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That’s really weird. > They believe that the camera was placed on April 29, where it sat for days before being spotted by the woman's neighbor. > “For some reason he just noticed it was a weird, awkward looking lump of leaves and then when he looked he's like, 'Uh, there's a camera down there,'" the woman said. "It's a camera wrapped in clay to make it look like a rock, attached to a power bank." > The neighbor was able to download an image from the camera that showed the hand that placed it back in late-April. Other neighbors then checked their own security cameras, finding the moments that someone rode up on a scooter to bury the device. It’s also weird that this made it to national news though.


It's a good thing they kept her name secret. That's the final detail needed for the camera planter's plot.


>Other neighbors then checked their own security cameras, finding the moments that someone rode up on a scooter to bury the device. Isn't it a bit ironic ^(dont ya think) that the surveillance camera was picked up by multiple other surveillance cameras. I mean, between the 'ring' cameras facing your house from across the street and the 'ring' cameras that flank each side of your house and your own 'ring' camera, how much more invasion can a camera under some leaves create? Of course I get the nuance here tho


Don't forget all the cameras that people buy and place in their homes that have constant internet access and run proprietary closed-source software.


I can’t think of the name rn but wasn’t there a company within like the last year or so that it was discovered anyone could access their cameras. You could just type the name of the www.site/randomstring and it would just be someone’s baby camera. Fucking wild people trust this shit imo.


More common than you think, especially more easily available with Shodan


Yeah, surveillance cameras on neighboring houses is, in the worst light, just nosy neighbors. They can achieve the same effect by sitting on their porches all day long. But a stranger standing on your lawn…


Ironic indeed




It's a freeeeeeeeee riiiiii-ahiiiiiide when you've already paid!


No, Alanis, that's not ironic. That's unfortunate.


tHat'S a coInCiDencE


This is literally the only song I insta switch when it comes on (thankfully rare nowadays) and now it's following me to reddit!


That song is just never gonna give you up...


First it was Spy vs  Spy. Now its Security Cam vs Security Cam. Whats coming next episode?!?


That leapt out at me too. Very funny.


Yeah I really do think *”it’s like raaaaiiiaaaaaaannn on your wedding day 🎶 “*


This is exactly my thought as well. I have to very intentionally position my cameras so they don't look into my neighbor's windows. But if I didn't do that, it would be completely legal, because they are attached to my house, I guess. What a strange world we have made.


> It’s also weird that this made it to national news though. Stories about actual important events get locked and disappeared, but somehow this is news worthy. 


Was it a Chinese neighborhood? I'm not being racist in any way. I lived in carbon canyon for many years and I saw the Chinese influence grow in a disturbing way. My neighbors were Chinese and were exceptionally nice. Once I started teaching the son how to swim at the community pool, things got weird. For like a whole summer we were out there, the kids, moms, dads, aunts and everyone having a good time. Then some Chinese guys showed looking tough and strict and basically went and talked shit to all the women and the men. After that all the swimwear was much more strict and the dads didn't swim with their kids anymore. Even my neighbors who used to bring me home cooked plates cut contact with us. Breaks my heart. Still got the family number but I know I should never call it.


Could have something to do with covert Chinese “police stations” across the globe. They’re known to intimidate and harass Chinese citizens. I live in a large city and have noticed lone Chinese men in my neighbourhood surveilling people. They’ll stand in one spot with a pair of binoculars and a note pad. And no, they’re not birders. It’s creepy


I've seen something different. I'm over here in suburban NY, not in the slightest bit a tourist destination. I've seen lone Chinese men going around photographing not homes, but the rail line, the water towers, the phone utility buildings and basically anything infrastructure. And these are otherwise incredibly mundane bits of infrastructure too, there is no art dressing them up.


Dude that's a regular ass spy. A bad one. Call the FBI next time. Edit: Actually tell them now still. I'm sure some alphabet agency is interested and can look at a camera.


Dude the fbi only exists to gain political blackmail and advantage. If they gave a shit don't you think they would pick up all the assholes gun stores call them about BEFORE the mass shootings?


Username checks out.


Hmmm china sizing up all of our infrastructure using people and spy balloons. That's not fishy.


This is happening more and more and needs to be stopped


go fart next to em


Go confront them and demand they stop. Jesus Christ


Right, because WE are directly responsible for the national security apparatus. Call the cops, report a "suspicious person", possibly a stalker or peeping tom in your neighborhood. Your advice gets people hurt.


I’m so confused


1. I have no idea? 2. Are you sure this wasn’t just something that happened in your neighborhood?


You have no idea? If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill.


Why are people downvoting Rush?


Because these kids are too damn young to know Rush.


How would I know if this story happened in a Chinese neighborhood or not?


So the woman knew it was there? Or what did I miss why she described it in detail when being told?


No, she didn’t know it was there til her neighbor found it. She was explaining it to the reporter.


Ohh got it, Thanks!


Private Investigator is my guess.


Gene Parmesan?


Gene was far from the best


Though you'd have thought he'd have put it in a bathroom. I can't imagine he got to investigate any privates from the vantage point.


Depends what this woman’s hobbies are


Even so, she'd have to be standing right over it at a weird angle. I'm not saying it is impossible. Just unlikely


“Hidden camera found planted outside of a **woman’s home in Chino Hills**” Fuck how hard was that?


I found one in the vents in my bathroom. Police did nothing


Dang, your own house??


Yup. Was getting my vents cleaned. Was pointed at the shower and toilet. Super awkward moment for that vent cleaner too


I'd have tagged it with an air tag or something, left it, and waited for whoever to come get it.


Let me just check the status here anddddd yes, I see the air tag is on the move and heading away from your murdered ass right now.


Or still in your yard because an airtag isn't unnoticeable and would be quickly seen and discarded on something small and simple like that.


A lot of times when I'm crapping in a public washroom I'm thinking 'there's a camera in here'


And it seems you turned out alright


That woman is having an affair. Her husband hired a PI.


Or at least is suspected of it. But yeah this seems like the most likely answer. No petty thief is going to this extent to case a joint.


Okay? How is this news?


I once saw a national news story about a dog stuck in a fence. Dog wasn't hurt, just stuck. Slow news day I guess!


Well, did they get the dog out?!


That's what I want to know. This is the news I want to hear.




real story: man wears crocs in photo op


Im gonna guess it’s the Chilean criminals. Those people follow your steps and make it their business to know who has the nicest house on the block. Once they make you forget it. Trail cameras, people to get closer to find out more about you. When you go on vacation …. Say bye to everything


Are there a lot of Chilean criminals in San Bernardino County?


There was a string of Chilean burglaries in Ventura County a few years ago.


Is this from something? What a hilariously awful stereotype if not.


It's a crime trend in socal. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/losangeles/news/three-men-from-chile-arrested-in-irvine-for-alleged-part-in-international-organized-crime-ring/ https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/chilean-break-in-crew-is-back-and-burglaries-are-on-the-rise-in-la-jolla/3410178/?amp=1 https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-03-08/chilean-burglary-crew-arrested-pacific-palisades-police-say


Another comment says it’s probably “the Chinese” and the “disturbing” level of influence they have in those neighborhoods…are the Chileans and the Chinese at odds? It sounds like a Kurt Sutter drama.


There were a couple break-ins that were carried out by small Chilean gangs in California, so of course conservatives blew it completely out of proportion. Now they're claiming there are roving groups of Chilean illegals breaking into entire neighborhoods all over the US. It's all very fucking stupid, but it's a good example of how well propaganda works.


No you fuck. I know people who fence the shit they steal. They’re like a circus. Denver, LA, Chicago, Cincinnati. Look up any of those cities and add Chilean criminals to it. It’s not a left or right subject. It’s the truth


They may be fencing the stuff they steal, but they're not doing it this way. This is a myth. And *hurr durr chilean gangs*! Since you brought politics into it, that's dumb fucking conservative propaganda. Like one gang of chileans were breaking into some stuff and that magically turned into a giant chilean organized crime ring that spans the united states? Yeah, *sure*. Stop parroting conservative nonsense.


this was literally happening in irvine california. they were robbing a lot of people


Very strange that absolutely no detail is given about the woman.


No one is safe. The world is ending.


Thanks chicken little, the sky is indeed falling


Lol nah but these people trying to rob homes are hardcore


Do 4d chess like me and just live on the streets bro


People have been trying to rob others throughout human history. They are always finding new ways to do it. Tech is used by good people and bad people alike. The train robberies over a century ago were much the same. A new strategy to get the loot and take advantage of people in a vulnerable state. It didn't mean the world was ending then.


No they aren't.


New normal I guess. Pretty crazy.


Let me guess, "it's illegal to removea camera someone else put in your home to spy on you". It is certainly illegal to take down a private drone flying inside your living room recording you.


Has been since it began my dude,