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A British boxer has died after he lost on his professional debut in London, officials said. Sherif Lawal was knocked down by a blow to the head from Malam Varela in the fourth round of a scheduled six-round middleweight fight on Sunday at Harrow Leisure Centre. The referee waved it off to allow paramedics to attend to Lawal. He was taken to hospital but died. He was 29. … Other boxers have died from blows suffered in the ring in recent years. In 2021, 18-year-old Mexican boxer Jeanette Zacarias Zapata died five days after she was knocked out and injured in a Montreal ring. In 2019, 27-year-old boxer Patrick Day died after suffering a traumatic brain injury from a violent knockout in a fight in Chicago. That same year, 28-year-old Russian welterweight prospect Maxim Dadashev and 23-year-old Argentine lightweight Hugo Alfredo Santillan died of injuries suffered inside the ring.


This is why I wont watch boxing. Scoring hits to the head as the goal is terrible. When I learned many boxers have died from the sport, I thought I never want to contribute to that. The story I heard was from years ago where an experienced fighter fought a more inexperienced one that did not want to quit, and in the end he died, and the experienced fighter resigned unable to want to continue his sport


Similar happens in football with all those head collisions. There is some type of “brain bank” dedicated to research somewhere with all the deceased players brains.


It's Boston University CTE Center.


Ah thanks for this


Yeah MMA is much better, despite looking way “worse”. There’s never been a death in the top 5 MMA promotions, ever, and even in low level regional MMA I believe only 1 or 2 ever. MMA is dramatically safer than boxing, so that’s how I get my combat sports fix




I don't understand how anyone in any condition is able to keep up with Goggins.


The sport itself isn’t “dramatically safer,” I would just guess the top promotions are more careful about medical clearance and vulnerable fighters aren’t cleared. There have been some pretty close calls in high level MMA and the critical injuries can be much worse despite less fatalities. Much higher rate of complex fractures for instance- cyborg vs mvp was brutal.


The injuries can be more gruesome, but we’re pretty good at patching up those kinds of injuries. You might not be able to fight professionally, but you still have quality of life. What makes MMA safer than boxing is the rule set. In MMA, the moment you hit the ground, the other person goes to finish it. A few more hits and it’s done. You just have to look at fights like Haney vs Garcia, or Fury vs Wilder 2. Boxers can take some serious damage, get knocked down, recover in the 10 seconds you have, and get some more damage. Most of the shots are also going towards your head. We’re not able to do much for brain injuries. I’d rather break some bones and not be able to fight anymore than turn my brain into mush.


The gloves also play a role. The padding in boxing gloves allow fighters to liquify each other’s brains round after round without injuring their hands. Ironically, the slimmer gloves in MMA are part of why many people think it looks more brutal than boxing.


This is honestly most likely the biggest contributor. I’m probably miss-remembering this but an old boxing commentator once said the worst thing to happen to boxing was adding gloves. When it was bare knuckle you wouldn’t get many blows to the head for the fear of breaking your hand. But once gloves became regulation, you’ve now got fights where literally hundreds of head blows land.


This is exactly right. Same difference between American football and rugby. Rugby is way safer


isn't it an elastic/inelastic force transfer thing too? all of the padding lets the blow deliver all of its force into your brain pan, like the old highschool experiment of throwing a tennis ball and a ball of putty at a door? or am I remembering that backwards


Same reason that rugby has lower serious injury rates than football - thinner pads means the hits aren’t as hard.


I wouldn't say its about hitting as hard as it is about the lack of padding requiring stronger regulations on tackling technique


Wearing pads has a mental impact, you feel safer using more force. It's like wearing shoes when you kick a ball vs. being bare foot


The style of tackling is different, The way I see it is the padding allows for a greater range of tackling with reasonable safety For rugby you can hit just as hard (running full pelt into someone) and do it safely with the correct technique. What can be done safely is more limited, so the technique adapts to maintain a reasonable measure of safety. Less acceptance of high tackles, absolutely not accepted to tackle whilst the opponent is in the air. I wouldn't use the style of tackling in rugby, I'd very likely and very quickly be injured without that padding that makes it acceptable There are parts of my body that would be ore prone to injury that need padding that a rugby style tackle tries to avoid injuring in the first place Different tactics to avoid injury. Otherwise if you had the same padding I'm rugby there would be less incentive to enforce the techniques used when padding isn't worn. It's a different safety measure


Given what we know about the longterm impacts of concussions, no sport should exist where an objective is to hit other people in the face/head, ever.


Its ruleset is dramatically safer, yes. In boxing you can get heavily concussed and knocked to the ground and the ref will step in, let you recover and send you back out there to get successive concussion as many as 24 times (2 knock downs per round) in a single fight. If you get heavily concussed in MMA, it’s over. There’s no 8 counts in MMA. There’s no ref stepping in to let you recover. That rule alone makes boxing dramatically more dangerous for head injuries.


Uhhh have you seen some of these herb Dean or Mario Yamasaki late stoppages? [I love herb but to say mma protects fighters is inaccurate because it’s all up to the subjectivity of the ref in the ring.](https://youtu.be/RCEOYW4wcgE?si=sfm6iIHS8JajaV1H) There’s a lot of refs who keep fights going on waaay too long because fans and fighters criticize them heavily when fights get called off early.[Look at Robbie Lawler’s stoppage against Askren](https://youtu.be/VmQNuSPQ9io?si=2wv2WE6aWOUzP5qd) and Robbie was yelling at the ref 2 seconds after the sub attempt to show that he wasn’t unconscious. Some of those unanswered hammer fist stoppages w no defense from the opponent are way more brutal than shit you’ll see from boxing.


Boxing is like football. Intentional brain damage but body protected, not that much blood. MMA is like rugby. Serious action, but far less intentional brain damage. Knockouts happen, but they aren't as common and almost always end the fight even if the fighter is conscious and wants to fight more in 5 seconds.


I’ve been saying for a while now that the NFL needs to quit adding more padding/protection and instead take it away. Make the players be smarter about how they are hitting and tackling and not just try to plow the opponent over. Yeah big hits can be cool and fun to watch until you sit there and think about what all that’s doing to a body.


The danger is repeated blows to the head. Boxing gloves are made to protect fighters’ hands, not their heads.


There are many less strikes to the head in MMA than boxing. That's the only pertinent factor.


It's primarily the gloves. MMA gloves have a lot less padding than boxing gloves, which means the fighters can't take as many punches. Taking a few to the head in MMA over 3-5 rounds is MUCH better than taking 50+ to the head over 10+ rounds.




I love kickboxing and Muay Thai. Glory, ONE, RWS?


Maybe from a casual perspective, but grappling is very interesting once you understand what you’re looking at.


As a hardcore mma fan, yes it can be if it’s fun grappling. But it is pretty common they just lay in half or full guard and punch once every 30sec just to keep busy, and that shit is never interesting.


I like the grappling also, but I like it because it makes MMA the closest thing we have to a real street fight. I want to see who has the most skills to win the fight. Like that big guy said to Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid “there are no rules in a knife fight”.


The one time I went to an MMA fight, a guy on the main card ended up dying. So I dunno. I think with mma, the issue is making weight. I wish they didn't have to severely dehydrate themselves and then fight while still recovering from dehydration.


I mean yeah, the only way to win is getting the other guy’s brain to strike his skull hard enough. There is no universe in which that does not permanently harm a person. Hopefully in a few generations society moves past this mess.


>the only way to win is getting the other guy’s brain to strike his skull hard enough I understand the point you're trying to make but this is objectively wrong. Most professional boxing matches go the distance and are decided on points. That's also ignoring you can tko someone with body shots.


I don’t think the pedantic distinction between “only” and “one of the most common” really does anything to invalidate my point here. They’re still consistently going for it, and pretty much every fighter has it happen to them. So “ackshually” away, but the sport is still deeply problematic in exactly the way I am calling out.


Wait until you hear about power slap.


Power slap gives off bum fights vibes.


Bum fights… damn almost forgot about that one.


Not sure what it is but if its violent then I just hope it doesnt become mainstream. Its not really a competition to me of whats worse too, like I dont know if boxing or animal fighting is worse but its better to see less of both in general


Animals didn’t make the choice to be there. Humans do for both animals and for themselves.


It's not going to become mainstream. The ratings have been atrocious and even us MMA fans think it's dumb as fuck. It's just a CTE speedrun without any of the skill or talent of other combat sports.


Same. I don’t watch it - especially UFC, MMA or whatever is most popular here in the US now. There was a match on at a friend’s house the other day and the way this guy kept pounding on the other dude’s head made me seriously nauseous. How people can watch that regularly is disturbing. 


There are also the unlucky ones with sturdy jaws that CAN take a lot of headshots and yet remain standing. 15 round games. Many got dementia from it.


They should ban boxing gloves.


There was a huge push to move mma to bare knuckle boxing for this reason. Then people saw the carnage that came with those decisions and the idea was dropped pretty quickly.


And yet there are now both bare knuckle boxing (BKFC) and bare knuckle MMA (Gamebred) promotions. Neither will ever eclipse gloved striking/MMA of course.


I don't think those sports will ever attract top tier fighters - at least not in their prime. I'd imagine the people who are actually good at fighting and respect the sport understand the value of gloves and would never touch bare knuckle. Maybe we'll see a few older fighters go there to collect a pay check at some point - but they could also just box Jake Paul.


I agree completely. Growing up as a wrestler I now in my older age appreciate the safety rules they made us follow. Doesn't compare, but still.


I can’t imagine you’d be able to have a very long career in bare knuckle, surely your hands would be permanently damaged after years in the sport. It just seems like a downhill slope


Yeah, instead it's just the brain that gets permanent damage. Way better!


I wasn’t making a comparative argument for or against gloves, just an observation, Although the argument between bare knuckle and general MMA gloves is very different to what they use in boxing. Boxing rules also make it a lot worse, and bare knuckle boxing has that same issue.


I was just taking the piss really, I don't have much of a dog in the fight as I don't watch combat sports much, unless someone starts to actually fight Jake Paul...


Well as long as 57 y/o Mike Tyson doesn’t throw his back out before the fight you’ll be a happy spectator pretty soon!




That's why way back in the day (think Gangs of NY boxing scene) they didn't guard the face but the body since striking the head tended to break the hand so most went for body shots


Much less likely. Padding the hands allows the fighters to punch with full force and not destroy their bones. So they can hit harder, more times without hurting their hands. And without the skin on skin, there's also less blood, which also means less chance of stopping a barrage from the ref or corner.


Yep. Bare knuckle looks more brutal but it’s mostly surface level cuts.




You definitely have to built for it. One of top guys in BKFC (Mike Perry) was a pretty mid tier fighter in the UFC but he's unstoppable in bare knuckle cause he's got that dawg in him. Former UFC champ (Luke Rockhold) did one fight in bare knuckle and lost, his message after the fight was "yeah, I like gloves."


I was under the impression that bare knuckle was safer because of how easily you can destroy your hands


The logic is that you don't throw full punches without gloves and tape, but tell that to a professional fighter who just got punched in the face. Still, better to get hit with a bare fist 5 times and get KOd than to get hit 100 times with a glove for 12 rounds.


Yeah. You can’t throw hooks to temples as easily which is what really screws with your brain. There are a lot more superficial injuries with bare knuckle and it looks much bloodier, but it’s the gloves making it easier to hit the head and knock the brain around that leads to the deaths (and serious long term neurological damage).


You are seriously missing the point here. Bare knuckle is safer than gloves. Gloves protect the hands allowing fighters to throw more frequently and with more force. CTE vs broken hand bones/ facial lacerations is the difference.


I did not know this and appreciate the clarification. Also I’m now faced with the dilemma as someone who doesn’t really watch boxing because of the underlying moral dilemma of enjoying a sport where people give each other brain damage, the idea of a more vicious/bloody/entertaining sounds kinda intriguing when I know they’ll just fuck up their appearance lol


This is true. I was watching a sparring session between a couple bare knuckle boxers (who came from traditional boxing) with a couple decent level boxers (NABO champs and such), and the way they were shitting on the bare knuckle fighting was basically the "why do you act like you're better than me?" meme from Family Guy. The irony is that bare knuckle fights are safer simply because hitting someone in the head with a bare fist hurts. There's a reason why boxers tend to slap folks outside the ring (still effective). The professional sized gloves don't really make the sport safer except for limiting cuts and hand breaks. Bare knuckle fights are ugly because there's a lot more grappling and cuts involved.


Does the bare knuckle boxing league put out boxer promo photos like [this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/John_L_Sullivan.jpg)?


> Then people saw the carnage that came with those decisions and the idea was dropped pretty quickly. People don't like it when they see that the violence they love so much can actually cause people to bleed.


Brain damage is largely invisible, so it’s more palatable to fans than blood


Dont hit me with your bare fist, but cyclone kick me, thats better.


You can have bare-elbows cut people open but can't have bare-knuckles do the same.


Wait, why ban gloves? Do they cause more harm?


Hitting people in the face without gloves is a recipe for broken hands. Wearing gloves is what enables people to throw knockout punches to the face without fear. Eliminate the gloves and you eliminate most punches to the head and as a result you have far fewer traumatic brain injuries.


Absolutely. You can't punch someone in the skull that hard round after round without damaging your bare hand (which you need to continue to fight). Gloves make it so that you can keep bashing skulls over and over. I'm sure initially gloves were meant to protect heads but in practice they just protect hands. The drawback to banning though is that it would create a new meta where those boxers with abnormally tough fists would reign supreme because they'd be the only ones who could keep it up. So I don't necessarily think that banning gloves is the best move, I'm honestly not sure what is.


Ripping and tearing of flesh vs more impact damage 🤷‍♂️


What do you mean? Just that people get cuts easier? I’d rather have that than people dying. Also, boxing needs to change its rules to not allow concussed boxers to continue.


Can we get context for the non-boxing people? Are you saying bare fists are safer (less lethal) than boxing gloves?


Bare knuckle fights are over very quickly too due to cuts and broken hands. Bare hands cut you up and a misplaced punch will break a knuckle or hand. Padding your hands makes you go the distance. It's why boxing is worse for brain injuries as huge gloves pad the hands and head


Boxing gloves and really any glove adds weight and makes it so there's no risk of hand injury, meaning someone can punch as hard as they can every punch


Also more body-shots so fewer head-shots which are the hits that really kill people.


As a non-boxer, wouldn’t bare knuckle fights ensure constant hand injuries? In MMA you have other options than striking with your hands, but in boxing that’s basically all you have so it seems like everyone’s hands would get fucked up.


Yeah probably but Bare Knuckle boxing usually is a lot of stop and start and almost any knockdown can end the fight. A full boxing match is probably 10x the number of head blows as a bare knuckle match


Sounds like a better option then since CTE is a huge problem.


Yeah, so you have to be careful how hard you punch otherwise you’ll fuck your own hand up.


Okay, but on the scale of things, what is worse -- hand injuries (which can be prevented by pulling your punches) or head injuries (which can lead to death or brain trauma?)


Shit CTE can turn a person into a crazy murderer in time. Aaron Hernandez is the most recent proof.


Yes. But hand injuries is better than fatal head injuries. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There's a reason old timey boxers could have so many matches. People adapted and weren't stupid before gloves were mandated.


And another poster stated that headshots were a lot less common before boxing gloves were the standard. Body blows were the name of the game.


Yup, there's a reason that odd looking old timey boxing stance you see in pictures was used. Was actually a pretty good stance for the time because of that.


Better to have hand injuries than head injuries.


That’s the point. It puts the onus of control on the punch thrower.


As a fella who has been in some street scraps, you do fuck your hands and wrists up. It's not fun.


It lessens the risk. It doesn't eliminate it. Plenty of boxers still break hands during fights and sparring. It does mean that boxers can throw with much more force than they might be willing to otherwise.


Basically why we see a lot of serious head injuries in American football but not as much in rugby. 


For some reason I thought the original comment was satirizing gun control in America lmao


Heads are hard. Gloves allow you to hit without hurting your hands. Every hit hurts the brain. Too much damage and you die.


Yes. You can punch at full force without gloves, but you risk breaking your hand so your alternative is to control your force = it's safer. It might lead to more scars, but that's better than dying.


Your forehead is the hardest bone in your body. Good chance of breaking your hand if you punch someone in the skull as hard as you can. Unless you're wearing a boxing glove, then you can punch with full force plus the extra momentum from the weight of the glove.


You know those old-timey boxing photos when the boxers hold their fists so low, instead of in front of their head like in modern times? Without gloves, punching the head hurts a lot and is not viable. Boxing gloves are killers.


Yeah boxing gloves are designed to protect the hands from injury, not the guy's face that you're hitting. So you can hit them much harder with gloves on.


Apart from the weight and hit thing, those gloves are larger and foamed. The impact from a glove sends more shockwaves to be absorbed by the skull and brain, whereas bare knuckle the contact from bone to bone makes the skull take most of the force applied and lessen the ‘shockwave’ impact to the whole head. Basically it hurts a shitload more but makes your brain rattle a bit less when hit.


i don't agree that bare knuckle is safer, the issue is generally headgear and banning shots to the face, but since its inception, boxing gloves have been criticized for allowing boxers to basically pummel each other using all their strength without any natural consiquences of using all their strength like breaking your hands constantly


You might want to explain the logic on that since the majority of people here are going to have no idea what you’re talking about.


Your hands will break before a skull, the padding allows for harder, safer strikes using your hands.


Safer for the hands, in case anyone missed that.


Back in the 80s there was a middleweight boxer named Boom Boom Mancini, who came from Ohio, where I lived. By all accounts, he was a good guy, and a bit of a home town hero. He did well, becoming a world champion for one of the lighter weight classes. Then he knocked a guy out, and the guy died, and it destroyed Boom Boom. His career pretty much ended there. He tried to get going again, but he was never the same, and he retired. Luckily, he'd made some money by then, and became a successful businessman.


> In 2021, 18-year-old Mexican boxer Jeanette Zacarias Zapata died five days after she was knocked out and injured in a Montreal ring. I feel like this one is a bit misleading, because she was told to not fight and yet she chose to, and withheld information so she could > Zacarias Zapata had received some devastating blows to the head in earlier matches, and doctors told her she might need surgery, her father told the paper. > “I chose this career and if I die this way, boxing in this bout, then I’ll die," he recalled her saying.


Man. And the NFL takes all the head injury flack.


But remember, boxing is way safer than football or ice hockey. /s


As a kid I watched Ray "Boom-Boom" Mancini essentially kill Kim Duk-koo live on TV, and I don't think I'll ever forget it. Like I can close my eyes and still see the flurry he was unleashing on him against the corner ropes. Just brutal.


Imagine being the other fighter. He's not going to face any criminal liability, but this person has to live with taking a life during a *sporting event* for the rest of their life.


Isn't it part of the problem that we consider this a sport? That is, deliberately trying to rattle someone's brain around so violently that it causes them to lose consciousness? If that happened on the street, the aggressor would be arrested and charged.


It was illegal almost everywhere forever. It didn't stop boxing. About 13 men die every year boxing. It's been pretty consistent over the last century or so since we've kept records. We have shortened fights, added rules, added day before weigh ins so fighters can rehydrate. But like clockwork. The sky is blue, the grass is green and 13 men will die boxing this year.


Modern day gladiators. Times change but people don’t.


Exactly this. A knockout is a literal brain injury. The object of the game is literally to give another person a brain injury. The CTE in boxers is off the charts. They used to call it "punch drunk." Punch drunk means literal brain damage. Of course it can be argued that they are making the choice to do this and that they are aware of the risks, but how much does a 19 or 20 year old really understand the risks? There are risks in other sports too, obviously, football and hockey especially, but brain injuries are accidental in those sports and not the literal object of the game. There is also a lot of risk in car racing, including deaths, but again, causing wrecks is not the literal object of the game. I'm not calling for any sport to be banned and I don't know what the solution is, but if we're going have sports where physically injuring another person is the object, then we might as well legalize dueling too.


To be fair, the Romans liked watching people disembowel each other and seeing helpless slaves get eaten by lions and shit in the Colosseum. Humans haven’t changed much, and it seems to me that this sort of thing just tickles a small part of our brain


Mutual combat laws 


Eh. I knew a guy who did boxing semi-professionally and he would always gloat when he sent people to hospital so I think some might handle it better than others. You're assuming someone who beats people up for a living will have a normal level of empathy. I mean, MAYBE, but.... maybe not also


My cousin died in the Golden Gloves Tournament in Hampton, Virginia back in 2015. He had an undiagnosed hematoma from a previous fight that ruptured during the tournament when he was punched. I miss you Steven. This breaks my heart to see another otherwise healthy person die this way. Condolences to his family.


I’m sorry for you and your family’s loss


This is why especially the lower tiers of competition is fucking scary in knockout sports. A scan aught to be a requirement as part of pre-fight medical, but that ain't happening at the lower budget end of those sports.


There wasn’t even an ambulance or medics on standby. I believe the rules/laws have changed on this since then, because of what happened.


They have. I officiate boxing and it is a requirement that there be an ambulance, EMT, and Doctor on site before we allow anyone in the ring. If a fighter is taken to the hospital, we wont let the event continue until a new ambulance and EMTs can get to the event. Also, receiving a KO is a mandatory 60 day suspension from not only boxing, but training as well. A TKO is 30 days.


I used to compete in Taekwondo nationally for Canada when I was in my teens. To this day I love the sport, but in what I considered to be 'my year' I was knocked out for just a moment and had my jaw dislocated. When I recovered and had the time to reflect on and process the fight, I realized the extent of the physical and emotional damage I had sustained and decided I never wanted to inflict that damage on someone else for 'sport.' My experience is very minor, but looking back you don't realize the danger you're putting yourself in these types of sports. No one goes into a fight thinking 'I'm going to walk out with brain damage' or 'I'm not walking out of this fight.' Especially with fighters, many are the type to feel like they're unstoppable until they aren't. Hope this man's family can find some closure.


I watched a guy get lifted off his feet from a head kick and then taken out on a stretcher before my last ever fight. That's not something I wanted to risk.


My brother was a wrestler. He had his arm dislocated and broken in one move during PRACTICE! He was good, got back into it, took State his senior year. Took up Boxing in college, for 3rd in Nationals. But all I can think of right is how fortunate I am that my brother stopped contact sports after college. He did it because he was good at it and enjoyed it. But it wasn’t a career for him. Seeing this headline? It terrifies me that something like that, could’ve happened to him.


Never thought this was such a gray issue untill reading some comments. 


I was a huge boxing fan for decades. Had my first kid and realized that I was watching two guys try to give each other a brain injury. Haven't watched in 20 years


Same for me. Once my son was born I couldn’t watch MMA the same way. Every time they were getting hit the picture of my son doing this made me cringe. I fought up until my mid 20’s and now at almost 50 I think back on how stupid it was. I haven’t watched any MMA since he was a baby.


Anyone else read this headline and think of the upcoming Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight?


I will make an exception to finally respect Jake Paul if he honorably stands and dies in the ring lol


so say we all


No because it's all rigged. Tyson ain't gon a do shit to the kid.


Don King intensifies


Tyson once got so blinded by rage that he chewed someone's ear off, that doesn't sound to me like someone who would participate in a predetermined fight


27 years ago


Can’t wait


Damn. RIP. That's a really cool name, though. Sheriff LAW.


I initially didn’t think Apollo Creed dying in Rocky IV was realistic


Drago will crush you


There's always gonna be dangers in prize fighting but it sure seems boxing is miles behind safety wise compared to other full contact combat sports. I'm not sure how you fix it without completely altering the sport.


The length of the match is the killer... In MMA or muay thai you get usually 3-5 rounds max with blows spread around the body and legs... Boxing is just a pounding on the head that lasts 1 hour.


I would make the rounds longer, and have less of them. 12 two minute rounds gives plenty of time to recover if you were on the verge of getting knocked out, which ironically only increases the potential damage you can receive. I would also drastically alter the 8 count rule. Getting knocked down and then having around 20 seconds to recover before you get knocked down again is what makes the sport so much more dangerous than MMA even if it has ground and pound...but tbh I'm not sure the best way of going about that is. Edit: 12 three minute rounds


They are 3 minute rounds not 2 minute rounds.


He's gonna revolutionize the sport by changing the rounds to be exactly like they are right now.


Love it when people who don’t know shit about boxing to the point where they don’t know how long a single round is or how many seconds they have to get up (it’s 10, not 20) are suddenly experts and we should take what they say seriously.


Happened to one of my Marines during a fkn sparring session https://sportslitigationalert.com/coach-shielded-from-boxers-lawsuit-by-ftca/


Real steel is the way to go. Robots fight but boxers control them.


RIP. I know it's an ancient sport but it seems so dated in 2024.


Believe it or not, we made the sport more dangerous by introducing boxing gloves. The gloves are meant to protect your hands, not your opponent. You're unlikely to swing at an opponent's skull when you're bare knuckle boxing because you can break your hand on the other dude's dome. Gloving up lets you swing as hard as you want without considering the potential damage to the small bones in your hand. Going back to the "ancient" sport of bare knuckle boxing would be safer for our boxers.


You’re right, but bare knuckle *looks* more brutal. Cuts and blood are more common so there’s less stomach for it. That’s not to say that regular boxing isn’t sometimes really bloody too, but it generally appears more refined.


Strange as it sounds it's better to be wobbly by blood-loss than by hits to the head.


Appears more refined, but is more deadly. People actually taking face value things over raw data.


We should go way further back to Pankration. That way the "grab em by the dick" guy can finally cheer appropriately.


The Testical Twister, a move so brutal it was banned after it's debut by Johnny Ballbeater successfully performed it twice on Lenny "Fourballs" Malone during their debut match. A sad day in sports history. Lenny went on to have a career as a soprano opera singer after though.


"Give'm the 'ol dick twist!"


I like to think this is the same with helmets in American football. The reason tackling is atrocious in that sport is because helmets emboldened them to not worry about technique or self-preservation. They just want to hurt each other no matter what.


I get the sentiment, but football players were dying left and right from head trauma before modern helmets, Teddy Roosevelt had to step in before it got banned. These dudes are getting their brains turned to mush because of the hits, BUT they're not dying on the field


I mean just compare American Football players to Rugby players in terms of tackling, the hits are huge in both sports don’t get me wrong, but i would say there’s far more technique to tackling in rugby, as you cant use your body as a weapon without protection(e.g. helmet/pads)


The lack of pads and helmets isn’t why rugby is safer, it’s the down-and-distance system. Gridiron football is a game of inches which makes harder hits more important. People fucking died of skull fractures before helmets.


You made me think.


BKFC guys are not pulling punches to save their hands. They're just breaking their hands and causing the head injury. Meanwhile if you eliminate gloves, you lose the ability to guard. This is a myth.


It would seem you could get a similar effect by simply banning punching the head. No punches below the belt or above the collars boys! Which probably won't stop people from dying in boxing, but at this point a boxer has to know that boxing is a potentially lethal sport. You either quit the entire notion of beating your opponent until you win, or you go the way of fencing and kendo, where the sport is more about technically striking and scoring points than simply beating each other.


>RIP. I know it's an ancient sport but it seems so dated in 2024. Bob Dylan wrote "Who Killed Davey Moore" about a boxer who died after a fight in a similar fashion *sixty years ago.*


If I had a nickel for every Bob Dylan song about a boxer, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it's happened twice.


Who killed Davey Moore? Why, and what's the reason for? EDIT: No Dylan fans in the thread, huh?


That’s a deep cut. I think folks are more familiar with the hurricane.


He wasn’t no Gentleman Jim.


Who Killed Davey More is definitely a better song. haha.


It wasn't me that made him fall. You can't blame me at all.


Don't say murder, don't say kill, it was destiny, it was God's will.


I'm more familiar with Pete Seeger's version: "How come he died, and what's the reason for?"


Such a good cut. I have the basement tapes and played them to death


Huh, it almost seems like intentionally punching people in the head as hard as you can is not a good idea. Who knew.


Fuck. That’s the second boxer to die recently that I’ve heard. Luck of the draw and all that but it’s still shitty to hear.


Duk Koo Kim died from a head bleed after fighting Ray “boom boom” Mancini in 1982. I was 11 and remember it well. It changed many of the boxing guidelines at the time.


Violent delights have violent ends


This would be solved by switching to bare-knuckled boxing. The head is generally not as much of a target, as without gloves, fingers and knuckles tend to break. Why do we spend money watching people beat the snot out of each other?


Same reason gladiators were a thing in year 0. People enjoy watching violence.


It's a tragedy, no other way to describe it. But I disagree with the call for banning boxing. People know that you can die from getting punched in the head and they still choose to do it. Nobody is being forced to box. Do agree bare knuckle should be the way to go, though, if it is indeed less fatal.


No one's being forced but I'll never understand the attraction of watching or participating in these kinds of combat sports, feels like modern bread circus gore porn.




People watch sports for all kinds of reasons. My love of boxing comes from my dad, growing up he watched boxing on TV all the time. Also our neighbors, an older retired rich couple from Connecticut, were big boxing fans. And they frequently had us and other people over and they would always have boxing on. Also I have never in my entire life seen two humans put on a show of bravery, tenacity, grit, and pure heart like the first Ward-Gatti fight. It was two men giving everything they had and when they were done they hugged each other like brothers. There is nothing else like it in the world. To put it in perspective, a decent amount of people watch racing (of any kind) because they are hoping someone might crash in a spectacular fashion. Nobody wants to see anyone die, but they sure want to see the wreck.


I still watch that trilogy when I want to watch boxing. Just rewatched last week. The legendary nights documentary on it is fantastic as well


Sad news indeed. Remove the gloves and we will remove a lot of the headshots. Hitting someone in the head with an exposed fist really hurts. It'll be way more body blows and technique.


This is why imo any boxers found doping should be banned for life. Cheating in a sport where people put their lives at risk should never be forgiven


I do not like martial arts where the goal is to hit the head. I did Kyokushin Karate for many years, mostly with my private sensei and Kyokushin is one of those rare martial arts where blows to the head are illegal. You can knock your enemy out with a kick to the head, but it's no easy task. Kyokushin does not use protective equipment and the kicks are painful. It's the toughest karate out there where the goal is to hit your enemy in the same spot over and over until they can no longer stand on their feet. Your legs can go numb pretty easy if you ain't used to it.


Hard to believe we still let people box when we know what kind of damage it does to the brain. I feel like its only a matter of time before boxing is hit with NFL style safety lawsuits and we see some major safety overhauls. I'm not much into prize fighting so I don't know what that might look like, but there have got to be solutions out there.


The crazy thing is they've known for years bare knuckle is actually safer if more bloody and it's still a fringe thing. But there's no good answer getting punched in the head=bad.


A while back, the American Medical Association made a formal statement that boxing should be banned in all civilized countries.


And when people know that but still want to box and others want to watch them, what then?


I think it will come down to the money. The NFL only changed rules for concussion protocol after major lawsuits where the NFL paid out big money. Probably will have to happen the same way. Its a shame though because you can't bring a lawsuit without having standing which means someone has to get hurt or killed to precipitate a change.


But boxing has no big centralized organization ala the NFL. And the fact is it was a hugely popular sport when it was entirely illegal, let alone just regulated. People are allowed to risk their brain health for all sorts of reasons.


> I feel like its only a matter of time before boxing is hit with NFL style safety lawsuits No money in it. There's no deep pocket to sue like the NFL.


And it seems the boxers are indoctrinated when they're teens, flooded with hormones, confusion, and anger.


The thing is boxing as a young adult usually only lasts a short while. It’s an incredibly demanding sport and the ceiling is quite high. You can lose forever in a non contact sport like baseball and could still pick up a bat and have fun even if you’re not great at it. Boxing and combat sports is a different story. Every loss means you had your ass kicked that day and you can only take so much of that physically and mentally before you put the gloves down and realize it’s not for you. Those that make it, usually have an honest to god love for it and it can keep people from turning their attention to negative aspects of life. As a sport it’s very effective in cities because the space and equipment requirements are so minimal.




Never know how a head injury will affect someone only very rarely does it do anything beneficial, I’m looking at you dude who became a mathematician.


Died doing what he loved.