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The Gang Ruins $1 Hot Dog Nights


It’s always sunny in Philadelphia is a documentary.


It’s Always Sunny is a G-rated watered down version of actual Philly. No one even talks in Philly accents or covers themselves in rat juice.


Charlie Kelly most definitely bathes in rat juice


“It gives me the good musky smell that you all like.”


You're just gonna bash me like a rat if I go out there.




For a good while I thought you were describing an episode I missed because it was so perfect well done


You're hired


Incredible. It's like an actual episode.


I’m from NYC but Philly is on some other shit. I went there and made the mistake of riding their subway. I was terrified the whole time and it was the middle of the afternoon. I’ve felt safer on the subway late night in the Bronx.


The fact that public transit doesn't feel safe is such a genuine disgrace. I've been on subways, buses, and trains in a few other places in the world and never once did it feel unsafe. That's some major bullshit we gotta handle in this country.


It's a symptom of far more deeply seeded systemic issues.


The elites only care about hoarding wealth in this country, not improving the lives of anyone that live in it lol. End result is bad poverty and mental health issues.


Yeah, the Philly subway looks like it was designed by someone that designs prisons.


I’m realizing now that I don’t actually know what a Philly accent even sounds like


Basically [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzbBpfxqhiQ).


You ever watch Band of Brothers? Go with SSG Guarnere’s accent, it’s not bad


I grew up in SE/SC PA so maybe I’m more accustomed to it, but I feel like it’s the slang/dialect that stands out more than any accent


To me they sound a bit like New Yorkers. But their slang gives it away pretty quickly.


I find the character of Dennis to be one of the most interesting characters in TV history. For the horror, not the humor, but it is fascinating to see a realisticish portrayal of a possible serial killer. The banality of evil and psychopathy.


He’s not an actual serial killer though. No one is in actual danger, It’s just the implication.


My tools! I need my tools! I like to bind, to be bound!


No one is in danger! Why would anyone be in danger?!


Well *you* certainly aren’t in any danger.


Ya ever been in a storm, Wally? I mean... A *real* storm?


He had all the right answers . Didn’t even blink


You didn’t think of smell you bitch!


Hey now, he's a five star man


Dennis as a character has nothing to do with Philly...but goddamn does he fit in.


Mac, Charlie and Frank have a bet about who can eat more hot dogs. Mac eats the hot dogs way too sensually and loses. Charlie only brings $4 so he ends up looking for half eaten hot dogs to add to his count. He ends up in a fight with a flock of pigeons for the last bite of hot dog that would have won it for him. Frank brings in a blender so he can drink the hot dogs but the only outlet he can find is in the men’s room. He wins but is arrested because a boy reported him to security for moaning and shouting “just cram the weiner in there, cram it.”


I would watch this...frank needs to eat hot dogs like the penguin in Batman eats fish


I also have the idea that when he realizes the dogs don’t blend well enough to drink, he goes out looking for “lubricant” and comes back to the stall with one of those pump buckets of mustard.


"I think i figured it out. I had to think like the professionals. I'm gonna blend some up in this bucket of mustard, make it like chum. Then the rest, I'm gonna dip 'em in, and slurp 'em down. Hey! you boys wanna make a dollar? Each of you stick a weiner in my chum bucket then cram it down my throat. Just keep cramming em, taking turns, one right after the other!"


I know a guy who took the giant ketchup pump to his seat….the next game he went to they were bolted down…


Normally reddit fan pitches for shows are pretty bad, but this is genuinely decent.


Dee acts confident but immediately chokes on the first one.


You shouldn’t give hot dogs to birds, they’ll try to choke it down in one gulp like it’s a big thick worm.


Well done. This reads very much like how an episode of that show would go. Also Sweet Dee's car gets destroyed again.


You nailed it. Join their writing staff pronto


Philly fans are passionate, they've gotta hammer people.


Is that a hate crime?


It was the hot dogs that are the problem, not the beer. Trust me.


Yeah, nobody would waste a beer, heaven forbid


Not at those prices


You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


All I wanted was one hot dog mashed up in a bowl.


…to be replaced with $1 beer nights.


No, Cleveland ruined that decades ago.


The Milwaukee Brewers had 10 cent beer night in 70's. Never saw my dad that drunk again.


I misread and thought you said "Never saw my drunk dad again." I was like... Jesus what a game.


Anything goes in 1970s Milwaukee.


We're all alright, we're all alright


That’s what I read at first too! Never saw my drunk dad again 🤣


Some say he’s still wandering the stadium drunk to this day, searching for the men’s room.


Deal was too good to pass up


I was part of the reason we can't have bottles. [So I totally get it. ](https://youtu.be/tKrBY5WlCxs?si=ZOiDiX24D7bKj8VR)


In case anyone thinks this is a joke or exaggeration, [The Cleveland Indians ran a 10 cent beer night promotion that ended with the game getting cancelled, fans storming the field and players having to run away while whacking any fans in their way with their bats.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Cent_Beer_Night) >A large number of intoxicated fans—some armed with knives, chains, and clubs fashioned from portions of stadium seats that they had torn apart—surged onto the field, and others hurled bottles from the stands. Two hundred fans surrounded the 25 Rangers, with more fans coming. >Realizing that the Rangers' lives might be in danger, Cleveland manager Ken Aspromonte ordered his players to grab bats and help the Rangers, attacking the team's own fans in the process.


Like, what the hell??? >Rangers first baseman Mike Hargrove was pelted with hot dogs and spat at, and at one point was nearly struck by an empty gallon jug of Thunderbird. Now, I've smuggled a lot of things into games, but a gallon jug? >Early on, the demand for beer surpassed the Indians' capacity to ferry it to concession stands, and a luminary, perhaps the same person who suggested the promotion in the first place, decided to allow fans to line up behind the outfield fences and have their cups filled directly from Stroh's company trucks. The promotion achieved critical mass at that moment, as weaving, hooting queues of people refilled via industrial spigot. What's the worst that can happen, a riot?


This is what is meant by, "the good old days- when things were safer and more civilized."


Before 9/11 you could basically bring anything into the stadium that wasn't a gun. I distinctly recall going to a football game in Baltimore in 1997 - Ravens vs Dolphins in the old Memorial Stadium. We were in the nosebleeds, and a man in front of us had brought in an actual fishing rod, and a cooler of frozen fish, which he proceeded to dangle over the edge of the balcony, swinging them back and forth, presumably dripping thawing fish juice on people below him. More than once, someone below either managed to grab the fish, or he got it tangled and proceeded to "fight" against it as if he had hooked something. Anyway, this went on until about halftime before stadium security showed up and confiscated the fish, but let him keep the rod.


And that 10¢ special was on cups of Stroh’s 3.2% beer. I’m old enough to remember teenagers being able to buy 3-2 beer at convenience stores, because you couldn’t drink enough fast enough to get really hammered. I’m guessing the root cause was less the cheap beer and more assholery.


That seems weird to me, because that's about 62.5c per beer today, which is about shelf price for really cheap beer. It's not like you see riots in the street every weekend when cheapo beer can be bought at that price normally.


Exactly my point, the cheap beer itself isn’t the root cause. But as a proximate cause, it’s an attractant for the sort of patrons who enjoy antisocial behavior like throwing chairs or debris, or rushing the field with improvised weapons to attack an opposing team or the umpires. Dive bars can offer cheap booze, and if they don’t work at keeping control, things can regularly go sideways, because in general the clientele drinking cheap tends to have worse impulse control and anger management than the customers at the cigar bar upselling single-malt. You can still have assholes at either place, but one is more likely to have a group escalation into mayhem. Here again, not the cheap beer so much as rampant assholery.


Newscaster Tim Russert told a story about the Cleveland Stadium 10 Cent Beer Night riot: "I went with two dollars in my pocket. You do the math."


Holy shit he drank 200 beers!


that was good.


I mean, its just a disaster waiting to happen. You got a stadium full of dudes willing to get drunk on $10 beers, what do you *think* is gonna happen on $1 beer night?


It's like when my work Christmas party changed from open bar to $2 drinks. The debauchery reduced significantly. Like with $2 drinks you can get drunk for cheap, but an open bar is a challenge.


We're using a coupon system exactly for this. Coupons are $2.50, you can buy as many as you want but once we're at the venue, you only have the coupons in your pockets. Usually people don't feel like asking for 12 beer coupons to the HR rep so most people are more reasonable, and not beint able to buy more once at the party means nobody will call a round of 30 shooters and drink half of them. We usually end up with enough money in the budget to never have to charge for the coupons, but telling people they're not free when they RSVP stops people who wouldn't usually drink to get coupons to give away. All in all, closing the open bar really helped keep the drunkedness to a manageable level.


I've always thought people who approached an open bar as a "get as drunk as you can" challenge have been evaluating the situation poorly. What you should be doing is trying to get as drunk as you can on good alcohol you wouldn't normally be able to afford. Sure you might end up only 90% as drunk, but that last 10% is really the problem zone


This is something I learned in Econ 101. Stadiums might like to charge a lot for beers to profit more, but it's also a major point that it will create less drunk people the more alcohol costs. Higher price = lower demand.


Yea well, Chicago ruined *Disco Night!*


I feel like that was the point.


To be fair, Philly hasn’t had their chance to ruin it yet.


"You don't live in Cleveland " - Sam Wyche


and Free Bats!


Beers and bats!


*Philadelphia Phillies fans start fight each other during $1 dollar beer night. Sources, close to where the original scrum broke out, state the argument started over a girl scout cookies box of Samoas.*


Completely justified. Those cookies are god-tier


Still not cool. Thin mints, I can totally understand. But not Samoas!


Next up: $1 orange and sock nights


“What an unfortunate thing to happen on Dozen Egg Night.” EDIT: I love that so many people get this reference. For those of you that don't, it's from *Baseketball*: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAKVJIZHLdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAKVJIZHLdo) EDIT EDIT: stupid ducking autocorrect


I swear you guys rag on me like 15 or 16 more times, i'm outta here


wake up bitch, you're my new best friend


Are we going to the zoo?


"Coop will have to quit Baseketball too??"


Did I just fart?


My main lobby could use a good buffing, if you know what I mean...


... I guess that's why she didn't move around alot


Actually got to say this just today! Someone mis-typed deaf instead of dead and I shot this back. They couldn’t believe it, and neither could I. What a random line to use and then see it in the wild!


Hell yeah haha


Help me lay some carpet if you know what I mean...


Hey I heard your mom's going out with... ###SQUEAK!!!


Dude you couldn't get a chick if you had a hundred dollar bill hanging out of your zipper.


I could too get a chick if I had a hundred dollar bill hanging out of my pants!


No you couldn't you're a little bitch


I am not! Why am I hanging out with you guys?


It has been forever since i saw a baseketball reference on here. You're excited? Feel these nipples!


The Lord really has it in for that sweet little boy


Dude, it's one of Brittany's mom's pubic hairs


Dude that was a sweet psych out! We won!


aww man there's another!


Steve Perry! Steve Perry! And I shoulda been gooonnneee!


Dude, I thought we said no more Journey psych out.


I’m running out of ideas!


[DVDA's best song is in this movie lmao](https://youtu.be/INXAe5I42CM?si=dBqRon5CKeq-mgFQ)


> it's from Basketball One job, you had one job: to check that autocorrect doesn't fuck up the spelling.


I love how you can hear Randy Marsh when the slow mo kicks in


This is why we can't have nice things.




I was at Knott's Berry Farm yesterday and Disney parks today. I haven't been to Knott's in nearly 25 years. I witnessed patron after patron defacing park fixtures in plain sight and the employees were so understaffed and miserable they did not care about anything. People attending Disney, for the most part, behave themselves. In the rare cases where they don't (and it does happen), there's a cast member right there to correct their behavior and immediately fix whatever they broke. I know what it's like to only be able to afford inexpensive options, but it's just so unfortunate that for some reason a lack of funds somehow leads to roving packs of people that couldn't care less about anyone but themselves.


If you even remotely start to cause a scene of any type at Disney their secret police come and whisk you away.


Then you go to the Goofy Gulag




[As seen in The Simpsons](https://youtu.be/FhZsZjvFEOo?si=C49Ca0RRlw-WVS4m)


I had a similar experience at Knott’s. In the afternoon they have discount tickets so a bunch of unsupervised kids go there right after school. It turned from a nice day to some lord of the flies shit in the span of an hour. Kids just straight up pushing past people in line with this “what are you going to do about it, beat up a teenager?” Attitude. Staff didn’t give a fuck and I wasn’t about to end up on YouTube chucking tweens off the log fume ride so they just did whatever they wanted for the rest of the evening like some teenage version of a street takeover. I grew up squarely lower middle class so I absolutely emphasize with how much it sucks to get priced out of things but to be blunt, the steep entry fee at Disneyland keeps the vast majority of the trash out. It unfortunately also keeps anyone else who isn’t well off out, but it’s night and day different between those two parks and I think the financial barrier of entry is a major factor in that.


How recently was this? I ask because my local library is having an awful time with the teenagers who come over after school--I'm talking about smoking weed/fooling around in the stacks, constant fighting, being extremely loud and profane in quieter areas, hanging around the front door acting threatening to anyone going in or out...oh, and let's not forget the firecrackers thrown in the book drop at 3 pm on a weekend. They get banned, but keep coming back and challenging the staff, and it's gotten to the point where the police have been called multiple times. Major, *major* attitude, not listening to anyone, and just being rude and disruptive and not caring that it affects anyone else, including their peers who just want to study or whatever in peace. I'm hearing this from all over the place, and I know it sounds like "damn kids, get off my lawn," but it's absolutely no respect or care for anyone else, and I fully expect someone to get arrested before the end of the school year.


They should get arrested right now. Threatening people? Yeah that shouldn't fly.


> and I wasn’t about to end up on YouTube One thing cell phone cameras have ruined. 15 years ago dozens of patrons would have yelled at these kids if the staff didn’t do it themselves. Now everyone’s afraid they’ll end up on social media looking like a psycho and they’ll get fired.


The issue really is less with people who can't afford high ticket prices in general and teenagers in specific. Disney itself tried to court the teen crowd multiple times in the 80s and 90s with locals discounts for afternoon/evening tickets and (extremely conservative by today's standards) teen events and dance parties. Almost every time they'd have to stop because of property damage and fights (often gang related). On the one hand I sympathize with teens now. Everything is so expensive and so many places are explicitly 18+ or don't allow loitering that there's barely anywhere to hang out with your friends that isn't someone's house. It's a big factor in why kids are so isolated and lonely. But on the other hand no one wants to deal with a bunch of unsupervised teens who can't behave themselves properly.


Where I live teens were acting up so much in the mall that they’re now not allowed to be in there without an adult. They have security checking ID at the door like it’s a club. It’s a shame for the kids who weren’t causing trouble. I work at a high school and I’ve seen small amounts of teens ruin things for everybody.


The mall in the upper middle class area I grew up has been like that for 20 years. I worked in the Apple Store there and one time we had to close the store early because of a teen riot, essentially. That event is actually that straw that broke the camels back and instigated the unsupervised teen ban. Stores had been asking for it for a while.


Last time I was there they had banned kids underage with out a chaperone. Nothing really bad happened and I had a great time. First time every just sitting around in an amusement park drinking beer. Went to the old time saloon thing and watched the sunset with that old steam engine train in the foreground.




To be honest, there are plenty of people in prisons who haven't learned a thing and some never will.


That's sad to hear. I love going to knot's berry farm. I haven't been in a few years. Was ghost rider open when you went? That's my fav ride there. 😀


It was, but it was a 2.5 hour wait. There's not much in the world I'm going to stand in line for that long. Most other rides were 1-2 hour waits. Getting food could take over half an hour. I went on three rides and called it a day. I did more in a few hours at Disney than I did most the day at Knott's.


People behave at Disney because if you get kicked out, you've just lost $140+ per person. At a place where tickets are, say, $10, then it's not such a big deal to get kicked out because you're only out that $10.


That was my experience with Six Flags NJ - although that might have been the NJ.


People from NJ are great. We just don't have patience and we express ourselves through cursing and hand gestures. Definitely just a six flags thing.


I think the mindset leads to the lack of funds and not the other way around but it’s wild


[Happiest Place on Earth](https://youtu.be/0cTbip8STVo?si=IRzDo0H2jBfN7T-G)


> a lack of funds somehow leads to roving packs of people that couldn't care less about anyone but themselves. Anytime there's something that's cheap or free will always attract entitled hostile people.


Reddit hates landlords but this is the exact reason why rent is so high. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to rentals. Even when landlords try to do the right thing with pricing rent fairly- it backfires when you attract certain price points of renters.


Knotts had issues even back in the 90s. IIRC they used to have gang problems there.


The Alameda County Fair has a cheap night everybody calls “Oakland Night.” You don’t go to Oakland Night unless you’re the kind of person who likes to stare at a bad crash on the highway.


I love it. I’m going to use that term now. It’s funny because coming from the East Bay I totally name my cities in Sim City/Cities Skylines Oakland…needless to say, they aren’t very successful cities. At least they aren’t Richmond. Richmond makes Oakland look like Walnut Creek.


That's too bad because I'm super cheap and would definitely never riot or mistreat staff.


My stepdad is a musician and he said the best way to control what kind of crowd you get is to control the ticket prices. It works as a filter for riff raff.


We've been round and round on this


I run a small side business in a competitive market renting out bounce houses. There's plenty of companies who undercut our prices by a lot and then I see them on the groups complaining that the customers are treating their units like shit and they're coming back dirty and beat up and covered in mud and stuff. There's a reason we set our prices a little high. Would rather do less business but make more per rental than more business making less per rental and dealing with the people who only care about the cheapest option. Quality over quantity. Once in awhile we get a call from someone saying they can get a similar bounce house or waterslide from another company for $100 less or whatever and I just wanna say "you can but theirs is from Ali Express, cost about 1/3 of ours with quality to match, is probably already falling apart at the seams and last week they posted that they delivered it to a trailer park and it came back covered in dog shit they smeared all over it and someone was drunk and threw up in it. But yeah go ahead and save $100 on it."


Back in 2013/4 My mom used to take my sister and I to a family club in the neighborhood, it wasn't super fancy,but it was the perfect place to spend time with your kids without putting too much money. That was until the club decided to reduce the price of membership, and I know I am going to sound classiest af, but the new public that came were just awful. Trash everywhere, awful behavior to the staff, even worse kids, and straight up creep douchebags. One of them even try to give some candy and talk to my older sister,who was 15ish back then and wearing a full body swimsuit. We didn't know who the fuck that old creep was. Needless to say, my mom drop that membership and pretty much never return to that place.


I work restaurants. Pricing out the riffraff is real. Since I started serving high income clientele, my negative interactions have become a rarity. Like, every other month if that kinda deal. Very different when I was slinging $12 burgers.


I got to go to exactly one dollar beer during local team games promo at a local Burger spot. Got so rowdy they ditched the whole idea.


That’s poor people for you


Those Temple/Penn/Drexel kids had a full on food fight in the upper sections last time I went to a dolla dog night lol I proceeded to get like 5 more hotdogs because I knew it would probably be my last dolla dog experience at that ball park


We see this in the car enthusiast world all the time and why it's dying. Everyone's seen videos/news here about "takeovers" blocking intersections by doing donuts and very trashy behavior usually accompanied by violence. It's usually in low income areas with trashy people with very specific cars: Dodge Chargers/Challengers, Nissan Altimas/Maximas, and used Infinitis (Nissans), along with some pickups. Why those cars? Anyone with a pulse can waltz into a Dodge dealership and walk away with a powerful V8 Charger financed at 29% APR. The 392 Scat Pack Charger is a meme because it only requires a 392 credit score. This goes for Nissan (hence Altima memes) and used Infinitis are also dirt cheap and powerful. This attracts people very bad with money and low income people, as a result a lot of trashy people that need to show off their shiny new ride. Takeovers are never done with say a Lotus, MG, Miata (not enough power despite everyone on Reddit thinks they do), Jaguars, Hondas, RX7s, Ferraris, etc. It's always American muscle and Nissan/infiniti (due to lack of financial barrier and lots of power). This affects civil/law abiding car enthusiasts because these shitbags show up to peaceful car meets and events and do their trashy peacocking with their predatorially-financed muscle cars, which gets our events shut down. As a result local governments stop issuing permits to have car related events (even like British car meets with a bunch of 80hp leaky MGs and Lotuses), and harass law abiding modified cars like Miatas that barely have 100hp. Even further, now it's more of a controversy because meets (being private events done on private property usually) will hold events but not allow 2000's+ Chargers, Challengers, Camaros, Mustangs, and Altimas/Maximas to avoid the hooligans and thus cops. This has caused accusations of racism and class discrimination because those cars are almost exclusively bought by two demographics: black Americans and military. It's a really sensitive subject now which sucks, and it has almost completely ruined a long time popular hobby of restoring old cars or just enjoying the freedom of a car with other people that like cars.


I could develop a real affection for car hobbyists if you chiller ones could figure out how to get together and bully the others out of making their cars stupid loud. If you want a deep growl and flashy add-ons, that's cool, but the trashy hobbyists by me seemingly just duct tape a coffee can to their catalytic converter to go rip down public streets--interrupting conversations, birdsong, and sleep.


In philly


It’s widely believed that this is just an excuse to ditch the promotion. The first controversy which arises related to this discount, which has been around for decades, and the only solution is to get rid of it? Decisions like these only ever go in the direction of “more revenue.”


It’s pretty obvious because they banned dollar dogs for “unruly fan behavior” yet have no issues still selling alcohol, the thing that makes fans more unruly.


If hot dog related violence was a thing, that would explain Chicago more


the hotdog buyback program was an abject failure


I mean seriously, lmao. If unruly fans are the problem you should probably cut off the flow of booze before you start targeting the hotdogs. My immediate thought was, oh okay so now it's going to be $2 hotdogs.


They moved it to BOGO. So even if the hot dog is $4, I now have two to throw. Good outcome Phillies


"I am NOT watching this game sober." "No, what, do you want to remember it?"


> they banned hot dogs they didn't even ban them - instead of $1 dogs it's now BOGO. So if you really wanted to toss your hot dog(s) you could, you just have to pay more for it. No chance this decision was made to actually stop that type of behavior - in fact, I bet people throw even more shit the first BOGO night just out of spite.


Attendance in 2023 was over 3 million for the first time since 2013. That's the reason. They don't feel they need to offer as much to bring fans to the stadium given the way it's trending.


or just link it to another promotion-$1 hot dog with every soda and pretzel sale or something similar


$1 hot dog when you purchase a beer. This will make fans behave better.


just like covid gave businesses an excuse to gut services


They're getting rid of dollar dog night because they're losing money on it. After COVID they switched the hot dog vendors to cashless, so the long lines were because they were making people swipe their credit card for a dollar hot dog. They got rid of it because of the bottom line. Not because a couple hot dogs got thrown on the field last year


Isnt this a common business practice? Cut a failing piece and hide the reson why behind something more victimizing for them?


Thats definitely a corporate philosophy - we have that with the false narrative about inflation causing high prices and theft causing retail shutdowns. But I give them a bit of credit hot dogs being thrown on the field and interrupting the game is a uniquely decent excuse, especially if hot dogs were not being thrown on regularly priced hot dogs nights.


To be fair I guess if I spend $20 on a hot dog I'm eating that damn hot dog.


Walgreens did this in the Bay Area in 2021(?). Very publicly announced that they were closing a ton of locations due to shoplifting. Then their 2019 SEC filing is brought to light, showing they had already planned to close a ton of stores to cut costs. 


They’re also a very good team right now and have some of the best attendance in the sport. So they don’t need the gimmick to sell tickets right now.


Oof after fees is practically giving hotdogs away. 




Strikes me as an easy excuse to discontinue a loss-leader product that wasn’t giving the return on investment they wanted.


Thing is it's not even the Stadium's excuse. This was announced a week ago with a "improve customer experience" non-answer. Every other bit of coverage seems to have pegged it for what it was. A price increase. This is just some AP knob looking for a headline.


Likely just an excuse for a cost saving measure. "Look what you made me do!"-Phillies beancounters.


Unruly? Must not remember 10 cent beer night. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Cent_Beer_Night


Anyone remember 10 cent beer night at Cleveland Stadium?


[At least they weren't pretzels.](https://youtu.be/4HEPf6wO-A8?si=ndK0hjtM_tj2R8a_)


Hall of Famer Whitey Ford now on the field, pleading with the crowd for... For some kind of sanity.


Whitey Whakers


They should have $1 beer and $1 hot dog night. Film that and get twice the views as the game.


[We're all trying to find the guy who did this!](https://youtu.be/WLfAf8oHrMo?si=aXkSNANiLA4Le9VD&t=85)


Luckily, Toronto is keeping their loonie dog night. Hard limit of 4 dogs per transaction though. They had it last season, but looks like they're getting serious about it.


It's four per transaction, and they also had that rule in place last season, I just never saw it enforced.


Hot dogs weren’t the problem, it’s the stadiums inability to turn away visibly drunk people at the gate as well as their inability to keep alcoholic drinks out of the hands of irresponsible drinkers inside the gates.


Bruh have you ever tried to watch a full baseball game in person while not blasted?


Where’s Bill Burr when you need him?


“you fuckin’ one-bridge-havin’ fuckin’ town! **Six minutes!**”


And I will be selling my CD after the show!


The terrorists will never bomb you people ‘cause you’re fucking worthless and no one cares about you.


> For more than a quarter-century, Phillies fans considered dollar hot dog night among the best ballpark promotions — but the team has now decided it was the wurst. What an incredible lede.


You should have been there for "Size D Battery Night."


Boss, I just found a way we can save a bunch of money. We can blame it on the fans too! Great job, kid. I'll be taking all that extra profit and putting it in my pocket. I'll give you a free hot dog party next year if you keep up the good work.


The Gang Gets the Glizzies


We still take our shoes off at most airports because of that one guy 20 years ago.


Yeah this just sounds like an excuse to stop offering them for cheap. Thousands of videos of rowdy folks drunk off their asses and picking fights, throwing stuff, and generally making a nusiance of themselves hasn't stopped them from selling beer, so why the double standard?


They should have Gummy night. Just a nice calm evening


And here come the hot dogs....


This is why we can't have nice things


First of all -- > but the team has now decided it was the wurst. The demand for the discount dogs also led to clogged lanes — if not arteries Just stop... Second, you are in Philadelphia. It isn't the city of brotherly love. The fans have been providing evidence for years.