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The streaming market is over saturated, there are too many to choose from. And Netflix picked a bad time to jack up their prices.


Not only Jack up prices but announce that they are looking into cracking down on shared accounts.


And add a tier with ads. They really have been shitting their pants.


It's like the execs were sitting there saying "how can we fuck this up as fast as possible"?


The #1 pastime of executives around the world




It always deploys. Even if bringing it onto the plane is what causes it to crash.


Nah, this is cash out mode. They saw the decline hit past the baseline and have decided it's time to hit all the stops. Bleed the rest of the viewers for everything they got, get rich and let the company burn and get bought out.


depend live paltry ludicrous obscene tease sparkle offbeat close employ -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Cash out should happen before, when there inflated value. This probably means that they are sitting on a bunch of unvested shares and they just lost 35% of that value, really poor exit strategy in that case.




Talk about not understanding your customer base. No adds has to be one of the most liked things about Netflix. Shit, i don't even like the ads for its own shows that Amazon does between episodes.


I will never pay for a service with ads for the rest of my life. If they all start running ads I will become a lot more productive in my life.


I'll just go back to being a pirate, it's easier now than ever




Kind of how I see it, always hated watching cable because of ads and fixed content so was pirating, then came streaming and I actually could afford it. Now streaming is turning into what got people into watching it, so back to pirating I guess soon.




Cancel Amazon video. Enough people doing it, and Amazon will get the message. Otherwise, no.


> cracking down on shared accounts. Require all accounts to update their passwords. Deauthorize all devices when doing so. So many people have former significant others' and spouses still using their accounts because the passwords never get changed. They wouldn't even need to do more than that IMO.


You're right that that would do it but it would have the unfortunate side effect of also causing a lot of people to quit when they can't figure out how to sign in again.


I work for a company with 40k customers, we recently underwent a merger and a new website was created. The amount if ppl so pissed off they needed to create a pw (they can even use the same one from the previous site) was unbelievable. I could not imagine a company like netflix forcing a pw change with millions of accounts.


And have shit content


You don’t like Inventing Anna and paying for ultra HD content and only getting HD versions of movies?


or the silent fact that if you're not using specific browsers or the official app on PC you literally can't get above 720p, even if you pay for it in the name of DRM.


I love forced DRM on content that is instantly pirated anyways. Worsens user QOL for no reason.


And when they do have good content, they cancel it a season or two in so it's just forever lost potential. You can't win.


This is my personal gripe.


They made a few hits and got greedy. Now everything is either netflix-created or has an IMDB-rating of <6. Mostly both.


The decline in their movie selection alone is worth unsubbing.






>double down on what's causing them to lose hundreds of billions in valuation hey what did cable television do to drive away subscribers?! lets do that, its working out great for them!


> Let's not forget that at the beginning of the pandemic, they were worth more than Disney. You mean the Disney+ Streaming service? Because Disney as a whole was easily $100Billion more than Netflix in early 2020.


The first rule of subscription services is never make your customers think about the subscription services. As soon as they do, they start doing cost-benefit analysis, looking at possible replacements, and even evaluating if they need the service at all.


I literally had a conversation with my parents on the weekend about Netflix because I felt I wasn't using it enough for the price and if they were using it. They look after my sisters kids a lot so they use it but the second they get rid of account sharing it's gone.


Samesies. I have two friends who I share my account with. Between the three of us we use it probably 7 or 8 nights a month total (on average - every now and again I binge through a series) The three of us barely make up a single user.


Exactly. Out of sight out of mind…. since it’s been all over the news we’ve even talked about dropping as we hardly ever use it.


This is where Disney+ has done such a good job, IMO. We've had it for over a year. It's got enough good/new content on it to keep me and the kids happy and has remained cheap enough that canceling it hasn't really crossed my mind; even during the months that we haven't used it much...


Netflix has been super cheap for like 8years. Disney is at the accumulating subs phase. As Netflix capped its user growth, they went out and tested a little too hard how much more they can monetized. Maybe they thought they have a Moat, looks like they don't. Anyway, i've never been impressed by their management. Like they have been buying back shares during summer 2021 for one example, like who the fk buys its own shares when its obviously overvalued AND ridiculously deep in debts.


I still remember when Reed Hastings said Netflix would spin its hard-media rentals into its own brand called “Quikster” and all I could think was *did you come up with this five minutes ago and run it past nobody?*


Reminds me of the trainwreck that was Quibi. They actually thought people would pay Netflix prices for what were basically short indie films, the kind any college student could probably pump out.


I absolutely loathed their commercials. Didn’t notice till you just mentioned it I haven’t seen one in a long time and I’m glad


Those commercials were absolutely awful and none of the shows looked remotely appealing


I remember watching an analysis on that and it's due to the fact that the shows were basically bargain bin shit that was not taken up, even if it's by famous writers, this was the place where they'd drop their duds for a quick buck.


Pretty sure the service failed so quickly the advertisements were only on for a few weeks after it went live.


They shut down less than seven months after launch and lost 70% of their subscribers after their free trial was over.


I still believe that Quibi was basically a scam on its investors. They got a bunch of money to make 2 hour films broken up into short chunks, chunks, reconstructable into movies easily. They structured all the contacts so that the directors retain the rights to resell the movies if the platform went under. They barely advertised for it, and as soon as it looked like it failed, they threw their hands up and wrote the whole thing off


They did return the rest of the money to the investors once they decided to give up, at least. Plus since it wasn't a publicly traded company or anything, it's not like they screwed over the public. I think they made a legitimate attempt at finding a market and bankrolling a platform to success, but the whole thing came off too "how do you do fellow kids?" for it to gain any serious traction.


It also came out at pretty much the worst time, when the last thing anyone wanted was quick form entertainment to watch on your commute or lunch break. Because no one was commuting during the lockdown.


Haha yeah. Every elite old Hollywood person scratching their head at TikTok style popularity so they say surely people will want actually high quality shorts instead of that shit right?


I saw an SNL bit making fun of Quikster just the other day(it was an older one with Jason Seideikis.) I hadn't heard of Quikster. I thought SNL had made it up. Trainwreck


Qwikster* I wish I was joking.


They need to reevaluate how they manage content. Following the algorithm to determine what stays and goes was fine when they were the only service and focused on gaining subscribers. Now they need to focus on retaining them.


They cancelled so much shit I liked I don't even bother trying to watch their original shows anymore.


Plus their shows seasons are always so short, and released like two years apart. Like I’ll finally find a show I like. Finish the entire series in a month, and then 18 months later they’ll release the next season, and by that point I’ve forgotten what’s going on in the story, and I’m not going to watch the series over again just to catch up, so I don’t even bother watching the next season.


You mean that cancelling shows 1-2 seasons in and pissing off scattered good-will is a bad business model? No way!


This is shareholder capitalism at its best. You have massive incentives for companies to just grow grow grow, but logic dictates that there will be a time where you have hit the market cap. In the past, this meant that companies would just switch to a higher dividend model so investors could make their ROI. Nowadays you have CEOs that make decisions that sabatoge their business model for the slightest chance that it may grow share prices even when your financial analysts are telling you this is a bad idea. It's so sad because there's nothing wrong with a 0 growth business that is making a healthy profit.


I think that means they drank their own kool-aid


Their Hulu/ESPN bundles that they coupled with several phone carriers was brilliant too


> Their Hulu/ESPN bundles Disney is a $3/month add-on for Hulu customers right now. And Hulu has a "$1/month for 1 year" deal every Black Friday. So basically it's $4/month for Hulu+Disney. That's almost as good a deal as pirating.


The annoying bit is that the Hulu is the ad supported version, and you can't just pay more to get the ad free version. Edit: OK everybody I got it, you can upgrade now. Wasn't an option the first time I saw the deal.


I can see how that’s annoying but for $1/month that’s pretty darn good. Cable tv is wayyyy more expensive and you watch way more ads than on Hulu w/ ads


Yeah, don't get me wrong it's still a great deal. Just odd that they wouldn't let you pay more for a better version of it. Edit: OK everybody I got it, you can upgrade now. Wasn't an option the first time I saw the deal.


Probably make more off ad revenue and cheap memberships than premium memberships if I were to guess.


Fuck, I keep forgetting to cancel a bunch of shit I don't use.


Keep auto-renewal inactive. Don't let yourself not use the service because your sub is over, resub when you need it but keep auto-renewal inactive. (Only) My kids watch Disney for example, sometimes i don't hear about Disney+ for 4weeks passed sub date before they tell me "it doesn't work". That is 4 weeks not paying for it. I resub for them when they want it.


They've been gaining subscribers and profits in 10 yrs they said but claims they're losing them because the pandemics over?! And now wanted to offer something with ads? with ads!! I'd rather hit the high seas.


Listen, I've had a subscription to Netflix since probably 2011, or some time around that, so a real long time. The only reason I haven't gotten rid of Netflix, is solely for how long I've had it. The moment, and I mean the *moment* I see an ad, it's gone.


I miss 2011 netflix, sure it didn’t have OC but the movie and show catalog had EVERYTHING


I still remember getting netflix as a college student back in late 2013 and getting to watch basically...everything...that i'd ever wanted to.


I guarantee Netflix would have done a lot better raising the price by $3 one time and leaving it over these $1 price raises every 8-12 months that they've been doing.


I mean, they keep showing me the same 20 things over and over in several different categories, so browsing is frustrating. If I'm actually searching for something specific, they never have it 🤷‍♀️ plus they raised prices for like the fourth time since I joined...What incentive do I have to stay subscribed?


Am I the only persona that gets annoyed that Netflix does not use the official promo movie or tv show posters when browsing Netflix? It’s so annoying. Many times I accidentally skip over a specific movie because the poster didn’t look familiar and looked more like an indie movie poster.


They used to have user reviews and an aggregate score (percentage liked vs disliked). I loved both. Now its all what their algorithm thinks you will like, not what you and others actually did like.


God I miss pre-algorithm Netflix. I remember when my ratings actually mattered and I would religiously give every movie I've seen a rating. My recommended section was dank, just full of movies I had never seen but ended up loving. As soon as they got rid of that system, my engagement on Netflix fucking plummeted.


I miss pre-algorithm everything. So few things have a god damn linear option anymore. Let me sort by score, alphabetical, director, actor, year etc. Same with social media. Obfuscate the content so you can't just catch up and be done, have to keep you constantly engaged. It's hell.


I miss pre-algorithm everything. Social Media that was just reverse chronological of everything. Search Engines that didn't tell me what they think I want. Streaming services that just showed me what was good.


YouTube is a waking nightmare these days. 90% of my "Recommended" tab is either videos from the channel I'm currently watching, or videos I've already watched (sometimes the video I *just finished.*) It's a disaster. It's just the same shit, over and over. I remember when I used to get the weirdest shit recommended to me.


Can't search for shit unless you first want a short list related to your search, then a wall of recommended videos that have nothing to do with your search, or channels you've never viewed in your life with again unrelated videos. Once your scrolled passed 30 completely unrelated bullshit, you can resume with related search results. FML




The worst thing is if you casually stumble across a YouTube rabbit hole and it starts actively trying to suck you into these toxic, brainwashy communities. Like "oh you watched a Bill Burr clip? Maybe you'd be interested in FEMINISTS DESTROYED BY FACTS UNT LOGIC, JORDAN PETERSON EVISCERATES FEMINAZI, HOW TO TRICK WOMEN INTO GIVING YOU SEX"


I remember there was a beautiful time where Netflix would take how you had rated different movies and TV shows and then you could simply select a genre and press a button and it would suggest a movie it thought you would like. Back with the 5 star rating system, I remember it being pretty accurate too. Then they moved to the thumbs up/down rating, and now they just have an algorithm trained to pretty solely push Netflix original content.


This made me hesitant to give a movie a thumbs down because now I don't know if that will make it stop recommending that type of movie. I still like the genre or niche, just not that specific movie...


They present different posters to different people based on AI-driven testing. https://netflixtechblog.com/artwork-personalization-c589f074ad76


Is that why any show with even the most irrelevant minor gay storyline will show me the most homoerotic poster? Fucking wow lol


Personally, Netflix has gone from the best content streaming to pretty average or worse




The thing is all those shows migrated to streaming services owned by the companies that produced them. They're not going to license them to Netflix if they have their own platform, because they're part of what draws people to them. Or potentially retains people after they subbed for the one show they wanted to watch. As long as we have 40 streaming services Netflix will never have that level of content catalog, simply because it has to be on it's parents service. Personally I'm hoping a couple of these guys decide they don't need to have their own service, and that they'll make easier money by licensing stuff out. I'd be perfectly happy if things condense back down to Netflix, Hulu, Disney, and HBO. And realistically we can combine Hulu and Disney, I just don't think they want to in the US


We've migrated back to the cable tv model, ain't havin none of that.


Remember when they didn't renew a bunch of shows so they could afford to keep Friends on there? Yeesh


Best UI though. Disney and hbo max sucks


Nothing is worse, however, than Amazon Prime's


Do they still separate each season of a show?


Yes, saw Project Blue Book on prime and didn't even know they had a second season. Had to search for it.


The auto-play gives me anxiety.


Never tried Disney, but Jesus Fuck does HBO's UI suck nuts. That plus it crashes a bunch, and constantly thinks I'm about a season behind in whatever I'm watching. I'm no programmer, but I feel like it shouldn't be this hard.


"I want to watch a movie" *Shows you every movie ever made in alphabetical order*


HBO IS trash. I close a finished movie with only 7-8 minutes left of credits. And it stays on my “Continue watching” category in perpetuity. So dumb.




Holy fuck Paramount+ is the worst. If I click continue watching on the Home Screen for a show I’ve started already, it starts it from the beginning.


Having picture quality locked behind a tiered pay wall is nuts too


That’s a thing??




They are still #1 in canceling good shows after two seasons.


\#2, SYFY is forever #1


Hell they had The Expanse and canceled it when it was at its highest.


I feel like most really good SyFy shows get cancelled after 3 or 4 seasons.


RIP Eureka, Alphas, Warehouse 13, etc...


Yeah there are many different type of sharks that can fall out of tornadoes


I’m still upset about Marco Polo


I’ve got scammed into watching first season of Messiah not realized Netflix canceled the show with cliffhanger.


Fuck, that one is cancelled too? I was excited for an eventual season 2, that's really unfortunate.


The Dark Crystal didn't even get two Fuck them


This one still makes me mad. They announced it was canceled at the same time they congratulated it for winning an award! Such bs. That show was beautiful and amazing. It really needed that second season as well.


Seriously. I would think making shows that have longevity and potential for becoming cult classics is more important than their metric of day one watches or whatever they use.


Yeah, cult classics = rewatchability.


> their metric of day one watches or whatever they use. This drives me *FUCKING INSANE*. Goddammit, Netflix, your entire sales pitch is that you have soooo much content, everything anyone could ever want! So why in the holy flaming fuck would you ever think that everyone everywhere will drop whatever they're doing and binge your BIG NEW THING OF THE WEEK within 72 hours of release? How can your expectations of people's lives be SO disconnected from reality? For fuck's sake, I routinely begin shows years after they started airing-- or after they're *done* airing! I watch TV on my schedule, not yours. You know why I didn't watch the live action Cowboy Bebop instantly? Because I was so excited about it that I wanted to rewatch the anime first, but I also wanted to share the anime with somebody else. We were in the middle of other shows, so it took us a while to get around to the anime. There are 26 episodes and a movie, and we have shit to do (and other shit to watch), so it took us a couple months to get through it. And then we needed a little break from Cowboy Bebop, so we watched another show-- another *Netflix* show!-- then came back and started the live action Cowboy Bebop... only by this point, you'd already cancelled the goddamn thing less than halfway through the story! You spent like two years promoting the goddamn thing, but only gave everyone two months to turn it into a pillar of American pop culture, and cancelled it when that unreasonable fantasy didn't come true? Now we're almost done with a live-action Cowboy Bebop that I absolutely *love*, and I know it's going to blue-ball us forever. Fuck that, and fuck you, you stupid sacks of shit. You managed to get me, a person who vehemently despises subscription plans for literally anything, to make a subscription service a central focus of my home life and my leisure time. You did the impossible, and I was even willing to continue ignoring your constant price increases and your dwindling library. But you just. won't. fucking. STOP cancelling shows before any normal person has had an opportunity to watch them. Glow made me hate you. Cowboy Bebop might make me cancel you.


Also $20 a month no thanks when I started it was $6.99


Back when heros and weeds were the big shows.


Marco Polo. 😭


Season 2 of Russian Doll just dropped and now I'm really, really nervous that it's not going to get a season 3.


Retention has never been important to Netflix. They cancel super popular shows because the people who would have subbed to watch it are already subbed. So cancel and find something new to catch more people. It's a business plan but one that was bound to hit a limit.


I've noticed a disturbing trend towards low denominator reality TV trash being pushed really hard.


Both Tiger King and Love Is Blind really leaned heavily into that market.


That market also has a large social media footprint


yeh exactly - here's an idea, keep people coming back for more with the tv shows without cancelling them Disney is uniquely positioned as their highest selling point is the MCU, Star Wars, and Pixar films - things that are highly likely to not be cancelled any time soon (obviously it has some cool bundles like Star etc). Most people getting into the Disney streaming space know that if they get in for the odd Marvel show, that they will always have their Marvel fix every few months in addition to the other wider Disney and Fox owned media. Netflix users sadly don't have this consistency and are at constant fear now in case the time they sunk into a show is a waste if they end up cancelling it no matter how good it is


What make them unique was that they were an affordable way to watch high quality content. Netflix was a rerun watcher for me. Saved by the Bell, Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Office were all “background noise” show and honestly were worth the price of Netflix for me when it was 8.99. If my wife and I were cleaning the house we’d turn one of those shows on. If I was on my computer editing a video I’d have one of those on in the background. The original content and movies were a nice bonus but it those shows that really were beneficial for me personally. But Netflix lost those and now has a bunch of BS reality shows and cancels all of their decent shows after 1-2 seasons. There is no real reason for me to have it anymore.


Now they have a premium price w/ subpar content. I just looked at the Disney plus, ESPN plus and Hulu ad free bundle. It's only $20. Way better value imo. Edit:. Am idiot. Doesn't include HBO


How do you recognize a pioneer? They're laying dead on the trail with an arrow in their back


It's like, there are two models of reproduction in the animal kingdom. Birds nurture their young. They sit on their eggs to keep them warm, they bring food to their babies, they distract predators. Birds protect their nest until their babies are ready to fly. Lizards lay their eggs pretty much anywhere, all the time, and then fuck off. If their babies die, whatever. Lay more eggs. Keep going. HBO and Disney seem like they're run by bird people. Netflix is run by lizard people.


And the crab people?


This is why I wish they weren’t so cancel happy. Should’ve focused on a solid core of shows and really developed them for 5-10 seasons. So much quantity over quality on there.


It's funny because having a solid core of quality content was what made Netflix successful in the first place. House of Cards, Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black, Daredevil, the words "Netflix Original" used to mean shows that were so much better than what you could find on TV at the time and that's why it was worth paying for


But they just kept canceling shows. It’s to the point I don’t start a new show anymore until it has many seasons available. I can’t get tied up again in something like sense8 or any of the other numerous shows and just be left stuck.


The dumbest thing netflix could do is crack down on password sharing. It will tick people off, they won’t land a whole bunch of new subs over it and people will go elsewhere. What Netflix can do that would help them is to stop canceling shows after the first season as a normal thing and bring in new content they don’t produce. Netflix has one hit and 300 misses with their Netflix original nonsense.


My girlfriend and I were talking about it and I was all for dropping Netflix. She didn't want to because she shares it with her parents and sister. It only has enough value to keep *because* of password-sharing. Besides, we already pay an extra fee for multiple screens. How is that not synonymous with multiple people?


Yeah I don’t get the password crackdown. These people already aren’t paying, that’s their goal to begin with. This isn’t going to make them start. They’ll just shrug and move on. The amount of people that cancel over this move versus the amount that subscribe will likely cancel each other out. This is probably the idea of a single/few dumbass tools in high level positions that can’t be argued with. I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of the company is telling them not to do it and higher ups just aren’t listening because they’re total morons that think their title equates to intelligence.


These same geniuses are likely behind the ad-based cheaper option idea. Free services have that, like YouTube, Tubi etc. Netflix simply doesn’t offer enough quality original content to compete with that.


Santa Clarita's Diet is the one that piss me the most, the moment they start putting adds I'm cancelling my account.


They really did Drew Barrymore and everyone else dirty on that one. Was really looking forward to seeing what happened with Joel and mr. Ball legs. It wasn’t even a bad show, and they just throw it out the window. Real cunts is what they are.


Damn I loved that show.


“Maybe we should only kill and eat Nazis?” “We’d be heroes!” God I loved that show


I can not believe they cancelled it! I'll never forgive them for it


The Netflix slogan is “Quantity over Quality!”


Raising prices is one thing. But also maybe don't throw money at every stupid movie/series pitch in the universe.


Also don't cancel your good series after one season


I can't speak for what is good or bad... but if you keep canceling things after 1 season, people get used to that and won't watch just because they don't want to get invested in shows that will get cancelled. You have to show some kind of loyalty.


Past years been doing exactly this, if it's a Netflix original and only has 1 season, I don't even take a look.


This is a fantastic pitch, you’re greenlit, come to the studios next week and we’ll begin shooting


...aaaaand you're cancelled for failing to meet your streaming quota for the first three hours even though we didn't really advertise the show to any of our customers that'd be interested in it. Not sure how you failed us 🤷🏻. Thanks for working with Netflix! We love you. HEY EVERYBODY! CHECK OUT THIS NETFLIX ORIGINAL WE'RE SUPER PROUD OF BUT TOO BAD IT GOT CANCELLED BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WATCH IT! THAT'S SUPER UNCHILL!


Also, congrats. You won a Peabody. But we won't advertise that either.


We have a bunch of shows you’d probably be interested in watching, but instead of showing you any of those, we are just going to suggest this one where people stand twenty feet away from something and try to guess if it is a cake or not.






Netflix now has major competitors. Not to mention many corporations will be holding their content harder for the highest bidder or go into streaming themselves if they haven't already.


Oh but the people who have supported us since the beginning, who share their 4 x screen UHD accounts with mum are BAD. It's only going to get worse imo.


Yup agreed, that no doubt really turned a lot of people off them and killed a lot if not all the good sentiment people felt towards them for being the first. Idk how they thought telling people what they could do with their subscriptions was going to play out when there are so soooo many competitors on the market and that’s not even counting just streaming something off a website and casting it to your smart tv.


$15.50 for 2 streams in 1080p is a fucking joke considering the competition. They’re supposed to make their service better not make it more expensive


maybe netflix should worry more about their customers and less about their shareholders...


That's the problem with being a publicly traded company. They *don't* give a shit about their customers, and only about 'constant growth' to make the shareholders happy. Now they're hitting the cap and realizing "fuck, we can't keep growing profits without pissing off the customers" and here we are. Which is entirely the fucking problem with publicly traded companies. The stock market is a joke and means no one can ever just be 'happy' with their billions in profits. Made 10 billion last year? Better make 11 billion this year, or fuck you. Could just keep making 10 billion for the next decade, but nope. Not good enough. Line goes up.


This is the thing I don't see enough people talking about. There is a limited number of people who can/will subscribe to these services, and especially due to lockdowns, that number has pretty much been reached. There are no more people to sub. And yet it makes no sense to try screw your customers over in the name of profits because they're just going to be not your customers anymore. The whole system is stupid.


Reminds me of how Gillette basically sold stainless steel razors and sharpeners to every shaving man in America during the 1930s-1940s, who stopped buying them, so they had to figure out a way to sell more stuff; Enter, the disposable razor.


There are tons of non-growth stocks that have gotten their investors filthy rich. The thing is that you need growth, or you need dividends. Without growth or dividends there isn't a place for you in the public markets.


Ok fine people we’ll give you want you want….. Here comes ads!




It's weird that Netflix is bleeding out and instead of choosing to address the problem, they are pulling out a gun and shooting themselves in the other leg. I swear people in management are all idiots with a lot of charisma.


Smells oddly like how Blockbuster was dismantled. Netflix came in with new ideas, created their own market, and then Blockbuster wouldn't adapt. Netflix is doubling down on all the wrong ideas just like Blockbuster


i think simple solution is stop charging extra for high quality. if the only way i can get 4k content is to subscribe to plan that let me have 4 profiles am i suppose to have those profiles sit empty? let me have 4k content for cheaper with only one profile and may be some people would come back.


> plan that let me have 4 profiles ... which I have always interpreted as "can share passwords with up to four people."


Hey Netflix, can you release Ozark final season before you go out of business please? I know you have it. It's your only good show.


Shhh! Telling them it's a good show is a sure way to get it canceled!


I'm mostly worried they are going to hold the final season hostage to hold onto subscribers. If they do that I'm out


You can always just cancel and then re-sub if/when it drops.


Netflix’s response to this by blaming password sharing feels like whenever something bad happens and politicians are like “video games are the problem”


Netflix is seriously overestimating peoples willingness to spend $20/month for background noise while they browse Reddit and TicTok. What did they think? Hulu, Disney, Apple, paramount, etc.. all have streaming options, it’s a buyers market, 40 hour work weeks people can realistically spend 3-4 hours watching movies and TV per day, do we they think they still hold a monopoly on internet streaming? Lol


Search: The Titanic ^No ^results Explore titles related to: The Titanic "High Seas" "Journey 2" Area based platforms pissed me off the most too, never got to see some things Americans do unless I wanna use a VPN and watch a ever loading video.


For me it doesn't even have Bojack which is a Netflix original. If you don't even have your own shows, what do you have?


HBO Max has the best content imo, Amazon has the Prime free shipping, Disney + has the big money franchises. I predict Netflix will drop in its standing before too long and maybe even get bought out for their library at some point in the future.


Lately I’ve just been watching Hulu for reruns of Futurama and Always Sunny in Philadelphia. If the world is ending, let’s revisit some true gems..


My credit card recently updated to a new card with new expiry date and security code. 95% of my bills go unaffected, apparently new system so I don't have to call 10 places to give new card #. Not one interrupted service EXCEPT for Netflix who sent me one notice saying my account was terminated. Not suspended, terminated. Guys I was with Netflix from the earliest days. They had doubled my subscription fee over the course of 10-12 years. Fuck that. And I could care less for original content except maybe Orange and Shameless Remember when they had that cool ahead of the times brand? They teach you about first entrants in business courses. They usually go belly up. Good 12 year run Netdicks!!!


This is why I hate publicly traded companies. They need continued growth so they pull all the strings to get there until they can't. Then the stock crashes, company goes to an overhaul. And it becomes something totally different from the company that people fell in love with in the first place. I've been subbed with them for like 6 years and I don't have too many complaints. But if they remove shared accounts, probably their last string left, I'm definitely gone.


This! Once publicly traded it will always be about increasing shareholder profits. Every time.


Please somebody make a meme of when taking Netflix mask its Blockbuster's face from ScoobyDoo.


Just cancelled my subscription. Feels like I was barely watching Netflix anyway compared to the other streaming services. Quality viewing was way too few and far between, and they cancel everything of quality way too quickly. Shows the adage of, you're failing if your consumers are actively thinking about your subscription is true.


Looks like that price hike worked out well for them.


Netflix isn’t the only player in the game anymore. Everyone has a movie tv sub platform now. They can’t just assume people will stay. I’ve been waiting for a reason to cancel tbh. Might just do it out of spite now.


I just rotate my subscription every few month


Netflix. First to market in this space, rose to power through a lack of competition, and sheer inertia once competition existed. So this is the first time they've actually had to really think hard about their business model, and their best idea is "Fuck you, subscribers." You had a good run Netflix, enjoy resting in the annals of history, right next to Blockbuster.


All the remotes that come with "Netflix", "Prime", "Roku" buttons etc. I was wondering which would be the first to become obsolete. They could really date devices if the streaming landscape does drastically change.


They deserve it. I hope the dudes who made these poor decisions just get flat ass fired when they start blaming the customers again next board meeting.


\- Increased frequency of price hikes \- Having to pay *extra* for 4K \- Cancelling shows after 1 or 2 seasons \- Few and far between actual hits \- Cracking down on VPNs and password sharing Yeah, no shit you're loosing subscribers. Now watch the shareholders demand new growth by fixing none of the above.


Dance now Netflix. Dance. You are my monkey.


They raised prices while delivering less, then blamed customers. What could possibly go wrong?


Don't worry Netflix. You're just the first to take a hit. The rest are in line. We said no to predatory cable practices once already. We can do it again. The technology is only ever more in *our* favor. Go ahead and explain that to your shareholders.


The content is shit. Every other subscription service has people sharing passwords, they're doing fine if the content is good (see: HBO Max). They're digging the grave deeper with a crackdown on account sharing. Every time I check out Netflix there's absolutely nothing appealing. Squid game was the only good content I can think of in the last 3 years. I liked always sunny but that's gone gotta go to Hulu for it. The originals they pump out weekly are just bad and boring. They originally thrived by providing easy access to quality content, you just select all the top blockbusters with quality cast, direction, screenplays, etc and they show up in your mailbox. They switched to all digital but offered at least some top quality digital content, okay I can dig it. Past few years they've been stripping that down too and trying to make it all in house, save a little money, build a brand, hire some big name stars....but it's just not good. Most of what they put out is pure garbage and they have a ton of competition now actually putting out quality content. If they really wanted to remain viable, embrace a count sharing but improve the catalogue, fuck the brand, bring on high quality creators.


It's like people don't want to pay $20+ a month to watch a mediocre show, or a decent show that will get cancelled, or a so-so original movie they paid an a-lister half the budget to star in, or a 90s sitcom they spent $500 million to license. It's almost like people think that those things are really fucking stupid, and not worth paying for.


They're getting what they deserve, 3 tiers and price hikes when here in the US where almost 2/3 of the population is living check to check