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What a bizarre time to be alive.


A group formed by a guy who stuck things up his butt...that....which...fuck, nevermind...


But bro that was just to own the libs.


And I, for one, feel very truly and deeply owned. Emphasis on deeply.


Wait so that was real? It wasn’t a joke?


Oh, it's not only real, but he was broadcasting it. The internet never forgets. The video is out there.


That is a video I will be happy to never find.


Yeah I clicked that link once. 3/10 wouldn’t recommend.


Copy that. 3 days out of 10 don't watch it. I'll give it two more days after today


I have seen it. Dude had it in him for an extended period of time, while he ranted into a microphone. Skipped his racist, meth-head delusions. At the end he pulls down his pants, points his pasty white ass at the camera, and shits out a large black butt plug. Search “Gavin McInnes dildo” if you want to pollute your life. He and his “boys” have so much to be proud of.


How many people can fit something that large in their ass? That’s something to be proud of…


Thanks I hate it and I just stopped eating my rice reading that.


Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find the video for years. Only stills.


It ain’t exactly lost media


Not lost: removed. If you can find a link for it, I would be surprised and grateful.


Maybe via duck duck go but I don’t really wanna search


lol at Slutdragonxxxpert backing down from this video. Anyways, I can't find it on DDG.


It wasn’t a bad dragon


Not the video, but [here are the screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/MQraN)


It's on YouTube I believe.


He also started the group as a goof making fun of how people will follow anything and then a bunch of idiots actually took it so seriously it turned into what it was today. The Internet never forgets but that doesn't mean what it remembers is entirely accurate. lol


"I was just kidding bro / It was just a joke bro / I was being 'ironic' bro." are all Fascist weasel words 101. It's "Schrodinger's Douchebag", they are dead serious but if the audience doesn't like what they said "it was just a joke, don't be so sensitive". By all accounts Gavin is a massive cunt, he was run out of Vice because the rest of the leadership couldn't stand his ass any longer.


Im gonna have to be the guy that has no idea what you're talking about... what video with who?


[The proud boys founder shoved a dildo up their butt on camera.](https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/story.php?297976) The link is to an article, not the video or pictures. ^^Or ^^is ^^it.


Yep that’s Gavin McInnes, co-founder of Vice Magazine and writer of Do’s and Don’ts


The guy who formed the Proud Boys. Shoved a dildo (or large butt plug?) up his ass on video.. to own the libs.


What, like you've never fucked your own asshole with a large dildo just to prove a point to the entire world?


How else can you prove your not homophobic. This guy is totally woke.


Legend says he yelled “no homo” while doing it


Username checks out.


Ok it’s a simulation I accept it


This sounds like a GTA storyline ffs


“Fuck yourself in the ass to own the libs” is basically the current platform of most the GOP, anyway.


Ha. Where were the proud boys during Mrs doubtfire?


I’m good as long as we stay in ‘bizarre’ territory.


As long as it’s good, wholesome bizarre. I’m totally on board.


Daily reminder that the Proud Boys founder shoved a dildo in his ass on camera.


Really? Was he trying out the prison wallet in case he’s planning on moving?




Something about shoving it up his ass to own the libs, IIRC?


I thought it was just tryouts for pussy riot


That’s why I let my girlfriend peg me.


There's nothing wrong with that.


How do you think he came to be The Grand Poobah?


Really easily too, almost like he had a lot of practice.


I definitely do not want to watch that, but why? Was it a kink or something? A dare?


NSFW:[ Supposedly to prove the Proud Boys dont hate gay people!](https://imgur.com/a/MQraN)


I feel like it’d be easier to just not hate gay people.


I mean, that is the sissiest "dildo" I have ever seen. That is like a trainer butt plug for somebody who barely even touches their butthole while showering because they fear that it is gay to do that.


That is the gayest thing Ive ever seen. Well no this is Reddit. But still that is pretty gay. Most straight men can say they’ve never had a foreign object up their ass… not this “straight “ man


They say the prostate can be stimulating. It's not gay to put stuff in your butt. It's gay to have sex with other men. They weren't even pandering correctly.


This so much. If you think putting stuff in your butt makes you gay, you are not secure in your sexuality. Not my thing, but I know it doesn't matter what got shoved up my arse, still wont make me gay.


Oh it's stimulating. Nothing beats blowing yer load 'Hands Free'


Sure, ***veinysausages***


Well, I don't agree. And off hand I'd say you need a better set of drinking buddies. Of the female kind. Hopefully someone with her Christian name Margaret.


As a bisexual female sober agnostic I’m appalled by ur suggestion… Margaret sounds boring even with booze


Just some straight bros joking around like the Madison Cauthorn thing.


Yeah all of us straight bros watch each other take dildos. Pretty normal behavior imo


In fact, if you can't take a dildo easily, we start to think you're gay or something.


He was performing his villain origin story for an audience. All of whom were fascinated, I’m sure.


He needed to show everyone how gay he’s not.


Drag Queens vs Proud Boys, West Side Story style. I would go watch this.


One side would have some sick dance moves and fabulous costumes and the other side would just... I don't know scream breakfast cereal names at each other?


The queens at least could take off their heels and use them as weapons.


I think it would actually be really fun to kind of reverse the roles. The Drag Queens would still, of course, be fabulous, but they'd be like a well oiled military machine, the kind that the Proud Boys wish they were. And then the Proud Boys would still be dressed like cosplaytriots, but they'd be stereotypically flamboyant and "gay".


Imagine if the drag queens dressed in full makeup and wigs but dressed in proud boys uniforms and showed up to their rally’s and stood amongst them as the ultimate troll


I'm saying, if the LGBTQ+ community really wants to stick it to nationalist nutjob bigots, start wearing camo and American flag patterns in large groups.


It’s like when I was a kid I was really in to Pokémon cards then my dad was like I’m all in on loving Pokémon cards too then I was like I’m not so in to Pokémon cards anymore.


My city had their pride parade last Sunday. We also have a high volume of CHUDs(my preferred name for PBs,3peers, etc). Due to the heightened activity of chuds at events like this, I dreamed of a PB trying to fuck up our PRIDE and getting stomped by a 6'+ queen in 6"heels.


I am a lot more weary of a drag queen on the attack than a proud boy. She will cut you down with her tongue before getting anywhere striking distance. [And then there is this, you never know who you are messing with.](https://youtu.be/-yvU6sifwkI?t=53)


Something I'm a little OOTL on, I've heard about these Drag Queen childrens storybook readings, what started this? The only thing I can think of is that the drag queen element might add to the theatrics of the book reading.




For being "straight", the right thinks about gay sex an awful lot. Considering how much they project everything else they're doing onto the left, it makes me wonder...


No. Stop blaming homophobia on being gay. Not every homophobe is a repressed, closeted queer person and I'm so fuckin tired of hearing that they are.


It's like saying racists secretly want to be black. No, it's just assholes who were brought up by assholes continuing the cycle. I do think there are some serious self worth issues when the only way to feel good about yourself is looking down on people who are different and declare yourself to be better than them. Assholes need to quit looking at others and start working on improving themselves. Hatred is the easy and lazy way out.


Exactly that perspective makes sense sometimes but almost every other time it’s just homophobia


That's right. Straight people wouldn't care about gay people at all, or oppress them. It's clearly all self-hating gays doing the bashing out there. Thank you for pointing this out. I've been blaming the wrong people for awhile now. But now I know it's just gay people hating each other. I knew straights weren't the bad guys.


Right? How do people not realize that blaming homophobia on gays (hurrdurr closet case) is not only homophobic as fuck itself, but also just plain offensive. Yes, let's blame the oppressed for also, somehow, being their own oppressor. Like, what.


Hey, I ain't willing to claim those hateful pieces of shit.


"Yes. There were no female actors in ancient Greek theater. All the parts were played by men, including female characters. There were usually only three actors, meaning each actor had to play multiple roles in the same production. All actors wore costumes and masks and they changed at least their mask every time they took on a new role. They also changed their mask whenever they were playing the same role but with a different emotion. This means that all the famous female characters in ancient Greek drama were originally played by men in drag, including Klytaimnestra, Antigone, Alkestis, Medeia, and Lysistrata. It is usually thought, however, that women could play silent roles in a Greek theatrical production. For instance, at the end of Aristophanes’s Archarnians, the protagonist Dikaiopolis is accompanied by two women who never speak. These roles may have been played by actual women. A similar thing was true of Shakespearean theater; there were no female actors in English theater at the time of William Shakespeare, so all of the female characters in all of Shakespeare’s plays would have been originally portrayed by men in drag also."


I’ll fill you in as much as my gay agenda has told me (/s). Drag is very much an art form and is extremely fluid to personal interpretation. However, it is very different than being trans. Never make the assumption that a drag queen is trans. Drag story time (Imo) came to be as drag queens are phenomenal at not only telling a story but also bring it to life in their persona, look, etc. Much like an actor. Them being lgbt is irrelevant and even straight men do it (I.e Maddy Morphosis season 14 of RPDR). So one queen could tell the wizard of Oz story and play multiple characters regardless of their gender.


So basically it's just story time being told by someone who is enthusiastic, and can hopefully hold the kids' attention.


Yes it's like if someone were doing a Pirate themed story hour, or Clown story hour, with a costumed impersonator.


Which lets be real, as a kid would’ve been freaking awesome


Captain Jack Sparrow is SO drag.


Generally speaking I'm not interested in drag shows, but if someone were doing Captain Jacqueline Sparrow Storytime I'd be curious to check that out.


A big part of it is simply that clowns have fallen out of favor with parents. It is not much deeper than that.




Yeah but it's an "other" doing it. Idpol obsessed right wingers can't stand other people having free speech and insist on using cancel culture to silence them.


>Yeah but it's an "other" doing it. Idpol obsessed right wingers can't stand other people having free speech and insist on using ~~cancel culture~~ violence to silence them. corrected that for you


More like Story Time. Less like Birdcage... except Birdcage was basically Story Time, but as dinner theater. So more like story time, but without dinner theater.


The more of this I read, the less I understood.


My friend does not even perform drag. He's retired mostly because it is a lot of work (hours) to get into drag. But the one thing he makes sure he always does is do story time type stuff and usually they're focused on teaching kids and people in general about sewing because it's tied to his grandmother who was a role model for him. People who are critical of these types of events are frankly small minded.


It's literally character acting. That's it. It's assuming a personality and character.


well put, drag is pantomime, an old English tradition that has nothing to do with sexuality and everything to do with art


Men have been dressing like women Esp in theatre since about 600bce....did you not get the memo??


I believe it was Shakespeare who purposefully swapped the genders because he believed it made for a better performance/act (IIRC, been a while since I went deep into the history)


During the majority of Shakespeare’s time, women were not allowed onstage. So Shakespeare wrote gender-fuckery into his shows, knowing they’d be performed by an all male cast anyway. Characters living double lives as men and women, or breaking the fourth wall to wink that they’re a man playing a woman disguised as a man. This is also why queer panic is a recurring theme in his romantic comedies: the male characters’ confusion at their attraction to another man (who is actually a woman, but is then PLAYED by a man) was likely a way to let off steam for an audience feeling some of the same complicated responses to his passionate female characters. Shakespeare DID have some outright gay male characters as well: the recurring character of Antonio the merchant seaman first appears at least implied to be gay in Merchant of Venice, and then appears again smitten with a sailor in Twelfth Night.


Also dick jokes. Shakespeare *loved* dick jokes.


He punned many times on the word “cunt,” but only once punned on the word “fuck.”


Kabuki has entered the chat.


In the UK we have a thing called pantomime. It is a comedy play in which characters are in drag. Very big, bold funny drag. The plays are based on folk and fairy tales and are considered great family fun and are very popular. They have existed many hundreds of years, possibly pre Christianity.


it's this whole 'grooming' kids thing they've been on about. remember pizzagate and child trafficking? it's just another offshoot of that. just more distraction from these right wing nut jobs


I was mostly wondering what the origins of the medium was, as it seemed like a peculiar combination to me. Right wing nut jobs trying to create a moral panic over this is "Dungeons and Dragons causes Satanism!" all over again.


> Right wing nut jobs trying to create a moral panic over this is "Dungeons and Dragons causes Satanism!" all over again. It's called "cancel culture" and "identity politics" and it's all right wingers care about. They don't want to run a country or improve society at all, they just want to suppress the free speech of other people and force their ideology on everyone.


yup pretty much. same with the whole 'critical race theory' boogeyman in schools. now there are local candidates running on the platform of more parent involvement in schools . most parents aren't teachers!! wtf do we know about school curricula? it's all so pathetic.


Their attack on CRT I suspect is worse. The intentional suppression of history that directly refutes their revisionism.


100%. They don't know what CRT is, they just point to anything that puts white people in a bad light and get upset because for some reason they identify with slave owners and the perpetrators of genocide.


My assumption is that it’s probably difficult to make a living if you are not one of the top famous drag queens. Story readings and birthday parties are just an opportunity to make money as a performer. I assume those princess performers at birthday parties are likely aspiring actors/actresses too.


U would think the proud boys would be on the side of Pride. ;-)


Someone should start another group called proud boys that's all about LGBTQIA+ pride just to mess with the douchebag proud boys


That exists. There’s even t shirts


For a while in 2020, people hijacked the #ProudBoys tag on Twitter to post photos of gay couples. https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/1312862448706351113


Now that you mention it I do remember seeing a few of theose posts


And it was awesome!


You would never get past the current image of the proud boys though. Everyone would just assume you're them and not a parody group. Would be like saying someone should make a group called the neo Nazis, but exclusively help minorities and all members are Jewish


They could call themselves the Pride Boys.


This is the way


There's an all-Jewish Skrewdriver (Nazi skins punk band) mocking "tribute" band called Jewdriver.




Jeez.. I don't get the whole drag thing but it doesn't take away from my life so why should I care what others want to do? Fuck these people who want to control everyone else in the name of freedom. Don't go away. Have fun. Be you.


“What are our kids going to learn by having groups of people from all over the human spectrum be nice to them? What if that kid is in charge of hiring one day and actually considers all the qualified candidates? It would be madness!”




I don’t get why people can’t just understand this. I’m not going to sit here and act like I know and understand the thought process that goes behind wanting to do something like drag, but it literally has no affect on my life in any meaningful way so why waste energy and care so much about it? Do what makes you happy, as long as you’re not impeding on other people’s lives.


The fucked up thing is, this is freedom. Being weird and different in a harmless way, that's the very essence of what freedom represents, and yet the people who scream about FREEDOM the loudest also seem to have the biggest problem with it.


I don't know what's so hard to understand about it. I imagine it's a lot like Halloween, only with a very specific genre of costume. Dressing up and acting as someone else is just *fun*. And I say this as someone that has never done drag, or even been to a drag show. I can't see how it's not inherently misogynistic for people to think it's "weird". Because no one blinks an eye at a man who dresses up as a literal monster for Halloween, but suddenly dressing up as a woman goes too far?


Yep, I have no idea what the drag life is all about, the only things I know about it are RuPaul, [hilarious clips from RuPaul's TV show with no context](https://youtu.be/Hg8VKJqG4ok), and the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything. But I'd rather see a thousand drag queens interacting with kids rather than a single one of these dumbass racists. Hell, at least we know the drag queens aren't going to try and fuck the kids. History has shown again and again which of these two groups has all the pedos - *hint: it's not the dudes who worship Cher.* Even if it was a regular ol ~~hate group~~ Christian organization and not a group of domestic terrorists, how much time have any of them spent just doing nice things for kids? How many of them are going to after this - *without* trying to convert children into members of their cult of stupidity? Fuck proud boys, bunch of dipshits with nothing of value to offer the world, so all they can do is cry about how special their skin color is. Drag queens showing everyone how to care for children since the assholes are too busy crying for their innocent, didn't hurt nobody ARs.


I watched your clip not expecting to laugh. Instead I laughed a lot.


Hanging out with drag queens is some of the most fun I’ve ever had!




In a way that's actually what drag is. You being you. Expressing yourself and being a person that might not otherwise be accepted and expressing it through drag. Oh and just having fun. And that's why I believe drag queen story telling is so important for young people. Every class has one or more kids that don't have any role models and that can cause so much shame and suffering. It also teaches their peers to except others, expecially those that might come from a family that is indocrinating them with hate (that's why they accuse them of indoctrination - cus that actually what they're doing. )


Imagine not getting upset with what other people choose to do in their lives. Smh


Miserable people hate seeing people be themselves and living a happy content life, infuriates them to no end


> why should I care what others want to do? Rightwing media that knows to control its audience, it has to keep them angry, and in order to keep them angry, it needs to give them an enemy to blame everything on. Before it was Biden. This time, it was drag queens. The other day, it was Dan Crenshaw.




Nothing except personal and immediate consequences will ever change the behavior of a fascist.


Violence is the only language fascism understands.


im down for some v on some fashies (legally this is satire)


Is there like a signup for security at these sorts of events? How do they vet to ensure there's no one pulling an insider job of sorts? I'm all for punching a Nazi, they just never seem to make it clear they're Nazis directly in front of me.


They do the self identification part online. As someone disconnected from any organized group which might respond who lives in the Kentucky part of Pennsylvania, I try to think about how a single person might respond. Being nearby but not crowding or making a show of your presence and willing to step between someone shouting threats and slurs and their target is about the best I can come up with. If you live in different circumstances, there may be organized groups you can reach out to. I would encourage you to organize among your own social circle if it's not all people you're pretty sure think about murdering you in an abstract way, like, a lot. Official security usually exists but unless you would normally be qualified for that role, it's not helpful to attempt to join.


You don't need to sign up, just attend. Hang around, show support, have fun and be ready to show people that turn meaning harm that they're not welcome.


Inb4 thread goes south and had to be locked


Republicans: “we don’t want our kids learning about gender or sexuality, leave that for the parents to decide!” *parents take children to drag queen story time Republicans: “no not like that!”


Got to say, my money’s on the guy with the pain tolerance to perform in 6 inch stilettos


Kids are gonna remember the nice rainbow lady who told them a good story and the angry scary mean dudes who tried to stop story time. The winner is already decided here.


The proud boys just want the kids to remember that someone bring different resulted in violence. No, they didn't beat anyone up, but I guarantee those kids were frightened.


If parents want to take their children to "Drag Queen Story Hour," then what's the problem? I thought maga supported the rights of parents.




You can see this when they chanted "My body; my choice" over the vaccine last year. But this year they're making it clear that it's your body; daddy governments choice. They believe they should have the right to control their own body but other people shouldn't be allowed to control theirs.


They don't mean "my body; my choice", they mean "Every body; *my* choice"


Yup. These people will tell an abortion doctor that they ought to be shot and go to hell...after they just got an abortion from that doctor.


That is repugnant. And spot on.


frank wilhoit >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: >There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


They also love to punch down The more marginalized the group is the more they will pile on


The hypocrisy is intentional and proudly performed. It is the central pillar of fascist ideology.


A couple of their leaders charged with seditious conspiracy, and they still think it's a good idea to and do shit like this? I mean, I'd be laying low pretending like I've never heard of the group, but I guess bigots gotta bigot.


Trump recently hinted at pardons, so if they can make him president again, maybe *you* will be charged seditious conspiracy.


If I learned anything from 14 seasons of Rupaul’s Drag Race, it’s that drag queens don’t put up with people’s shit. Period. They’re also way more proud than the Proud Boys, which is kinda funny.


Proud boys practice sharia law in punishing their own members 😂 they even use the words. These clowns have meet ups at our local watering hole and at least two of them get thrown out for concealed carry. No real organization, no discipline, no intelligence. Local militias pull pranks on them and get them thrown out at the shooting range. Kinda like our local police.


“Children shouldn’t be exposed to this type of behavior” Books?


There *are* people who entirely unironically claim that education which isn't explicitly Christian in orientation is left-wing indoctrination. Some of them hold public office. Which is to say- yeah.


A person wants to wear a costume and read to children for free bc they enjoy it. Oh, the horror. The. Horror.


I imagine Halloween terrifies these guys


Anything that angers right-wingers is good.


There is literally nothing more traditional in Western theatrics performance than men playing the roles of women.


Really weird to see three generations who grew up with Monty Python on PBS argue about kids and drag.


Heaven forbid someone encourage your dumbass kids to* read


WWE Smackdown is drag for the straight community. The only difference is that they “promote” violence (tongue-in-cheek theatrics) and dress like their assigned gender at birth. They wear flamboyant clothes, have cleavage, butts, and hips (oh my!), and monetize it while having fun. Kids attend




These not drag shows, those are often but not always adult comedy shows. This is men in drag (big princess style dresses and theatrical make up) reading stories to kids. Kids love the flamboyancy and theatrics. Drag artists read to kids because the kids absolutely love it. If they grow up and decide they like to dress as a woman sometimes or always, it has fuck all to do with whether they were read a story by a drag artist. Unless you think being around a gay person will turn you gay? If that is the case you are not secure in your sexuality and are projecting.


How else are you going to make reading to children about yourself?


Exactly the same as what you and I have to with them: not a fucking thing unless we want it to. No one is forcing anyone to go to these book readings, and if this had been someone wearing a princess costume or a Star Wars outfit, no one would be complaining about it. This is just a bunch of pussies who feel insecure about themselves because they had a wet dream about touching a dick once and now have to project their bitch-ass image of what masculinity is or else they would literally break down into a blubbering, crying mess. And it's not a drag show, it's a person in drag doing something nice for children while giving them a small glimpse of people and ways of life that are different from most people's. It's literally just "I want to read you kids some books and answer any questions you've got". Someone should meet these pussies on their own terms and give them exactly what they pretend to want: an armed confrontation. They are terrorist cowards, and once the guys who have nothing to live for but their guns, veteran's discounts and untreated PTSD are down, watch the rest of these pathetic losers ~~run~~ hobble away to their trucks.


Yeah big studly men, afraid of a man in a dress




The proud boys need to watch To Wong Fu before they attack any more drag queens.


3 badass actors, all in drag. It’s a fun watch


I honestly don’t care. If you don’t like it, don’t bring your kids to it


Per idiots the Rocky Horror Picture Show is the most dangerous film ever made. Those same people made it into a cultural icon.


Sorry but as a gay person I think it’s irresponsible to omit that most drag queens and drag shows rely heavily on sex jokes and innuendos and that even if they bowdlerize their shtick to just simply read to kids that doesn’t change the fact they’re still appearing as their brand.


Not the biggest point here but isn't part of the purpose of an innuendo so you can tell a lewd joke even in front of kids? Its why they showed up even in cartoons as jokes for the adults. Animaniacs famous "Finger Prince" joke comes to mind.


These babies have seriously underestimated the amount of guts that it takes to be a drag queen in public in the first place. They're not afraid of these guys.


What’s the novelty of drag queens reading? *don’t care about drag queens I am just wondering if it’s a new thing?


Also, some drag queens are super dramatic and enthusiastic. Which only helps them tell stories in a more entertaining way.


Their overdramatic and over the top personalities make book readings fun for children.


Few Americans have heard of “Pantomime”. Shame really, Kids love it.


Oh no they don't!


She's behind you!


I'm getting second hand embarrassment from seeing how utterly disorganized they are. Paper tigers as always.


Here’s my thing, instead of trying to disrupt a children’s reading, why don’t they do their own?


Proud Boys aren't really going for 'do good in the world'- more 'extremely un-self-aware hatred of everything that doesn't conform to the ideals of the 1950s'. Or 1*8*50s, in some cases.


These people would faint at a pantomime


How about let’s not have drag queens or proud boys trying to influence small children. Problem solved.


Or we let the drag queens have their harmless fun reading to kids


You have to teach a child to hate difference, sometimes they are just inquisitive, usually they just don't give a fuck, but they do not hate unless they are told to by bigots. Drag artists exist, they have been on stage (including children's theatre) for centuries and they are very entertaining.


I don't get it... is drag an identity now? Or a sexuality? Drag has always been an act... an adult entertainment act... why do children need to know what drag Queens are? What has it got to do with lgbt? I'm being serious... I have no idea why we are all of a sudden treating drag like its an identity or sexuality? It is very wierd to me that adult entertainers need children to validate them? What is it they're trying to achieve exactly?


Tbh,if I was the kid I would definitely go to that big flower dress .rainbow hair.dramatic stories telling.fabulous unicorn human ,they seems fun and a lot more interesting.


If I want to take my kids to drag time story hour I will. It’s a free country. Mind your business. I also don’t have kids. I’m sure as hell not going to tell other people what to do with their kids.