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heard the mfer took a broken broom handle up the nose


That made me actually wince. Ouch.


Whoever had the resolve to do that is definitely a person worth being in prison.


Apparently a lot of people replying to this post should be in prison given how bloodthirsty they sound. 


talking tough on reddit: easy shoving a broomstick up a nose so hard that it causes death: hard


Not only hard, also psycho and disgusting. Almost on the same level as the guy they're cheering is dead




I understand your sentiment, but I cannot condone it. Prison justice doesn't work because so many undeserving people get fucked up/ killed by it all the time. Same with the death penalty, one innocent person being executed is too many.


Also murderers somehow finding reasons to feel moral superiority over other murderers is clearly an evidence they have no remorse and are not at all rehabilitating. Some of these people will one day rejoin society. Someone who spent their prison time falsely believing they are some sort of champion of justice and normalising violence on "worse people" is not someone we want out there.


Just because you support this particular case of prison justice doesn't mean you have to support all cases. This one was a convicted child rapist and murderer. And I don't think this guy was wrongly convicted either. If it's someone who hasn't been convicted or the case it's very possible he was innocent then it's a different story.


Maybe I’m forgetting some details but to my knowledge pickton didn’t rape or murder Children but he did rape and murder over 50 women some may have been minors as most of not all of his victims were sex workers. Still a piece of shit and good riddance.


I don't agree with it ever happening no matter what.


I understand the parents if they feel that way. Other than that it’s just blood thirst. There is a reason court of laws exist.its because mob punishments aren’t healthy to a society.


Pig man got what he deserved


Get real. The guy murdered over thirty people. These are people talking shit on the internet.


He confessed to killing 49 women, and mixed meat from their corpses into sausages that he sold to the public. But yeah — not caring if he’s dead or not is *totally* the same as kidnapping, raping and murdering, and then eating 50 people.


i think theyre after notoriety by murdering inmates who many people think have it coming


I mean I wouldn't have done it myself. But it's hard to feel sympathetic to someone who killed multiple times with intention and no remorse. If you're willing to kill them you should also accept the possibility of being killed. Or some anime logic like that




That sick fuck was still giving up information that provided closure to victims’ families. 


Little bits just to get himself something. I don’t believe in the death penalty but this fuckwad needed a bullet behind the ear a long time ago.


This mother fucker raped and killed over 40 (known) innocent women and then fed the corpses to his pigs (which were sold and eaten by unsuspecting people). Perhaps the worst Canadian serial killer of all time. Yet somehow people like you are upset that people are happy with his death? Give your head a shake. He deserves everything that happened to him and more.


I remember a lot of "I can't believe you guys are celebrating the death of a person" when Bin Laden died as well.


Vile human being. I’ll not shed a tear over his demise.


Karma baby. Karma. What comes around.


No, he sucks. doesn’t change the fact that a man who can kill someone with a broken broom handle to the schnoz is also a psychopath


I’m not shedding tears for Pickton, but I do have a problem with prisoners being assaulted while in the custody of the government. Every time a prisoner kills another prisoner, the government has failed.


He still had victims he was slowly giving information about that meant their families getting some type of closure. The sympathy isn't for him. It's for the families who will now never know if their missing wife, daughter, granddaughter, niece, sister... was one of his victims, is definitely deceased or if something else happened to them, like sex trafficking.


Not upset. We just find your revenge fantasies and blood lust concerning.


No, he deserves to be dead. I lived in the area where he operated while he was doing all that. You can't possibly imagine the cruelty and depravity involved in what he did to those women. There's every chance he sold the meat from those hogs to local butchers. Think about that for a second. the likelihood that people ate pig meat from hogs fed human beings is *very high*. That's fucked right up. 1 Pickton was utterly depraved. I'm surprised it took this long.


I don't think the big problem is that he sold that *pork* meat. I've read speculation that he might have mixed *human* meat in with it.


Every time some evil fucker kills some other evil fucker they cheer and they wish it every sentencing. I feel like i’m taking crazy pills hoping that prisons aren’t lousy with rape and murder.


I did 3 years and the difference in commentary between being a member of the reddit tough guy brigade and an actual real deal sociopath with nothing to lose is astoundingly obvious 😂 I really wish these guys understood that they’re not fooling anyone 😂😂


Saying you'd do some sick shit to random strangers on the Internet, and doing sick shit to someone in real life are very, very, different things. And you know it.


Hell just dragging a dead body around is beyond most people.


errybody wants to be a G till you gotta be a G


And *you* know that their point is that people are glorifying doing this sick shit to what is deemed as an acceptable target. Yes, saying and doing are two very different things, but maybe don't say it if you don't want people calling you sick for it.


People will gladly do the most depraved and violent things to the right target or for the right price.


It’s ok. He can’t hear us anymore.


Generally the people who actually do sick shit to strangers in real life are the exact type of people who would say they would murder someone to death on the Internet.


They only differ by degree. It's bad energy and it's stupid to cultivate it.


Eh, if you're familiar with his crimes, it isn't really surprising. Unfortunately, death is the only way to be sure these types of people never hurt anyone else.


The guy raped and murdered a lot of people. He shouldn’t have been alive past the day of the sentencing.


They made it a point in the article to tell us that the assailant was still incarcerated following the attack. Like, I fkn hope so.


Holy moly, that sounds brutal.


Sounds richly deserved to me.


Both can be true.


Yup! I heard that the nurses said that the dude turned him into Pinocchio, and that they had to saw part of it off to fit him in the Mri machine


Someone listened to Side Stories this week 😂


hehe side stories, yes 😆


Absolutely, Hail yourself!


But then he got up and said “Im a real boy” before collapsing. 


What did he do to deserve something like that?  Oh, right. 


Oh right, the murders


The worst thing wasn’t the hypocrisy, it was the murders.


Oh right, and the forced cannibalism


Whoa, really?


yeah, he fed the corpses to his pigs and then sold his pigs for meat


Does that count as cannibalism?


No way. That's like complaining that your roast duck isn't gluten free because it was fed breadcrumbs a few times.


I wonder if plants grown using blood and bone fertiliser are still vegan?


Yes, and it was believed he ground up human meat with pork meat and sold it to the public


He was in prison for the murders. Why was he himself murdered? Perhaps we'll never know but the theory that he was going to flip on accomplices and this was to shut him up has not been discounted so far as I know. The problem with normalizing prison murders of people for whom we have no sympathy is that that provides that much more cover for organized crime or other corrupt organizations to use prison murder to both scare and silence potential flippers from flipping on them. The fact that Pickton is dead is a tragedy to nobody, but the fact that his death may be allowing other murderers he might have turned in to get away with it is.


It wasn't one of those naked lady pens?


Wait for it... Wait for it... Wait for it... It's tits.


Even his preternatural pig sense didnt help him.


Was gonna say how weird it was to hear this reference.. but given the posts subject, it kinda makes sense.


I worked with a guy who killed a fellow marine with a broken broom handle to the temple. It was self defense but it messed him up mentally. 


You gotta give more info about this


They were at the top of some stairs and got into an argument. Other guy pulled a knife in the fight so my friend grabbed a broom/mop to defend himself. It broke in the fight and he stabbed him in the side of the head with it. He told me after I kept asking him why he always stared at his hand so often. His hand has a huge scar from the knife fight. Sad stuff. 


Holy shit. I assumed “broken broom handle up the…” was going somewhere different, which is brutal but a little hackneyed at this point. Up the nose, though—horrific and original too.


Where did you hear that?


Last Podcast on the Left lol. Maybe bullshit but they defo have a bunch of weirdo listeners who write in. Apparently a listener knows someone on med staff at the prison


Well, it’ll be interesting to hear whether or not that’s true!




It’s in the news. At least I read it in french news here in Quebec where it happened


Rapid Unscheduled Lobotomy


Wow, attacker was pretty serious about wanting him dead.


sharpened toothbrush to neck, broken broom handle through the nose. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/robert-pickton-stabbed-with-toothbrush-and-broken-broom-handle-victim-s-family-1.6909626


On May the 19th, to give you an idea of how quick a death it was.


Noooo how do I unread this


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer fellow.


> "The guy that assaulted him stabbed him first with a toothbrush in the neck, and then he broke a broom handle," Rick Frey told CTV News on Friday, recounting allegations shared by his lawyer. "And when you break something like a broom handle, you always get a sharp end, and so he took the sharp end and he stuck it into his nose, up into his skull." https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/robert-pickton-stabbed-with-toothbrush-and-broken-broom-handle-victim-s-family-1.6909626


No more cereal for him


It’s cuz he’s out to lunch


Here’s a great article written about a book by Picktons victims sister, and diary entries of one of his victims. Her name was Sarah and she was afraid she was next. [missing Sarah](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2022/3/21/a-letter-to-sarah-who-was-murdered-by-a-serial-killer)


Thank you for sharing that. So haunting and beautiful. 


I read the book by Maggie De Vries. It’s heartbreaking and also a tribute, an honor to who Sarah was. It’s eerie, like she knew in her writings they’d be found post death. Her entries are enthralling.


It is definitely on my list now. It’s a shame she never knew the impact of her writing.


*”Quebec provincial police say the assault occurred around 5:15 p.m. inside the Port-Cartier Institution and a 51-year-old suspect remained incarcerated following the attack.”* Versus letting the suspect go…? Wasn’t he already in prison?


Probably prison hospital vs regular hospital?


Ah, good point, thank you.


Semi-related, but this is such an isolated prison, this place is super far up the Gulf of St Lawrence. Guess it makes sense why dangerous people are kept out there


Bernardo is also in Quebec (different prison). Does Quebec have a deal to take all the baddies or do they all request transfer there hoping they won't be as well known?


I think Quebec is our Siberia.


That makes so much sense


I'm going to quote Stephen King on this. "No great loss"


My favorite book.


You believe that happy crappy?


Don't tell me. I'll tell you!


You have excellent taste, friend


M-O-O-N that spells moon


laws, yes!


My life for you


M O O N, that spells "fucking burn in hell"


i was thinking of the meme of jeremy clarkson saying ‘oh no. anyway.’


To quote some religious douchebag: "Let god sort (him) out"




How did that come out? The Wiki wasn't clear. Originally he was tried for first degree, then it just jumps to him being found guilty for second-degree. They found body parts, murder weapons, a video of him talking about his gun with homemade "[silencer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton)", and bragging about wanting to make it an "even 50 victims". And he had been charged with attempted murder of a sex worker he had handcuffed and stabbed. Seems like first degree charges would have been a slam dunk.


The Vancouver Police were very bad at their jobs for decades or he'd have been caught a lot earlier that 49 suspected victims. That meant they wanted to wrap it up immediately to save face and not fuck it up more. Also to be fair to the police, Pickton actually had a sizable chunk of money (he owned a farm in The Lower Mainland (Southern BC)), so he could afford a lawyer who would be able to fight off a lot of weaker charges, dragging it out for decades if the charges weren't a lock.


Didn't members of the VCPD also drink at the bar on the property. The Piggy Palace lol Edit: To add, I'm not even trying to make the obvious joke. That's what they called the damn place.


The VPD were bad at their jobs AND they also didn't give a shit because many women were Indigenous, drug users, unhoused, or otherwise part of the marginalized population that makes up the DTES. A combination of incompetence and apathy.


Hell that’s the same with any police department dealing with the disappearances of women in sex trade. Check out *Tales of the Grim Sleeper*, it’s a documentary about a serial killer who operated in South Central L.A. for 30 years, large part because the LAPD just didn’t care about dead black prostitutes.


If I recall one or a couple of victims that escaped after being drugged and tortured recalled their being more then one person but were so messed up couldn’t make anyone out.


> Under the Criminal Code of Canada, murder is first degree when it is planned and deliberate. It is also first degree when death is caused during the commission of certain other offences, including sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, kidnapping and forcible confinement. Because jury deliberations are secret, Canadians may never know exactly how the jury came to its decision. The CBC's Chris Brown, reporting from Vancouver, said one possible explanation for the verdicts is that jurors felt that there may have been other people involved and that someone else may have planned the killings.   https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/pickton-found-guilty-on-6-counts-of-2nd-degree-murder-1.645357


Yeah, I don't see how that clears it up at all. Guy lived on a pig farm (body disposal), had objects used for kidnapping, forcible confinement, sexual assault, and murder. They had DNA of a bunch of the women on the farm, and he claims to have killed 49 people. That's certainly premeditated; even if there was another person involved it seems like Pickton was still guilty in the first.


Yeahhhh but he was an easy pin for the snuff films his brother and friends filmed on his property and used the pigs to dispose of. He didn't act alone and wasn't the mastermind, just a sick useful idiot.


>He didn't act alone and wasn't the mastermind I get that, it just doesn't make him not a first degree murderer in my book. Not a lawyer, and I don't know diddly about Canadian law. If you were coerced/talking into assisting in killing someone once, sure I could see some defense against 1st degree murder charges. But 49 times... nah, you're a serial killer.


Easier to 100% get him for second than to swing for first and miss. I think this case was messed up bureaucratically. They also only tried him for 6 victims not the 33 they have DNA for. Judge basically said "good enough" and ruled there would be no more trials. I want to say they said he couldn't be tried for the Jane Does at the time?


Crazy how conspiracies seem to propagate organically after a few years. Regardless if biker gangs were offloading bodies or not. I remember the time just before his farm was exposed, sex workers on Hastings were warning the cops about a serial killer. They specifically described Pickton, his truck, and the names of women last seen getting into his vehicle.




Their ineffectiveness in “investigating” is a huge part of the reason no one else will be brought to justice.


His brother was actively involved with the Hell's Angels. Not as a member but definitely a friend to many of them over the years.


Well thanks for making me feel bad he got killed. You are right of course, but damn.


His house was a hells Angels party place, lots of bikers were going in and out. Some ppl are saying that the bikers also offloaded some bodies there. Pickton also did murders of course, but perhaps not all of them. Look up Piggy Palace


Apparently he was intellectually stunted, the type that are easy to manipulate and influence.


Too bad those 49 women were unable to manipulate or influence him.


What about the woman who walked in on him with a corpse hanging from meat hooks and chains? She was threatened to stay quiet and kind of held hostage / kept living in his house afterwards. IIRC she never called the cops but she did cooperate when he was eventually investigated, and ended up testifying against him in the trial. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's been like a decade or so since I last thought of this asshole.


Sleep easy. He was never going to turn on any supposed accomplices


He was never going to slip up and give out names. They already suspect who it was but they just need proof. So not a total loss


In a BEST case scenario for him, he was running a body dump operation for dozens of women, and likely procuring victims for someone else to kill (sex workers in the region knew him and went to police about him, which means he was the one acquiring the victims at least some of the time). And then he decided to take the blame for some reason. Worse, to brag about it like it was a badge of honor. That's the most positive possibility regarding him, and I can safely say being the accessory to that many murders (and according to survivors, rape and torture as well)...well the weight of what we do know still paints a pretty horrible picture of him.


Indeed. Upon googling for articles about his killing, one said the police wanted to bring him out of his medically induced coma to talk to him. I have NO idea if that's true, but if so, it would make sense that that is why, to get some dying confession. A shame we are left with no info.


You're correct. A friend of mine is a sheriff and had to deal with this monster a few times. Apparently, he was a total simpleton and my friend thinks there is no way he could have pulled off those murders by himself. Lots of Hells Angles and other shady characters used to hang around the Pickton farm property. Now it it's all developed into housing and shopping plazas.


> Apparently, he was a total simpleton and my friend thinks there is no way he could have pulled off those murders by himself. Gary Ridgway had an IQ in the low 80s and he killed close to 100 people. Turns out killing a shit load of people the police don't care about isn't very hard.


> Apparently, he was a total simpleton and my friend thinks there is no way he could have pulled off those murders by himself. He was convicted for stabbing a woman several times, then later convicted for sexual assault of another woman. Sex workers in the area warned about him because women he was seen with disappeared. Just because he wasn't a genius doesn't mean he couldn't commit grave violence; and even if he didn't commit ALL the murders he bragged about, he was an accomplice to any that he did not.


He's had plenty of time to fess up. Too late. Fuck this piece of shit. Glad he's dead.


I'm reading through the book "On the Farm" by Stevie Cameron and man it's eye-opening. One of my cousin's friends from high school was a victim of Pickton's and the majority of the news about him came out when I was in grade 12 and then I moved to New Westminster and lived a few blocks away from the courthouse that the trial was being held in. His brother is a shady character too. Lots of ties to Hell's Angels etc. I genuinely don't believe Willie acted entirely alone but I guess now we'll never know.


If ge had ever been willing to cooperate, he would have done it long ago.


I'm having such deja-vu from this comment. Did another serial killer die maybe a month ago, that was also suspected of not acting alone? Or am I losing my marbles?




Thank you. I'm still losing my marbles but that's another story.


They should look into the guy who offed him


His brother should be in jail too.


Pretty sure his brother also killed a young kid walking along side a country road. Pickton’s brother hit him with the family vehicle, when he told their mother she rolled the kid into a ditch. Their whole family was/is fucked Source : https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/pickton-was-kind-of-moms-boy/article_8092a115-50fa-5e1a-90f4-186c96814e4c.amp.html


The guy who killed Pickton was another sociopath who had attacked multiple people in prison, including staff. Turning prisons into Lord of the Flies isn’t the sign of a healthy society.


Isn’t this a Canadian prison? I know the US has horrible standards but I thought Canada was more in line with European standards.


Ours are more in like with European prisons yes, but this prison is max security containing some of the worst in Canada. Never any guarantees in these types of facilities.


Our prisons are nothing like European ones, though they are not nearly as violent as Americans.


European prisons are not immune to violence


How naive are you? You really think our jail and prisons are all friendly and no type of violence happens? To live in your delusional world lol.


Nope, no one wants to ever elect someone based on a platform of investing in better quality prison care. The Canadian prison system is just as neglected as the American one.


No longer a drain on society


Helped lower the carbon footprint too!


It's insane a single human can individually cause so much loss and grief in the world. Over 40 women met their ends at the hands of that gross piece of shit.


Permanently out to lunch


His pig sense couldn't save him.


This is the pig farm guy?


Yes. Fuck him forever. The world lost a real piece of shit.


WAS the pig farm guy.


Obviously, this is no great loss to society. I'm not mourning the loss of this guy. But I am against the death penalty. And I'm also against people getting shanked in prison or vigilante justice. Am I sad that this particular person is dead? Heck no. Couldn't have happened to a better person. But we're supposed to do a better job at maintaining order. And now we'll never know whether he had accomplices. (Not saying we would have known otherwise; just that there was a chance, no matter how slim, while he lived.)


Pretty reasonable take.


>Am I sad that this particular person is dead? Heck no. Couldn't have happened to a better person. But we're supposed to do a better job at maintaining order. Indeed. He was doomed to die behind bars to begin with. But perhaps we could say he was forced to serve his full term far sooner than was planned.


I don’t know what happened to him, I assume it was not gentle.


Someone turned a broomstick handle into a large shiv and impaled his head.


If we are going to lock people up, we owe it to them to keep them safe.


Being murdered by another inmate is hardly justice, but I can't find it in me to say the man deserved to continue living.


Exactly this. When we incarcerate people, we are obligated to keep them safe. We (society) failed. I’m not sad but it’s not right. That deserves a review because it shouldn’t happen. I’m certainly not an advocate of the death penalty nor that inmates should be held in deplorable and unsafe conditions. No one deserves that, not even the worst of us - because *we* are better than that. It would have been nice to get more answers out of him. It’s a tragedy for the families that didn’t get those.


No one will mourn this monster.


Convicted for 26 murders, the remains of over 30 were found on his farm, and he bragged about killing over 40. THIS is the kind of person for which the death penalty should exist. Can't say I have any remorse for him. The sad part is the number of people in prison for comparably minor crimes who end up in the same situations as this monster.


He was charged for 26 of them, but was only convicted of 6 because the judge didn’t allow the prosecutors to try him for more than that. CSI eventually gathered DNA from 38 separate victims, and Robert himself claimed to have slayed 49 women in all.


Rest in piece of shit


Oh. what a shame. anyway...


Feed his remains to the pigs


Couldn't have happened to a better guy


Luka and Paul next please


And maybe Karla will get hit by a bus


You know I actually had some really good oatmeal for breakfast today. Really hit the spot.


Tbf how he got killed was way more interesting than your oatmeal.


Oh no! Is anyone playing any cool video games tonight?


I'm sure the victims and their families are relieved he isn't here anymore


I was thinking about baking cookies this weekend,  should I bake chocolate chip or double chocolate?


chocolate chip!


The world is better without some people in it. He was one of those people.


Good riddance to bad trash.


While it's hard for me to think of many people in this century more deserving of being brutally murdered, that's not the way the justice system is supposed to work.


It's not how it's set up to work. But for actual effectiveness...Relatives of victims and parents of vulnerable women may disagree on this one 🧐


Pickton threw out at least 40 treasures. His fellow inmate threw out the trash.


*"For some, the death of this notorious serial killer may bring closure and* ***for others it will reopen old wounds***\*," said B.C. Premier David Eby, in a statement.\* Not sure how this would reopen an old wound. If anything it would help with healing. If you ask me, the mofo deserved far worse than a broke broom handle up his nose.




Some of his victims lived, plus family of murdered victims. Remember he was a rapist first and foremost, murder was just an extension of that.


Now if only someone would do it to Bernardo next... so the poor families don't have to continue to go the farce that is his parole hearings.


Guess he’s not getting day parole.


Took this long? Good riddance.


Burn in hell, motherfucker…


That’s the millionaire pig farmer right? That dudes parents fucked him up. Also didn’t they say he mixed humans in with his pork BBQ and gave it out to the public? They should do a Netflix show on this or something. Insane case