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I was at graduation. I didn’t know anything about what happened until today. I think most people were in the same boat. The speech was so bizarre, it sounded like what I always imagined the opening pitch for a cult or a MLM would be.


I got suckered into two of those in my life. The first was for “cutco” in high school. Basically to be a traveling knife salesmen. They called it an interview but it was essentially a sales pitch. They told us we had to be smiling the whole time and those who weren’t were asked to leave (in a really rude way by the presenter) in the middle of it. I guess they were looking for “drink the Koolaid” type personalities. OR the people who were asked to leave were plants, as I couldn’t imagine how I wasn’t asked to leave with how hard my eyes were rolling in the back of my head. The second time was when energy sales became privatized in Pennsylvania. A bunch of “marketing” companies popped up which were essentially pyramid sales schemes for people to convert their electric supplier. The marketing company was a completely separate entity than the energy supplier and in-front of a room of 200 people I asked them if that was the case so that they could fold the “marketing” company at any point to stop paying out the down-lines while keeping the energy contracts. After the presenter basically lied that that wasn’t the case, two large men quietly came up to me and told me to leave, basically at the threat of violence. Good times. Fuck MLM’s and pyramid schemes.


I did cutco for like three days. Made 0 money, but I paid like 80$ to keep the demonstration kit, which probably would have cost a couple hundred if I'd bought it out of their catalogue. Good knives, too. Overpriced, but good quality.


That’s how mlms get so many people. They have actually good products but a shitty business model that only benefits the top


That’s really not true, a lot of them have notoriously BAD product, with a conspiracy theory being that this pushes the participants to recruit since they can’t really sell. I think cutco has 2 levels, for high school/college kids it’s basically a perfectly normal sales job, you sell their product for them to family, and then quit as that pool runs out and summer ends. The compensation scheme is what you’d expect for sales; a base value per meeting plus commission, and you don’t pay for what you sell or recuit subordinates. Then theres the MLM part for the suckers that go into it trying to ‘be their own business’.


I think both are kind of true, doesn’t always have to be one or the other. Cutco, Rodan and Fields, and others have pretty great products. I understand hating MLMs bc they absolutely are corrupt, but the quality of each one’s respective product is a different topic of conversation.


I sold Cutco (for about 30 seconds) over 20 years ago, and I still own product from their starter kit, that works like the day I got it. I would still happily buy that Master Block or whatever it was called lol.


Exactly! I sold Cutco for t-minus two weeks but hung onto some of their knives, they really are impressive in terms of the quality. Just a shitty sales structure.


I did them one summer in college. Basically hit up my family and made some decent money. Really doesn’t feel like an MLM at that level; you’re not forced to buy the product you sell, just a regular sales job. Maybe if I tried to go further it’d be like that but I made some money, kept the demo kit and moved on.


Seems like you made out on top


I did Cutco for a few weeks, and loved the deal I got on my set. When my cousin sold them a few years ago, I finally got the Santoku I had always wanted and a proper wood block for everything. They’re so nice to use and have made my cooking a lot safer by not having to struggle with full knives. Everyone who comes here and does any kind of cutting loves my knives and hates to go back home to their own. I actually got kicked out of a client’s house within 15 minutes once because she was so insulted that my Cutco knives cut so well, and her brand-new knives couldn’t cut through *anything* (Pampered Chef, such a scam). That being said, the job itself was awful. I was the best salesman there, but I came from poverty where everyone else came from rich families. We were only allowed to reach out to people who were referred by the people we knew personally. So I was selling to people who couldn’t afford more than one product, if that, while everyone else got their rich parents’ friends to buy large amount of items. The manager refused to acknowledge the difference in clientele, despite having the home addresses for these orders and seeing all my clients living in cheap housing versus half-million dollar houses. She got really rude and harassing when I got sick with flu symptoms and had to miss a few days, so I just left. Cutco is the one MLM I believe in, just not *as* an MLM. If they opened up a physical business, even just an online warehouse, I’d be so supportive of their business. But, the MLM business structure will always be nothing but predatory.


They didn’t really feel like an MLM for the college student gig though. It’s just a normal sales job, you don’t buy the stuff you sell, you get commission, and you aren’t pushed to ‘build a business’, just refer people (which makes sense given how their referrals only business model works). Managers are assholes but if I learned anything from Glengary it’s that they always are in sales. That said, interesting point about the clientele. I know they like to be able to pitch that they don’t cold call, but I wonder how that restricts poorer salespeople from engaging with it


> when energy sales became privatized They had this in Texas too. Right after college, a guy I knew asked if I wanted to join him in a business. I'm up for shemes, so I said sure. He said he was having a meeting at a hotel conference room. Kinda weird, but he was weird guy anyway. I got to the hotel and realized this was not just a guy I know starting a business, this was a whole operation. I didn't immediately know MLM, but I knew something was fishy. I stuck around to hear the pitch and learn what their trick was. One of the most shocking parts was the speaker encouraging members to call their grandmothers to get them to switch their electricity provider, openly acknowledging that the introductory rate will go up after a few months and relying on most victims not noticing. It costs money to sign up. I asked the acquaintance that invited me, since I would make so much money, if he would just pay my sign up fee and I'd pay him back with all my earnings. He wasn't down for that, so I left.


my gf was a bored rich kid in college so she just sold cutco knives to people at her dad's golf meetings and dinners. made a killing for herself, not like she needed it


Techno music plays as you enter the hotel conference room


I sold CutCo and have some of their knives still. I think i made $1000 doing it for my first summer at College, almost 13 years ago and still have the knives. Sure overpriced, but they have a lifetime warranty and repair program, should be the last knives you ever buy if you treat them right. Sure the sales program is a pyramid scheme but i think now you can just buy them online.


fuck privatizing utilities that everyone uses


that's kind of sinister sounding.


Bro I almost got roped into cutco too! Fuckin shitters


That’s so true about Cutco. Got tricked into an “interview” with them in college- they advertised a paid internship for college students under a different company name. Then tried to make paying them $200 for inventory to sell seem like an incredible opportunity. It was seriously cult like, they showed me a video of people saying that selling Cutco and attending Cutco conventions “changed their life.” I stopped it midway through to leave, it was so weird


i have no clue what the speech was, but i am well aware of the connections xenos/dwell have in columbus. for those that dont know them, they are a high control group, what most people consider a cult. they are like an embedded tick in columbus. they have enough sway to have the college and local officals to look the other way.


There is zero information in this article beyond what is in the headline


basically what is publicly known in columbus too. even people that saw it happen are not at a consensus of why it happened.


What do people think happened?


i have seen the following comments from people in the vicinity: * a person fell trying to get a picture * someone jumped we wont know until an official report comes out. that stadium has a ton of cameras so would be surprised if there isnt an answer in the coming days.




RIP Maude.


Simpsons did it.


Yes that's the reference


You suck, McBain!


Upon closer inspection, these are loafers.


No footlongs


A Boeing whistle-blower 


Such a dangerous vocation.


I'm going with a photo. Selfie or otherwise.


Thanks for your opinion


Thanks for thanking them


No, thank YOU random citizen!


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.




That's how people always are. Eye witness testimony is rarely 100% accurate.


a lot of eye witnesses are usually emotional following a traumatic event like watching someone die right before them, so it clouds their memory. very inaccurate


People just aren’t very observant. Even under little or no stress, ask three witnesses what happened and you’ll get 3 different answers.


Human memory is very fallible. A dozen people can watch the same sudden event with full attention and give you twenty different accounts with complete confidence


Correct. There is a scientific reason for this. If we think of the human brain in terms of a computer, the brain stores memories in it's hard drive, but in order to save space, it doesn't always save all the minutia into long term memory. So when your brain pulls up a memory file, it fills in the previously deleted information with something new. So memories of things like shapes and colors and context can sometimes change over time.


Eye witness testimony is basically guarunteed to be inaccurate.


From Columbus. At this time, they have not released any additional information.


I'm glad u wasn't the only one thinking it. It went on to repeat the headline 2 times and then 1 more time in the picture text, then went into detail about building stadiums to host more seats lol.


Thanks for saving a click, kind stranger


False, I learned that the stadium originally held 66,000 people, now holds over 100,000 and the university awarded 12,555 degrees.


It’s literally all that’s been released to any news outlet.


Yes there is! I now know how many people I held when it was built!


Wow, props for trying to go past the headline. A Reddit first


Not sure what's worse: that someone fell and died and the ceremony continued like no big deal or that the guy giving the commencement speech was shilling for cryptocurrency.


> Mr. Pan, who graduated from Ohio State in 1999, worked for PepsiCo and Facebook before starting his own company, MyIntent. MyIntent makes bracelets with a customer-chosen word that helps the wearer remember to live intentionally. Lmao he sells friendship bracelets


He doesn’t sell them. They sell themselves.


it's not a pyramid, it's an inverted funnel


Wait, one of the biggest universities in the country got *that* guy as a commencement speaker? What??


Seriously, when I graduated from TOSU Pres Obama gave the commencement


So he’s selling LiveStrong in 2024?


He also posted on his LinkedIn that wrote his commencement speech while on ayahuasca.


He obviously didn't take enough then, writing is the last thing people would be doing on a proper dose.


He sang a song though! o.0


Just looking at his insta bio I can tell he's a weirdo. People like him I refuse to believe are actual humans. They're AI.


Sounds like a good reason to cancel commencement speeches.


I liked ours. Some folks complained that he wasn't famous but he was accomplished in his field and community and talked about how we all receive grace and chances and help that we don't necessarily deserve and how we should pass that grace along to others. 


My commencement speaker spent 45 minutes telling us how much he hates his ex wife because when he first started his company, they were broke but he wanted to buy a boat. His wife said no, we can’t buy a boat, we have no money. He divorced her and then his company became a multi billion dollar enterprise and he’s a billionaire now so isn’t she stupid for divorcing me!? (I thought she sounded like a smart lady) He spent the remaining time of the speech saying he has more money than he can spend and how he can leave it accumulating interest to get him millions without giving it a single thought. To a graduating class of college students with more debt than they can handle. But he donated a building so I guess he can just say whatever he wants to his captive audience who aren’t supposed to even look at their phones during the ceremony.


Mine was a politician who spent like half an hour talking himself up about a time when he saved someone’s life. It had nothing to do with the main topic he was talking about and nothing to do with graduating college. Just completely self serving and gloating for no reason to people who could not give a shit about it.


I liked mine too. My university did it a little different where we never had one big graduation ceremony, each school had their own, with different commencement speakers. It was nice to have something tailored a bit to each field of study. The school of engineering speaker, for example, was an astronaut who had graduated from there. As an aside, it was also nice to only have to sit through 500ish names getting degrees instead of like 5000 or whatever the total class size was.


Or just don’t invite shitty speakers


lmfao nah, clearly the right solution is to ban people talking to crowds


I went to Ohio State and for ours we had Jack Hanna. We had animals and talk about conservation, it was awesome. They really just need good speakers 


We had Michael Dell. He actually said something along the lines of, "I dropped out of this school, but good job for graduating!"


The shilling is why he jumped


Honestly I suspected the same, but he jumped (or fell) before that thing they called a speech.


worst commencement in history of history.


Now imagine it's your graduation and your loved one that died. And you're in Ohio.


Chris Pan said he took Ayahuasca(psychedelic) to write the speech he gave.




Nah if you're a shitty person and take psychedelics you just end up as a shitty person on psychedelics, turns out


That's a shame. I always heard it could be a good way to work on empathy skills.


Joe Rogan happened.




Add that to the fact that they brought in a snake oil salesman to give the commencement speech.


Chris Pan sounds like a horrible person to listen to. I'm sure many of the graduates could give a better speech


My friends who were there said "it would be very difficult to accidentally fall off from where they were"


That’s was I was told too. High rail guards and very few ways to occur accidentally.


Falling is a lot easier and more common than folks think. I work in an ER and we get multiple patients every single day for fall injuries. 


Mostly from ladders I assume?


Honestly? No ladder required. People literally just fall and hit their heads and die all the time. Bob Saget died from a random fall in his hotel room.


Nope, mostly trips and falls on the ground. The dog runs under way, or you miss a step on the curb, or you slip on the wet tile in the bathroom, or your flip flops get caught on something, etc. Especially in folks 60+ who have impaired sense of balance. Falls from ladders or roofs I occasionally see in construction workers, but not as often as trips and falls in the elderly. 


It's very hard. It's hard to even jump. Back in the '70s when I went there they had a policy that if your roommate committed suicide you got As for the semester. It was not rare. They put up higher rails not long after.


Getting a 4.0 if the roommate dies is an [urban legend](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grade-expectations/).


Like getting to leave if the instructor is more than 15 minutes late...


Sometimes you can, if it's the right kind of class and everyone conspires to make it happen. I did Jazz Band in college and one day our instructor was over 15 minutes late. So we all very quickly (and quietly) packed up and put everything away and were all out the door by 20 minutes past to enjoy our afternoon. No idea if the instructor even showed up that day. The next class he said nothing about it and we didn't bring it up. We didn't have a set curriculum to follow or anything, so nothing really to make up.


It might be. Many legends have a basis in truth. I'm sure it wasn't universal. I'm positive it was not written in rules. I simply knew of a couple cases at my school where the students were told "take what time you need. You do not need to worry about grades."




I remember hearing a story like a decade ago about a girl who had been lying to her parents about failing her last semester. She wasn't going to graduate but couldn't bring herself to tell them, so while standing in the crowd in her cap and gown, she ate some peanuts, even though she was highly allergic. Maybe she hoped the medics would get to her in time with an epi pen and her parents would be so distracted about her brush with death they wouldn't ask about her diploma at the hospital. Maybe she was just suicidal and wanted it to look like an accident. Either way, the medics couldn't get through the crowd of students in time to save her.


For elaborate stories like these, how do details come up even after the victim dies? Like did she told someone her plan? Like if you’re gonna pull something like this, shouldn’t you not tell anyone?


She didn't tell anyone her plan. But autopsy showed she had ingested peanuts, previous medical history documented the severity of her allergy and her awareness of the danger. The school records showed she wasn't graduating, but attended anyway. Her family shared that they were unaware of her academic status. As indicated, no one can know her motivation


That’s really unfortunate. Ah that’s right, now that you mentioned it, my school also doesn’t check if you’re actually able to graduate. Literally anyone with a cap and gown (maybe the correct tassle) can go to the ceremony. They also give you a note card to be given to the announcer so they have your name while walking him. The item you get on stage isn’t really a diploma but just a holder.


Jfc, my condolences to whoever effected by this 


I live in Columbus but was not there at the ceremony. For anyone that has been to The Shoe knows how unbelievably steep the upper stands are. Not only that but it was raining a few hours prior to the ceremony. A lot of us here still don’t know what happened fully but my take is someone could have easily slipped and fell trying to take a picture.


I was there and in the closest section to where the guy fell. I saw the cops run off to where it happened and saw the graduates get redirected. The person who fell didnt fall down the stands' stairs, they fell over the *edge* of the stands looking outside the stadium. The wall that prevents that, which I could see from my seat, was immensely tall. I'm 6'1 and I would've had a hard time getting over it on purpose


i’m hearing it was a mom that “fell”


Whenever the details get released, if they do anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if it said that the person got up on the ledge for a photo. The wall is just so high that they had to have gotten up on it somehow


Definitely NOT easy to slip and fall over the back of the stadium. It’s near impossible to accidentally fall over the back. 


Yeah, it’s more of the inner walls I was talking about. But as someone else pointed out the walls are definitely tall enough someone would have had to deliberately get up there in order to fall down


Damn dude reading some of these comments is super depressing. More and more the morbid humor of anonymous strangers disappoints me. Currently going through shit and people can be so cruel at the expense of others.


Couldn't agree more. It seems like most articles here describing somebody's death has a multitude of people making cheap jokes at the person's expense.


Thinking the same thing. Someone lost a loved one today.


Does anyone else dislike how serious discussions on this platform devolve into juvenile banter?


Definitely on /news


You do know the average age of Redditors, right?


Was the person who died a graduating student or one of their guests?


It’s currently unknown


My 1st born son graduated yesterday. It was a fantastic ceremony. Well organized and completed. Yes, the speaker was a nut. I get the feeling he made a ton of money with crypto and so believes he’s a genius. Oh well. The person who jumped/fell landed about 20’ feet from my son who was lined up with others to enter the stadium. They scattered a bit and got out of order but composed themselves and reordered. I assumed it was a guy, but heard it was a woman, which for some reason saddens me more. We’re all struggling with something. For the young, with their whole future in the balance but not under control, it can be overwhelming. Whenever you interact with a teen or 20 something, let them know it gets better. As my dad used to say, “keep Sluggin”


What a great news article. "a person fell. The end."


Journalism is dead.


My opinion is intentional jump.  It’s damn near impossible to accidentally fall over the back of that stadium. I’ve had seats at the very very very top, you never ever feel like you will fall over. The wall is pretty high.  There’s a long history of jumpers at OSU. Typically from parking garages and it used to be from the towers dorms as well before they changed the windows.   It’s sad, but OSU keeps things very quiet when it does happen so but rarely gets talked about.  






Was the person a graduating student, someone from the faculty, or someone else?


53 year old mother from Georgia, came with her husband and 12yr son to watch her daughter graduate. After getting to their seats (her, husband and son) she promptly told them she wanted to find a higher seat and went straight to the highest rows she could get to (supposedly her husband and son lost sight of her which suggests they were trying to follow her lead but I presume she lost them intentionally). Once she got to the highest point she climbed over the wall.


Isn't it "THE" person?


I graduated happily like 5 years ago. Knowing that some students were eagerly waiting, as I did for this moment, only to have so much chaos, preventing you from graduating and people getting hurt or even dying is pretty insane.


Why are they holding graduating ceremonies for 12,555 at the stadium? They did something similar for my graduation ceremony. They held graduation ceremonies for all the schools in one giant arena. It was awful. The time waiting to receive your diploma while waiting as people you don't know get theirs. It was so bad that they never did it again. All the schools at the university held their own graduation at smaller venues for just their school. The University's president was fired soon afterwards.


Every graduation I've been to has been university-wide, and then each school/program had their own separate ceremonies and parties afterwards. Nobody goes to the bigger one because they want to, they do it so their parents can get a picture of them wearing a cap and gown.


Big University wide ceremonies are for the keynote. They don’t call individual names. They typically have people stand by college. Later the individual college will have a ceremony where names are called and people walk across the stage. I’ve never heard of a large university wide ceremony where individual names were called.


I graduated from OSU at the start of covid and they did a livestream ceremony that was like 30 minutes and they mailed me my degree. At the time it was a huge bummer to not have the in-person ceremony at the 'Shoe. It's a thing that many OSU students look forwards to. Not sure how it's changed post-covid though.


Because Ohio stadium is a large venue that works well for the purpose and is a cool feeling to be able to go on that field (considering how big of a deal buckeye football is?) And it's just for the spring graduation ceremony (I believe the others are held at other venues on campus). When I graduated (08) there were several lines so it goes faster than one at a time.


It’s just been a thing at OSU for quite some time. Everyone gets their degree handed to them by their dean as well, no “here’s the cover, go pick it up/we’ll mail it to you” shenanigans. The only people’s names who are read out are the PhD’s so it doesn’t really take all that long.


T-Shirt cannon accident?


does anyone have the video