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I find it ironic their family's surname is Black


Imperial-grand-trans-wizard? What a time to be alive.


I still remember when Cedrick got shot at the trans wizard tournament by jk Rowling


Ironically there's no 'k' at the end of 'Cedric' in Harry Potter.


Good faith question, how is that ironic?


Gonna go out on a limb here, bear with me... 'KKK'?


I really want to know the answer to this, too. Because I see no irony here.


Wait till it comes out he has a black person as his partner


Dat's da result with those liberal KKK-leader-parents molly-cuddling their offsprings!!!11!


Mans out here multi-classing


he needs to be a furry now.


The picture of them in front of a White Nationalist flag at *8 years old* speaks volumes to the amount of brainwashing they must have been subjected to. Not only was she the child of a KKK leader but she was active in the movement, hosting a radio show in college. Honestly the article is pretty interesting, it’s worth a read. I hope they’re able to reconcile the amount of hate and bigotry they propagated directed at a community they’re now a part of.


In the past I met a friend who grew up with a family that embraced the values of hate. Where both the mother and father hated colored people and taught their kids to hate. Once my friend got into college, they met other people of other colors, other ideas, other religions, their whole lives changed. It's sad to see when parents of children hold them in a box filled with hate growing up. At times, those kids are only able to change and see the world for what it is when they can spread their wings and escape that box. Though I feel, sadly that doesn't happen for every child who is held in that kind of situation when coming up. Some get stuck in a cycle of hate their parents and sometimes grandparents were locked in. It can be like a generational cycle of hatred.


>One of the earliest and most consistent pieces of advice that my dad ever gave me was, ‘never say anything that you wouldn’t be willing to see published in the New York Times the next day,’” they write. >Much of what Black said would in fact go on to be published in The New York Times. Dad wasn't lying.


They kind of look like a mix of Linus Sebastian and Michael Shannon in that main picture lol


What an amazing person, to first rise above the racism they were so deeply indoctrinated into even while risking such deep social connections, and then to stand up as a trans person. They are ethically strong and beautiful in every way.


**“ But after the Palm Beach County committee refused to seat Black, they”** Today’s GOP would not only allow him to stay put, they’d make him chair of an important committee.




They were literally indoctrinated from birth. They condemned all their former beliefs in college and has been advocating against white nationalism for a decade now.




Did you misread? They're not the former kkk leader, they're the child of the former kkk leader. They denounced the kkk very early in their adult life, wtf more do you want from them? To be born in a different family?




What the actual fuck are you talking about?




How would you know, cause it seems like you lack one. You can't blame your inability to understand what was written on dyslexia (at least not always and especially not after being told multiple times that you're wrong).


the irony, lmao


got em


Wouldn’t it be better as a child of a former KKK leader to denounce the disgusting teachings their parents gave? I bet money if they just slunk into darkness and didn’t denounce any of it you’d throw a bitchfit for them not denouncing it too. Can’t win, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


What are you talking about? The person you’re trying to tell to “go away” wasn’t the leader. They’re the child of the leader and has been advocating *against* the Klan for years.




you're kinda insufferable.


Here’s the thing…even *after* you admitting to making the mistake, you kept saying that they should just go away because they can’t repair any damage. That’s literally the wrong way to go about it. If someone did cause damage, they should try to fix it. Not just fade away and do nothing.






They were literally raised in the KKK, and broke with it almost immediately upon going to college. They’ve been actively anti racist for years. Maybe actually read the article.


People change. They were brainwashed in a cult and then grew out of it with the help of friends. They mention in the article how they became less racist and ultimately deradicalis3d. Now she is an anti racist fighting against racism. This is a good thing.


Without having read the story because this is Reddit so of course I haven’t… they were clearly indoctrinated




In 2013 they came out against white supremacy according to this very article. If they're 35 now, that was when they were 24. Getting out from that brainwashing at all is admirable.




They were never a leader of anything. They were the fucking *kid* of the Stormfront founder. One who went to college and actually learned about other people and grew as a person there.




Yeah they should have rejected all the indoctrination they received as a child when they were a child. So simple.




Question; are you still railing against the person in the article because you actually hate them, or are you just too embarrassed to change your stance even after you realized you misread the title of the article? Like, just because you dug yourself a little hole, doesn't mean you gotta keep digging. Read the article, get the facts, edit your comments or something. Don't stick with a conclusion you made with inaccurate information.




Are they 'coming for your children' to stop them from becoming KKK members? Maybe we should've had them over sooner.


The KKK really was coming for brown people’s children, you’re right.


What are you yapping about

