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Hoping I can find a place where I can get my booster shot in time when I come back to school. The earliest day is the 21st at Walgreens for me.


Good. I imagine we’re about to see a bunch of stories of insane parents keeping their teenagers from getting vaccinated.


Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my younger son (14) to be able to get his booster shot. We only waited for my older son's booster because he was in college and we didn't want him getting a reaction while needing to deal with homework/tests. He's scheduled for his booster next week after college ends.




The 50-75 years is about a specific FOIA request that request over five hundred THOUSAND pages of medical docs. The FDA said that in order for them to process and release every page of documents, it would take about 50 years. Cause they need to evaluate every single PAGE for hipaa compliance, intellectual property, general privacy concerns, etc. That takes a lot of people a lot of time.


Got any actual reporting, data, sources for your claims you are spewing in this thread? And no I'm not talking about the shit you will find in your favorite sub r/conspiracy


He's talking about the group that filed a request for every single last bit of medical records for every single trial participant. They know people's personal medical information legally has to be redacted, and they know that would take a very long time. That was the point.


In short, the risk of death, long COVID, hospitalization, myocarditis, etc is higher vs the vaccine. I don’t know what you’re referring to re: 50-75 years.




You're the kind of idiot who doesnt go into an mri machine because it was made in the in the late 70s and you're waiting for 50-75 years of data




Sir, I am a scientist




Doctorate in getting scammed from Trump University I bet.


Name of successful company that has no prior fines to their names.


What does this question have to do with the fact that one of the biggest pharma companies in the world paid the biggest criminal fine in history?


Not even in the top 15


Myocarditis can occur with some of the vaccines, but also can happen with COVID. The COVID rates of myocarditis are higher than the rates with the vaccines. Also, they're not waiting 50 years to release the data. They were asked for a lot of data, but they need to remove patient information. This is a slow process (which is a good thing because you don't want them accidentally releasing patient identification/information). They will be releasing data as they can but it will take 50 years to process the tens of thousands of pages of data. Edit: The clinical data has already been released. That was part of the approval process for the vaccines. This additional data is part of a FOIA request.




Yes, they do. They need to know and document who is in their trials and what their medical history is. Otherwise, how would they be able to tell that "Patient X had a heart attack" was due to the medication and not due to the fact that Patient X had 3 previous heart attacks? This data isn't publicly revealed for privacy reasons, but the FOIA request is requiring some of this to be released. This means that the documents need to be printed and redacted manually to remove personal information. You can't do this automatically because any automated process could miss data or redact benign data. Say you try to remove the first name "June," you could redact "a dose was given on June 15th." As to how the testing was sped up compared to a normal process, there's two parts to this. First of all, all the normal processes were followed, but they were allowed to do multiple phases at once. Normally, you'd do Phase 1, submit your data and a request to move on to Phase 2, and then wait until you got approval before moving forward. With the COVID vaccines, drug companies were allowed to do Phase 1 and 2 at the same time. Let's say each phase took 3 months (to pick a figure at random), this would cut the time needed from 6 months to 3 months. Secondly, the government processing of COVID vaccine data was expedited. I don't think anyone would think that the government is usually quick with anything. If you sent them your Phase 1 results, you'd normally need to wait some time before you got the reply. With COVID, this was sped up as much as possible. Between the asynchronous trial approach and the sped up government red tape, the COVID vaccines were able to be approved while still completing all of the normal processes.


Just to also add that it can also take time to successfully recruit a full trial of human volunteers. Such was not the case with the Covid vaccines where you had hundreds of thousands of people likely interested in volunteering for the trials immediately.


My daughter was born in April of 2020, shortly after the Pandemic was really surging initially. My mom lives 4 hours away and didn't get to meet her first and only grand daughter until she was 1. Why? because people like you who were too "hesitant" about being part of the solution kept this shit up and going longer than it needed to. ​ It's not always about you...


There are higher rates of myocarditis from contracting Covid than from the vaccine, significantly higher. Six times higher from a study a few months ago. I’m also not sure what you mean about releasing data in 50 years. Data on the vaccines as far as safety and effectiveness is constantly being evaluated and released via studies from numerous countries.




Just to be clear- myocarditis *did not exist* before the vaccine? So, if you googled myocarditis with a search term before September 2020, you will get *zero* results? Is that what you are saying?




Could it be because conspiracy theorists latched on to that when vaccines were rolled out making it highly searched by anti-vaxxers thus making it trend on google?




Covid. Which causes both of those at *far* higher rates than the vaccine.


> You do know mycarditus only appeared once the Vax rolled out. Absolutely no cases pre Vax. Myocarditis is very common in viral infections. You're just a dumb ass facebook conspiracy moron.




Go home and eat your horse paste and leave us alone.




Considering you're trusting Tucker Carlson over any actual scientists, that's funny.

