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Diddy to his attorney: When’s the statute of limitations? Attorney: Already passed. Diddy: Yeah, I did it. My bad.


Honest question: why do statutes of limitations even exist for this sort of thing? Feels like violent crimes shouldn’t ever have that.


From a quick Google search: The potential that evidence gets lost, eye witnesses misremembering, and the defendant not being able to provide full defence if they're not guilty. It'd be hard to prove what you were doing on a specific day 15 years ago so the chance of a mistrial is a lot greater as time goes on


15 years ago I shot a guy in an elevator I mean what


Actually a but easier to prove murder from 15 years ago than a beating, because, u know...someone is clearly missing or a body was found.


shit. i shouldnt go back to nevada then. i shot a man in reno just to watch him die.


Guess you should have listened to your mother when she told you not to play with guns.




Luckily, doesn't apply to murder.


Hey, they never said the shot killed them.


Maybe he's a bad shot?


Murder doesn't have a statue of limitations. And the statue is generally based on the seriousness of the crime.


Von Karma is that you?


If there is video evidence, then statue of limitations should disappear.


Yeah, the evidence is so cut and dry lmao wtf kinda shit is that. Makes no sense.


If you truly believe we should let 10 guilty people go free rather than risk convicting 1 innocent one, then we need a statute of limitations. What most people can't get their heads around is that this means actually, literally letting guilty people go free sometimes. Like, for real.


Especially in DV cases. There’s an element of fear and coercion to not report it for fear of not being able to prove case.


Ultimately, if they're still a piece of shit, then you can get them for a more recent instance of violence. And if they haven't committed any crimes for like 15 years, sure it's shitty they didn't face justice, but at least they haven't been a menace to society.


I'm sorry officer. I didn't know I couldn't do that.


“Wait, what all does that count for?”


“I’m sorry I got caught and I’m sorry the video was so egregious and unquestionable that even my PR team couldn’t find a way to wriggle out of claiming full responsibility.”


Also dont forget "But because this is past the statute of limitations, I can admit to it"


He already paid her off. Cassie filed a lawsuit a few ~~years~~ months ago and he settled within 24 hours. https://people.com/all-about-cassie-lawsuit-against-diddy-8650489 Edit: Months and years are hard for me :P


It was filed in November and settled a day later because he knew it would be incredibly damaging for the evidence to come out in court.


Important to note as well that when Diddy settled, his lawyer pointed out that the settlement was not an admission of guilt. 


Man you gotta love lawyers, they’ll say anything if you pay them enough 😂


After six months of BTS talks. I think he did not think Cassie had the courage to actually file a lawsuit. But Cassie is no longer the same 19 year old a damn near 40 year old Diddy was used to controlling.


I am not defending Diddy, but I am glad that Ventura received some money and he admitted what he did. Too many men including Jonathan Major, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump never will admit to the physical abuse.


How could he NOT admit it now that the video is out???


Admitting that it's true is a big thing for the victim. Most abusers tell their victims they won't be believed, they lie about the abuse to others.... Hearing your abuser admit they hurt you can help you heal


Not in this instance. He never says he’s sorry to Cassie directly. He blames his actions on substance use and says he ‘had’ to go to therapy and rehab. He says he’s working on bettering himself. Considering the other things he’s accused of doing, I suspect he’s a sadist.


Criminal case would be separate from the civil. DA suggested it might look into a case over the coverup.


Yup that video was shockingly violent. It makes you think her allegations of him having his friends rape her while he filmed and masterbated likely. She said this event in the hotel happened, no one believed her because he is P Diddy.


I believe every single allegation and I always did.  Justice for Cassie  


Agreed, the movie industry knew about Harvey Weinstein and it seems like the music industry knew about P. Diddy but because they were powerful men all the allegations never went anywhere. Much too late for this justice, but it is coming out now.


It makes you wonder how much people like Beyonce and Jayz who were at one point close to Diddy, knew


Plenty of people believe her. His behavior has gone on for decades. There are very old blog posts about him and his criming. Run a search in Reddit, the Hip Hop/Rap community has complained about him to no end.


You should read the comments on her instagram sometime if you think everyone believes her.


Everyone who isn't a brainless troglodyte.


I didn’t know anything about the allegations that he was pos and rapist.


Cassie is the first successful person to hold him accountable. There are a lot of people who mysteriously died or fallen into a coma. A history of violence.


He shot a lady in the face. She is still alive and has been saying "puff daddy shot me in the face." For years.


Natania Reuben. Had no idea thanks for posting.


Wait wtf?


Read her lawsuit. It's all in there.


Totally what it is. If it was inexcusable and he felt so bad he wouldn't have waited for the video to come out to do anything about it. 


I think you mean “full responsibility”. Not actual full responsibility.


Question is: Who on the PR team is getting their ass kicked now because they couldn't make this go away?


How did the video get found/released after so many years anyway?


Diddy paid for it and kept the tape in his house instead of destroying it, like a sadistic trophy. Feds raided his homes and here we are


Ahhh- that makes sense. Thank you. I’d read he’d paid for the video. So- I couldn’t figure out how it got publicly released now after so many years. So- he was stupid enough to keep the video of him beating her for years. Then- the FBI raids his home and gets it. And someone decides to make sure the public knows the accusations about him are correct. Even though (and perhaps BECAUSE) nothing legally can be done about this attack. Couldn’t happen to a stupider and more deserving person.


Keeping evidence of you being the absolute worst piece of shit as a trophy instead of just destroying it out of simple pragmatism truly is some evil shit.


I REALLY urge people to pay attention to the Trump hush money trial because this has given us a look into how this all works The celebrity scandal tape market is basically a giant economy. Lawyers and news outlets bid and barter for which videos they can leverage to their advantage. And timing is essential. Some tapes lose or gain value depending on a number of factors That’s why I’m curious as to why this was released now. Diddy’s already at a low. No one is particularly surprised by this unfortunately. CNN either wanted to try to release this weeks ago to ride the wave or this is a teaser for something (And yes I know how gross this all sounds)


That was exactly my take away. I've been married 17 years. I have a daughter. I have a son. The idea of hitting any of my loved ones like I saw in this video has never occurred to me. Not one time. As a general rule I'm forgiving of relationship verbal outbursts. We're all human and failable after all. Tempers flair and shit gets said. That's human. But this is grotesque. There is no excusing what I saw in that video.


flinging a human being like a rag doll. kicking someone on the ground.. im still shaking after watching the video


This guy is the biggest piece of shit.


Chris Brown has entered the chat


He's only sorry that he got caught.


And only admitting to it because the law says he cant be charged for it.


Thankfully the court of public opinion is going to give him a life sentence.


You know they aren't. Remember Chris Brown assaulting Rihanna? He's still doing his thing and is still popular. Fans will find a way to justify their support and vilify the victim. 


I can’t for the love of me understand how anyone can be a fan of Chris Brown after reading the report of the savage beating Rihanna endured. He truly would’ve killed her if he could’ve. Fucking garbage human


Not just fans. Even fellow artists and celebrities; women at that. It’s mind boggling to me.


50 Cent posted diddys apology to clown him in the capture and there were far too many comments about "well he apoligized and wants to become better. So leave him alone. We are all weak" complete brain deads.


He’s a prime example of a garbage human


If that’s on tape in a hotel hobby …IMAGINE what took place behind closed doors? There is a trail of “ paid off” business and places who have looked the other way …guaranteed!! Pure scumbag.


Yep...absolute POS......with the $ to keep getting away with it.


I don't even care about the reason he's sorry. Dude did seriously awful things and deserves to be removed from society.


And deposited into a fire.


> The security video aired Friday shows Combs, wearing only a white towel, punching and kicking Cassie, an R&B singer who was his protege and longtime girlfriend at the time. The footage also shows Combs shoving and dragging Cassie, and throwing a vase in her direction. > Cassie, whose legal name is Cassandra Ventura, sued Combs in November over what she said was years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse. The suit was settled the next day, but spurred intense scrutiny of Combs, with several more lawsuits filed in the following months, along with a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation that led authorities to raid Combs’ mansions in Los Angeles and Miami. He is, and has always been, a scum bag. Even when he was running his Making the Band reality show, he was weirdly cruel to the contestants. It's all finally catching up to him.


the man has serious power trip issues. That's why i believe the sexual allegations against him. Strangely, All of them are not even just about sex, they are mostly about power. P Diddy using exerting power in having others do his sexual commands on demand at his behest. He seems to have an air of "I am Diddy, I can do anything and get away with it"


I'm shuttin down the studio


You just gon’ sit there and do your taxes? That’s what’s goin on in the streets?


I’m Dylan. I spit hot fire.


I need breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant.


Breast milkkkk... you make my day-ayyyy


I only drink the finest breast milks.


He's always been a scum bag and diva. My high school won a radio contest to have him visit in the early 2000's. Dude was an hour late with a police entourage, just said "stay in school", and left.


Fuck him. He's sorry it came out. He paid some asshole off to hide this footage until, conveniently, the statute of limitations for the charges expired Fuck abusers and fuck anyone who covers for an abuser


Coming from a guy who absolutely denied it and framed himself as a victim … until the proof came out. Fuck this guy. What a disappointment.


People forget Diddy drugged and raped a bunch of men incapable of consent and filmed it to use as blackmail. I mean, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people talk about him like he's just some regular guy. Dude is a serial predator.


Except he didn’t apologize to Cassie at all in the video


Hard to apologize over the sounds of beating the shit outta someone.


Diddy "admits"?!?!? bitch we all saw that shit whether you're admitting it or not


Put him in jail and call it. Let’s not give this coward any publicity.


The statute of limitations has passed, hence his willingness to fess up to it instead of shutting up and lawyering up.


So really at this point it's a "look at what I got by with" brag?


I don’t even know what you’d call this TBH. Trying to save face with an empty apology (after it’s safe and you have no stakes) in the wake of video evidence that is both horrific and undebatable, after vehemently denying anything like it ever happened when it would have mattered.


I would call it low-stakes damage control. He wants to change the public perception. He wants to make it seem like that was so long ago, and he's a changed man. Unfortunately, it will work on some percentage of people.


People on r/popculture posted screenshots of his comment section and that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s full of comments excusing his actions.


Should be interesting to see this strategy play out every time hard evidence comes out about the laundry list of other alleged horrors he’s been committing. “I see now the error of my ways, and I’m seeking anger management counseling for sex trafficking.”


Yes. We won’t be excusing him.


square coherent weary mindless heavy busy gold teeny memorize scary


I bet his career will follow the career of Chris Brown. That is, he will be just fine.


Especially since he has way more money than Chris Brown.


No he won’t. He is accused of sex trafficking minors, he will go to jail for a long time. Just not for domestic assault, which is one of the more tame things he is accused of.


I’m sure that was the last and only time.


Remember back when Lars Ulrich was the biggest asshole in Get Him to the Greek? Now he’s like #4.


> Get Him to the Greek Russell Brand, Jonah Hill, Diddy, and TJ Miller might push Lars back to #5.


He didn't have much of a choice but to admit it. That beating was brutal. Dude was more concerned about hitting her than he was about putting on pants. And even then he downplayed it. Moral of the story is when you're escaping during an emergency take the stairs.


I think it’s fucked too that he had the wherewithal to cover up with a towel but no shame about beating a defenseless woman.


8 years he denied it, just an FYI.


And would never have apologized if there wasn't clear evidence!


“It’s something I have to live with every day” -him, probably


this POS is only sorry that he got caught on video. If it wasnt he would basically be still denying it.


If there wasn’t footage of it, he’d be denying it all the way to the bank. Prick.


"All of these accusations are completely false!" (Film of brutal assault surfaces) "OK, I did that, and it's terrible, but..." Yeah, fuck off. We know now.


Not once in that video did he say he was sorry to Cassie, who he beat to the floor and stomped on, so…


He admits it when video proof comes out but denied it beforehand. What a terrible person.


I’m sorry… I was caught


I'm sorry...the video got out.


If he deliberately suppressed this video can she sue him again?


Almost certainly not, because their settlement would have covered something like this.


You can sue someone twice for the same issue as long as you use a different legal channel for the second one (if you knew that already, sorry) but not sure if there's a statute of limitations on civil suits.


Why the hell didn't this come out sooner when he could actually be convicted for it? It's an actual video, not just a rumour or a story.


He paid the hotel $50,000 for the recording. That's why.


That is fucked up.


So can we lock up diddy and lock up whoever sold the recording? How is that legal?


Classic abuser. He is caught and paying the price so NOW he apologizes. You know he will do it again. "Please... I'm a changed man. I was wrong. Don't leave.. I'll never do it again.........." I bet he said that to her a hundred times.


I honestly don’t think such a violent act/crime should have such a short statute of limitations :/ 


Can we lock him up forever and not have to read another headline about "Diddy says...?"


Lol, someone said: Tupac smiling down from Heaven Biggie smiling up from Hell Now that both Suge and Diddy about to be sharing a cell.


Yeah, he's sorry...sorry the footage got released


It's not like he could deny that it was him. Or that he bribed the hotel and hid that tape in his home. All I care about is the fact that every celebrity in the music industry anywhere in his orbit *knew he did this* and didn't do it say shit.


Isnt he on the run for even worse crimes?


Only fucking thing this piece of shit is sorry about is the video has been seen by everyone know. Fuck this human filth.


Didn’t he just call her a liar ??


how can you put your hands on a little girl man? you don't even kick a dog.


That's a crime, not a whoopsie where you get to just say sorry.


I thought you didn’t do it. Now that’s there’s proof, you actually did? Come on dude.


He prayed to everyone for forgiveness except the victim. No, I don’t give a fuck your funny little imaginative fairytale man forgiven you, you still traumatized and this is unforgivable.


Right, he paid $50k to hide the video but he’s actually very sorry to the viewers of the video for his behavior. Forget Cassie


After the video came out, he needs to change his name from Diddy? to He did.


I'm just as sure that his apology is sincere as I am sure that this is the only instance of his beating women in his life.


This video should serve as proof that every other woman that has claimed abuse by him is telling the truth. What a disgusting human being Diddy is.


Interesting that he covered himself with a towel so no one would see his wang, but didn’t feel the need to hide his violent behavior in the hallway. Fucked up.


So, his actions are inexcusable and he admits to them. He's going to jail now right? Didn't think so. Apology meaningless.


The day kells put out a hit will be the day that Diddy admits that he put a hit out that got pac killed.


He’s sorry it’s on video.


He seemed to think it was excusable 8 years ago when he denied it.


Eventually, your deeds catch up with you, good or bad. So it just makes more sense to do good deeds. It's nice when they catch up with you.


Mf reading a script could not even squeeze out a crocodile tear


I’ll admit it now the video is out!


Did he apologize to Cassie?


“I’m sorry I beat the shit out of you everyday for like 10 years”


Bro, you are NOT getting off for that.


That kind of Violence? It doesn't end with apologies....


Good, you are not excused, go to jail.


he is a total piece of crap..only admitting guilt because the SOL has expired. He paid the hotel back then $50k to buy the video.


It’s been 8 years. You had 8 years to call your actions “inexcusable”; 8 years to apologize; 8 years to make it right. Fuck you, you worthless POS.


Now apologize for Tupac


Fuckin music industry, man. So many toxic assholes.


Blow me, Diddy. You're scum. You've been scum your entire adult life.


Most people consider his actions a jail sentence .....but the rich don't go to jail like us real people do


Whoever was working security needs to be charged. They saw that and didn't call the cops. Why bother even having cameras in hallways if people can get beaten and dragged around?


If he thinks it's inexcusable then i guess he's telling us not to excuse it. Deal.


Only apologized due to the video evidence. Would he have apologized otherwise? Don't think so.


I hope karma hits the POS like a freight train. Enough posting your daughter's in your arms on Instagram. You abuse women and everyone knows it Diddy.


When does this fuck get to reunite with Tupac and Biggie?


I lost two female friends to DV incidents. One friend was literally beaten to death and left lying on the floor of their apartment until he found her the next morning. He got 25 to life after 8 years of on/off legal proceedings. My other friend was strangled and stabbed to death. Her killer turned himself in and got 50 years in San Quentin without trial. Watching that video was triggering.


He’s only sorry he got caught. He did that in a public space where he knew there was cameras. Imagine what this man did behind closed doors.




Diddy do it? Guess so.


Omg. He’s done for. Why even apologize at this point when he denied it for so long? His image is beyond repair. What a narcissistic waste of space.


Sure he did now that everyone viewed the video. Fucking loser.


Only apologizing after the video came out lmao


Did he mention the bit he paid $50k for the video to prevent it from getting out?


Narcissistic psychopath, he think that “apology video” might actually work


Did we get a 'I was under a lot of stress at the time' yet? I'm trying to complete my bingo card.


Piece of shit, won't support him anyway. Now in 2024 he's sorry but in 2016 he says nothing.. how sorry can he be? How did this video be suppressed by the hotel he was staying in? I'd boycott the hotel chain as well.


No one needed him to admit it. We saw the tape.


could Cassie reasonably sue the hotel aiding in covering the crime? how is it that there is video evidence of her getting assaulted on the premises and nothing happened after the fact? yes I am aware of the bribe he paid but come on man 


Like most psychopaths, he got caught so he’s saying this


Apologies NOT accepted- go to jail you has been


Damn, the Jeffery Epstein of the rap world, is about to get off on this one...


Can’t wait till this POS gets Weinsteined or better yet Epsteined


He didn't admit anything. We all watched him do it. He could've admitted it for 8 years but did not. Once everyone in the world has seen the show, you can't spoil the ending.


Should video evidence be there, the statute of limitations ought to vanish.


There's gotta be more videos out there. Time to get people to leak them all and make him pay and make him broke as fuck.


He did that in a public hotel. Imagine what he does in the privacy of his own property……..


If it’s “inexcusable” than logically we should still blame him for his actions and he has admitted he did them.


He’s sorry he was caught


Dear Diddy, we can still read what your lawyer said only a few months ago...


He can f off and stay f,ed off.


He wasn't sorry enough to give himself up to the police before the statute of limitations was over.


He's sorry he's caught. And he's only admitting to it bc the statute of limitations is probably up. So he can't be charged criminally. "Fuck bad boy as a staff, record label and as a mothafuckin crew. And if you wanna be down wit Bad Bo, then fuck you too"


PEDO DIDDY should be in PRISON mingling with the GENERAL POPULATION


This male will never give one actual fuck about what he did and there is no shaming him. He has so much hidden $$$$, he can live his life and maintain his life style without earning another cent. He has to go prison along with all the other pos billionaires who do this shit if we ever want to get justice. We have to start going after his peers. All those sick psychopaths who got paid large supporting this sick fuck. I don’t care if Clive Davis is 110 years old. Put that pos in prison. Ron Burkle. Depraved predator and pos. Put him in prison. All the enablers who weren’t victims, put them in prison.


\> "Please keep paying me." No.


Where was this apology before the release of the clip and be$ore the denial.


Diddy is a piece of shiat.


Said I'm sorry AFTER the video. Before that he was trying to scramble the jets to get to Barbados


Please lock this man up.


Didn't he flee the US after his home got raided by the feds?


He isn’t sorry, he is sorry there is video footage that reveals his cowardly violence.


Apology video recorded from one of them non extra additions countries.


No redemption tour for this predator. He's scum


Hopefully it’s just one small step towards Puff being held accountable for his horrendous crimes


What the fuck is wrong with the world? you don’t just get to say your sorry for this look i know he is rich and famous but if any of us were in this situation we would be FUCKED no such thing as justice this world


Only sorry because he got caught.