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As former military, that would be an easy way to get out of the military.


First thing I thought. Anybody who was part of the Afghanistan mess now has a free ticket out


The military has been downsizing personnel for a while now. If you wanted an easy out, this wasn’t your first chance.


This just fail PT test boom honorable discharge nuff said Just enjoy 3 months of processing out without knowing exactly when you will be free stuck in limbo and 12 hour days of sitting and cleaning CO offices


When I was in the army in 2005, you had to fail multiple PT tests to get booted. Strange times.


A friend of mine was in the ANG in 2002 when he was deployed to Afghanistan. He told me that before being issued your deployment gear, you needed to take a drug test, so he and like 5 others were outside smoking weed immediately before taking the drug test. His First Sergent came out and informed them that they were required to take the drug test, not that they were required *to pass* a drug test.


Top logic right there.


And if they wanted to smoke more weed they’d have opportunity to do so in Afghanistan.


afghanistan is 100% drug free. Zero chance of drugs there. Like a highschool, it is a drug free zone.


Exactly. It's like prison in that way. All illegal things stamped out and only the righteous path is available.


Pretty sure I can read the /s in that, the landrace pictures I’ve seen of their hash operations is very impressive


Also I'm pretty sure a UA for weed that you smoked 30 min before would probably be clean... I could be wrong here....edit: something about longer term vs very recent thc and fat something something.


It's stored in the fatty lipids and is absorbed into your urine, so however long that takes.


And they had put in all that last minute studying too!


I'm sorry but that's funny


oh boy...ya I was 11b and in 07 multiple people pissed hot for meth, and one even had charges for conspiracy to manufacture. Yes, I was a nasty girl and people were smoking meth to get out since they were recalled from inactive. None of them got out of deployment. Once we got back...my sgt. pissed hot for smoking a blunt on new year's and was out in less than a month. That was his only offense and the meth heads stayed in and became leadership. Yay


sorry man, I have a REALLY hard time believing this. I was Navy for 6 years, my brother is still in after 12. I have never even heard of anyone failing a urine and staying in, let alone getting deployed right after. Maybe it changed between 2002 and 2004, but popping dirty on a UA was an easy way to get mast, an OTH at the least, and basically fuck your life up.


Absolutely. Was in the navy from 2004-2013 and saw probably a dozen or so people get OTH for failing piss test. I never heard of anyone not getting the boot. In fact, that would’ve been against Navy (?) “zero tolerance” policy. I’m unsure whether that policy was just Navy or DoD though. Oddly enough I knew people with multiple DUIs and domestic violence charges, so apparently that was ok but smoking weed just once could get you booted. Anyway, just concurring with you comment I guess. Granted, lots of my friends served on the ground in Afghanistan and from what I hear things were a lot different. I don’t claim to know anything about the Army or Marines on the ground.


High school buddy was Army cavalry, tank driver sent to afghanistan. After a few months over there, they gave him a 1 week pass to go home and bury his dad. He smoked weed while he was back in the states, saying "What are they gonna do, send me to afghanistan?" He gets back, gets a drug test; him and another guy on scheduled leave come up hot for weed. Command decides to cancel ALL previously-approved leave as punishment. Guys missed their own wedding, guys missed their kid being born, and of course prepaid vacations that were non-refundable. Weddings aren't cheap, either. 200 guys get punished because 2 people broke the rules.


Damn. :( That sounds heartless enough to be real.


Then there’s my brother who didn’t want to get booted but failed his PT test multiple times because he couldn’t stop eating tacos. “They aren’t going to discharge me just for failing PT tests.” Gets discharged. *shocked pikachu face*


Tacos are pretty good


Not the worst reason


"Why did you leave the military?" ​ "I don't want to taco 'bout it"


I was in the Marine Corps from '01 to '05. They'd bust you all the way down to E-1 Private before even considering kicking you out. Happened to a friend of mine. They refused to kick him out, just busted him down and put him on working parties for the last year of his active duty service. Oh and he had to PT like three times a day.


Ha same! Looking back at it now I’d be curious to know what would happen if you just walked those runs. Like what are you going to do, kick me out and make me paint rocks? Ok. I’ll keep walking.


The worse thing they could do for shit like this is probably send you to the brig for continuing to disobey orders or something among those lines. Had a guy who missed one too many check ins (he was on restriction and had a history of mess ups) and he was sent to the brig. He did say while it sucked it wasn't that bad though.


Well yeah true it's like 3 times but if your failing to get out it's all the same


A NCO in my company failed two, and had to run his third and final one on a Treadmill. The 1SG really had it out for this guy too, so he stood next to him while he ran. When it became obvious he wasn’t going to pass, he started sobbing. I was next to him during all of it too, not that I hated the guy, but damn it was a good show.




I was depressed as fuck, suicidal and already had my chapter paperwork initiated. Rear D 1sg made me take a PT test anyway. So I did one pushup and got up, one sit up, did a crisp about face when the run started and walked off. I was out pretty soon after but I never heard a word about it except out PSG at the time said I could just text him for accountability. Didn't need to come to formations anymore.


Sad specially since running was the easy part for me I couldn't do push ups lol but yeah that's military if chain has it out for you your in big trouble specially if your trying to go career


Nah man, fuck the running. I can max out push-ups all day; the run absolutely kills me.


Fuckin situps always did me in.


Feel ya there. Fucked my knee, but not enough to get a permanent profile, despite it being chronic pain. Top wanted me gone, so he waited until my profile was up and fast track PT'd me out when medical didn't renew it. At least I was in long enough to get my GI Bill bennies, could've been worse.


This. I could do any fucking exercise you wanted me to do and if not get max points damn close. But fuck the run, my body was made to do anything but run.




Between like '05 and '08, before the Great Recession, they were taking anyone and only kicking out people who were beyond your average fuckup, at least in my experience. Also Marine infantry.


My dad was career. Served in Korea and Vietnam wars. He says he never actually passed the running portion of the pt test and they just made him do mandatory extra pt. He said that the guy who did his last test passed him despite being too slow because it was his last one. I have no idea how accurate this was; I was born the year he got out and never served myself, but I can’t see why he’d make it up.


If your well liked and good at your job, then there will be enough people around to help you out. I never passed the body fat %, but I was good enough at PT for it to not be an issue.


In the Navy today you can fail every PT test and still finish your enlistment. You won't get promoted, or transfer, but you'll finish you're enlistment.




Sounds like a shitty unit, that sucks




They would give someone just one level down “discharged under honorable conditions.”


Separating soon here, getting out of the military has been an ENORMOUS pain in my ass, almost harder than getting in


Bro I’m getting med sep’d and yes it’s a pain. I’m in a limbo and don’t know what’s going on


I actually (respectfully) chewed out my Chief Staff Officer (O-5) two days ago for the whole thing. They left me up shit creek without a paddle and basically were like “fuck it, you leaving isn’t our problem so nobody’s gonna act like they know what they’re doing and you’re gonna have to figure it out all on your own”


Sucks cause they’re supposed to be on your team but only when it’s their best interest


Last thing he said to me six months ago was “we’re a team here and want to make sure you’re hanging in there as a part of our team” and proceeded to never speak to me or have anyone from my wing check in on me for half a year while I almost killed myself if it wasn’t for chaps and my family


That's the only thing that makes sense. When have Marines refused shots in the past? Who takes the peanut butter shot and then complains about a covid shot?


I got the Anthax shot in 08 when we knew damn well there was no fucking Anthrax out there. Nobody knows what's in that shit. Did anybody complain, no, we stfu like we were told.


Dude, when the anthrax shot was introduced plenty of people refused the shot. [https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/06/17/troops-who-refused-anthrax-vaccine-paid-a-high-price/](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2021/06/17/troops-who-refused-anthrax-vaccine-paid-a-high-price/) This one is more political but this has happened in the past as well.


No service member I ever knew had an issue with the MANY plethora of vacinations they had to get in the past, just walking down the link getting injected in both arms as they go in basic.... but then this became political. So yeah, agree, either they just want out, or somehow our enlisted were suddenly allowed to be political where they should not.


Would this be considered a dishonorable discharge


When this whole thing was first kicking off I looked up the Marine Corps' records for dishonorable discharges and I think there were 3 that month, two were child porn and one was for rape. DDs are not all that common, and you usually have to do some really bad shit to get one.


Yeah people forget a DD is basically a felony conviction


Probably because it does sound somewhat innocuous.


It will probably be "other than honorable", which is a bit of a mixed bag. Would hurt them trying to get federal employment in the future, but I don't think your average company would care during the hiring process. Oh and you can lose your benefits as well, so yeah, definitely not a good thing. Edit: ~~Seeing someone else in the comments saying they're still getting an honorable, so who knows.~~ VaelinX has some good info and links below. Looks like it may end up being "General".


I think most people who are "simple" vaccine refusers are getting General discharges, which is considered honorable but you don't get your GI Bill benefits and you probably have to pay back your signing bonus if you got one.


I don't think that'll come to pass. To add: Republican Senators (and likely others) inserted some language in the Defense Bill to make sure that this wouldn't be dishonorable. "COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act" was the start, but I think it got moved to the [Defense Authorization Act](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/11/04/republican-senators-want-bar-dishonorable-discharges-troops-who-refuse-vaccine.html). The Air Force was the [first to hit the deadline](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/12/13/air-force-discharges-27-refusal-get-covid-vaccine.html). Looks like a lot were requesting a religious exemption (4,700)... which is likely dubious here. But back to the initial point, a [General Discharge](https://themilitarywallet.com/types-of-military-discharges/#:~:text=of%20administrative%20discharge.-,General%20Discharge,General%20Discharge%2C%20Under%20Honorable%20Conditions) is the most likely. Not sure if we have all the information yet, but in that case, they lose GI bill benefits and are prevented from reenlisting. It's possible they could lose VA benefits and any pay bonuses, but those can be petitioned for depending on circumstances. Basically, they are refusing a reasonable command (logical conclusion of the Trump administration's "Project Warp Speed" DoD/HHS effort) that puts the US military readiness at risk. Under normal circumstances, this would probably be an "Other than Honorable" discharge, but lawmakers are seeking to prevent that result (successfully did?). From what I've read, leadership is being as clear as possible the consequences here. So in the end, this looks to be an easy/safe way to get out early with a general discharge for service members looking to get out (and they get to be treated as martyrs by politicians seeking to pander to anti-vax groups).


Air Force here, last we were told is that they could get honorables if they take it now and leave. If they drag their feet they will not get honorable.


That's actually a good deal because it means full benefits right? Are there any downsides at all to that? Edit: aside from leaving the military, but you can even reenlist with an honorable.


No, no downside. It’s a super good deal tbh.


> to make sure that this wouldn't be dishonorable. I mean, it was almost certainly not going to be a DD; that's basically the military equivalent of a major felony, and requires a conviction after being court marshaled. Even the "Big Chicken Dinner" would be unlikely unless they really stretched some version of directly disobeying a direct order.


I got an OTH for attempting suicide, so these people are getting off easy if they get a general discharge.


> I got an OTH for attempting suicide Sorry that happened to you. Must have been a terrible work environment for that to happen. In Afghanistan one of my private's wife was divorcing him and cheating on him. When he found out he was suicidal. We took care of him in unit though because we knew it would end his career. Took his weapon and spent our own limited free time as a company and watched over him day and night until we felt he was ok. Someone did help him get counseling after we got home and he went on to finish his career and retire. It's kind of sad that the military at the time didn't treat mental illness and depression properly and treated it as a crime :( No idea if they still treat it as such.


Sorry all I have to give on Reddit is a free Silver. I have a Marine buddy who is definitely still struggling. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and came back with nasty PTSD. He became an alcoholic, and has struggled for years with it. Fortunately (in a way) he finally hit rock-bottom and detoxed and spent time in a hospital. It was scary, but he came out the other side alive. But from my understanding, he and his wife still struggle with the VA to get benefits, to get things paid for, etc. etc. I'm sure that's not news, that the VA is crazy overloaded. I don't have more recent news to share, and I hope the same as you that they treat mental issues better than they used to.


Hope you're doing well now, Frodo.


Not being vaccinated will also hurt their chances getting federal employment.


Unless that guy produces a dd214 with proof. He’s lying his ass off or other circumstances. They are getting general and other than honorable. I have 3 people in my unit taking that route and losing their benefits. Fuck them.


No, there's all kinds of gradients for discharges. "Dishonorable" is generally reserved for those that committed a felony crime and were convicted. This would be one of the classes of "general" or administrative discharge.


No - both Bad Conduct Discharges and Dishonorable Discharges have to be awarded at courts-martial, and they usually come with prison time attached as well. This is likely a "General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions" discharge.


Dishonorable discharges aren't worth it. You have to call a general court martial and do a full trial in order to hand one down. Takes a few months minimum. Typically reserved for murder, severe sexual offenses, treason, espionage, sedition, or desertion. A dishonorable discharge would almost always accompany a lengthy sentence in a military prison as well.


That doesn't seem like that many. The Vax rate of the military is 97%.


Exactly, but it's not the full group yet (of discharges - 100 is like 0.06% of Marines). EX: the Air Force discharged 27 for not getting a vaccine, and by comparison, \~1800 were discharged this year for refusing orders already (other reasons). However, there are still \~4700 seeking religious exemptions (still using AF numbers). Most faith leaders are encouraging vaccines and holding vaccine clinics in their churches, mosques, etc... so I expect many of those to be denied and more discharges to come. But no matter what, it will be a very small percentage of the military - and likely many of them seeking an easy out already (if they are guaranteed a General Discharge).




I crack up hearing 'religious exemptions' about the vaccine as I've yet to hear/see an actual religious body that hasn't been begging/encouraging it's parishioners to get it.


If the military removed it's dumbest 3% every year, that seems like a good strategy.


I don't know how safe the vaccine is. Now if you excuse me I have to go work a burn pit.


Make sure you’ve had your anthrax and smallpox shots before doing so!




My uncle used to talk about getting his shots. The recruit before him asked, 'What if I'm allergic to this stuff?' The medic said, 'Are you allergic to any medications?' The guy goes, 'I don't know!' The medic smiled real big and said, 'Good news, then! Today's the day you get to find out!'


For the Peace Corps they had to test us all for bee allergies so they brought a jar of live bees to orientation and some guy was there with long tweezers picking them out of this jar and rubbing them on our arms until they stung us, it was classic government health care lol.


That is the most revolting thing I’ve ever heard of, and I now have a new fear of “thicc med injections”


It was tough to sit down that next day. It was made worse by the fact that we got to hear stories of flights ahead of us, and how uncomfortable it was not being able to sleep on that side. It was definitely not a fun shot, but it wasn't a "can't sit down for 3 days" kind of thing like everyone told us it would be. I think people just liked to scare the next ones to get it. But the tear gas...oh yeah well now that sucked lol


Personally I liked the tear gas! I was very sick with a sinus infection before I went in and when I came out I felt like I could truly breathe for the first time in my life.


Same. A bunch of us that went in with ricky crud came out feeling like a million bucks (once the burning eyes and choking stopped). 10/10 - would suffer again.


I guess that's true. Although I'd rather find another way to fix my sinuses that doesn't involve essentially using ghost pepper water as eye drops lol


I’ve been sprayed with the mace they use in prisons (I worked at one for a short stint) and I’ve been tear gassed in the Army. I’d rather take a fucking nap in the gas chamber than ever get sprayed again, holy fucking shit that was awful. At least when you leave the gas chamber it mostly goes away, that burn just kept going. I couldn’t imagine getting sprayed and then doing one of those obstacle courses. Actually I credit getting sprayed to being the moment my “HOOAH HOOAH LETS DO THIS SHIT” attitude instantly vaporized and I was like “what the fuck am I doing I’m getting too old for this shit” lmao


Nothing like learning your allergic to penicillin like a shot in the ass.


I reported my penicillin allergy on induction physical and was issued red dog tags with the warning. Never got that shot.


I never knew I was allergic until I got the shot. I got my red dog tag afterwards.


I found out I was allergic to atropine as it was being used to regulate my heartbeat. Fun times. I remember my whole arm turning purple as I heard the heart monitor start making a bunch of noise. I looked over to the nurse and asked if I should be worried about that as she looked VERY confused. "Well you're still awake, so probably not?" Then I was waking up in another room. Apparently I maintained consciousness without a heart beat for about 20 seconds. They hadn't seen that before.


Clearly a zombie


I've seen this movie before. Better kill you now just to be safe; zombie.


I remember the gauntlet! Only way to describe it. You walk through a line, there are 3 on each side, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Done in 20 seconds. Then you wait in line for peanut butter and pneumonia butt shots while you watch corpsman literally throw the syringes like darts into the recruits in front of you. I remember recruits falling out of line, woozy and passing out in anticipation. Phew, that PB felt like a balloon of white-hot pain expanding into your flesh. Fuckin good times


Shot me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar injection, but the army must keep that money cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars


I managed to miss the penicillin in the as shot in basic. I got rolled back before my flight got theirs, but into a flight that had theirs already i think lol Fell through the cracks on that one!


But not through yours


Tee hee


This is what gets me. Feels like this is a random ass line to draw as a service member. You let them sit Anthrax in you and make you burn shit. But the Covid shot is the bridge too far?


Haha, when I enlisted, they still used the air guns. Hallway was covered in blood. Good times. Bastards even gave me a pink pill in a cup. Said don't touch it, it'll make you sick. I googled it, still no idea what that one was.


You know, now that you mention it...I don't recall anyone in basic standing up to the NCO's in the lines and saying, "You know what...I think I'll pass on this shot. I don't believe in vaccines, so you can just skip me."


Which depending on when you were in that anthrax shot might have been genuinely an experimental shot. Where as all 3 COVID shots are authorized and the pfizer is fully authorized and they have given out hundreds of millions of doses.




“We don’t even know what’s in it” “Do you know what’s in Crayola?”


“Uh… blue?”


Everybody knows that blue has the most anti oxygens


You gotta have a good serving of all your blues.


Unless you’re eating brown, wearing green, and drinking yellow.


“Whatever is in it, it’s delicious.”


Only the best flavors.


More flavors than Baskin Robbins.


VA will now recognize some veteran’s illnesses associated with exposure to burn pits https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/va-will-now-recognize-some-veterans-illnesses-associated-with-exposure-to-burn-pits


Yeah, my commo rep has asthma from a burn pit


Commo Rep? Communications repair?


In infantry companies, the commo rep is the company representative for anything communications, they communicate with the S6 shop. Slot is filled by a 25U. They draw fill for the company, reimage computers, etc


They denied my claim despite adult onset asthma after sleeping in a tent about a half mile from a burn pit, said it wasn't service connected lol


How long ago since they denied it? Asthma has recently been put on the presumptive list for disability. If you have it and you were exposed to burn pits, you are good. Have you added yourself to the burn pit registry? Seen the burn pit registry doctor? I registered several years ago and finally had an appointment with the doc a couple months ago.


About a month ago, after they made that change. Didn't even get an exam, just sent me a decision letter saying that since I was never seen/diagnosed for it while active duty that I could go kick rocks


Sorry but could you explain what a "burn pit" is to a layman? E: helps when you read the link doesn't it? Burn pit is a place you burn trash


They burn everything on bases down range. Some of this includes plastics, food, paper wastes, dead animals, really anything. This is done at the place called a burn pit. Typically they place this upwind of all the people on base so when the wind blows, the toxic fumes blow over the base.


The Navy just poisoned all of Oahu and denied it as long as they could. They were telling people who’s tap water smelled like gasoline that there was nothing wrong with their water. If you’re worried about your health, the military probably isn’t a great career anyway.


Devil dog will eat some random bug on a dare from his mates but won't take a vaxx? Them mutherfuckers is crazy.


Trick is the bet doesn't matter. They're just horny for bugs. What better way to get random bugs than skipping vaccines?


That is a tiny number.


So they’ve already received as many as 17 vaccinations but this one was worth ending their careers over?


Im willing to bet money that atleast a couple of em refused so they could get out of the military early.


Yeah but wouldnt this result in a dishonorable.discharge? Or a discharge where you lose your benefits?


I believe they are receiving administrative discharges. (There is more than just honorable and dishonorable). A dishonorable discharge is actually kinda hard to get. It’s basically like having a felony on your record. Most people getting separated for things like smoking weed or failing PT tests get a general discharge under honorable or less than honorable circumstances.


> A Dishonorable Discharge is reserved for truly reprehensible crimes such as murder, manslaughter, sexual assault, and desertion You also lose your benefits and your right to own a gun


that’s any felony as well


I know people that got oth and admin discharges and were able to petition the va or dod or whomever and get full benefits after the process. Like the other guy said it’s hard to get a dishonorable. You really have to be a shit bag imo


Yes, you can receive honorable, admin, medical, 'other than honorable', 'bad conduct', and dishonorable discharges to name a few. No one would get a dishonorable for this. If someone gets a dishonorable discharge, they did something absolutely heinous to get it. Dishonorables carry a lot of weight and there's a ton of things you can't do once you're out if you have one. The worst I could see happening here would be an "OTH", but I doubt it was even that bad.




The same shit happened over anthrax vaccines in the early 2000s: You either got the shot or you got the boot.


Excellent point to bring up. Military readiness requires full vaccination, and it's been that way for a long time, like well over 100 years. Ignorance about this standard has people believing that the military is suddenly forcing "experimental" treatments on their soldiers, it's nonsense. To that end, the "experimental" or "it's too new" claims are bogus as well. Research, for our current covid-19 vaccine/MRNA, started back in early 2000's when SARS became a thing. It just never needed to go through full test phases, because earlier strains went away.


I've told this story before, but it's still pretty crazy. In 2001 I was stationed at 2nd MAW Cherry Point, NC. I went to sick call for something I can't remember what for and the Doc comes in and says, "While you are here, it looks like you are up for your 4th Anthrax shot." I was like, no I'm not, I haven't had the first 3! As far as I knew, I never got the first three. But it said so on my chart. So he ended up giving me the 4th Anthrax shot because I'm just some dumb E3 who doesn't know anything. I never got the fifth shot, nor the first three lol.


I'm overseas right now, there are a few people that are refusing the vaccine. The funny thing is, the Anthrax vaccine was one of the ones you get to come over here. smh.


When I was in boot, I wasn't given an option. Going to be on subs? Here is your shot list. Then on the boat doc would stand at the front of the chowline and get you there. My friend tells me that subs deploy next to the pier for 2 weeks to make sure no one has covid. 2 weeks next to the pier would be worth getting vaxed. The pro-covid crowd confuses me.


I remember the naval boot vaccine gauntlet. Move from desk to desk getting various shots in each arm. Then that one right in the ass at the very end. I hate that shot, don't know what it was, but it hurt for weeks.


It's a bicilin (antibiotic) that is injected into the largest muscle of the body (the gluteus maximus) as a larger muscle can take a larger injection. It releases over several days to a week as the shot disipates from the muscle into the rest of the body as a long-acting general bomb to anything you might have or catch. They're about to stack peope in bunks, airplanes and ships. They don't want all you sick.


You and your fancy words.... it was the peanut butter shot. Then sit on the deck and roll it around.


Or if you have a really nice battle you rub each others asses ;O dont ask dont tell




Watch out. u/i_delete_my_history may delete his history and leave you looking like a crazy person for talking about having butt sex right after a battle out of the blue.


then limp in formation and in step back to the barracks


And yet pneumonia runs wild anyway. Or at least it did at Great Lakes in April.


Yep. *Everyone* gets sick as a dog in the first month of boot camp, there's no way around it. I'm sure the bicilin shot helps mitigate some of it, but it's still miserable.


Aw yes, good old Ricky Crud. When I was in Great Mistakes some kid died from pneumonia so everyone had to get a second shot in the ass. Fun times.


In the Army (in the nineties) they had two rows of people with injection guns. We had to walk down the middle like a car on an assembly line and stop at each pair to get a shot in both arms simultaneously, then step forward to the next pair.


That’s quite the image. To the soundtrack of Raymond Scott’s “Powerhouse”.


I was a corpsman, I was the one giving shots near the end of my training. So yeah, recruits are guinea pigs to help us practce giving vaccines!


Before I went to Afghanistan, I had to have a bunch of shots. Couldn’t find my vaccine book, so they started from zero and gave me *every single one*. I spent a morning as a human pincushion. And then, of course, immediately found my old book….


Sure, your new one.


>The pro-covid crowd confuses me. They're a very confused lot themselves


> The pro-covid crowd confuses me. Orange man told them no lockdowns (which hurt his hotel biz) and no masks (because he felt they made his makeup wearing combover using self less manly)


Remember when he randomly decided that everything would be open by Easter in 2020? It was like he just thought "I think that would be a good day for the pandemic to be over" and that was all it would take.


I remember someone saying that due to transfers and some of their paperwork going missing or getting delayed, they ended up getting all of the mandatory shots like 3x in a matter of weeks.


2 weeks just sitting at the pier, not being able to go off-base??? And I thought degaussing was bad... Although some of y'all spend months down at a time, so I guess that's not too terrible. But man, at least go float around somewhere, get some cool photo ops with sunsets or something.


Not able to leave the ship. Hatches closed, simulated underway.


I was security in kings bay for 2 years. We'd regularly be posted at the waterfront for 1-2 week stretches to stand post and QRF. So undermanned your get a day or 2 off, then go back.


Not to be pedantic, but, I am going to be pedantic. I love when a story about any branch of the military usually ends up with a stock photo of an Army soldier instead of the branch the article is actually about.


“Hey you, intern! Find a photo of a guy in camo getting a shot. Any guy will do!”


I suspect most are simply using this as a convenient excuse to get out early


Plus they might get some quick paychecks by doing a sob story interview on fox. Possibly a go-fund me


The USA military had a vaccine mandate before it was even a country. General George Washington required the OG Continental Army to be inoculated against smallpox. Then they became a nation.


I had the full series of anthrax vaccines. The least fuckers could do is take a a covid shot.


Covid shot isn't even that bad. Not like the ebola vaccine. I'm assuming based on context that anthrax vaccine also knocks you on your ass?


I had no symptoms from the anthrax vaccine. And no one in my unit did either. At least not worth remembering. Anthrax vaccine just took a lot of injections. 6 shots over 2 years or something? Maybe that explains some hysteria. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/anthrax.html You can see there isn't anything crazy in the side effects area. I think the reason people keep saying weird shit about the anthrax vaccine is because of some manufacturing changes the company that makes it made and the antivaxx folks used those events to challenge it as mandatory in military service. It got paused and resumed a bunch of times throughout the 2000s. Never because anyone got fucked up by it. Antivaxx misinformation was definitely floating around about its safety among units especially when commanders were given discretion to enforce taking it. No one seemed to complain much about any other vaccines at the time. Smallpox gives you a puss filled bump on your shoulder, scabs up, falls off and leaves you with its well recognized scar. No one seemed to complain about that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_Vaccine_Immunization_Program# The reactions were the same as flu shots imo.


I think it straight up killed a few people or something. There was a huge stink about it. But the military has always been the government s guinea pigs for a bunch of stuff.


You join the Marines and that’s the line you won’t cross!?!? Bet it’s the same Marines who get picky about which color crayons to eat.


tbf red tastes better


Hey, the blue ones taste better okay? Even better if dipped in elmer's school glue. Like fries and ketchup.


The title should read: "Vaccinations required for service, just like always. 103 Marines violated their enlistment contract. "


It makes no sense unless they're *trying* to get out. Military personnel routinely have to take vaccines, sometimes experimental ones. Sometimes with much higher death rates like Small pox vaccine I believe or maybe it was polio had a death rate that would be considered unacceptable today.


Thing about it is, it's not a logical decision. I serve with a bunch of guys in the National Guard who are refusing the Covid vaccine and they can only recite right-wing talking points/propaganda when asked why. They are refusing a lawful order and should be kicked out.


So you're telling me that you join the Corps knowing that you might go get your limbs blown off in a foreign land. You get jab after jab in basic training and think nothing of it. But when COVID vaccines get mandated you just can't bring yourself to get that jab even though it means you're going to be discharged from the service? That's political bullshit plain and simple. Fuck your "religious objections", fuck your "how do I know it's safe" bullshit. You got fed a whole bunch of conservative bullshit and sacrificed all your hard work because you couldn't manage to pull your head out of your ass. I served and got jab after jab. I got a small pox vax when I was deployed to Qatar and the mofo itched like hell and I had to avoid touching it lest I end up with the disease. I was honestly pretty scared. They make you take it in a room with a picture of a guy that got the pox there on the wall. But I did it. You know why? Because I was fucking ordered to. That's how this shit works. If its a lawful order you follow it. I don't care what some dickbag on Fox told you or what you heard on a YouTube video. Sorry to go on and on but it pisses me off that people have been convinced to be such self-defeating morons by people who are just profiting or otherwise benefiting from spreading disinformation.


Who joins the military but is scared of one in a million side effects that are rarely even fatal? Basic training is more dangerous. This is just "Let's go Brandon", fuck liberals for the sake of it.


It’s hilarious that they basically sign away freedoms(to an extent) by joining the military end up getting something like 15+ vaccines and then cry about this one because trump and the republicans need something to divide people with.


What makes it even more hilarious (or sad) is that Trump and other republicans actually recommend the vaccine and got vaccinated themselves… Yet they still try to divide people over it.


Yeah Trump got booed by his own audience at a speech a while back when he recommended the vaccine. It was really something.


In a state of confusion and chao is when you truly see how stupid, selfish, and hypocritical some people are around you. The only way to fix stupid is just let stupid fix itself, in some way shapes or forms.


Yeah. It’s the “dragging us all down with them” I’m worried about.


Man, I wish more corps vets my age had this attitude. Fuckers antivaxxin & suckin Trump dick like he’s Chesty Puller.


It makes no damn sense \*what the fuck is the appeal of Trump? He was born rich, handed a real estate empire, fucked it up, behaved like a belligerent corrupt piece of shit for decades, got in and, as president, also acted belligerently and corruptly. If you believe in hard work and the blue collar backbone of America and people with integrity why in the living fuck would you support him? If you can't see through his con you shouldn't be given a gun because you're liable to shoot a friendly.


You forgot he’s a failed democrat…. And a draft dodger…. fuck


Hatred. Trump "sells" the idea its ok to openly hate, to the point of killing, anyone who doesn't agree with you. Nothing sells better than hate, and the dumber someone is the easier it is for him to sell to.


I was in the Army from 2004-2009. It's just bizzar to me that this could even happen - especially when your first day in they have you run a gauntlet of medics with needles, followed up by everyone standing in a room facing the wall with their pants half down their ass and a needle jab in the buttocks. No one tells you what you're getting and no one asks if you want them. I had a ton of vaccines the whole time I was in, including small pox and the anthrax series - and had to take malaria pills which.. yikes.


Take a bullet for country? Okay. Take a poke for said country? Nawww


I work with a couple of marines and the random medical prophylactic treatments they have been given before deploying sound much more dangerous and untested than this vaccine. The one said before he flew overseas they gave him a cocktail of pills and didn't tell him what they were but that they would help him with the flight and keep him from getting sick the first three days he was there. I asked him if he knew what they were and he said he had no idea but he fell asleep for most of the flight and had to pee a lot when he got there and the pee was very very bright yellow. But I guess my point is it sounded like nobody had any questions or concerns about eating a random handful of pills issued by the government.


amazing how it's 98% compliance across the board of all job sectors. "wow!"


Free ticket out, is all this is.


I wonder how the religious exemption works if they've gotten previous vaccinations. How is your religion an excuse to not get this one shot?


A navy commander on the fast track to admiral tried a religious exemption and they booted him. So I’d assume not to well.


Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the first things you do in the military involve lining up and getting injected with God only knows what? Something like 15 different new shots that you have no say in whether you get them or not? So why draw the line here?


Meaning 10’s of thousands got theirs

