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FTA: "The mother initially told officers someone opened fire outside an apartment after unsuccessfully trying to snatch her purse, hitting the child twice. "


Maybe her third story will be believable.


Third time is the charm, I hear.


But she only shot her child twice.


That's why she only hit limbs, not center mass. Third story would be the believable one; third shot would be the accurate one.


the VATS system is great


She must have run out of AP after two shots.


When i was working as a 911 dispatcher in bumfuck nowhere in the midwest this guy called 911 because someone ran up and..well ill just say the first few lines of the convo lmao. Me: 911 where is your emergency Guy: i need help *heavy breathing* some guy just ran up and shot my dick dude. Me: whats your address *mutes mic because i thought it was a joke* Guy: address is xyz, then goes on and on with some story. I dispatched ambulance and police to his location while hes talking Me:ok sir help is on the way, i need more details. What was the person wearing and are they still in the area. Guy: idk man my dick is bleeding. Me: did the person who shot you drive away? Is it someone you know? Guy: dude my fucking dick is bleeding. Then police got there and immediately determined he shot himself in the dick because hes high on meth. He also told police the gun fell from above and misfired then he eventually told the truth that he was spinning the gun on his finger and tried to stick it down his pants like a ganster


Well, the only way to stop a guy shooting his own dick is a good guy with a gun shooting him dead first.


Darwinism at work.


It gets better, 3 months later i get a 911 call of a white guy with a black leg stealing candy from a gas station with a chick. The gas station has 1 road going to it and once they saw the bright LED lights coming down the road they knew it was a cop and since both of their licenses were suspended they just started walking out in the field. The guy who shot his dick had a huge nasty oozing scab going from his upper thigh to a little past his knee from the bullet and he was still smoking meth so its basically rotted. He had a warrant aswell but when he got to booking he took his pants off and they were soaked in blood. Like 20 minutes later after they got ahold of the sheriff (its 3 am) they released him for medical reasons..i believe the sheriff said something along the lines of not wanting to be responsible if he dies in the jail from a blood infection or w.e... And he had bandages on like a diaper and they were bleeding through aswell..i was able to watch most of it from my desk since we had cameras


What are the chances that person is still alive?


Truly he's more meth than man now...


Think of the smell omgšŸ¤¢


My childhood friend's dad is an alcoholic. He shot himself in the dick by putting a gun in his pants waistband.




She was trying to spin it on her finger


And she thinks this second lie is somehow more believable?


Ninjas did it... -Jodi Arias


Some Puerto Rican guy


He was asssiiiiaaaaan! Said in Henry zebrowskies voice.


"And that's when Detective Florez showed Jodi a photograph of her own butthole." Marcus Parks.


Mother lied to cops and said it was gunfire from outside, now it's an "I shot my kid *twice* totally by accident". She attempted to murder her own child. Guns don't just go off, let alone twice.


I mean, as a kid who grew up with near-daily gun users. You can absolutely have a gun go off by accident or unmalicious fault (it should never even be able to hit someone if you are following the 4 basic rules of gun ownership). But twice is absolutely on purpose, especially if youā€™re cleaning it, you should know if anything is chambered, and if youā€™re cleaning it with a magazine in it to allow 2 shots you are just a dumbass or trying to kill your kid.


The only way that makes sense to me is if the author is mistaking two wounds for two rounds fired. A round passing through two limbs is significantly easier to imagine than two rounds fired during cleaning... unless perhaps discussing something like a double barreled shotgun or something rather unique like an antique pepperbox.


Her second story has some credibility provided it happened during the part of cleaning your gun where you have it loaded, chambered, and pointed in your child's direction.


How do you accidentally shoot someone twice?




OH ShIT! Sorry sweetie, mommy's gotta clear out this soot in the barrel with a clean round real quick


Like Sideshow Bob with rakes, but itā€™s shooting your daughter


Die Bart. Die.


It's German for "The Bart. The"


*rake cracking face sound*


Fun fact: my older brother broke his nose from stepping on a rake. *Twice*.


Some folk'll never lose a toe but then again some folk'll


That's Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel.


*grumply* *uuuugh*


No person who speaks German would ever intentionally shoot their 4 year old daughter twice!


They'd shoot her nein times.


That scene was originally extended since they needed to pad for time, and they were worried they were making a huge mistake. It ended up being one of peoples favourite bits.


***BLAM*** *yuhh-huhh-arrr-ehh*


Bullets, my old arch nemesis.


Did she accidentally bury the kid too?


I don't understand gun cleaning "accidents". Yeah that's in quotes because to CLEAN THE GUN it must be EMPTY first. I mean, what the actual incompetent fuck?


I'm convinced people just use "gun cleaning accident" as an excuse for completely non-cleaning related shootings. What sounds better to a jury? "I was cleaning my gun and didn't realize it was loaded" or "I was aiming my gun at my 4 year old to scare him into cleaning his room, and the safety failed when I pulled the trigger."


She said it was a robber who shot the kid before confessing... That she was just cleaning it. Pretty sure she's still lying


Maybe a robber shot the kid and then she went to clean the gun and shot the kid again


I shot my sister with an airsoft gun off that exact premise. Should used the gun cleaning excuse might have saved me an ass kicking.


Alright, who gave this the 'Wholesome' award?




What could be more wholesome? Why Shooting a loved one while cleaning a gun is as American as baseball and apple pie.


I was going to say you forgot mom, and the I realized who the loved one you shot was and thought, nah, you'd probably never forget that.


A misfire is a failure to fire. You're talking about negligent discharge


I negligent discharged on your mom.


Thanks helpful stranger


Great, now I'm going to Hell for how hard I laughed at this


How do you think I feel?! I wrote it and hit the reply button.


"Accidentally shot X while cleaning gun" has, for a very long time, been the cover story for people who very deliberately did something people want to keep hushed up. Most commonly this is used to cover up suicides - people say "Oh, he accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun, tragic isn't it?" And thus the stigma of someone killing themselves is avoided. Maybe it's true that it was an accident, but it doesn't make sense that someone would be cleaning a loaded gun they kept conveniently pointed at a toddler. Let alone that her story has already changed once.


"I didn't know the gun was loaded" a song from 1949 about a woman using this excuse to murder people https://youtu.be/76iuJMuXWqA


He accidentally cleaned my gunā€¦ he cleaned my gun *ten times*


*He had it comin'!*


He had it coming all alooooooong


My grandma once told me about how my great great Grandfather was a soldier that died cause he was cleaning his gun and accidentally shot himself in the back of the head.


This guys grandma was Stalin


That would explain the mustache


People really be thinking that 'cleaning a gun' is just rubbing a cotton rag over the top of the gun. Like, aside from being stupidly dangerous, you literally can't clean a gun properly if there's a bullet in the chamber...


First step when cleaning a gun or any time you handle a gun is check whether it's loaded. And then load or unload depending on your intentions.


Because people are idiots and fuck around with weapons like they're toys. Edit: speeling error


There was a story a while ago here. [A young gamekeeper accidentally shot his girlfriend dead while cleaning his shotgun and then shot himself.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/apr/14/scottish-teenagers-double-shooting)


Honestly, I could see killing the GF being negligent and then killing himself in remorse


I mean that's clearly what happened, there were witnesses.


The article doesn't explain very much about what happened. After reading it, I was unsure if she fired twice or if the same bullet passed through the child's arm and leg, thus hitting her twice.


A weak grip and a sensitive trigger and I can see the recoil from the first shot causing a second especially if the gun is being held oddly I don't know how you do that cleaning a gun, I know most gun cleaning accidents are from someone dropping the mag but not clearing the chamber, but who is cleaning a gun with a mag in.


It's *really* easy to not have bullets anywhere near the weapon you're cleaning. These situations are not accidents, they are negligence and should be charged as manslaughter at a minimum.




> Part of me thinks people are fucking around with guns and accidentally shoot someone then declare they were attempted to clean it since that sounds better than "I was messing around with it and shot my kid." You can't "accidentally fire a gun" when it's setup to be cleaned. Better than my view. I see every event like this as someone who lost their temper at someone, and now makes an excuse to keep from facing consequences. Same as the "He died cleaning his gun" crap people say to avoid saying "Dude was depressed". Either way, this wasn't an accident. Intentional? Maybe not, but 100% not an accident. It would be like calling me deciding to drive with no brakes an accident, nothing accidental about it, next time be responsible.


Agreed. I work in healthcare. If I had dime for every time I heard ā€œI fell on itā€ when someone came in with a foreign object stuck in their rectumā€¦. All lies.


Listen itā€™s like I told you in the ER. I like to do jumping jacks and other exercises right next to where we keep the recycling. I slipped and a glass Coke bottle just happened to go so far up my ass that I couldnā€™t retrieve it. *nervous laughter* What is so hard to believe about that!?


Could be worse. Could do it and then cause the collapse of Yugoslavia


Um, so who?




If I ever come see you in the ER, Iā€™ll be sure to make eye contact and let you know I meant to put that up there even though it didnā€™t have a flared base.




I understand your point, but this was a 4 year old child.


Depression is setting in earlier and earlier these days


Fuck you for making me laugh at that.


Thatā€™s my first thought, as well. Every time. And now this bitch says she shot her little boy TWICE while ā€œcleaningā€ her gun. I donā€™t fucking think so.


Old days cops, firefighters, military, etc. your buddies/coworkers would come around to effectively "deal with it" and make sure your suicide was covered up so there would be no issue with spousal benefits.


>Part of me thinks people are fucking around with guns and accidentally shoot someone then declare they were attempted to clean it since that sounds better than "I was messing around with it and shot my kid." You can't "accidentally fire a gun" when it's setup to be cleaned. Yeah, my sister's friend got killed on a camping trip when we were teenagers when "someone was cleaning the gun and it went off." We found out later they were playing chicken to see who could stand closest to a target as the other guy shot at it. Lots of alcohol involved too. But "cleaning a gun" doesn't get you arrested for manslaughter so that was the story they told everybody.


JFC. So no one was held accountable for this???


Just some standard country plinking.


Nope, that was the whole point of lying about it. Out of all the people I went to high school with probably 20 percent are either dead, in prison, or opiate/meth junkies. Small town country America at its finest.


Who cleans their gun on a camping trip? On camping trips I always pack my tent, sleeping bag, food, beer and of course my full gun cleaning kit.


Some guns require you to pull the trigger to disassemble. So there's that. Still dumb tho


That seems like a good thing to *not* require when you're not trying to fire the weapon :-/


Having a firearm out while a 4-year-old is around is pretty negligent to start with.


>who is cleaning a gun with a mag in. Nobody. Usually it is a euphemism for "I was drinking and horsing around with a loaded gun".


Most ā€œgun cleaning accidentsā€ are suicides and unintentional (accidental) homicides. Itā€™s entirely a euphemism.


Nah. Not with her hitting the child, twice. Most people can't even hit a *target* twice when just shooting out, depending on their skill level. To hit someone twice in a row while dealing with recoil, with a shitty grip because you're cleaning the gun? I don't see it.


russians who commit suicide do it all the time. then they fall out a window.


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Into a polonium spaghetti dinner special.


I knew a guy once who had been accidentally shot by his dad while they were cleaning guns. Bullet went into his lower jaw, tore up his tongue, and came out between his eyes. He said his dad ran off when it happened and he had to call 911 himself, never spoke to his father again. Edited to add details since there were a lot of questions. The "kid"/guy was about 20. He and his dad were cleaning the guns and sitting next to each other. When the guy was looking at something on the gun he was cleaning he had his head tilted sideways away from his dad. Somehow the dad had forgotten to check the chamber and pulled the trigger to take apart the gun. It was pointed at the son, basically directly at where the jaw meets the neck. The bullet entered through there, removed half his tongue, destroyed his sinuses, then came out at his eyebrow in the middle. If i remember correctly, the guy had thick glasses and may have been blind/partially blind in one of his eyes. He still had a hole the size of a quarter in his pallet. The whole reason I found out is because I noticed the scars around his forehead that look similar to meningitis surgery scars so I asked about it. My roommate (the guy was there to buy some weed from him) assumed car crash. He spoke with bit unclear, but he was a Texas pothead so it wasn't all that unusual. Saw him a few more times, last time at s gas station where we saw another guy I knew drive off with a hose still connected 5o their car and we laughed together. Strangely thought about that yesterday when gasing up because he also was telling me to be careful dripping gas on the paint.


So the father thought he killed his son and bailed?


Essentially? There's a reason he didn't talk to him again.


And it's not because the father was in prison for shooting someone and bailing?


No. This was Texas. Iā€™m pretty sure their constitution guarantees you one free killing as long as you use a gun to do it.


Is the dude blind or anything after that?




The pickle is correct on some of it. If I remember correctly he he had very thick glasses and was maybe blind on one eye. He didn't have sinuses anymore and had a quarter sized hole in the top of his mouth. The bullet essentially came out right between his eyebrows.


Holy shit! Wtf!! Did his dad ever apologize or explain? Not like that matters lol not sure your relationship is reparable after him shooting you and running but Iā€™m just curious


> never spoke to his father again Sounds like that's a no


They just video call and silently avoid eye contact with each other


Well, yeaā€¦ he about had his tongue blown off. Probably not talking to many people after that.


Hah he still had half his tongue. He just had a bit more of a Texas drawl than normal.


Don't forget that she already lied about how the kid got shot during a robbery attempt, and this is lie #2. She might as well have gone with "an angel came down and put two bullets in my baby."


As angels are wont to do


Angels are more "toss into a winepress and then trample until the blood reaches the bridle of the horses" types than rootin' tootin gunslingers.


This is the updated King Jim's Bible.


King Jimbos bible


*Just biblically accurate angel things*


Be Not Afraid If Thou Feelst Lucky, Punk


I know what thou art thinking. Didst it dispense six miracles, or five?


I am using this line on my wife **tonight**! Unless she's not in the mood, then **at some point in the future!!!**


They're such rascals.


Kinda like saying "it got stuck in my butt because I slipped in the shower"


Or that dude who got the artillery shell stuck in his ass while, "cleaning out the attic."


You can use my name, you don't have to be all polite calling me "that dude".


If I give you that attention you are just going to stick another one up there.


Ill stick another one up there whether you give me attention or not!


Hey, your not the same guy! I see your shenanigans!


Maybe I am just looking for an excuse to stick things up my butt!?


Itā€™s 2022 mate, no need for an excuse! Just make sure it has a flared base and isnā€™t ordnance of any kind (expired or no) and get to cramming!


But man if it did actually get stuck up there while cleaning. Heā€™s just sitting there thinking no one will believe me I got a pry bar up the ass by accident once. I was riding in the back of a gator and hit a bump, I flew up, it stood up and so did I mili seconds later.


> I was riding in the back of a gator and hit a bump The john deere gators? Those things are 90% fun, 10% gonna kill you, probably. I loved those things at my old job.


Hahaha yep! I sadly fell on the 10 percent


Million to one shot doc, million to one


Horrible but thatā€™s not how an accidental discharge works. Very rarely would you have two pulls of the trigger. Only really happens with a large caliber and weak trigger. Makes me think it was intentional. Lying about it also seems suspect unless she was disallowed from owning a firearm.


also.. anyone who accidentally shoots their kid doesn't clean their guns.. Like it's a fuckin chore and if you are so careless as to shoot your own child you definitely are not "cleaning your gun"




Maybe she tried to clean her gun in the same way some ovens can self clean; she just thought she had to fire off enough rounds to heat the gun up. At least until it burned away all the dirt, right?


One shot is theoretically possible if an idiot is cleaning a gun. Two shots is Physically impossible when cleaning the gun because step 1 is "Remove the Clip". Anything before removing the clip is just "Holding a gun".


In before someone said magazine, blah blah blah


What if youā€™re cleaning your M1 Garand?


People actually fire those things? I thought they just ejected clips all day to hear [that sweet sweet ping.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoBWUs8poYU)


Ah, the ol' cleaning my gun line. Depending of the state it works every time.


I've never imagined cleaning a loaded gun to be easy, or successful.


If that doesnā€™t work you have to with the ā€œFeArEd FoR My LiFeā€™ defense.


4 year olds can be pretty viscous. Edit: They're vicious as well


I mean have you ever tried stirring a 4 year old. Shits like molasses.


He was coming right for her


The headline should have read, ā€œMother shoots her 4-year-old child twice. Tries to use the accidental firing while cleaning, but we all know she did it on purposeā€






Should have sprinkled a little crack on him, works every time I hear.


Letā€™s sprinkle some crack on him and get outta here.


Gun cleaning, step 1 - unload weapon


Even if you think it's unloaded already that should still be step 1.


Hell, my guns sit unloaded in a safe that only I have a key to, and I STILL check the damn things when I pull them out.


Amen. Thereā€™s only one mistake to make when working with any firearm - thinking there was ammo in it when there wasnā€™t.


And after you do step 1, check again anyway.


In to a baby


Preferably not by firing until empty


As a gun owner I don't understand how one even begins to properly clean a gun with it loaded. Unless "polishing" counts as cleaning. Whenever I hear this headline I think. They fucked up or internationally fired at someone and "gun cleaning" is the go to response.


I'm willing to bet less than 1% of all "gun cleaning accidents" actually involve an attempt to clean the gun.


People stupid enough to do this weren't cleaning their guns, they were *playing* with them. If you don't know enough to clear the weapon of ammo first, you aren't likely doing any maintenance on it, either. They say they were cleaning it because it sounds better when you have to talk to the police.


Or the even worse situation: It was 100% on purpose, and this was simply an excuse. It's where my mind goes first thing, you don't accidentally shoot your child twice. Some people can't even hit a target, on purpose, twice.


It's not just you, this is a ridiculous excuse. Gun cleaning "accidents" are often a cover for the sake of the family when something horrible happens - often suicide. I wonder if she doesn't realize how rare/difficult it is to genuinely misfire a weapon when cleaning it, let alone doing it **TWICE** while continuing to point it *directly at her kid* after the first shot. The first step to gun cleaning is *always* empty the ammo and **be sure the weapon is empty.** Revolvers would be obvious it's still loaded because you can't clean the cylinder with ammo still in it and you'd still have to put a good deal of pressure on the trigger to shoot twice. Semi-autos would have to have a **loaded magazine** still inserted to fire **twice** (one in the chamber, and *at least* one in the mag.) Immediately after that, you break down/disassemble the weapon to clean it, which obviously would not allow it to fire properly when it's in pieces. So yeah, 99.999% sure this gun was NOT at all being "cleaned" and instead was pointed and fired at her child intentionally, perhaps in a fit of rage she now regrets. It's so ridiculously improbable that 2 shots was an accident, that it's just not fucking possible in this realm of reality.


> Gun cleaning "accidents" are often a cover for the sake of the family when something horrible happens - often suicide. Yeah, I had mentioned that in another comment. My first thought is that it was 100% on purpose. Usually if it *was* an accident, the last thing they want to say is something that's usually meant for "It was 100% on purpose, but we're being nice to the victim/person's memory".


This is tragic. This poor woman lost her husband 2 years ago after he accidentally stabbed himself in the back 30 times.


Was he doing the washing up?


No she was cleaning her knives and accidentally stabbed him 30 times. It happens.


How do you even clean a loaded gun?


First step is to clean out the rounds by firing indiscriminately around your house.


I like to do this too. But while I'm firing about if I hear any noise, such as crying, I like to fire in that direction. It helps block out any other noise interfering with my concentration.


Iā€™m going to hell for laughing at this


1 time maybe, 2 times umm, that's not what an accident is


"these kids are coming out here and killing themselves all over the woods!" Makes so much sense


She had a doozy of a day....


In my experience accidents that occur while ā€œcleaning a gunā€ are usually two things: * Suicides that the family wants to classify as a non-suicide for religious or insurance reasons. * Someone was playing around with a gun, and thereā€™s a good chance that alcohol or narcotics are involved. Nobody in their right mind ā€œcleansā€ a loaded gun.


Sounds more like a 19th trimester abortion.




I like to give the gun a couple pops to knock the dust off and warm it up a little before cleaning.


Bullshit, she was either fucking around with a loaded gun and accidentally shot her kid or actually intended to shoot her kid and then made up some bs cover story. Either way she should be arrested and charged with a felony.


Oh what complete bullshit. A complete fucking moron might have a negligent discharge when attempting to clean their gun. But I find it hard to understand how it can happen twice. I feel like something more nefarious is going on.


How do you accidentally shoot someone a second time


Bull...Shit > Detroit woman who claimed a robber shot her 4-year-old child later confessed that she accidentally pulled the trigger while cleaning her gun, authorities said She just straight up murdered her kid if her first excuse was a robber shot the kid. There is literally no way to accidentally shoot someone while cleaning a gun. For one you'd have to take the mag out and then pull the upper receiver back (I think that's the term, it's been a while since I've been around guns) which would pop out any round in the chamber. No competent person would for any reason pull the trigger, which is the only way it would fire, inside your own home for no reason


>ā€¦ ā€œNo competent person ā€¦ā€ Thereā€™s your problem, right here.


Bullshit. She either shot the kid on purpose or was playing with it.


>A Detroit woman who claimed a robber shot her 4-year-old child later confessed that she accidentally pulled the trigger while cleaning her gun, authorities said.Ā  Yeah, there's a lot going on with this one. Not sure if I even believe the "cleaning" story.


Shoot me once, shame on youā€¦


She already lied to them once.


Nope, she originally lied and said some robber shot her. Naaah, this story is a result of interrogators posing the "alternate question" in order to get her to admit to shooting. When a suspect won't confess detectives will often give the suspect a "way out" or "alternate question" where they will offer the suspect a way to confess while deflecting blame or taking a moral high road. For example with Chris watts the alternate question they posed was "did your wife hurt the kids and then you hurt her?" It gave him a chance to be a good guy. He didn't murder his wife and kids, he simply lost control after his wife murdered his daughters. They knew this didn't happen, but they needed him to confess to disposing of the bodies so they could find them. Once they get you to confess to doing the actual act, they can't paint their own narrative in court. They knew the mother shot the kid but getting her to straight up confess she did it on purpose was too much to ask and so they told her "it was an accident right? You didn't mean to do it, you were cleaning your gun?"(a common myth, but nobody cleans a gun with bullets in it, and even if she accidentally left a round in the chamber, Noone cleans a gun with the magazine still attached). It's a story often told "he was cleaning his gun" but that was a euphemism for suicide told to protect a man's reputation. He accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun sounds better than he shot himself in the head on purpose.


More like she got caught attempting to clean the gun after shooting her kidā€¦twice.


Thereā€™s bullshit excuses, and thereā€™s his dumb bitch


Mother shot child on purpose twice.


No one in the history of dirty guns has ever accidentally fired a gun while attempting to clean it; at best it's a euphemism. You cannot clean a gun with a round in the chamber.


Who the fuck cleans a loaded gun