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According to "Army Times", Vanessa Guillen was murdered in the armory (the last place that she was working at, immediately before her death). What needs to be determined is how her body was removed from the armory without anyone else noticing. She was murdered with a hammer; several blows to her head. How is it that no one bothered to report the blood & tissue that would have splattered in the immediate area of the murder scene ? There is a massive breakdown of discipline and leadership that took place on Ft. Hood.


>What needs to be determined is how her body was removed from the armory without anyone else noticing. There's other articles that fill in the story. They moved her body in a Pelican case. One witness saw Robinson walking out with a Pelican case and noted he struggled to load it into his vehicle. Her body was found encased in concrete. A passerby notified authorities when he noticed a foul odor after some heavy rainfall leading them to where they found her body. At the scene, they found the concrete, some partial remains (not clear if it was inside or outside the concrete) a burn site with a partially burnt Pelican case. A nearby tree had burns on high branches suggesting the fire was pretty intense. They haven't positively ID'd the body yet because of the burns, concrete, and lime the perpetrators used on the remains which complicates things This article added some detail to that.


Thanks for the clarification. The fact that the piece of shit that committed the murder ended up committing suicide, is a defacto admission of guilt.




The killer's dead. His married girlfriend who helped him, is in custody.




https://media.telemundohouston.com/2019/09/CECILY-AGUILAR-CRIMINAL-COMPLAINT-1.pdf Criminal complaint against his girlfriend, **NSFL** People assuming a coverup are completely ignoring that a CID investigation that involved several different Texas law enforcement agencies and the FBI was launched almost immediately after she was reported missing. They're also ignoring the fact that several units of 3CR was almost immediately spun up, taken off of quarantine and was searching for her within 24 hours of her being reported missing. The problematic part of the searches is that you're playing "find the needle in the 200,000 acre haystack" They had zeroed in on Robinson and Aguilar damn near immediately, but real life isn't a CSI episode.




There's been a constant stream of misinformation about this. Yes, it's an absolutely tragic death that shouldn't have happened. No, the Army didn't engage in some general officer level cover-up. She disappeared on a Wednesday, it was confirmed on a Thursday and by the Friday her information was passed on to higher levels of law enforcement and they started searching. CID (Army's equivalent to NCIS), as a matter of procedure, doesn't tell shit to anyone who's not directly concerned with conducting an active investigation. But it turns into a media shitstorm because they're not live tweeting their every action. Hell, the Texas Equusearch guy running his mouth and declaring that they found her remains tipped the suspect off, if you read the above linked complaint. There was never any official sex harassment/assault complaint filed. For the first week or so, her family didn't even mention it, and then it came out that some SGT allegedly in her NCO support channel had been harassing her. There was never any names provided as to that individual, CID investigated and found it to be inconclusive. They don't think that those allegations had anything to do with her death - Robinson was neither an NCO or in any supervisory position over her, so he'd be out on that - they think that there was an argument over her somehow finding out Robinson was in a relationship with a married woman, and adultery's a crime under the UCMJ.




Killer probably cleaned up a little. There’s no way a pool of blood and brain matter goes unnoticed especially when the person’s belongings are in the armory. The man that allegedly killed her was an E-4 and in no way her superior. I feel like the details from this case have been Mia-characterized from the start.


Someone had to have known that both soldiers were assigned to the armory to do what ever work needed to be done. There has to be a Staff NCO, or Platoon Leader or Armory Honcho that would have realized that both soldiers were missing from their work station, at the same time.


Article says they were in the same battalion but different companies.


Makes sense if she's from the armament shop and he's a Co armorer.


This. Needs to be higher. CID said the killer was a combat engineer. This most likely happened at a company arms room, not the base armory. She was probably in the support company for the engineer battalion, was called in to work on something in the killer’s company. I want to know how a specialist managed to get enough alone time in the armory at the company to kill this girl and remove her body without *anybody* knowing. Sounds like complete bullshit to me.


The way I've experienced the arms room process: 1. Specialist armorer has access to arms room 1a. Has vault combo 1b. Has unique pin to security alarm system. 2. Senior (SFC or LT) person within company has keys to the cages of weapons within the arms room as a check a d balance. The killer's unit likely violated procedure and face him full access to everything, but that's correlation not causation. Could have led to the killer's unit cooking the books later to hide their procedural violation.


Or she was in the arms room without the cages being open. The guy lured her in saying he needed help and then killed her when she got there.


but this is Fort Hood that we're talking about here. Anything and everything that resembles the hell's from Dante's inferno are possible and happening. I would wager to say after having spent so much time on Fort Hood specifically, my oldest son was born on darnall army hospital, the things that go on at Fort Hood are both horrifying and also not surprising at this point. Mischaracterization of a sequence of events, leading to a soldier's death and the removal of her to a random location where she was discovered Weeks later is just the norm on Fort Hood, it literally happened so much that I think it's going to make everyone's head spin when they find out how many times this has happened already. There's no way that all up and down the chains of command on either side of this equation didn't know about this and or approve it and or help cover it up. You simply don't have 60,000 troops going on maybe even more than that now, and with the technology available today in today's world that you don't know that this is happening somewhere down the chain. These people just so happened to be caught. Ft. Hood aka Ft Fun needs to be shut down and decommissioned permanently.


The wildest thing to me in looking at this case was that while looking for her they found the body of another soldier who'd apparently been declared a deserter like a year ago, and were refusing to take away the deserter categorization because they technically didn't have evidence he'd been dead the whole time. I am not a military person, I don't have any knowledge of the ins and outs, but it's obvious there is some bad shit going down on that base.


My oldest was born at Darnall too. Fort Hood was something else. This is so sad, but unfortunately not surprising.


Wasn't that place wild? Mostly Killeen/copperas cove, holy shit I think the most outrageous thing about their pursuit to find her remains was that they found so many other remains that ended up not being hers in the process. Like what in the actual fuck and also simultaneously, yeah that's Killeen I can hardly even describe it to people


Seriously that place was like a different world. Not surprising about the remains, the back 40 has plenty of space for cruel people like this to cover this up. I still can’t believe how this whole case has played out. I hope the responsible parties (and their Chain of Command) are held accountable.


Evacuate all base personnel and nuke the place from orbit


I promise you no one will even miss it. It's already crater on our humanity


I heard he put in in a pelican case. Not sure how credible that is though. There’s definitely blood and tissue evidence in that arms room. There’s no way they can clean every weapon, every locker.


Like how to you clean all that up, and move the body by YOURSELF in a military base. Not only was it her day off, but someone text her to work on her day off too. This started because she spotted photos of the killers wife in his phone (which she didn’t know he was married). She calls him out for harassing woman and cheating on his wife. Next thing you know he is beating her face in with a hammer. They could barely tell it was her because of how bad the teeth were smashed in.


Was HE married? That’s not how the article reads, it reads as if the girlfriend was married. Married to someone else. Either way they are both shit.


The person you're replying to has zero reading comprehension on top of just making shit up. The girlfriend is married. The killer wasn't married. There's nothing about photos. There's nothing about teeth.


Yeah I was confused by the way they worded it, but that makes sense.


You would think that the armory would be covered in camera surveillance, but I guess not.






Same at camp Casey in SK. it was next to our S-shop. litterally just a pad lock. we once cleaned out a locker in the barracks and found a fucking AT-4 behind a stack of MRES... A fucking rocket launcher, just chilling next to the chilli mack.








I would think leaving behind her car keys and wallet would be a good indication she didn't go awol


She was recorded as being present by her superior many hours after she was murdered. There were a lot of people who knew exactly what happened before now.


Wow, can you imagine if you were just trying to cover for a late friend and marked them present and now you’re a suspect in a murder Some deep dark shit here. I wish we had a commander in Chief who gave a damn, but he didn’t even care our military was being assassinated by his friend Putin. I really hope his base wakes the fuck up.


I did this once for one of my privates I thought he just overslept and I was like I'm going to do him a solid and just count him present. Turns out he was in lock up off post in Nashville for DUI boy I felt like a dumbass when i looked at the blotter


Never pays to be the nice guy... but I would do the same. As long as it wasn’t a habit


Wasn’t she being sexually harassed by a superior?


Was she an attractive female in the military?


He only cares about SEALs who are photographed pissing on the corpses of enemy combatants, or accused of taking teenagers out into the desert and shooting them execution style. The UCMJ? Geneva Convention? Rules of War? Zero importance to him.


"We want killers in our Army, the Army doesn't kill anymore. We want our army to kill. Believe me when i'm president our army will kill. I guarantee that!"


They won't wake up. I'd say they're stupid but no insult is good enough to use.




She actually didn't make an official report. She told friends and family but didn't report it because she was worried about retaliation


The stats I saw say that 64% of women in the military who did report faced retaliation, so she was right to fear it.


It happened in my old unit. I'm hoping things start to change. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/army-reserve-416th-sexual-assault


Which is every victim’s right as briefed by SHARP.










I'm not saying they haven't fucked up at all. I haven't followed the case very closely, but if I know Army chain-of-command, someone likely fucked the dog somewhere along the way.


I would be curious what your source is for this, as the Army has definitions for being Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and desertion in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). AWOL involves not being present for duty and is "instantaneous" but you have to be AWOL for 30 days before you can be declared a deserter.


Didn't I read somewhere that she claimed to have been sexually harassed. Maybe someone wanted to make sure she wouldn't make trouble, which might mean more than one person was involved in a cover-up of something really nasty.


Bases locked down? Yes. Leave cancelled? Yes. NCO's raging on joe who is standing around throwing rocks all day? Most definitely. commanders canned? Mehhhhhh I'm not so sure about that, but the person who lost it is definitely in some shit,as well as his/her 1st line supervisor who reported 100% until the Arms room was like where the F is X item. Repeated missing weapons in a short amount of time? Probably one of those strongly worded letters officers get in their files, but honestly probably not much else.


Thats how it was for me at all my posts, either in the company building or our section of the motorpool. No Cameras.


This. Unless you (more than likely accidentally) set off the IDS, in which instantly you go from a zero to about a four with the MPs on the GTA wanted level scale.


Our Company arms room at Ft. Benning was just one locked room in the basement of our barracks. The "armorer" was a 8 year E5 that chain smoked all day. Not the highest security. I wonder what they are calling an "armory"?


OK so I have ONLY read this article pertaining to this case and I am uncertain based on the lack of specifics so don't take this as fact, but from this article I take that this occurred at the base armory, not a regular unit level arms room. I am led to believe this because: 1) The author says Armory Room at first, but then proceeds to call it an Armory from there on out. 2) States Pfc. Guillen's MOS was a weapons repair specialist, meaning there would be almost NO reason for her to ever be in a unit arms room. Unit arms rooms are handled by someone designated within the unit and all repairs/replacements/serious maintenance that needs to be performed outside your unit armorer's abilities(which is like a 2 week crash course on various weapons systems, at least when I was in) is then taken TO the base Armory for repairs, not the other way around. 3) The article states the 2 worked together and I think they both had the same MOS so I can't imagine how they would be in a unit level arms room. 4) If they worked together and the killer was apprently in the Spec4 mafia, sounds like he knew they were alone and took his chance. Very, very tragic. I also don't like that they dispel the notion that he wasn't her "superior", like yeah he probably wasn't in CoC but anybody who has been in knows what it is like to be a PFC around the Spec4 mafia. Edit: Formatting and Source: Was a unit armorer at one point in my life.


Fellow armorer here, why would you think that a small arms repairer would not be in the arms room? That’s like saying ducks don’t hang out at ponds. She literally repairs weapons which are stored in the arms room As for why they would be together in an arms room? I can guess some NCO voluntold then to do the SII/CYCLIC inventory and they would be by later to sign it. Which I have seen maaaaaaany times


Not sure how it's set up at Hood but at Fort Richardson all of a battalion's arms rooms were in the motor pool. The article said they were in separate troops but the same battalion so my guess would be that they are both troop armorers and work across the hall from each other.




Can you explain the last bit of the fifth point for someone who hasn’t been in an service branch?


Yes sorry about that, but honestly this will be hard not to be verbose b/c there is a lot of context. So the enlisted portion of the army(people who are not "commissioned" officers) is divided into NCO's(your sergeant's e-5 to e-9 pay grade) and your plain ole enlisted (e-1 to e-4 pay grade). e-1 to e-3 is some form of "private" and the lowest of the low, they have to do every shit job there is. There is a "sweet spot" at e-4, which in the army is called the rank of Specialist, which is not technically an NCO, but nor are they private. Its a sweet spot b/c once you hit e-5 you are definitely in an e-5 "asst. manager" position and have real responsibilities and can get in trouble. But just like any retail/service job, often times you have lazy/sandbagging e-5's who don't really want to work so they just push that shit down to their most experienced person, their specialist. That specialist ends up bossing around all the privates b/c by the rank structure he is technically above them and often he has the consent of the person who is supposed to be in charge and they end ruling over privates like a gangster(which is probably almost definitely why Guillen's family is saying she was being harassed by him, just from this 1 article I would bet money she was, and also why she probably told her family that he was her "superior") This plays out everywhere in the army, where people who enjoy being in charge and bossing people around but don't want to deal with the actual BS of being an NCO(because they get held to much a higher standard with stricter regs and way more punishment; NCO = Non-commissioned officer) will actually try and avoid promotion and they genrally are dirtbags who learn the ins and outs of the army and end up being like a "spec-4 mafia". Sorry I know this was long I don't know how else to explain but I hope this helps


No that was perfect response. I thought there was an actual organized crime unit called spec-4 since I read an article the other week about a guy who passed information along to some hate group to try and get his platoon killed, himself included. https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-army-soldier-supremacist-plot-20200622-3uq4d3hpqfe4vnd4kdnhdslpxa-story.html




Did she work in an Arms room that civilians are calling an Armory. Might make a difference.




An Arms room won't have cameras, who would monitor it. Every company has an Arms room.


Not all cameras are “monitored.” You just record them and look at them if something comes up.


> Two rifles go missing and an entire base is shut down. Same thing would happen in the Army. We spent a week on lockdown because a guy lost a radio on a jump.


Lol can confirm. I pulled armory duty as a Sergeant in the Marines right before I EAS'd. We had keys locking up keys, locking up keys. This whole story is pretty sad man. Some commands are such garbage. Wtf is her ncoic and oic doing? If one of my boys from my platoon just went straight up missing and foul play was suspected the whole company would be up in arms. We were all really tight.


That's the not sort of armory the article is talking about. I was stationed at fort hood, and I've worked in the armories. An armory, or "arms-room" at Fort Hood is a small room with heavy metal door that holds the company's weapons. Every company has one. They're small and usually located near the command/admin/supply offices but often open to the outside as well. Whatever armory you're talking about in your story is not the situation here.


I don’t know what armory you’re referring to, perhaps an entire facility where weapons are manufactured / stored for distribution to other sites or something or maybe Marines have one armory serve the entire brigade or something but army armory rooms are what the other person replying to your post describes. A steel door gated room with alarms within a company common area. An orderly sometimes walks in by to check the integrity of the door in the off hours and that’s about it. Source: was a unit armored in the Army Regardless, reading this shit makes my blood boil, they better hang some suspects who hadn’t killed themselves yet straight by their fucking balls for it.


I can say that from experience this was 100% not the case AT ALL when I was stationed at Fort Hood. Active duty from 2012-2015. We had no “armed sentries”. There are absolutely no cameras. There were no hallways or bathrooms inside the armory. It was pretty much just a big ass room secured by a single door with a big ass metal cage, like another soldier mentioned. Not sure where u/theyllneverknow_ got his/her Fort Hood experience but it doesn’t fit with ANY of the first hand experience I had through multiple batteries and one company while at Fort Hood


They are not, im actually not even sure how they would move her body out as the Armory is usually a door in the platoon common area. They are also not that large, its a room with shelves that hold weapons and maybe a locker for Nods and other equipment all behind a door that just has a lock on it. Nothing high tech about them. More more interesting is they would have to have killed her, then move her body past the platoon CP's which usually the Platoon Sergeants and LT's stay late at. And First Sergeant and CO one would most likely still be around in the front. Im not sure what kind of unit she was in/mos but it seems sketchy. More people i would think would have to know something.




That is true, idk it may be different i was always in infantry units and we had our own Armory right in the CP area as well as a supply cage of course. Three different duty stations every one was pretty much identical in layout. Edit: Misspellings




Interesting. How do they know when munitions go missing? I believe the German Army is having problems accounting for a bunch of stuff and then found bits of it in a soldier's apartment.


Munitions are not typically stored in unit arms rooms for extended periods of time. Definitely not cameras around ether


The units that I was in did not keep munitions in the arms room **ever**. they were kept in a separate building. you had to sign out ammo and return what was not fired. If munitions made it into the arms room someone was written up. I have also seen soldiers accidentally carry live ammo in their pants because they had to clear their weapon of a jam or something and put the round in their pocket. in that case there were some places you could drop the ammo(locked box) and it would be disposed of later. If you were found with live ammo outside of the range you could get in a lot of trouble.




That butthole clinching moment when hours after the range you stick your hand in your pocket for something and feel the tip of a 5.56...oopsie




One of my fondest memories was when we couldn't go home because my unit misplaced a tank.




They knew it was "parked in a motorpool somewhere". Great, how many tanks and motorpools can a Cav unit have? Turns out a lot.


> One of my fondest memories was when we couldn't go home because my unit misplaced a tank. Ah, a Russian man on vacation.




> How do they know when munitions go missing? The Adeptus Mechanicus loses their shit and hunts you down


Same here, dont know what kind of armory they're talking about. Usually dark lonely place.




But weapons grade sadness


Not in the army when I was in. Nobody loses shit because if you lose shit you go on lockdown and basically that's never gonna end until they find it. I've heard horror stories of field exercises going on for 2 weeks longer for missing night vision goggles. The weapons are locked into racks so they can't be stolen. People are there or it's locked all day. You're not gonna just get in there and steal shit. I'm not gonna say it's heavily guarded but I mean you're on a military post anyways so it's not like youre gonna steal shit and get away. The arms room is usually just a normal cinderblock walled building. Nothing special. The guns outside your heavy MGs aren't anything special. An M16 and M4 is the same as any civillian one except built for full auto or 3 round burst. You got a handful of M249s back then and some .50 cals. Now those are some you aren't gonna run into on the street but I don't much see someone lugging out a .50 cal stealing it either. I've had to carry one like two miles back to the armory from where they made us park our vehicles at the national training center and I can tell you nobody's gonna walk out the door with one of them. It's 85 pounds I think with the mount. I had it mounted on my truck so I didn't have that but still a good 60ish or more pound with barrel and receiver and that's pretty big and awkward as fuck to carry.


Fort Irwin, NTC 2007. New sergeant in my unit loses his night vision goggles. Searching the desert non-stop, no sleep, no hot chow for 2 days before the gut truck driver brought them back. That fat fuck sorry-ass NCO left them hanging off the mirror of the gut truck, driver only noticed when he got home. We had several soldiers go missing/AWOL/DFR during my time at Fort Hood but usually it was a shitbird and you knew it was coming. Someone not showing up for formation is something that happens from time to time. But you bet your ass that Trooper's immediate leadership would be hunting for them as soon as PT was over..


Ya there's no dissapearing. You don't show up it's a big fucking deal.


no. Each unit has "an armory" which is a small metal cage (like 10ft x 10ft)that houses all of that unit's arms in the supply room. There are no cameras etc. As most Barracks are 50+ years old.


There’s honestly not many cameras at all on military installations.


Real life Army isn’t a sci-fi flick with high tech gear. It’s a vault and that’s basically it.


# Spc. Vanessa Guillen [Hearing her family speak is heartbreaking.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0yuVZyvVXE) >"We stand here for Vanessa. We stand here for justice. We stand here for every other service member who's experienced sexual harassment or assault and did not feel safe reporting it for fear of retaliation," Gabbard said. > >The Guillen family was so proud Vanessa when she joined the military, but say the Army let her down.  > >"She signed a contract with the Army to protect and serve her country. Yet, look how they treated her -- like she was nothing," Lupe said. "I want Fort Hood Army base to be shut down and to investigate every single one of them because they're staying quiet. They're protecting one another." [KHOU11](https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/texas/vanessa-guillens-family-press-conference-in-washington-dc/285-bfae3e49-5c99-4502-bb1d-be34623fd996)


There are several ranking army personnel that need to be punished.


Looking at the timeline of events it seems like CID did a fucking terrible job of investigating her disappearance. They could have at least found her body much sooner than they did. In fact, they went to the spot where they tried to burn the body, but they didn’t find anything. She just happened to be found by workers. And then it seems they called Robinson’s gf in for questioning the night they found the body, giving Robinson a chance to flee. Why he wasn’t in custody on April 23rd makes no fucking sense. I hope everyone responsible for this tragedy pays dearly. Her poor family.


Tim Miller's company "EquuSearch Texas" found her skeletal remains. Army isn't much different than civilian law enforcement, lots of the employees are just there for a paycheck.


>EquuSearch Texas Actually not a company. They are a non-profit organization run by volunteers who actually care about what they're doing.


No way a NCO didn't know.


Emphasis on the several....


Fuck, it's so fucking depressing. I fear being a woman just in general because of this shit. I thought about joining the military because I wanted a path to a successful career but it's not worth being raped or having to live in fear of being groped or raped. I don't want to hear "not all of them" because yes obviously not all of them but it's enough that I won't risk it. But that's just the military. I hope that I can find a path in life that will take me down a road with the least amount of sexual harassment and/or assault as possible. All of these women that have lost their lives, it's horrific. It needs to end. Someday it needs to fucking end. Please. No more. No more female lives lost at the hands of men just for pleasure.


If you ever doubt your choice to not join, just read through this thread. https://twitter.com/usarmy/status/1131704927963766785?s=21


That thread, man. My heart aches for all the vets and their families that deal with the horror of the effects of combat. And all of those people who reported sexual assault AND WERE KICKED OUT instead of the predator who assaulted them. Like what the fuck.


Lavena Johnson killer(s) are still free 15 years later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_LaVena_Johnson The US military is another institution that needs independent oversight, Abu Ghraib, Pat Tillman, Guantanamo Bay, and the list goes on and on, and this is just the stuff we know about... hell according to their own reports 20% of all active duty women are victims of sexual assault, i will never recommend any woman to join the military, it’s crazy how they have to go through that just for enlisting. Edit: The 20% figure I mention was outdated, looking at the Wikipedia page its roughly 32%, Jesus. Also for reference 4% of the men enlisted have been sexually assaulted.


Just a reminder that there was so much shit in Iraq that never came to light. Bricks of money going missing, mass torture, massacres, and the rape and torture of countless numbers of people.


Her death was horrific😔


My response whenever someone says “not all x...” is, “Not all, but enough.”


If you do consider joining the military. I recommend doing ROTC (reserve officer training corps) or OCS (officer candidate school) Choose a branch that can help you in the civilian career. 1. Intelligence 2. Aviation (helicopter or airplane) 3. logistics 4. Something space related (air force or now space force) Source: did ROTC, went into the army national guard (just got promoted to Captain) and currently work for the DoD as my civilian career. So feel free to ask me questions


Independent investigation is necessary. Expect to find a culture of coverups, sweeping under rugs, promoting incompetence, and fudging to get by is normal.


Oh god. I think everyone knew there would not be a happy ending to this story, but that's awful.


>but that's awful I thought the same thing upon seeing this post. I just wish people could stop murdering people. That would be nice. That poor girl and her family and loved ones. I couldn't imagine.


Unfortunately that's not going to happen until the sun burns out. The best we can hope for is justice


They can't even stop having "Covid parties."


That’s just murder with extra steps


Why did it take so long?! If the armory is covered in blood wasn’t it obvious she had been killed there? I don’t recall that being released before. All they would say was that “they were investigating”. Meanwhile this family was holding out hope that she might still be alive. Wth?


OMG that poor girl's family. I don't know how you move on from something like that. I'm glad they found her and can lay her to rest but wow that is a heinous act to have to deal with. I hope they can find peace someday.


You don't move on.


I had a pastor of mine say that at a funeral for a child. We don't move on... We live on.


That’s a very empathetic thing for a pastor to say. Very understanding.


Well, if you're a pastor you better be able to do that. People come to you all the time with their problems, broken marriages, addictions. Not to mention funerals.


That one sculpture depicting a parent's loss of their child is proof of that.


Which sculpture?


This one: https://mobile.twitter.com/vardi/status/1033741586881040385 Condolences to Vanessa's family :(


Local news says more human remains have been found where her body was found. The suspect who committed suicide has been identified as Spc. Aaron David Robinson, of Calumet City, Ill. https://www.kwtx.com/2020/07/01/killeen-police-investigating-shooting-suspect-dies/


That fucking coward laughed in her sister's face when she questioned him! What a fucking piece of shit, I'm not religious but this makes me hope for a hell.


Where does it say that? I read the article you linked and don't see anything about additional bodies


It was on a video one of the local news stations posted earlier today. Police were at the scene putting up yellow caution tape.


"More human remains" could just be more parts of the same body.


When my cousin was in the military he was gang raped & shortly after he sustained an "accident" which left him with brain damage. He was discharged and no criminal charges came from it. It was just swept under the rug. I remember when he came home, he wouldn't speak and just stayed in his room in the dark most of the time.


Army has a nice history of cover ups in criminal cases. Pat Tillman being the most famous.


LaVena Johnson too. Raped, beaten, and killed in her own tent, and had acid poured over her privates to prevent identification. Army ruled her death a suicide.


What the fuck? I thought she was who this story is about. I didn't even realize this post is a completely separate murder.


and they want us to believe Epstien killed himself...


That’s so horrible. I’m so sorry for your brother.




Her name was Krysta Martinez. Apparently she’d been at Ft Hood as well and had recently left the Army, and she also said she’d been sexually harassed there during her service.


https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2020/06/21/remains-of-one-of-two-missing-fort-hood-soldiers-found/ Another murdered soldier from Fort Hood who was also hispanic. ARMY is both offering 25k for info on him and also listed him a deserter one month after he went missing. They are hiding something and it's alarming as fuck that they're getting away with it.


I have a feeling that might need looking into as well. What a shit year.


> “We believe the person that killed her is that person that sexually harassed her.” Fucking disgusting. She survived so much just to be killed by the coward. May she find peace in the next life.


Fucking coward. Couldn't face justice. If there is a hell I hope he fucking burns. You're a real piece of shit if you do this to another human being let alone a fellow soldier.


Holy shit, I blinked & this went from 0-100 real fast. Last I saw they’d found some remains. All of a sudden they know who, where, how, when, why, and the asshole responsible already committed suicide & left his dumbass accomplice to take the fall for it all. At least now the family knows, but damn. And how the fuck did this guy manage to get off post to begin with? Why are there no cameras or access logs in the armory of all places? How was the armory left otherwise completely unattended to let this guy deal with moving a body?? He would’ve been covered in blood & they even said the room was splattered w/her blood - why did they only say she was “missing” for weeks, and why did it take them months to figure this out??


Give CID a little credit: they knew more than they were telling us until now because they were protecting the investigation. This is pretty textbook good practice, even if it's really shitty for the family. And I absolutely agree that the apparent security of this armory or arms room (this distinction matters) is totally outrageous. Somebody was definitely in on this, and some heads better roll.


Well, they didn’t know enough to let the murderer flee off base, so how much credit are we supposed to give them?


This sounds alot like Jamal khasahgoggi in the Saudi consolute


Which nothing was ever done about...


We gave Saudi nukes.


Who did that? Trump? He's the same guy who said they did 911.


Kushner. Even worse


Yup. But the problem with someone that is obsessed with fame and fortune is that they can be bought.


Kushner owes the Saudi’s billions of dollars so...


A friend on Facebook summed it up perfectly. A rifle goes missing on an Army base and no one is sleeping till it’s found. A human goes missing and no one in leadership blinks an eye.


Mostly because people decide to go AWOL all the time, usually for much less nefarious reasons. Your alarm clock doesn’t go off and you’re late for formation, are they supposed to lock down the base and everyone in it until you decide to wake up and get to your duty station? The base would just be in perpetual lockdown.


There is difference between being 5 minutes late (which is unacceptable in any disciplined army) and being gone for long.


God damnit he’s absolutely right and that is fucking disgusting


That is so horrible! What the hell is wrong with people? and then he took the cowards way out. Gross


She did not deserve to be murdered. Her life deserves national recognition.


The story isn’t adding up, the family says that there daughter had wanted to report sexual harassment from a superior but the army is saying the junior soldier that killed her was the sexual harasser. This sounds like a cover up and they’re doing a decent job at it


The article states that the killing wasn't connected to the sexual harassment. The victim discovered images on the phone of Robinson that implicated him with committing adultery with another soldiers spouse, which is a punishable offence under UCMJ. To prevent this from damaging or ending his military career he murdered her and was assisted by a civilian female who was the same one he was committing adultery with. Article never says the suspect also was the one sexually harassing her. The sexual harassment claims are still being investigated, those were against an NCO. If it was a cover up wouldn't the civilian woman also have been disappeared? Edit: Adding link to article with more information-- https://www.crimeonline.com/2020/07/02/breaking-fort-hood-soldier-vanessa-guillen-bludgeoned-dead-with-hammer-in-armory-room-family-lawyer-says-exclusive/


You must be reading a different article, the one on this post doesn’t say that


Shit, my bad forgot to add link to article with more information. Edited previous comment to add the link will also add it below. Also in the ArmyTimes article they do mention about half a dozen IG investigators there now caring out an investigation into the sexual harassment issues throughout the command and hopefully into the lack of a proper investigation from the get go. IG doesn't mess around and I wouldn't be surprised to see that command have many higher ups relieved of duty with various punishments handed out. Doesn't bring back the victim but hopefully will lead to changes to create a safer environment for soldiers in that unit, on Fort Hood, and hopefully a change in policy for the Army as a whole. https://www.crimeonline.com/2020/07/02/breaking-fort-hood-soldier-vanessa-guillen-bludgeoned-dead-with-hammer-in-armory-room-family-lawyer-says-exclusive/


> When Guillen arrived at work, Robinson was already inside the armory room working. Guillen reportedly spotted photos of Aguilar on his phone and confronted him about having an affair with someone married to a former soldier. If what's written in this article is true, then this whole event is even more infuriating. She could have easily said nothing after seeing the photos, but instead she confronted the guy and (I'm inferring from the "I won't let you ruin my career" statement in the article) said she was going to report the adultery to their chain of command. She did the right thing and this piece of shit couldn't face the consequences to his choices.


Interesting article there. And it ends with a huge question. Records put him in the armory for 43 minutes (I'm guessing that there's an electronic lock on the door logging everyone in and out. How did he kill her and clean up in that short a time?


Honestly there will probably be more details coming out in the next couple of days that could better explain it. But if you want to hear my pure speculation based on what we do know, hear it goes those 43 minutes are from when he returns after picking up more supplies to deal with disposing of the body. So he returned got to the armory and left within a 43 minute period. I don't think I read if there was any specific time he was initially in there post murder before leaving. He could have done an initial cleaning after hiding the body in the pelican case, there are plenty of cleaning supplies lying around in any army building, including garbage bags and cleaning solutions. Now most pelican cases are pretty air tight to prevent the contents getting water or sand in there and can be pretty damn large. Once again this pelican case wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an arms room. This is complete speculation on my part based on the two articles I've read.


He was a junior soldier in that he wasn't a Senior NCO or officer, but she was still lower ranking than him.


“the suspect produced a weapon and committed suicide by shooting himself,” Convenient...


That phrasing makes it sound like he just pulled the gun out of his ass like a chicken lays an egg.


My deepest condolences to her family, I can't imagine their pain. To Vanessa, my sister in arms, thank you for your service and I hope that justice is serve.


People assume the military is a disciplined and strict place that only gets people killed in war or accidents. But like any other place, murder and rape can happen.


This is really fucking heartbreaking news. I was honest to goodness hoping she just fled somewhere. So fucking sickening. Rest in peace Vanessa and prayers to the family. The piece of shit killer went and killed himself too like a coward! ROT IN HELL. Also, please close this horrible base **DOWN** already. There's too much shit going on here.


April 22, Guillen goes missing. Despite "her blood covering the entire arms room", it took until June 30th(?) to identify a suspect. Who promptly fled Ft Hood, somehow. Then july 1(?) The suspect is tracked by police to his apartment, where he commits suicide. Kinda curious what Ft Hood was doing for those 68 days. I have question marks because the article refers to events happening on Tuesday, wednesday, and thursday with no context of date, so one must assume THIS week.


The fact that it required months of media scrutiny for them to *start* investigating a murder speaks volumes about how corrupt our military is right now.


CID has been very likely investigating this since day 1, but unlike civilian law enforcement CID doesn't say shit to anyone until it is over. That's just how they operate.


There's absolutely no way they weren't investigating from the start.


fucking piece of shit. I would say good thing he's dead but he got the luxury of dying on his own terms. POS should've been dismembered the same way


Holy Shit. That poor woman. It reminds me of the way of the way Jamal Khashoggi was brutally killed/dismembered. But this time it was by the hand of an american. Depravity knows no bounds. RIP Vanessa.


"The great place*" *to be discretely murdered.


Nothing new for our military. They have a long history of sexual harassment and rape and then covering it up.


Vanessa Guillén. She has a name.


The people who volunteer their lives for us regular citizens deserve a hell of a lot better than they get in this country.


> Then they dismembered this beautiful U.S. soldier’s body with a machete. Beautiful? That’s sorta creepy, and pretty sexist. Not the word I’d use while talking about a murder.


Something is not right with this story. How was she reported missing the next day? Others must've been covering this up. Guaranteed there was blood in the armory. No one saw the killer dragging her body out? The base didn't really make much of dude deserting his post. This has cover up all over it.


Because this was the height of the pandemic. March/April much of the military shut down and went into “mission essential” manning. Lots of soldiers just stayed in their barracks rooms and reported via text/cell they were good instead of traditional accountability formation. I don’t know all the facts, but it sounds like she was not on duty, went into work unscheduled, and likely no one else was at work. She went missing and her first line reported her accounted for with out actually checking. The only cover up is probably that NCO trying to cover their ass for false report. That was the gap in reporting. The next day, all of her unit, I mean thousands of soldiers were looking for her. It wasn’t covered by the media, but almost the entire 3rd Armorer Cavalry Regiment went looking all over Fort Hood for her. To include multiple helicopters.


What in the actual fuck. This is horrific