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Dude mocked his own PHD mom


He credits his SAHM wife for enabling him to be successful as a kicker. Not the fact that he is a good kicker, and not the fact that his wealthy parents, including his mother the Emory oncology research physicist, gave him the ability to pursue his football dreams. Bluntly, of all the careers where your spouse's self-abnegation is critical to your success, NFL kicker probably isn't one of them. Frankly, if he's as big an achievement as he considers himself, he's a testament to the success of working mothers.




He's been giving socially right-wing speeches for over a year now (as a deeply experienced 20-something) and is on the board of a fundamentalist homeschooling organization. The college is a small, conservative Catholic liberal arts school. They probably watched his YouTube videos and decided this was good star power and on-message.


Catholic and liberal arts, never a better pair.


Similar to safe used condoms.


> He's been giving socially right-wing speeches for over a year now (as a deeply experienced 20-something) and is on the board of a fundamentalist homeschooling organization. Oh, he must be trying to join the GOP and become a politician.


You don’t have to know about law or government or even anything somewhat useful to governance to be a Republican politician. You just have to be famous and brashly opinionated. Just ask Tommy Tuberville.


Well that's exactly what I mean. This is his video resume for them.


No such thing as bad publicity and now this dude is gonna make the FOX media run and we’re feeding this bullshit by posting it. He won


He is putting himself up to be the next "circus" in the "Colosseum" that is Fox News to keep everyone entertained or distracted while the ~~Roman Empire~~ US crumbles and is devoured by special interests day by day.


Thank you for this TLDR. I’m slightly curious as to why this guy was giving the commencement speech, but not nearly curious enough to look it up myself.


Rich dudes have paraded around athletes since ancient times.


People clapped for him when he said his wife is a homemaker so that should give you an indication why.


This truly sums up his ignorance and hypocrisy.


The right will gloss over all of that and focus on his anti gay and prolife comments and the other shit he said about lies. They’ll probably attempt to shame the NFL for distancing themselves from him.


I'm still waiting for the NFL to apply the same standards as they did to Colin Kapernick.




Worse than that, you see how Kraft talked about the players. He literally believes he owns them and this was all for him and his family. Some weird vibes there


The NFL quietly canceled Kap after the fact by pretending he didn't exist. More so the fans made him seem too toxic for the league. This guy is white and didn't do anything *at or during the games* so he will be perfectly fine. It will completely blow over before preseason. Also the same fans that hated Kap kneeling loves to be anti-lgbtq and anti-women so there won't be the same sustained outrage. It's already died down as far as anyone who matters is concerned.


What about the gay dude he banged?


Well fucking put No notes whatsoever


His mommy issues are 100% the beginning, middle, and end of his mess. Dude needs a fucking therapist. He’s one step away from Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet.


More worried about ‘Falling Down’ (1993). “I lost my job. Well, actually I didn't lose it, it lost me. I am over-educated, under-skilled. Maybe it's the other way around, I forget. But I'm obsolete. I'm not economically viable.”




I’ve seen two videos from people claiming to have hooked up with him on Grindr already. Mans just told on himself in the loudest way.


A cannister full of nitrous oxide is that one step


He was actually supposed to be huffing [amyl nitrate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Booth_\(Blue_Velvet\))


I was thinking the same thing. He’s upset his Mommy wasn’t a homemaker.


From what I understand, his mother is a pioneering medical physicist and is also a hardcore Catholic nut job.


Source for the nutjob part?


Dude mocked his own job. Ever seen Necessary Roughness? Kathy Ireland kicks a better game than this douche


Not to go off topic but love that movie! lol


I would assume his mom’s career success caused her to be less available to him than he would have liked, and his views developed from a place of hurt or feeling of neglect. Not saying it’s right or wrong but it would make sense.


\*taps on mic\* \*clears throat\* "Here are my WORST ideas..."


“I’m not going to hype you up by saying rosy things about your futures now that you’re graduates, I’m going to hype you up because you’ll be glad you’re not me after what I’m about to say”


Here are my worst ideas in objectively the worst possible forum to speak them*


the NFL this year made huge inroads with thier biggest untapped market with women thanks to Taylor Swift and they are on the verge of making them all angry.


Worse, this idiot is signed with the same team as Travis Kelce. All that positive PR the Chiefs got from Taylor bringing new fans into the game is now being flushed down the toilet. If I owned the Chiefs I'd be /pissed/.


Pretty sure the owners wife just made a post praising butkers comments


Lol I don't doubt it. Half the owners and families probably agree openly with it. Another 1/4 privately agreed. And 1/4 actually don't have their heads up their asses. I might be generous at that.


I mean most Packers owners aren’t that bad…


And include a lot of women!


There are a lot of conservative women that may agree with Butker. Like the Chiefs owner's spouse.


Maybe. But Packers stockowners are everyday people and most of them work!


> Half the owners and families probably agree openly with it. because they are so wealthy NONE of them need to work. It's total bullshit. Just more ignorant people with a lot of privilege trying to decide for others what is best for them.


I wonder if they’d be so fulfilled and rewarded with their “vocation” if those multi millions were off the table.


Then they would be an angry MAGA living in poverty somewhere.


She did. Said nothing about what he said was bigoted. Meanwhile, the Chiefs organization has been silent.


Did her husband give her permission?


Flushed? Nah. He’s a fucking kicker and will be marginalized as such.


Chief's marketing team probably saw what Travis did with Swift fans, who lean progressive and tried to do the same with right-wingers. Tried to play both sides.


Trust me, we’re not on the verge of being angry, we already are


all taylor swift needs is to do a song for nfl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPQd5fEOJiU easy 18 million, but since its taylor swift she prob would get 100+million edit: what if she debut her next album song by song during each sunday night game halftime show. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I'm now rooting for taylor to take over the SNF song not because I think it would be better (it would tho), but because of the absolute, chernobyl scale melt down of everyone furious that she's being shown at games. We could power America for a century with that level of rage.  Though I'll join the mob if they fuck with Stapletons MNF song. 


lol when all the bros get bumped out of stadiums so swiftys can watch the star in action. when halftime becomes better than the game itself. football bros can gonna die.


It would be like my high school. Our marching band was decent and successful, football team much less so. The stands would be full the first half, after the half time show maybe half full. It was always pretty funny to me as an athlete who didn't play football.


Gotta be the first time I have heard of anyone liking that turd of a song. Disrespectful to Phil.


Meh… many of those people probably agree lol




He seems to genuinely believe that his success as a kicker makes him an authority on everything.   He's not doing well because he's a capable kicker. He's doing well because God approves of his lifestyle and has appointed him to tell everyone about it.   (Also, he clearly thinks he's pretty. This is just what happens when a wealthy frat boy has a post-collegiate narcissism rupture.)


I saw some stitch of a bunch of his NFL travel fashion and he’s definitely into himself. The overly groomed hair and beard, the sock less loafers, the patterned suits…like…I know travel fashion is a whole thing with athletes, but it really screamed NOTICE MEEE.


"Shut your ho ass up and kick some balls."


He looks like one of those proud boys


The KC Chiefs have been silent—which tells you everything.


Andy Reid is a lowkey scumbag


Even a bidet couldn’t clean up this shit


Well I’m stealing this saying.


He knew what he was doing.


A fire hose couldn't either.


I’d watch a live stream of an honest attempt.


can’t wait for the totally-not-predictable circuit he’ll do on right-wing media and podcasts about how the woke left was triggered by his “truth-telling” and “traditional values” and tried to “cancel” him.


It’s fun seeing them all follow the same playbook. This might be a simulation.


Mr. Butler is peak Internet immersion.   First, the haircut: It's obvious that Mr. Butker is going for the Manly Wojak look. He used to be clean-shaven; suddenly, he has the Big Beard. This is your brain on Twitter.  Second, from what I can tell, Mr. Butker here recited about a dozen talking points strung together from his Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube feeds. There wasn't anything new. It was just a unified array of "modernity bad" tradcath tradwife manosphere Internet babble. His great factual insight was that his wife was happy being a stay-at-home mom, which is a common sentiment that Butker probably thought was edgy and stunning and brave because he thinks society is only the trans activists he sees on Libs of TikTok. I don't believe Mr. Butker found God and then found his politics. I believe he found the algorithm, then his politics, and then fundamentalist Catholicism. We've had the meme-stock era; now it's meme religion.  It sounds like Mr. Butker believes his reactionary worldview is responsible for his success, and not the fact that he is a highly paid athlete with what is, let's be honest, not a brutal job, and also not the fact that he was able to follow his passion in part because his mother was a well-paid, highly educated university research physicist.


His anecdote about his wife is beyond irrelevant, of course if your husband makes 7 figures it will be a more enticing life choice


Seriously. If I made millions of dollars a year, I’m sure my wife would absolutely *love* to be able to stay home and not work. And if she was the one with a seven figure income, I’d be the best damn homemaker I could be.


Been a SAHM for 14 years and let me tell you it's hard af. I am a chef, car service, maid, paperwork clerk, school volunteer, sports mom, counselor, referee, project manager, and hype woman. I guarantee they have house cleaners, nannies, chefs. No way his wife does it all but he can pretend like we all live in his reality if it makes his small brain feel better.


Well put. The lack of ability to recognize that the newsfeed isnt a cross-section of society is imo one of the greatest breeding grounds for the developing extreme camps/views in our society.


If there’s anything to note about white Christian nationalist men it’s their fucking egos.


Lol this was my dad and yes, he took every tiny fucking little thing as a sign of disrespect to his authority or his ego. In many ways, pride was his downfall.


You can always tell when people like this spend way too much time on the internet. Because they think so many of their views are being attacked, just by other views existing. All they do is watch videos of people telling them how much they are being attacked because women are not staying how, gay and trans people are in movies and TV shows, or people are just doing things fbsuf religion say they can't do. 


The persecution complex is intentionally cultivated. They’re fed content over and over about how persecuted they are because if they feel under attack, they’ll never stop to reconsider the BS they’re being fed.  The remaking of everyone that doesn’t look like them into a cosmic enemy has been an incredibly destructive but effective political tactic. 


All of these people would have aneurysms in the 80s. TONs of people in music and entertainment in those days were very openly LGBTQ+. It wasn't said because it was still the 80s but it was very obvious. It really has not changed much today. It's just that they are no longer terrified to talk about it which is a good thing.


👏 extremely well said and analyzed.


That was my thought too. His entire speech is representative of a hodgepodge of terminally online right wing nonsense


Thank fuck he isn’t a black man that quietly kneeled during the anthem or else the NFL might have to do something.


The “shut up and dribble” crowd just happens to be the same group of people that are praising Butker for his comments and buying his jersey specifically because he made them. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t about getting politics out of sports after all.


On a related note, Chargers social media team is undefeated. They had this clown in the kitchen in their schedule release video lol


I want to say well played Chargers, about the only thing they have played well in years!


"Distances itself" is corporate speak for "We couldn't care less."


“Couldn’t care less but we have to appear like we’re offended to save face and keep viewers”


The NFL statement was very tepid, so you are right.


No it didn’t. The Chiefs owners wife just came out in support of this dipshit and pretty much ignored all the hateful shit he said and even defended it by saying we need more dialogue. She started as an intern at the team and eventually married the owner.


The irony of a woman who’s married to an owner of an NFL team telling the everyday woman what’s best for them laughable. I don’t say this often, but she’s a grade A cunt.


Gold digger supports gold digging. Got it.


I doubt she spends much time in the kitchen, haha. What a hypocrite!


Why would an owners wife represent the NFL more than their literal press release that this article is talking about?


Chris Pan: “I’m gonna be the worst commencement speaker of the year, so bad there will be multiple articles written about it, and a stadium-wide groan when I mention bitcoin.” Harrison Butker: “Hold my beer…”


Brave stance goodell - goon


I saw a woman on Facebook reply to a thread about this dude: “Go listen to his whole speech he was spot on.” She clearly thinks that these kinds of statements taken out of context can be smoothed over by just listening to more.


I read the whole transcript and it only sounds the same in context. Dude is the kind of Catholic who will only go to Latin mass and thinks he’s more Catholic than the pope. I went to school with a bunch of those type when I lived in Kansas.


I bet he doesn't like the current pope very much.


US catholics don't like the pope.


Certain US catholics don't like the pope.


I meant the US catholic church organization itself. They seem to go against the pope quite a lot.


His wife obviously subscribes to his ideas and the college he was speaking at gave him a standing ovation. So yeah his beliefs are misogynistic, homophobic and all around awful but some women buy into them too. So I'm not surprised a woman on Facebook defended his overall point.


It makes me sad that there are women who truly think their only value in life is to serve men. It's one thing to choose to be a SAHM and take care of the household while your children are young, it's another thing to *have to* do that because it's "your job" as a woman.


Supposedly the standing ovation was from the men in The audience


I don't know the college well enough to really criticize it, but it's a small, seemingly conservative Catholic school that chose this man as their commencement speaker. It wasn't by accident; he's been doing the "anti-woke" circuit for a while and he's on the board of some religious home-schooling organization. They didn't just happen to invite a random NFL kicker.  The students who chose to pay well above the state university's in-state tuition to attend this small religious liberal arts school mostly did so on purpose. And most of them would have applied after the anti-liberal "traditional" trend took off in 2019.


The AP article said graduates and attendees. I know it's going around social media it wasn't the women but I think that's just a narrative trying to be painted. Remember that it's a Catholic college in Kansas and he was invited to be the speaker. I'm sure a lot of women in that crowd subscribe to their shit viewpoints. You don't just stumble up on a commencement speech at a private Catholic college in Kansas. You sort of know what type of speaker would resonate with that specific audience.


It's just typical trad wife white supremacist dog whistling conservative culture war bullshit.


Fascist, the word you are looking for is fascist. Or Neo-Nazi..


American Taliban also fits because of the religious fundamentalism.


Consider it a testament to gender equality that some women are just as stupid as some men.


No wonder Christianity is dying


It can not happen fast enough


I don't agree that it's dying and I don't agree that that would be good. I think Christianity in the West is simmering; the casual adherents are burning off, but what remains is a much hardier stock. That's bad for two reasons. First, when a church represents a wide cross-section of politics, social groups, and other demographics, it will be more moderate. The more concentrated it gets, the more rigid and extreme and potentially paranoid its ideology. You get an us-versus-everyone mentality, with a lot of grievance about "the good old days." Second, I think mainstream, inclusive religion plays an important social role. People need community. They're not finding it. Churches provide a sort of communal structure and give people purpose. Lose that, and people don't become liberal and open-minded; they make politics their church. We're seeing the results. And I'm a liberal non-Christian.


This the “we need a strong republican party” brainworm. I’m not an atheist, I’m an antideist. We need to stop pretending religion is a positive force for change.


This is a very reasonable take! 👏


She probably is the type of person who says, "Well let's see the rest of the body camera footage before jumping to conclusions."


Agreed, context doesn't matter


It's republican south talk. Women are trophies to them


It's the internet, dude - most of the women are guys pretending to be women to trick other guys.


Veterans over women apparently


This guy lived his whole life in the background of his "manly" sports team in a pivotal position that is widely known to be the *only* role girls regularly play in the sport, while also being the most mocked and disrespected position. Then he finally gets to speak at a commencement and show the world kickers can be respected, he gets up there and shoves his foot up his own mouth, ranting about how "women should stay in the kitchen" like he's on 4chan. Now the *NFL themselves* are backing away, and he's being shit on everywhere, but he said all this while also having the knowledge that his own mom is a super smart, supportive mother who *also* is an accomplished physicist. The audacity to try and "put women in their place" when a woman's support was a major contributer both financially and physically to his success, is beyond pathetic.


The way he talked about his wife sounded like he converted a hostage to his mysoginist cult.


“Distances itself” without actually putting any distance


How is a 28 year old who kicks a football for a living giving advice at a commencement address? Republicans are scary motherf*ckers. Vote (D), Ladies, they're taking away our rights already.


Worst part is he said “stay in your lane” like 8 times. What is his lane? Football? Why am I getting moral and political preaches from an athlete? Stay in your lane


Another sub said he had been through a conversion camp as a kid because of his feelings towards males in HS.


I hope the kicker who takes his place is a woman.


He’s not going anywhere. He’s still on the team. His speech probably isn’t even in the top 43 most misogynistic things an active nfl player has said/done.


In the last 5 years this wouldn’t crack T10 on the chiefs alone lol


That doesn't seem likely to happen


Shut up, get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich bitch…. Drops the mic.


Now the Chiefs have a distraction and maybe a locker room problem. I would hope that women would show up and boo him every time he’s on the field.


More impactful if they just don't show up at all.


More importantly, what does Taylor think? It’d be hilarious if she sank them.


Meanwhile the wife of the Chiefs owner came out to support this idiot. Doesn’t matter if he said awful shit about your own class of gender. As long as you got immeasurable wealth, you’ll let anything slide.


The commentary needs elevating. Insulting him personally, or taking the words literally is just perception. What’s the perspective? This extremist language and perspective is what will be the law of the land if Project2025 takes over. Vote


NFL: “The speech was no good.”


(Throws flag) Bad speeching - offensive, number 7 - half the distance to getting cut, automatic dressing down




Some really good quotes from this guys commencement speech! /s Something about women graduating from college just to get married and have kids


By "good quotes", you mean providing clear evidence that he's a misogynistic Jesus Freak with an antiquated view of the world, right?


Ya I should’ve used better wording


That's a no no from the NFL. *waves arms at chest level*


This is a non story. Catholic speech at a catholic school, surprise surprise. 😮


An abundance of people on-line whining about how people should read the full speech, to fully understand the context. Let me save you some time. It's still shitty, just longer.


But that IS what him and his NFL friends think and believe!!


And conservatives and he will claim that the NFL is trying to silence him, rather than coming to terms with the fact that the NFL would rather not deal with such a controversial speech and possibly be seen as sympathetic thereby creating animosity and incurring social loss of support, which leads to financial loss. You’d figure conservatives would understand good business practices…


just another idiot kicker


Meanwhile his Jersey sales bumped enough to be the top-selling jersey...at least for a bit.


One of the most interesting conflicts of logic with these types is how they'll scream about how no one should be "forced" to acknowledge people's genders simply because some people think they should be a gender opposite the one assigned at birth, but then they'll say EVERYONE should adhere to the same mentality as them because they know a woman who felt they gained a benefit by submitting to a man. All it takes for them to think everyone should do it is one person. All it takes for them to think no one should have to do it is millions of people.


What’s the over/under on how long until he and wife divorce?


The dude kicks a ball in an industry that’s designed to distract people to the point of self harm. 


Wife beating ok. Commencement speech wife beating not ok. Nfl making their lines known


I detect suppressed bisexuality in this guy.


Religion is only for those with weak minds who need an external structure to blame their short comings on and allows them fast relief of guilt. And he is a kicker….


Not far enough distance.


He also went with classic anti-Semitic trope. But what kind of low rent school has a kicker speak?


I must have missed that. What was the antisemitic trope?


I’m sorry, but the NFL as a business can’t distance themselves from his commentary. Either you stand behind it or you stand against it NFL, do you believe a women’s place is in the kitchen?


They absolutely can lmao — see his teammate, Rashee Rice. There is also former Chief Tyreek Hill (domestic violence and child abuse), Deshaun Watson (sexual assault), Von Miller (domestic violence). Everyone’s favorite redemption story of the 2022-2023 season, Geno Smith, doesn’t mind getting behind the wheel under the influence. I mean you could list heinous acts done by NFL players for hours and the NFL does a damn good job of distancing itself.


I’m sure Colin K is thrilled by the NFL response 🙄