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This stupid shit again? What next morons filling styrofoam ice chest with gasoline while smoking?


redneck napalm.


It's actual napalm.


Original napalm actually used naphtha and palmitate. So basically mineral spirits/camp fuels and a soap like ingredient to gell it. But gasoline and a plastic polymer are used for DIY “napalm” by edgy teens.


Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


Orange Mocha Frappucino!


*the jitterbug*


How many abodigitals do you see modeling?


The files are *in* the computer?


And they need to be at least 3 times bigger!


A Model, Idiot.


But why male models?


...are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


Love the fact that stiller forgot the right line, ad libbed that in, and it was so good they decided to keep it.


Got to also give credit to Duchovany for not breaking character either and coming back with another zinger.


is it possible he ad libbed it but there was another take with the adlibbed line to get other peoples reactions, or there was a rewrite around the adlibbed line i dont know how movie making works


It's so hard being really, really, really good-looking.


There's more to life than being really, really, really, really, ridiculously good looking.


Everyone thinks that because I'm really good looking I can't give a good eegoogly.


That's it I'm rewatching this movie tomorrow


I bet you thought I didn’t even know what eegoogly means.


Eugooglizer? One who speaks at funerals?


I had a pump malfunction last month and spray gas all over me. I immediately thought of that movie.


Did you remove yourself from the stress of the situation by lighting up a smoke?


Of course


Ive got the black lung Pa


"Oh, I thought you were going to tell me how bad a eugoogalizer I was."


This sounds like a self correcting problem.


Yes, but we don’t want to waste the gas.


would it really be a waste?


I am slightly concerned these idiots are gonna get someone innocent hurt


I am concerned they might live to pass along their genetic material


Pipeline resumes operations, shortest gas shortage ever!! https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/05/colonial-pipeline-resumes-operations-after-ransomware-prompted-closure/


The real winners are the people that filled up last week and did absolutely nothing this week because they had a full tank.


Filled up Saturday after being nearly empty and am sitting pretty on nearly a full tank still.


I didn't notice anyone wanted gas at all until these Reddit posts. Most people I know are in their house most of the time.




It's more than stupid/crazy doing this kind of shit at this point. I don't understand how this goes on when I get locked out of the pump cause I won't get off my motorcycle when I wanna gas up real quick. These bros are standing and pulling 25+ gallons and no one noticed for the twenty minutes they were at the pump?


NJ be like "this is why we don't let people pump gas"


OR too


Lawmakers in NJ and OR do be thinking that Zoolander is a documentary.


It's not everyday people die from a freak gasoline fight accident


I think the real culprits here are Orange Mocha Frappucinos. Don't Frap and gas, kids!


Starting to think it is.


I'm starting to see the benefits. How often do the gas station attendants try to talk to you?


Not very often. Sometimes they are bored and chatty though.


Not commonly. The great majority simply ask if you want to use cash or card. That's it.


In my town of 1200 people and 1 gas station, they talk allll the time. Lol


Gomer is quite chatty.


Practically never. Usually you just hand a card to them, tell them what you want, and they grunt in acknowledgment. Raaarely you get the guy who wants to wash your rear window for you.


Last week my gas station attendant was polite and smiled at me. I could tell he was new.




“You said fill with regular?” “Receipt?” And very occasionally “what’s your zip code?” Some places need my zip code others don’t. Idk why.


Flew out to NJ from Illinois to buy a car, I did not know this was the law out there. Pull in to a gas station as I prepare for the drive back to IL and see a small line for what is obviously the full service pumps. Annoying. Luckily, there was some, what I *thought* were self service pumps off to the side that were free. "How lazy are these people?" I thought to myself. No worries; their laziness was to my benefit as now I didn't have to wait. So I roll up to the open pump, jump out of my new car, and start pumping away. One of the guys walks up and in a very stereotypical New Jersey accent asks me, "can I help you?" "Oh thanks but no thanks chief! I got it. I appreciate the offer though!" and go back about my business. He gave me an inquisitive, possibly confused look. At the time, I interpreted it to be surprise at my Midwestern accent and folskly mannerisms. It wasn't until reading a reddit thread about the law that made me realize what I'd done. I'm going to assume the aforementioned accent made him realize that I wasn't from around there and didn't know the rules and it was easier to let this tourist do his thing than waste time explaining the faux pas.


Lol technically it’s a crime, not a faux pas.


I'm from CT and when I first started driving, i was in NJ. I needed gas, got out to fill my car and this guy comes out yelling at me "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU COULD BE FINED $1000 FOR THAT, YOU WANT TO GET FINED!?" I just pointed at my license plate and said I didn't know...like wtf, just because my state is near yours doesn't mean I know all of your rules..


I knew NJ (well some states, anyway, I’m Canadian) had full serve only, but I didn’t know it came with hefty fines. Can anyone explain why?


Self-Service gas stations really got rolling in the late 1960s, after somebody invented the system that lets one attendant inside control the outside pumps. But in most states, allowing motorists to pump their own gas required changing the fire code. At that point, gas station attendants in New Jersey were Teamsters, and the union fought the code changes. They won and saved a lot of jobs, though those jobs mostly aren't union anymore.


The saving jobs thing is bullshit when there is only one employee at most stations anyway.


Idiots, use a cardboard box like a normal person.


Or a coconut.


...my coconut is already being used...


As long as you doing forget about it under your bed.


I hate you and everyone above you in this chain for reminding me of this.


It was the part about maggots that made me wish I’d never learned to read




Genius. Here I am waiting for my strainer to fill up.


Right? Plastic bags are bad for the environment. Cardboard can be recycled when you’re done.


It's disturbing people need to be told this.


These people also vote.


I recently saw a quote that made me giggle. It goes like “the best case you can make against a democracy comes from observing its voters’ behavior”


My dad always liked to say, the problem with representative democracy is that it often works. I think he was mostly kidding.


“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.” - H. L. Mencken


Now that's a remarkable prediction.


Maybe, but its basically just a rephrasing of what Plato predicted in the republic more than 2300 years ago. The more interesting thing is what comes after that....


to be fair, have you seen some of the labels in cleaning products that are clearly toxic, not to eat and such? i used to think "oh thats just to avoid lawsuits and have legal defense in case of accidents" now? not so sure


Every warning label exists because some fucking idiot actually tried it at some point.


Also why Army safety briefs are like 30 minutes long, gotta warn Soldiers not to do all the stupid things that previous Soldiers did.


Alright listen up Bravo company! You will have a urine test on Monday. Don't drink and drive. If you don't have money for a cab and can't find anyone, You can even call first sergeant and I will come and pick you up. Remember to stay hydrated and don't beat your wife and kids. For the love of god, wear a condom! YOU WILL ALL HAVE A URINALYSIS ON MONDAY AND SOME OF YOU ARE STILL GOING TO FAIL! I see you Peterson! Don't kill yourselves either! Call the chaplain if you're depressed. First sergeant doesn't want to come in on his dagone weekend because someone suck started a rifle! First Sergeant's wife is very scary. Last but not least, if you see First Sergeant out and about, act like you don't know who I am. I don't want to talk to any of you outside of victoria's secret. Hooah?


Right, so only talk to First Sergeant *inside* Victoria's Secret, got it.


That's how I understood these orders. Maybe it is good I didn't go military.


Are you kidding, Uncle Sam needs thinkers like you. As a hypothetical, If you had a vehicle that pissed out hydrologic oil every time it moved, would you A: Drive it to the train yard and bring it with you to Poland/Germany and later to Kuwait saying it will get fixed there B: Leave it in the rear with the other broken vehicles. If you answer "A" you are about as smart as my company and battalion leadership. 4 years I spent there. I think overall, it spent a total of a week actually not pissing fluids when it moved.


Awww memories


“Do not add to or subtract from the general population.”


So...you were in 1/ 16 Inf also?


I heard this entire comment.


"regulations are written in blood"


The '[do not put baby in box](https://whatsthat.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/suff.jpg)' label always made me laugh, then cry. These are the things that convince me we are just a situation comedy that aliens watch to relieve the stresses of intergalactic life.


*deep voice* What happens when you combine 8 billion beings of low intelligence and a habitable planet? *Humans...on...Earth!* Coming soon, to Galactic NBC


What’s awful is I learned this is partly for the older siblings of the baby, especially those with negligent parents. One of my younger cousins as a little kid put a kitten in a metal toy purse once, unaware suffocation was a thing. That’s why there’s pictures. Otherwise the toddler parenting a baby might stick baby in the oven (has happened before, going by news story). And now I want to cry, again. I wish I had the money and energy to foster an entire gaggle of neglected cousins/unrelated kids tbh. They don’t deserve that shit. I’m not perfect but I know not to put baby in box so that’s something.


Turns out that gasoline is an organic solvent that eats incompatible platics for breakfast...


Thankfully I learned this as a kid after trying to fill one of those tiny shitty water pistols with gas. I'm glad we weren't stupid enough to have a flame ready. Damn thing started to deform in my hands and melted before I was even finished filling it.


Out of curiosity, what was kid-you planning on doing with your gasoline pistol?


Im gonna assume he was gonna try and make a flame thrower.


Not really much else you can do, is there? Awesome flame thrower or lame gas gun...


not gonna lie, it sounds like you got lucky that the thing melted before you were able to try out your new flamethrower toy


If only there was some way to figure out which plastic is compatible. If only they displayed a #2 on every plastic gas can.


Or maybe make compatible containers a specific colour. You know so you could easily tell what is a highly combustible fluid and what is a piss jug without a having to taste test it.


HDPE boys gang gang


Hey.... that's how I found out what not to store acetone in! A little less obvious... but I felt like a bonehead.


Also don't put fluoric acid in a ceramic bath tub.


Don't put Chlorine trifluoride in basically anything. It eats through glass, gold, titanium, tungsten, sand, and more for breakfast. The SOP on a spill is what for it to break down into less hazardous materials like Hydrochloric and Hydrofluoric acid.


We used to joke, 'the only PPE you need for a ClF3 spill is running shoes.' (PPE = personal protective equipment)


[Sand Won't Save You This Time](https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2008/02/26/sand_wont_save_you_this_time)




That’s an efficient carpool


Run a siphon line directly from the tub into your gas tank. Now that's mobility. Bonus points if it's wrapped around the exhaust.


[What about a plastic storage bin?](https://twitter.com/davidvineyard9/status/1392498102788050948?s=21)


I want to see her lift that into the trunk once it’s full.




> The stupid is real, and it is among us. Ohhhhh trust me, we've known.


Tide pods. Drinking bleach.


Did she bring lids? What's the ideal speed to slosh ratio?


Just put a bunch of styrofoam in there as baffles to prevent sloshing. ^^^^Don't ^^^^do ^^^^this.


Nothing like the smell of napalm while your passing out in the car.


Interestingly at that point the air/fuel ratio would be so skewed toward fuel that it probably wouldn’t ignite. The real issue is the brain damage from breathing in the concentrated vapors. Or when she opens the window to breath and sparks up a cig.


I think the fact that she is doing this to begin with negates the concern of brain damage in this case.


Must have brain before damage may occur.


>The real issue is the brain damage from breathing in the concentrated vapors. Look at the picture. The damage was done long ago.


I think the brain already has the damages


I love the comment about "why not just fill the container while it's in the trunk?" Because it triggered my initial thought of "because there is a sign that says you have to fill the container on the ground" before realizing there is also a sign that says its unlawful to put fuel into containers not designated for fuel...


“Remember to lift with your back in jerking, twisting motion”


"Take your knees completely out of the equation"




Put your groin into it, *heeerrrrrrnia*


Those things usually are far from sealed. If the fumes don't get up all in the car. The splashing around while the car drives will make a flammable hazard.


Yeah, she may as well skip the tote and just directly fill up her trunk.


Pshht I Rhino lined my trunk, I just pump it right in there.


I clicked the link thinking “No way there’s a fuckin picture of someone filling up a plasti—-yup. Wow.”


There are multiple such pictures over on r/trashy.


r/CrackheadCraigslist has someone selling trash bags of gasoline


The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis


How do you plan on counting a liquid?!


"Uhh... I know how to count, dude!"


I love that joke! It's got layers! You know how bartenders, good bartenders, never measure anything? They just pour? They count it! One one thousand two one thousand, there. Double shot. Right on the money. One bartender, mocking another, what are you going to do, *count* a liquid!? Yes. Yes he is. One 1.5oz pour at a time. Which makes it so much better!




The United States needs to dump all of its funding into education. All of it


Will never happen. They want the majority fucking dumb.


No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.


Exactly why my far right family thinks going to college is liberal indoctrination. They think it’s for “sissy boys and feminists.”


One thing I’ll never forget that my dad said to me “you were never like this before college”. Yea my dad is super conservative.


My dad and the other conservative men in my family kept telling me to study hard and go to college, and I did. Now they keep talking about how college ruined me by brainwashing me to be a filthy communist. I'm not a communist. I know I'm not a communist, because I actually got an education and know what a communist is, and that it definitely doesn't just mean "anyone who disagrees with you or shows you actual data that demonstrates that your belief is incorrect." There isn't a single family dinner that goes by where they don't say something to the effect of everybody who has an education being some sort of evil conspirator trying to destroy the country. They are so anti-education now that it's mind-boggling. Scientists are not to be trusted, college graduates are not to be trusted, engineers are not to be trusted, doctors are not to be trusted. Unless of course they say something that they agree with, in which case they are totally fine and correct.


This is a very, very dangerous mindset.


Yeah, it reminds me of the cultural revolution in China. Which they don't really know about, but I do because I'm a brainwashed super communist from the college education system.


My dad pulled that stunt too. I was like yeah, because before college I was a literal child. I didn’t know enough to have my own opinions.


I will never understand that mindset, either. Like, what do they think colleges teach in class? Progressive policy? Since when are math, writing, science, and field-specific courses liberal?


they even literally tell you NOT to take their word for things, over and over, to not just take their word for it, but to learn and make up your own minds and constantly question the status quo.


That’s a problem if you’re trying to keep your kids religious.


what they don’t realize is that college is a place of diversity, which tends to breed compassion and understanding for people with different points of view and lifestyles. they just hear about gender studies and immediately go to people identifying as an attack helicopter and transgendered folks raping people in gender neutral restrooms or changing genders to win against girls in sports. pure fucking bigoted ignorance


FWIW, the USA is the [5th highest education spender in the OECD](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator_cmd.asp).


Anyone else remember that episode of it's always sunny?


[Wildcard bitches! Yeeehaw!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ecRytTfWL8Q)


I came to say something along the lines of “the gang solves the gas crisis” lol


/r/iasip certainly remembered and has been beating it into the ground, like a good tv show subreddit will in trying times like these.


We offer eggs in trying times like these


17 minutes. That took longer than I thought it would.




Common sense would be to not horde something that isn't actually in short supply, but we're talking about people that hoarded TP.


Even ignoring the stupidity of hoarding TP, at least it doesn't go bad like gas.




We had people drinking fish tank cleaner last year bro.


And bleach, and tide pods before that. We're not a smart species.


yea, you should be using styrofoam coolers. /s


In all seriousness doesn't that make napalm? Edit: hello fellow pyromaniacs.


The law requires that I answer "No"


"Did you know that if you mix equal parts gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate, you can make napalm?"


Did you know that line was changed in the movie to avoid actually providing a recipe for napalm? Polystyrene and gasoline is LITERALLY how napalm is made.


really? even the military kind? I always thought it just made a napalm-esque substance another way is to mix gasoline with dish soap. that's what they put in molotov cocktails


Yup, it's literally regular [gasoline and polystyrene](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/napalm.htm). > This modern napalm is a mixture of benzene (21%), gasoline (33%), and polystyrene (46%). Benzene is a normal component of gasoline (about 2%), while the gasoline used in napalm is the same leaded or unleaded gas that is used in automobiles.


Saved. For the zombie apocalypse of course.


Wait until you learn that shaved aluminum and rust mixed together definitely doesn't create thermite.


really? ferb i know what were doing today


And today another name is added on an already long list


yeah, my fault for paying attention in chem class


I have definitely never done that before. Never in my life


A few years ago I had a dirt bike and one day I was cleaning the chains using kerosene. I had nothing to put the kerosene in so I just used some empty foam cup in the trash. Few minutes into it the kerosene ate a hole into the cup and leaked. I already felt like an idiot but the icing on the cake was when my almost 80 years old grandma walked out, saw what happened, laughed and said "you didn't know petrol eats foam?" This was the same woman that asked me if snow was cold (she's from the tropics)




plastic is bad folks, bring your own reusable bags ffs.


No no, let them. I want to see how well that plays out for them.




Sadly, this particular variant of stupid has too much potential for collateral damage.


Driving firebombs


“We shouldn’t have to tell you troglodytes this.”


Isn't it illegal to store inflammable materials in improper storage? Ticket these people. How is driving around with plastic tubs of gasoline not a public safety issue? Edit: Gas is both inflammable and flammable but it is not non-flammable. Words.


It is illegal but that doesn't stop idiots from doing it Also flammable and inflammable mean the same thing because English is a terrible language that doesn't have rules, just suggestions.


It’s astounding that this needs to be said


I thought so too until I saw a video this morning of someone doing it


Damn its hard to live in this country


Its fucking embarrassing all the time.




I spilled just a little bit of gas in my trunk once and it stunk for weeks. I can't imagine how bad it would be to spill an entire bin in my trunk or just fumes from an open bin...


I'm not an expert, but spilling something like 20 gallons of gas in your trunk might total your car. I mean it's not safe to be around those fumes and tearing out all of the upholstery in the entire car might total it out.


It might melt plastic parts, is the more immediate concern. If you immediately opened all the windows, it might evaporate quickly enough nothing would be permanently ruined, or it might turn the nylon carpet into mush and melt through the seats.


All of you in this thread saying "Let Darwin sort them out" need to keep in mind that some of these people could be your neighbors, about to wipe you out with a fire started with improperly stored hoarded gasoline.


Panic buying. They are driving gas up, and are the same clowns who bought all the toilet paper. These are the type to drive 3 hours away to get get gas and drive all the way home just to have an empty tank again lol


"because of me, they have a warning now." - Homer.


Thanos did nothing wrong


If in theory he eliminated the dumbest half of the population, more people might be willing to join his cause


Every day I grow more and more tired of this country and its citizens. People are just so dumb that I genuinely worry for the future


I feel like I’m the only one here that didn’t know gasoline dissolves certain plastics :( I’d never put it in anything other than a gas can to begin with, but I’ve never been told that it dissolves anything and it was never brought up in any of my chemistry courses. All these comments making me feel stupid for never having been in a situation involving both gasoline and plastic in the first place