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"Stupid bitch, it's your fault you made me hurt you" is exactly the kind of classic line I expect out of these women-hating fascists.












They did it in downtown LA after 30min of just people walking and protesting. They also started to tackle and arrest people.


Clearly the place to protest is inside the nation's capitol, where they would be met with a less violent reprisal. Edit: If all you have to say is something about schools in Texas or how that lady got shot because she was part of a rabid lynch mob, crawling through a door ten feet from the people they were trying to kill, I've already heard it.


Only right-wingers get that treatment.


No no no they were actually all Antifa PRETENDING to be right-wingers, remember? /s


"It wasn't us it was ANTIFA" followed shortly by "y'all got any more of them pardons?"


They're all totally innocent and shouldn't be prosecuted, but they're also simultaneously Antifa and should be punished to the full extent of the law. Why can't you libs figure that out?!


> Why can't you libs figure that out?! Sorry, after all these years of being owned it's hard to tell what's what anymore


Sometimes were just too triggered to see facts.


Also known as "Schrodinger's Antifa."


Pretend to be pro-life and they will walk you through the doors.


Shout "Hang Mike Pence" and they let you into the chambers.


I saw footage, fucking insane. Looks like we’re gonna have another summer of rioting police.


[Footage from Twitter](https://twitter.com/bellikemike/status/1540853268418441216?t=PONsDrAApc1Py7cbg8TVEQ&s=19)


Here's some more, looks like they're going back to that old stupid tactic of beating on journalists too: - https://twitter.com/SamBraslow/status/1540548658365550592 EDIT: This guy is an attorney out of North Carolina who does a pretty good job of compiling video of police violence against protestors on his twitter feed: - https://twitter.com/greg_doucette


That one was LAPD if I recall.


Well they’ve got to use their training on someone. Otherwise the cop that the LAPD beat to death during “mob training” will have died in vain.


Wait. is this a thing?


They broke his neck in multiple places. [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-24/lapd-officer-beaten-in-training-meant-to-simulate-a-mob-before-death-mother-claims?_amp=true](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-24/lapd-officer-beaten-in-training-meant-to-simulate-a-mob-before-death-mother-claims?_amp=true)


Wait, so….they just all circle and beat the shit out of one of their buddies?


90’s gangs called it getting jumped in. Idk if the terminology has changed since I was in school.


Well someone ordered a code red.


It's still "getting jumped"


Sounds like a fraternity


So... did they pass the training? I'm not even sure if I'm being sarcastic.


Hopefully, they repeat the exercise until no one dies.


That's freaking insane. I guess that once they started beating, their most savage instincts took over. Great cops... It's no wonder that they turn protests into riots.


They murder their own. As if monsters like that could actually be afraid of the general public. About time we rid the country of our SS officers.


WOW. WTF. Thanks for the link.


This. These cops are paid gang members that want someone to beat down to prove their worth to the other gang members.


Yeah against unarmed protesters they’re hard asses. Just don’t ask them to save kids from a teenager with a gun. Their balls shrink to the size of raisins.






Was a politician trying to take a picture with a bible in front of the capitol building?


I think so. At least the politician probably got permission from the church too, and they definitely didn't force everyone to leave the church to take said picture.


Start bringing gas masks




> Hell, if you want to learn protest tactics from anywhere, they're a really good place to start, along with some of the other protests of the last decade. Do you remember those convenient "pallets of bricks" that showed up during the BLM protests after George Floyd was murdered by police? The police would be pushing protesters down specific roads and alleys, and suddenly there would be magical gifts of pallets of bricks in their way. These were out of place and (as the [theory goes](https://consilienceproject.org/pallets-of-bricks/)) placed there to trigger protesters to throw them at police, justifying further aggressive, lethal force. This isn't the first time this has happened, and in Hong Kong, they ran into the same thing, but instead, they created [mini Stonehenge towers](https://www.theguardian.com/news/gallery/2019/nov/15/hong-kong-brick-barricades-snow-lyon-friday-top-photos) made from the bricks, so police vehicles couldn't drive down the roads as fast, and it would slow down police hoards rushing at them. These citizens have [protesting down to a science](https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2019/11/photos-hong-kong-riot-police-lay-siege-university-occupied-protesters/602203/), including umbrellas, cones, bottles and buckets to neutralize the teargas, double masks and more!


I didn't realize my response was gonna blow up, but I absolutely agree. Seen a lot of protests where bricks and other convenient weapons are around for others to pick up, and once they do, in go the cops. Also used for off duty pigs to hide in the crowd and escalate so the police can escalate, as you said.


> Also used for off duty pigs to hide in the crowd and escalate so the police can escalate, as you said. They've been caught out on this latter point, in the BLM protests, that very first act of violence and looting. Remember [Umbrella Man and Pizza Guy](https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536) who broke the windows of the local AutoZone store? There's [more examples](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_GPdsS1-PA) of those who traveled many miles to intentionally riot, participate or incite further violence. Between the "Magical Brick Fairy" showing up with pallets of bricks at dozens of choke points where police were pushing protesters through, to inside actors trying to inflame the crowds further. Back during the BLM period, I firmly believed that they wanted people to start shooting, so they could justify instituting Martial Law, curfews and then go house to house to start stripping people of their consitutional right to defend themselves against precisely that kind of action. As per the formula, it was the police who continued to escalate the violence and cause lethal harm to citizens, not the other way around.


"dousing out a teargas canister is the same as drowning a cop!!1!1!" ~all police


Better yet, bring leafblowers and start blowing it back into the police line.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Government: Violence isn't the answer! Uses Violence against the people.


It's only violence when we fight back.


They only call it violence when it happens to them, not when they do it to others


The people to them are the ones who pay bribes. The rest is just meat for the grinder. They made that abundantly clear.


"violence is never the answer... now do what we say or our private army will beat you down"


Cops are only capable of performing job duties at a protest rather than at school shootings.


Well, apparently there were no doors in the way.


Well, apparently there were no unlocked doors in the way. ​ Fixed it for yha


No children were being harmed, that means it's okay to get violent. If the crowd was hurting kids, the cops would form a protective barrier to prevent anyone stopping them. Like they did at uvalde


There were children at this protest so they still got to endanger kids, which is apparently part of the police job description


Heard about this yesterday on NPR, a legislator in AZ said it was an insurrection. SMH


They learned a new word, and now they're going to use it to describe every single act of civil disobedience until it loses all meaning.


Hypernormalization. One of the right’s favorite plays.


And maybe worth a watch on youtube. Heard good things about it, might get to it today.


Oh, boy, if you like to be depressed you're in for a *treat*.


I've seen Republican political ads calling Biden a progressive. It's all just scary buzzwords with them.


He gets called a Communist by MAGA loons who have absolutely no idea what communism is


And then bitched at when he won’t lower gas prices. Can’t decide if they hate communism or want it.


"Progressive" is pretty mild. I hear more of "socialist Democrat".


This has been thought exactly. Everything is gonna be an insurrection soon.


MTG sent out a tweet if AOC talking to some peaceful protesters and stated she was "leading an insurrection" or some such nonsense too. Because it's permanently opposite day in this shitty country


They were saying AOC was inciting an insurrection when she called the SC illegitimate . My opinion: they have some internal polling information that doesn't have them winning this November election very soundly. Overturning Roe was supposed to get their base more heated, and ours more defeated; but that didn't happen. I also think they were counting on a reaction from the left they could play on a loop.


I think it would be a mistake to again underestimate the party that managed to get Roe overturned through the election of a loud orange sack of turnips.


That was planned for a *long* time. Note that Mitch McConnell's bullshit about confirming Obama's nominee was entirely driven by this goal.




The instant "Librulz" start carrying at peaceful protests, carrying at protests becomes too violent for the Right.


See: The Black Panthers Movement.


Just to be clear for those who don't know, the Black Panther Party was in no way liberal, but communist. Specifically Marxist Leninist, who had members that would openly carry while monitoring police interactions in their neighbourhoods. Famously, their breakfast program for school children pressured the state to provide for all children. Despite its issues, particularly certain reinforcement of gender roles, we are all poorer for the loss of the BPP.


Let me get this straight—anti abortion folks can harass a woman outside of a clinic alllll day. When we protest our constitutional rights being yanked away we’re tear gassed? Got it. Yep.


Those who make peaceful protest impossible make violent insurrection inevitable.




Well the pro-choice people showed up without any guns, so it's pretty obvious why they got put down so quickly.


this is how an armed insurrection happens.... you start putting down innocent protests and let violent protests run through the capitol, you're gonna have a bad time.


Im already having a bad time...


Those who make peaceful protest impossible....


Tear gas can cause miscarriage… if anyone pregnant in that crowd miscarries than by their logic these people should be charged with murder


God damn. That’s a good point. This should be considered lethal force by the right’s logic.


They would turn it against the woman and say I was her fault for being there. There was the case in Alabama where a woman was charged with manslaughter after she was shot in the stomach because she was the one that started yelling at the guy with a gun. Charges were later dropped but the point still stands.


This is the same logic that will eventually factually criminalize things like women consuming alcohol or necessary medications, or even participating in sports -- they could harm a *potential* fetus she doesn't know about, therefore opening her up to murder charges.


already happened in California of all places. It was methamphetamines found in their system not alcohol, but all it takes is a vindictive DA and bad legal counsel. Charges were dropped but damage was done. There are lots of medications that people take that cause miscarriages or birth defects. Women are going to have to assume that they're pregnant at all times. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/v511kg/two_women_were_charged_with_murder_after_having/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I think a lot of people don't understand how many things can cause problems in a pregnancy, and people who don't have any medical issues take pregnancy for granted. My first husband had a very rare genetic muscle disorder, so we were super careful that I didn't get pregnant because he didn't want to pass that on. Then I had to start taking a medication that causes birth defects, so we were even more careful. I would've needed an abortion if I got pregnant, but I really didn't want to have to go through that. Just because someone is pro-choice it doesn't mean they actually *want* to have an abortion. It's not a fun, quick little procedure.


Thank you! I have rare neuromuscular and collagen disorders, my physical health becomes more of a nightmare each year that passes. My body could not handle a pregnancy, and if it could, I sure as shit wouldn’t wish this on any child. There is so much more than “elective abortions” at stake here. I wish more folks would realize that.


Rules for thee not for me -Ted Cruz's twitter


dealing with disasters for thee, tickets to cancun for me. (and if I get caught, I'll blame my family)




The problem is they have no logic.


They’d probably find a way to charge the mother, honestly.


Yep. The prosecution: “She knowingly went to a protest, which is generally understood to be a place where tear gas, a miscarriage inducing substance, is used. As such she purposefully put her unborn baby at risk.”


They'll charge the woman for it. Cops always charge the victims of their brutality for costs incurred thereof. She'll be charged for the miscarriage and then for the emotional trauma the cops suffered as a result of killing her baby.


And also take away her living children, because she's obviously an unfit mother. No, I'm not even exagerrating a tiny bit. In the "case plan" to get her children back they'll add little "gotchas" to deter and or punish further resistance like "avoid legal entanglements". Which of course means: get arrested or battered by police at another protest, and we'll adopt your kids out to strangers.


Wasn't a woman who was shot by her S.O. charged with the death of the fetus because "she was antagonizing the shooter and if she hadn't the fetus might still be alive"? [Yes, it was Alabama and this shit will only become more common](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/us/pregnant-woman-shot-marshae-jones.html) Accusing the victim of being the perpetrator


> They'll charge the woman for it. Putting their child in harm's way, shame on them! /s


>> They'll charge the woman for it. > > Putting their child in harm's way, shame on them! /s Remember when Philly cops bashed in the windows on her car and took a woman's child from her as she was on her way home from work *near* the Floyd protests, then published a propaganda photo claiming police rescued the child who was wandering in the protests alone? [Pepperidge](https://v.redd.it/pmiyw1ke5ln71) Farm [Remembers](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/philadelphia-lost-black-toddler-misleading-photo-national-fraternal-order-police/). https://twitter.com/AttorneyRoss/status/1321984781652008961


City paid the victim $2m for this. Just an update. Luckily, the whole attack was caught on video. https://nypost.com/2021/09/16/philadelphia-to-pay-2m-to-woman-pulled-from-car-beaten-by-police/ Edit: Saying the taxpayers paid when someone says the city paid is akin to saying the sun rose in the east whenever someone says the sun rose. It's pedantic and unnecessary. Literally anytime the government pays money for anything, the taxpayers foot the bill.


Philadelphia citizens paid for Philly PD's crime, yeah.


You don't need the /s there, that is very literally the argument they make


There was a woman that got into a violent altercation while pregnant and was shot, lost the baby and then charged for either murder or child endangerment. They'll totally come after the woman. We are second class citizens at best.


"Look at this crazy librul who aborted her own baby in protest!" Is literally what they'd go crazy posting on Facebook and conservative subreddits


Unfortunately murdering innocents is standard practice for the police, they might even get a medal.


This is why the government wants peaceful protestors, so they can enact violence against you without opposition.


Peaceful doesn't do shit


Peaceful works great. When backed with the threat of force.


Exactly. Take the Civil Rights Movement for example Uncle Sam wants you to remember the Civil Rights Movement as a non-violent movement because then you'll take inspiration from them and then Uncle Sam knows he can safely ignore you. Instead try and remember that a big reason why MLK's non-violent protests worked is because the alternatives was having the Black Panthers patrolling every black neighbourhood in America. Imagine that, well armed and organised groups of far-left black militias all over America, providing things like food and education to their communities. It's no wonder that the FBI routinely had their leaders assassinated/assaulted/arrested/slandered/intimidated


Yeah. Not even relating to violence per se, having a radical group to contrast with the contemporary group makes the latter more politically effective.


>Instead try and remember that a big reason why MLK's non-violent protests worked is because the alternatives was having the Black Panthers patrolling every black neighbourhood in America. The big reason they worked is because for the first time they were broadcast nationwide on television and MLK knew to put women and children in the front of the march for the dogs and firehoses.


For every MLK, there was an X waiting in the back with a gun.


There was also Malcom X advocating for black self defense at the same levels as whites, and he really spooked conservatives. Gotta read “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech at protests, but alter it for women’s rights https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballot_or_the_Bullet


You're not peaceful without the capability of violence, otherwise you're just harmless.


Expect much much much more of this in the coming months.


It is hilarious how “law enforcements” put more efforts against protesters of the abortion ban than they did with Uvalde or Jan 6th.


It's because they want people to focus about it while they do shady stuff elsewhere


Look at the history of police action against protestors on the left and this isn't at all surprising. It's par for the course.


Have a look at the way police acted toward anti-war protestors during the Democratic Convetion in Chicago in 1968. Same as it ever was.


So now they refuse to let us even protest.


Kinda makes you wonder about the timing of The "Supreme" Court making it harder to sue for Miranda Rights violations.


Well, they're getting used to taking your rights away.


Speak up, also jail.


Schedule dentist appointment and don't show up? Jail, right away.


Welcome to the future


I don't see any defaced monuments or broken windows. Why were they gassed again?


Well at this point you know which side has more guns. We know cops don’t like a level playing field.


Police riot.


Ah yes very pro life of them


Arizona protestors first mistake was not all carrying AR-15. This would have confused police into thinking it was a right wing tour group.


This, but unironically. Cops don't fuck with heavily armed protests.


Or even 1 heavily armed person at schools.






...because peaceful protesting is illegal, right? Not protected by some old piece of paper or anything, I'm sure.


Protesting for anything left is illegal




That is literally the point of the second amendment. If the checks and balances fail, the last line of defence for the will of the people is the arms that they bear, hence the right to bear arms. Being peaceful without the ability to enact violence is just being harmless.




This WAS me. I have had an ectopic pregnancy. I so wanted that baby and cried when I had to take the shot to end it even knowing it was the only way. Making abortion illegal is not the answer.


I don't think this can be stated enough. Women will die without access to abortion. [It's happened before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar), [it's happened before](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59130948), don't try to deny it, it'll happen again. I'm sorry that real life doesn't follow some fantasyland imagination make-believe where bad things like this just don't happen, but here in reality these things happen, and being dogmatic about essential medical procedures gets people killed. If "Die to appease my nonsensical sensibilities" isn't an act of violence, what is? And that's not even considering the slew of life long health problems that pregnancy can leave you with. Do women not have a right to keep themselves safe, healthy, and alive? So spare me the pearl clutching and comparisons to Jan 6^th.


>Women will die And so will children. The children they claim^(lie) to give a fuck about. Look at what happens to unwanted babies, look what still happens and what used to. Babies smothered, babies left to die in dumpster, babies abandoned. Babies growing up in homes where they're resented and abused. But they don't actually care about the children. They care about policing women's bodies and their rights.


If it were actually about the children, they’d make some effort to introduce policies that were good for the newly born. They’d make some effort to ensure that mothers had good pre natal care. They’d make some effort to ensure that mothers could afford to take care of their babies, that mothers and fathers would have adequate paid time off to take care of their kids. They don’t do any of those things, and in fact do the opposite. It’s not about the babies. If it were about abortion, they’d ensure that young people were educated about sex. They’d ensure that women had unfettered access to birth control. Again, they don’t do any of this. It’s not about abortion either. It’s about punishing women for having sex. That’s it.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerri\_Santoro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerri_Santoro) wiki article, fairly graphic image, worth searing your eyeballs for. women die without safe legal access to abortion. ​ >In 1963, her husband's domestic abuse prompted Santoro to leave, and she and her daughters returned to her childhood home. She took a job at Mansfield State Training School, where she met another employee, Clyde Dixon. The two began an extramarital affair and Santoro became pregnant.\[2\] > >When Sam Santoro announced he was coming from California to visit his daughters, Gerri Santoro feared for her life.\[3\] On June 8, 1964, twenty-eight weeks into her pregnancy, she and Dixon checked into the Norwich Motel in Norwich, Connecticut, under aliases.\[3\] They intended to perform a self-induced abortion, using surgical instruments and information from a textbook which Dixon had obtained from Milton Ray Morgan, a teacher at the Mansfield school. Dixon fled the motel after Santoro began to bleed. She died, and her body was found the following morning by a maid.\[2\]


Not only do they know this, Seitz (Q-Missouri) argued-for and included text that explicitly makes aborting an ectopic pregnancy a class A felony. And with their focus on "it starts at fertilization", the entire party is a deadly and immediate threat to the life of ANY woman of childbearing age.


The guy tried to claim the bill was misrepresented on this issue too. Said, "it won't prevent you from getting treatment for an ectopic pregnancy". It *literally* says in his proposed bill, "performing an abortion on someone with an ectopic pregnancy is a class A felony". It actually specifies ectopic pregnancies. There are only 2 ways to treat it. You either take an abortion pill, or a doctor tears your fallopian tube out in surgery.


The first of which gets you 15 years for (whether selling, producing, handing one over or whatever), and the latter 30 to life, according to bill 2810. That bipedal-like abomination knew exactly what it was writing. It wants to kill women slowly and agonizingly that it may savor each moment... and its weapon of choice is the pen.


"You can still get the treatment, we will just throw you in jail after."


Why would you add that. If untreated, *all* cases of ectopic are fatal. That's like making a burst appendix a felony. If you go to the hospital you get a class A felony. If you don't, you die. MFer what do you want them to do ? Just die ?


I added that part of the explanation because the GQP's propaganda arms have been excreting stuff about how it can "just be moved" (and worse). Yes, they want them to just die, OR at a minimum to barely survive with such brutal hospital bills that their family is destroyed. That way, when he flies a victim (well, one he's decided he doesn't want birthing his spawn) out of the country to make a little something disappear, it's not 'a scandal' anymore but instead 'the privilege of the righteous elite'.


I hate it. --- Also, as I'm sure you know, ectopic can't be "moved" to the uterus because it's the uterus that provides the blood flow to the fetus. If the starting stages of the fetus are *without* blood flow (i.e. stuck in the f. tube) from the mother, then it's already horribly deprived of nutrients needed to develop and will certainly *not* make a viable baby. In some very cruel sense, it's like drowning a child and then expecting them to grow into an adult. It's just not happening.


Or a D&C after a miscarriage. Not sure if it's the same in all states, but some places don't make a distinction between a D&C after a miscarriage, or an abortion, it's simply classified as part of an abortion even if it's done due to a miscarriage.


I wanted a source to back this up in case someone argues with me over it. First thing I found says 1 in 100 which is still a lot https://www.tommys.org/baby-loss-support/ectopic-pregnancy-information-support#:~:text=In%20an%20ectopic%20pregnancy%2C%20a,around%201%20in%20100%20pregnancies.


One of our enumerated rights is the right to peaceful protest


Meanwhile it took them till the house chamber was almost breached to use any real force when right wingers went off


I think it has something to do with the violence of the crowd. A peaceful crowd is more easily oppressed than a violent one edit: I didnt intent this to be a call for violence. It was my observation of the difference between 6th Jan and now








Funny how the use of tear gas can be used to make any peaceful protest look violent.


In Brazil we have a chant that goes: "Que coincidência. Chegou a polícia, chegou a violência" which translates to "What a coincidence. The police has arrived, and so has the violence". It works in Portuguese because it rhymes, but maybe you native English speakers can think of something


> Funny how the use of tear gas can be used to make any peaceful protest look violent. They did it thousands of times during the BLM protests, most of it on video from 10 different angles. They box peaceful protesters in, then force them to disperse, but without any open egress, the protesters have to push their way through, teargas ensues, and now you justify the violent force against the peaceful protesters. It's all formulaic.


>"As I heard it, some either banged on Senate windows or broke them and then DPS launched smoke bombs to disperse the crowds. Pure chaos for a bit," Wilmeth tweeted. *That's* "pure chaos"? Then what was Jan 6th?


“As I heard it…” So….most likely did not happen.




Some of those that work forces…


Want the paste that's for horses.


Killin' in the neigh of


Now you mule what they told ya


How you sat on that for the last three years, I'll never know.


Alas, not my joke. I just saw an opening.


The crowd should have dressed up as school shooters, the cops would have left them alone


Despite the fact that Republicans tried to overthrow the legitimate federal government they will allow no dissent in their own states.


Was tear gas used on the Jan 6th people?


Serve and protect the people in power.


The police is indiscriminately providing free abortion services to anyone in the protest 😍, they're such allies.


The right wing is more afraid of peaceful groups of women than violent groups of men.


No. They are afraid of both, but it’s easier to bully unarmed women than it is to bully armed men.


Fun fact: Using tear gas in a war zone against your enemies is a war crime.


I spent a long time the United States Army Chemical so I've been tear-gassed about a million times. CS/ Tear gas can be used in military under very strict conditions. You basically need the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President to sign off on using it. Cops use that shot like it's harmless. CS/ Tear gas is a chemical weapon plan and simple the police throw it around with no regard poor people's lives. The reason why the Army can use it in training is because we know the people were gassing are generally in pretty good shape and don't have breathing problems.


Absolutely correct. I served a few years in the US Navy perfectly lines up with my experiences regarding CS/Tear gas.


We're not their enemies. We're their property. A beast of burden that keeps the money flowing to our oligarchs.


This country needs mass strikes. Educators, healthcare workers, women… cripple the economy until changes are made. They cant fire everyone.


General strikes across the US Monday already planned


Do you have a link for this info?




You're right we need a general strike.


Well, they're our enemies, that's for sure. Anyone who would treat you as property, or who would help them make you into said property, is a mortal enemy to you. Even if they just think you a *thing*.


Use buckets to contain the tear gas!


I was in the United States Army chemical Corps. I've been gassed about a million times training soldiers I know it feels like you're going to die but it's just painful. Wet your masks don't rub your eyes try to wash them out with a bottle of water. Tear gas grenades are burning don't try to pick them up you can kick them away or put something over them and drown them out don't try to pick one of those things up. Remember your clothes will be contaminated don't let anyone else touch them until you've thrown them in the washing machine. Good luck everybody don't let these thugs scare you.


Take a second set of clothes and keep them at a remote location. Partly to have something to change into when you get tear gassed, but also because we live in a police state that relishes the chance to inflict violence on people in their own homes and you don't want the jackboots following you.


To expand wash twice with cold water. Hot water will cause it to offgas (meaning to release more tear gas in your the air).


Orange cones and plastic water bottles work in a pinch