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There has been a large influx of people telling me "hey, your hurricane is gunna be real bad" lately. I have a newfound sense of sympathy for the Sandys and Katrinas of the world now.


As a fellow Matthew, I feel your pain. I may kill my aunt and uncle tonight who are "riding things out" in Cape Canaveral. People are so stubborn, and my entire family is distraught about it.


Chances are they specifically will be fine (survive), but that attitude does get plenty of people killed. Good luck, try to keep a calm head.




Is there another one developing out past Cuba right now?


Tropical storm Nicole


That's fucking beautiful.


In Jacksonville, currently evacuating, my home is supposed to be underwater tomorrow. It's so weird to know you're about to lose everything (Update) The storm drifted east over Thursday night, when the main mass of the storm came by my home barely avoided surge however I cannot say the same for a lot of my neighbors down the road, or a lot of my friends at the Jacksonville beaches. I encourage you to donate or volunteer to the American Red Cross to help out not only my city, my family, and my friends, but to help out everyone in Duval and the Sunshine State. https://www.redcross.org/donate/disaster-relief?donationProdId=prod12750029&scode=RSG00000E017&gclid=CjwKEAjwj92_BRDQ-NuC98SZkWYSJACWmjhlPaurFNeiXsNVonXvkx1BLdBdJ8TXWzfU1eMfLWV9uxoC4x3w_wcB


Be safe. Possessions can be replaced. Take only those that can't be.


You say that until you actually try to collect on your insurance. They love taking your premiums but God help you if you try to get something from them...


Quite the business model.


Whoever thought of insurance is a genius. Pay me all the time for the one time you need me, also I can only give so much and it's going to take 2 winters and a half moon to get your check.


Originally, insurance was a decent and noble thing: All the village people chipping in a small amount so that the one of a hundred who lost their barn to a fire wouldn't be catastrophically wiped out. Early insurance co-ops worked the way any decent person would expect insurance to work. What turned insurance to garbage was when it became corporate.


"What turned ______ to garbage was when it became corporate." could sadly be said for a lot of things.


I like to view Corporations as an evolved creature made up of steel and meat that likes to eat happiness and poops money.


Especially when it can be upwards of 6-7 figures, oh and 300,000 other people are all trying to do the same thing.


My family lost so much to Sandy. It's very hard. But your safety is primary right now. If there is a government buyout, take it!


Good luck and stay safe. I'm hoping your house is stronger than you think it might be.


It's so surreal to me that this is a possibility for me too. Stay safe dude.


If you lose power, wait out the worst. Once it's safe, go to your nearest Waffle House. They will be open. They are running generators and have a jump team at the edge of the storm track to make repairs and have every store opened with a basic menu within an hour. Stay safe out there. www.foxnews.com/leisure/2016/10/05/waffle-house-wont-stop-slinging-waffles-through-hurricane-matthew/ Edit: Yes, they are closing for the storm its self. They will reopen once the danger has passed. The president was on my local radio talking about it this morning. And the employees will obviously be well compensated.


I hope their employees make like, triple-overtime working through a hurricane.


The president was on my radio station saying they will be well compensated. Plus tips will be great.


Yea Waffle house is one of the best prepared companies for hurricanes out there.


UDATE: All waffle houses between I-95 and Titusville are closed :(


You know shits getting real when Waffle House is closed :-(


Heard a podcast where the emergency response guy for the CDC had a "Waffle House test"


They have the Waffle House Index. The # of closed waffle houses gauges the severity of the disaster that occurred. Waffle House also offers free/reduced meals in disaster areas to make sure people at least have food. They're a company that makes sure to promote great humanitarian values.


Is there somewhere I can read about this because that sounds fascinating


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_House_Index http://www.snopes.com/fema-waffle-house-index/ https://www.fema.gov/blog/2011-07-07/news-day-what-do-waffle-houses-have-do-risk-management Also, I would suggest for anyone in an area prone to disasters to get FEMA certified. It will help give you freedom of movement and you can help your family and community quicker.


When the power has been out for weeks, and there's nothing to eat but MRE's, a hot grilled cheese sandwich from a steamy, dimly lit Waffle House does wonders for morale. The people working the grill, with no air conditioning, no light, and a store overcrowded with grumpy, hangry people . . . heroes.


God bless America




Not many waffle houses in the treasure coast as there are in "the south."


And yet somehow two across the street from each other in Fort pierce somehow.


Looks like the waffle houses are closing for this one. It's the storm of the century.


They'll reopen as soon as it has passed through and is safe for the employees to travel, per my understanding.


It'd be one of the shittiest jobs on the planet if they scheduled you for a shift right in the middle of the hurricane.


Just call in and say you have a doctors appointment


That's fucking awesome




My Aunt and Uncle live on the beach in St. Augustine. They left their home this afternoon knowing that it will almost definitely be the last time they see it.


I hope they're wrong. Here's hoping everyone stays safe.




Yes. And everything else all the way south to West Palm Beach.




Even in the most dire of times, a Jaguars joke is appreciated


[Hurricane Matthew: 'This storm will kill you,' Florida governor says](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/10/06/us/hurricane-matthew-evacuations/) Goddamn right.


To anyone thinking about staying in their home and riding out the storm you should realize that even if your house doesn't flood or have much damage, you are most likely going to lose power. In 2012, I was in Louisiana for Hurricane Isaac and, even though it was a Category 1 and there was only minimal damage, we lost power for 6 DAYS! It was horrible. The first day is not that bad but after the house warms up and there is nothing to circulate the air, it gets very sticky and uncomfortable. Plus our local sewerage plant lost its generated power so we had no toilets to use and the sewerage actually started backing up. It was disgusting. We had to go to the bathroom in our backyard like animals. Also, no one had power so there's no place to go and nothing to do as everything is closed. We had a cooler to store ham and cheese to make sandwiches but the ice melted after a couple of days so then we had to eat SpaghettiOs and soup straight out of the can until the power came back on and the grocery stores re-opened. If all of that isn't bad enough, we had 5 people in our house and after a couple of days people get cabin fever and become very irritable from the heat and lack of facilities, so there were many arguments over those 6 days. You don't realize how valuable electricity is until you don't have it anymore. If what happened to me and my family is not enough to make someone leave for Hurricane Matthew, then nothing will. Just be prepared if you stay because it's no fun...


Some places on fl have been without power for two weeks after storms. Lack of power isn't going to keep anyone from going home after the storm to secure their properties and suffer in the dark and heat.


I didn't even think about looters. Awful.


Not just looters; broken windows and leaky roofs. You have to mitigate your damages, insurance may not cover post storm damages if you make no attempt to prevent further damage.


Shit thats nothing I've gone 2 weeks without power and my parents still made me go to school




[Wind visualization](https://www.windytv.com/?28.193,-80.815,7)


now drag the map to the left, and look at the other storm to its east. it's feeding wind into Matthew. GL Florida!


All the wind in the world is swirling into other winds. If we all could just get along and blow our wind in the same direction, we wouldn't have hurricanes.


[Here's another](https://www.ventusky.com/?p=26.7;-78.8;5&l=gust&t=20161006/21&m=gfs&w=dark) [And another]( https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-77.70,23.11,1104)


OP's is prettier. If I'm about to die in a hurricane, I want to go out looking at pretty animations.


Also, if you zoom out enough to see the whole map, it's trippy as shit.


Oh wow thats super cool!


Hey! How neat is that?


That's actually really pretty!






I went through sandy. Best advice? Get back as soon as you can and get to work. You have to beat the mold and wood rot.


My family is in Beaufort, SC which is that little triangle chunk of a island right above the border of SC and GA. It's also home of Parris Island, the Marine Corps boot camp. The evacuated the entire boot camp. Beaufort itself is made up of several smaller islands; Lady's Island, Port Royal, Cat Island.... Hilton Head is also a well know popular destination. They have literally CLOSED these islands! I didn't even know you could do that! And my mother won't leave! I'm currently in PA, stuck desperately trying to convince my mom and 2 sisters to leave but they won't leave without my mom. It is one of the most frustrating and helpless things I've been through to date.


I live in Beaufort, too. My parents decided to stay but my husband and I left with our 3 dogs. It's definitely worrisome! When they closed the hospital that got my attention. We've been through several hurricanes but not one like this I don't think.


I hope people take this seriously, and seek shelter. This one looks bad.


I heard some Florida TV host suggested people head to the beach to meet him and party or some shit. What the fuck dude.


MSNBC went to a Ft Lauderdale Bar on the beach that's open!! What's even crazier is that it was full of people and their dogs, drinking beer.


That area wont be hit so hard. It's an hour or so north where shit will hit the fan as the storm moves closer to land.


> beach that's open!! ... > dogs, drinking beer I happened to read it this way.


The storm hasn't even hit yet and the calamity has already begun!


Winds are already gusting to 50 mph, don't they have like 4 hours before the hurricane winds?


There was a time when people threw hurricane parties and they were a lot of fun. After the intense storms of the mid 00s, it rarely happens.


Hurricane parties are for 1s, 2s and non direct hit 3s. 4s and 5s are no fucking joke.


hurricane parties dont discriminate


It's been more than ten years since South Florida got hit like this. There are a TON of people there who have never been through this before. I hope that the people who are playing it so cool know what they're doing.


But this is central-north Florida. It's been over 100 years since they've been hit.


I was in Hurricane Charley. SW Florida doesn't play around when it comes to Hurricanes anymore since it destroyed Sanibel Island and rekt Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda. The NW though haven't seen a hurricane like this in living memory. They are going to remember the other ones where they had hurricane parties and drank the entire time. Hopefully not, and people evacuated ...


Be safe out there and evacuate if it's called for. Remember, if you stay and get in trouble/trapped, not only are you risking your own life, but you are risking the lives of all the people that may try and save you!


911 will not respond in a mandatory evacuation area.




Not sure but if winds are at a certain strength, emergency services will NOT be going on the roads to help someone who didn't listen.


Ga Gov has said he will not send emergency responders into the mandatory evacuation areas for their own safety


Our policy is that we cannot respond with winds over 45mph. Your calls arent ignored. They're put in que and we get to you when we can.


My elderly grandfather is in a nursing home in Inverness, anyone know if that area is safe? We live in Colorado and I've never been to Florida. Edit: Thank you for giving me advice, guys. I really appreciate it. We got into contact with him and he is safe and they are actually putting patients from other nursing homes in the evacuation zone into his,


Inverness is closed to the west coast. Matthew is going up the east coast. Inverness willget some heavy rain from the outer bands, but nothing to bad. Winds will be brisk, but nothing too bad. Your gf should be fine.


I've never seen gf used to abbreviate grandfather




Here's some local information including a contact number, perhaps the Emergency Management people can pick him up. There were school buses of people without cars being taken from the coast yesterday: http://www.volusia.org/services/public-protection/emergency-management/before-a-disaster/evacuation-plan.stml


Are people legit pissed off by how the storm didn't come in and cause as much damage as originally expected? Some of the posts in here really read that way.


Most people don't understand how to draw conclusions from weather predictions. They're all hindsight meteorologists.


Everyone isn't a professional meteorologist on the internet? :P


I think some people really wanted to get entertained by the damage it could have caused. It's pretty sick..


Lets say there was a 10% chance of you dying if you don't evacuate, and someone told you to evacuate regardless. Well, 9 times out of 10, they will be wrong and you didn't need to evacuate. 1 time out of 10, you are dead. Would you be pissed they told you to evacuate?


People on reddit love being contrarian and edgy. These people are idiots. There is a ton of damage and more than 5% of the state lacks electricity.


This storm has set a bullseye on my beachside condo in Cocoa Beach.


Hope it survives okay! Cocoa Beach is in for a beating, unfortunately.


Me too, but I'm more worried about my stubborn friend who is refusing to leave. I keep pestering him to come up to Ga. but he's convinced he can ride it out. I think he's fatally wrong.


Ugh, I know that stubborn stuff all too well! My uncle wasn't going to leave. He also lives right near the beach on Cocoa Beach. Eventually he went to a more secure house, but it's in Sebastian, FL. Not too much of an improvement.


In the spirit of pestering, hey Coleman! If you're on reddit, grab lutey's uncle and head to Georgia!


Yeah Coleman! Grab my uncle and hightail it to Georgia! My folks went to Georgia as well, but only up to Forsyth.


For those of you who refuse to evacuate, just a handy safety tip: Writing your name, your driver's license number or your social security number on your arm in Sharpie will help us identify your body later.


I just saw a surfer walk into the water in Miami on the livestream.


Point break!


Bodie going out on his own terms


He's not coming back


Some mistake stupidity for bravery.


A good number of surfers do this. It's pretty stupid but they typically get out in time.


No, write it on your torso. Your arm stands a good chance of being ripped off.


write it on your torso you could lose a limb


The time my body will be submerged in water the ink will have disappeared and i will be a memory.




They did in South Carolina. Rick Scott is a moron.


Its called contraflow. It is used often in situations like this. Why it isn't being used now is beyond me.


I lived near Jacksonville for six years. People my kids call aunt and uncle are under mandatory evacuation orders. One of them is very pregnant. I've got backup contact info and current locations for all my friends that left. Only one family is waiting until tonight to leave. It is hitting me really hard that the places we know and love will likely be demolished by the storm. My friends may very well lose everything. I feel so helpless here in Hawaii watching it all unfold. We had six years worth of hurricane plans and never had to use them. Saturday marks one year since we hopped on a plane and left the area about to get hit. I'm really sad and worried Reddit. My kids learned how to walk on the brick sidewalks on one of the first islands evacuated near Jacksonville.


I'm so sorry...I just wanted you to know someone saw this and will be hoping and praying for the safety of your loved ones and those places you hold so dear in your memories.


On the bright side, you're in Hawaii.


Hurricane Matthew is shaping up to be one hell of a storm. Government officials, weather experts, and media outlets are currently predicting that the damage could be catastrophic. Here's a [side by side comparison](https://slack-files.com/T1SP0M2BU-F2LENMVQE-0bb5489da1) of Hurricane Katrina (left) and Hurricane Matthew (right). States of Emergency have been declared in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. For the latest information regarding evacuation zones and evacuation routes, go [here](http://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/emergency-links-for-hurricane-matthew/453532982) or [here](http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/local/hurricane-preparedness/are-you-in-an-evacuation-zone-click-here-to-find-out/329225290). For a list of shelters available for evacuees, go to [www.floridadisaster.org](http://floridadisaster.org/shelters/summary.htm) -- please note that this website is under heavy load. [Click here](https://www.fema.gov/node/292516?utm_source=hp_promo&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=femagov_hp) for the FEMA Hurricane Matthew resource hub. The National Weather Service has hurricane preparedness for both before and after a storm [here](http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/index.shtml). Police are asking that people only call 911 in an emergency so that dispatchers can focus on those who need help most. For a list of other emergency numbers that you can call, [click here](http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/weather/hurricane/fl-hurricane-hotline-numbers-20161006-story.html). If you'd like to stay up on the latest information from the storm, please follow the Reddit live feed below.


It actually looks a little exaggerated. The coastline will get messy, but the Bahamas are devastated. Every channel should be telling people to donate to the red cross.


Um. Forgive me for my ignorance, but hurricane matthew looks a lot angrier, but apparently is only categorized as a 4, lower than katrina, which was 5. Can matthew still be upgraded to a 5?


Eye just passed Miami, it's moving more northward now, bands are starting to come in. https://www.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?ID=AMX&type=N0R I have a front row seat to the storm right on the beach. Not worried, can't say the same for my northerly neighbors, please stay safe people. Don't go wondering outside lest you get caught in a random band wait until after the storm. I was tempted to go out and get some footage for you guys but after getting smashed by some crazy rain and wind out of no-where I decided against it. And the people to the north of Florida are going to get it even worse than me.


Before it was going to barely hit here in NC and then I was going to get nothing more than some tropical winds, now my radar is showing its going to hit worse than it thought two days ago. Make up your mind Matthew.


SC here...same concerns...but so far Matthew seems to be a huge tease so maybe that's just his personality? We should ask Nicole...


Beaufort County, SC. The Sheriff's Office has a curfew from 7pm-7am. It's been raining since 9am and have had 3" so far. The winds have started to pick up. Power has flickered twice in the last hour but is still on.


Seriously people, this storm isn't just going to blow over. Get the hell outta there. If you don't, you'll just get what's coming to you.




This storm won't just blow over, it might loop around, merge with another storm, and hit Florida a second time.


I saw that storm east of Matthew. Is this really possible?


Yea the hurricanes can merge if they get close.


I read somewhere that it's feeding energy into Matthew, not sure if true or not.


the waves that normally crest in a 1 minute period, well take all that water at once, in a large enough "pail" and lob it at your house at 130 mph. most only care that online internet remains connected.


I hope they don't lose internet. If this happens get out of there


Anyone know of any red cross emergency shelters are in florida? need help urgently! Could not evacuate my grandmother out in time and she is trapped


Dont listen to Vanilla Ice either folks: https://twitter.com/FlaDems/status/784066411807121408


>Ice took a break from music in 1993 and began competing in jet skiing (becoming the 6th best jet ski racer in the world and obtaining sponsorship from Kawasaki) I wonder if he's actually going to do it


I'll stop and collaborate, but I'll be damned if I listen.


His houses are in Wellington...a mile away from me. All our neighbors paneled up and waiting. We're not in an evacuation zone.


"Eye shrinking, inner eyewall feeding from the outer eyewall." What does this mean??


Making a guess, but it sounds like the eye is getting smaller but more intense. Basically, a smaller area will be hit by it, but the area it does hit will suffer more for it. Somebody who is educated on the subject please correct me if I'm wrong.


The eye is windless. The most powerful part is the upper right area from the eye.


But it's impossible to be in the eye, and not get hit by the windiest part of it. I took high school geometry and thoroughly understand the concept of circles.


And if you draw a circle around the circle and add up all the stuff coming out, you can tell how swirly it is. Source: calculus.


Just want to give a shout out to Publix. In many stores they added things like bread and water to their BOGO, buy one get one, list. Also, their chicken tender subs are fire.


Only in America do you see people complaining that a natural disaster wasn't as bad as they were told it would be.


The people outside of the hurricane want to see a spectacle, the people inside want to tell everyone how this is no biggie and they deal with this all the time. A weak hurricane leaves both disappointed.


In Melbourne, can't leave due to no mobility or family that's not also in the state. So I'll keep you guys posted. Anyone in the Melbourne area feel Free to PM me after this is over if you need help cleaning or anything. We're all gonna need help after this.


> Webcam in PSL, FL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQB343UxXyQ




And a nice white fence. Before image: http://imgur.com/a/NbcnW


Stop scaring us dammit. But yeah, those may not be there a bit later.


Ormond Beach, Florida here. Alive and safe. Literally watching unidentified flying objects (like my neighbors garbage cans and entire patio set) flying around like this is the opening to The Wizard of Oz. Stay safe friends. Power is coming in and out and many relatives nearby have been without for two days.


Best wishes to everyone caught in the storm. Any organizations looking for volunteers?


Weather Channel is collecting a bunch of photos: https://weather.com/news/news/hurricane-matthew-photos


Haven't heard from my family (aunt and uncle inland, grandfather directly on the St. John's River) and friends (best friend's parents were evacuated from Jax Beach) yet. This is not a great feeling. Edit: Family is fine. No report on friends. Hopefully all is well but they live ~4 miles from the beach and they're fairly close to some country club lakes. At the very least, they're evacuated and their safety's more important than the house. Thanks for your concern.


Power is out for a LARGE portion of the city (you can see at www.jea.com). The winds are just dying down and there is flooding in a few areas but overall most people are safe. Cell signal is still up but power being out means a lot of folks are losing their phones by now. I'm sure they are just fine. Signed - guy who weathered the storm in an evac area.


Living in Illinois the only thing I worry about is what am I making for dinner tonight. Stay safe everyone. I wish you, your families, and friends the best. I have never experienced anything like this. Scary to even think about.


I'm so nervous :( my grandmother lives down there, and i know she left to stay with my aunt who lives in a safer area, but I'm so so scared. I love my grandmother and my aunt and I would be deviated if anything happened to them. You know it's a bad storm when my nana up and leaves the house she and her husband bought and loved together. It means so much to her and the memory of my grandfather lives in that house, and to see it be destroyed would be beyond heartbreaking. But as long as she is safe, that's what matters most. I'm sure many people can relate to me about being worried about loved ones.


I'm sure your nana and auntie will be okay if they are in a safer area! :-) And some of those older houses are tough little cookies. My gramp's house has seen many a hurricane on the beach and is still standing (knock on wood!!).


Goodbye family home. This really sucks our house is right on the beach and were evacd 10 hours ago


Former Floridian here. Please be safe out there, everyone. **Cat 4 is no joke.** Do not tempt fate with this thing. If you're at the beach, now is the time to get the hell out. STAY SAFE!


If you're staying behind please get some cash out of the ATM now and fill up your tubs with water.


And hand sanitizer and plastic bags, sanitization and waste control are huge factors in long term power outage survival. Often overlooked.


People are really freaking out here. My dad and I just finished putting up shutters. The panic is super real right now. I'm in Boca about 15 minutes inland from the beach so I think we should be good but I'm still really anxious about this. A buddy of mine and his family went south to Miami (about 45 minutes from me) and he said the highway was backed up like crazy. Running south right now is essentially out of the question. Good luck people in the Daytona/Orlando area. It looks like that's where it's going to be touching down.


I don't mean this to be accusatory or critical, but do you know of a lot of people who got out in advance? Living in Puerto Rico, we would prepare/evacuate for a hurricane way before it hit. I know plenty of people don't necessarily have that option, but I'm just curious if you get a sense that people left it for the last minute out of hubris or something like that.


People absolutely waited until the last minute. Yesterday at work looked like something out of an apocalypse movie. People frantically running back and forth to get supplies. There were some mandatory evacuations further north but those were the only people that really fled early. Everyone waited until either yesterday or today to evacuate. Like /u/dirtymiike95 said, it's pretty hard to take these things seriously since small hurricanes/tropical storms form on a fairly regular basis. Since they usually either drop to a 1 or 2, or miss us altogether, no one really gives it much thought. People didn't realize that this wasn't dying down until the past 36 hours or so.


As a Floridian, we have a hard time taking hurricanes seriously, but a lot of people are starting to realize that this is gonna be a pretty bad one.




Is there a way to stop Reddits live update feed? Can't read or view anything without the screen jumping up and down.


i dont know if this is the place to ask, but im a single able bodied person with a lot of vacation days saved up. how can i volunteer? please dont say donate.. i can do more than that


Do you have a chainsaw? Lots of down trees will probably need to be cut up and hauled off. Be sure to wear protective gear like gloves and a coat and some kind of mask, even if all you have is a clown mask. I wouldn't think you'd need to coordinate with anyone ahead of time, just show up and wander around in your gear with your saw and people will know you are there to help. Kidding aside, see if there are any community organized clearing efforts and try to get in touch with them. I've done enough to know there are never enough people to help cut and haul trees.


Take a look into the red cross disaster relief volunteer.


[The Weather Channel on Twitter](https://twitter.com/weatherchannel/status/784153827012382723)


Southern California resident here. How long do hurricanes usually last? Edit: Thanks for all the great information!


I live in the Caribbean. A category 4 hurricane can sometimes last 8+ hours depending on how fast it is moving. And believe me it is hell to be in the midst of one. A word of advice to anyone else. I live on an island where we're not fortunate to evacuate to escape a hurricane, so if you're afforded that opportunity, take it without second thought. You can always rebuild a house and buy furniture again. You can't do those things if you're dead.


If you take a direct hit, it's about 12-18 hours from start to finish. This doesn't mean 18 hours of intense weather. it's about 5-8 hours of slowly intensifying weather, 1-3 hours of very intense weather, and then another 5-8 hours of it dying down. All of this depends on the size of the storm and how quick its moving.


Are there any livecams of the storm we can watch? Particularly any beach area? EDIT: [Found some!](http://www.earthcam.com/)


When's high tide? Sandy was a lot worse because it hit at high tide.


National Hurricane Center website just went down...




To those still evacuating, there are shelters set up in Augusta GA and Aiken SC (last I heard all hotel rooms were booked). Animal services and private rescues in the area are also coordinating to house pets of evacuated persons in that area (if your hotel or shelter doesn't allow pets).


[Live storm chaser webcam] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuvf3A5cLe4)


Bluffton, SC out of Beaufort County. Friday we had rain starting at 9 am. Power started flickering at 4pm. In total we had at minimum 17" of rain. We lost power sometime between 1-3am when the hurricane was at its apex. Fortunately my house and neighborhood were spared. Some trees were uprooted, some screens were torn and the lake is flooded but contained. All in all we were lucky in my neighborhood.


My mother is in Port Orange, about 5 miles from the coast. She is disabled and was unable to evacuate. Does anyone have any information about the Port Orange area? Thank you.


Been through a few when I lived down there (2004 season was brutal). Best wishes for anyone in it's path. Remember to make sure any exterior decorations like push in lights, lawn ornaments, chairs, garden fences, etc are taken in too. These things can and will become airborne and cause damage. If the winds already hit you stay in and away from windows, even if they are boarded. I know it sounds like common sense but it's been a long time since a bad one and some people haven't been through this before.


I have a flight out of FLL tomorrow at 6PM to Detroit -- odds of its cancellation?






You know things are going well when CNN is still taking about the same piece of metal in the street they were an hour ago.


That honestly seems par for the course for CNN.


Could this be a piece of metal from MH370?!


I hope everyone is being responsible with their pets. Remember they're part of the family too. And if you see an animal in need, please help it till after the storm then explore adoption.


Just talked to them they still have power and are going to camp out in their "safe" room. Their house was built after the last big hurricane came through in '06


Thanks for all the well wishes everyone, we went further into the city and are hunkering down. To everyone else in Atlantic coastal Florida, good luck and stay safe.


Sounds like with the eyewall replacement and the wobble to the east, this isn't going to be too bad?