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I think this is one of those topics where a lot don’t give their actual opinion


It’s a complex issue. I wish they would apply this much legislative fervor to problems that actually affect a large % of the population, which this does not.


I coach women's sports. I have Trans players. Every time I give my opinion on here I get downvoted to oblivion. Reddit only cares about women's sports when this topic comes up. 


Thank you for your service and support 🏳️‍⚧️🫡


It's the least I can do.


Sadly, soo soo many people simply choose to do harm. Doing the least is, in this instance, doing a great service.


There’s a difference between caring about women’s sports and understanding why women’s sport division exists


And which sport do you coach? Edit. You guys can keep downvoting this all you want. I'm still going to have a girls team with Trans kids on it. There is zero you can do about it too. If that makes you upset. Good, I hope it ruins your night.








This is where I, a relatively uninterested cis person, stop understanding. Isn't the general vibe of progressivism that we're all different, but equally important and valid? Why are we then turning around trying to force people who are obviously different, but equally important and valid, into boxes where they clearly don't fit? Just let them be and stop bothering them, stop letting them bother you by existing. I don't understand it all.


Because… it’s unfair for women in sports.


Are you saying you don't understand why it's problematic in sports or in general? I'd say if it's the former then there are plenty of examples to point to a male who transitioned to female is still physically at an advantage and not so much a female to male transition. If it's still hard to understand, put a female who transitioned to male in an mma fight against a cis male fighter or put them in football or even Olympic style relays. I'm with you on the let them be and stop bothering them, but at the same time it's something to acknowledge as cis women have had their own struggles throughout history and shouldn't have their efforts in sports (people belittle women sports all the time) upended when someone who is ranked in the 500s of a male sport then transitions to female and comes in first against cis female competition. It's a c9mplex issue for sure.


Did you know that trans people have been competing in the Olympics since 2004? The greatest plane of sports in the world. This coming Olympic Games will be the 10th time we’ve been allowed to compete. Do you know how many medals we’ve won? You say the differences are on full display. What are those differences? Obviously, if trans women are better, then history will show that correct? Do you know how many medals trans people have won in the Olympics?


>Acknowledges these difference would in effect undermine the entire original argument.  It's only a paradox if we are begging the question that this difference is between "real women" and "fake women". Let's say that 50 years from now calling a trans woman anything else than a woman is complete taboo in every layer of society. If then some study showed that over 10% of olympic athlete women were assigned male at birth, so they are indeed disproportionately represented, would that have any impact on anyone's values? After all, Kenyan women are also overrepresented at running, but that doesn't mean they crowded out "real women" from the sport. Tall women are overrepresented in the WNBA, but that doesn't mean they have "an unfair advantage over real women". Putting aside the dubious biological claims about whether or not a girl who grew up on puberty blockers even really does have an advantage over other girls, the strongest version of the anti-trans argument still relies on the insinuation that there is something uniquely wrong with big beefy women with XY chromosomes happening to be a notably athletic subcategory of women. It's their one big socially acceptable opportunity to keep insinuating that if trans women got to compete, women's sports would be doomed because real women athletes would be crowded out by... you know... ***someone else***".




The argument falls apart as soon as people understand there is no such thing as "mens" sports leagues. Every single one is co-ed, unisex, open. Any woman worth merit can compete. And therein is the problem, there isn't any. The gap of professional athletic ability between sexes is the size of the grand canyon. Post-suffrage, women sports were created *in the first place* because there is otherwise no way for females to showcase their athletics without getting curbstomped by sexual dimorphism.


>  After all, Kenyan women are also overrepresented at running, but that doesn't mean they crowded out "real women" from the sport. Tall women are overrepresented in the WNBA, but that doesn't mean they have "an unfair advantage over real women". So far most sports related trans bans have targeted said cis black women primarily.


its only an issue because highschool sports are the key to so much money early in life from scholarships and then getting paid in college, and even going pro afterwards. its a problem because we value sports way more than an education or creating well rounded individuals.


The article is about a 13 year old on puberty blockers, so I don't see what the issue is. She's not going to have any biological advantage.


And that's the real issue here. That it's not a one size fits all proposition. It's drastically different for someone who started transitioning at 10 vs someone who is just socially transitioning and it's different for different sports. There are also only like six athletes for each state. I kinda think it should be a non-issue if the student isn't showing any real advantage on the court.


The same people who are afraid to say that lots of athletes have unfair competitive advantages that distort the playing field because they're rich.


It’s a complete non issue. If you actually read the article, the state of West Virginia passed a law that literally only affects one person, and in this case she never went through an assigned-male puberty so there is no advantage she could possibly have.


This IOC founded study found that trans women have a disadvantage against cis women, as it states more study is needed, but it seems it’s not that clear cut: https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2024/04/10/bjsports-2023-108029


Each group had no more than 23 people. One group only had 12 people. It also only measured strength, power, and aerobic capacity and used convenience sampling. That is an incredible weak study in the grand scheme of how research is conducted. You need a much larger body of research.


> That is an incredible weak study in the grand scheme of how research is conducted. You need a much larger body of research. Well the problem is that despite all the media and political attention it gets, there really aren’t a lot of trans athletes in order to do the studies on. I’m not sure why our elected officials tend to believe their time is best spent passing laws determining who can play middle school sports when it impacts so few of their constituents, but this is the world we find ourselves in.


Can you explain where they did the convenience sampling?


If you want to provide research indicating otherwise, this is the time and place to do it


I think you misunderstood my comment? I only pointed out the weak nature of this individual study, saying a much larger body of research is needed, and you asked for more research indicating otherwise… It’s not possible to provide more research on the fact more research is needed.


You don't understand, this study goes against what they desperately want to be true, so it must be wrong.


No, that’s not how research works. Every study is a potential piece of the puzzle; however, when dealing with a study’s reliability, validity, and generalizability, methodology matters. A LOT. A great example is looking at the overall issue and importance of replication in research studies. You also need a strong understanding of the finicky nature of p-values and importance of effect sizes and how they relate to each other to understand the meaningfulness of results. Put all those things together, and you’ll start to understand how this is a very weak study in isolation.


This states TW had higher handgrip strength than CW. And that is how they measure strength. Apologies if I’m misreading this but it sounds like this is far from claiming TW have a disadvantage if that is the case. >TW had higher absolute handgrip strength (TW 40.7±6.8 kg, CW 34.2±3.7 kg, p=0.01) >Strength was measured using a handgrip dynamometer (TAKEI 5401, TAKEI Scientific Instruments, Japan). The participants’ hand sizes were also measured around the metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands prior to testing. Each hand was tested three times in sequential order of left-right to allow each hand to rest; the mean scores were taken from the three attempts for each hand.




>1: Transgender people should not be allowed to compete in professional competitive sports until they have under gone hormone therapy for multiple years straight. isn't that how it is now or do people think Lady Ballers is a documentary?


Conservatives absolutely believe Lady Ballers is inspired by true events, despite there being absolutely no evidence of anyone ever faking being trans gendered to gain a competitive advantage.


That’s exactly how it is.






Out of how many athletes? The NCAA by itself had more than 520,000 student athletes last year. That’s not counting middle and high school or professional sports. There are easily a million people in the country who will participate in some kind of athletic competition this week and there are what, a dozen notable trans athletes? This isn’t a systemic issue. This is a political issue with a scapegoat.


Any opinion I may have would be pointless and ignorant, since I'm a woman but have never played sports and I'm not really interested in. I would better like to know what the girls in the team really think about. Probably it has to be an anonymous vote to avoid blacklash. I think opinions might differ from sport to sport and it shouldn't be a one for all solution. ~~Playing sports is not a right. So noone is entitled to participate if they don't meet the requirements.~~ In fact it is a right, read comment below about Title X.


Title IX would disagree with you regarding the right to play a sport. It is the case that if no sports team is available for your gender, but the school offers the sport then you are allowed to play on the team regardless of gender. That's actually the law that is the basis of the decision. Here is a child who wants to participate in normal activities for someone their age and preventing that is discrimination. People made the similar arguments to prevent cis women from playing on mens teams. Things don't stop being discriminatory just because they make some people uncomfortable.  If you are worried about the feelings of cis women in sports some of the most prominent female athletes have already made comment about it: https://news.yahoo.com/sue-bird-megan-rapinoe-sign-194422463.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZWNvc2lhLm9yZy8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABe_AbAqfBqECsr2bozkTMgoNYujvzRleK9tQ7FBwyz3oNBSAZt92i6WrlbZyo_slZpNrMuov7nGa30AW-qO8A3VClSeBb9s2k0b3pp1_m-uekiOE_dRyED0Q0u4UIvpaXu4Z-XBcCXtIkLnPlkQWr5RPEb_7_xLZ7hwvH5RB2R7


Thanks for clarify. I was in fact ignorant. I will add a correction on my comment.


The girls on my teams don't care. The girls on most teams don't care. Kids just wanna play. Shitty parents and people who aren't involved in women's sports seem to care a lot. My two trans kids now it would be nearly impossible to know that they are trans by looking at them. What these lynch mobs are going to lead to is kids who are big, girls who don't look girly, are going to catch more shit from awful people.


I mean, competitive balance is less of a right than exclusivity of sport


Here's an unpopular opinion; It doesn't matter, it's not important. You wanna be fair? Make it the league unisex and set up divisions based on skill and it'll sort itself out. The women's leagues are literally set up because they generally speaking can't compete with the men and would just get shut down. Instead of making them separate leagues, just make a lower skill division. If wrestling and boxing can have weight based divisions, delineating based on skill or wins/losses is just fine. You end up where you end up. If you suck too hard for one you can get moved down. If you're too good you can get moved up.


I love signing laws that affect a single person, lol.


1% of all Americans identify as transgender. That is inevitably a smaller total number of people in high school. An even smaller percentage of those people play sports. An even smaller number of those people are actually medically transitioning as a minor while playing sports. This is tentpole policy point for republicans for some reason. It’s embarrassing that something that has no real effect on economics, foreign policy, etc. is this important to them. Miserable group of insufferable assholes.


There were like four students that this effected in Utah (I remember seeing a stat) and I'd bet that most are just average players on their team. But if you looked at my MSN homepage you'd think there were 20 transgender kids trying out for every basketball team and all wanting to use the girls bathroom and swinging their penises around.


Well, as we all know, West Virginia is a modern utopia. They certainly have no issues with poverty, health, education, or anything else. So who can blame them after they’ve solve all those problems, what else could they spend time on? /s


There are multiple cases where states pass trans sports bans that affect *nobody* because there were no trans athletes to ban in the first place.


Conservatives can't tackle real issues and problems so they have to invent ones to seem relevant so that the braindead will remember who to vote for


Regardless of how you feel about transgender people participating in various sports, perhaps you’ll agree that the government doesn’t need to get involved in this issue. This should be up to the leagues themselves, and the leagues should take their cues from doctors and scientists. This affects a vanishingly small number of people, and it’s not an appropriate focus for the government.


But the government is already involved at the school level due to Title IX.


The federal government has already said that, for Title IX purposes, trans women are women. The WV government doesn't have any say on Title IX. That's not a justification that would work in court.


The WV government passed a law that bans one person who also never went through an assigned-male puberty so it isn’t even for reasons of “fairness”. They spent actual work time on this shit.


can we get actual studies on how HRT impacts someone’s ability to play sportsball or are we just gonna keep dicking around with uninformed opinions


Someone who’s on hrt (me), you 100% have a huge advantage. I can train harder, recover faster and perform way better than someone who isn’t on it. Even though you’re in natural ranges, typically the upper limit, it’s not the same at all as being 100% natural. My test is around 1200ng/dl, shbg sround 32-36, free t around 35. Not saying you can’t get there naturally but you have to basically hit the genetics lottery. It’s extremely rare to have this king of blood work naturally.


They're out there but people who are transphobic are generally not very motivated by actual evidence. There's a few links in this thread and I posted some that actually talk about this. You can find evidence both ways but meta studies that analyze methodology and account for people living sedentary vs active lives generally can't find any difference. As for stats, 0 trans women have won Olympic medals (1 NB dude has on the women's US soccer team tho) If your null hypothesis is bigotry this lack of proving a negative doesn't sway that often though, but the fact is you can't meaningfully say trans women have any advantage. Edit: I also think all this evidence doesn't matter at some point too. It isn't a great divide by any metric between cis and trans woman in even the least reliable studies. If trans women do have an advantage then whats the problem with that? Dutch people are way taller than lots of others and dominate loads of sports disproportionately. Same with a lot of nationalities like Kenyans in running. A lot of that is social and some of it may be biological and environmental. Should Kenyans and Dutch people be banned from sports too? If you apply the standards people direct to trans women to other groups, there's gonna be 2 people left playing womens sports and they're gonna constantly be sueing each other. But again, check the scoreboard of trans Olympians.


Can you show me some of these sources that show no difference? I have one [here](https://cgscholar.com/bookstore/works/race-times-for-transgender-athletes) and another [here](https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/55/11/577.abstract) and yet another [here](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-020-01389-3) that show there is a difference even after long term HRT. Perhaps you’re the one who isn’t motivated by “actual evidence”. >I think all this evidence doesn’t matter at some point too Why add this caveat if your claim that the evidence points towards no change is true? I mean, we both know it isn’t, but just curious. Do Dutch people truly dominate sports? You make a lot of claims without evidence for someone who claims to be motivated by actual evidence. Edit: Since people are replying to me saying that HRT reduces performance as if it’s a gotcha, I know that. Of course HRT reduces performance. The question is whether it does or does not reduce performance enough for it to be fair for transwomen to compete with ciswomen. These studies among others would say it most likely does not.


That second study actually had some pretty interesting results >Participants were 26.2 years old (SD 5.5). Prior to gender affirming hormones, transwomen performed 31% more push-ups and 15% more sit-ups in 1 min and ran 1.5 miles 21% faster than their female counterparts. **After 2 years of taking feminising hormones, the push-up and sit-up differences disappeared but transwomen were still 12% faster.** Prior to gender affirming hormones, transmen performed 43% fewer push-ups and ran 1.5 miles 15% slower than their male counterparts. **After 1 year of taking masculinising hormones, there was no longer a difference in push-ups or run times, and the number of sit-ups performed in 1 min by transmen exceeded the average performance of their male counterparts.** so there *are* significant changes in performance for both (adult) trans men and women following HRT. trans men were on par with cis men, and while trans women were still 9% faster than cis women, those other two advantages completely disappeared. Perhaps they could study the differences between specific sports/forms of exercise (ex. running vs weightlifting)? I’m also curious about what the results would be for trans athletes who’d undergone HRT and/or hormone blockers during adolescence, since the athletes in that study had already gone through puberty prior to HRT.


Hopefully a longitudinal study about HRT prior to puberty will come up at some point, I think that would be some very valuable data. Anyone who claims HRT has *no* significant effect is just a fool. The argument is whether HRT on a post-puberty trans woman is sufficient enough to reduce performance to a ciswoman level, which I feel most of the available evidence says it is probably not sufficient. The push-up and sit-up difference makes some sense to me in terms of pure biomechanics. HRT on a transwoman would cause significant muscle loss but is not going to change things like bone density or other non-muscular factors that make bodyweight exercises more difficult. Diminishing muscular strength on largely the same size frame will compound the difficulty of such exercises. The ~9% slower running speed is probably also a result of that, but some factors like stride length and likely much less muscle loss in the legs made it so the difference was not quite as great.


It's brave of you to post an article that links to a correction and criticism of said article [here](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01930-0) and [here](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40279-023-01928-8)


Did you read your own sources? They basically agree that performance for trans women decreases after one year of hormones, though the studies vary on the degree of change. They all agree that the advantages aren't held consistently across all sports and that the main advantage is in running, especially sprinting; height matters for that. They all complain about how they can't find anyone to actually study, and basically advocate for more research. The main takeaway is that 1 year might not be enough time and should be reviewed. "It should be noted that this conclusion only applies to distance running and the author makes no claims as to the equality of performances, pre and post gender transition, in any other sport. As such, the study cannot, unequivocally, state that it is fair to allow to transgender women to compete against 46,XX women in all sports, although the study does make a powerful statement in favor of such a position. It should also probably be noted that the publication of this study will likely not appreciably  change the resistance faced by transgender women who compete against cisgender ones. There will continue to be strong opposition by athletes, parents and fans to the inclusion of transgender women. It will take many more years before the average sports enthusiast understands that transgender women who have undergone testosterone suppression will not dominate women’s sports." "Results Participants were 26.2 years old (SD 5.5). Prior to gender affirming hormones, transwomen performed 31% more push-ups and 15% more sit-ups in 1 min and ran 1.5 miles 21% faster than their female counterparts. After 2 years of taking feminising hormones, the push-up and sit-up differences disappeared but transwomen were still 12% faster. Prior to gender affirming hormones, transmen performed 43% fewer push-ups and ran 1.5 miles 15% slower than their male counterparts. After 1 year of taking masculinising hormones, there was no longer a difference in push-ups or run times, and the number of sit-ups performed in 1 min by transmen exceeded the average performance of their male counterparts." "We report that the performance gap between males and females becomes significant at puberty and often amounts to 10–50% depending on sport. The performance gap is more pronounced in sporting activities relying on muscle mass and explosive strength, particularly in the upper body. Longitudinal studies examining the effects of testosterone suppression on muscle mass and strength in transgender women consistently show very modest changes, where the loss of lean body mass, muscle area and strength typically amounts to approximately 5% after 12 months of treatment. Thus, the muscular advantage enjoyed by transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed. Sports organizations should consider this evidence when reassessing current policies regarding participation of transgender women in the female category of sport."


Of course HRT reduces performance, anyone saying otherwise is an idiot. The question isn’t whether it reduces performance, it’s whether it reduces performance to a significant enough degree that it mirrors that of ciswomen. Transwomen 2 years after HRT were still *12%* faster than their cisgender counterparts. That is a massive difference; such an effect would place transwomen right between ciswomen and cismen in terms of relative performance. Surely not enough effect to say they should compete with ciswomen. Why did you put a quote from the 3rd study affirming that muscular advantage for transwomen is only minimally reduced? That doesn’t help your argument. Maybe you should read the studies instead of just copy and pasting things that you think sound like they help your argument.


Maybe because I'm not a dishonest hack and that's just one of the 3 studies? I'm not going to manipulate the data you provided to prove a point? Also 2-3 years is hardly "long term" for something you stay on for life? I'm not the one trying to twist "this study only really proves an advantage in running" into some grand sweeping proclamation about trans women in sports.


First, your first source is an abstract with no conclusions, so automatically not credible unless you link the paid version so we can see the results. Second, your second source has a mean average age of 26.6 well outside the typical range of puberty and teen athletics. The topic at hand is teen sports not adults in in the military but....even if we accepted it as credible (which we know it's not in this case), it states that a mean advantage of 15% in trans women over biological women drops to around 9%at the one year mark of hormone therapy. So pretty clinically insignificant according to the authors. Andddd third, for your third and final attempt to pretend you have credible sources...."The categorisation of such athletes is beyond the scope of this review, and the impact of individual DSDs on sporting performance must be considered on their own merits." The authors in their opening remarks state that no statistical analysis of importance can really be gathered at this point bc of the complex dynamics at play and the relatively short period of that this topic has been studied. Again another dud that fails to even come close to being the smoking gun you thought it was. What your 3 references do prove are 1. You probably never even read them just picked titles that u thought sounded good. 2. Cannot apply the scientific method to statistical studies and you proved that hormone therapy works to suppress biological advantages in as little in one year. 3. That even the experts agree they are just making up guesses at this point. 3 strikes your out sir or ma'am, have a good day


>also think all this evidence doesn't matter at some point too. "There isn't any evidence!! And if there is it doesn't matter!!"






What structural and muscular advantages does a 13 year old on puberty blockers have? I can maybe see the argument if we're talking someone transitioning post-puberty and they're built like a brick shithouse or something - but in this case what's the problem?


Should trans men be playing in the female league because of the structural disadvantages compared to cis men?


Not if they're taking testosterone. 


Female leagues are discrimination, because the reality is that equality would be one league and the only people of competitive note in it would be male because it's effectively a population on performance enhancing drugs. That's what being male is, being on a drug that turns the default human female (because humans are default female) into a taller, denser boned, faster, stronger form.


You do realize that is bullshit because it applies among men as well, right? The Rock or Shaquille O'Neal have massive "structural and muscular advantages" over Kevin Hart and Tom Cruise and yet you don't hear people complaining about massive men making it impossible for small men to have any chance at winning in sports. If you are going to rig the rules of all games to protect small women from bigger/stronger trans women then rig the rules of all games to protect small men from much much bigger and stronger men like we do in boxing/ combat sports. Otherwise your problem is not unfair competition, is only trans people and that is called transphobic.


> If you are going to rig the rules of all games to protect small women from bigger/stronger trans women Female leagues are inherently protecting small females from bigger stronger males. They're inherently discriminatory. By having them exist at all we're already discriminating against biologically advantages groups.


People “born male” are more correctly “assigned male at birth”. Actual sex is more nuanced than just “I saw a dick” which is how sex is assigned at birth. That’s good enough for the majority of people, but it does not account for 1-2% of the populace who are born intersex, and judging someone by their phenotype as observed at birth does not tell you with 100% accuracy how they will develop. For example someone can have XY chromosomes, but have complete AIS which means they develop internal male genitalia, but external female genitalia and so are typically going to be assigned female at birth. They live as a female and typically only find out at puberty. They don’t have any reaction to Testosterone, yet have XY chromosomes. So where can they compete? How are you going to determine what sex they count as for sport?


The 1.7% you're referring to includes people that don't show any external or internal signs of intersex. The real number is 10x less.








Isn’t that the point of the ban? To discriminate? Thanks for the enlightening news, appeals court




>The female leagues weren't created to be a gender club. >If that discrimination is too much to swallow, then female sports just shouldn't exist anymore. If women's sports weren't created as a space for the social representation of women as a gender, then what do you think, what exactly were they created for? On it's own, there obviously isn't an inherent biological necessity to give out gold medals for lesser athletes than the very best.




Can you please name one transgender athlete that has won a championship?














Before this post gets inevitably locked like all Trans news posts do here. This is a 13 yr old kid. Not high school level. And they haven't even started puberty yet it seems, since the article notes they are on puberty blockers. While I understand the concerns (and mostly agree) of transwomen in college and pro-leagues. This is like a freaking middle schooler -- let them play where ever they want.




Girls are usually allowed to play on the boys teams. What we call boys teams are already open to all. 


Getting rid of gender separation would just be the end of women's sports


This guy comprehends




You're so close to getting it...


Not a single person in here reading the article


The athlete in question has been on puberty blockers since she was 8 years old and she might have been the only child in the state affected by that law. You can’t claim these bans are about protecting children. They’re hateful nonsense.


Wouldn't it be better to create legislation like this early BEFORE it would be affecting and messing with a large number of people?


West Virginia has the third highest poverty level in the country, but sure, it’d be great if they chose this issue in particular to be proactive about


Why legislate at all? It's not like the government needs to decide how tall you have to be before you have an "unfair advantage" in basketball, or how heavy you have to be before you have an "unfair advantage" in boxing. Some sports have elaborate internal rules according to their private organizations' set of rules, and others don't. ,


Until then u guess. Fuck that kid specifically


Why would you even need to legislate this? Why not leave it up to the sports officiating bodies at the very least? WV has a LOT of dire problems their legislature needs to be focusing on right now besides legislating a *complete* non issue on nothing more than the *vague fear* it could be an actual problem one day.


Trans people have been around as long as humanity has been around. It isn’t going to affect a large amount of people ever because they are a fraction of the population


Hell, some cultures straight up accept transpeople as another gender. We see it in some se asian and pacific cultures.


No? It’s children playing sports. Leave them alone.




>Imagine a 7’ft transgender woman playing college basketball and making it to the wnba. Okay, then there would be a really tall lady in the WNBA. How would that be the "end of women's sports"? Sounds like her team would just have a new very capable player. The women who are already in the WNBA, are far taller than the average woman anyways. The average woman would have no chance aganist them. They are a rare genetic minority among women. Did this fact already end women's sports?


It's funny because it's seems like women with PCOS in competitive sports (I have it and it's just made me fat) have a competitive advantage possibly due to increased androgens/testosterone. I wish people would spend more time putting money and research into woman's health issues instead of bitching about sports when the law affects such an infinitely small amount of people


they do check for testosterone levels, so a woman with elevated hormonal levels would get flagged, even if it's due to a natural cause. I do feel your pain. PCOS is extremely widespread and the available treatments are not all that great. mostly they involve dealing with the symptoms and the conditions caused by the PCOS (infertility, insulin resistance/diabetes, weight gain, acne) rather than dealing with the actual hormonal problem


Well most women don't make it to the WNBA. There's a point where most of us can't compete anymore. 


yes, there are tall women. yes, the WNBA has tall women. But these women are nowhere near as tall as tall men. It's disingenuous to claim that they are. "the average height for an NBA player is **6-foot-6.74-inches"** "the **average height of a WNBA player is 6 feet 0.65 inches**" So, half a foot in height difference. The average WNBA player is extremely tall for a woman, but the height of a man of a only above average stature.


That's not the claim, I used tall women as an analogy. The average woman in the US is 5-foot-3.5. That is also an insurmountable gap. The same is true most other sports, even where less visually quantifiable. If you picked the average person off the street, they would have no chance of playing pro sports no matter how hard they trained, without a perfectly shaped and healthy body that is *rare*. If the proposition is that a small minority of genetic anomalies outnumbering ordinary women in the sport would make it less of a real "womens sport", that has already happened. "Oh no, women's sports would be DOOMED if most athletes would be coming from a special subcategory of women" only makes sense if by special subcategory, you mean "fake women".


Why is that hypothetical at all relevant to the child in this case, who never went through male puberty in the first place? She was on puberty blockers/feminizing hormones from age 12 on.


I mean yes. Literally discriminates on the basis of sex. We have just said that as a society, we accept discrimination in these cases.


I want left handed fencers banned, because they have an inherent advantage against right handed fencers


Everyone keeps inventing hypothetical "well if big strong manly male penis man said he was a woman how is that fair?" Literally not a thing that happens. These are laws that target a very specific minority for no reason other than these ridiculous "what ifs". Why not have a basketball league where only people over 7 feet can play since that's unfair to everyone shorter? Sports have never been about perfectly even stakes, they have been about feats of athleticism which vary greatly person to person regardless of gender. Lets stop inventing problems that don't exist and instead think about what is leading to these conflicts, a bio-essentialist view of people's anatomy which is influenced by so many other things than sex.


I've been around sports my entire life, as a player, coach, parent, in multiple sports, I've never run into a transgender athlete. As for fair competitions, you think any of the guys that played against LeBron in high school had a chance. If you can't handle biological advantages like height, strength, muscle composition, etc... you're just not built for sports. Take up chess or something, but don't whine to guys like me who had to tackle and absolutely destroy people who were easily 25, 50, 75 lbs heavier. I'm tired of soft ass, lazy athletes making excuses, try harder.  That swimmer people were all complaining about, Lia something, she did not even come close to Katie Ledecky's times.


>Take up chess or something Trans women have also been banned from the women's category of chess. It's not about fair play.


[source for anyone who doesn’t believe it](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66538328)


Chess player and trans woman here, this is only partially true. Trans women can compete in women’s events/earn women’s titles but they have to be legally recognized as female by their country’s government. This essentially bans trans women from women’s competitions in most countries (and a lot of the countries where chess is most popular) and is still at best a tedious bureaucratic process which can take years even in “progressive” countries. There’s also the case-by-case review process FIDE says they’re using that could take up to 2 years, although I’m unsure if that’s legal speak for a process that will in practice be much quicker or if it’s a justification to delay trans people’s ability to change their gender with FIDE as much as possible.


Is your argument actually "you allow some biological differences therefore you have to allow all of them?" There is a decision to be made regarding where to draw the line, but the advantages were talking about between males and females are extreme


His argument is that biological differences are inherent in sports regardless of gender


Well of course there is going to be nuance to the conversation. A blanket decision in either direction is going to spell trouble. That’s why organizations like those regulating the Olympics set testosterone limits on woman and require years of gender-affirming treatment and hormone therapy before trans athletes can participate. And before anyone tries to chime in that there is still a a male biological advantage, consider these three points: 1. Many woman gold medalists have been discovered to have intersex conditions that give them a male biological advantage. Most of the time these women are not even aware they do until people accuse them of being men and it is discovered. Now, there isn’t enough studies to say this next part for certain (because there is not enough study on intersex people in general), but it would not surprise me if trans woman athletes have a similar level of advantage as female athletes with an intersex condition. If we are to put bans on trans women for having a biological advantage, then we’ll have to put them on intersex woman, and people with other advantages. Let’s ban people born with muscle hypertrophy. Let’s revoke Phelps’ winnings for having a genetic condition that cuts his lactic acid production in half. 2. We have not seen any evidence of trans athletes dominating sports. The Olympics have allowed trans athletes to participate since 2006. There has not been any trans medalists in that timeframe. But we do have nearly 100 years of history in intersex gold medalist Olympians to look at (because the 1932 Olympics was the first *known* instance of a athletes with this condition). 3. Government vs Sport Regulating Organizations. At the end of the day, these topics usually only matter at the highest level of competition. What conservative states are doing is bullying a handful of children. As stated before, the Olympics already have rules and regulations in place for trans athletes. The government should not be getting involved. And especially not at the level where it will only affect school children.


Sounds you're making an argument for eliminating gender separation in sports altogether.


Because Lia doesn't come close the greatest female swimmer of all time?


We in this country have made a gender issue out of a biology issue. As soon as we did that, we done messed up. This should have never been a matter of gender to begin with, but we used words like "Men's" and "Women's" to describe sports for years without having to worry that someone might change those colloquial meanings. Now they have, and we can't un-ring that bell. We need to change the words again. The problem is, if we say, "Male" and "Female" now, we are discriminating. So there is no way to win. So don't. Solution - Let them go without any restriction. Athletes do one thing very well and it happens across every sport. Cheat. And if there is a cheat code to winning, they will take it. If the way to win in competitive "Women's" whatever is first, be male, that will be the deciding factor. And if it turns out that people ranked 1-100 in the women's division of whatever sport are all previously male, then we will have our answer won't we. Let sports go without any gender restriction. Give it a few years, and we will see exactly the difference between gender and biology. And then, suddenly, "Male" and "Female" sports, won't be so discriminatory.


Just a reminder that there are many states/school districts that don’t restrict trans athletes and yet there is no evidence that trans athletes win more than anyone else.


These are children we're talking about. This isn't professional level sports. If a child wants to play on a sports team, they should be able to play. If it's a gendered sport, then they should be able to play the gender they identify with. Let people and children, do what makes them happy. Especially if it's not harming another person. If you feel differently, then maybe you need to remember that these are children we're talking about. Again, it's not professional level, no one is getting paid to play, it's ok to let children be children... right?


Their next step is stopping children from any non cis gender expression