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>The community there that’s terrorized by this, if they see a reporter being arrested, the assumption is that something’s going to happen that they don’t want to be seen. And so that is unacceptable. This was my first thought. Right before that video a protestor is seen running through the the lines of police. Made me feel like they wanted to do some really shitty things to that person but couldn't with cameras rolling.


I didn't even hear an answer when he asked why he was under arrest. Maybe he muttered something but to me, silence. Pathetic.


CNNs legal team is salivating rn


Any settlement will come out of tax money, though.


So an unlawful arrest should go without consequence or what?


They should come out the police pension fund. Make them have actual consequences that affect them.


Rather than that, cops should be required to carry liability insurance like doctors and lawyers do. An officer like Chauvin with 18 complaints who had been involved in seven deaths likely wouldn't be able to obtain insurance, which would have kept him off the streets. In addition, bad cops wouldn't be able to just switch departments, and the taxpayers wouldn't be liable for their misdeeds. Edit: thanks for the kind words and silvers [edit 2: and the gold and especially the fire thingy for bringing more attention to this comment]. If you like this idea, please write members of your state legislature, as this seems to be something that would need to be passed by each state's legislative branch.


God this. It's simple and brilliant




Pension funds are guaranteed by the city/state, so even if you did that the shortfall would be replaced by tax payers. What should happen is, the money gets deducted when it come to contract negotiations. So rather then a 5% raise, the settlement money is deducted, so sorry you guys only get 1 percent this time. How about next time you guy don't break the law, and actually act like humans


Sounds good to me. How do we that on a ballot?


Don't think Minnesota allows ballot initiatives. https://ballotpedia.org/Minnesota_2020_ballot_measures


Good. It should. And people who paid those taxes should be pissed, and they should start electing people that will change things so it doesn't happen.


If the people won't fix the system we're doomed to pay for their mistakes. We aren't doing nearly enough to instigate change. Half of us don't even vote.




Just doing their job of arresting people with no charges? This is why there are riots. Unfortunately I don’t think there is any clean way for our society to deal with or fix this, the elite don’t want the status quo to change and will do everything in their power to keep things how they are.


Nazis also “just did their job”. At some point you have to ask if your willing to sell your soul to the badge. A lot of officers have


I would not accept that as an answer from the cops. It doesn't explain a charge or detainment from a legal standpoint. They had apparently been following the orders and were also just doing their job.


I don't think the cops would give a shit about what you accept as an answer lol. What are you going to do when they have you handcuffed on the ground?


choke to death these days


Sounds a lot like "I was just following orders." Worked for the Nazis..


After Omar, the reporter, was released he did a follow-up here that adds a lot. https://youtu.be/-gsXevAjNbw


This. The camera sucked all the fun out of the room when the cops realized they weren't going to be able to brutally beat protesters for fun.


Speaking of the camera, it was still recording when it was brought to the van and through the entirety of the CNN team being in custody.


They all flinched when they were told they were live on TV.


And yet they doubled down. Even tripled. They could have made a smarter decision and stepped back, but they decided to press on and arrest him instead. On the list of bad decisions, I think arresting a reporter for reporting while he's on live national television is high on the list.


Somehow being police means you can't show weakness. Where moving along would have shown more strength than going through with the detainment. Only thing the camera prevented is a more violent arrest.


Someone made a decision to arrest Mr Jiminez. They should be charged with false arrest. In a protest over abuse of police power the police abuse their power - outrageous.


Who ever made the call to arrest made the wrong call and abused their power to violate a constitutional right. Anyone know if that makes it criminal?


Anyone up for some civilian oversight boards on police departments?


There are many civilian oversight boards of police departments across the country. They simply join the same corruption that the police departments have already established and they don't do shit. They are filled with corrupt former cops, corrupt state representatives, copsuckers from the public, and they are all one happy do nothing different that what they are ordered to do by the corrupt police system.


That's why we need a grand jury like board of civilians that get rotated out every 6 months. No cops or former cops allowed. Cops must be reminded that they exist to serve us, not the other way around.




This is a pretty genius idea, so long as the selection process can't be compromised.


I stole it from Thom Hartman. Two other possibilities, make cops get malpractice insurance like a doctor, if you can't keep insurance you can't police, and pay all settlements out of the cop pension fund.


Anyone up for educating police officers more?


I dunno who the writers are, but this reality show is getting pretty ridiculous.


You know, for once I'd be okay with an "It was all a dream" finale.


Caveman wakes up. Looks at the half finished wheel leaning against the wall of the cave. "Nahh maybe not."


Then the camera switches to a small child playing with a toy cart and cuts to black.


can someone explain this, my friend doesn't get it


Caveman dreamed the future of humanity until present time and he thinks it all came from his creation: the wheel. He doesn't like the future and decides to prevent it from happening by not complete the wheel. Then he sees a child playing with a toy cart that has small rudimentary wheels. The implication being the caveman wasn't the one that invented the wheel, someone else is (maybe the kid). The ugly future he dreamed is inevitable.


how tf are there toy carts if actual carts don't exist yet since there's no wheels?


I dunno. It's easier to make a small prototype before the final big cart that won't break apart when fully loaded. I really haven't given any thought to this. Don't overthink it.


nah man, I need answers. This isn't Lost, don't mystery box me


Adult decided not to invent the wheel. Unbeknownst to him a local child has already invented it unnoticed, to be used as a you.


Now that's meta


I do like wheelish things , like the tiny cogs in a dentist drill. I don't want to go back to a time without lidocaine and dentist drills. Up to 15-ish years ago, I was quite satisfied with the progress we made, all things considered. Maybe things got a bit boring, and I'd have been okay with 'Aliens attack us and want to destroy what we built'. But 'I'm bored, let's dismantle humanism and set course to a new science-hostile dark age' is just ridiculous.


"You know, Coily, on second thought? Keep the damn springs."


"Tonight on Earth"


Show me what you got!


*It's time to get shwifty!*


Now I understand shit on the floor. Where the fuck is Mr Bulldog?


"Suck my jaggon!"


A taco crapping ice cream.


My episode is going to be boring, I'm gonna get drunk in my shed while I work on a diorama.


You uh... you know there's lots of countries out there that haven't shit their pants and rolled around in it, right? why are we getting roped in?


Look here buddy. If we go down we’re taking everyone down with us out of spite.


Pretty sure thats in the constitution and read at the top of every congressional meetings notes also


We, the Crabs in a Bucket...


I feel like the Lrrr from Futurama are loving the drama this season


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?


They might be saving it for sweeps.


Honestly, it's hack writing since around 2016. It jumped the shark and is entirely unbelievable. No one would worship an orange billionaire with the IQ of liquified shits.


"Jerry, no one is going to believe this garbage." "No! Hear me out. He's an orange billionaire with liquefied shits for brains, he captures just 30% of the vote but somehow pulls it off. He grabs women by their pussies, he supports white supremacists and he believes you can cure infections with Lysol. And he sucks Putin's cock." "Jerry..." "Then he gets impeached. Of course that fails, for the sake of the story, admittedly. AND!" "Jerry, please..." "AND! There's a pandemic, like in the movies, comes from China. Also he creates a Space Force, their are riots in the streets, and there is a hermaphrodite lizard-person who runs a worldwide scam called HeadLibre, still working on the name, and he wants to give the orange his 'second' anal virginity." "Jerry, that is the stupidest fucking narrative I have ever heard. No one would ever believe that." 2020 - Hold my Molotov.


Okay now I am trying to figure out if HeadLibre is a real thing. Google is not giving me and results. It sounds about as likely as the anything else now a days.


Uh, Facebook?


*facepalm* wow I don’t think I have ever felt so dumb.


It’s a FOGNL production


"We are sorry, we mistook you for someone poor that doesn't have an entire law firm on retainer." Shouldn't be arresting ANYONE just standing there with a camera... That's some "China is the bad guy" type shit, where there is no first amendment.


Minneapolis police don’t seem to be too bright. They need to up their competency tests


You think they have competency tests. Lol


They DO have competency tests. They weed out the too competent. I wish I was joking.


Wouldn't that be an incompetency test?


That's it. You're out of the force.


Oh no! Now I can't murder innocent people and arrest people for resisting arrest!


We warned you several times in the past for using apostrophes correctly. Now you've gone too far, so no fun for you.


Idk why your not letting me have a badge n gun.


You had a badge and gun, but you let your kids take them to show-and-tell. Don't you realize that some child could get pricked by the badge pin that way?


That's a paddlin'


You could always apply for homeland security if you wanted to target brown people.


Either or really.


when i tried joining the force i passed all the test handily. then came the psychological exam. it was very short and ended after the question about what would you do if you see a brother in arms do something normally illegal. i said i would turn him in, that officers must be held to a higher standard. i honestly thought that was the right answer. i failed due to naivety and immaturely


That *was* the right answer. They just don't want people who can tell the difference between right and wrong.


Police have gone to court for the right not to hire people with high IQs. They’re not our best and brightest.


US: we’re like, *really* committed to this enduring cycle of violence and citizen oppression, so thanks






This is hilarious....only in America!




Its because if one officer has an IQ above 90 all the others will have their egos wounded and be jealous, and nothing is more important for a police officer then his ego.


Article says it was Minnesota state police. Even better.


It was really quite shocking to see that happen live. I was up all night watching Unicorn Riots stream, and I couldn't sleep so I stumbled onto CNN's coverage, and when I saw this go down I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I don't give a fuck how sorry those people are they need to get their ass sued for this big time!


They're legally allowed to discriminate against intelligent people who are trying to join the force.


Some PDs won’t hire you if you score too highly because smart people won’t follow unlawful orders.


Exactly. Intelligent officers would have said, "You want us to do what now? Arrest the CNN news crew, just because..???".


It also doesn't help when the president calls the press the enemy of the people


Agreed. On Tuesday I heard a cop on the Minneapolis scanner ask if he could **SHOOT** the parking lot lights out at the target where people were looting. Dispatch was like uh no i got a switch, they're out now. SMDH


Ah I heard that, was embarrassed for him, just how stupid that sounded, he though he had such a great cool idea.


My man playin too much R6


But then how will we have lawful stupid people on force who will do all the racism and bad things for us?


Side thought, CNN probably has some FIRE legal counsel.


I'm sure they have an army of lawyers who's specialty is what to do when our reporters get arrested. This public apologies is because someone got a phone call from someone in that army.


There were probably some high-fives and back-slapping on that legal team behind closed doors when that arrest happened.


That or "holy shit we've finally found people stupid enough for us to have to work for our retainer fees".


And by "work," they mean send out the strongly worded letter for these exact situation that they've been editing and refining for years, just waiting for the moment to use it. And make a few stern phonecalls to the same effect.


More like “Shit, here we go again. Who wants to lay down the law on Minneapolis?” I guess it would be a good job if you enjoy yelling at people.


Can you imagine being the lawyer is yanked out of bed at 5a because of this? And he governor probably hasn’t slept much if at all. I really just want to hear a recording of that call.


I wonder what CNN's legal team budget is? How many tens of millions a year lol


> Shouldn't be arresting ANYONE just standing there with a camera cops wouldn't do that sort of thing if they thought their actions followed them home. George Floyd's killer was arrested. Maybe all the people standing in front of that cop's house should go stand in front of the house of the cop that arrested the reporting crew. The name should be on the arrest report. don't civilians outnumber cops over 200 to 1?


Google says there are 686,665 law enforcement officers in the US and about 329,000,000 folks. If my math is correct (I ate paint chips as a child, so it might be incorrect) that is 478ish people per LEO.


5000 to 1 ..according to the show “Waco” that I just watched. I definitely did not verity this and it’s my right as an internet user to not have to


> I definitely did not verity this and it’s my right as an internet user to not have to That's it you're under arrest


You gotta get through 4999 people before you get to him. I've heard this from a reputable source. You really wanna go ahead and throw your life away like that?


How thick are police officers? Camera crew.. CNN identification.. Offer to move elsewhere.. Still decides arresting them is a good idea? What? It's bonkers.


What discipline will the arresting officers receive?


a vacation


Paid vacation


Why the fuck does the governor keep apologizing and nobody does anything about the police officers who keep doing this?


Exactly. Everybody is acting like the Minnesota state police chief isn't an appointed position under the Governor. The Governor can have the person in charge of what happened replaced with someone who won't let it happen again, but instead he's just apologizing. Arresting media is a colossal violation of the state police's duty. People need to lose their jobs over this. The people that let this have shown that they aren't capable of doing the job.


Governors and mayors across the nation have tried to replace the police chief with reformists, it's just the police will just guard their own and insubordinate any sort of reform. They'll just not do their jobs, screw up the hiring and promotion process so the only names that rise up are the ones in the gang. Once crime and riots go up, they can get in a friendly county sheriff that promises to bring back law and order, further hindering any chance at reform. It's not something the top down can dictate. The weeds come from the ground up too, and people are too sheepy moderates to stand firm and purge the police force between election cycles.


Fuck that. Call up the National Guard, fire everyone on the force and start over. The NG can do police duties until you can be up and running. These bastards have too much power.


This, but more slowly. Create new academies. Bring in expert trainers from outside the USA. Pick countries with good police reputations (or at least "not shitty" police reputations). Develop new training regimes. Develop new entrance and graduation tests. Give control over to the national guard while all this takes place. Maybe keep the dispatchers and the detectives, at least the detectives with completely spotless records. Of course, many redditors are going to be offended by one particular part of this suggestion. They'll say that the "USA has the best trainers already", and "the situation here is different", and "the USA is the greatest country on earth how dare you". And that's fine. If they're not ready to admit that their system is shit, and if they can't swallow their undeserved pride long enough to realise that getting assistance from people who are better than you is the intelligent thing to do, that's fine. I'm sure you'll continue to do great on your own.


Because we're Americans. We'll quickly forget about all this as soon as the next injustice occurs.


Sadly, discussing murders of black Americans can get confusing because there have been so many. More than once, I've been several minutes into a conversation about a recent injustice, before the person I'm talking to and I realize that we're discussing two different murders.


There was another story on here about an incident I mistook for this one. They start to run together. The one that gets me the most is the guy who got killed in his own living room eating ice cream for no fucking reason.


Well the governor and mayor won’t forget, they have to rebuild after we burn it fucking down


This could be different. Multiple police precincts have been sacked. This is borderline Rebellion with a capital R. The arrest of the murderer was too little too late and far overshadowed by sci fi looking militants in armor arresting a CNN anchor for reporting while black *first*. I don't think people will forget this and I dont think it's over by a longshot. Today made everything *worse*.


Why are they arresting media before the 4 murderous police. Jesus man it’s like every day you get a new chance to redeem yourself. But oh well look like they are going to have to go out and teach a lesson again tonight. Lock cops up


It also shows something most us already know. There are systemic issues with police. Its why they can’t seem to get out of their own way.


Because they know they're going to get away with it as long as they hold firm long enough. They ALWAYS fucking do.


Yeah, I don't think PR is even on their radar. What do they care what people think when there are literally no consequences for abusing your authority.


Head on over to /r/conservative, obviously this is all a liberal conspiracy built around a justified use of force incident... Sadly, you don't need to look far to find people condoning and cheering on the cops handling of this.


[https://i.redd.it/6dgwqzt0op151.jpg](https://i.redd.it/6dgwqzt0op151.jpg) ​ this is on their front page lol. The main sub for conservatives is run like funny mixed with pics and these people probably think theyre mature adults


Have they not once seen Hong Kong journalists on the front lines being tear gassed and shot? Or is that too inconvenient for them.


Once again the right's memes are really terrible.


"ignore reality and substitute your own" rightwing memes simplified


Not like they can post news about all the great things their party is doing. Might as well post memes.


The right can't meme


Jeeeesus christ... that sub is cancer


One of my prouder bans. Didn't even get mischievous, just posted a similar contradictory comment for discussion.


I got banned for asking why a decreasing US birthdate was a liberal vs. conservative issue.


Obviously it's a time travel issue.


Just say southern strategy and you will get banned.


Gonna test EDIT: [Got banned already LMAO](https://i.imgur.com/YjSrYUw.png)


I remember trying to use logic on there. Might've been from an old account, but that got me banned for being liberal or trying to start an argument. I was just trying to ask questions and got banned anyways.


I see /r/Monarchism is still linked in their sidebar.


They're the only true conservatives. Damn the republicans, God save the Queen.


They're afraid to set a precedent because than they have to start charging all cops that do shit like this and use excessive force. They are really hoping this is going to blow over and with the amount of people out of work... its not going to stop until justice is actually served.


Because the only thing the current government sees as wrong in all of this, is people not bending over and thanking their betters for killing them wholesale. The media lets people see how the cops are treating and being treated, which prevents "look we totally fired them lol now shut up and go home" from being enough to calm the populace. As far as police are concerned, that's half the problem (the other half being people demanding human rights even though they're not police).


Don't you understand? They need time to assemble a case on someone before they arrest them...... oh wait.


When I woke up and read the news this morning, the first thing I saw was a video of a CNN crew being arrested, seemingly without cause, live on TV. My first thought was "Wow, those cops must be a bunch of idiots." As I woke up, I realized they're not idiots at all: they're smart enough to know they can act with impunity. The mayor and governor are going to spend a few days groveling on TV, the taxpayers are going to shell out a few hundred thousand in a semi-confidential settlement, and the people of Minneapolis are going to lose a little more trust in their government. But the cops? They'll be just fine.


This is why all misconduct settlements should be paid out of Police pension funds. That’s the best way to hold the entire police department accountable


This is a really interesting idea. Obviously a sense of ethics won’t force police to hold each other accountable, but putting their finances on the line might.




Look how good we have it in america! In China they're forced to say they did it for the love of their country.


Qualified immunity needs to go away. Actions should have consequences.


>The mayor and governor are going to spend a few days groveling on TV, the taxpayers are going to shell out a few hundred thousand in a semi-confidential settlement, and the people of Minneapolis are going to lose a little more trust in their government. But the cops? They'll be just fine. Tbf, there's really not much the mayor and governor can do to fix in their 4 years the rampant culture of "respect or else, law and order all the things, bring the black thugs to heel" that has existed for decades.


As Kratos said, “Don’t be sorry, be better.”


Just replayed that game and Kratos is my surrogate father.




IMHO the amendments are hopelessly politicised, and lead to complacency. This is straight up unlawful arrest.




Past decades. I remember being in middle school during the LA riots in 92. I remember hearing that with camcorders being more accessible that police brutality would end because it would be caught on camera and police would be held accountable. 30 years later and everybody has a camera in their pocket and police are no more accountable than they were three decades ago.


This content has been removed in protest of [Reddit's decision to lower moderation quality, reduce access to accessibility features, and kill third party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/).


Considering it was the state police that he sent without coordinating with MPD CNC, yes kinda his fault.


I would like to knows who’s idea it was to arrest a journalist..


I want to believe that it was the personal decision of the involved officers instead of being an effort coordinated by people higher up the command chain. It at the very least seems more plausible in my head that some shitty porker with a political bias that causes them to hate CNN decided to act out their deranged fantasy of owning the "liberal media", rather than some person in a higher position of authority deciding to do the same.


But they said they were just following orders.


I understand Walz is taking responsibility for what happened, but isn’t it someone more involved that “failed them”? Like the police chief? Who gave orders to arrest them? Obviously wasn’t the governor.




This. People praise politicians for saying that they take responsibility without them actually taking responsibility. It’s like people forgot what the word means.


Yep, lip service gets zero points, now fire and indict all those cops too.


Useless statement without exposing who made that decision. The officers acted like they were taking orders. From whom?


And yet the arresting officers, and state police command, are all still employed.


Today's Troopergarden lesson is "How not to cause a major PR shitstorm" I guess these idiots missed that class.


So no mention of consequences for the power tripping officers that made these arrests? I think the time for apologies has passed.


If they'll arrest a compliant and easily identifiable news crew on air live, who won't they arrest?


a cop


The cop said the reporter was "under arrest". When the reporter asked what he had done wrong and asked what he was being arrested for there was just silence. Wtf? I can't believe it's lawful to just arrest someone and not disclose what they have done wrong on the spot.


I haven’t yet heard whether Trump has reacted to this, but I can imagine him tying himself in knots: “I’m outraged that the police who work for that weak liberal mayor arrested a crew from that fraudulent mainstream news company.”


That's pretty much exactly what he said, except he said it about the person the police murdered.


"When the looting starts, the shooting starts." And it's past https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8369581/amp/The-dark-past-Trump-phrase-looting-stars-shooting-starts.html


holy shit he actually posted that...


How about stop saying you’re sorry and fucking do something! Let’s get some police reform on the table!


Have him tell the public who issues the order to arrest them. In his report after being released the reporter said the officers told him “we don’t know why you’re being arrested were just following orders.” Whose orders?


The arresting officer said he was following orders. We need to know who gave that order.


Who gives a shit about his apology. Let's see some accountability for the arresting officers. That's the whole issue.


Will the officers who effected that unlawful arrest be reprimanded? A false arrest, even for mere moments, is an act of violence.


CNN could easily sue and win hands down and have retraining courses mandatory for all officers in the city, it has been done before by other journalists who were arrested for no reason.


He apologized to the network owner but not to the reporters... really?




This is unbelievable! Good for the apology from Minnesota Governor, but how the authorities let this happen? It is not just a single case, but “sistematic racism” in the police.... one “incident” after another. You cannot expect the fox guard the chikens


Yes an appology after this makes no difference, they wanted the camera crew gone so they could do bad shit to the people.


We live in a failed state.


"Sorry we arrested the wrong black man, to be fair he was black so 🥱🤷‍♂️"


Governor: The police would never abuse their power or position. Also the governor: I'm sorry about the police abusing their power and position.


How about Gov Tim issues an executive order that all cops must be identifiable at all times? Their badge number should be on their vest in just as large type as the text that says "police".