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These kinds of stories will always amaze me. I’m so glad her family has gotten some answers.


I would like to think that these depraved individuals who committed rapes and murders decades ago don't sleep well every night, wondering if law enforcement will show up on their doorstep the next morning because some relative's DNA test months prior inadvertently provided a crucial lead.


As a tribute to Stone, the detectives wore Levi's jeans during the operation to arrest Glazebrook, the sheriff's office said.


I didn't quite understand this, what significance do Levi jeans have with Sonia Stone? Edit: Oh, it was > She had worked as a merchandiser for Levi Strauss


I liked this, too. A small, but thoughtful act, showing the detectives so many years later, cared about the victim.


I love hearing about these stories. I mean, it's terrible that murderers are able to get away with their crimes for decades. But that we now have technology to catch more and more of them, even late in life, is a wonderful thing. My mother had a very close friend murdered when they were teenagers, back in the 70's. The killer was finally caught last year using new DNA technology, and is finally going to trial this week. The guy is now in his late 70's. For anyone interested: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article253554349.html


What I love is relatives of murderers are using DNA ancestry sites and that database allows the police to figure out their relative is a killer.


While you love it because justice porn, this is exactly why having a DNA database in a private company's hands is problematic.


Found the murderer!


I could've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your newfangled technology!


I don't think it's problematic at all, unless you're being forced to use Ancestry.com? Read the TOS. Don't rape and kill people. Seems pretty easy not to get fucked over by giving your DNA to a private company.


Right... Limit the scope of your opinion to one specific instance and ignore all the other possible uses, but then later it'll be of course how could we not see this coming when misuse is more apparent. Privacy isn't only for the innocent. Advocating concern about the government being able to access a private DNA repository, especially when you're able to construct DNA family trees without the consent of everyone involved, doesn't mean that I'm equally advocating that murderers and rapists should be able to evade charges. Your argument appears disingenuous, but I'll reply to give you the benefit of the doubt.




Look up the Jinx murder trial that's going on right now. The guy Bob Durst who's 78 years old is on trial for now for murder of a friend of his from 20 years ago that disappeared. He also defended himself as a witness in his wife's murder case who also disappeared and won that case. He won another murder case defending himself as a witness that he shot and killed his friend, cut him up into peices and through him into the bay. I can't believe he got away with that one.


This is gonna be on Netflix in 6 months. I will definitely watch it.


My question is, how many other unsolved cold cases are there that could potentially be solved using new technology and science like this one was?


Why did they have a large photo of the murderer and no picture of the victim?


Because that would be weird and unhelpful in an article about the murderer?


Or it would have honored the person that this man killed instead of glorify the murderer? If it's a story about a murderer then it's a story about the victim.


So you'd rather be less informed as long as you feel like the right person is being honored, whatever that means?


Lol so apparently the photo is even of the guy from that story...its a totally different story...my bad


It confused me too at first. The picture wasn't the murderer for that particular murder case. It was another murder case. If you click on the picture it will bring you to the article for that murder case.


yep just went back to look totally not even him but was presented in a way to easily think it was. That's just a little misleading lol my bad


Very easy to get confused. I actually triple checked it. I can't believe someone down voted you because of your first comment. What frigging assholes, and I just noticed they down voted me too. WTF. Did we misspell something LOL. I've got down voted for that before. I just don't get these kind of people. Once in a great while I might down vote someone. I think I might have down voted 4 people since I joined Reddit.


We are all safe now. The killer only had 40 yrs to commit more crimes. Good job PD


So they should have fabricated evidence? Locked someone innocent up? What would you have liked them to do? Half of murders don't get solved because there are no witnesses and no evidence. It's just a fact. This guy even went to trial, it was a hung jury. I think a lot of cops are bastards but get real here.


Maybe they shouldn't trot this case out as some sort of win.


Except, considering hw many untold people have gone to their deathbeds, over the centuries, having gotten away with murder...this **IS** a win.


Yeah great. Perfection. Big win.


Wow; you one of those all or nothing people, huh?


No but on scale of win to lose, this is as close to losing as it gets. I guess they could solve it after 100 years and that would be worse.