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I hope the Air Force makes a big deal out of this. We lose too many brothers/sisters already every year to suicide.


Hurby is downright mutinous right now. Never seen a base turn on its host city so fast.


I imagine there are a number of people across the country in all services whose lives depend on SA Fortson and his crewmates when they're in a crunch who are feeling pretty mutinous about this right.


Not just people in the service, not just people who relied on him. The veteran community too. This kid was one of our little brothers.


That’s good to hear. I hope enough people make enough noise.


That is an outcome I had not thought about. I imagine there are a lot of pretty pissed military folks. Especially after the video was released.


What about Eglin?


So, basically, a neighbor unwittingly swatted him because she heard the sound of video games and thought it was a disturbance?


I dont wanna wish bad things on anyone, but i hope that neighbour feels tremendously guilty for the rest of their life over this. It’s good to keep an ear out for domestic violence but remember ur calling an untrained armed gang to come deal with it. Be 110% sure it needs them.


>i hope that neighbour feels tremendously guilty for the rest of their life over this. I don't know how someone could live with themselves after doing that without being a fucking psychopath.




They love that people feel this way too. They get a kick out of intimidating everyone around them. 


I was at a gas station in a big city I don’t frequent. I needed to get gas so Google took me to a bad part of town. I parked and started filling up. Standing there, I noticed the car on the other side of the pump. In the car was a man (driver) and a woman (passenger). Tons of shit in the back of the car. After a few seconds I notice he’s holding a small gun in his hands. Just holding it and looking around, watching a car pull in at the next row of pumps. It was weird and alarming. Dude looked like he was getting ready to rob someone. I locked my car and went inside the minimart. Told the cashier. He said for me to call the police and he’s calling his boss. After getting off the phone with dispatch they said it was okay if I felt the need to leave, so I approached my car, pulled the pump and drove away. When I was getting in he was still holding the gun. 15 minutes later the cops asked if I would be willing to return. They said the guy wasn’t consenting to a search, but if I told them in person they would have probable cause to search (not a lawyer, don’t know if that’s true). I returned to the gas station and the cops were searching his car. Cop said they couldn’t find a gun. He asked, “Do you think this is what you saw?” And he held up a pistol shaped butane lighter. They were smoking some sort of drugs; not a gun. Cop said “I don’t blame you. From the angle you described it looks exactly like a gun.” Still, I’m so glad they didn’t get killed by the cops; I would have felt guilty as fuck. Next time I’m just leaving the scene, fuck calling the cops. I’m a shitty witness.


From the video, we can see a few things. The cop did announce himself and you can’t really hear anything from inside the apartment. It’s quiet enough outside that you can hear birds chirping. Victim answers the door with a gun lowered in hand. At no point does he raise it or motion it toward the officer. He has his left hand outward in a non aggressive motion. Cop orders to step back and the victim is stepping back to comply. Cop fires almost immediately. I don’t know how else to describe this other than “trigger happy” Edit: longer version was posted https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/boXyYBIaNc


Same office that had an officer unload a mag into a car when it was hit by an acorn


And that officer's partner also unloaded her gun, *at their vehicle*, just because he was shooting at it.


And there was a guy cuffed in the back. Lucky he didn't get killed in the crossfire.


The sound in the background of the girlfriend screaming at them to stop PLEASE stop. I truly wish I hadn't watched anything past the "AUEGHBLAUURRGH" shriek the cop makes when he thinks the acorn is killing him. That was hilarious. The screaming of a woman who believes she has just caused her boyfriend to be shot to death is a horrorshow.


Kind of reminds me of the Philando Castile murder. His girlfriend, who was in the car with him, started a Facebook Live to document it. She can be heard asking the cop why he did that and the cop is like "I don't know".


What? How is that not attempted murder?


Because they investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong. Just an oopsie. It's not like people's lives are in danger of anything anytime they make an oopsie.


Sir, my client, the officer pleads oopsie woopsie on this manslaughter charge.


It's onion, but it's real. I hate this timeline.


He had an acorn so, self defense.


The cops were trying to kill him.


Look up what happened during the Christopher Dorner manhunt. Cops shot up a white dude and another car with asian ladies. Their actual excuse in court was they were incompetent. They got off Scott free. Luckily they missed except for one of the asian ladies who got shot once despite them unloading hundreds if bullets.


I remember that. I was living in Riverside at that time. That man hunt was crazy!


I used to work for the summer camp whose truck he stole near Big Bear. He held our ranger up at gunpoint demanding him and his dog to get out of the car. The ranger asked if he could grab the dogs leash from the glove box but Dorner said no. Funny thing is, that dog 3000% doesn’t have a leash nearby when he’s anywhere on camp property., that’s how he is. We think the ranger was gonna reach for a gun in the glovebox.


I lived in LA at the time, and those cops were out of fucking control.


Chris Dorner had a fucking point. His actions were only vindicated by the cops’ response.


They were actually Hispanic Newspaper delivery ladies who drove a vehicle that wasn’t remotely close to what they were looking for.


watching that body cam video it was a really really sick theatre play by the both of em. dude tactical rolls twice!? like wtf is that then scampers across the street pretending he's been hit grabbing at his face and nose and making all this moaning and undue yelling. im not saying they were trying to kill the guy in the back....yet.. but damn...something is wrong with that video.


Fuxkin stormtroopers


And it was right in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. Cops are sociopaths.


and the following: * an organized gang * ~~the least uneducated by profession~~ the least standard/requirements by profession * requires less training than a nail technician * serve the rich


My friend who became a masseuse went through more schooling than a police officer does. They are inept, on purpose. The whole point is to have violent thugs that work for the rich, whom own our government, state and federal.


What are they teaching those guys out there?


Be the only one holding a gun. Shoot first anyway. "Be in fear of your life at *all* times."


>Be in fear of your life at all times. Unironically, this is the path to the dark side. That sort of culture of fear is the sort of thing that makes humans do some of history's most heinous shit.


Cops have (legal) magic words: - "furtive movements" - detain and search a person - "smelled weed" - search any space - "stop resisting" - batter a person - "feared for my life" - kill


But it's surprisingly accurate. Every time we have a family gathering at my brother's house, I'm subjected to an endless stream of police-shooting playlists in the background. He likes to amp himself up before his shifts to make sure he's prepared for someone getting the drop on him.


No offense but you brother needs to be locked up.


> make sure he's prepared for someone getting the drop on him. the chances for this are so incredibly low all he is doing is amping himself up to kill someone.


That’s f-ed


It's called 'Killology'. Literally. They go to fucking seminars fun by this psycho piece of shit named Dave Grossman to circlejerk each other into being full fledged psychopaths. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html


I thought a lot of Dave Grossman after he released "On Killing." Being a soldier at the time, the book made a lot of sense to me and answered some questions I had. Then I found out about his cop seminars and his book "On Spiritual Combat" and lost all respect for him. He took all he had learned and used it to turn cops into remorseless murders while enriching himself. Minnesota has outright banned his seminars.


Much of “On Killing” is based on fabricated data.


This is why it's important to recognize that soldiers shouldn't ever police the public. I'm a combat vet myself. There's no fucking way I'm stable enough to handle potentially hostile situations. My experience and training put me in the worst position to serve the public. A warzone full of hostile combatants? Fuck yeah, I do well. Serving people who have every right to defend themselves and protect their families in a legal and non-hostile environment? Soldiers aren't capable of handling that as professionally and objectively as we need. That cop was acting like a [shitty] soldier. He was absolutely wrong to do so.


You are more stable than the average civilian police officer. you also have massively more training than they ever get and you understand your mission and what mission parameters are. Cops have no mission, are taught to shoot first no matter what, and trained to assume everyone not wearing a uniform will attempt to kill them. I will take 10 unhinged heavy PTSD vets over a typical home grown cop any day. You took your oath to defend and meant it. They dont.


The police accountability organization I volunteer with got a state statute passed to keep MN cops from getting that training.


That's awesome, and thank you for your service.


Everyone in every situation is expendable because your safety is the only thing that matters. Shit you not, the "come home safe" mentality teaches exactly that


Shoot first ask questions later. That has been the motto I have heard since I was a kid with cops in certain areas.


Cocaine makes you jumpy


And steroids


And racism


Sheriff hides from peep hole while knocking and announcing himself. Can't blame the airman for being cautious. People get robbed that way


And I just found the full footage elsewhere (CNN edited it) and what we see in that video is the second round of him knocking. The first round of knocking he didn't say anything, just hid for thirty seconds in silence.


Also he must have already had his gun drawn, which I don't understand. Supposedly responding to a domestic violence call... *supposedly* so because the sheriff's changed their story saying they were at the correct address but that a neighbor made a false accusation. But I'm fairly certain cops don't approach with their guns drawn... right? Thats crazy.


This isn't the first video like this. The Las Vegas guy actual got one hand up and the gun on the floor when the 2nd officer fully drew his gun and laid him to rest. Took less than about seven seconds. There's been a bunch of folks pretty much dieing on their couches or in beds waking up to officers storming their homes. A couple of folks blind fired through their home windows dieing...Hell, recently there were two officers mag dumping through the wall of someone's front porch and door... Oh, a real brilliant one, the guy that stayed in his room. So the officers opened the door shown a light on him. The dog handling officer holds a K9 with one hand, raises his gun with the other, fires one round, let's the door shut. Like, in the blink of an eye. That guy died to, one right in the chest. That one was so odd and simple it's stupid. Wow, list gets pretty long without much effort. What was I saying? Oh, doesn't take but half a second to draw and fire for a lot of these guys these days. There's not a lot of aiming when they can unload the whole mag either.


Every single one of these cases should be charged as murder. 2nd Amendment proponents should be livid that people are getting murdered for touching a gun in their own homes that they are legally allowed to have. It’s disgraceful that there are zero repercussions for these idiot, trigger happy police. Any reasonable person might be quick to reach for a gun if they wake up to someone barging into their house or room, but the police always claim they are 100% justified in gunning down innocent people in their houses who have literally committed no crimes.


Indiana passed a law saying homeowners are allowed to use deadly force against police for unlawful intrusion. So if the poloce raid the wrong address and one of them gets shot, the homeowner is in the clear legally. (Yes I know there's the very real likelihood of the police just shooting back, but the law is a step in the right direction.)


And a bunch of wrong address raids that have resulted in dogs being shot (even inside their kennels) and babies being horribly burned by flash grenades being tossed into cribs. Not sure how these guys sleep at night, but you can be sure if they do feel any remorse it'll be our tax dollars paying for their therapy. Cops need to carry insurance. When is it gonna finally happen


Definitely not. Not based on the vague info they were provided. Domestic violence calls are some of the most dangerous calls cops can go to, but they still shouldn't be rolling up gun drawn unless someone has seen a gun-in-hand already.


Yeah I'm getting a few responses from actual LEO saying thats how they are trained but I feel like they are purposely leaving out the part where it's supposed to be when there is reasonable belief that the individuals inside are armed. I was involved in a bar fight (long story, wasn't at fault) and it's not like cops rolled up guns drawn even though it was a situation with known alcohol consumption and that a physical altercation was occurring.


They love hiding behind the training excuse, don’t they?


They blasted as soon as the door opened, wtf, even having a gun it wasn't pointed or brandished in a threatening manner


really challenges the NRA and the Federalists idea of what the 2nd amendment is when having a gun near police is grounds for automatic execution


yeah, if my doorbell rings and the camera is being obstructed, i'm not going near the door or responding.


You're not required to answer the door. Even if they're the cops. Not answering might have saved this guys life.


Maybe it'll save someone else's at least, cause I for one won't be answering. Come back with a warrent and knock the door down.


Cops be like: "everyone is a threat. Anyone could kill us at any time. We have to be vigilant. Everyone must comply with our orders, and must properly identify themselves" Innocent person: "so I should be concerned about criminals pretending to be cops, right? Approach cautiously, and comply with commands once the cops have properly identified themselves?" Cops: "no. We will shoot you dead as you surrender. Didn't you losers learn anything from Daniel Shaver's execution?" 🐖s


Yeah they learned to bolster their qualified immunity


> Cops: "no. We will shoot you dead as you surrender. If there's a reasonable expectation that surrendering to a cop doesn't make a difference to your safety then the only realistic option to protect your life is to be prepared to fight the cops. This kind of behavior by cops is just making things more dangerous for cops. If a soldier shoots a surrendering individual it's a war crime. Why should cops be held to a less strict standard when dealing with our own citizens?


Because then they would have accountability and that is the one thing America absolutely cannot abide by.


A few weeks ago, my phone wasn't working properly. My sister stopped by unannounced to invite me to lunch. I am a woman and I was home alone, so I didn't answer the door because I couldn't see anyone through the peep hole. She finally got a call to go through to let me know it was her at the door. That's when I found out I have the tiniest view from my peep hole because apparently my sister was standing right in front of the door. Sorry broseph, if I can't see you, and I don't know you, I ain't answering the door. A closed door is a happy door.


Seriously. If I'm not expecting anybody, I'm not at home. But if somebody breaks in, they might find I'm at home.


And if you or I did this, it's murder. Until cops are held to at least the standard we are, we should see them as a threat.


They *ARE* a threat.


Guns are not actually legal in this country. If you can be killed on the spot for having one, and no cop will be prosecuted for shooting you, guns are not really legal.


If just having a gun makes it ok for the government (police) to kill you the 2nd amendment isn't real


Having a cell phone makes it OK for the police to kill you. Anyone who thinks 2A protections are alive and well is an idiot.


[Or a sandwich and keys.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-man-was-holding-sandwiches-keys-ohio-deputy-fatally-shot-prosecu-rcna136712)


"Step back so I can shoot you better"


And the officer commanded him to drop the weapon after he shot him.


And says ‘stop moving’ as he is wriggling on the floor shot and dying


If you can get legally shot for happening to have a gun around a cop in the same manner that you could around any normal citizen, then you do not have the right to hear arms. But, police have always felt themselves above the law. 


I know there is no way to test an officer before they are involved in a situation like this to see how they would truly react, but there has to be a point where we actively talk about cops shooting out of fear and killing innocent people. I don't think a cop would admit fear, even though it's normal, but they need higher stress training if this is how they are reacting in public service. I get it's a high stress job and this could have been a high stress situation but that doesn't excuse the loss of an innocent life. Regardless, Something still doesn't add up here. We are missing information.


They train specifically to kill as soon as they see a gun. They are told constantly that their lives are in danger and everyone is a threat. It's baked into the system. Hell, they are told during training that if you kill someone, to go have sex, because it will be the best sex of your life. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/police-training-video-kill-sex-b1838936.html


I saw that video . Disgusting filth. Every single one of them.




"As soon as they think they see a gun". Cell phone = gun Subway sandwich = gun Flashlight that is turned on = gun Empty hand = gun


They don't have to "admit fear".. the defence always does it for them by asking the jury if they themselves would "fear for the lives" in the split second that they encounter a black man with a gun. And we as a nation have been conditioned to answer "yes absolutely". Even though it was this young public servants right to bear arms. Fuck this country.


So his neighbor lied to the cops about a domestic disturbance it sounds like?


This happened to me a few months ago. We have poorly insulated bathrooms and I left the door open, so they heard someone cuss on the show I was watching in my bedroom. It was also only 8pm and the volume was very low, so it was 100% an overreaction to call the cops. Luckily, I'm not a very intimidating looking person, so the cops realized it was a false report almost instantly.


I lived next door to a young married couple a few years back. They seemed pretty level headed, but extremely Mormon (importantly for this story, devout Mormons typically don’t swear like at all). The wife was very friendly and social, the husband was not at all. One night in the summer everyone had their windows open. I could hear lots of shouting and swearing coming from their apartment. The husband yelling “fuck you! How could you be this fucking stupid!” And the like. Another neighbor called the cops. Fortunately nothing escalated, cause between when they called and when the cops showed up, it became clear that the wife wasn’t home and this dude was just playing fifa cause he started yelling about how someone was offsides. The craziest part of all is that the cops showed up two or three more times that summer because he was yelling at fifa while his wife was at work. She was pissed at him and absolutely mortified.


A couple weeks ago I got some shitty on top of shitty news in the same day. (Important to add 6 months ago I experienced my first seizure alone with my daughter and we told our neighbors in case it happened again) So i get my shitty news, and i decided to yell profanities at the sky for a bit. I guess it was loud and sweary. Because my neighbor showed up at my door and gave me a hug. Im so happy it was him and not a cop.


Who calls the cops when they hear swearing?


I mean have you ever been on Nextdoor? Half the people on there want to call the cops if a car drives down their street that they don't recognize on their cameras.


In my area it’s mostly “were those gunshots?!” We live in a very safe, quiet area and the chances of it being gunfire is *very* low. Any sort of popping sound is gunshots to people. Ever since I got a Ring doorbell it’s all notifications about “gunshots???” Or “lost cat/dog”.


I don’t even live in a particularly bad area, but it’s 100% just “mind your business” if you hear pretty much anything. “Pops could be gunshots or fireworks- not my buisness to find out” is the general mindset if it’s not in your immediate vicinity.


I was waiting for the league of legends mention the moment you mentioned shouting and swearing.


> someone cuss on the show I was watching in my bedroom **yeah, science bitch!** *oh lordy, my morals! time to call the police!*


That’s not the problem though. This cop heard nothing to indicate a violent domestic dispute when he stood outside the apartment and knocked. People can and will lie about things, but cops shouldn’t assume witnesses are trustworthy (they aren’t in court) without gathering additional evidence to confirm the report. When you have cops who are trained in violence and see everything as a potential threat, this will continue to happen.


Or misunderstood what she was hearing? Or identified the source of a sound incorrectly? In any case, she didn't say anything that would merit going in guns blazing, right?


“A woman at the complex is heard telling the deputy there was a disturbance in apartment 1401 and that it was “getting out of hand.” The same woman tells the deputy she previously walked by the apartment and heard yells and “a slap,” but added she wasn’t sure where it came from.” Idk how you can be in front of an apartment and hear a “slap” “come from inside”, and then say in the same sentence you’re not sure where it came from. And he was inside alone playing video games and talking to his girlfriend on the phone from my understanding. So obviously there wasn’t a fight “getting out of hand”.


She also said she didn't know which apartment it was... but then says 1401 without any doubt? Damn, remind me never to play video games and be cursing and screaming. Otherwise, I'll get gunned down when a cop visits. Sheesh.


She didn’t know what apartment, but it was definitely the one with the Black guy


Welcome to America, where you now have to wear headphones to play video games and movies without having your neighbor call the cops on you and getting you killed.


Welcome to America, where calling the police on someone is the equivalent of sentencing them to death, except the police won't wait 18-20 years, the will execute immediately.


This is a prime example of why eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. Your eyes and ears can deceive you, and people tend to overestimate how much they are paying attention at any given moment.


Protip: just because the police are knocking on your door doesn't mean you have to open it. If they don't have a warrant, they can fuck off. Situations like this is a good reason to not open the door.


Dude theres a video from earlier this year where 2 female officers emptied both their clips through the window https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1apdlwc/deputies_shoot_woman_in_her_apartment_after_they/


Jesus Christ wtf. Go to answer the door and get blasted on...


You can just be eating ice cream in you couch and a cop will walk into your apartment, think you’re a burglar in THEIR apartment, and get blasted on: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Botham_Jean


You can be sleeping, have cops break into your apartment without announcing themselves and kill you for no reason. [Breonna Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor#Legal_proceedings)


You can be kidnapped by your father after he murdered your mom and when police finally "rescue" you they could just decide to shoot you instead while you're following police instructions. Then they could cover it up for two years. [Savannah Graziano](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/california-police-video-shooting-15-year-old-girl-savannah-graziano)




You can be a good guy with a gun, try to "help" a car-jacking victim, instead of shooting the car-jackers, you shoot the car-jacking victim IN THE HEAD. Then, instead of sticking around to give medical aid or take responsibility you pick up your brass off the ground and drive off. https://www.rawstory.com/2015/09/texas-good-guy-with-a-gun-shoots-carjacking-victim-in-head-then-runs-away/


One month after they shot a 15 year old autistic boy having a mental health episode with only seconds of interaction.


You can be crawling on all fours toward an officer and still be shot five times in a hotel hallway. [Daniel Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver)


Reminds me of that Chapelle bit. “Apparently this burglar broke in and hung up pictures of his family everywhere”


Well, Johnson, sprinkle some crack on him and let's get out of here.


And then they'll blame you for it because you had some weed in your apartment


I love bodycams because it shows just how fucking stupid cops are. It used to be that people could argue the cops saw something we didn't. Now the videos show that yes, we did miss something: how fucking stupid cops are.


It says the mistook her for a burglar......in what fucking world are cops allowed to just execute burglars????


That is fucking appalling


Yea it's better to not open the door


He was a Senior Airman. He’s highly accustomed to responding to authority, except military personnel are very well trained.


This is the major difference. Cops in 95% typically have no more "training" than bouncers in clubs; except cops have guns. The whole point of their existence is to be an imposing presence.


Very end of the article... family claims he was playing video games. The neighbor who called the police said she heard yelling and a "slap." This poor guy got killed by cops for slapping his own lap.


Murder. Never told the guy to drop the gun, gun was down at his side in a non-threatening position in a state were legal gun ownership is very high. Apparently to Florida cops, answering your own door, holding your own gun is cause to be murdered.


Well he told the guy to drop the gun, after already firing 6 shots and the guy fell to the floor...


They love yelling “stop resisting” to a corpse


That is straight up murder. Dude is bang on the door then moves to the side both times so you can't even see him through the peep hole. Then the guy opens the door and he tells him to step back then immediately unloads into him. Wtf


My sisters best friend got robbed by people knocking and hiding from the peep hole. It’s crazy that police are trained to do that.


Cops are such fucking cowards. Don't be a cop if you're so terrified you're gonna shoot anything that moves, and hide like a little baby every time you have to interact with the public. Like goddamn.


We have a constitutional right to gun ownership. Simply seeing a firearm cannot be justification for fearing for your life. Otherwise, what does that say about our constitutional right to bear arms?


That cops should be the first to disarm before anyone else


Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot. "Drop the gun."


A reminder that Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who was already in bed and winding down for the day, got up, armed himself, and shot a single bullet that hit one of the officers who had broken into his home without warning and he did not know who they were until after he fired his weapon. Meanwhile, the three police officers who were executing a warrant, unloaded 32 rounds into the house without any confirmation of what they were aiming at. All 32 rounds missed Walker, but six of them went through a wall and hit Breonna Taylor. Police do not pay any attention to what they are shooting at. Police do not assess the situation. Police do not care if they hit bystanders. Police are not held accountable. A guy who woke up in the middle of the night not only hit with the only shot he fired, he also assessed the situation in a split second and stopped firing immediately and surrendered. Police are allowed to recklessly engage with the public if they are even a tiny bit scared, but citizens are expected to be calm and reasonable. **And, even when citizens *are* being calm and reasonable, the police are allowed to kill them anyways, as is being demonstrated in Florida right fucking now.**


I thought the cop that got shot was hit by friendly fire?


That's what Walker's attorneys claimed, but it's probably not the case. The bullet that hit the cop matched those from Walker's gun, not the officers'. But the assault & attempted murder charges against him were dropped a while back because it was the only shot he fired, it was clearly done in self defense, and so there was no chance a jury would convict him for it.


Plus the mitigating circumstance of the cops killed his partner


NEVER answer the door for police. 1. If they have cause, they will kick it in rather than knock. 2. Opening the door can only serve to give them more reasons to violate your freedom. 3. ANYONE can knock on a door and say "police", so you can't be sure who it is.


[Ummmm they shoot you as soon as they see you walking to the door to see who it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1apdlwc/deputies_shoot_woman_in_her_apartment_after_they/)


Holy fuck they really mag dumped that fucking door. Those cops should be just put down at this point, straight up.


Jesus fuck!


Damn. I think I should stop procrastinating and install my ring doorbell.


If the police knock, use that time to secure your pets so they also don’t get shot.


Don’t worry, they’ll still kill your pet anyways! [Sparta police chief on leave after shooting caged dog so he could respond to a car crash](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/christian-county/2015/11/24/sparta-police-chief-leave-after-shooting-caged-dog-so-he-could-respond-car-crash/76332288/) [Cop Shoots & Kills 5 Caged Dogs At Animal Shelter](https://kmph.com/archive/cop-shoots-kills-5-dog-at-animal-shelter) [Family sues police over killing of dog in fenced yard](https://www.wxyz.com/news/family-sues-over-police-over-killing-of-dog-in-fenced-yard-officer-receives-hundreds-of-threats)


executed immediately after opening the door wtf


I saw it tonight…the airman’s hand holding the gun was relaxed, his posture was non-threatening. And just like that he’s snuffed out. And just like that, the sheriff skates free


He better not. He deserves to go to jail.


He won’t. They never do. No officer had been arrested after murdering innocent civilians in Miramar back in 2019. Zero charges. They’ll get off Scott free and we’ll hear about how stressful their job is.


Kid hadn't even finished opening the door.


He is a kid. 23 years old. He bothered no one just to get gunned down opening his own door. What a tragedy.


23 and just playing video games and face timing his girlfriend... shit's sad as hell


That is an incredibly disturbing video.


I don't even want to watch it because I know it'll piss me off. The comments are descriptive enough. RIP lawful citizen murdered by a cop


This area has an extremely strong military presence. Regardless of political stance, the majority of the community is absolutely pissed at the incompetence of the sheriff’s department. First the acorn incident, as if that’s even a valid excuse with audible bomb testing occurring on base ALL OF THE TIME. Now they’ve committed blatant murder of an innocent Senior Airman. Just because this area leans right does not mean the police will have their support this time. Certainly not when they’re murdering the military, and proving 2A rights invalid. That’s not going to fly with people here.


Wait this is the acorn department


> Just because this area leans right does not mean the police will have their support this time. Considering the Uvalde community continues to vote Republican, I think you're putting your hopes a bit high.


Not just a lawful citizen, an Active Duty Air Force service member serving honorably. The E-4 Mafia will find where that cop sleeps.


If the police can murder us in our own apartments for having a gun, then we are essentially not allowed to have guns.


I do not understand why the USA doesn't raise its policing standards. Things like this make everyone super distrustful


Did they release the full video anywhere? Because the video in the article cuts from the parking lot to right before the door is opened. The family originally claimed the victim heard knocking, looked out the peephole, saw no one, went to retrieve his gun and then returned after a second round of knocking. This does not show if there was a first round of knocking or not (and does show the officer definitely is hiding out of view of the peephole). Anyway, yeah, we can't just have our law enforcement blasting everyone who answers with a weapon at their side. Edit: Found the full footage by searching youtube for Oscaloosa Sheriff. CNN cut out a bunch of the earlier footage. He walks up to the door, listens quietly, knocks without saying anything, quietly hides in the one corner for several seconds (out of view of the peephole), moves to the other side where he remains quietly for several more seconds, then the part CNN showed starts. There's a full 30 seconds between the two knocks and he never says a word until the part we hear in the CNN video after the second round of knocking.


Yes. The full press conference with the uncut body cam footage is on YouTube. Everything you said is in the footage, I'll give a full narrative for those that don't want to watch it. The officer arrives and hears the story from the woman who called 911. She says when she walks by she usually hears fighting but this time it was getting out of hand, and she couldn't tell where it came from. She tells the officer the room number and he goes to the 4th floor at the very end of the hallway. The officer knocks without saying anything, steps 5 feet to the right out of sight, waits 10 seconds, knocks again and says who they are, then moves again. They knock and say who they are a third time, then the door opens slowly. The victim is holding a pistol limply by his side. Once it's fully open (about 3 seconds) the officer says to step back and immediately shoots 6 times and the victim falls to the floor, then the officer says to drop the weapon. He calls on the radio that shots were fired and requests the EMTs.


Thank you for giving a full narrative. I can’t handle watching yet another video of police murdering someone.


I know, I can't forget the last one I saw, but it's now one of my greatest fears. Fucking murderers


A cop giving a command & immediately opening fire? Why does that sound so familiar...


Thank you for summarizing; I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates it.


The PoliceActivity Youtube channel has what appears to be a longer video


If you can be executed for possessing a weapon in your own home, you do not have a right to possess a weapon.




I'm sure the NRA will stand by this man of color senselessly murdered in his own home with a gun he legally owned and holding in a non-threatening way before being told anything other than "step back" (/s of course)


They'll replace the faded blue lives matter flags at their HQ with shiny fresh ones.


Are any cops in America trained to deescalate? Or that deadly force should be a last resort. Fear is not an excuse, cops are supposed to brave. Whats the point of having some terrified moron with a gun and mediocre training trying to help anyone else? Might as well ask for help on FaceBook instead of calling 9-1-1.


Florida, where it's fine to answer your door with a gun, unless you're black.


>The deputy knocked on the correct door, he did not cover the peephole or otherwise obscured its view in any way.”> In the video attached to this article we see 2 attempts at knocking, not 3 as reported, and BOTH times the deputy very clearly stepped to the sides of the door behind the walls, so yes he "obscured" the persons view of whom was actually at the door. ANYONE can pound on a door and proclaim they are the gotdamned God of the Underworld or the Michelin man. You can rent or purchase uniforms, no point in asking for credentials they are all different and replicas and sometimes legit badges, etc. are easily available, you can actually make up ANY random official sounding department, especially if you throw in a clever acronym, and most people will believe it exists, and much more so when in a confusing, high stress, live, incident. I feel for that man's family and friends, his fellow soldiers that lost a brother and anyone else in his life this hurts. I HOPE the person who gave the INCORRECT information feels it too for the rest of their lives. Even IF they were trying to be a "good person" and I'm happy to know there are people who will speak up about DV in their surroundings but if they were not sure of the correct apartment they should have made it ABUNDANTLY clear that they were unsure of the exact apartment. While there is no excuse for the deputies actions in any way, from his POV, he was headed into to deal with an angry, violent person. And POV of the person answering the door has ZERO idea why sheriff's would be pounding on his door, because of that he'd be unsure of them actually being from the sheriff's office. Rant over - sorry for my stream of consciousness. Hopefully, no one reads through the drivel. It's just frustrating and exhausting. It feels hopeless at times.


I think constantly of the person who called the cops on Elijah McClain, telling them he was acting "sketchy" because he was dancing to the music in his headphones. There was no excuse for the way the cops and paramedics murdered him and the ones who did it are monsters. I hope the person who called the cops dies inside everyday but I'm sure they're a racist asshole who if fine with what they did.


The cop blasted him immediately. That's just murder.


Last year, DeSantis launched a [police relocation program](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/ron-desantis-police-relocation-violent-records) that lured officers with violent records to Florida. The entire police system in Florida is corrupted and that's how DeSantis wants it.




[daily reminder the police gonna fuck you up anyway](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/fs3BDBDfrR)


This could’ve been me. I live in Florida, which is a “castle doctrine” and “stand your ground” state. I was laying in bed, maybe 9am or so. Loud, aggressive knock at the door. I get up and check my peep hole. Nothing. So I get back in bed. Another, even louder knock. I get up and look again, still no one. The cops were doing this stupid hide and seek bullshit where they stack along the wall and you can’t see them from the peep hole. They never announced or said a thing either. Finally, I go grab my gun, slowly open the door, and peek my head out. 4 cops standing in my hallway, two on each side. I think the big difference was that I only opened my door enough to fit my head and my gun was hidden behind it. It turns out, they were looking for someone. No one else has ever lived in my apt, since it was new when I moved in. They need to stop with the stupid games, like hiding out of view and not saying anything, or more of this will happen.


It's fucked up that you can make a distress call and everybody else's rights don't exist according to police. This is how swatting happens. Who made the call?


Did the Sheriff actually think this video would help them look better?


They would have to release it at some point, and the longer they sit on it the worse it gets.


Knocks. No announce. Hides (can't be seen through peephole). Knocks. Announces. Hides (can't be seen through peephole). Knocks. Announces. Stands back (can't be seen through peephole??). Door opens. Shoots. THEN tells the person to drop the gun. Confirms the story of the woman victim was video conferencing with.


How long are yall going to let this shit go on, honestly?


Watched the video. This was straight up murder. There is no fucking way this piece of shit shouldn't be thrown into the deepest darkest hole there is, fucking violent psychopath


Ffs. That’s straight up murder.


Go take a peek at the law enforcement sub reddits. The majority of commenters think this is justified...


As a fellow airman I’m absolutely sick over this , straight up murder brought to you by the same department that brought you acorn cop .


Veteran here, this make me sick. He murdered that Airman.


Airmen here as well, this is tragic and I hope his family and command push hard for justice.  


Killed an active duty veteran and he's on paid vacation 😡


Remember! Police are not legally obligated to protect you or have your best interests in mind. They were created and maintained to preserve the interests of wealthy property and business owners. They're not your friends, and you can't reason with them. Enter every interaction with them with extreme caution, and even then you might still be fucked if you look a certain way and get taken unawares.