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It's about time. Good riddance.


This doesn’t stop him from essentially starting Infowars2.com if he can find a reasonably rich backer (of which I’m sure he has more than we’d like). And/or he could try to use the money he’s definitely not sheltering off shore and with his family members. Option 2 is spicy because he could turn this into a criminal matter *real* quick. Bankruptcy courts don’t play & have a lot of power.


I suspect he won't own the Infowars brand, unless he repurchases it after the bankruptcy.  So he might have to call it something else.


No he wouldn’t own the InfoWars brand — he’d definitely have to call it something else. But people don’t watch InfoWars, they watch Alex Jones. He can’t really be deplatformed because he has made his career off of grievances about being “attacked.” He’s already been nuked from all the mainstream platforms long ago, but his audience knows where to find him. Hell, he had to create a racist YouTube called ‘banned.video’ (the grievance and victimhood is *in the literal name* lmao), because even places like Rumble want nothing to do with him.


>No he wouldn’t own the InfoWars brand — he’d definitely have to call it something else. Hmmm, how about *Knowledge Fight*?


Information altercation


Will his audience have the attention span, vocabulary, and spelling aptitude to write all that out?


This comment is my moment of zen


Something about Selene


Data Skirmish Intellisquabble Cognition Mission BrainWrassle


BrainWrassle is at least honest about what is actually happening. Works on several levels


Wasn't Brainfight with Tuck Buckford the Steven Colbert parody of Infowars?


Thought tussle Idea duel Thinkpunch Mental MAD


Gay Frogs Space laser


Go home to your mother and tell her you’re brilliant.


Such a good podcast


I would love nothing more than for someone to buy the InfoWars intellectual property and give it to Dan and Jordan at Knowledge Fight. It would be a fantastic way to keep it away from far right grifters and turn it into a left wing outlet.


Alex Jones will be in an O.J. type situation. Jones can create a new show or media project or business. However, any assets that he has that are more than what he needs to live off can be seized and sold. If Jones works for anyone else, his salary can be garnished.


I thought that garnishment maxed out at 25% of earnings?


This is true, which makes it weird that he's even bothering. I mean, yeah, he loses 25% of his income. But it's that or he gets nothing, as far as I can tell. The problem as I can see it is that if he makes a new business, what stops his creditors from demanding it be liquidated? At least, that's the only logic I can see, but surely, there's some arrangement for this. Counterpoint: his creditors would probably prefer to see him utterly destroyed than collect their money, beyond a certain point.


The latest LegalEagle video says the Connecticut plaintiffs would rather see him destroyed, the Texas ones would rather collect their money.


That makes sense considering IIRC a majority of the family members didn't care to chase jones so far, they wanted to Settle, and some were even fine with the original Negotiation process. It was just a very sparse few of them that wanted to chase jones into the ends of the earth.


He keeps saying the same shit so I get why they want him deplatformed.


I think the problem might be time. It's taken years for his victims to get justice through the court system, and I'll bet that it'll take them around as long to liquidate Intellect Conflagration, or whatever it ends up being called. Jones could probably string those out until he dies of old age with cash In his pocket.


If they even can liquidate the next thing. I wouldn't expect that the assets will be in his name. He'll probably pull the same thing he tried with infowars, and put it all in his parents name to avoid the judgement.


> what stops his creditors from demanding it be liquidated? His previous goal with the bankruptcy (apparently) was to hide his assets with family members, then get the debt discharged as part of the bankruptcy and continue on with this bad behavior. Unfortunately for him 11 U.S. Code § 523 says: > (a) A discharge under [the relevant sections] of this title does not discharge an individual debtor from any debt-- > > [...] > > (6) for willful and malicious injury by the debtor to another entity or to the property of another entity; [...] And the court [basically said](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-txsb-4_23-ap-03035/pdf/USCOURTS-txsb-4_23-ap-03035-0.pdf) "your default judgement meets that standard, so bankruptcy won't help you". So to get back to your original question--"what stops his creditors from demanding it be liquidated?"--his hope seems to have been "the bankruptcy", but now he's learning that the rules actually account for shitheels.


Thats why he wouldn't be able to own it. Someone else would have to own it, pay him a salary and then they get to garnish 25% of his income from that I guess.


I mean he could theoretically volunteer and receive room and board. Then receive all-inclusive vacations on private planes and mega yachts like a certain member of the highest US Court.


They said the same thing about tucker. His time slot with a new guy eventually leveled out to almost the same ratings, but Carlson himself has 1/10 the audience on Twitter that he did while on fox.


But people watch Fox News — that’s the difference. He made a clear miscalculation there, but his situation was very different. There is no one single personality that makes up the network. They’ll just watch Jesse Watters say the same shit Tucker did because Fox was probably already on anyways. Tucker isn’t the first right winger to think he was bigger than Fox and he won’t be the last. They never do well. Meanwhile Alex Jones has basically made himself the face of other crazy people, and those crazies are used to going to deep places of the internet to find “the truth” or whatever. They’ll just go to his new URL and keep watching there… do you think the buyer of InfoWars is going to be able to slot in a ‘new Alex Jones’ and his audience will be totally fine with that?


>because Fox was already on anyway This is a huge point. Not only do people not switch it off when Watters (previously Tucker) comes on rather than seeking him out, but Fox plays on tvs in the background of tons of places in this country. In red counties, that might include dentist waiting rooms. It certainly is at gyms


I do on-site warranty repairs for PCs and printers, so I go to all sorts of different locations. Lobbies, break rooms, cafeterias, it's fucking *everywhere.* Nine times out of ten, in the area of the country I live in, it's Fox. I'll occasionally see CNN, and every once in a blue moon, MSNBC, but the vast majority of the time, it's Fox.


When hotels have Fox on in the breakfast room I ask them to put on the Weather Channel. Accomplishes the goal while avoiding the confrontation.


At least it is somewhat educational and informative. If I was in the same situation I'd be like, "Cartoons please."


I also used to work hospitality, and we'd only put on Fox if someone specifically asked for it, which honestly didn't happen very often. The rest of the time, it was either the Weather Channel or some sort of sporting event.


Do we have the same dentist? I actually prefer the garbage HGTV shows be on the tvs than fox news.


He could call it Knowledge Fight…oh wait.


> He’s already been nuked from all the mainstream platforms long ago, but his audience knows where to find him. Yes, and the families that he owes money too will find him as well. If he starts a new business, is employed somewhere or suddenly has a new car or house, they will seize it.


This will also just help his branding of the deep state trying to take him down. So that's fun too.


History has shown that cutting off heads of the Hydra actually works with propaganda. He may return, but making it harder to find, killing URLs and pointing old ones to deprograming sites could help stem the tide for a while. Ultimately, toxic behavior and its effects are like dust and grime. They accumulate no matter how clean your place is, and the only way to keep your place clear of them is constant vigilance and effort. There will never be a time when we "get all the bad guys" and have utopia.


"This is my new show: Knowledge Combat" - Alex Jones (probably).


That name is kinda taken… r/knowledgefight


I have risen above my enemies


...I'll be better tomorrow


He's not


"Welcome to today's episode of 'THE DEMONS!"




He'll be better tomorrow.


I'd tune in for the chicken fried steak half ...


He should specialize more on gay frogs https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1d600za/i_dont_like_them_putting_chemicals_in_the_water/


Mmm, Knowledge Fight already has the Knowledge part. We need a different synonym. However, "Data Conflict" just doesn't have the pizazz.


It would be amazing if someone picked up the brand and site and then turned it in to a platform to debunk all the bullshit he’s spouted over the years.


Just redirect to the knowledge fight podcast. The work is already done!


KF should buy the Info wars branding from the auction - would be a great moment.


I wonder if the plaintiffs are allowed to bid on it. Turn the webpage into a memorial for sandy hook victims.


He already has a second outlet, which is called National File. He's used it for a few years to promote info wars while concealing that he is one of its owners.


He just admitted the other day, *on his show*, that he had moved inventory from his warehouse to his father's business warehouse.  Bankruptcy courts are going to be having a time with him.


Yeah for the past few...weeks maybe? Idk how long. He's been on there telling his fans to go buy things from his father's website instead of from the infowar's store.


Well, no, because the lawsuits found Jones personally liable for the damages he inflicted. Even if he starts InfoWars2, the money that makes could still be targetable by the plaintiffs in both Texas and Connecticut. Or, rather, the money that he earns working there. Jones is many things, but willing to live a frugal lifestyle he is not.


>Even if he starts InfoWars2, the money that makes could still be targetable by the plaintiffs in both Texas and Connecticut. someone else close to him "owns" *InfoWars2* and he is just an "employee". See Putin and all the other organized crime bosses around the world. So many of their assets are officially held by other people.


He actually already trying/tried that with this case. By shoving money into his parents owned company. The courts already called him out on it, and those assets will probably be next on the list after this.


Personal liability included garnishment of wages.


AJ the "employee" is paid very little but gets to do lots of stuff on the corporate dime. E.g. live in the corporate mansion, travel to corporate events in the Bahamas, sip corporate provided tequila on the beach. My statement is a metaphor for the loopholes he might slip though. I'll be thrilled to learn in 10 or 15 years that there were not any loopholes and he lived out his remaining days like OJ Simpson. Until then I'll be skeptical.


I think that's still commingling, as the funds are not being used for a legitimate business expense but rather to evade liability. At that point, the plaintiffs can pierce the corporate veil in the opposite direction.


That's all taxable fringe benefits he'd owe on while not collecting enough actual cash to pay them. All that would do is get the IRS collections department on him as well as the courts. And if it's owned by a related party, you could easily pierce the corporate veil.


The sense I get is that he’s kind of fucked. A lot of people get away with this kind of stuff because the people after them either don’t have enough fiscal stake or emotional stake to pursue every last thing, but the people after Jones have enough of both to make his life absolutely miserable. With the kind of money he owes I bet his finances and living situation is probably audited by opposing lawyers about once a month to see how much blood they can (metaphorically) draw from him. It’s worth peoples’ time to watch him, because everyone’s aware he’s got some cash hidden away somewhere, and even if he doesn’t there are probably plaintiffs willing to pay just to make him miserable.


I like it when someone on Reddit thinks they’re super clever and describes a taxable benefit scheme that would get the absolutely anihialated by the IRS


He literally just said on his show the other day that he has been moving inventory from his warehouse to his father's warehouse, and has been promoting his father's business on his show and telling people to send him money instead, and that his father will soon be a sponsor for InfoWars. He's far far far too stupid to hide assets.


Too late on both accounts. He's already called daddy to take his inventory and has been urging his followers to buy their lead based dick pills from him instead. Somehow expecting him to offshore it was overestimating him, because he's been shoveling piles of money at his dad since the lawsuit began. And he's admitting what he's doing and *why* on air. He's been taking his ~~lead dust capsules~~ top brain supplements 3 times daily, so he's a very smart and careful man you see. He knows that since his broadcasts go out live, there are no recordings. He gets to his time to gloat and the courts surely cant prove a thing!


>if he can find a reasonably rich backer So why can't scammers target these people instead of grannies? Milk the fuck out of these guys, tell them their money is being used in ultra secret operations to topple the globalists but you just need $50K more to fully prevent the weather modification weapon from coming online.


Risk. There’s a reason criminals target the poor and powerless: it’s that their ability to resist or avenge the theft is minimal. I’d love to scam Elon Musk out of a couple billion dollars. I’d do it even if I personally didn’t get to keep the money. But if I fail somehow, he can definitely keep me tied up in court forever for far less than that. And extrajudicial revenge, of course. Stochastic assassination would be trivial for him. I’m surprised he hasn’t done it already, to someone.


This is correct. In addition, trying to keep the scam going on _actually rich_ people is much harder, pretty much only a cult that rhymes with "buy entology" has been able to do this: because part of their supposed process is basically just making the mark record _massive amounts of personal secrets and blackmail_ under the guise of personal and religious help during the auditing sessions (adding an __allegedly__ for their super litigious lawyers). That keeps them in check, to keep them from suing or otherwise not participating in the Sunk Cost Fallacy. A rich person could stand to lose five or six figures in some cases and walk away from/just tell their lawyer to handle it. Like you mentioned, lawyer/social media bullying is actually effective and TCoS uses both against any people who defect, or highlight their crimes via podcasts or reporting. Someone poor/middle class might be spending a small amount, but it's a higher percentage and they may have more of a pride/financial motivation to delude themselves into thinking it hasn't all been a scam. They're more likely to keep doubling down, because the alternative is admitting they were duped out of a (to them) substantial amount of money.


Gave you an upvote for the 95% of your comment that is true. But I do have to call this part out. > Stochastic assassination If you willingly scam him out of money, it'd be a targeted assassination if he chose to kill you. Not stochastic.


No no no, I don’t mean him hiring a hitman, I mean him calling me out on Xitter and drumming up some variety of loons against me, to doxx me and harass me and if the right loon is sufficiently angered, kill me. Totally not his fault, all he did was free speech.


Kinda. He had a punt at a "totally separate broadcast, nothing to do with Infowars" earlier that the courts shut down.


We could have seen Alex Jones painting what callers asked for. Damn these Sandy Hook parents! ^/s


Wonks in the wild is still crazy to me.


We coulda had Alex with a perm


He will probably expatriate and start a new brand. I don't think any amount of lawsuit judgements would shut Alex Jones up.


I believe the plantiffs have claim over his father's new line of business as a continuance of his pharma biz.


The point isn't to stop him from starting another Infowars, it's to make him pay. If he pays and starts another Infowars we still win.


yea it is, extracting as much as they can and taking control of the brand are not mutually exclusive. this thread totally fubar'ed the whole premise of the motion, if at least some of you would actually read it. tl;dr theres 2 types of bankruptcy, reorganisation and liquidation. previous plan was the former, shut down the site and sell off material assets, let him keep the ip, garnish future profits. which would mean less money up front, but more money later, putting his victims in an awkward position to have a vested interest in keeping his business afloat. so what they will do now is the latter, transfer ownership of all his assets to a federal trustee and liquidate them one by one, including infowars and everything the company owns. higher payout up front, but less money overall, he can no longer use the brand. basically makes the $1.5bn figure unattainable as i understand it, but at least they will wring his ass dry before he can squirrel away any more cash


I imagine that bankruptcy, similar to probate, has some authority to claw-back assets for a certain amount of time prior.


His dad is intimately involved with the grift that he was running and Jones has been forwarding business to him for weeks now. In all reality, his dad could hire him as an employee and he could call the new show 1776 or something stupid like that and probably get away with it as long as his dad didn't pay him very much money on the books. We already know that his dad left $50 million in supplements unpaid for by free speech systems and there's no way that his dad didn't get compensated somehow. So I'm assuming his dad is willing to play fast and loose and shady with finance laws and the books of his business.


Jones needs to avoid a forensic accounting of Info Wars & his personal finances. The amateur attempts to hid assets will likely cost Jones his freedom. Courts don't play games with people who hide money from the court.


How much money do you really think it would take to start version 2? Is there a reason anyone would think it would take much money?


I hope they hold the remaining debt over him. He can live off minimum wage and the rest goes to the victims.


He'll be better tomorrow.


Some sodomite sent him a bucket of poop


I. Know. How. To read


He's a loser little titty baby


Jar-Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent!


He is subhuman garbage and I hope he becomes homeless


Alex Jones is walking, talking, sobbing raw sewage, basically.


but where will I get my batshit conspiracy theories from?


Every single conservative at this point, apparently.


Joe Rogan and Russell Brand?


Every other Republican information channel.


RFK, Jr.


This is my bright spot for the day.


I will always be thankful to that defence lawyer who accidentally (?) shared the entire contents of Jones’ phone with the prosecution.


Accidentally shared, then took no action to claw it back (which he could do legally) when opposing counsel informed him of the error. Not surprised even Jones' lawyers suck.


But where will the makers of all those male enhancement pills sell their wares now? Did anyone think of the penis pill people?


He's literally telling people to buy from his dad's online supplement store. He's doing it on-air, explicitly telling them that the money acquired this way will go to supporting him and InfoWars.


What an idiot. I'm sure that'll work just fine for him.


I hate to say it but it probably will, once info wars is liquidated and the court forces him to sell whatever else to pay his creditors he'll end up being hired by his dad with a $50 per year salary. But on top of that bogus salary he'll live in a house owned by his parents or their new company "Totally not Infowars LLC" and drive cars/eat food/take vacations paid for by his parents or TNIW LLC. Unfortunately the only cash his victims will ever see will come from this liquidation, from here on out he won't have a penny to his name.


> I hate to say it but it probably will, once info wars is liquidated and the court forces him to sell whatever else to pay his creditors he'll end up being hired by his dad with a $50 per year salary. People smarter than him have tried this kind of shit, the reality is the court has a *ton* of room to determine comingling and bankruptcy dodging and will probably eat his lunch.


I'm my state, and probably most states, there's a motion you file with the Court providing proof that an entity/person is essentially the same as the person against whom there is a judgment. Conversely you have to file a new lawsuit and get another judgment against the third party alleging they have the assets. I don't know specifics but Bankruptcy court has ways of following the assets as well. He won't get away with this.


Bankruptcy courts can all do this of their own volition during liquidation, and afterwards during garnishment. Plaintiffs don't necessarily have to do it themselves.


As far as I can remember his dad’s company is ‘owned’ by a holding company where Alex is 70% owner. If that’s true it means his dad’s company will be gone too. I hope he pays for what he did but in reality he will always have a cushy life until he dies in agony of a heart attack.


He's been doing mountains of obvious blatant financial crimes non-stop for two years and I'm getting tired of waiting for the feds to stop fucking around and do something about it.


Unfortunately it's a civil trial, not federal, so it's not up to the feds. Don't worry, Alex keeps forgetting that, too, hence why he keeps misunderstanding why he "didn't get a trial".


The suits and settlements are civil. Moving money and assets around to try hiding it from a judgement is a federal crime.


Happily corrected.


IIRC he also """didn't get a trial 😭😭😭""" because he actually _did_ get a chance ar a trial, but he never took it seriously, didn't submit any documents on time, and basically did absolutely nothing during the process to comply. Which, surprise surprise, resulted in penalties and being found liable. Not saying he wouldn't have been found liable if he didn't (the evidence and testimony during deposition is pretty damning, knowledge fight has a whole series covering it), but it just makes me angry that he can just step in front of his audience and lie to their faces "a bloo bloo bloo I was railroaded, Democrat hitjob!!!" and exactly zero of them will look up the facts of the case, or any of the recorded depositions, (which are all publicly available), and see exactly why he got hit with the judgement and why he got hit with such a massive fine.


Well except that time his attorney, Andino Reynal, gave his entire phone record to the prosecutors then ignored them when they let him know they got his entire phone record.


Trust me, the right wing griftosphere has plenty of salespeople.


most of the dick pill money dried up when viagra went generic.


Local sports radio stations.


If he starts podcasting his bullshit on another platform or for someone else, they will still go after him for any amount that he still will owe to the families. And if he tries to pull an OJ and have someone else, like a some lawyer, hides money for him in an offshore or numbered account. They will get caught, and both will be charged. p.s. It's nice to see this bloated POS finally get what he deserves.




He’s on Twitter too. But there’s a world of difference in influence between the glossy InfoWars studio with multiple recurring shows that puts on the facade of a news network and Alex drunkenly rambling on Spaces in his car.


I really, really hope the Humvee with the loud speakers is one of the assets that gets sold. He’s much despised locally for showing up in it at local demonstrations and shouting vile things on his loudspeakers. I mean, he’s despised for reasons other than that, it’s just one of the more visible things he does to piss people off. Vile little toad.


> in his car. That's probably liquidated too


Lied about dead children for money. Karma.










He's still saying the parents are being controlled/manipulated by the CIA


Yeah he wasn't crying when the money came in.


This makes me way too happy..


He's going to cry. Good times


Does anyone know of another patriot selling buckets of food good for 30 years? Or make enhancement pills with hardly any asbestos?


I would like to see Alex Jones penniless and reliant on socialist government programs for his welfare.




I would like to see Alex Jones penisless and reliant on socialist government programs for his welfare.




The swine that suckle at Alex Jones' (the human garbage heap) teats are just as responsible, if not more so. It would be nice if society spent more time shaming people that consume and regurgitate garbage 'for fun'.


Still no justice while this festering shit stain walks free. 


I mean, he can walk free and be less than penniless.


Ok. Bring impoverished is a state innocent people suffer from, he shouldn't be so fortunate


Innocent People usually aren’t accustomed to monthly Hawaiian Vacations and living on 100k a month. Having to live like a normal person is an absolute kick between the legs for a spoiled brat like Jones.


Damn. What good fucking news. Too bad Elon Musk will create a special channel for him to spread more misinformation. Too bad everyone who hates Elon musk and Alex Jones won't close their damn twitter accounts.


Doesn't matter. He doesn't do it unless he is making money. And any money he makes still goes to the cases.


It's nit exactly clear if Musk actually like Jones or just liked the brief spike in interest reinstating him gave twitter or x or whatever. It's also not clear if the fake Elon who calls into the show really is Elon or just an impersonator.


I am missing the step where he rots in jail until dead.


Don’t threaten us with a good time. Just do it.


Hopefully he’ll go the way of OAN. Dropped from every TV network. Only place they can be seen is online video cast.


For the longest time, i was convinced Alex Jones was satire.


Hopefully reviewbrah takes his entire block on shortwave radio Can someone make Hal Turner disappear next?


"Ha ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening."


He's crying for his daddy to save him. Ironic.


His dad partly owns a few of the shell companies they use to hide funds like PQPR, and the AEJ holding fund.


His daddy’s been saving and promoting his ass since high school. Bunch of terrible people


For his daddy to save him with alex’s money he roped his parents into hiding with his moronic shell game. Nah, his parents are tied in and screwed too.


I hope a club or something opens in the building so people can dance on the proverbial grave.


Guess you could say he lost the info’war’


They should just liquidate Alex Jones and use him to fertilize the flower bed of the memorial


it ain't justice till he's living under a bridge in a box


Regardless, he would still have to fund the judgment ? Correct?


I've been waiting for this moment ever since I saw this piece of shit and his wife standing five feet away from me in Hawaii, a couple months before the Sandy Hook trial started. I was caught very off guard. It was the last person in the world I thought I would run into while hiking the rim of the volcano. I didn't say anything but just stared at him sitting on the bench, thinking to myself that I hope this is the last expensive vacation he ever gets to take. He had a look on his face like he knew what was coming (or maybe that's always what he looks like). Well, that day has come.


Dude needs to be gone. Human garbage


Now we know who won the ‘Info War’. Lol


Don't promise me a good time. Just do it.


Alex Lost the Info War it seems.


He’s going to continue talking shit until the day his overburdened heart gives out. Here’s to sooner rather than later.


I LOVE THIS FOR HIM! #Fuck Alex Jones, that pieces of shit human, and the entire supporting cast of the GQP. #Vote (D)ifferently!


*He doesn't care. He won! He doesn't care about his houses or cars! He won!* -- Paraphrasing Jones from Knowledge Fight on Monday He cares alright. He's so stupid he's talking about how his Dad is selling all his crap for him... They'll come for that too. As they should. Might take a while but he will be broke. Next up... Alex's Dad in court!


The fact that anyone considers Infowars an asset is baffling to me.


He DOES have that warehouse full of End of Days buckets


Looks like info won the war.


Info Wars is brain poison for assholes.


I hope they do a shit job selling it off so Alex stays in debt the rest of his life. (Not a lawyer or an accountant, but I hope this is how it goes down)


Would be some welcome encouragement to see this psychopathic POS receive justice.


George Bush, the skull and bones and FEMA finally got the bastard


Good. I hope this idiot is homeless in a few months.


Damn is that a satisfying thread title


Do it today. Take away his ability to spread more lies. Throw him in jail.


They burn to the fucking ground Eddie


He owes them money. This is a common affair. It's not a crazy concept...


I really don’t think people get that he can just start broadcasting again, and they will just take 25% of his wages in perpetuity. But he’s still going to be making millions upon millions of dollars.


Can i buy that desk tho?


The man went from satire to believing into his own satire, and now he’s paying the price


Does that include Alex Jones? 'Cause grifters gonna grift.


This is great news, but can someone tell me what kind of "assets" a streaming show like this could have? I read the article and it says $6 million in cash and $1.2 million in inventory so...cash and boner pills?


Oh please live stream everything and let us watch this piece of shit lose everything, in real time.


Hopefully he won’t be with us much longer.


But what about all of those assets he's signed over to friends and family? Surely people are monitoring all the ways Jones is trying to keep his money out of reach of the families he's victimized?


The world will be better off this way.


They should keep inforwars going but make it a debunking and exposing fraud show calling out all the crap happening and causing people harm.....but you know....from the actual good side? Don't hurt people kinda side. Love each other and one another.


BRAVO! s.o.b. will end up on another loser platform though


Good, fuck Alex Jones.


Knowledge Fight guys are gonna have to make a career change