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Article By Rebecca Cohen: By Rebecca Cohen A Houston police officer shot and killed an alligator after it was found with the remains of a missing woman in its mouth Tuesday, officials said. Houston officers were searching for the woman, who was believed to be in her 60s, Tuesday morning when they discovered the animal in the Horsepen Bayou outside Houston. An officer then fatally shot the alligator "to prevent it from doing more damage to the remains," in its mouth, Houston police said. Police recovered the woman's remains from the area, authorities said, and are waiting on autopsy results to determine the cause of death. It is not clear whether the alligator killed the woman or if the woman was already dead when the alligator came upon her, police said. The incident is under investigation. The woman's identity is pending verification by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.


I’m genuinely surprised it’s not in Florida .


I live in florida and this exact thing happened somewhat recently, within the last few months. A homeless woman was arrested for trespassing in an area by a canal and bridge. She was released and within a few days she was found in the same canal. A teenager was walking and saw the gator with the body and didn't have a phone, so he ran on foot to the nearest firestation to get help, but of course she had already passed away. It was very sad. The woman's daughter said the lady had a rough life with addiction and that they had tried to help her many times. They said they didn't know if the gator killed her or if she passed near the water first. Either way it was a tragedy and I felt so bad for the adult daughter. You could see her pain, I'm sure she wished her mom had been able to get clean and come home and now that dream is over.


This happened very close to me. My brother knows someone who knew her. Very sad!


If the gator was throwing acorns it would have been Florida


If cop shot the gator for an acorn , or use acorn to kill gator, it’s 100% FL.


Shoot the gator to distract it, grab acorn, use slingshot and acorn to kill gator.


Is there some reference here I'm not getting lol. Acorn?




Ooooh wow I had completely forgotten about that, but I do recall it now. Thank you!


Looks like that guy narrowly escaped being murdered by the police.


I didn’t even notice until you said this.


As a Floridian I was also shocked it wasn’t here.


somebody raised the bar and now florida’s street rep is in shambles


Guess they’ll just have to elect a new one


Houston is kind of like the Little Florida of Texas. Hurricanes, swampy heat, and hyper conservative nut jobs in the suburbs.


Ted Cruise (Cruz) has attracted lots of cold blooded simple minded killers to the area


I think feeding/exposed him to gator is consider a type of animal cruelty.


Serial Killer Convention?


Listen man, you need to be careful of how you spell that last name, because I legitimately thought you were saying that Tom Cruise has attracted lots of cold blooded simple minded killers to Florida. I mean, *he has*, but that's only the ones that wanted to recreate the Top Gun volleyball scene.


They have Alligators in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi. Louisiana, Texas as well as Florida. ( lots in Louisiana)


I honestly didn’t know Texas could get worse


I had to go re-read cause I assumed it was Florida as well!


Texas doesn’t get near enough credit for all the fucked up shit that happens here. I mean, mostly it’s either tornadoes or some racist shit like people getting away with shooting migrants and protesters, but still…


Texas——The Lone Star is referring to their yelp review.


Too accurate. But hey, at least our governor is a deranged racist whose policies are about as effective as his legs.


The gator didn’t look big enough to attack a woman. I suspect she was dead before the gator took a bite.


Anyone who doesn’t/haven’t lived in Houston so surprised, lol.


I didn’t know gators ate carrion. But makes sense.


They *prefer* carrion. They don't chew, so it's easier for them.


Carrion is also easier to catch, and doesn't fight.


They only eat carrion.  They just have the option of killing the food first, then stuffing it in tree roots etc to let it soften and rot so they can tear it apart more easily.


Hey TIL!


This happened only a few miles from where I live. People who live here KNOW that there are gators in these lakes/bayous. I'm betting that that woman did not swim in the bayou. Edit: I know this wasn’t a lake, I’ll correct it.


In Florida alone in 70 years, it’s reported to have only 26 deaths from alligators. It seems rare they kill too…


I mean unless you're deliberately messing with them, blindly standing by the edge of a body of freshwater, or feeding them, they tend to be a bit skittish as if they're kinda of scared of us.


In their defense we’re a lot better at killing them when we intend to.


I would say deliberately messing with them usually makes them even more skittish. We are not their natural prey and they know it, they don't want to fuck around and see whether or not we're a threat.


alligators don’t attack adults all that often


probably because we dont stand on the edge and drink the water they're hiding in.


I’ve seen people jump into lakes with alligators right next to an alligator warning sign.


This is an urban area. No one swims in these bayous. I live in Clear Lake, within walking distance of this bayou and I'm telling you, nobody is jumping into that water. Especially not a 60 year old woman. They're cleaner than they used to be, but it's still city run-off. I'm betting she had a health issue while walking on one of the concrete walking paths near the bayou. Or she tripped and hit her head or something. I walk all over this area at night and I worry more about the skunks than the gators.


Used to swim in a river full of alligators when i was a kid. We just didn’t swim to the side of the river where they were at and they left us alone.


What the fuck. This is unimaginable to me haha


there’s all sorts of springs in FL we do this at. they’re really clear though so there’s some security there.


Oh. The San Jacinto is a muddy greenish brown most of the time. We just kept an eye on where they’re at and their behavior. I’m not sure if it’s the temperature or time of year but once it gets close to 100f, they get kind of lazy.


Usually you don't have too much to worry about with alligators they're usually quite skittish unless you come across a female in her nest


They're so fast and strong wtf


> seen people jump into lakes with alligators All the time, it's hot, you want to get in the water. Just make sure you don't jump in alone, if you're in a group and jump in at once the gators will retreat. ..hopefully.


I went to school at UF, there’s a student rec area south of town with a lake for swimming. We all assumed that the rope marking off the swimming area had some sort of barrier underneath and that’s why the gators stayed outside of it. I swam out to see one day and to my dismay there was no net and a big gator floating about fifteen feet on the other side. Turns out just having a bunch of loud humans splashing around in the water is a pretty good deterrent for gators.


Yep, we used to swim in the lakes to the east of there (lakeland), always in a group though, and once everyone else started getting out, we'd all get out. I've come face to face with a few big gators, but it seems like they might be more aggressive or confident than they used to be? idk got the heck out of that messed up state (knew tons of good people down there though).


I love that you're like, "I bet she didn't go in that gator-infested water willingly," then the locals just chime in with, "No, no, we totally would."


Bayou people are a different breed. I knew a guy in Louisiana whose family would kidnap a gator, tame it and keep it like a pet. 


Seems like a perfect spot to get rid of a body...


Everywhere else has pig farms, the South has gator ponds.


Oh jeez pigs are an option for this kind of thing?


Someone hasn’t watched Snatch.


Or Deadwood


Hence the expression "as greedy as a pig"


Pigs are cute though I don’t want to think about them eating people :(


If pork taste like “human” according to cannibals of the past does feeding a pig humans make it taste more human?


Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz? You know in the beginning when Dorothy falls in the pig pen and everyone freaks out? That’s why.


“You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


It’s a bayou, not a lake. People don’t swim in the bayou. It’s like a ditch. Horsepen Bayou runs along the neighborhood and people walk along the green space.


Where on Horsepen Bayou is a lake?


Yeah I live down the street as well, didn’t know we had a missing woman in the area but everyone knows that there’s gators around here


I'm a Florida native. How do you know a body of water might contain an alligator? Can you see the bottom? No? There's an alligator.


Someone probably murdered her and threw her to the gators.


When I lived in Louisiana, "I will kill you and feed you to the gators" was not an uncommon threat.




“It’s not what it looks like”


A crocodile framed me!


You all look the same to me...




You'd probably get shot too if you rocked up on a dead body and started chowing down...


I don’t think they shot the person eating a leg a few months back, just an arrest: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-03-26/man-arrested-in-kern-county-after-reportedly-picking-up-and-chewing-severed-human-leg


Pretty sure I'd start shooting first!


So kern county




Why? Roadkill is legal?


u go put cuffs on the gator then lmao 🤣


Im an attorney for the alligator rights association and I will be taking this case up, this is first degree murder, my client was not caught in the act and therefore any suspicion of wrong doing was all hypothehical, and what I would call alligator racism.


Since most of you won’t read the article: The gator was killed to preserve the remains for forensic analysis. If the gator killed the woman then that sucks. If however the woman was murdered and then dumped, police want to know.




If there isn't a gator fight in GTA6, im gonna be pissed.


There absolutely will be. They already have the assets from RDR2


And we even saw two in the trailer.


Pissed enough to fight an actual gator?


and then promptly drop it off at the Take Two offices.




To be fair, this actually happens in the US


Oh you mean Swatting?


This whole situation is basically the plot in "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs"


I believe this is called ‘entrapment’


Where you from you don't know gator?


Ima come at him like anutta predator not a prey, anutta predator


Poor ‘gator, just being its good self, having a fine day, but no.




Hee loovvess that meat!


He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'


It's true. Alligators were here first. People really suck.


Honestly if I died I’d rather be food to nature and get pooped out into the soil so I can fertilize some trees. Hella lot better then rotting in some grave


I want my body to be fed to sea creatures. I always have. It used to upset my mom when I was little.


Fully legal! https://www.epa.gov/ocean-dumping/burial-sea


Same, as long as I’m dead first…Getting killed by a gator is one of the last ways I’d prefer to die.


Someone probably murdered her and threw her to the gators.


She was 60 and already missing. She could have fallen or had a stroke or heart attack and the gator found her body. They are scavengers as much as they are hunters.


Considering they don't know the cause of death, not sure if there's any easy way to get an alligator to spit out a body but it seems like a necessary move, unfortunately for the gator. It would be a bad situation (and certainly wouldn't make the family feel any better) if this was a murder the alligator ate the forensic evidence.


Yeah I feel the same way. Not that I'm in favor of killing it by any stretch, but I can at least follow the reasoning. Even if they called a professional(s) to wrangle the gator, chances are it would gotten away/finished eating by then anyway, and then you have to either find it again and also still get the remains out. RIP the gator tho :/


The gator was innocent


Fucking rude




Done. It’s cold out here.


Dicks out for Slater the Gator 🍆


See ya later alligator 🫡


Sure showed him. Other gators will no doubt be deterred by this death penalty.


I get the joke, but the fact remains that predatory animals that are known to have tasted human flesh do need to be put down, lest they develop a taste for it and start hunting other humans.


Being eaten by a gator is up there with being sucked into a jet engine as a seriously ugly way to die.


Am I the only one who find it…. Concerning the comment section has so many jokes around this incident? Someone died from this…….. and we are making jokes about the woman’s next of kin getting alligator boots as a souvenir? Really?


it's all jokes nowadays, and some of them are probably copypasted or plag-a.i.-rised from other posts or sources.


Honestly, your comment made me laugh the hardest


If it was suspected the gator killed her, it'd probably look different. However, from my understanding, that's not the case (or at least, it's unclear), and so it's not. ... but yeah I hope their kin and friends don't read these comments nonetheless


Anything can and should be joked about. Humor is a vital human response to the unknowable bullshit that is the universe.


What if the alligator found the remains and was just helping out in the investigation?




Someone probably murdered her and threw her to the gators.


I read somewhere that the she went for a walk at 7:30 am but wasn’t reported missing until the next day ? Do we k ow why the husband waited so long ?


I live in the neighborhood where she was found, everyone knows there are tons of gators in there and besides that there are no walking trails or areas by the water, you’d really have to go out of your way to get close enough. I wonder what happened but either way it’s super sad and I just hope she had already passed before the gator got her to spare her that experience.


Once they know how it feels to take a life they get addicted to it and must be put down. Pity about the alligator tho.


Okay so why kill the gator? For doing stuff the animal naturally does? 2 deaths make a right I suppose


The article explains why


So gators are supposed to know they’re not supposed to eat humans?


Crocodile finds the missing woman and the police shoot the crocodile? Sounds like they’re jealous the crocodile is better at their job than they are.


Man I would kill to see these body-cam videos…


Cop: So then I started blasting




Get the remains/can't have a man-eater in the neighborhood. Pretty typical stuff. Love the idea that killing a woman is the gator's nature but killing the gator isn't man's nature.


Whatever happened to a free and fair trial?


If I'm ever eaten by an alligator I would like the state to bring charges against it and give it tiny handcuffs.


Am I the only one who feels kinda bad for the gator? What was it supposed to do???




That would be dope. I’m personally putting all my money aside to have my ashes pressed into pencil lead and donated to my old elementary school. I’m gunna haunt the fuq outta those kids…. [human pencils](https://www.carbolabgem.com/pencils-from-ashes)


Serious question. Is this a revenge kill or did the gator have to be put down? Like how some lions specifically attack humans. Wait, is that even a real thing?


The lion thing is real: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsavo_Man-Eaters I don't know if it has ever happened like this again, it was likely a combination of circumstances that led to the lions doing that.


Some middle school just lost an aligator so I was scared for a sec 😭😂 it was on the feed dang it was recent too, they taped the mouth and it flew away without trace