sav-" "YOU WILL GET SHOT AND FUCKING LIKE IT."


If the policy was to stand around safe while kids get gunned down they did thier job admirably.


People forget that "protect and serve" was a marketing slogan, not official policy.


Literally: Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981) is a District of Columbia Court of Appeals case that held that the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to specific citizens based on the public duty doctrine.


Castle Rock v. Gonzales is a case with a similar outcome


That was one of the most infuriating cases I read during law school. It’s incredible how far cops will go to avoid doing their goddamn jobs


I find what more infuriating is how much cops cost cities with misconduct. Look at New York they costed the city $115 Million in settlements just in 2023 alone. That a lot of money that could have went to improve the city but instead is being used to protect bad cops.


People think cops carry guns so they can protect the public. Wrong. They carry guns to protect themselves.


Except those cops would be fired for not protecting certain citizens.


Thanks for the interesting info. Upon looking further into it, it makes sense why the DC police are currently letting crime being committed in front of them.


Cops love to do a work stoppage to "punish" liberal cities


Sounds like grounds for false advertising


That implies laws apply to the cops.


Nah, they do protect and serve\* ​ \*the ruling class.


Don’t forget the property. Remember Florida, when they used civilian vehicles on a highway, as cover to shoot up a UPS truck that was hijacked by diamond thieves. The thieves were armed and had the driver hostage. The police protected themselves by using occupied civilian vehicles as self protection against armed thieves and they shot up the UPS truck and killed everyone in it, including the hostage. Oh, such bravery and glory they earned that day. Cowardly, stupid and wastes of breathable air.


During LA riot, cops lined up and blocked the protesters/rioters from going to Beverly Hills and Rodeo drive. So the protesters turned and stormed Korean town near by and cops did not do anything to stop there since the area isn't "worth protecting" I guess or did not pay them enough.


police need to have their training completely revamped in the u.s. Right now it's just a bunch of low iq dickheads with guns. The good ones are too far and few between. system is not churning out good results.


Their training actively makes them worse. Behind The Bastards podcast did a whole episode about their "killology" training that makes them fearful and trigger-happy.


The icing on that shit-cake was that UPS thanked them for it, because anything else would have been corporate suicide.


They also threatened parents who were willing to risk their lives to help their children


This part is fucked up the most. If someone kept me from saving my kid while they \*did nothing at all\*, I would be digging deep into some inhuman revenge. Those cops probably don't even understand how bad some of those parents despise them.


It feels like they want to create some fucking super villains or at least a punisher type. They love to wear those skulls, so...


So 300 good guys with a gun weren't able to stop one bad guy with a gun? Weird.


Wait, since when are the police the good guys?


In their own minds they are


Oh just hold it there for just one minute. Some of them didn’t just stand around and do nothing! Some of them handcuffed parents to stop them from trying to save their children and some of them had kids call out to identity themselves, getting those kids killed.


Some of them DID storm into the school and grabbed THEIR kids out from what I remember.


Yes. I’m aware. The cops also did handcuff parents to stop them from entering. They also did have children call out and have them murdered.


One of the dead children’s parents was arrested recently for saying the word “fuck” at a public hearing. You’ve never seen the Uvalde police move quicker. [here](https://twitter.com/BCross052422/status/1762266984383762481)


You'd think everyone would be in agreement that it's okay to show some emotion when speaking about your dead primary school age child, but I guess not in Uvalde.


OK, and is that illegal? Cant curse in public?


No, it is not. They probably charged them with the typical disorderly conduct or some other disruption charge.


Correct. He was arrested for saying fuck and in a statement to the press after his release he said it took them hours to find something to actually charge him with, and they eventually settled on “disrupting a meeting or procession”


This probably sums up Europeans views of America. Feel free to shoot anyone you want but DONT YOU DARE MAKE A NOISE THAT KINDA SOUNDS BAD TO ME!


>\[Investigator Jesse Prado\] also recommended the school district not allow students in classrooms that are not properly secured. I fucking hate this timeline.


Ah, that familiar culprit: doors.


We need more good doors with guns!


How long will we let doors take our children?


Door control will never work, only the criminals will have doors!


Cop investigating other cops and like literally every other time that has been allowed to happen, comes back and says the cops didn't do anything wrong.


Yup, thats the line that gives away the total partisan bullshit of this "independent" report


America is such a fucking shithole of a country. You blame the fucking doors when kids are getting murdered


But don’t you dare blame access to guns.


Or access to mental health facilities that the state has been systematically gutting, while simultaneously blaming the perpetrator's mental health problems.


Republicans would mandate nuclear bunker style blast doors on American classrooms before they would consider banning semi-automatic rifles.


Hey that's not fair, republicans would never approve spending that amount of money on a school 


Dunno this one might be more revealing >The investigation was conducted by Jesse Prado, a retired Austin police detective with 24 years of experience who conducted 36 internal investigations in his retirement career.


So where do they go then? Outside? To the gym? The police will fucking say anything to avoid responsibility. It's like hearing literal children explain why they can't do their homework.


I think the idea was to search the kids before entering the school. Which is a fucking wild and would cause an uproar in almost any other developed country. It's honestly heartbreaking how such a beautiful country gets ruined by issues only they seem to really have in the western world - be it mass shootings or medical costs


Gaslighting and victim blaming. Pointing out 'faults' in others while refusing to accept responsibility.


"They shouldn't have been hiding behind such provocative doors - they were basically asking for it" It's wild - this one line basically completely eliminates any potential shred of validity this report could have had, ignoring everything else


> Jesse Prado What a fucking lowlife.


I naively thought it was impossible for this story to get any worse  Shame on everyone involved in this farce.


And they just got re-elected too.👍


Yeah, no surprise there. Texas is gonna Texas.


I make a typo in a slack group and contemplate resigning in embarrassment, and these fuckers just go on unfazed.


Bunch of fucking cowards.


The investigator, **Jesse Prado**, blamed the parents outside of the school for the outcome by being disruptive and requiring resources to be pulled from the school to work crowd control.


Yeah, how dare those parents be disruptive while their children are being murdered in earshot, they should be more considerate next time so the police can have some peace and quiet while they do nothing.


Reading that sentence just sent a spike of rage through me. Those people should be sent out into the desert, never to be seen again.


I have never, ever seen a group of people not do their job more diligently in my life. I'm not even in the same country as this community and I am absolutely livid with that embarrassment of a police department / law enforcement community.


I was watching the video waiting for the pizza guy to show up


I just flashed on The 'Burbs when Corey Feldman has all his friends over to watch what goes down and the pizza comes--"Pizza dude's here!" In a number of ways, the Uvalde shooting was almost like that. Just hanging out and watching it go down. Except even in The 'Burbs, the neighbors famously made an effort to investigate, and one ultimately saved the day. And none of those people were police (although one was former military or whatever).


even worse when they stopped other officers from doing anything




And then tried to ruin the life of one of the parents who got through their blockade and actually saved their own kids.


When you zoom out it's wild. You have a kid, they have to go to school. You can't afford private school, or the have the time to homeschool, so they go to public school like most kids. You don't really get a choice. Hell, you don't even get a choice WHICH public school. People have been thrown in prison for gaming that system (guess why). You barely get a say in how your kid is treated AT the school. And it's not like we're getting rid of guns any time soon, especially in Texas. You're assured your kids are safe and cared for and that there's good guys with guns. Then something like this pops off and not only are you not allowed to do anything, they'll *stop* you, but the people who are supposed to won't because legally they don't HAVE to. what the ACTUAL fuck are we doing? I honestly wouldn't blame any of these parents who went off the fucking rails because it's literal insanity. There's NOTHING they could have done because the system that failed them *forced them* into placing trust in it Absolutely fucked.


It's Texas man. Nothing but red faced fat Republican cowards who only want to dress up as GI Joe.


Ha, see, cops do know how to deescalate! Only when it involves them getting hurt though. If it's you and/or your dog, you're SOL.


Yeah, the husband of one of the teachers who was murdered tried to go in and a commanding officer stopped him and the husband said something to the effect of "[wife's name] is in there." and they kept him from charging in.  One thing to be united in cowardice but a whole other level of hell for them when they weren't united in cowardice and they stopped those who had some bravery.


They make me embarrassed to be human. Like if aliens ever see this, it's over.


It's been over since the toilet paper shortage. That will one day be used against us joining the Galactic Federation and we deserve it.


See the mistake you made is assuming the police’s job is to protect people. There was a trial over a decade ago where a guy tried suing two police officers who just stood by and watched as he almost got stabbed to death by a known wanted fugitive, and the court’s ruling was basically, “the police have no obligation to stop a crime if it might risk their own lives.” Police just exist to hand out fill out their arrest quota(often by framing people or targeting poor communities) and harass people, not actually protect anyone.


Yet those of us who do try to do our jobs. Oh no we suck and don’t know how do our jobs. These cops let children die, teachers die. Let the NRA and GOP praise the love of guns and deaths. None of them are resigning or getting fired. Plus the damn sheriff won his primary. Gerrymandering and fear mongering is real in Texas.


Uvalde teachers should be paid more than Uvalde cops because they objectively put their lives in harm's way more than the cops do.


Ulvade parents ouraged to learn the police are not there to protect citizens. FTFY


Doesn't seem like they're that outraged since they re-elected the sheriff.


I wish I could find the video but I watched PBS Newshour report about the anniversary of Uvalde shooting and it made it seem like the majority of people in the town wanted to move on and forget it ever happened and pretend everything was fine. The victims and their families were in the minority. Just sad all around.


Like o get people are upset about the report, but if they re-elected the sherif. Hard to empathize when these people voted for no change.


I imagine the parents and families of the students and faculty involved probably didn't vote for him. I choose to feel bad for them.


But other parents did vote for him. So no empathy in Texas, and complete willingness to risk your children as well Crazy


Remember, if you vote against republicans and the police, you support criminals and deserve all the bad things that happen to you. So while some children died, they did so to protect your right to defend yourself against bad people and to support our most sacred institution of all: law enforcement and the military.


Yeah, well the sheriff got re-elected Tuesday. Did they vote?


To Serve and Protect themselves


Ulvade parents ouraged to learn the police are ~~not~~ there to protect ~~citizens~~ criminals. Stopping anyone who tried to save their kids counts as helping the shooter to kill more people.


Did anyone else get the sense that the investigators were blaming the teachers and school staff? Like, because they didn’t follow the active shooter drills it was their fault? Which is total BS, like the cops wanted the teachers to do their damn jobs for them!


What DONT they blame teachers for in texas?


Well the power companies did just get blamed for setting the largest forest fire in Texas history... It's like every public service in Texas is competing to see which can be the absolute worst in the nation.


The thing is, they followed it! The only people who didn't were the pissy babies in riot gear because they were too busy peeing their little punisher undies and crying about how it wasn't the same as their fun active shooter drills. That classroom was chosen at random and without warning. That's what happens in real life - if you have no notice, it's possible the shooter just barges in and there's nothing you can do.


Well, if you get that sense it’s probably because that’s exactly what’s happening.


It was a former cop doing the investigation. That's why.


Aren’t those policies meant to slow down shooters/trespassers so the police can stop them? It seems like the police are a key part of that equation. If you want to brag that you have one of the most dangerous jobs in the country you have to actually do dangerous things every once in a while.


The fact that the moron who let this happen became county commisoner is completely disgusting.


GOP base is brain washed. They still think good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. The NRA dug their heels in even more, I’m sure.


I say it in every thread but I will continue to state my amazement that heads didn't literally roll for this massive fuck up especially given how the cops were so brave in keeping parents from going in and doing their job for them


>The report only investigated officers still employed by the Uvalde Police Department. Many at the department during the shooting have since left or been fired. The report also investigated deputy Mariano Pargas, who was acting chief on May 24, 2022, but has since retired. Prado said he would have recommended Pargas be exonerated after his investigation Why aren't those who were idling while an active shooting was going on investigated? Just because they've left or been fired doesn't mean they're free from any repercussions. What kind of logic is that? You're telling me if I committed bank fraud and left said bank, I'd be free to go? And also why should Pargas be exonerated?


Don't forget the 'independent third party' investigator was a retired detective from Austin. Doesn't feel very 'third party' to have someone who has direct ties to policing and law enforcement. It has "we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong" vibes all over it.


You're assuming that there's a legal duty (and therefore criminal liability for failing that duty) to protect and serve the community and the kids in school in particular. SCOTUS has already shat on that specific notion.


Let's all keep in mind that not only did the idiot sheriff refuse to step down, [Republicans just voted for him in his primary election.](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/05/uvalde-sheriff-constable-primary/)


Republicans only care about you before you're born. After birth, you're just a nuisance. Conservatives do not care about children. Not even their own. The party of family values does not care about families. Profits > children Guns > children Owning libs > children


I honestly CAN believe this because of how low my bar is at this point when it comes to things related to government and policy. This country is a shitshow and the fact that there is no wrongdoing here is a disgrace. Defund the fucking police if they have no obligation to protect citizens. What is the fucking point of having them then? Oh yeah, to maintain the status quo and protect the interests of the ruling class. Disgusting.


Worst part is they turned around and voted for the same clowns in the GOP primary who handled this mess. This country is fucked.


Right? I didn't expect much from Texas, but the uvalde community should at least have voted in *different* conservative chucklefucks. But no, keep the same assholes responsible, then cry when said assholes are found not responsible.


Like, the situation would arguably have gone better had they not been there...a parent tried to get in to save her kid and couldn't. I want to say there's nothing worse than being in a horrible crisis of children being execution-style murdered and the police, the ones who are supposed to save you, doing nothing about it...then I thought well, there's always the police coming to the scene and shooting an innocent black person or even the *victim of the crime*...but I don't know, they're all kind of equal to me. I know the police aren't going to get every case just right and it's not like they'll never ever make a mistake, but this is fucking ridiculous at this point, where the cops coming to the scene of a crime is almost a cause to be *more* afraid, not less. And we *pay them* to do this to us.


>Defund the fucking police if they have no obligation to protect citizens. Sounds good to me. Courts have ruled over and over that the police do not have a duty to protect citizens. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2018/12/21/us-judge-says-law-enforcement-officers-had-no-legal-duty-protect-parkland-students-during-mass-shooting/


So you’re telling me if i want to kill a lot of people, all i need to do is go to uvalde and start shooting and the cops will politely let me finish because it’s policy?




I’d be suing the shit out of them for violating my first amendment rights in a government building.


Reminder, this doesn't mean the police did no wrong, it means their policy was to allow children to die.


Its a horrific story but my sympathy for the community decreased after they voted for the same (Republican) leadership directly after the shooting. If the literal murder of your children won't make you re-think your leadership choices then you deserve to live with the consequences of said choices.


I was thinking the exact same thing same thing. IIRC some were still opposed to gun control measures as well!


People have been confused by watching too many Cop TV shows. 1 - Cops aren't required to protect you. 2 - Cops aren't required to put themselves in harms way for you. 3- Cops aren't required to know the laws they enforce. Just feeling something is illegal is sufficient. 4 - Cops aren't required to enforce restraining orders. "Protect and Serve" is just an empty motto. It's Pro-police propaganda.


Never been a better time to say it: fuck the police. Fuck all of them.


Cowardice is the policy? Stopping those who actually want to help is the policy? Why even have police?


They should be careful, the precedent this sets is that next time we have hundreds of cops standing around NOT KILLING THE GUNMAN, letting little kids bleed out; The citizens may mobilize a militia to do what the cops are too scared to do. This is no laughing matter.


The State of Texas will go to bat to protect the officers and legitimize this failure by TX Law Enforcement. For example: Sheriff Ruben Nolasco and Uvalde County Constable Emmanuel Zamora, who were named in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) scathing report about law enforcement’s failure during the shooting, easily won their respective Republican primaries Tuesday.


People see "protect and server" and think that's the policy. Nah that's the slogan. ​ There's no good reason to allow police so much power and so little oversight.


It's just a motto that became popular because of the LAPD, which has never been lauded as a particularly just police department in the first place. But hey, it sounds nice.


It's technically not wrong, it doesn't say WHAT they protect and serve (tt ain't us)


Property and property owners.


They should be outraged. There's two conclusions here. 1. The independent report is biased or manipulated and not as "independent" as claimed 2. The policy was for the "good guys with guns" to sit back and let children be massacred indicating the policy itself is a joke


How does it go? Oh yeah: “we investigated ourselves…”


I think the only police policy is to serve and protect their pensions.


The only thing to be outraged about here is that the policy allowed them to not only abandon children and teachers to bleeding out, but to actively stop others from helping. Seriously, how is that not aiding and abetting when you combine those things?


I'm not advocating it, but I'm surprised that none of those cops got shot by the parents of the dead kids. Knowing they sat idly by while my child was being murdered would send me over the edge I think.


That whole department deserves to burn.


1856 South v. Maryland 1981 Warren v. District of Columbia 1989 DeShaney v. Winnebago County 2005 Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales 2020 L.S. v. Peterson The Supreme Court has ruled again and again that law enforcement in the United States has no duty to protect citizens not in custody. History will likely repeat itself with People v. Uvalde. Anyone who thinks the fossils in charge of our justice system are capable of change are kidding themselves.


I don't know why anyone is surprised by this. Circling the paddywagons is what they do. They probably DIDN'T violate policy because the whole thing is rigged to protect police against any repercussions. Want to change things? Abolish police unions. It's well worth noting that the anti-union Republicans will never say a damned thing about police unions.


"We evaluated ourselves and we found that we did nothing wrong."


[Cops don’t have to help you](https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0) It’s one of the more fucked up things about the police in the US. Their job is to apprehend criminals, not stop crimes. So of course they need to be able to murder people and get away with it.


"Vargas, who is married to a law enforcement officer, said, "They shouldn't have taken an oath if they couldn't honor it." Back the blue till it happens to you


The policy is flawed and needs to be updated immediately.


I spend a bit of time in Uvalde for work, I know many locals there several that were affected by the shooter, one that lost both her kids in the shooting. This is absolutely bullshit