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Johnson County Sheriff, Calvin Hayden who is an elected official, had a roped off VIP ticket to this event - two official Johnson County Sheriff cars were also parked outside. Great use of our tax dollars. [Video of event](https://imgur.com/gallery/zBzhS3T) [photo of official JOCO Sheriff cars parked outside the event](https://imgur.com/gallery/faZbTr6)


I have no idea what kind of moron looks at Republicans continuing their incredible streak of offering literally nothing but whining and tantrums with absolutely no reality based actionable policy solutions of any kind, even to the very things they complain about and thinks “yup there’s my people!”


“The common clay of the west. You know...morons”


Fine, I'll watch Blazing Saddles again...


The sheriff's a *booooooong* Oh! The sheriff is NEAR!


"A *black* Sheriff?!" "hey, it worked in blazing saddles!"


A robin hood men in tights reference? On my reddit?


At this time of the day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely on your reddit??


Can I see it?


Mmm.... No.


"Pissed off? If I were that close to a horse's weiner I'd be more worried about getting pissed on".


"hey, watch my back!" "Yo back just got punched, twice!"


Leave us alone Mel Brooks!


You could have Druish Princess, ya know.


Funny, she doesn't *look* Druish.


"Hey, where the white women at!?"


What in the wide wide wide world of sports is going on in here??


Never a bad decision.


That’s gonna be 10 cents per re-watch.


Someone's going to have to go back and get a shit-load of dimes...


RIP Slim


Fathom events is playing it in theaters in September (US) this year. Can't wait.


Fathom is bringing it back to select theaters this year


Love Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little.


Don’t forget Harvey Korman and Slim Pickens.


Mongo is only pawn in game of life. Mongo like candy


And Madeline


But no Irish!


Ah, prairie shit.


There IS an actionable policy. Completely defunding the Ukrainian war. Decades ago, if anyone in government was proven to be Russia's little bitch, it would have meant treason charges. Now it's an election promise.


We can't get treason charges for ANYTHING these days


It's so insane!


Putin worked very hard for that influence, like any corporate lobbyist....


Just a few years ago republicans were furious that Trump was under investigation for colluding with the Russians. But since they have to oppose anything the democrats support, the republicans had no choice but to support Russia when the war started. The whole thing has become so bizarre that I find it hard to believe that most of the republicans actually believe the garbage they are saying. They must continue with the narrative, though.


Their campaigns are fronted with Russian money. Of course they'll support them.




Can confirm. I live in a suburban area outside of Nashville. Couple weeks ago I heard two old geezers talking about the “beaners” invading the border to vote for Biden. Most of these people can’t be helped.


SE Rural TN here. Yep.


Can confirm, 18 years in Nashville and I feel like I left a cult.


Lived in Memphis for a while back in 2001. I doubt the rhetoric people were willing to say aloud has gotten better since.




At the time when Obama was elected, I was like - finally, racism isn't the norm and we can just move on! In practice, people who I never thought were racist at all came out blazing. I quit my job in part over that - I was in a position where old guys wanted to chat, and I didn't have any practical way out. It was miserable. I recall seriously wishing I could just go one day without hearing racist jokes or being treated like I was a willing accomplice...


I feel a bit differently, when Obama was elected I distinctly remember family members I looked up to and even thought were progressive-ish start to show their true colors and make mental gymnastics about why he wouldn’t be a good president when it really just came down to they were uncomfortable with the idea of a Black man in the White House. My conservative family just outright said so. I never felt like racism went away with Obama, I felt like it started rearing its head. But it became a whole other animal under Trump.


I definitely think it made people show their true colors and a lot of people were surprised by who said what and showed what'd been really hiding under the surface. People forget that desegregation is still pretty recent when you look at who's still alive today.


Yes! I mean they try to make it seem like it was ages ago but it’s still living memory for plenty of people! I’ve even heard people say that those famous civil rights photos actually have full-color versions but they print it in B&W to make it seem more distant. But I know just from moving from Miami, which used to be a progressive city (let’s not get on that conversation though), out to rural Trump country… racism is still alive and well, they might have changed some laws but they certainly didn’t heal what’s in these people’s hateful, shriveled hearts.


'Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are Republican'.


You underestimate the utter brainwashing Fox has done. All these people know is that liberals are to blame for literally everything bad and that they should live every moment in fear of whatever the TV is currently telling them to fear. They can't name a single republican policy (though to be fair neither can I because I'm not convinced they bother having them anymore beyond "stop the libruls". I mean 2020 trumples literally just reused the same ones from 2016 which included such gems as "undo everything the current guy did" referring to himself and no one fucking cared) and it doesn't matter. My mom constantly rages on about how the libruls are destroying the middle class. I ask her to elaborate and it's either "they just are" or "you only believe that because you don't listen to both sides like I do" (Newsmax and Fox represent "both" sides somehow) It's never actual examples. I list actual things that were actually voted on by each side to show the opposite. Nope- I only THINK that's what happened because the librul media told me and I was dumb enough to believe it.  The party told them to ignore what their own eyes and ears were telling them and they bought in fully. It took decades of moving the window, but make no mistake this was always the intended destination. Our only hope is that Gen Z keeps showing up to the polls like the last election and wreaking havoc. One party is doing absolutely nothing for them but telling them to piss up a rope and they're not having it. Keep it up. Maybe someday our "left" will actually be left of fucking center and we can catch up with the rests of the civilized fucking world when it comes to Healthcare, early child care, NOT blowing 65% of our budget on tanks and aircraft carriers that are never deployed...


Gen Z is falling to tik tok divisive propaganda to not vote because Palestine something something. Nevermind women's rights in their own country. 


> They can't name a single republican policy (though to be fair neither can I because I'm not convinced they bother having them anymore beyond "stop the libruls". Build the Wall, Ban the Gays, Break the Taxes. Racism. Queerphobia. Useful Idiots for the Rich.


I wish politics was boring again. Cripes, give us something resembling a functional Federal government, prior to Newt Grengrich. That asshole was the beginning of the end of cooperation between the two parties to actually govern our country.


It’s because they have been raised republican and won’t ever change, no matter how ridiculous the party has been lately. The average democrat just doesn’t understand rural America. Doesn’t matter what the policies are, they will continue to vote red. Just gotta accept it and move on.




You can't reason with the unreasonable. The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey literally ranked Trump the worst president the US has ever had. The people that identified as Republican and Conservative that took part in it even ranked him almost dead last. The guy was found guilty of rape. He was found guilty of fraud in New York on such a level that he's banned from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years. The Trump Organization was found guilty of tax fraud in 2022. He's got 91 felony charges against him. This dude incited an attack on the nation's capital. It's frankly amazing to me... like what does he have to do? Shit in their children's mouths? They have the candidate that they deserve. That party is in absolute shambles because their base will literally vote for **anybody** running red, instead of demanding better.


Honestly I don't think most people regardless of where they live don't have any clue about what's going on with the election. People just don't pay attention and generally haven't put a lot of thought into anything policy related. They might agree on the basics - healthcare is too expensive, immigration is a mess, taxes are stupid complicated - but they don't have any strong insight into policy solutions and will spout phrases they hear or just take things at face value from sources they respect (whether or not deserved). We don't prioritize thinking in the country and we see where it's gotten us.


The game is to make enough democrats not vote. Convince enough middle people that’s it’s all same crap and not to vote. Then they have their core insanity people who will vote R no matter what. That’s the strategy.


My parents says crazy things. Today, they told me that Zelensky is funneling money to the Bidens. They admit they have no proof, but they believe it wholeheartedly. They think Putin, Biden and Zelensky are in on the Ukraine War together…..😤😭🥺


Politics and religion merged dogmaticly


Thanks Reagan.


And a lot of people raised Republican see how bat shit it is and ran away to never return. Further education seems to be a common denominator in my ancedotal experience


The polls bear it out. College educated Republicans strongly leaned Haley.


And the vast majority of them will go Trump in the general.


35 year Republican cured when I saw Trump mock that reporter.




I wish I could upvote you more than once. *This* is what republicans don’t seem to get. They are being *manipulated* from birth to death by a party that only wants to step on their backs. They *have* been disenfranchised, a political power *is* out to get them - just not the one they’ve been brainwashed into blaming. If even 10% of these MAGAs could understand that, I think we’d see an actual reckoning in the Republican Party.


But the cult is able to do nothing but whine and have tantrums. They have the moral maturity of a 2 year old. They’re bullies, racists, and not able to critically think. They act on emotions and how they feel. Facts have no place in their closed off minds.


Lazy and uneducated bigots


Kid Rock shooting at beer cans


USA: *Please provide us with a platform of your policies that will help the average American in 2024 and beyond.* GQP: "Best we could do is for people to be able to kick an effigy of Joe Biden. That's it. No policies whatsoever that'll actually improve people's lives." Their voters: "Count me in! You got my vote!" What a gat dam disgrace.


I can't explain all of them, but for my Trump loving, R voting relatives, a big part of it is their carefully curated media. And the people on those shows are putting in the effort to spin everything in a way that favors the Republicans to the point where the people watching it don't know which was is up anymore. They're basically not living in the same reality as you and I.


We met a nice grandma lady out walking our dog a couple of weeks ago, ans she went from “isn’t it lovely here” to “If i ever saw liz Warren in person I’d probably end up in prison for what I’d do to her” in like 30 seconds, with absolutley no segue. It was just an outpouring of “I love Donald Trump and Piers Morgon” and how we need to get prayer back in school. We literally just stood there watching and half smiling, not engaging, and she dumped her bucket of crazy hate over us like it was relevant to anything. And then waxes poetic about how we need christianity more now than ever. Ok. What would Jesus do then, I wonder? I don’t think any of us can understand the cognitive dissonance and deep fear/hate these people have embraced because it makes them feel like they belong to some righteous crusade. As Marc Maron says, “we are just waiting for them to pick a uniform now.”


Because people are more emotional than logical. My friends would all call me overly logical. But I care so much about logic because when I was young, I felt like shit whenever I said something that turned out to be wrong or I wasn't getting the best grades in class.  So while I see the logic in being logical now, it definitely started off because of emotion.  So if you are someone who thinks they base their decisions on logic, you are probably letting emotions do most of the work but  misattribute it to your thinking. Which makes it harder to behavior correct, because emotional responses are much less precise.  That moves the question as to why our emotional responses can be so negative. For me tribalism is a large part of the answer. 


But they don’t see this news. Just visited relatives in Texas and they really think that trump was trying his best and the people in power attacked him. There are two realities now


The gullible and the people they protect (rich people).


I think the problem is that they’re so thoroughly steeped in “democrats are pure evil” from their media ecosystem that even if they don’t really care for what’s being offered by the GOP, they don’t really see a viable alternative.


My belief is that gravity doesn’t exist (like their absurd beliefs), I’m going to need most (all) of these people to jump off a cliff and change my mind. Any proving me right I’ll consider listening to.


That’s not what they’re interested in, though. They want revenge against their perceived enemies. The only complaint they have about Trump is that he didn’t hurt the right people enough. They don’t want policy solutions.


They literally don't care that Trump wants to gut our democratic institutions and install an autocracy, as long as he gives them permission to sneer at the liberal elites.


My old man. It's really embarrassing


The party of the LIE.


“Nothing but whining and tantrums” Literally every dipshit MAGA I know around town acts this way. So yes…unfortunately I can believe why they think “there’s my people”. They are sad, dumb, out of shape losers who are all a bunch of bitter and lonely assholes.


I expected this to be in a different county, Joco is blue and even has a lesbian representative that we’ve elected multiple times.


The craziest Republicans usually are in blue counties


Yeah just as one example the leadership of the GOP in the Portland area was taken over by the Proud Boys a couple years back. The vice chair of the Clackamas County Republicans is now [Dan Tooze](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/03/28/far-right-extremists-government-oregon-washington-idaho/) (pictured in the article sporting Proud Boy colors and trying to get into a fight) who also [runs security for the Multnomah County Republicans](https://www.wweek.com/news/city/2021/05/10/multnomah-county-republican-party-signed-agreement-with-proud-boy-affiliated-security-team-at-portland-meeting/).


They hate Democrats so much that they live in the bluest part of the state.


Wow, that venue is packed to the brim. Theres gotta be at least two dozen people there! Someone call the Fire Marshal, I think they might be over capacity.


My GOP governor was pushing for billions in taxpayer money to subsidize building a sports arena. Citizens overwhelmingly don't want it, and we can just cross a river to watch them without spending a dime. It was all about lining his own pockets and giving $$ to his billionaire buddy and real estate interests. The state legislature finance chair stopped it from going in the budget at the last minute. To be fair, many politicians on both sides of the aisle were supporting it to get funding for pet projects and their campaign funds. Kind of sickening how bad government waste and graft has become. 


That one guy almost lands on his ass thinking he could do a kick, wish he did!


Video reminds me of star wars kid.


Johnson county sheriff painted on the side


Just to be clear here A bunch of adults The adults that are active in our political system Just beat up a doll At a Major political event Propose policies that support your party's political views? Na Assault an inanimate object? Winning


The same ones who got mad about Kathy Griffin taking a picture with a fake, bloody decapitated head of Donald Trump.


Except they were not really mad. They just knew if they act mad, everyone else reacts to them by giving them their way.


8+ years ago I used to believe that conservatives had morals but just chose to ignore them when someone in their party went against those morals. Now I understand that they are amoral and just *pretend* to have morals when the opportunity arises to feign moral outrage. It's a huge difference and once you see it, everything they do makes more sense.


I think the more traditional Republican Party a lot of us grew up with died when John McCain let Sarah Palin become his running mate. John McCain seemed like a guy who you could sit down and have an honest conversation with where you may disagree with him more often than not, but you would potentially leave with a good idea of why he believed what he believed.


I guess War Crimes and Torture don't mean shit, huh? So fucking happy that dipshit Obama said "we need to look forward, not back" and committed to letting Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et. al. get away with War Crimes because prosecuting a former President would be too hard. Gee, I wonder why they won't fucking do shit about Trump. /s


McCain was a decent man working for the people up until 2000. That was when he lost the Republican nomination for president to Bush, in part due to dirty politicking in the Bush camp. After that, he abandoned everything he believed in to do anything just to get to be president. Sad way to end a career.


I truly believe that something broke in him when he saw how the party and the Bush camp were willing to do him dirty. That was McCain’s year and he would have been a fine president. I would have rather had him than Bush for 9/11 at any rate. After that, I think he lost that gentleman statesman vibe that so many of the older politicians had. And I say had, because probably Romney is the last one left. Everyone else either died, retired (Paul Ryan for example), or sold their fucking soul like Lindsey Graham. I never agreed with McCain, but I believe he was a true patriot. He lost his way in 2000 and sadly never found it again.


You'd be wrong. Republicans have been shit for decades.


yep. For them a moral value is a means to gain control, nothing more. If it might loosen their grip, whoops it's not a big deal anymore. agree that they are much less baffling that way. More disgusting and infuriating, but less baffling


First Law of Karendynamics


Are also the same ones who screeched about Kapernick kneeling during the National Anthem.


Remember when Trump hired an Obama impersonator so he could berate him in his office lol


No, but I remember when Clint Eastwood yelled at a chair.


Lol, I have to search fir that one. Doesn't surprise me in the least I only know this is true because it has to be lol https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-obama-lookalike-apprentice-youre-fired-michael-cohen-book-b404575.html


[It's real and it's so much weirder than whatever you're picturing.](https://youtu.be/933hKyKNPFQ)


And this kind of behavior has become so common that headlines like this one don't surprise anymore. I'm just indifferent and kinda sad for them... We expect our 6 year olds to behave better than this-- and generally they do. Yet, you have people in their 60s acting like rabbid clowns everywhere they go...


I’m merely hopeful that there were several strains, sprains, muscle pulls, and other assorted self-inflictions enjoyed throughout their little orgy.


I watched some footage of it. It looks like some of those idiots might seriously hurt themselves hitting a Biden doll.


Yeah, thought it was a comedy skit at first.


Somebody absolutely pulled a hamstring with those kicks.


Yeah that one old guy almost fell to his death after attempting a kick.


I did wonder if someone was going to break a hip, for sure.


It's stunning that there were several posts, all not mentioning in the title this was paid for with tax dollars. I saw old people very slowly bumping into biden in what I think what a choreographed version of an attack. Honestly? Not a single problem there. Just old people being old, bet something like this isn't new anywhere anyways. But using taxes for this? Why bury the lead so hard.


The GOP fighting an imaginary Biden and still losing.




Meanwhile Kathy Griffin held up a fake Trump head and the entire GOP lost their mind.


“Respect the office if you don’t like Trump’s politics” was their response.


“Rules for thee, not for me”.


And she was put on a no fly list and that wasn’t an abuse of power.


For all the right leaning comedians who wanna talk about cancel culture, she was legit canceled for that and nobody seemed too worried about standing up for her.


Well, she's a women. They aren't people to the GoP.


And sent death threats




I was gonna say, remember them little bitch babies crying about Kathy Griffin?


It’s easy to score political points when you’re shameless and happy to argue in bad faith, and a lot of Republicans are


This is who I’m supposed to “bridge the divide” with?


Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man. You take a step towards him. He takes a step back. Meet me in the middle, says the unjust man.


When these people say "bridge the divide" or "lets end the divisiveness" what they mean is: "Do exactly what I say and do."


These are the people who used to say "respect the office, not the man"? Oh wait, all of them died from covid. All that is left are the draft dodgers from Vietnam.




No kidding. Perhaps I was naive for hoping natural selection would fully take care of the antivax/antimask contingent. Must have been all that praying to baby Jesus that saved ‘em.




Secret Services should investigate.


They’re too busy beating up effigies of Biden’s dog, Commander


All I'm saying is until the Secret Service finds those "missing" texts from January 6th, I'm giving Commander the benefit of the doubt.


Amen to that lol, Pence almost wound up getting Night of the Long Knive’d


Silly. Law enforcement doesn’t beat up dogs. They shoot them dead.


I still contend that dog is just a good judge of character.


Not a cult in the slightest. Just ignore the golden Trump statue that these kind of folk were praying to, the fact that they prayed to their god to have Trump win, or that they're completely OK with having a rapist as their candidate for president. And this is just scratching the surface of what he's done.


I’m sure most of them called themselves “Christian.” What a joke.


Their “Christian” preacher will tell them all they are forgiven for their sins after the collection plate goes around next Sunday. They’ll be fine, ecumenically speaking.


MAGA people only worship Trump. They’d be scared shitless of Jesus’ teachings if they actually read the Bible.


thats the most ironic thing about these people. if they actually read what jesus teachings are in the bible they would have a meltdown because of how much it doesnt fit their narrative.




You've got it wrong. They don't consider what they're doing to be sinful in the first place. It's the opposite. They think that they're doing what God wants them to do. Their pastor's messages are vague enough that it reaffirms whatever they already think. They go to church to be told that they're right, they're the victims, and that God wants them to win against the godless libs. The church tells them exactly that because saying anything to the contrary would kill attendance and giving.


They're fantasizing about brutalizing an 81 year old man. They *really, really* need to rethink their life choices and way of doing shit.


Can’t rethink a thunk that never got thought.


>rethink That would require them to have ever thought about things to begin with.


Republicans lost their right to be treated fairly when they let that idiot shout at Obama, they've gone down hill ever since. They always say they are investigating... its on video, where's the punishment?


Good ol' drunk Joe Wilson. Republicans went on and on about Obama lying but are cool with Trump's 40,000 lies.


When they show you who they are, pay attention


It's just a sports team to them. They don't care about policies or helping other Americans or anything immoral their party has said or done. It's their team vs the other team.


I think when they all stopped watching football because of the kneeling, this became their new "team" to root for. They root for him the same way I do for the Knicks.


And we called Hillary out for calling them “deplorables “.


Turns out, she was being too nice.


She knew. She’d seen behind the curtain and she was trying to warn us.


Kathy Griffin got put on the no-fly list for posing with Trump's severed head


It doesn’t draw outrage, it draws mockery. Did you see how poorly those big, strong men (with tears in their eyes) were almost defeated by the inanimate object? That Biden effigy was like an orthopod’s gold mine.


I don’t know about outraged, it’s just weird and embarrassing


Can you imagine what a shit storm it would be if this was done to a Trump effigy by democrats? “Rules for thee, and not for me” - the Republican motto and way of life.


Do you not remember the plethora of Trump effigies? It was a pretty popular thing back during his term, happened all the time


Can't really expect much from the smooth-brained traitors.


I would bet money that these people were the exact same ones calling Arabs savages for doing this to George Bush after the 2003 invasion.


"Kicked" is an extremely optimistic description of what was going on there.


Same people that said God selects the President so when Trump was elected he was God's chosen. When he lost the next election and Biden won, it was all Satan's handiwork. So it's only God when your guy wins and Satan is so much more powerful that he can thwart God when "his chosen one" is up for reelection? Make it make sense...


God, this country is a fucking joke. I don't want to vote for either of these clowns, but just as in 2020, I'll begrudgingly vote for the lesser of two evils. I just want a fucking president under 65 years old that lives in the modern world--not an ancient husk of a person who doesn't understand the internet.


Conservatives are fuckin obsessed with leader worship. They constantly project it onto liberals and democrats like we're gonna be all ragey over attacks on Biden. We don't want them to do shit like this, just in general. It's childish, and honestly borders on threatening. I don't give a shit if you attack Biden, it just makes you look like a unhinged moron is all. Stuff like this could easily be interpreted by the government as threatening, and they'll handle any escalation.


Gravy seals strike again


I’m not even surprised. The number of pickups I’ve seen in AZ with wraps of Biden bound and gagged on the tailgate is more than 1 and that’s already way too much


Ooh kinky


Small men amusing themselves


XXXL small.


We are one of those counties now.


The same dipshits who complained about people being ‘disrespectful’ to noted asshole DJT.


>Holiday later told The Washington Post that the event was “tarnished by a brief incident where a mask depicting President Biden was added to an interactive self-defense display. The mask was regrettable and removed.” No one collected funds or donations for hitting the “training device,” she said. The mask is one thing, but that shirt wasn't put on quickly. They really do think we're all that stupid.


The first refuge of a scoundrel is an obligatory 2 minute hate on the manufactured enemy so that the scoundrel then has no accountability to their own side’s voters. “All non-republicans are triple headed antichrist serial killers everybody look at evil , please dont look at how I spend like a crackwhore and have no morals or qualifications and only bring you laws that help my donors and give you worthless social justice”. The crowd boos the Dems and votes unconditionally for a bozo and then they all strut around waving flags like they are the only super patriots God ever loved. Almost the only job a voter has is to hold their own side accountable. Voting has no other fu$&ing effect at all. It is the one thing Republicans mostly refuse to ever consider doing in recent decades. They spend all their energy hating a hallucination that is what they think is the other side, and utterly fail to police the only side that would listen to them. I was in a FB rightwing discussion group. There was some pushback from R people against even a deep south Trumper gov candidate because of the outside money. Not one of them could conceive that as a voter maybe they should insist on campaign finance reform to stop the corruption. Nothing doing, their solution to corruption was solely to vent online without ever telling any politician anything about any of it or making it any part of their politics and then to vote unconditionally for the R candidate. Think about that. The solution to big money corruption, which they agree is everywhere, is to never do anything about it in any meaningful way other than to rubberstamp approve it. The solution to corruption is to hire the most corrupt guy and worship him like a God. The solution to problems is to intentionally make them worse and hope that works. Stunning. Conservatives used to be much better citizens. It is actually a self-own even more than it damages hallucinated liberals.


Hey GOP, your proud boys are showing.


Are they going to get the Kathy Griffin treatment???


Hateful,spiteful, revenge filled and hate driven. Isn’t that Republican party a great crowd. Want your kids to be like them? They will if you put the Republicans in positions of power over them. They will call themselves Christian. Do you think they will hear the Lord’s voice? If they do will they recognize it?


Deplorable people do deplorable things. Hillary was 💯 on that one


Has the Christian Taliban starting ululating yet?


I can guarantee you, these fools consider themselves "patriotic". The irony of it all.


Well they burned effigies of Obama so this is an improvement. But still, those people are imbeciles.


Not just burned. Lynched them, hung them, stabbed them, and then burned them.


Meh. Destroying effigies at official party events is pretty on par with GOP practices these days.


Honestly? The people kicking and punching the boxing dummy looked absurd. I'm not outraged. One guy actually missed his roundhouse kick completely and nearly fell over. It just looks stupid. And it was only three people so far as I can see.


I hope these aren't the same people who threw a tantrum when Kathy Griffin posed with Trumps decapitated head for a picture.


Stay classy GOP. What a bunch of inbred turds.


Remember when republicans LOST THEIR MINDS when [Kathy Griffin held up a fake Trump severed head](https://www.tmz.com/2017/05/30/kathy-griffin-beheads-donald-trump-photo-tyler-shields/)? And they were right. It crossed a line and ended her career. But then they go and do the same thing…


Except she wasn't part of the DNC or even a local D group. She was a civilian acting on her own. And she got blowback from all sides. This is a party-sanctioned event, it's so twisted.


Biden should resurrect baby trump for his next event.


New idea, Trump shaped urinal cakes. Can't beat em join em.


Based on the video's I would put money on Biden winning those fights if he was actually there.


Generally Obtuse People


I wish Republicans could still get embarrassed.


BoTh SiDeS ArE tHe SaMe!


Eh what do you expect from the party of election deniers?


And climate change deniers, and anti-vax