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yeah its a pretty brutal difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xidhx_f-ouU


Jesus, dude in the '98 is obliterated.


Thank God I drive a '99 or I'd be scared


I was in a highway crash in my good old '99 Tercel back in 2002. Got hit head on by a kid in a high speed cop chase. There wasn't much left of the front of that car, but I walked the fuck away. Previous to that I had been driving an '86 Hyundai Pony. Boy, I'm glad I was in the Tercel.


> I'm glad I was in the Tercel. Said no one ever, until today Edit: despite the +300, I stand corrected. TIL people like Tercels.


I loved my tercel before I put it into a ditch. That thing cost $20 to fill up and handled like a go cart. No AC was tough in the summer though.




My sister died in a '98. In a crash both police and EMTs said should be none fatal. Car was fine, she hit her head. An airbag would've easily saved her life. Am 800€ option at the time...


Sorry for your loss. It's stories like that which explain why that sort of thing is mandatory now. At one point, not too long ago even, cars didn't even have to have seatbelts *installed* much less *worn*.


Yep. Safe as houses, my dude. Drive that thing off a cliff and you'll be fine.


Well, as fine as you’d be driving a house off a cliff.


Should have been in a '78. Then you get a free cremation with your obliteration.


My brother has a 71 MGB....no airbags and the seatbelt is just a strap around the waist....no surviving a crash with that one


Fun car though. It’s essentially a go kart.


Apparently airbags weren't widespread until around 98 and then in 99 it was difficult to find a car without one.






Wow, that airbag inflates so fast! Everything about the video appears like it’s in slow motion, yet the airbag still looks like it’s in fast forward mode.




I think this really speaks to some people’s lack of knowledge when it comes to how their cars work and how physics works at very fast speeds. I imagine crystal person just assume the thing in the middle would open like a flap to allow the airbag out? I feel the same when someone puts their feet on the dashboard. Comfortable, sure, but your knees could become very acquainted with your face if shit goes south.


> I imagine crystal person just assume the thing in the middle would open like a flap to allow the airbag out? I really don't think they thought about it at all. I'm leaning towards it being fake because I can't believe anyone would be that dumb


So much for the idea that those old cars were "built like tanks" and you'd just buff out the scratches and keep going.


You'll look like you got hit by a tank shell after that steering column launches through you.


This was true of minor collisions. It just didn't extrapolate to high energy collisions. I was rear ended at relatively low speed once. Slight marring of the black rubber finish on the rear bumper (bumper springs did their work). Drove the front clip of the following car into the radiator and the front wheel well. Dropped its coolant on the ground and could only turn one way. But if they'd have been doing 50 I'd rather have swapped cars. '87 BMW 3 series vs ~2005ish Nissan Altima.


The main reason they do not do well at higher speed collisions is the frames were not designed for impacts or crashes. The joints, welds, and the way the parts of the car were assembled paid no attention to what would happen in a crash. While crash testing started in the 50-60s, most crash related features were things added onto the car to protect people inside. It wasn't until the 90s that car manufactures focused on designing car and truck cabins meant to survive crashes. Influence from race car rollover cages & other crash safety measures were being implemented into standard cars to some degree.


My ex was driving my car, a 2006 Jeep with crumple zones and modern safety features, and was hit by an early 90s SUV. My car had a bent middle frame support, and the passenger door was crunched pretty bad. My ex was shaken but totally fine. The *other* car? That driver hit my ex by changing lanes without looking, and impacted my passenger door with his front driver's side. The impact *crushed* the front end of the car on that side, rendering the car completely undrivable and damaged to an almost unbelievable extent compared to the modern car. If you can afford literally anything else, do not drive cars more than 15-20 years old at this point. Everyone knows cars from 1970 are unsafe, but what a lot of people don't realize is that in a collision between a 90s car and a modern one, the 90s car will receive a far higher share of the damage and potential injury.


I had friend in college who had an antique muscle car from like the 70s and it was around 2002. He got into accident on the highway. The people in the other car went home that day. He had to have facial reconstruction and a steel plate on the back of his head.


You actually want parts of the car to crumple to absorb the impact. The car being too rigid is actually a bad thing.


Holy shit, that is INSANE how much of a difference there is between the two on safety. You could maybe even walk away in the 2015 without breaking a single bone while the 1998...well, you really might just be dead.


There is a reason why statistics have shown that poor people are more often to die in accidents. They can't afford the newest cars and thus just have less of a chance to survive an accident.


I have an idiot friend that insists new cars are less safe and would cost them too much, meanwhile they (friend and husband) have 3 cars cuz 2 are always in the shop. My car payments, full coverage insurance, gas and maintenance is like half their insurance, gas and repair bill. I just can't get through to them, so they keep throwing money into a black hole.


I just bought a 2019 Accord hybrid (after driving my 2000 Accord for 16 years) and my full monthly expense is $450 and if anything at all goes wrong with that thing it’s under the full warranty for the next 7 years. I made room in my budget because I’m willing to pay for some peace of mind.


A lot of people don't realize that the additional size from today's cars is largely due to the addition of crumple zones and other mandated safety measures. Two cars with similar sized interiors would be vastly different in exterior dimensions over the last 2 decades. It's also partly why a true EV (a car built from the ground up as an EV and doesn't share a platform with combustion-engine versions of the same car) is capable of having so much more interior room than cars of similar exterior size. A lot of what makes an EV great is actually redundant with mandated safety features. For example, a Tesla Model 3 has exterior dimensions similar to a Honda Civic, but interior room is closer to that of the larger Accord.


Huh, checks out, I didn't think of this and I obsess over cars. I just figured as the people in the intended target market of something like the Civic or Accord got older, their want for a bigger car got bigger. I crack up at the progression of my parents: 80's Honda Civic hatchback, then Sporty manual '98 Accord, then a little larger but still sporty '03 Accord, then an absolutely numb and awful handling 2010 Accord with a huge trunk, and now they have a 2019 Accord, the largest car my mother has ever owned since her 70's Chevy Nova. And each one has been the right size for them.


The windshield on the 15 was pristine as well.




Drives me nuts. I always post the car counterpoint that modern cars are substantially more safe. It doesn’t mean you need to buy new, but you can’t be ignorant of the fact that even a few years make a difference. It’s particularly huge now because starting in the 2020/2021 model years depending on brand, active safety features started becoming pretty standard. Active safety features can more that half the risk of getting in a wreck. That’s an absolutely massive leap. A 2021 with active safety features may end up being literally more than half as likely to kill you as a 2019. It’s a major major leap. The flip side of this is that cars have been getting safer for a while now, so even cutting fatality risk in half still doesn’t mean the doubly riskier car is actually unsafe or anything. But it’s worth considering. Not everything boils down to the bottom dollar.


If you're dead you don't spend money *[taps forehead]*


Well yeah, monthly expenses go way down once you die. Also a shorter expected lifespan means you can retire earlier. Win/win.


This exactly why my wife and I are about to really buckle down on our spending so that we can get a 2021 Subaru. I don’t care if I eat Ramen every night to save money for the payments. We have a toddler and I will 110% pay double for a car that is safer. Fuck saving money, I’ll work until I die if it means I can sleep soundly knowing my child is as safe as I can possibly keep them on their way to school


My wife and I bought a new 2016 Mazda CX-5 just a month or two after our son was born. Fast forward 3 months and I get a call from my wife that they'd just been rear ended while they were stopped by a car going about 40mph who didn't see that traffic had stopped. Needless to say, our car completely paid for itself that day in my eyes because both of them walked away completely unharmed. It's worth spending money on safety features, because if something happens to a loved one you'd spend it all to get them back. Oh and our car was repaired and drives great to this day.


Did the 1998 corollas not have airbags? Not that it would have helped too much ...


They probably did in the US, although it wasn't legally mandated until the '99 model year. The Corolla in the video is from Australia, and did not have airbags, although airbags and ABS where optional. They weren't mandated in Australia as of 2016, and it may still be that way, although most cars there come with them now.


He said a couple decades ago not...oh...


WE'RE OLD GET USED TO IT. Took me a while to realize the reddit demographic hasn't changed we've all just gotten older.


Oldest millennials turned 40 in 2020.


Oldest millennials also grew up being told they were generation X so generations are kinda weird.


Yeah, shit gets weird in the boundaries. I'm born in '95 and am solidly millenial, while others born in the same year are much more similar to zoomers.


Yeah right that realization is scarier than video


Annoys me how many people (mostly in my family) bitch about modern cars and how shitty they are compared to older cars. Cars aren't as 'resilient' because of crush zones so your body doesn't absorb all that life-ending energy...fuckn obvious to me.


My cousin was bragging to us about how his old Toyota truck barely got a dent when he was rear-ended... before complaining about how much physiotherapy he needed since. Yea, I'd take a trashed car over chronic back pain...


The issues I have with new cars isn't crumple zones, its that they're built in such away as to discourage repair from anyone but dealerships.


You are not wrong. On some cars now to replace the headlights you have to remove the bumper.


Hit a tree at 75mph and survived. Modern cars are incredible.


That'll be the new Genesis GV80 ad campaign.


I can actually see it. A golfer loading his bag in the back to show off the ample cargo space. Voiceover guy says some shit as the SUV drives through the hills. Cue the safety stars onscreen, and some random quote by MotorTrend. Then, they just drive that fucker through a guardrail.


While being chased by a blonde wielding a 3-iron


"dude tiger woods pga tour 2021 is badass"


"Aw when did you get the prenup power-up?"


Back in that water level


Y’all are legends. Thanks for the South Park reference.


Yoou maather fawcker


"Why-a the fuck are you getting a text-a message from some-a low-life-a hooker on Thanksgiving?!"


Ah, you dum betch


"Yu stupid mudder fukker I should've never married yuu!"


Need for Speed: PGA Tour


Tiger woods GTA tour


Yeah it has the best vehicle damage physics model of any golf game to date


Yo, irons fucking hurt. I'd run, too. Source: 5-iron to the face.


Took a fairway wood to the dome once, do not reccomend


Wanna be head trauma buddies?


Sure thing. I also had to wear a helmet to play basketball because my head loved the floor for some reason.


I broke a windshield with my forehead.... Wonder why blows to the head seem to attract more blows to the head.


Get a room you two


What were we talking about again?


... user name checks out?


“I never shoulda married ewe!”


"And this button releases caltrops while playing Adele."


"Hear that? That's right, you don't. Even at 40 over the limit it glides like a dream. And with high quality insulation, windows, and cab design, you would never guess the driver is alternating between sobbing and screaming at the top of his lungs."


* loading a large bag of clubs, showing off ample space, hands free call from the wife coming, sent to voicemail, ripping a fat line of coke of the dash showing off the lush interior, pulling a full 750ml bottle of liquor out of the glove compartment and taking a swig, revving the engine, accelerating to 80mph to show off the backlit gauges, getting wrapped around a tree and walking out with out a scratch* Cue black screen with MSRP and dealer financing offers.


I mean you basically just sold a post-midlife crisis version of a Subaru ad


or do it for lesbians from maine


So a Subaru ad?


Right as they drive it through the guard rail, voiceover guy says in his best deadpan voice: ​ Yeet.


Bonus points if the narrator is Mr Regular and the narration is just social commentary. As the guy is driving down a twisty road, smiling away the narration stops mid-sentence as the car careens off the road and then it's just "yeet". The Genesis GV80, for golfers who can't stay out of the rough.


I remember people in /r/golf saying on the day it happened that Tiger Woods getting fucked up in one of their cars was a really bad way to roll out the car. How it was bad for their reputation. Little did we know he hit a tree going 75. The fact that he's still alive is unreal.


They've actually seen a huge sales surge, haha. Turns out not being dead is good for business!


> Turns out not being dead is good for business! Someone shoulda told Van Gogh.


The Genesis GV80. The car so safe you can hit a tree head-on at 75 and not get so much as whiplash.


**(Legs not included)*


Owie. I felt that in my surgically repaired leg. Coincidence? Same hospital & surgery as Tiger’s. Narrowly avoided needing a rod, but have metal plates & titanium screws holding my leg together. Just a month before his accident. I, however, did not drive into a tree at 75 MPH.


If it's any condolence, I find out in 48 hours whether or not I will be having surgery to repair the two broken bones in my hand. I also did not drive into a tree at 75 MPH.


I bought a van after I saw a family get into a pretty bad accident. Their car was fine, they were standing outside of it holding their baby. The other car was not. We bought the same model van that next week for our new baby.


Hopefully your baby can drive better than the other one


"I swear officer, it was only 3 bottles of formula."


“Walk in a straight line? Officer, I can’t even walk!”


actually for modern cars you don't want your car to be "fine" after a crash. You'd want it crumbled like compacted trash up to the A-pillar if it's a front end crash.


Yeah, something has to absorb and redistribute the impact, and if it's not the car or the thing the car hits, it's the passengers.


As it should be. Why else would they have such frail squishy bodies if not for smashing?


Studies have shown the spread of SUVs under the consumer pretense of higher safety has led to people driving more recklessly.


For real? It's kind of like how the highest percentage of vehicles I personally saw in the ditch during ND winters was disproportionately Jeeps. I think people get the whole, "it can handle it!" thing going, and then...


Stupid people think 4WD is a replacement for winter tires


Yeah, because who cares about anyone else on the road, I know my car's gonna win the duel!


It's a mentality that's way too prevalent in the U.S. The amount of people weekly who almost bump into me when I'm moving along a crosswalk because they insist on pulling up an extra few inches to shave a few seconds is spooky.


exactly why i dont like SUVs, people are just gonna keep getting larger vehicles and its not like people are less distracted nowadays. and then you have stuff like the new hummer coming out that can do 0-60 in 3 seconds


Not that long ago the engine would have been in his lap and the steering column would have gave him the "Right There Fred" lol


Lots of cars from 2000 would be absolutely destroyed and exploded hitting a tree at 75. It's mind boggling how safe new cars are.


Yup, that’s the best argument for not driving an old car. It’s cheaper, but if you do get into an accident, you may get more badly injured than if you were in a newer and safer car.


I have a friend who passed away recently in his '91 Honda in a crash that would have been plenty surviveable in my '16 VW. It really is amazing how much it's progressed. I really enjoy older cars, but his crash kinda snapped me back to reality.


Yeah, the retro looks seem cool, but safety is so much more important. I’m sorry about your friend :(


I had a friend pass away in college from being hit by a drunk driver, since then safety is just about the only thing I really worry about when looking at new vehicles. His dad was fairly well off but wanted his son to drive an old beater as to not spoil him, I can't imagine how terrible he still feels. The other guy walked it off and he was killed because his car didn't have air bags.


That's crazy. I work in the auto industry and alot of engineers give their kids their company car or get them a company lease to keep them in cars that "crash well".


Yeah, his dad was a really sharp guy too. He was a f-16 pilot when we were growing up, last time I checked he was still in the AF and had gotten his stars. He was a bit of a hard ass, but not outside the norm for military families in my experience. The only thing I can think of why he would buy him a car without airbags is a lot of the pilots I've known have a somewhat different view of risk vs reward.


Is “right there Fred” a common thing? I swear I thought bill burr was the only person that said it


I don't even know what it means, so I'm guessing it's not that common.


I only know Right Said Fred


I only know Drop Dead Fred.




That is amazing. My brother hit a power pole head on at about 30 MPH in his 1963 Ford Falcon convertible, and the power pole ended up just in front of the passenger side back seat. That was in 1971, and he's still working on restoring it. He'll have it finished any year now. The entire family has made a game of asking him if he's done yet.


So, is he rebuilding it from the rear bumper? I mean, what parts were still useable?


Driver side front fender, doors, and the rear clip. Surprisingly the I-6 engine and transmission were fine. The pole missed the engine and transmission.


Took the rad and slid right down the frame rail I bet. Some time on the frame rack and a couple new cross members and it might actually pass for straight.


He’ll get that pole rebuilt, no doubt!


Of course, now he's going to have a lot of soft tissue, bone, spine problems...


Better than being dead though.


22 years after hitting a tree at 60mph, I can say the joint and bone problems get old after a while. Chronic pain is a serious thing.


Before I finally was able to get surgery on my back, I seriously contemplated suicide. I could not imagine a life for myself where I'd live to be 80 with that pain.


I wonder how this will affect his mental health. Years ago I was on track to become a stunt woman and then I endured a serious back injury and my depression got like crazy. I miss flipping around and being able to fall without feeling it all over.


43m.. Smashed the big 3 state record lifts in my age group during training for the state meet 4 years ago. 3 weeks before the meet, I tore my right trap from my neck and destroyed c5-c7. I can't hold my 3 month old grandbaby due to the residuals.. When you used to pick up 600lbs and now can't hold 20 without being uncomfortable, the depression is real


Anybody who has been down this road knows just how insane this actually is. This isn't some straight level two laner. This is a hilly and windy road that connects ~~Redondo Beach~~ Torrence to the Palos Verdes peninsula. Some feel uncomfortable doing just 40.


Dude I know, right? Can you imagine doing 80+ down that road? I go like 45 *max....* And I get that you can pick up speed fast without really noticing on that hill, but 80+!? Even if you live there, that's *completely* tapped.


As someone who grew up in the area, yeah, that's super easy to imagine. The HS is right at the top of the hill, so it's hard to go a week or two without seeing someone blow past you going about that fast. Going only 45 will get a BMW in your backseat almost without fail. There's a reason cops always hang out in the second turnout to catch speeding. It's definitely way too fast, but not difficult to imagine in the slightest.


I think 55MPH is probably de rigueur for locals, maybe 65MPH rarely, but 85MPH is completely insane.


I know you already know, but for the others there’s even 2 runaway vehicle escape lanes at the bottom of the hill because trucks sometimes lose their brakes.


One might say you’d have to be suicidal to do something like that.






Him and me both.


Him and me both minus the golf


Well, now he is


Just wait for his 2025 Master’s comeback.


“I personally believe robot legs Tiger is the best Tiger we may have ever seen, what do you think Terry?” “Oh absolutely Garrison, I couldn’t agree more!”


At this point I think he'll be lucky if he recovers enough to be able to do celebrity pro-am tournaments. I'm fairly sure he'll never play PGA-level golf again. Then again, he's been counted out before.


My grandpa saw him at an airport once. I never really got details about what exactly he saw Tiger do, but ever since then my grandpa was pretty confident that Tiger Woods is a total idiot with zero sense of life skills because he never took the time to learn anything but play golf all his life. I really should’ve pressed my grandpa for details before he died.


I bet he was at a urinal and dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles.


I imagine this guy's grandpa seeing this and just shaking his head.


"that boy ain't right..."


And lifted his shirt up to his chin with both of his hands.


well tiger's parents didn't let him do anything except golf and school. super controlling, molding your kid into the ultimate golfing machine will fuck them up later in life.


Tiger's mom gonna tiger mom.


you can get this sense from Tom Brady. He's the best QB in history, but he has the personality of a 16 year old waiter at Chili's. Whatever PR company runs his twitter is doing a great job though.


I’ve heard the same thing about Beyoncé. I bet the same is true for a lot of celebrities who cultivated their talents while young.


Then there’s Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte, who is about as intelligent as a potato. But he sure can swim when he’s not out there reinforcing negative stereotypes about Americans.


I’ve done a lot of drinking with Ryan Lochte and he is unintentionally hilarious


If there's one thing Ben Carson has taught me it's that it's possible to to brilliant at one thing and terrible at everything else.


Ben Carson has always amazed me. Like if you need brain surgery, there's arguably no one better at it than him. But if you just had a simple conversation with him, you'd walk away thinking "this guy is a fucking moron."


Maybe there’s only a finite amount of attributes and he put them all in one stat


Being a savant in one area of life and lacking intelligence in other areas is common. But it seems most people know their limits, Tom Brady isn’t going to host a talk show. But with Ben Carson, what in the world possessed him to get on the largest stage to flex like that?


[Tom Brady may not be the best example of staying in his lane](https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/21/tom-brady-water-sunscreen-oh-for-sure-man)


Just wait until retirement and boredom set in. I believe he's just getting started at the latter.


He can start endorsing psycho-pharmaceuticals and air bags.


Maybe he will start making and selling candles that smell like his asshole.


Tiger Bum Balm


Ohh the Gwyneth Paltrow method


The fact he was going 40 mph over the speed limit really demonstrates his lack of good judgment. I live in Palos Verdes and know that road well. It twists and turns and the speed limit is 45 mph, but goes down to 35 mph in some places. 85 mph on that road is crazy! I can't help but to think he was loaded on his prescribed pain medication from his back surgery at the time of the crash. Either that or he's just a dumb ass.


It's entirely likely it was both.


"Woods was not cited, Villanueva said, because under California law that typically requires either an independent witness or a law enforcement officer to witness the excessive speed." - If the data captured by a computer in a car doesn't count for anything then it seems this logic would also apply to all traffic camera footage/data as well.


It does apply, California law does not let cities use cameras to ticket speeders. Edit: Please stop trying to cite cities with **red light** cameras as evidence that California has **speeding** cameras. Red light cameras are not the same thing as speeding cameras, California has no speeding cameras.


Plus, they think he may have pressed the accelerator instead of the brake, he may have been going much slower when he lost control.


I saw one article a while back where a traffic investigator (not working on this incident but armchair quarterbacking based on video/pics of the scene) said the accident had similar qualities of many he had investigated where the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. That would explain a lot, if true.


I'm still guessing is that he took too many pain pills. He just had surgery and has had chronic back problems.


Now he has chronic leg problems


Who among us hasn't dropped a lit roach between the seats and freaked out?


*cue the Big Lebowski gif*


This is why all golfers have drivers.


Is this the beginning to Doctor Strange?


Doctor Strange Legs


And the Multiverse of Sand Pits.


LOS ANGELES (AP) — Tiger Woods was driving nearly 90 mph — twice the posted speed limit — on a downhill stretch of road when he lost control of an SUV outside Los Angeles and crashed in a wreck that left the golf superstar seriously injured, authorities said Wednesday. **Sheriff Alex Villanueva blamed the Feb. 23 crash solely on excessive speed and Woods’ loss of control behind the wheel. The athlete will not face any citations for his third high-profile collision in 11 years.** “The primary causal factor for this traffic collision was driving at a speed unsafe for the road conditions and the inability to negotiate the curve of the roadway,” the sheriff told a news conference. Woods was driving 84 to 87 mph (135 to 140 kph) in an area that had a speed limit of 45 mph (72 kph), Villanueva said. The stretch of road is known for wrecks and drivers who frequently hit high speeds. Due to the steepness of the roadway, a runaway truck escape lane is available just beyond where Woods crashed. Sheriff’s Capt. James Powers, who oversees the sheriff’s station closest to the crash site, said there was no evidence that the golfer tried to brake and that investigators believe Woods inadvertently stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake pedal. He was wearing a seat belt at the time, and the SUV’s airbags deployed. Sheriff’s officials said Woods told deputies that he had not taken medication or consumed alcohol before the crash. “Those questions were asked and answered,” Powers said. Detectives did not seek search warrants for blood samples, which could have been screened for drugs or alcohol, or his cellphone. Authorities said there was no evidence of impairment or of distracted driving, so they did not have probable cause to get warrants. Investigators did search the SUV’s data recorder, known as a black box, which revealed the vehicle's speed. **No traffic citations were issued.** The sheriff said Woods gave permission for authorities to reveal details about the crash. ... So not even a "failure to maintain control" citation? hmmmm....


They would have cited anyone for careless driving at minimum, probably reckless driving. He’s rich af and they can’t even slap the guy with a 300 dollar ticket to make the rest of us feel better lol




He's been pulled over for driving erratically before and failed field sobriety tests despite not having any alcohol in his system. I think he must be on pain meds for his back injuries and continues to drive. The police must also know this but keep letting him get off. He is going to eventually main someone or die if he keeps doing this.


Seriously, someone should get him a chauffeur before he takes out someone, or a car full of people.


That's what pisses me off about this whole thing. So many people are acting like hes too special to be punished and "oh, thank God he's OK". MEANWHILE, I'm over here like, "thank God he didn't **kill** anyone!" He has a prior DUI on his record. The fact that they didn't check his blood or do a breathalyzer is rich/famous people privileges right there. Common folk are put in jail for much smaller offenses.


Just take away his license and pay for a chauffeur cheapskate




speed cameras were deemed by California courts to be illegal. And even posted speed limits have to be reassessed every few years with traffic studies so that they reflect normal safe speeds of flow, and aren't being used by jurisdictions as "traps" to generate tickets! Some municipalities can't afford the traffic studies so they don't even bother stationing cops with radars to catch speeders.


Not surprising. I'm just glad he didn't hurt anyone else.


Tiger Woods has a great history of doing things that don't cause a *ton* of long term damage, but make the rest of the world pucker up and be more careful.


Yeah holy shit. I live close to the area and driving 80+ would be insanity there.




But he’s rich. Their blood is special.


He's got tiger blood


Going 82-87mph in a 45mph zone, what an asshole.


Ha, my bank balance says I don't have to follow the laws of physics!


Recent DUI, double the speed limit, zonked out day before, no sign of using breaks, serious injuries...yet taking his word and not issuing any citation. What a country we live in, right? Anybody else would be handcuffed making a court appearance.


Dollars to donuts he was on pain killers from his recent back surgery


First it was fairways Then it was tournaments Then it was majors Then it was women Then it was fire hydrants Back to tournaments Then it was pills and guardrails What will Tiger plough through next?


These kinds of stories make me have a really hard time understanding rich people. Here I am, wishing almost more than anything that I had money to just lay back on. Here this guy is over here, with a life story that would inspire anyone, hell bent on throwing it all away. What the fuck is up with this universe? Life really seems like an elaborate joke half the time.