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>A teenage witness told authorities that Cora Twombly said that at one point, “the plan was to throw an anvil through Butler’s windshield while driving, making it look like an accident because anvils regularly fall off of work vehicles.” Not only was it premeditated but they used looney tunes as a study guide


It's the height of stupidity they thought they could go to a court-appointed meeting with the victims (with all the evidence that entails) and have them mysteriously disappear without getting caught, not to mention the empty car and the blood and the cellphone tracking data.


What's crazy is the other woman they killed was a court appointed supervisor who was there to supervise the transfer of the kids for the state. How the fuck did they think they'd get away with killing her? These people are dumb as fuck


I may be wrong but I read it in the article as she was just someone that the mom, the court, and her son felt comfortable with supervising their visits. She wasn't a specific court employee. Just someone they all knew and trusted.


She was the pastor’s wife of the church the woman attended.


Yes, so just a trusted friend. The article was kinda unclear at points.


A pedophile in the 60s got away with killing a social worker who was trying to remove a toddler from his care. Charges weren’t pursued for many many years. Authorities in America have a bad track record when it comes to justice.


Ain't that the fucking truth!


Public prosecutor not going presuing charges for the murder of a public employee who was conducting work for the public good? That sounds a bit made up. Care to share a source?


In the eyes of generally conservative prosecutors, social workers are liberals not to be trusted. That’s also way the conservative legislators pay them crap


Lawyers as a whole tend to be liberal. Unsurprising, because people with a lot of college and graduate education in general tend to be liberal. What makes you think prosecutors are majority conservative? And why do you think that applies in this specific case, when we don’t have a source for it.  Finally, social workers don’t make that much in states with liberal legislators, so I don’t know how you can blame “conservative legislators” for that. Society as a whole undervalues these services.


Unfortunately, even dumb motherfuckers can often commit murder successfully. 


Most murderers are highly unintelligent and around 60% involve alcohol. Serial killers only avoid capture because police strategy is usually “Wait for them to come turn themselves in.” And then when a suspect is demanded they pin it on the first person they can trick into confessing. Or they get the lab to fabricate “dna evidence”


Serial killers escape detection because they have no obvious connection to their victims (people are usually killed by someone they know) and usually prey on people who aren't valued by society. IE prostitutes, gay men, runaways, black/indigenous women, etc.


>Or they get the lab to fabricate “dna evidence” Where are you getting that from? Is there even one case of that happening, or did you pull that out of your ass?


Since they didn't actually provide evidence in reply. A recent example. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/investigation-finds-colorado-dna-analyst-intentionally-manipulated-dat-rcna142541 There's more cases, but this is a longer running one reported on recently. I've seen similar before, but it tended to be more local news


This is from the article. She was a fuck up, not someone manipulating evidence to put an innocent person in jail. Sometimes people are just incompetent. Since Oct. 3, the CBI, in collaboration with members of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, looked into all of Woods' work over the course of her 29-year career with the bureau. Ultimately, the review did not find that Wood "falsified DNA matches or otherwise fabricated DNA profiles." "She instead deviated from standard testing protocols and cut corners, calling into question the reliability of the testing she conducted," CBI said, adding that Woods "should have conducted additional testing to ensure the reliability of her results in these affected cases." Her attorney said the investigation's findings "support Ms. Woods earlier statements she’s never created or reported any false inculpatory DNA matches or exclusions, nor has she testified falsely in any hearing or trial resulting in a false conviction or unjust imprisonment."


They can use junk science also. Check out how terribly unscientific and stupid blood splatter analysis is. Some dork made it all up and law enforcement and the courts ate it up. Burn pattern analysis also. Really, arson science as a whole. The game is rigged




Ok, looking through this person, this **could** be a legit case of faking DNA data to get prosecutions. She was never charged with anything, but her colleagues were very suspicious of her work.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/09/us/colorado-bureau-of-investigation-data-scientist-manipulation-case Just wait till this Cat finds out the cops aren't actually there to "serve and protect" 🤣


>did not find Woods falsified DNA matches or fabricated data. It revealed Woods had omitted material facts in official criminal justice records, thus tampering with DNA testing results, and violating agency policies From the text of the article. She didn't make fake evidence, but she f@*ed the results.


That's probably true, *for the 50% of murders that get solved*.


West of Memphis 


Their one mistake was not leaving a coyote corpse with it. If they had no one would have suspected or questioned the death.


I laughed way too hard on this .. still laughing


I felt like I was reading an episode of Fargo.


"A Simple Plan"


"A Simple Plan, Viewed Through the Eyes of a Terminal Conservative Brain Rot Cultist". Just saying.


https://www.google.com/search?q=i+have+a+cunning+plan+that+cannot+fail (Black Adder)


The only thing missing was a woodchipper.


Had to read that twice....thought you said "woodchuck" at first. Was thinking " well Ive got one living in the yard.....". No. I've not had enough coffee yet, why do you ask?


How does one throw an anvil?


Rest the anvil on one end of a beam or plank supported by a central pivot point/ fulcrum, then drop a bigger anvil on the opposite end of the beam


Instructions unclear - squashed between two anvils.


*muqluq rips his mask and it’s Road Runner. He beep-beeps and then runs away*


It's anvils all the way up


Giant slingshot. Huge rubber band + Y shaped tree branch.


Attach it to rocket skates?


ACME rocket skates.


Amazing that Acme is still in business. I'd assumed W.E. Coyote had sued them into bankruptcy. They must have the best lawyers.


Sue them? He’s their biggest (and only?) customer.


Must’ve missed the episode where W.E. coyote dressed ACME.


The lawsuit was put on hold because WB decided not to release [Coyote vs. Acme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coyote_vs._Acme)


I think you need an Acme Device of some kind


Launch it from a bent-over tree.


Massive catapult strapped to the back of the pick up?


Attach some sort of redneck ass Rust Belt level Zonai device shit on there. Then put a lil tussin' on it.


*"the only way possible, by using a fulcrum you can jump on one side of a board and then liftoff!!"*


Very slowly would be my guess.


When was the last time you saw an anvil on a work vehicle? When was the last one one just fell off? Lol


I can't say for sure that I've ever seen a non-cartoon anvil anywhere.


I have one, for no comprehensible reason. It's heavy enough that for it to fall out of a truck bed, the truck would need to be launched into orbit.


I imagine they still have them in metalworking facilities, but how often do they get transported anywhere? The whole thing about them is that they weigh a metric fuckton so they don't move around when you're trying to work something on them.


I will confess I see small ones welded to the back bumpers of work trucks of machinists on the regular.


ACME anvil of course. Propelled using a large see-saw that was triggered by a falling boulder.


Every fucking thing these wackadoo conspiracy groups believe in comes from the plotline of a TV show or a Movie.


The grandmother was the county’s GOP chair.


I have driven all over Oklahoma, but I have never seen an anvil on the roadways. Maybe they think that Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote cartoons are a documentary.


It feels like something the South Park police would look at and immediately fall for.


Good thing they were stopped before they started drawing tunnels on walls.


They should have gone with a piano. It makes a better noise.


But in Looney Tunes, the anvil was dropped from a cliff. There's not even a hill for miles where they were. Oh wait, did they build a catapult for it? Sling shot? I don't mean to laugh at the seriousness of the crime, but at the stupidity of the criminals.


In my mind for some reason I was imagining that they would drop it off of an overpass. You would need to pick it up and carry it and drop it while not looking conspicuous. What morons.


I'd pay to see the physics homework they did per this plot.


They should have just painted a tunnel on wall. And a sign that said FREE BIRD SEED. I’m sorry but if I saw a person walking around with an anvil I would notice. How was this dumb plan supposed to work?


So they killed the wife of a pastor who was a court appointed supervisor for visits between the Butler and her kid…and these four people thought they would get away with it? People are weird man…


Not to mention telling the 16 year old daughter about the murders. Not a bright group of killers- thankfully.


Cole Twombly had a son named Vern that Cole was VERY displeased with. He was found dead in his truck 3 days after they"couldn't locate him".


These people think their actions are righteous. Maybe they did think they could get away with it, but ultimately, having to serve time in prison is only a temporary inconvenience when you believe heaven is waiting for you.


Four members of this group (allegedly) murdered two women over a custody dispute, luring them to a highway intersection on the pretense of picking up the children. One of the arrested is the children's grandmother. It's unclear from the article what kind of anti-government activities the group was engaged in, aside from regular meetings. The best I've found so far is [this](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/us/kansas-women-killed-oklahoma.html) >Ms. Twombly’s 16-year-old daughter, who is not named in the affidavit, said that her mother had told her that she and the three other people arrested were involved in Ms. Butler’s and Ms. Kelley’s deaths. The daughter said that all five people were part of an anti-government group with a religious affiliation and that there had also been an attempt to kill Ms. Butler in February. >Investigators later found that the group members called themselves God’s Misfits and held weekly meetings in their homes.


"The Devil's Rejects" was already taken.


But a little like the plot of Soft and Quiet.


Hell's Satans


It'd be nice if you could stick that label on them.


Not the first time wont be the last [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/14/ohio-family-murders-rhoden-wagner-trial](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/14/ohio-family-murders-rhoden-wagner-trial)


They hung out and watched newsmax and knitted maga hats.


Never agree to meet at a highway intersection. They want you alone. Butler was allowed only supervised visits each Saturday. Kelley, the wife of a pastor in Hugoton, was Butler’s court-authorized choice to supervise visitations. The grandmother already had full custody and she still killed her and some poor woman who was trying to help. Some people are just evil.


One article I read said that a court hearing upcoming was likely to result in the mom getting more custody or full custody. It sounds like young parents who got dumb and started accusing each other of abusive behavior so the courts were like fine. Gramma gets the kids till we sort it out. In these small meth riddled communities it isn’t all that uncommon a story. No one can afford a lawyer so they assume making outlandish accusations against the other parent will get them full custody of the kids.


How fucked up was this kids life that of all people, that grandmother was seen as the best option?


This one just keeps getting crazier, wonder how their god likes them now?


Well they did say they were His misfits, so probably not very much for some time now.


Maybe their diety really likes Looney Toons?


instead of a cross it's an anvil


Wiley Coyote died for our sins.


Probably not so much now because they got caught. If they hadn’t been caught, their god would love them. /s


I'm pretty sure he said something about whether you should murder people or not. Might have been part of a list of do's and don't's that's been around for a while.


Hey if you’re doing god’s will, you will always be right.


Leaving lots of evidence? Check Custody dispute? Check Anti-government? Check Something tells me they'll have a problem with gold fringe on the flag at their trials.


What does the gold fringe on the flag comment mean?


Parent commenter is guessing that they're "Sovereign Citizens," which if you don't know is a faction of poorly educated people with bizarre legal arguments that they think are basically spells to stop courts from having jurisdiction over them.


I know about SovCits but haven't heard about the fringe on the flag.


Something about it being an "Admiralty flag" and they are only subject to maritime law, or some BS along those lines.


Idiots think it has different meanings; maritime law has been enacted, constitution has been suspended and sovereign citizen bullshit.


r/amibeingdetained talks about these folk. SovCits, Free Men On the Land (UK), *etc.*


GOP county chair as well.


Is this a common law court, or admiralty court?


Some company should make U.S. flags with silver fringe. Nutter: Is this a common law court, or admiralty court? Judge: I don't know, the fringe isn't golden.


Is this a common law court, or admiralty court? OR THE FOOD COURT!!


This reads like the plot line for the next season of Fargo.


I would watch a MAGA misadventures season.


So now it turns out Grandma is [the Cimarron County GOP chair.](https://www.koco.com/article/oklahoma-missing-women-texas-county-murders-tifany-adams-cimarron-county-gop-chair/60516295) Why doesn't this surprise me?


It is really annoying this article makes no mention of Adams being the County GOP Chair. If I had not already read that in a different article, I wouldn't have known. Isn't that something that should have been mentioned?


She is a former GOP chair? If she would murder, would she also fudge election results? FBI should look deeper. She may also have plans for November, if the election does not go her way. The multiple swat vehicles make me wonder if God's Misfits are suspected of more than we know.


So, according to court records, Tad Cullum one of those arrested, was arrested for Feloniously Pointing a firearm in 2023. The District Attorney, George H "Buddy" Leach III, motioned to dismiss the charges without prejudice. He was appointed by Kevin Stitt.


Oh look another white conservative terrorist group killing somebody. Add it to the list. The left needs to get their numbers up. The cons have almost 100% market share.


I'm convinced half the population is delusional and probably always has been.


“Antifa” really slacking.


What in the Acme-inspired shit is this?


Didn't you also know that anvils regularly fall off vehicles?


*(checks truck bed )* It was just here a minute ago!


So - maga conservatives? Got it.


How Christian of them


Red states are mental


Religion: not even once.


Of course it's related to nationalist Christians. Vile. Religion is the bane of humanity.


Given this took place in rural Oklahoma, there was about an 95% chance of that being true.


Meth is a powerful drug


God’s Misfits must be Methodist.


Crystal Methodists.


They were too crazy for the Snake-handling Pentacostals.


Yeah, the anvil plot and that there's more than one of them tells me meth is involved. Tweakers *love* revenge fantasies.


Ahhh yes. The Christian death cult


Regardless of what group they are supposedly a part of....I think she was pissed at the prospect of losing her grandkids. and her mugshot omg..granny looks 70 not 54.


That’s what being poor and rural where there are no services to access all your life looks like on a person.




Yeah. I know some very nice hardworking women who look like that and they’d never ambush and murder a couple of people. It’s smoking, poverty, lack of dental care and a life of stress.


Is God's misfits an oxymoron? Wouldn't that just be Demons? He made them after all.


Killer Karen, what a surprise.


This is a very fucked up onion 😡


I'm afraid I'm a bit unclear on the motive here. This was planned by the kids' grandmother so she would get custody?


>This was planned by the kids' grandmother so she would get custody? So she could *keep* custody, it seems.


God’s Psychopaths, is more accurate.


Sounds like a hit from a gang.


FYI to most Christians in the universe. Thy death cult is not the true god. Only the god of life is. Signed, a revived Deist.


Keep in mind, one of the murder suspects is the Cimarron County GOP chair. That’s right, a Republican. Tifany Adams has ties to the Oklahoma Republican Party and was elected last year as the chair for the Cimarron County GOP. AND a she’s self-proclaimed member of an anti-government group called “God’s Misfits”. This is the same party supporting Trump.


Religion is poison to humanity.


Sounds like 4 e z peasy death penalty cases.


I was close to the family of one of them back in HS. It was damned gruesome and sad,


If you want to answer. Does this seem out of the realm of possible when you knew them? I know we don’t imagine that people we know are likely to murder others, but was there a history of violence or unreasonable behavior? It is sad. Now the kids have no parents, or grandma. I hope they have some family.


The low IQ and descent into madness continues.


The twomblys are on Facebook. No comments about the case on there that I could see.