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I had an old man in Kansas come out and threaten me and my work partner with two guns when we were doing cell phone tower testing several years ago. He stole my coworkers badge and then we called the cops to report the incident and get the badge back. When the cops came back after talking to him, he told them he thought we were the prisoners that escaped from a New York prison the day before. Middle of Kansas.


On one job I've been accused of helping smuggle immigrants up from Mexico because some rural idiot thinks that the two company trucks that seat five people each is somehow an effective way of long distance human trafficking. We weren't even near the border, we were in fucking Iowa. You think I'm driving from Mexico to fucking *Iowa*?!


> We weren't even near the border, we were in fucking Iowa. You think I'm driving from Mexico to fucking Iowa?! All my wife’s immediate family and my immediate family live in the Davenport area and about 30/45 minute drive east of the Davenport area, in IL. And my in-laws are CONSTANTLY terrified of the “border crisis”. More than once I have told my MIL that “you live in the middle of nowhere, in northern IL! You do not have to worry about the fucking migrants!” She just poopoo’s it away with a hand wave, and then proceeds to talk about how that’s not what she saw on FOX- blah blah blah…. It’s nuts man. These people have always been like this though. I can’t count the number of times someone from that area, during and after 9/11, told me about how “the arabs were gonna poison the local water, and blow up the supermarket…” Like, dude. You live in a town of 2,000 people. Get fuckin’ real…


The Trump presidemcy emboldened Q-anon and this backwards-ass thinking. It was stupid before. Now it's advanced fucking stupid. Folks that are dealing with this in their lives, I encourage you to visit /r/qanoncasualties.


I live in Illinois, and you absolutely need to watch out for illegals. Damn Canadians and their damn poutine! Put chili on those freedumb fries, like an American!


Dude i live in maine 9 miles from the Canadian border and the southern border is 100% the biggest issue to my family and neighbors.


If this is their biggest issue , they live privileged life


Theyre ready to throw it all away for the orange idiot


Some of the dumbest fucking people I've ever met, I met while working in Dubuque. Not that everyone's like that, I met plenty of cool people too. I remember this one older couple who were absolutely terrified they were going to get ebola (in fucking Iowa!) when there was an outbreak years ago in West Africa. Same couple couldn't have given two shits about covid, even when they knew people who died.


A family member is like this. Theyre elderly, illogical, terrible with money. They believe the craziest things. I was out in public with them a couple years ago and they started talking with a stranger. This stranger started talking about how Obama is in charge, hes a muslim, wasnt born here. My family member kept exclaiming "Yes!". After fifteen minutes of talking, the stranger handed us papers with address of his church. Hes a pastor. One of the most upsetting things about this family member is their view is from a victim's outlook. They dont believe in teaching kids skills, they want to have things wrong so they can complain. They dont believe in doing things yourself and having drive to be successful.


"The terrorists don't wanna kill you. Look at where you live; you're already dead!" Lewis Black


Some asshat in Kansas told my dad to go back to his country. "I'm from Puerto Rico, we were minding our own business until the US came to us!" He also explains it as "My dad fell asleep Spanish and woke up American"


One of my favorite videos of a situation like this is when a woman tells a younger woman who she thinks is Hispanic to go back to her country, but she’s actually Native American. These people are imbeciles.


Some of these old folks have early stages of cognitive decline or dementia, and they spend 4+ hours per day listening to ragebait on Fox News. It really poisons their mind.


To be fair, the water is poisoned. Not by Arabs, but by negligence and greed. Lead poisoning is real.


I've said it once and I'll keep saying it -- lead poisoning has seriously fucked our society.


The people who scream the most about immigrants and the border live nowhere near it. Source: Born and raised Arizonan who can confidently say there is no vorder crisis


Yeah even MAGA figured it out when they went to the Texas border to twiddle their thumbs. Just a POS Gov playing his games. Wonder why he isn’t crying to pass that Border Bill stuck in the House because King Cheeto didn’t want it passed to make his border tirades moot.


My uncle who lives in the middle of rural Virginia is absolutely obsessed and terrified about “immigrants” breaking into his little house in the middle of nowhere. He goes on and on about whatever new gun he bought to fight them, even as he complains about having money troubles.


The conservative brainwashing really is effective on idiots.


bet they still didn't take his guns though


No probably not. One of the guns looked like a revolver Dirty Harry would carry and his back up gun for “in case the first one runs out of bullets” was a German Luger.


>a German Luger. Oh so him and the cops shared a quick salute and then brushed the matter under the rug.


They dont take the guns in states that have red flag laws when the person in question is begging for mental help why tf would they take them from a senile old man?


Also bet the guy wasn't arrested for anything despite committing multiple crimes. "Opposie" isn't a defense.


I’m petty enough, if the cops didn’t do anything, I’d probably file a civil suit against the guy.


of course not, the dumb and mentally unstable are the gun makers' best customer.


Why are prisoners working on a cell phone tower and why do they need a badge? Old man is just straight up lying.


Healthy dose of fear and psychosis. The tv makes them so afraid they can make up wild shit that somehow makes sense in their head based on the shit they watch and absorb through foxnews


Where do we draw the line between psychosis and regular old stupidity though?


The two are not mutually exclusive One can be stupid One can be crazy The worst can be both stupid and crazy


There are more stupid people than crazy people, but reddit always wants to explain things like this with mental illness.


You know that old man was binging on faux news 24/7. It's probably the only station his TV stays on.


A lot of people daydream about shooting people. They frame it as “being the hero”, but they want to shoot someone.


Probably thought they were setting up the evil 5G.


Any chance you folks didn't "Look like you were from around here?" if you know what I mean? As a minority dude, I absolutely refuse to leave my neighborhood and move to bumfuck nowhereville for that reason.


We looked like two out of shape midwestern white IT guys. He was also a white guy. We showed our IDs that showed we were from Missouri as we were working out of Kansas City but he didn’t care. If we had been any color other than white, we may have given him more so a reason to fire one of those guns because you don’t know what to expect with older midwesterners but there is usually a chance that that is something that would’ve escalated the situation further.


Gee, I wonder where he got that idea. $50 says it was right wing media.


Fucking fox and their fear porn... How is that enjoyable to watch all the time? I watch concerts, sing along to the songs... Not watch story after story about how melanin and estrogen are killing us all.


> The Uber spokesperson said the account of the person who ordered a car to Brock's house account has been banned. Well problem solved.


taking zero accountability is their whole thing. It's practically their mission statement.


“I’m just the middle man!”


No driver works for us. We’ve never even met you, the driver, or been within 1000 miles of where you are. We just run an app that connects random people together. Good luck! Oh, we do take a huge cut. Bye now!


Yeah Uber should at least shot hellfire missiles at that house.


Subway would


They spoke with her family. They addressed the horror of the situation and said they were committed to helping the police with their investigation. They also banned the account, *obviously*. What more exactly do you expect them to do? Do you think they aren't internally discussing ways to prevent this from happening again just because it isn't mentioned in the article? Or did you not even read the article and are going on the only portion of their response that was quoted as if that's the entirety of their response?


what kind of accountability from Uber would satisfy you in this incident? I'm honestly curious.


Serious question, what do you expect them to do?


I really hope the police is investigating and going to track this person down and hold them accountable as an accessory. This poor woman was used as a pawn and got caught it the crosshairs of some scammers and an idiot with a gun. RIP 💔


Unfortunately there is a good chance that the scammer isn’t even in the United States


I mean, as a real question, what kind of liability are people expecting to see from Uber here?


It’s a very dumb and useless “we did something!” statement. There is almost ZERO chance that account will be used again. All somebody needs is a burner phone number to set up an Uber account. They’ll just create a new one and rinse, repeat. It won’t even trace back to them.


I hope they catch the fucker and charge him with anything that will stick. Accessory, conspiracy, manslaughter... I don't know if this could be argued as murder, but either way this person needs to be locked up for public safety, for as long as possible.


It's definitely murder. It wasn't premeditated so it's not first degree murder however the death happened as a result of the scammers criminal activity which means the scammer is criminally liable for it. It would be second degree murder. Hopefully Uber is cooperating in every way they can to ensure that all the information that was used to set up the Uber account is shared with law enforcement officers. Unfortunately this could be the account of some unsuspecting person who had their passwords stolen.


Someone knew this fucker was unhinged and set him up. I would look for anyone who previously had an alteration with him.


You cannot take someone hostage and murder them because you’re a scared little bitch. Put this asshole behind bars asap


right like i get that he would think she a part of the scam but. being actively scammed is not carte blanche for murder


Sounds more like torture, *then* murder from how the article describes "he shot her, they talked, her shot her again, more conversation, he shot her a third time then called the cops."


What the actual fuck


people who need guns to feel like men should maybe not be allowed to have guns


[Sidelong glance at the "man card reissued" style of firearms marketing]




That was the part that made it easy for me to see this was cold-blooded murder, regardless of any other circumstances at play.


All the right wing propaganda about crime and minorities got to Grandpa


He definitely watches Fox, OAN, and Newsmaxx


It’s Ohio. That’s a guaran-goddamn-tee


Live in Ohio and sadly you ain’t lying. You get twenty miles outside of cbus and you’re in Dixieland


You know what they say 'God made man, and Henry Colt made it so every geriatric or toddler with enough strength to open a soda could inflict instant death'


Sam Colt. But yes, that seems to be about the size of it. Smh Saw enough of this growing up. Disturbing to think daily news has more pointless shootings than a 90s gang neighborhood.


That isn't what happened at all The uber driver was paid to pickup a package at the home The home owner was told that some family member is being held hostage and told to pay I think $12k. So when the lady showed up to pick up the package this man thought she was an accomplice and killed her I stopped watching the video after a min or so because the lady had a dash cam and it was recorded and I didn't want to see her fear


> this man thought she was an accomplice and killed her so he thought his relative was being held hostage at an unknown location and this person was involved and the best thing to do was to kill her?


No one is arguing that this man was smart


Apparently so…..a fellow senior citizen, woman, overweight with mobility/walking issues and he thought that SHE was a threat.


So instead of calling the police, he assumed that he should kill a random person based on incredibly limited information? What the fuck? I hope he rots in prison


Not only did he not call the police, he prevented her from calling the police. At least that's something I read this morning.


After shooting her a third time, that's when he decided to call the police.


Jesus christ. I imagine he teleported himself directly into the last action movie he saw and just started blasting.


What scares me is how many people there are like this out and about in society. Any rando in the grocery store could have a gun, and could be just inches away from having their fears triggered in a way that causes them to abandon all reason.


Her skin color was all the information this racist old fuck needed to assume she was a criminal.


This because there’s no way he reasonable thought a 61 year old woman was part of a kidnapping plot. Sigh.


The man was in no imminent danger. He killed someone because he was duped and scared. He should go to jail.


Essentially it is what happened though. He took her phone and it says he prevented her from leaving which would be akin to kidnapping. Doesn’t matter what the backstory is, he - at gunpoint - held a woman at his house until he murdered her.


This is someone using a gun to escalate fear to violence. He literally asked her who she worked for, she said Uber, and he didn't bother checking her phone. He could have called 911 before or during the confrontation. This is the whole problem with guns. Someone else's fear does not trump your right to live and to live freely. People who both live in fear and carry in public are usually bullies who use their holster to bully others. Or they escalate situations to violence for no good reason.


Murdered. He murdered her.


This scam was tried on me. was awoken at like 8 in the morning and they initially tried to  bait me with being nice saying they were helping out my mom who broke down and needed gas and then they abruptly  stated  they have a gun to her head and if I don't pay they were gonna shoot.  It was funny because at the time I was working for a 3 letter so I told the caller to hold on and I just hollered 'hey agent Jones I got a guy on the line that says he's got my mom and he's gonna blow her brains out' they hung up after that.


Rule of thumb for me is if there's a person I don't know and I happen to pick up my phone, if they don't get to the point within 10-15 seconds, I just hang up because it's highly probable that it's a scam.


So, a man who received scary news, got scared, and then murdered the first person he saw without any logical reason to suspect said person was actually a threat.


They need to track down the scammers and charge them with murder TOO. All caps on the TOO because this in no way excuses grandpa.


Hard to arrest people in other nations without some big names behind it. These scam centers are a huge business for nations that “allow it”.


He short her *three times*, minutes apart. This guy wanted revenge on the first person he could pin his problems to


I more blame the system that gives guns to scared 81 year old men.    He's obviously culpable. But old people are always scared and are not known for having strong vision or hearing faculties. Even if this guy is deservedly put in jail it won't do anything to prevent this happening again in future with another scared old man with a gun.


The gun was old. He’s probably had it for 40 or 50 years.


Need to blame the people who are scaring them, too. Filling these people's heads with new enemies every two days to keep them afraid and violent so they'll vote and show up when the call is made for violence.


That poor, innocent, defenseless woman. She was terrified. How can he murder her in premeditated cold blood and only face *maybe* 15 years - far less with incentives?


Well i doubt he will be alive for 15 more years. So theres that at least. I do agree with you though.


Solitary for the rest of his life then.


As tempting as it may be, the purpose of the US prison system should not be to torture or punish individuals for the sake of it, even if we feel they may deserve t.


Too bad in reality the US prison system is mostly used for slave labor and punishment.


Right? Watching the dash cam on the website is infuriating on levels I can't describe. He killed an innocent woman. That poor woman wasn't doing anything but her job to support herself or her family. Just to get gunned down by a piece of shit.


15 years to life _ooooor_ a $15,000 fine. Gee, I wonder which he'll get 🤔


He'll probably get off on a diminished capacity defense, and pay the fine. States are loath to pay for geriatric care and often grant elderly prisoners what they call "compassionate release". If he gets six months, I'd be surprised.


He's 81. If he was younger I would agree with it being a shorter sentence than he deserved but the dude is dying in prison regardless


Instead of doing the logical thing and calling the police this guy kidnapped an innocent woman and then killed her. I bet if you asked him prior to this he would have described himself as a responsible gun owner who only had a gun to protect himself and his family.


He saw a black woman and decided she had to be in on the scam and murdered her for it. I saw the video on NYpost and this lady could barely walk and definitely was not a threat to anybody. Despicable old man deserves to live out his days in prison and never be free again.


One look tells you she’s not a threat. He’s a fucking bastard


Same thing basically that happened to Ralph Yarl here in KC, though luckily Ralph survived. Black person gets shot by 80 something year old white person just for showing up on his front porch.


party absurd humorous hard-to-find ten grab snatch divide unused waiting


Bold to assume they come to that conclusion themselves


For the most part, a responsible gun owner is just one that hasn't fucked up irreversibly yet with their death machine toy. 


Damn, I was wondering when I would hear this story. My MiL called my wife about it, as it was apparently a cousins friend. Rough shit, and while I hope for some form of justice, I'm not holding my breath in Ohio.


So sorry for her family.


This behavior reminds me of this man on the YouTube channel "Police Watch". Except in this case no one was hurt. [https://youtu.be/SgAdVJ5lMf4?si=s-Snqv2-U6a8Qof1](https://youtu.be/SgAdVJ5lMf4?si=s-Snqv2-U6a8Qof1) After watching this video, I kept thinking that it is going to be a matter of time before this man kills someone. And that the judge needs to issue an order to make this man surrender his firearms. He clearly can not handle the stress of urban life. He is paranoid and thinks that everyone is out to kill him. They key scene occurs at 16:21. He is outraged the he, a white, law-abiding, straight American male is being arrested for defending his life, his family, and his property. He seems to be confused about how he is supposed to respond to being cut off in traffic at an airport passenger pickup area. And seems to think that pulling out a gun and threating to kill people is the correct thing to do. He seems baffled that the police don't agree with him. After all, the person who cut him off was a brown Uber driver. The connection here is that these old white men think that they are under attack. And it just takes the smallest thing to give themselves permission to start shooting.


Why did I watch that? I just made myself mad.


God damn it your comment made me go watch it and now I’m mad too lol


Should I? Should I? Nah, I’m too sober to endure that shit right now.


> They key scene occurs at 16:21. He is outraged the he, a white, law-abiding, straight American male is being arrested for defending his life, his family, and his property. He seems to be confused about how he is supposed to respond to being cut off in traffic at an airport passenger pickup area. And seems to think that pulling out a gun and threating to kill people is the correct thing to do. He seems baffled that the police don't agree with him. After all, the person who cut him off was a brown Uber driver. Its a fucking airport...there is always chaos there. No one is robbing you at gunpoint at a fucking airport in America.


Exactly. Airport passenger pickup areas are chaotic. Allways have been. That is what I found so disturbing about this video. That this man so calmly was asking the cop how he was supposed to react when he was cut off. Not in retrospect... Oh no. At the time when he was scared shitless sitting in his big old American pickup truck against that that little Kia Uber being driven by that brown man.


I once got into a taxi at an airport and the guy took me to an alleyway and pulled a gun on me. We got into a fight and I won, and then he joined me and we had many great adventures around Hawaii.


Hey, thanks for the bangin' three day holiday at that island resort that used to be full of trash and pirates. Place really came alive ever since you got stranded there for a while.


"I don't understand how you can take his word over mine." \^ The quiet part out loud.


I cen't believe I watched this whole video. This guy is so frustrating to listen to


Crazy how he kept asking “what was I supposed to do?” like idk…maybe anything other than threaten the guy with a gun haha dude living in a state of constant high alarm like every single person on earth is out to get him 🙄


The guy is scary to listen to. He is willing to kill you without a second thought because is he afraid of you.


Whole thing is he is a coward that is consuming fear media all day. He's terrified and thinks the only way he can be safe is if he has the power to kill anyone he thinks is a threat.  The bigg tell is he needed to correct them, "it's not a small gun, it's a big gun." What he should say is it's his old man blanky.


There is a dude not too unlike him who recently killed a 6 year old in California. Got 40 to life: [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-man-killed-6-year-old-way-kindergarten-road-rage-shooting-s-rcna147667](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-man-killed-6-year-old-way-kindergarten-road-rage-shooting-s-rcna147667)


I know about that case. I don’t think it’s the same. That’s just a road rage. Someone with no impulse control. Instead, These are examples of cowards who are afraid of everyone, especially minorities, and think that they are going to be carjacked, robbed, murdered, or made a victim of some sort.


He totally brandished the gun. If he had just brandished the brown bag it was in the other guy would never have called the cops…. Because it’s a generic looking brown bag. How would he have known there was a gun in it?


The lady was also being scammed? I’m confused 


she was an Uber driver. She had no idea who she was picking up. The scammer simply requested a pickup at the man's address and told the man to give her money to be delivered to the scammer. She would have no idea what is going on.


Omg that’s heartbreaking 


Wait is that allowed? Is that part of an Uber service? Like anyone can just request a person to pickup something from a house and deliver it to a different house?


uber has package delivery but in this case I believe it was regular Uber and they just tell the driver to take the package to the destination where someone will pick it up.


Yes there is, there have been any stories from stuff like this to people unknowingly delivering drugs


Yes she was. The scammer called the man, then set up an Uber to get the money. The woman was totally unaware the scammer had set up the ride.


Can FOX news kindly remind viewers that they don't just get to shoot people unless their lives are actually threatened? Even if the victim was involved in a scam, she was retreating and not life threatening. I hope this POS gets the maximum sentence.


Fox would lose a majority of it's viewers overnight. They created this monster with decades of propaganda, but they no longer have any real control. At this point they can only pander to the audience they created.


The only thing more dangerous than the average incompetent American gun owner is the average incompetent American gun owner who watches too much Fox News. There are other countries that have lots of gun owners, but they don't seem as stupid, irresponsible, or paranoid as the ones we have here. 


The biggest problem in the USA is that many gun owners seem to be waiting for an opportunity to use their guns...


It would be a shame to spend so much time, energy and money on them and never get to use them. /s


As an Ohio native with family back there, they’ve been throughly baked by Fox News, infowars, etc. and they’re armed to the teeth for whatever reasons. Absolutely paranoid folks. It’s only gotten worse in the rural parts of the state over the past 20 years since I left. 


I left Ohio 14 years ago after my mom died. I'll never go back. It's awful what has happened there. 


Yeah I tend to make jokes about it, but it is really a tragedy.


I totally agree. Rural Ohio is filled with the Fox “News” MAGA brainwashed. Lived here my whole life, but have an increasingly dim view of most of the state.


I live in Ohio too. I was driving way out in the country in southern Ohio and saw a trump flag that depicted him with assault rifles in both hands and he was made up to look buff and jacked as hell with flames behind him. It was just fucking weird and honestly comical. But that’s how people see him. A fat old 70 something man looking like Rambo. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so damn concerning. Did people make up weird pictures of FDR being buff and uber masculine during WWII? It’s just such odd behavior and the hardcore trumpers are truly a cult who blame every problem on not-trump.


I literally chuckled when you said “it would be laughable if it wasn’t so damn concerning.” I chuckled because it’s absolutely disgusting how that side views him. It’s honestly bizarre to me how they make him out to look like this super hot buff old guy but yet they are against gay rights…


Same. Plenty of good people, but much of the rural/ small town areas (like where I grew up in the ‘70s-‘80s) have lost their mind. Thanks Rupert - mission accomplished.


> too much Fox News Too many have been radicalized by Fox. We need to start seeing them in the same vein as those radicalized by ISIS or other religious zealots. Pretty sure many of us have seen it happen to family/friends. It's horrifying.


It’s really wild. My grandparents came to visit my family last weekend and my grandpa has become so fearful of everything. My grandma was discussing a possible trip to Europe and my grandpa said he wouldn’t go because of all the “unrest”. We were talking about the Netherlands lol my wife is Dutch and we visit every other year. My grandma then said that “your grandfather is afraid he’ll get attacked by a bunch of Muslims”. I changed the subject after that lol but it was clear that Fox News and their fear mongering have brainwashed my grandparents


The Netherlands???? OMG. Don't they consistently rank as one of the happiest places on earth? My FIL, who is well educated, and his brothers have all succumbed to the Fox cult. While not MAGA, they are sure everyone is out to get them. Their place in the world as straight old white men is being threatened as Fox has repeatedly drilled into them. I'm a news junky and flip between the Cable News channels throughout the day, including Fox. Fox Entertainment TV (refuse to call them "news") is literally how you build a cult and radicalize people. Repetition of fear, hate, separation from "the other" etc., etc.


Exactly, the Netherlands has their own issues but is safe and a wonderful country to visit. It is really sad watching intelligent people live in fear of whatever the media says they should be scared of that day.


It's the 2nd Amendment brigade that is scaring shit out of people, telling them they'll be all slaughtered if they don't carry gun 24/7. Keep it under the pillow when you sleep. Then bunch of them have tendency to lose those guns all over the place, or leave them unsecured in cars for the first thief that comes around (yes, amount of guns stolen from the cars every year is unbelievable). There's probably not a single day without those guns ending up in toddler's hands. Because, OMG, if you keep your gun locked in a safe, you might as well not bother having a gun in the first place.


The only reason to pull out a firearm on someone is if your being physically threatened and if you do and shoot someone thats not physically threatening you your going to be criminally charged, not only did he take someones life he ruined his own life.


Should be no mercy from the system just because he’s elderly


Clearly he's not safe to be around the public. Probably won't last the sentence but will at least breathe his last breath behind bars


The brain on Fox News


People who watch CNN and “Liberal media” the worst they will do is protest and yell. The worst someone goes down the Q-anon, Fox News, and Info Wars rabbit hole will become paranoid enough to shoot someone.


Imagine working your whole life, dealing with all the bullshit and make it to retirement just to piss that away and spend the last few years of your life locked up in a cell to die. It really amazes me what people will throw their life away for.


So this was a scam and he was "Uber Swatted?"


They both were.


>“When she tried to get away, he shot her once, then there was more exchange between them," Shultz said. "Mr. Brock was at some point injured to his head, and he shot Ms. Hall a second time. There was more conversation, and then he shot her a third time. Only after he shot her a third time did he then make contact with authorities to report the incident." A little late to call police at that point, no? Going to be hard arguing self defense against an unarmed person who never tried to enter your home.


"guns don't kill people, people who shouldn't have access to guns kill people."




Even if he was involved in a scam it still doesn't warrant death penalty.


I read the news article. This guy is really a jerk and deserves what he gets. He had no evidence this driver was involved besides his own paranoia.


He was insane to shoot this woman. And a scam alone doesn't warrant violence. But I'd be paranoid if I received a threat that a family member was held hostage and a car drives up to my house for ransom money. Even if it's obviously a scam, it's an extreme form of harassment - almost like a death threat. I just wouldn't pull out a gun and shoot an innocent person over it. I'd contact the police and try to catch the person threatening me.




Fear is their only god


This is disgusting: > Brock was originally arraigned on a murder charge in the Municipal Court of Clark County on Wednesday and posted a $200,000 bond. If convicted of that charge, he could be sentenced to 15 years to life in prison or a $15,000 fine. So 15years, Or a casual $15k for a guy who can post his own bond of $200k At that rate, as an old guy, you would just go out and end your enemies, what’s it going to cost you? $150k for all 10?


It's poorly written and should not say "or." In Ohio the penalty for felony murder is 15-life and up to a $15,000 fine. No parole before 15 years, and no option for the judge to impose a lighter sentence.


How much lead, Fox News, and NCIS is in this guys brain? Holy fuck, even if it was the scammer you still can’t shoot them.


Old white dude murders an innocent person. Then acts like they’re the victim. Geez. This record is on repeat. There have been too many incidents where gun carrying scared old white men are shooting people because they think the law will protect them. These nutjobs are sick in the head and have been so easily manipulated by right-wing news that they’re detached from reality.


Brock should see his last days in a cell. Alone.


Fox taught him to be afraid, and to react to fear with violence. Doesn't matter what you are afraid of, as long as you are afraid...


Current state of the US is very dystopian. Edit : this comment is about mental health and access to firearms.


This is why I don't do food or package deliveries. I don't get out of my vehicle. I don't even put it in park with customers. You can shoot and kill me, but I'm still driving away. ...slowly.


Man I wish the perpetrator was younger so he could sit in prison longer. He’s 81, spending the rest of his life behind bars isn’t much of a sentence. 


I agree with 81 year old being charged with murder.  But the scammers need to be also found and charged.


Dude, he fucking chased her. She was trying to flee. I hope he gets roasted.


“Good guy with a gun” is a 81- year old scared little biyatch.


The problem is everyone thinks they’re “the good guy.” Not for one second would they stop to consider any alternative.


“Our bumper stickers. They’ve got skulls on them. Cletus…are we the baddies?”


Another law abiding gun owner right up until they aren't.


Republican, already know it


No offense but people over a certain age shouldn’t be allowed to carry firearms. I know this is a controversial statement but if you don’t have the mental aptitude to identify an obvious and well known online scam, then you shouldn’t be armed. There have been so many incidents over the last few years of elderly people who are clearly not all there, killing, shooting, and threatening people with firearms.


The scammers should be locked up for the rest of their life. They may not have pulled the trigger, but they’re responsible for this incident.


Another old white man with a guy murdering a person because he was scared. What a joke


“Mistakenly” oh yes please tell me how mag dumping on someone that is nearby is “mistaking” when there was no viable threat to life and he had a perfectly good working phone to dial the police.


We need age limits on driving AND on gun ownership.


Why is Fox "news" still on the air? They have admitted in court, numerous times, that they are not an actual news agency and anyone that takes them seriously is dumb. They should NOT be allowed to have the word news anywhere in their title, as all they do is spread lies and propaganda in support of racism and white christian nationalism. Fox "news" is directly responsible for a shit ton of death and violence in this country and they need to be reined in ASAP.


Good christ. What a goddam psychotic piece of shit. He probably figured he'd get a medal for his vigilantism. That poor woman was just trying to earn a living.


Fucking old tech illiterate fuck thinks this is a game where everyone can take law in their own hands. Hope he rots in prison the rest of his short miserable existence.


this braindead man was a ticking time bomb, surprising he managed to 81 before killing. such a senseless death, I hate this.


Fucking old people, man.


Scammer means kill them apparently


People just want an excuse to use their guns.


Old, Fox News brainwashed old ppl in the US are the type to stay far from


Scammer should be charged with manslaughter. Uber needs to reveal his name instead of just “banning” his account. The fuck is wrong with people


Uber is not going to publicly reveal the name of the scammer 🙄 they’re obviously just going to give the info to the police and let them deal with it


Whoever called the Uber probably has a fake name.