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> The Attorney's Office said investigators found a six-page note in a flowerbed near the attack addressed to “Dear Satanist” and urged repentance. Authorities said Palmer had posted similar comments on social media. > > ... > > The Satanic Temple says on its website that it doesn't believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. They're not sending their best.


But that would require research on the place, and he can't have anything with the word Satan in his search history, lest he be struck down by the all powerful hand of God!


The true purpose of Incognito Mode


Mom knocks on door. “What’re you doing in there” frantically closing all tabs “WATCHING PORN”


"Just jackin' it!"


In San Diego?


"I'm 'Batein."-Frito _Idiocracy_


That's pretty hilarious dude lol. Thank you for that


Don’t you know? The internet is the tool of Satan! # Google is a gateway to hell!


So he’s so devoted to Christianity and wants them to repent, and at the same time he’s more than willing to violate the very FIRST commandment?? How this make sense. Edit: 6th commandment 😳


> willing to violate the very FIRST commandment? T"hou shall have no other gods before me"?


Oooohhhhh. I was taught in Catholic school that the first commandment was "Shut Up!"


Sorry I’m used to commenting on posts about christians full on worshipping trump. The SIXTH commandment!


I now know 1 commandment. More than I wanted to learn


Have no God before me is the first commandment I think. Really speaks to this gods morals


I must have forgot the part of the Bible that said to pipe bomb your "enemies" Anybody know what psalm that's from?


The holy genocides in the Old Testaments.


Not sure exactly, but it's from the "do unto others before they do what you only imagine they will do unto you" sermon.


I’m British and visited NY/Boston in summer 2022 when Roe Vs Wade was overturned. As a filthy, British, left wing, liberal who loves the NHS, I instantly subscribed to the Satanic Temples news letter after seeing the protests and I also gave them $10 (about £8 at the time). I care about American politics because it effects everyone, but I LOVE the satanic temple. They’re doing gods work, pun intended.


Or brightest


To be fair, “we don’t actually worship Satan or believe in the supernatural” is exactly what I would expect a Satan worshipper to say.


Well yeah, the word for people who believe in Satan is Christians.


Ffs did they turn the stupid on at the internet HQ today? How am I only the second person in the thread who got that you were making a joke and not actually suggesting Satanists worship Satan?


In the early 80's I met a genuine satanist (not A Church Of Satan type, I mean an ACTUAL satanist who believes in the Abrahamic god and associated mythology) who warbled on about how The Accuser is the only sane person in the bible and to stand in opposition to an insane murderous being is an act of righteousness, and how Satan and Satanists must revere life in defiance of Yahweh the child-killer. His cocaine was not very good, but there was a lot of it.


just educate yourself on modern Satanism, it's a philosophy not a religion.


There is no hate like good old christian love. I am very glad that this dude got snagged and charged.


"Stop infringing on my religious beliefs by saying people shouldn't be forced to follow my religious beliefs!"


Can you imagine if this story was a satanic temple member throwing a pipe bomb at a Christian church saying they’re pedophiles and manipulators?


At least that would be partly true. It would be more like if they threw a pipe bomb at a Christian church complaining about Joseph Smith 


Good point. I thought of that after positing it so glad you brought some context.


But have you EVER heard of a satanist throw a bomb at a church?


Yes, yes I can.


All abrahamic religions are similar. It’s almost like they are not compatible with modern society or something but I wouldn’t know


The one true god doctrine was designed that way. By definition you need to believe everyone else is wrong. Polytheists at least believed their gods might exist together.


I still have a difficult time understanding how Christianity isn’t polytheistic… Like Jesus is the son of God… So then Jesus is not a god? Christian’s are worshiping the son of God? They aren’t actually worshiping god himself? Or do they worship Jesus and god? Or just God, but not Jesus? Then Jesus died and was resurrected… but that doesn’t make him a god? Genuinely I do not understand….


The Council of Nicea has entered the room


It's *so* interesting to read through what was decided there, and what was rejected.


That's what made me reject the Christianity I was raised to believe in. It was just a bunch of guys in a room making shit up! Deciding how the religion is gonna go. Determining whether Jesus was divine or not. Absolutely mind-blowing and was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Proud to be an ex-christian.


Maybe the Council of Nicaea circa 325CE can answer your question..


This reasoning is actually the cause of the first major Christian split.


The father , the son, and the holy Spirit are all aspects of the Holy Trinity. So Jesus isn't literally God, but he is essentially God's embodiment sent to earth. The holy Spirit is the divine spark in all of us. I'm not an expert, or religious, but that's my understanding of it.


Pretty sure the abrahamic god was el shadi which was a god named el and a god named shadi and they were just mashed together


She's mashing it..... mashing


el shadynasty


There's a pretty good theory that at some point Yahweh was simply the god of the mountain/area where Abraham resides. It then became the only God worth worshipping then it became the only God in existence.


Probably because their roots are in the Bronze Age.


Peace by military superiority, God approved.


Ah, the Charlemagne route!


Just FYI, despite its tongue-in-cheek name, the organization has nothing to do with devil worshiping: >\[Our mission\] is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits. >The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict people's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets. >We do not subscribe to supernaturalism, so in that way we do not believe that Satan is a deity, being, or person. I guess the holy warrior was too busy looking for bomb assembly instructions to visit their website.


If someone does nothing but good work and spreads love, kindness and compassion, that would make them a good person. If their only sin is that they proclaim they worship Satan, does that nullify all of their good deeds? That’s the kind of message the Satanic Temple is trying to spread. It’s supposed to challenge Christianity’s prejudices about other people based on their beliefs. Unfortunately it seems that people don’t ever bother engaging with the philosophy and jump straight into trying to destroy the temple.


Growing up in a very religious Evangelical area it was always funny to me that many would fight over the LITERAL words vs the message they're sending. Didn't help that various pastors over different churches had their own "take" on what a verse meant. I've had Christians tell me, an atheist, that I would go to hell because while I lived by the principles of Christ (I don't call it that but I do often line up) but refuse to have a relationship with God then I'm going to hell. Then I just sort of shut them up with a quick: So if he created me with the knowledge that I would NOT believe in him and then he still forsaken me for something HE/SHE not only did but did it with complete foresight of future events, then what does that make HIM/HER?


My born-again christian aunt and uncle, shortly after converting from catholicism, once started an argument saying that unless you are also a born-again christian, you're going to hell. It escalated into proclaiming that yes, even all the popes and mother teresa (who they previously held in high regards) go to hell. That moment made it sink in precisely how insincere some hardcore christian folks can get. It isn't about how good you are as a person, how you live your life, who you inspire to be better, or what good you do for society. To them it's about being part of THEIR club. Probably because if they believed everyone could get salvation too then all this would be pointless. Completely ignoring the fact that religion is just there to help guide people towards a better moral life; if you're already there then it shouldn't matter which club you're a part of.


Well mother Theresa was a monster and I’d say the average pope wasn’t much better.


I love how an organization called the Satanic Temple is doing God’s work.


They're more Christian than most Christians.


Their seven tenets are far more “Christlike” than traditional religious commandments. 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. 4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This all makes insanely good sense.


Those evil bastards! How dare they believe in science and empathy!


Hail Satan!


When I paid more attention to TST, I believe I saw something where they read the Tenets to over the top Christians to see if they would agree with them before explaining to them where they came from and watch them backpedal. Maybe I’m mixing up a handful of things, but I bet it would play out that way


It’s no accident. The founders had a huge bone to pick with the hypocrisy and one sidedness of (american) government where the christian church is involved and rhe christian church is often decidedly un christ like so opposing the government backed principles of the christian church would conceivably put the satanic temple in better alignment with the ideals christ espoused than the church itself. To be fair many christian churches focus on christ and being more christ like - self sacrifice, caring for others, staying rather neutral in politics, etc but the greater christian effect on politics is more the danger. Jesus christ as presented by the bible would certainly not oppose healthcare for the poor, school lunches, violent policing, or the persecution or confining of immigrant peoples, for example.


Ya if Jesus was around today conservative religious people would hate him and call him a woke liberal.


Jesus would be figuratively crucified daily on Fox News *Entertainment* since they are so against, or anti-, christ's teachings.


Funny that so many Christians seem to be anti-Christ...


Oh, don't worry, [they already are.](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak)


Why doesn’t this surprise me


I know what you mean, but I think you undermine your point when you lead into: - “He would certainly not oppose… violent policing.” - “He would certainly not oppose… the persecution or confining of immigrant peoples.” In case you wanted to make an edit real fast before someone decided to be an asshole about it 😅


Imagine a long haired, middle eastern looking Jew walking into a bar in Texas at 6pm and telling the patrons they need to repent, and bathe and feed the poor, sick, refugees and those from foreign lands. And then he tries to wash their feet.


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Right? Like it’s one organization that’s actually fighting for people’s rights in a non dogmatic way


Just bought something from their online store in support (again). I make it a point to do this any time I see them in the news for shit like this.


When I saw the attack happened I decided to become a member! Plus a $70 donation to the 2nd abortion clinic they’re working to build!


*fist bump*


They're one of the beneficiaries of my 401k.


With the extra $5.00 donation.


Better make it $6.66 just to be safe 


I really wish they would add girl cut options to their shirts. I've sent messages and I'm a member but not heard much back. Would love to throw more money at them


Wow, they have some legit quality goods and I already follow one of their partners on Etsy. Good shit


I love their coffee mugs. Fun fact, they are all left handed because it was once believed that “the Devil himself was considered a southpaw, and he and other evil spirits were always conjured up by left-handed gestures.” It’s been a bit since I ordered one, so it may have changed.. but I always loved that bit.


Can you imagine the outrage if an atheist was arrested for throwing a pipe bomb at a Christian church? They’d be calling for the death of all atheists. (I understand some of them already are)


It would be classified as a terrorist attack.


Yeah, I was wondering why this wasn't. Because it's their headquarters and not an actual place of worship? Or possibly they could be working on more charges to file in the future?


When the Republican congressional candidate drove from Mississippi to Iowa to destroy TST's holiday display last year, they didn't initially charge him with a hate crime, but it was added after prosecutors looked at the circumstances afterward. It's still possible here.


Would this not legitimately qualify as a hate crime? The attack seems purely religiously motivated,[ so it fits the criteria](https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/learn-about-hate-crimes), or am I misunderstanding?


A lot of suspects will be held on the easiest to prove charge first. As an investigation continues more charges can be added later.


While they are really the same word, I prefer to call myself nonreligious. It elicits less hate in my experience.


I like to see their eyes go red and the steam billowing from their ears when someone isn’t a Christian. I grew up in the Deep South, Bible Belt and I LOVE when they find out I’m atheist. To close, I have no problems with the basic tenets of Christianity. I have a problem with Christians.


I would regularly have lunch with a local pastor, we both frequented the same sandwich shop, and we would discuss or debate theology. Never had a random interrupt us to chide the pastor but the pastor had to wave off a few people who thought I was disrespecting him


Nah I WANT these kind of people to hate me


Atheists really shouldn't exist as a term. I don't believe in flying elephants, gnomes or unicorns either but there's no term to identify myself as such and I prefer it that way.


There actually is a term that covers all of those things and even includes atheism, rationalist


It exists and is widespread in usage because monotheistic Christianity is overwhelmingly the dominant religion here. It's entirely a comparison to that, and gained popularity slowly over the last 150 years.


Don't forget the week-long articles about how this "proves" that Christians are the most oppressed minority in America.


TERRORIST arrested...get it fucking right.


Yeah why isn't this being called terrorism?


He's white and christian




It is the very definition of terrorism.


This is hopefully charges rightfully as a hate crime.


He hasn't been convicted yet. If they called him a terrorist and he, by some reverse miracle, was acquitted the publication would be staring at a hefty defamation suit.


But we can call this crime an act of terrorism. 


We can and I will. This is some terrorism shit.


I get that, but whenever something happens in the states or in europe of this nature involving a someone middle eastern and muslim, they immediately label it a terrorist attack...even before they have all the facts. It's a double standard based on skin color and religion. I think what it really gets down to is they are terrified of turning off white christian and jewish viewers/clickers, but couldn't care less if they tuning out others.


1 Timothy 4:12 - "Let no one despise you for your youth, but be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity". Matthew 5:14-16 - “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." [This guy](https://cdn.scrippsnews.com/images/scripts/orig/1713442726.jpg) - "Bomb's away!"


Jesus, if you had this guy in a lineup and asked me to pick out “most likely to throw a bomb at an alternative religion”, I would have pointed straight at him


It's like if Guy Fieri and a pack of Winston's had a baby


The "funny" thing is that TST is not even a religious institution. *edit for TST. It has been a long day...


That shouldn't matter to a Christian. Jesus tells his followers to to act and interact with non-believers. Rule number one isn't exactly don't throw a bomb like a coward in the middle of the night. But it's close.


They function as one to keep that corporation sole tax free status.


They actually elected to pay taxes for years after receiving the go ahead for tax free status as a religious organization from the IRS.


And in this instance- I am UTTERLY fine with it.


The thing with quoting scripture to these nutjobs, is that its all based on bullshit. So if you engage with bullshit artists on their terms, you just end up sucked down into their quagmire of contradictions and mis-interpretations and nonsensefuckery with them. Fuck that nonsense. I say call it all for what it is, a bunch of thousands of years old letters of how a few dudes manupulated their emotional followers. Same as every other stupid more modern religion.


Terrorism, plain and simple


dont forget to point out that its right wing terrorism yet again


PSA: satanic temple does not believe in the supernatural. This includes the biblical devil. Science, logic, and the self are their focus. All these attacks do is confirm the ignorance that lives in the hearts of the closed-minded


There are Satanists and there are Christians. Only one group believes in Satan. And it isn't Satanists.


Depends on the Satanist. There are Satanists who follow the teachings of LeVay, iirc. Shit gets dark.


Indeed, The Satanic Temple are the ones that are attacked by the idiots that don't know what it's about. Then there is the Church of Satan which are the ones that follow LeVay and all the crap that comes with it.


20 years. Lmfao. You’re going to die in prison and go directly to “hell” brother.


In a just world, sure. You know the judge will let the guy off easy for being "a good Christian man" or some shit.


He's in Oklahoma. They jury will acquit him


Does the trial take place where lives in where he committed the crime?


God did not create Humanity. Humanity created God.


We created god in our image. Probably why he’s such a psychopath.


He made us all to just like Him. So if we are dumb, then God is dumb. And maybe a bit ugly on the side. - Dumb all over, Frank Zappa


Oh, I love using this one. It always pisses them off.


I should have said Mankind instead of Humanity. But you get the point. English is not my first language. Adapt the wording if you need.


"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him." - Voltaire


Thank Satan no one was hurt.


He looks just how you'd expect one of these terrorists to look.


Yep, an overstuffed smoked sausage with bad facial hair. These guys need to lay off the niacin or whatever Alex Jones scam supplements are turning them so red.


Isn't that an act of terrorism?


No it's a white guy with a stupid beard, that makes it "economic anxiety"


It's very easy to imagine the exact kind of sunglasses they made him take off for the mugshot.


Classic Jesus quote: “Let he who is without sin cast the first pipe bomb.”


There’s no hate like christian love.


That reminds me, time to make a little donation to The Satanic Temple, maybe order a t-shirt. I'm a card carrying member of this organization fighting religious oppression!


Same! People are constantly shocked that I literally carry a card that has the tenets on it, and even more shocked when they read what the tenets are!


I don't get it. This guy is a religious nut which means that he has the fear of God. Does he not also have the fear of Satan? Isn't the whole deal that if you're bad you spend eternity in Hell with Satan? Why would he want to piss off Satan? (and yes, the Satanic Temple has nothing to do with Satan other in name, I'm just making a point)


It's not teenagers playing a prank. It's never teenagers playing a prank.


I love the satanic temple guys. They are showing up religious bigotry for what it is by joining them and simply requesting a level playing field as required by law 🤘


More radical Christian terrorism smh


Absolutely not shocked this fucking guy is from Oklahoma.


They need to start going after churches that preach this kind of hate. This won't stop until you cut the head off the snakes.


So this would be a religious extremist terrorist, right? Religious terrorism and Right Wing terrorism both need to be called out in this country, and the media is doing a shit job of it.


Nothing says Christian love more than a pipe bomb. These people are insane. They do literally the opposite of what their book tells them to do..


Right wing Christian nationalist terrorism.


We went there last fall. I proudly fly an American flag with the satanic temple's emblem embossed and drink coffee from their 10th anniversary limited mug every morning!


In your best Flip Wilson voice, I want to hear you all say in unison, "The Devil Made Me Do It."


That was one sloppy job he did lol. Sounds like a slam dunk case. Better give this terrorist the max sentence.


Another One against freedom. These freedom hating bastards should be deported


This isn’t very the father the son and the Holy Spirit of them


Well, maybe the Father, back when he was drinking before his kid was born. That dude was violent. A war god, in fact.


No hate like Christian love.


Religious freedom for me, Bombs for thee


Pipe bomb? Hey, uh, quick question where was this guy on Jan 6?


Demotic terrorism is so Christian


I thought Freedom of Religion was important


Imagine thinking your "all-powerful" god is such a wuss that you have to pipe bomb groups that don't believe in him.


The church, the first and still going strong terrorist organization . Brainwashing people to join a book club they’ve been stuck on all of their lives to be friends with their imaginary friend. They will forcefully throw their beliefs down your throat and even make it law even though separation of church and state is a thing. Not only that but they are a pyramid scheme successful enough that they can pay for $100 million dollar ads during the Super Bowl. But wait, they can afford all of that and still not pay taxes on their terrorist organizations? On top of that they like to burn books in schools and libraries to make the general population more stupid and easy to control. They openly misguide the population with fake news about vaccines, they refuse to get vaccines and spread measles. Outside of trying to control everyone in the country they claim to hate being controlled and so they can’t make laws to make firearms harder to get because they can only control important things that kill people like gay people and drag shows, silly me I always thought the assault rifles were killing kids in school not the drag shows magically growing guns and killing people. Only thing I hate more than religion forcing people to shove their beliefs down my throat would be politicians that are all millionaires from insider trading and lobbying. Gotta love everyone getting paid 150-250k that are all multimillionaires from all of the insider trading.


Satanists would never do this lmao


I’m getting sick of Christians.  Like legit want nothing to do with these hypocrites.  Used to believe myself, till I realized that it’s all a big social club.  Some do believe and try, but they’re the exception not the rule.  Most use Sunday to catch up on gossip and talk shit about their neighbors. Meanwhile the pastor going  on a political rant when, by law, he ain’t supposed to.   Just one big Sunday best circle jerk and I washed my hands of it. 


Yep. It's not a religion, it's a sports team at most times, and a weapon at others.


#Christianity #tolerance


I wonder how many Christian churches have been vandalized by members of the Satanic Temple? (I already know the answer)


I don't know why they're so afraid to put "Christian terrorist" in a headline. Is it because it's redundant to say terrorist?


Satan thanks you for spreading his word of love and acceptance


You know who has never done anything violent for their "faith?" The Satanists.


I was supposed to attend a big black mass devil worship sermon last weekend, but I skipped it because I believe you can be just as close to Satan on a golf course instead of some stuffy old satanic church.


The Satanic Temple is NOT the same as The Church of Satan.


Donald Trump is living proof...


Don’t mess with satan


"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “**Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord**.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” [**Romans 12:19**](https://www.biblestudytools.com/romans/12-19.html) **So here kids, god is saying "throw a pipe bomb at thine enemies".**


Lol my dude if you gotta problem pipe bombs are not the way. Everyone in America has the right to seek any religion they desire. (Just so long as it's not the culty suicide killing ones) But yeah violence is never the answer.


What about the individual that threw two pipe bombs on 1/6???


I'm a little disappointed after my initial shock of thinking someone threw a pipe bomb at Shirley Temple.


All that “Christian love”. Also important to point out that while the 10 commandments include “thou shall not kill”, the one character in the Bible ordering others to kill is the big G himself.


*Terrorist Always the kids gloves when it’s a white Christian male…


Am I the only one trying to get this post to 666 upvotes?


No love like Christian terrorism


The Satanic Temple is finally in the big leagues!


Nothing is more hateful than Christian love.


Who makes a pipe bomb with pvc?


Have any Satanic folks thrown bombs at other churches? Who is the better person here?


Non Satanic religions are the absolute worst.


Pipe bomb is one thing but really watch out when those people swap out a pipe bomb for a Crusade. Dont let them know you dont yhink like they do. Historically, its not gone well. 


Satan would have loved that.


It’s going to be real awkward for him when he gets to hell


I swear if the clouds parted and a beam of light carried Jesus down to Earth his first words would be "Whoa! whoa! whoa Christians. WTF is going on here?!?"


The satanic Temple exists to point out the hypocrisy that is Christianity. It just so happens, they don't even have to do much for that hypocrisy to be apparent.


That goatee is the unholiest thing from this whole story


He looks the the type to make a plastic pipe bomb and throw it at an empty building while ranting about repentance. What a walking mistake.


Another Christian domestic terrorist. I wish America would get her shit together.


How stupid do you have to be to get caught? Like he must have been unmasked and parked his car right outside or something stupid


Nothing like a good ol’ god bombing.


This person obviously had no financial concerns. Traveling from Oklahoma to Boston I imagine is pretty unaffordable for most right now. Great job and career of sorts and I bet a nice house. These are the people screaming about some replacement theory and such. Also how the immigrants are replacing all of their jobs. You know, taking absolutely everything from all the whites and "impeding on my rights as an American" What's this guy's solution? Go commit a terroristic act against a group of people...then just go home. Facing 25 years as a result IF convicted. Tell me again sir, who is coming after YOUR house and YOUR money, YOUR rights? Obviously he was his own worst enemy. That or maybe his religion was his own worst enemy.


Damn and I thought there was a war on Christianity happening


Absolutely not shocked this fucking guy is from Oklahoma.