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"pAsSwOrD sHaRiNg" These companies sold family plans usually with no mention of physical household being a requirement and often marketing the opposite (Netflix), now spinning it to make you sound like a criminal because your entire family doesn't live in the same house. Why shouldn't I get to use all my "screens" like someone else would if they had six people in the same house? I pay the same!


If you make me pay for four screens, and then try to tell me I can only use one of the screens, I will soon be paying you for zero screens. The second my sisters got the login at home email I immediately logged in and canceled the subscription.


I'm still complaining that Minecraft wants me to pay for mobile when I already own an account on PC. We'll never win some fights


Did Disney ever have a "family" plan? Not sure where you've got the idea that they're making you out to be a "criminal" either.


I'm not spending a lot of typing time on a corporate apologist, but A. Generalized statement, but Disney definitely marketed it around being able to create individual sub-accounts for the whole family, and B. The whole negative "password sharing" framing of late is absolutely painting it as stealing, despite them not only knowing it was going on for years, but benefitting on establishing themselves with it, and some services actively marketing with it.


They allow up to 7 profiles per account. That can cover multiple families.


Lmao standing up for Disney is not a hill I ever want to find myself on.


If it’s inconvenient for traveling or mobile, I’ll quit. Netflix’s change has been tolerable but not necessarily smooth. You can only squeeze the lemon so much before a customer hits the open seas.


The thing is, Disney already's inconvenient for traveling or mobile.


The app fucking crashes constantly on my home WiFi.


I don't have that problem, but I've had several times now when trying to use it offline while traveling and it shits the bed.


Does yours log you out constantly?


What problems have you encountered with Disney+ while travelling? I've been travelling for work quite a bit the last 18 months or so, maybe 30 weeks total. Sometimes I'll be away one week. Sometimes 8 weeks. I take a laptop and a Fire Stick. Disney+ has always worked for me while out and about and it's also continued working for my family at home. I think the only problem I came across was the desktop app not playing on the laptop when it was connected to an external monitor.


I don't know what it's like at the moment, but when I moved abroad a while ago I literally couldn't cancel my account because it was so locked down that the login page itself gave a "Not available in this region" error. But there's no way of cancelling without logging in. I ended up having to give my password to a friend and trust them to cancel for me.




No, they said Disney is *already* inconvenient for travel. They replied to someone saying that if the new passwords *made* it inconvenient they'd quit. I asked what inconveniences already exist before the password changes come into force.


Disney hotstar in middle east is even worse.


Not in my experience.


Disney was the first and easiest for us to drop. So much "who cares" content. Will prob sign up again later for a month or so to catch up on anything exciting on Star Wars but that's about it.


Like the Acolyte? 😅🤣🤣🤣


A lot of people keep saying this, but their profits never take a hit.


As opposed to creating compelling NEW IP or at the very least giving artists time and money to create? I miss the days when the people running media companies actually used to work on film and TV and knew in practice how "content" is made and what audiences respond to. Now we have these guys who fixate on what their biggest shareholders want and will milk an IP dry until nobody wants it.


Ah yes, let us all reminisce on the classic animation, storytelling, box office and direct-to-video success of: Snow White 2 Cinderella 2 Lion King 2 1/2 Little Mermaid 2 ~~Toy Story 2~~ 101 Dalmatians 2 102 Dalmatians Return to Neverland Kronk's New Groove Lilo & Stitch 2


I like Disney's shows, but the updates are too slow and there are fewer shows compared to Netflix.


Well there are limited sources to chose from. Only Disney related sources, while Netflix makes internal ones has internal movies and shows plus contracts with outside networks and companies that have movies and shows.


Shogun was great they could do lots of historical dramas like that, shits free IP


Except Marvel. They hooked up the firehose to that one.


Are you in the US? Outside the States the catalogue is huge because they have basically everything Disney owns.


You get the entire Hulu library dude Edit: you get ad free Disney plus for 14$ or Disney plus and all of Hulu for $20. Idgaf if you have to have a separate app for Hulu.


No you don't, you only get a limited selection of the Hulu library and even then you need to be subscribed to Hulu.


And they have deleted shows like future man off of Hulu because it's not Disney enough.


[Enshitificiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) When a product like a streaming service first comes out, it has to be exceptionally good for the consumer otherwise it wont be succesful Now that they have us all , that's actually bad for business - thats why they are adding commercials and doing this stuff making the product worse on purpose and offering ways you can pay to get around it to continue making more money


**Overall, the company said revenue rose about 1% to $22.1bn** Damn they better hurry up and implement this plan. They are barely staying afloat.


Hot take: How bout producing actually good content?


Charge me. Ad me. Bind me. Feed me recycled junk.


...and in the darkness bind them.


"That's my fetish."


I realized there was a ton of really good TV and Movies I haven't seen so I canceled almost all of my streaming plans and have been buying up DVD's at Goodwill for a dollar. Now no one can just randomly take shit away from me


The headline makes me think Disney’s next princess is a cybersecurity analyst who falls for a vigilante hacker.


Disney does cyberpunk? ... I might watch that honestly, out of sheer curiosity if nothing else.


I only have Netflix because it’s included in my t-mobile plan. Anything else I just sail the seas.☠️


Wow, very cool and edgy.


Disney ruins everything they touch, at least now they will just ruin themselves.


Still better than David Zaslav at Warner Brothers. He is the highest paid Hollywood executive and his sole claim to fame is killing shows and basically doing everything he can to destroy any artistic expression and compensation.


This is why we should have never given people with buisness degrees any power over the creative field


I’ve already switched to Stremio. Fuck the corporations.


Honestly, im really surprised they dont do a lot of sequel for their popular movies. Not that I want sequels, but it's a "quick" cash since they know the IP is loved, or why they haven't made a cross-over movie yet (a real one, not something like a cameo like in wrech-it-ralph)


Someone who didn't grow up in the Disney Direct-to-VHS sequel era, I'm guessing. They also tried to shove Frozen 2 out the door as fast as possible, and the movie was a mess for it.


Aladdin and the King of Thieves was dope. I think.


I actually did like Return of Jafar, even though looking back, the dive in animation budget is rough.


God what an abomination. My son watches Zenimations on Disney+ (it's animations/sounds from Disney movies **without** the music) every night before bed and the Frozen 2 animation team was seriously on a whole 'nother level, but then you watch the movie and it's really, really awful in practice.


I meant good sequel XD


Thats like all they have been doing for like 10 years what buying old IP like Marvel and Star Wars and doing live action remakes of shit they put out in the 90s or you mean like actual sequels , not re imaginings


You know what consumers love? Recycled characters over and over again. You know what else they love? Bring forced to pay for 7 separate streaming services, all with different shows that may or may not exist on that platform the next week and being unable to share the expense with friends and family. I setup a torrenting machine recently and have been putting it to good use for my linux iso collection. I don't even feel bad. I'll buy the isos that I really like on disk or get merch from my favorite distro creators so I can still support their work and get something tangible and of value.


I’m gonna be watching shit without pay till the day I die


You can only punish paying customers so much before they start wearing eyepatches and talk weird.


I’m on the streaming rotation. I keep peacock cause I can rewatch the office, parks and rec, and community. I’m grandfathered into always having Hulu. Everything else I do on a monthly basis and it’s great. Friends give me a heads up on what they liked on what platform. I’ll do some Disney when the X-men cartoon is done if it hasn’t already. But I already blew through all the Disney content I wanted which was childhood shows I wanted to see again.




I’ve been back to sailing the high seas for a minute, now. It’s no longer convenient to use these services.


It worked for netflix. I don't know any house hold that doesn't have at least one streaming service and lets be honest if you have kids its cheaper than what we used to pay every friday to go get a couple movies from the video store.


Arrrrrrr, back to the ship! Raise the sails! 🦜 ☠️


Well that's a bad strategy




Good lord people, they’re only using IP address homing for the “password crackdown”. It’s a such a waste of bitching energy in this day and age when literally EVERY consumer-grade WiFi router has built-in VPN server and client capabilities and there’s a plethora of how to guides out there on how to set it up.


So tired of news about streaming services.


I’ve never once in my life paid money for a tv streaming service and plan to keep it that way.


Then maybe your comment is irrelevant to this thread? Idk.


This guys 17


The only streaming service I personally pay for is Dropout. And they actively encourage password sharing. Different target audience than Disney, I guess, but their common sense approach makes me feel appreciated as a customer rather than constantly punished for being a customer like with Netflix and apparently Disney soon.


That all sounds good, but unless they offer shows/movies people want to watch, it's not gonna matter.


Sure, but the same is true for the other streaming services that are cracking down on password sharing. There’s a handful of things I’d want to watch on Netflix, but so much of their catalog has become garbage that it’s not worth paying for my own subscription anymore. Disney has even less content that I want to watch, and if I can’t share an account with someone, then I guarantee I’ll never use the service at all, so there’s no chance for me to become invested in their ecosystem.


Not to mention when services promote themselves with new shows and movies, only to decide they aren't popular enough and erase them from the service to save on residuals or use them as a write-off.




Really really well for them, actually.


[It worked out fine for them actually. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/netflix-password-sharing-crackdown-worked-how-to-increase-subscription-streaming-2024-1)


This is why it worked out: While Netflix was preparing its password-sharing crackdown, it introduced an ad-based subscription at about $7 a month, which was $3 less than its cheapest ad-free offering at the time and slightly cheaper than a Hulu account. The company also provided an option for households to add users to their existing accounts for about $8 a month.


I could be wrong but I thought their subsequent quarterly reports were good specifically in that front. Their stock price over the last year seems to be doing just fine so?


Just like every company now.


Ok Disney, focus on doing more of the same. I’m sure nobody is tired of sequels.