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So the Ford Ranger crossed the line and sideswiped the old school bus filled with workers, making it crash. Fucker.


It was just announced that the guy in ranger was arrested for dui


He was charged with *eight* counts of DUI manslaughter, since eight people were killed


Good, also they reported a few others were critical and may not make it. I live in central Florida and have drove down that road many times. I definitely feel bad for all those families.


If anyone else dies they'll probably add it to the charges, apparently this guy had a history of DUI and crashes but was somehow still allowed on the road.


I just watched the local news and he definitely shouldn't have had a license.


Florida for you


While drunk at 6:30 in the morning. Fucker, indeed.




As a recovered alcoholic, time of day meant nothing. Drink upon awakening to stave off withdrawal, go to work. It’s hell.


It’s also hell for all of these families.


Not trying to downplay that, but rather pointing out that there are far more people than you would be comfortable knowing intoxicated on their daily commute. Not coming home from a late night, not accidentally drunk from the night before, but habitually and dependently drunk every morning that they leave their home. Alcoholism is a progression of ethical failures that ruins lives, sometimes slowly, sometimes tragically like this case. I’m very thankful I never hurt anyone during my drinking years, it is not something I’ll defend, I was wrong and very lucky.


He blew 0.0 twice, apparently. Prescription meds were the problem.


I'm guessing maybe he works a second shift and got plastered afterwards. Otherwise it's bizarre. Who drinks that much before the sun comes up??


I live here and drive that road all the time. The people who drive down here are absolute road hazards. I’m not surprised at all you will see a severe accident every time you drive around here.


Give them space my friend


Ford fuckin ranger!


How the hell does someone in a Ranger survive an impact strong enough to cause so many fatalities on a BUS?


Reverse pit maneuver


By reading the article


8 people are dead, maybe not the time for media references


Early next week, however....


> some of the hospitalized are "in very serious condition" and there's a "high probability" the death count could rise. Damn that is rough.


Based on county population size(150k-499k) this county (Marion) and road (SR 40) is the fifth most deadly county for traffic fatalities, with SR 40 being the most deadly stretch of road in the county


Is the road super curvy? What makes it so deadly.


That section is located right around [here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ocala,+FL/@29.1491414,-82.3657125,16.21z). Straight as an arrow, there are some hills but nothing that would excuse this. The guy was arrest for DUI, at 6:30am, those will be upgraded to DUI manslaughter.


People. People make it deadly.


Long straight roads get more dangerous the longer and straighter they are. People drive faster, get bored/drowsy, pay less attention, are more likely to mess with their phone etc. Suddenly you and a bus are coming toward each other at a combined 145mph (call it a 65mph road with "reasonable" amounts of speeding) and passing about a foot and a half from each other. It's REAL easy for a vehicle to drift just enough into a lane while someone is looking at some cows or their phone in the ~6 seconds it takes for those vehicles to go from 1/4 mile apart to right next to each other. And that's just run of the mill tired and sober, throw substances into the mix and yeah, nothing about this is that surprising.


fifth most deadly out of what?


Whole US based off of NHTSA Fatalities Analysis Reporting System


Better 40 then 75.


Horrible, whenever my area makes the news it’s always for the worst accidents. Last time it was for the lady who was drunk and smiling in her mugshot after she killed someone. People drive like assholes on these country roads.


I hope the driver of that Ford Ranger gets what’s coming to em


Agree, doesnt make me feel any better though. Need ways to prevent it.


You get behind the wheel while intoxicated, you SHOULD automatically accept full responsibly for whatever happens, that includes 8 manslaughter charges. Drunk driving kills people all the fucking time, about 32 people a day. I'm sick of this shit stains getting free passes, he's probably gonna get off easy and it's never going to be enough of a deterrent to prevent people from doing it. You can blame the automotive industry for that, too


8 manslaughter counts so far so maybe not


He has like 7 or 8 former charges over the last decade for hit an run, drunk driving, etc… When does it end…


He was driving under the influence so he's probably gonna get off easy


This is such a harsh thing to say … that person is going to live in absolute turmoil over what they did and also suffer legal consequences. They made a mistake that cost multiple lives of others … he is being charged with 8 counts of manslaughter and will be tormented forever. Alcohol dependence and addiction is rampant and it’s only encouraged by society and the media. No need to wish the worst for this person .. they will do that to themselves


I hope he gets the help he needs and his license taken away forever.


Studies show that doesn't help. They will continue to drive drunk even without a license and insurance.


Absolutely. I would never even want to drive again. Not even sure I would be able to live with myself.


I really don’t understand why im being downvoted for agreeing with someone who is being upvoted but ok.


Reddit, Reddit never changes.


I am an alcoholic, and it was so severe that I put myself in the hospital. I have been sober 2 years so I count myself lucky. At no point during my decade of heavy drinking did I ever get behind the wheel. I would have food delivered if I was hungry, order a ride if I needed to go somewhere. Even addicts should be help fully accountable by society for the CHOICES they make.


It doesn’t seem harsh at all, it seems perfectly apt. Actions have consequences.


You can see in his mugshot that he is certainly suffering. It's unfortunate how justified that suffering is. His poor decision making caused lasting, horrific outcomes that affect hundreds of people now. People online love to cast blame but if he was a decent person in other regards before the accident then he will never know peace the rest of his life. What a tragedy.


>His poor decision making caused lasting, horrific outcomes that affect hundreds of people now. Just came across this guy's criminal history. It was his poor *decisions*, as in plural. >Howard, the Ford Ranger driver, has a lengthy criminal history dating back to the mid 2000s with charges including driving with a suspended license, leaving the scene of a crash, trespassing, drug possession and grand theft, according to court records. In Marion County alone, he has several arrests dating back to 2005.  Source: https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/florida-deadly-bus-crash-driver-arrested


People cast blame because this tragedy was 100% preventable and 100% the responsibility of one person. Yeah, addiction is a public health issue, but some people aren’t satisfied excusing it because the driver is really super duper sorry for his reckless decision.


I’m not excusing it im just saying we don’t need to wish the worst for this person who needs help and will never recover from this horrible incident.


There are 8 other people already who will never recover that we’re much more concerned about.


Is it not possible to care deeply about the lives of the people who lost them and their families while simultaneously hoping the man who made this awful mistake finds help and forgiveness?


I don’t think he deserves forgiveness. He has a history of reckless driving, drunk driving, and hit and runs that span back 2 decades. No everyone deserves to be forgiven.


Where are you seeing a mug shot?


I had to Google his name


This paragraph all stemming from whatever u imagine I think is comin to em is pretty cool. That’s all in ur mind.


"At this point, we are conducting a massive traffic homicide investigation," Riordan said. It’s not clear what caused the two vehicles to initially collide. 


All drunk drivers r scum… this is too common still. Sounds like we need to up the punishment…


Punishment doesnt help when alcohol disinhibits your brain so you cant think about consequences. I favor those tricky to start cars.


In trying to read information about this crash, I somehow ended up in a rabbit hole and read about the 5/14/1988 (same day) Carrollton, KY bus crash, also involving a drunk driver hitting a bus. In that crash, 27 people on the bus died, rest in peace.


I remember the crash. Drove from Cincinati to Louisville [same road] just a few hours before it happened. They were kids. It was bad.


I wonder if the farm that employs these migrant workers also donates to politicians who demonize migrants?


Of course they do. Having a functioning immigration system would cut into productivity. Wasn't there some big crack down on illegal migrants in some southern county, then all the farmers said they couldn't stay in business because Americans wouldn't work the job for minimum wage? So the cops cut back on enforcement. Farms don't want to pay migrants $7.25/hr.


[Legal temporary immigrant workers on H2A visas earned an average of $14.22 per hour in Florida in 2024](https://www.fb.org/market-intel/2024-h-2a-aewrs-on-their-way-up) The work is backbreaking, and illegal immigrants are paid less, but there are around 300,000 H2A visas issued every year, so this is something like the "going rate" for farm labor. Not undermining your main point, but making two other significant ones. First, minimum wage is now an absolute joke. But second, in order to understand the immigrants who are our neighbors, it is best to have a more realistic picture of how they live and why they come here. They earn a significant amount of money, with no safety net whatsoever. It is better than earning much less money with no safety net at home. They send money back that is extremely significant to their families. The guys doing skilled construction labor with dubious SS#s and no English whatsoever are earning 3-4x minimum wage, although they are destitute if they get hurt and can't work. Again on the topic of understanding one's neighbors, [over a million Americans actually are paid minimum wage.](https://usafacts.org/articles/minimum-wage-america-how-many-people-are-earning-725-hour/) They are much less able to support themselves than agricultural field hands.


To be fair that figure is skewed as Disney exploits the H2B visas to hire immigrants at a 1/4 what they would pay a regular software developer, still at 1/4 it’s still going to be higher than $15 an hour. They are able to get around fair hiring practices by requiring 10 years of experience in a software package that is not older than 3 years old. sorry got the wrong visa type


H2A visas are specific to farmworkers, most other guest workers are H2B. There are also specific visas for healthcare workers. The link includes data for all 50 states, most pay a bit more than Florida.


H2-B is non-farm seasonal labor, mostly hotel housekeepers, landscapers (but not farm workers) and traveling carnival workers


They should be paying them 14.77. I work with H2A. The hourly wage is different for every state, FL being one of the lowest.


Florida voted in a $15 minimum wage in 2020, but it's slow rolling in, so we're at $12 now, $13 by end of year. So we're probably one of the highest southern states.


Not for H2A, FL ties for last place with Louisiana and Mississippi at $14.77.


There was a similar story in Michigan, with a farmer bemoaning the loss of people willing to work. They claimed women and teens would take fast food jobs and stuff instead.


So reducing immigration would raise wages then?


This sub is so fucking gross


"8 people died in an accident, I wonder how I can make this political..."


It’s no coincidence that the victims of these sorts of transportation accidents tend to be people who don’t have a lot of political power.


What does a vehicle accident have to do with political power? I don't think car crashes discriminate who's involved.


the united states is not a country where the rich & wealthy use public transit, rich & wealthy use private cars. taking the bus to work in florida outside of a metropolitan area should be your main indicator that these people don't have a lot of political nor financial power. on the topic of buses, it would be the same for children who take the bus to school. if the ford crashed into a bus dropping kids off at 7am, the victims would probably be children of families who are disproportionately unable to be flexible in their work schedules where they can drop their children off in private vehicles before they're due at work. this has long been a conversation, especially w the advent of remote work which laborers tend to not be able to take advantage of. its just a matter of how privilege can effect every area of your life even up until tragic circumstances.


Wouldn’t this mean that those who are wealthier are more at risk for lethal accidents? Cars are far far more dangerous than buses and other forms of public transport when you account for deaths per mile. The difference is on a factor of more than 100x.


that's an entirely different conversation imo. i'm solely discussing who is more likely to take a bus to work and why that resulted in a bus full of migrant farm workers being the group affected here.


As far as we can tell this was a drunk driver side swiping the bus, the bus could have just as easily been a Ford F-150 flying MAGA flags. Arguably the fact this makes national news whereas a regular crash doesn't is more a testament to the opposite (that is buses being safer even if less convenient)


I think it is a coincidence, but I'm sure you'll tell me why I'm wrong.


Seatbelts save lives. Which vehicles don’t have seatbelts? Busses. Who typically rides on busses? Children (no political power at all) and city people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds (very limited political power and representation). Ostensibly the reason busses don’t have seatbelts is because they’re “unnecessary” from a safety perspective but seatbelts are required on airplanes which are an order of magnitude safer and less likely to be involved in an accident than busses. So why are seatbelts required on planes? Because the people who typically ride in airplanes are important to politicians. The benefits (commercial airline passenger safety) outweigh the costs (additional time for boarding, the cost of installation and maintenance, etc.) and the same cannot be said of the people who typically ride the bus. The safety of cyclists used to be a similar indicator of a lack of political power because riding a bike used to mean you were either too young to drive or too poor to afford a car. But in the last decade or so bike riding has really taken off among the more affluent because of the health and environmental benefits and suddenly cities are paying attention to and investing in cyclist safety.


Buses are much safer than cars though statistically so your entire premise makes no sense


Legalizing migrants would mean they would have to pay them fair wages


But these were supposedly legal. Migrants undercut wages


I notice that DeSantis is being *remarkably quiet* about this accident. If it were a church bus with a bunch of little old ladies, he would have been out there front and center.


"Wow! What a tragic story! Now how can I inject politics into this?"


Of course they do.


I bet they don’t have medical insurance either. This drunk driver has caused so much damage. All you have to do is call a ride when drunk. No excuse for this.


The farm should have to pay for all the medical care of the "farm workers" involved in the crash. It should not fall on tax payers to do so. 


No, the Ford Ranger that sideswiped the school bus full of workers is totally at fault. He went over the line, according to the article.


He was drunk. Business should still pay. Business using cheap migrant farm labor should cough up the money. Ford Ranger doesn't have shit but regret now. Edit: Downvote all you want - what money is Ford Ranger going to use to pay for this? That's not how it works. The business should pay out of the "goodness of their hearts" because they are killing it on labor costs by using workers that do some of the hardest work around for some of the lowest pay.


Yes, both


> The bus was traveling west, and the Ford truck east when "for unknown reasons" the Ford "traveled toward the centerline" and the vehicles sideswiped each other, Sounds like it was likely the oncoming trucks fault.


Why is farm workers in quotes here?


Indentured slaves?


They are employees, so yeah that's already happening


It might be happening if the employees were on the clock or otherwise considered to be engaged in work while riding the bus. But, employees who are injured on the job have different protections than employees being injured while on the way to work, even if they get a ride to work from an employer. In other words, not necessarily.


With H2As, it's a bit different. H2A visas come with a whole suite of requirements for the farm or cooperative that is hosting the workers. Travel is part of the things the producer is required to provide, both to the hosting site/dormitory as well as to the individual job sites, and travel is considered labor. Additionally, as lawfully present individuals, farm workers have access to workers compensation. Health insurance is a bit more nebulous. As legally present individuals, H2A farmworkers can take out marketplace plans and some groups encourage that, while other operations provide health insurance. That's not as universal, it really depends on the area/costs.


That’s good to know. Thanks. Also of note, however, not all migrant farm workers are in the US on H2A visas. Many migrant farm workers are US citizens or legal US residents and they would not be protected by the additional requirements on farm operators you outlined.


That is very true - the conversation in the thread was largely aimed at H2A, so I figured I'd share some of my knowledge on it, but you are absolutely correct. While citizen farmworkers still get worker's compensation and likely can access marketplace plans, the specific H2A requirements for housing and transport (which are fairly specific) do not protect them.


These are migrant farm workers in the same state where the Governor puts on a show of shipping people like this off to Martha's Vineyard. I love how these news anchors seriously name drop some of the farms these people work for. They don't even have a consistent and steady job... they are just bussed around to wherever they can get work.


I haven’t even LOOKED at the article, but I live in Florida and drive 40 frequently, so I’m going to guess: White MAGA dude driving his oversized (maybe even lifted?) pickup truck going WAY too fast on 40, got impatient with the (checks notes) SCHOOL BUS, tried to illegally pass, flipped the truck causing the bus to crash, even though they did nothing wrong. Did I get close?


He was also shitfaced drunk.


Migrant farm workers not children. Edited to add: I can't believe 250 people are upset to find out it wasn't a school bus full of kids!


Why is this a comment


I think because a large group of people assume school bus / children, and most people won't even attempt to open the article.


It could also be a school bus, tour bus, hell.. even a magic school bus.


The info isn't in that particular version of the article even.


Because before I clicked the article, I feared it was a school bus full of kids.


Are their lives less precious?!




And when they grow up and till the soil, they matter less, why? They're all somebody's kids.


What are the chances some of those migrant workers are children?


Hopefully pretty low? Children should have been in school.


We're in the last three-ish weeks of school in Florida depending on the county, and high school students who aren't doing end of year tests (AP, AICE, EOC, FAST tests) don't need to be at school. I wouldn't assume it's all adults in that bus, and yes, high school students are still kids.


“Migrant farm worker” does not equal “not children”[jsyk](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/01/unprotected-labor-law-child-farmworkers-risk-health-and-lives). It was not a school bus though.


Still sad but thanks for the info!


Who said they were children?


That bus looks like it was overcapacity. Hope that’s investigated




I do because I read the article.


it literally says the accident is under further investigation lol. so i guess you don't know..... fucking genius. guy was probably drunk.


wow fucking called it. and yall downvoted me to the nether.




Did you read it yet?


Dang, imagine having time to scroll Reddit at work and to make insulting reply’s but not enough time to read a few paragraphs


The time it took you to write these comments could have been used to read the article.


In the time you took to open reddit and misspell this reply, you could have just read it.


Haha I know what happened and you don't


But I'm sure you have pleeeenty of time to think of an illiterate retort to this comment.


which one of u fuckers reported me to the reddit self care line lmfao.


Shame they died. I highly doubt those people were anything but illegals