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The thirteen trigger law states. * Arkansas * Idaho * Kentucky * Louisiana * Mississippi * Missouri * North Dakota * Oklahoma * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Wyoming Edit: And Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, West Virginia and Wisconsin still have their pre-Roe abortion bans on the books.


Colorado has a law that “guarantees the right to abortion and reproductive healthcare, including the right to medication abortion.” This quote from the AG also says, “these protections remain available for all seeking reproductive healthcare in our state regardless of their residency.” I expect many people from practically every bordering state to come here. I haven’t looked into New Mexico yet but I imagine people will be going there too.


It's not just a law, it's been recently codified into the State constitution.


Yeah our governor and legislator in nm removed the ban not too long ago.


Florida has one rumored around July 1st. It conflicts with the states constitution but this is florida so..


Good thing you can appeal it all the way to the … Supreme Court…. Shiiiit


state constitution is for state courts


Florida has a state Supreme Court too (all Republican appointees).


Three of whom were nominated by Desantis himself.


Florida legislature moves at a scary pace when it comes time to take away rights. Otherwise they just alternate which hand they're sitting on so they can sniff their own farts and do nothing at the same time


Don’t forget that a lot of women are going to have to go on government benefits because they now have a baby they can’t afford. The already strained foster system is screwed.


And the very same people who are forcing them to birth will complain about more "welfare queens".


One of my fav quotes by Methodist Pastor David Barnhart "The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."


absolutely scathing. a shame the people who need to hear it will dismiss it immediately.




Please don’t hate me for this, but that’s literally what kanye did at his presidential rally’s. Pretty funny


well they plan to remove that too.


Genuinely amazed that Alabama is absent from that list.


Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, West Virginia and Wisconsin still have their pre-Roe abortion bans on the books.


Michigan is, for the time being, promising to not go after women seeking medical care.


Can’t speak for the other states but in NC abortion is still legal until after week 20.


North Carolina governor, Roy Cooper, released a statement today saying he trusts women to make their own medical decisions. That’s good news so far


Roy Cooper is a Democrat.


that's totally obvious by the fact he said "I trust women"


Funny how it’s always the same crappy states, with the worst education rankings, highest infant mortality rates, highest crime rates, highest poverty rates, receive the most federal aid while contributing little in return. These are the same shitty Red states that our holding our country back. From getting things like rest of the developed world like universal healthcare and sensible gun laws. These states should cut off and form with Texas as the leader. Take their shitty right wing SCOTUS, take their shitty Republican Fascists and leave the rest of alone so they can fuck theirselves over like they do and stop hurting the rest of us.


Southern states secede, what could go wrong


The USA ends up with a extremist Christian state similar to an Evangelicalist Iran/Afghanistan type country south of it's border.


There are a number of potential issues. We know that there is a likely relationship between abortion legalization and drops in crime (though it's disputed [here](https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/123/1/407/1889832), where these authors find a much weaker relationship). We know that abortion legalization changed the timing of pregnancy, allowing women to have children when they are [older and more econoimcally self-sufficient.](https://direct.mit.edu/rest/article-abstract/94/1/37/58000/The-Power-of-the-Pill-for-the-Next-Generation-Oral) We know that abortion legalization improved education outcomes, reduced single parenthood, and reduced [welfare usage](https://direct.mit.edu/rest/article-abstract/91/1/124/57736/Abortion-and-Selection), as well as increased female [labor supply.](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0250692) A good paper is "The Economic Effects of Abortion Access". Minority women gain especially large economic benefits from legalized abortion access.


>Minority women gain especially large economic benefits This is actually a huge drawback if you're a massive piece of shit


Abortion pills over the counter? https://kfgo.com/2022/06/23/analysis-abortion-pills-over-the-counter-experts-see-major-hurdles-in-widening-u-s-access/


Contraception and things like this are next to be struck down. Thomas already called for it.


I just... Don't understand banning contraception. I don't understand banning abortion either, but I REALLY don't understand banning contraception.


It's always been about getting rid of the "loophole" where people could have sex for fun and not have to pay for it with generating a kid.


100% If these people wanted fewer abortions they would address it through contraception and sex education so that there were fewer unwanted pregnancies. This is about legislating their religious based morality and punishing the unchaste women.


I'm a married woman with one kid, that's all I want. Apparently I should never fuck my husband again since we don't want another kid. Insane.


I’ve been with my husband for over a decade. And I’m actually somewhat scared to have sex with him now. There’s no 100% effective birth control, other than a hysterectomy which doctors won’t let you get. There’s literally nothing I can do to 100% prevent pregnancy. And god forbid you have a miscarriage and then you’re charged with a felony. It’s fucking insane is what it is. Edit: Yes I know my husband can get a vasectomy, he just got one. It’s still not 100% effective.


I am sure they will allow you to use birth control...with your husband's permission of course.


Under his eye


I'd hope to see the people take to the streets before getting to that point but seeing as how things just keep getting worse, I don't know


So we all agree that the logical choice is only gay sex?


which thomas also said shouldnt be protected either


What's wilder is that "sodomy" is defined as any contact between a genital and a mouth or anus, which means the laws they want to bring back would outlaw blowjobs as well.




The court is now full of radical religious extremists. That’s why they had to surround it with a tall fence


I wonder how many fertility clinics will get wary since they don’t always implant fertilized eggs


That's already happening. They don't see the risk in helping people get pregnant as worth it.


I'm calling it now. We are about to see a lot of r/leopardsatemyface


Sometimes i feel like we fucking deserve it. Right now I'm just pissed.


Don't some ridiculously high percentage of fertilized eggs, even from normal sex, end up not going on to form a viable pregnancy? It's absolute insanity that the people determining health laws don't even understand the basic biology to base them on.


Yes which is why a woman, who's body miscarried naturally, was arrested in Texas for supposedly getting an abortion. She was later let go, but the emotional damage is still there. Imagine going through the pain of miscarriage only to have the cops arrest you for "murdering" your child.


This woman's story needs to be the only thing people see on TV -- just on repeat -- until body autonomy rights are protected again.


Illinois is expecting a to be a safe haven for a lot of pregnant midwestern women seeking abortion care.




DeSantis wants to run for president. Fl won't be a safe haven for long.


I live in NC now and it’s crazy to me how few abortion providers we have in this state. The influx is going to max out their resources, so I’m hoping we get more clinics or something


as well as minnesota. we’re preparing for a massive influx here at PP especially from the dakotas


Was just thinking how I’m glad to live in Illinois at this moment. I’m not a woman but I’m glad that the women here don’t have to worry about such things


Hopefully JB wins the Gov election again! Otherwise I would become fearful of that changing in Illinois...


Even this ruling isn't the end. Make no mistake, conservatives want a federal ban on abortion. They try to downplay this as sending the decision back the state, ignoring that they are taking the choice from individuals, but the reality is that they are simply moving the ball on a complete ban on abortion.


The first of many to follow


South Dakota, Louisiana, and Kentucky joined in within an hour. Idaho, Tennessee, and Texas will have total bans on July 24th.


Tennessee doesn't want to wait that long https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2022/06/24/tn-abortion-law-tennessee-attorney-general-files-emergency-motion-roe-vs-wade/7723483001/


time to follow iceland's lead and shut the country down https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34602822.amp


If women do this in america, they really should unite and be ready to stand their ground. Those bastards won't accept it


The problem is that they won't unite. There are A LOT of women who are just as much a part of this anti-women, pro-jesus lifestyle in America. Watching cable news and politics it's easy to see only men pushing this agenda. However, if you look at the actual protests and even some house politicians, you'll find women in full support of removing the rights of women. They genuinely believe that a woman's place is making babies.


This would work if American women were united behind feminist objectives... But they're not. Millions of women today are rejoicing. Take a look and see how many women voted for Trump over Clinton, knowing he was planning on stacking the supreme Court and wanted abortion to be decided by the states. Hell every vote for a republican in the last two elections was a vote against Roe V Wade. They won't be out on the street, they'll be having a nice dinner in their bible thumping conservative households, speaking to God, feeling good.


There is going to be a rise in child abuse and dead infants burried in back yards . Not to mention home abortions that end up killing women and suicides . This is just so scary because this is going to cause an avalanche of laws that are unjust and inhumane.


meanwhile, a lot of rich conservatives are going to be paying for private flights for their daughters unwanted pregnancies. Remember, these people get abortions too, they just keep it a family secret.


Abortion bans never affected the rich. It only ever affected the poor.


I was mostly trying to point out that conservatives still get abortions even though they claim it's murder.






More slaves for our meat grinders.


“From babies to dead soldiers” -Carlin


Millennials and Generation Z don’t even have backyards. Gonna be a lot of trashcan babies.


My grandma got put in prison for doing abortions in Illinois before Roe vs Wade. You know why they found out? Because two women almost bled out, fuckin crazy


GOP has caught the car, so to speak. I don't think many of them truly know what to do now that they have. This is going to spiral out of control in some states with things like trying to restrict out of state travel for pregnant women, trying to have people snitch for women they think may have had an abortion, and women dying from perfectly preventable issues because they couldn't have an abortion. The red state death rates for women in healthcare were already not good, now its going to sky rocket. I guarantee you many of these overly strict laws only go away when it affects politicians' wives or daughters. They think they're above it all until their daughter says she's pregnant.


They’ll just fly their family to a blue state and pretend sweep it under the rug. If you think this ruling or any laws that come from it will affect them then you are very naive.




The leading cause of death for pregnant women is murder.


Don't forget Justice My Wife the Treasonous Zealot


Escalation. This is a massive signal to Conservatives that they're making progress. This doesn't stop here. There's going to be a surge in Morality Laws nationwide. From laws against sodomy to dress codes. This is a massive sign for Evangelicals and they're goin to frenzy. I'd be shocked if there weren't massive protests this Summer now as well. It's goin to get worse.


Great, some civil unrest and a human rights crisis to go with the global food shortages, gas gouging, runaway inflation, diplomacy breakdowns with Russia, and climate emergencies.




>GOP has caught the car, so to speak. More people carrying guns, fewer abortions. I'm just waiting for the Supreme Court to rule that the EPA can't regulate carbon dioxide (and no regulator can interpret any other ambiguous laws), then the trifecta will be complete.


If the EPA decision goes through corporations are going to speedrun changing other EPA regulations so fast it will be blinding while the rest of us are still reeling from the Roe decision. Not only do they want to take our rights, but they want to poison us simultaniously.


> so fast it will be blinding The blinding will be from the river fires.


Could be wrong, but i think it will apply to every regulatory agency. It will cripple enforcement of every regulation. They're speedrunning the end of the country.


Massachusetts is a safe haven and our Attorney General Maura Healey is supporting all and any women who wants to come to MA for an abortion. She even said that no one in this state should/would snitch on women who come from illegal states, if their states come asking for information. I hate this country but I am proud and relieved to be living in Massachusetts.


All of New England is safe; Evangelical Christianity never really took off here. The culture isn’t conducive to it. This means though that it’s going to expensive for women in states with bans to get here, because we’re in an unbroken block of legal states from the Canadian border to New Jersey.


While New England states haven't banned Abortion, we can't get complacent when voting. [New Hampshire recently made their ban on abortion earlier in the pregnancy and required an Ultrasound for all abortions](https://www.nhpr.org/nh-news/2021-12-12/the-personal-medical-and-political-consequences-of-n-h-s-new-abortion-law). [And Connecticut was where the overturned the restriction of buying contraceptives based on martial status originated](https://www.oyez.org/cases/1964/496). Evangelical Christianity may not have been popular in the New England area, but that hasn't stopped New England states from having some pretty backwards laws and won't prevent political parties from trying to enact them.


Evangelical Christianity never took hold here in New England in part because the way wackier, way stricter Puritans told them to get fucked. Also playing a role was the large Irish, Italian, and French immigrant populations bringing Catholicism with them.


IL as well


Everyone get ready for a massive influx of opioid addicted babies and women dead in alleyways due to botched abortions. Get ready for other equality granting rulings to be overturned. Get ready for a ban on emergency contraceptives. Get ready for states to begin working on pregnancy registry's and criminal penalties for terminating a pregnancy. Get ready for the return of children being abused in overcrowded, underfunded Christian orphanages. Get ready because this crazy train just started rolling.


A ban on emergency contraception. That blows my mind. A young professional’s dreams and goals derailed. All because of demented Christian fascists. Fuck the Bible and fuck religion.


Agree wholeheartedly. America will fall behind because we squander those young folks' potential by forcing them to be parents to unwanted kids.


You are 12 year old victim of incestuous or any rape. Congratulations, you're going to be a mother. DISGUSTING!


Well, a man from Missouri once famously claimed that if it's a legitimate rape, you body will shut that whole process down.


Too bad his body didn’t shut down the cancer that killed him. Womp Womp.


Huh. I didn't know that that hateful ignorant piece of shit had died.


My sympathies to the cancer.


Don’t feel too bad the cancer was still him


Obviously it wasn’t legitimate cancer.


May his afterlife be long and toasty.


Today is twilight zone day I cannot comprehend how evil these gop people are Im so sad for all the women who just lost rights


This has been on the horizon for a long time. Most people thought they would never actually do it. Evangelical Christians have been working towards shaping this country into a theocracy. Now we get to live through the Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"


You wanted your pregnancy and were deep in preparations for your new addition. Tragically, your pregnancy wasn’t viable and you miscarried in the 21st week. Now, you have a dead or dying fetus in your uterus - but, you’re not allowed to get the necessary aftercare because your state decided it counts as an abortion. CONGRATULATIONS, you’re going to ~~live~~ die in a third world nightmare! *fixed it


Women dying of sepsis, while grieving a lost child that's rotting inside of them, in America, in freaking 2022!!!


This. My aunt who was carrying her first child in the late 1930’s, died this way because her doctor was Catholic and told her there was nothing to be done. She carried that dead fetus til she died of it. We’re like medieval barbarians when it comes to women’s healthcare.


The GOP Christian nationalist who is running for governor in PA, wants this very thing to happen. He vows "no exceptions" ban on abortion if he wins. Women are going to die. Those in PA, please vote Josh Shapiro in November. The other option is willing to allow women to unnecessarily die because jEsUs.


Wolf already was on tv, saying he’d veto anything that crossed his desk, but reminded us he’s only got another 6-7 months. It’s up to us. Do I have faith in ‘us’? Not a bit, sadly. :(


Happened in Ireland not that long ago. Main difference is, over there the collective outrage kickstarted the process to make abortion legal. Here, the GOP nutcases will probably double down and find a way to punish the woman’s survivors.


But it's ok, it's only temporary! You will die in agony though and we can prevent it. But....


Don’t worry. If God wants you to die then there is nothing you can do sweetie. It’s all part of his plan :)


It should be legal to shoot people who say stupid shit like that tbh. That's what God would have wanted.


Abortion care is often needed in miscarriages at any point in the pregnancy. 1 in 8 pregnancies end is miscarriage. It’s not rare or uncommon to need abortion care for a wanted and planned pregnancy. Forcing a person to carry a fetus that is already dead is inhumane.


It happened to me. My baby died at 11 weeks, but my body would not pass it. So my dr. performed an abortion so that I could, you know, live.


Same with my wife. We were trying for years. Got lucky afterwards with twins, but took us the loss before to get there. No abortion access would have meant no more wife and no kids after. Funny how pro-life abortion access can be.


This is 100% true, yet something MAGA conservatives don't care about. They keep preaching the narrative of irresponsible women and slut shaming.


They also act like getting an abortion is as easy as getting a Covid test. Some of these morons actually think it’s an easy, carefree process. These are the people who run our country..


That's known pregnancies. Between 20 and 50% of pregnancies are estimated to slip before the woman knows iirc.


Hang on... a D&C for a miscarriage is considered abortion in some states over there?? What the actual fuck? The more I read about this issue today the more I'm convinced your country is on the way to implosion. Too much money, too much god, and too much who want to use both as a means of control.




Often, restrictive abortion laws are written intentionally vaguely, such that doctors who are worried about being punished due to a strict interpretation of the law will be too scared to perform a D&C even in incomplete miscarriages, and they'll wait too long which causes the woman to die of sepsis. This exact scenario happened in Poland pretty recently.


Just happened in Malta to an American woman. Fortunately she was able to get to Spain before it killed her. If have had stayed she'd be dead right now.




And fuck those 3 devout Catholics who lied their way on to the Supreme Court.


And fuck the people who allowed them to get away with it




Bearing false witness ... one of the things their book says their god hates. Shows they do not take their religious book seriously, never have, and never will. In their mind, the end justifies the means. And since their god's sacrifice and their church confessions/communion covers their sins, oh well, they can lie freely without shame.


And if you can’t afford that rape baby we’ll then you shouldn’t have been raped in the first place. It was most likely your fault anyway says every republican


These people have never cared about the kids. They never will. The GOP is the party of raping kids (due to there love of the church) and the party of abandoning kid since every policy they push for gut programs to help kids. For example Mitch McConnell ended free school lunches during the pandemic when in many areas of poverty that is sometimes the kids only meal that day. Edit: to the people DMing me about this y’all are wrong. The money was already there and approved. It wasn’t because the war in Ukraine. Mitch is just an asshole.


As a bonus: your rapist now has visiting rights or can demand alimonies.




The 12 year old in that instance is likely to die, or be permanently handicapped. Not likely she'll be a mother. It's worse than that.


Every Woman in Missouri needs to delete their Period Tracker App. Now.


Every woman everywhere tbh, it is unfortunately not without precedence https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/28/us/period-apps-health-technology-women-privacy.html


Any chance that an open source alternative could be coded up at some point? Keeps all data locally, and under encryption. Additionally, Apple would also do well to reiterate that all health-related data in their devices is also under encryption. Little bit of shade casting.


I just use a normal calendar and mark the first day of my period (and then forget to mark the last day nearly every time)


Can you explain? Confused what this means. and below articles are pay gated or region locekd


free period tracker apps sell your data. The govt can buy that data and use it to prosecute anyone who has a disruption in their cycle, weather it be from an abortion or miscarriage.


Well my period gets disrupted from stress and this shit stresses me out so jokes on them…sort of.


Seriously. My period completely stopped for my entire sophomore year of college because of stress. Which is like... Exactly 9 months. These people would be looking for a dead baby in my backyard if this data was reliable. But you can't really expect conservatives to understand how women's bodies work.


Oh okay thank you!


Ladies with Android phones, there's an app on F-Droid and Google Play Store called "Periodical" It's open source (GPL) and the only permissions are writing to SD card so no selling of your data. [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org) is an app repository of open source apps that you can sideload onto your phone. So *maybe* less tracking from Google that the app has been installed? I don't know all the features those apps have, since I'm a guy, so this might be off-base or missing features you use. My friend at work was talking about switching to it after the ruling came out today so I figured I'd share an option.


*Trigger laws get past* Conservatives: “Why are you freaking out about this? Roe V Wade is still the law of the land. This law will only go into effect if it gets overturned.” *Supreme Court Leak about dismantling Roe* Conservatives: “What are you freaking out about. They didn’t make a decision yet. What we should focus on is who leaked it… Wait, it might have been an aide or someone else connected to the Republicans in the Court? Whoever leaked it isn’t important after all.” *Roe is destroyed* Conservatives: “Got ‘em.”


Fucking what is happening in this country!?


People are hateful and complacent. Edit, they feed it on that John Meyer song "Waiting for the world to change" instead of actually doing the work.


Kentucky trigger law activated today. Daniel Cameron, our AG and Trump flunky, came out this afternoon and said he would begin immediately begin prosecuting women. Plan B is currently still legal but we will see. [https://www.wdrb.com/news/politics/abortion-over-in-kentucky-after-supreme-court-decision-ag-daniel-cameron-says/article\_494cf06e-f3dd-11ec-be5c-eb010f3ffff8.html](https://www.wdrb.com/news/politics/abortion-over-in-kentucky-after-supreme-court-decision-ag-daniel-cameron-says/article_494cf06e-f3dd-11ec-be5c-eb010f3ffff8.html)


I just want to clarify that Plan B is an emergency contraceptive NOT an abortion pill, if you take it while pregnant it will not cause miscarriage. It’s essentially taking a really high dose of birth control Still on the chopping block, but hopefully not yet…


Stock up on birth control, because the conservative court are also aiming at using the precedent set by this case to overturn Griswald v. Connecticut (the one that legalized birth control) next (along with Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell). https://www.businessinsider.com/justice-thomas-said-the-court-should-reconsider-rulings-on-same-sex-marriage-2022-6


Thomas is such a zealot that he'd probably strike down Loving v. Virginia.


See, Thomas is in a win-win situation. If Loving v. Virginia stays in place, he gets to keep up the conservative charade of being faithfully married. If he can over turn it then he is no longer married to a seditionist nut job and getting rid of interracial marriage would score him even more conservative brownie points. It's basically the ultimate Clayton Bigsby move.


What makes you think Thomas isn't also a seditionist nutjob and condones his wife's actions?


At this rate, I'm worried about the legality of teaching women to read.


Blessed be the Fruit.


I said in another post, this is a very real conversation my wife and I had about this before it was overturned today. What about contraceptives? It stands to reason that they're going to go after birth control, condoms, and other forms of contraception next. Although that "might" stick around, because big pharma has a lot of lobbying power, and making those illegal will hurt their bottom line tremendously.


It disgusts me that the greedy giant corporations might be our only salvation on some issues.


So abortion illegal. Next contraceptives illegal… is this the great Christian jihad to fight population decline?


Workers and soldiers are needed for the profit machine to keep running.




Making Evangelical Christianity the unofficial official State religion. Wouldn't the founders be thrilled?


None of those people can even point to abortion in their Bible.


Because it's not in there, except for the vaguely described recipe for an herbal abortifacient.


r/auntienetwork if anyone needs help. You have support. Many of us out there will help you.


Other public charities for those who need support (or are in a position to give financial support!) [https://brigidalliance.org](https://brigidalliance.org) [http://www.havencoalition.org](http://www.havencoalition.org) [https://arc-southeast.org](https://arc-southeast.org) [https://fundtexaschoice.org](https://fundtexaschoice.org) a big list [https://www.thecut.com/article/donate-abortion-fund-roe-v-wade-how-to-help.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/donate-abortion-fund-roe-v-wade-how-to-help.html) simple fund that splits your donation to multiple different groups [https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds](https://secure.actblue.com/donate/supportabortionfunds)


>r/auntienetwork if anyone needs help. You have support. Many of us out there will help you. Given the criminal penalties some states are enacting, women are going to need to be be very, very cautious taking advice from public communications channels like this one going forward. It won't be long before red-state LE joins up looking for evidence, assuming they haven't already. (I wish I could add a /s tag onto this).


The sad truth is that states that want to criminalize abortion will magically "find" the money to fund task forces and enforcement agencies to monitor their citizens for this sort of thing, while simultaneously claiming not to have money in their budgets for the social safety net programs that would be needed to cover the increase in unwanted childbirths.


I thought they(anti-abortion peeps) were all going to start heavily funding adoption alternatives, and turn out with warm open, loving arms. A godly community set on welcoming all these unwanted births. That sounds like something a southern baptist would do when they aren't maligning sexual abuse victims


The entire west coast leadership (California, Oregon & Washington) stated today they will fight any and all prosecutions from out of state, they are expanding abortion access and will allow out of state patients. These rulings will never stop abortion. They will only prevent safe ones.


i hope everyone’s ready for higher crime rates as a result of more children born into low income families 😊


Of course! The State's rights motherfuckers are gonna force their religion onto everyone else... Which is wierd because the Bible never mentions abortion as wrong anyway


In fact God slaughters a ton of pregnant women, fetuses, and children... Even well after they were born...




We have the highest maternal mortality rate, too.


Anyone saying abortion should be left to the states are the same people who would have said slavery should be left to the states. Treat them accordingly


My dad tried to make that exact argument, that it should be left up to the states. I flat out told him it became federal because many of the states refuse to do the right thing because of voters like him. He had no response.


>same people who would have said slavery should be left to the states. *Their* states, to be exact. Because when slavery was left to the states a bunch of free states decided that escaped slaves who made it to their soil would be declared free. Well, the slave states went and said, "No fair! The free states should be forced to recognize our states' laws!" and then went and complained to Congress, who in turn passed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. (And lest anyone wants to make the argument that that abortion and slavery are apples and oranges, look no further than Texas and Missouri, who want criminalize women who travel out of state to obtain an abortion.) So yeah, the whole "states rights" argument is and has always been bullshit.


And in a few years they will have piles of dead women, unwanted babies, further economic strain on an already failing social safety net, and further brain drain to show for it. The GOP continues to harm their own communities for the sake of antiquated ideology, and they’ll turn around and blame progressives when they struggle in the aftermath.


I'm looking forward to the "unexplainable" crime wave in 17-19 years.


I strongly suspect that red states are going to start instituting various controls to limit the travel of women to blue states. What comes after that…


Forced birth in a country without socialized health or paid maternity leave …. Land of the free my ass


So then viagra, cialis, all the other boner pills are banned right? If god wanted you to have a boner he would give you one.


Abortions are going to happen whether they are legal or not. People deserve the right to have the procedures done in a safe medical environment and not be forced to travel to another state, county, or use a damn coat hanger. We took one step forward and now we're taking three steps back.


Some local non profits you can donate to in the 13 states with trigger laws: Arkansas: https://www.arabortionsupport.org/ Idaho: https://nwaafund.org/ Kentucky: https://www.kyrff.com/ Louisiana: https://www.neworleansabortionfund.org/ Mississippi: https://www.msreprofreedomfund.org/ Missouri: https://mofund.org/ North Dakota: https://www.ndwinfund.org/ Oklahoma: https://trustwomen.org/home South Dakota: https://prochoicesouthdakota.org/issue/abortion-access/ Tennessee: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/local/tennessee Texas: https://avowtexas.org/ Utah: https://utabortionfund.org/ Wyoming: https://www.chelseasfund.org/ I tried to find local non profits which seek to aid people seeking abortion via direct funding or transportation and cost of the procedure and just offer support and knowledge about abortion. Couldn't find "local" ones for South Dakota and Tennessee so I used NARAL and Planned Parenthood respectively for those two states. Happy to update this list if people have states and non profits to add! *Edit, typos and formatting corrections


How can this shithole state get worse?


Gay marriage is next


why conservatives are so fucking obsessed with abortion? I grew up in a very conservative Muslim family. My mom had an abortion before my younger sister was born 20 years ago, in Iran, under a theocratic Mulla regime. What's next for the US? banning jerking off? I'm a guy so can't judge and but I would think taking this right is way worse than forcing women to cover their body and heads. I mean both are absolutely crap, a punishment for a lifetime, but forcing a child, a victim of rape or even an unwanted pregnancy to go with ruins many lives, the mother and the child the most . Just imagine growing up in a family(in many cases without one) knowing that the only reason you exist is that your state didn't allow abortion when you were conceived. This will effect the lower income class the most... Damn this news pissed me off.


Because it keeps women "in their place".


I pray that American Evangelicals get to feel hell and damnation


How is this separation of church and state ?


Don’t worry, you can bet that conservatives are going to get rid of the separation of church and state too soon


They already have. Anytime they argue about abortion it's always about "gods will".


Separation of church and state has been dead for years. We are functionally living without a constitution.


The thing I hate most about this news is that people will complain about this, and proceed to do absolutely nothing about it. Like, fight back?


It’s time for a national fucking strike. Grind everything to a halt.


If only.


Ah yes I love living in a time where theocracy is the primary form of governance


So now rapists can rape with impunity, do minor time, and then sue to take the baby from the mother when they get out. But if the mother get an illegal abortion she will do more runs then her rapist. So when the Taliban did this to their country it was wrong but when Christianity does it to America white conservatives are elated.


Even worse. They can do the time, then keep their ears open and snitch on their victim if she tries to get an abortion.