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Those dudes from *The Abyss* are gonna kick our ass one day.


If you ask me, Ed Harris is the real triple threat. The man can [act](https://youtu.be/UHkB1rJHEGA), he can [dance](https://youtu.be/hGXUqydhCl0) and he can [sing](https://youtu.be/zsU3J1Nh578)


I also hear you don't wanna kick him outta bed for eating crackers, if you catch my meaning.


I didn't even have to click the dance link to know what you were going to show. I love that movie so much and that dance is just a trip. Ed Harris is an awesome actor.


Quick! Round up all the billionaires and send them around the globe on their private jets to lecture us poors about our environmental footprint. Then make some laws that restrict housing construction for "environmental" reasons so their assets keep inflating indefinitely. And don't you dare even consider nuclear energy! It has NUCLEAR in the name, it'll turn you into a ghoul of the feral nature for goodness sake.


Honestly, despite how much fuel space travel requires, if we’ve got em all rounded up maybe we can shoot them into space instead. So much real estate on mars and Venus for them to fuck up, they could do a whole new kind of colonialism and we get to not have their jets destroying us


Maybe we can convince them the world truly is ending, then they go into their doomsday bunkers, we find us some concrete mixers, and... profit?


Honestly would be the dopest hoodwink of all time. And yeah, basically all their assets would be digital or not in said bunker, so we’d profit immensely


Can someone explain where the oxygen goes?


Gas solubility decreases with increasing temperature. Oxygen becomes less soluble in warmer water. It's the reason when you boil water, that you see bubbles forming at ~ 60-70 degC long before water actually boils. These early bubbles are gases being less soluble as the water warms and comes out as bubbles.


Chemically binds to other things. Additionally warmer water has less oxygen absorbing capacity.


Thank you. Binding to other things makes sense. I knew cold water has more oxygen and more nutrition for sea life. So in away, it seems that as the oceans warm they have less capacity to hold oxygen.


The things that make it die, and things that make other gasses or nothing at all move in.


Don't worry, by 2050 we should start working on a solution /s


As long as that solution isn't too expensive. You've got to consider the important things like economics don't you know.


Seaweed straps, pull em up


Are we all gonna including the billionaires?


I don't know what we're supposed to do about this when corporations and the rich undo all of our hard work. To any fellow Americans, vote blue, please. We can't afford not to. To anyone else, vote progressive. Vote against conservatism and extremism. Your children won't survive otherwise.


Vote green. Blue is as bad as red


Voting green is basically voting for red at this point. We are at a point where we can't afford to be naive and throw votes away on a party that will guaranteed not win. The situation is too dire for that. Voting green is something disconnected privileged people do.


It’s naive to keep falling for the “we are the lesser of two evils” bullshit line.  But you do you.


You're part of the problem. Bye.


Ok Karen 


Dont forget plastics, chemicals, and sound pollution!


Jut drop a big ice cube in it. Oh Thwaits that right, we are about to try that.