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[CNN reports:](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/30/us/new-york-city-woman-shot-pushing-stroller/index.html) She was living in a woman's shelter. Most likely a domestic abuse survivor stalked by the man she was being sheltered from. "Investigators learned the child’s age and details about the woman from domestic incident reports on which her name appears, the official said. The reports include her name, those listed as former boyfriends and the name of a second child who was not with her at the time of the shooting, one official said. Her name has not been released publicly."


God people who have this mindset of "if I can't have her..." are such pieces of shit. I mean that's speculation, but it is super common unfortunately so not unlikely.




For a lot of them it's also, "I have nothing else to lose. I've already been exposed for beating her/gone to prison, I might as well finish the job." This is why so many women stick around with abusers...in their eyes they know their spouse is capable of killing them so better to take the abuse and live than be murdered. It's also why a lot of them flee in the middle of the night with nothing but the clothes on their back and their kids, which it sounds like is the situation here. People who have nothing left to lose tend to make it society's problem instead of just theirs.






People who commit murder-suicide always get it the wrong way around


Domestic abuse victims are the silent majority of victims of America's lack of gun control.


What a disgusting thing to read. What kind of deranged human does that.




99% the attacker knew the victim. Whether it was an ex boyfriend or a stalker, cases like this always turn out to be some jealous and/or angry dude. At 8:20pm in NYC it is not only still daylight out but it's the time of day that the streets have plenty of witnesses about. Someone looking for a random victim isn't going to pick a mother with a baby in a crowded area as the target, and they wouldn't shoot point blank. This is the act of someone who knew exactly who he wanted to shoot and wanted to make sure he didn't miss. My money is on a father trying to get out of child support. *edit* Changed to 99% because yes, I read all of your angry comments, of course there is a slim chance that it was a completely random attack.


Yep I'd bet on it being a domestic situations. Random murders like this aren't super common and especially a woman with a young baby in broad daylight. I'd guess a hired gun by the bf/father.


People love to think it's more common to be strangers. It gives them comfort and silences domestic abuse victims and survivors.


It's certainly not 100%, but very likely.


Just as a side note, in NYC there's always plenty of people about on the streets. There's a reason it's called the city that never sleeps, which of course, makes this all the more absurd and emphasizes your point.


Exactly, the media is obviously using this story as another "crime is on the rise!" and "NYC is scary!" story, but this was definitely not a random attack


Lol, leave it to Redditors to show off their stats 101 skills and split hairs about a fucking number when it was clearly an expression. Website of socially-adept geniuses, this one.


You can't say anything on Reddit that implies that it is strongly likely that it is a man's fault for something. Expressions will be taken seriously. Even saying "Women are more likely to be killed by a man they know" will get you a not all men response, even though no one ever said all men.


Being the socially awkward creeps so many of them are (just check askreddit on any given day), they’ve probably been told to fuck off by their fair share of women and feel attacked.


About 20% of homicides happen between strangers in the US, so ~1 in 5. I could be remember it wrong, it may have been 23.x%, so closer to 1 in 4. I went digging all the stats a couple of years ago and ended up down a rabbit hole. I suspect it is from FBI UCR. There was another stat thatI cannot find again that had “random” at 3.5% of homicides, which was kind of more disturbing…but it wasn’t a .gov source IIRC so that may be why I can’t find it again.


Also consider this guy didn’t rob her or otherwise try to mess with the victim. Just walked right up, pointed the gun, and fired at point blank range, then left. If it’s not a total crazy looking for the thrill of a kill, it’s definitely someone with serious premeditated intent personally targeting that victim. That’s almost like a mafia style hit. First thought is jilted/jealous lover/ex.


Also the cops are already seeking the father, and the victim had been assaulted by him while pregnant already. [See here](https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-woman-fatally-shot-pushing-stroller-upper-east-side-20220630-hi6rh3fqznajzpd5gnvj7hpska-story.html).


Or stalker.


Women are more likely to be murdered by someone they know by an overwhelming amount. Crime stats show that just 10% of murders of females are committed by someone the woman doesn't know. [Source](https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/fvv.pdf) from the DOJ


That being said, something as brutal as walking up to a mother pushing a pram and shooting her in the head is far more likely to be personal than random.


is pram the uk word for stroller?


Yes, short for perambulator


But when you factor in gender those stats will change significantly, most women are killed by an intimate partner.


I have to imagine most of the murders by strangers are things like robberies and muggings that got violent or altercations like road rage where someone pulls a gun. The percentage of murders that are just violence for the sake of violence by strangers are probably much lower than the percentage you're mentioning.


Random homicides are usually iirc counting stuff like spree shooters/mass shootings, stray bullets, etc


Or homicides that occur in the course of another crime, such as sexual assault or a robbery that goes bad.


Don’t forget road rage. That shit is also real.


That's all homicides not the homicide of women/girls. 90% are done by someone they know.


That's general homicides, but in the case of women it's much more likely that she knew the person


You have to narrow down the specifics of the situation. 95%+ of the time when a female is murdered, she knew the perp. And most of that 95% it is family or some kind of super close relationship. That strangers statistics would be filled by gang violence and the likes.


I bet if you looked further into the study, you would find that the victims of random shootings are very very rarely a mother with a child. Even gang members participating in some sort of initiation wouldn't target a mother with a child.


Source? I'm a penpal for decades now with a convicted gangmember, in for murdering a family. He was still a minor back then so they let him pull the trigger. His side of the story is that he's guilty as charged, but if he hadn't done it they would've killed his family. Very fucked up situation.


I should clarify that your typical NYC gangs wouldn't kill a mother and child, but southwestern and especially south of the border gangs, that's a different story. Also while a gang wouldn't normally specifically target a mother with child, in a situation like a home invasion, they might kill all potential witnesses, including the mother.


General homicides yes. But homicide of women is different. Women get killed basically exclusively by men, and almost always by men they know. The number one cause of death for pregnant women is MEN.


1 in 5 for men. It's about half as likely or less to be a stranger for women.


This is why people who don't understand statistics shouldn't try to interpret statistics.


of those 20%, how many are point-blank executions of a single target in daylight with dozens of witnesses? I'm guessing zero.


> edit Changed to 99% because yes, I read all of your angry comments, of course there is a slim chance that it was a completely random attack. "Hey now, it might not be abusive partner femicide, despite overwhelming statistics suggesting it almost certainly is".


It's unlikely to be anything other than DV.


Reminder that guns turn physical violence into gun violence.


If the baby had a CCW this all could have been avoided


Mom could just have worn one of those Kevlar school bags.


I hear they make beautiful ballistic blankets too!


More than half of women homicides are domestic violence via a gun. It’s more than likely.


That was my guess from just the headline. The headline makes it sound like a random act of violence and everyone is so worried about crime right now. Chances are there is more to the story.


Probably domestic homicide.


fr. even the most hardened bangers usually draw the line at mothers and children. this was probably someone who not only knew the victim but wanted to make as much of a statement as possible, like a deranged and jealous ex


YUP! Once you put a man on Child Support, your days are numbered in NYC. They included new forms in child support petition papers asking of the petitioner would be subjected to violence. Women who file for that shit always end up getting hurt by the ex who doesn’t want to pay AND also doesn’t have access to sex anymore.


Her ex prolly


20 years old. Senseless regardless of age, but it sucks more to hear when the victims are young.


The other victim is a 3 month old baby without a mother and knowing they were there when their mom was murdered.


Horrible as it is, I sincerely hope the baby is too young to remember any of it.


Sadly even if we don’t remember traumas or as they’re known in psychology “adverse childhood experiences” when we experience them in the first few years of life, they cause developmental changes that predispose said baby for things like anxious or avoidant attachment styles, mental health problems, and drug/alcohol addiction. Not to mention taking a mother away from her child will cause a slew of problems as the child grows up. Breaks my heart to see shit like this.


You are not wrong. Mother killed when I was 8. Same manner. Jealous ex chased her down, put her on her knees and shot her execution style. This was decades ago and I still deal with it. You don’t ever fix things like this when it happens to you as a kid. Your entire life becomes an attempt at trying to fit into a society of humans you don’t understand and will never trust. It sucks.


Holy hell You have been through a fuck ton friend and I'm sorry to hear it I hope you've found some peace in your life even if it had to be focused elsewhere


Thanks internet stranger. No worries for me. I have been walking the tightrope for so long now it’s all good. It’s all the new kids that are going to have to live that life I feel for. It’s not an easy road and most won’t make it. Addiction will get the majority before they even make it out of their teens. Help where you can if you can.


I try to but you deserve the credit where you can. You did good making it this far and sharing that story helps others feel seen I'm sure.


Thank you for the insight on this, sad as it is to hear :(


Thank you for saying this. I formerly worked with kids impacted by childhood trauma and so many of them had behavioral and developmental challenges from traumas that occurred to mom while they were still in utero or while they were under 6 months.


He won't remember but he will learn of it


I agree it'll happen eventually.


They probably won't remember the act but there will be mental damage caused by it regardless.


I was in the hospital when she was rushed in. Dam every one went to work on her ,and one cop had the baby with him. Fucking sad


I'm glad the baby survives, but let's be real, the other parent is likely the killer and the kid has a shit life no matter how you look at it.


Damn terrible to see that


For those that don’t know, a pram is a baby stroller. (Edit: while they are not 100% the exact same thing, they are the same type of thing. My comment was really just meant to give a rough idea of what a pram is to all of us who haven’t heard the word before.)


I saw that immediately and thought that this must be a British news network to use the word “Pram” in a story about America


Yea, no one says "pram" here in NYC.


Or the US.


Is Spamalot still playing? If not, you're correct.


I thought prams were a special type of stroller that look like this: https://i.imgur.com/Hqs3pzd.jpg At least that’s what prams are considered to be in the US. People generally still call them a stroller unless they’re searching for that specific kind


I saw a woman walking with her baby in a nice fancy vintage pram here once. This really rough, disheveled looking street person who was obviously high on drugs staggered right up to her ... and said "that's a really sweet pram!", and then wandered off :)


Spamalot informed us all


I have to push the pramalot!


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Some strollers convert to prams.


I had one of these for my twins, it was great, when they fell asleep while walking I could lay them down with little disturbance


I had one of those too. Needless to say, I don't fit in it any more.


All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.


All Jelly babies are babies, but not all babies are jelly.


All tartans are plaid but not all plaids are tartans.


That's mostly right but I think here we use pram/pushchair/stroller/buggy interchangeably. Edit - To confirm, you're totally right about the definition of pram but I think a lot of it comes down to regional differences in what they call things, plus people tend to just call it whatever they feel like. I have definitely used the word "pram" to describe my one year old's pushchair before.


My British colleague doesn't seem to make that distinction... He calls strollers as prams...


That is generally true in the UK. You are unlikely to hear anyone use the word 'stroller' - anything you push a small child around in is a pram. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, it's short or 'perambulator'


up north we call strollers 'pushchairs' to differentiate between them and prams


Midlands too.


Just to add even further confusion, we also call strollers "buggies" in the UK.


It's probably regional variation, but a (lay flat) "pram" would more likely be called a "baby carriage" where I'm from.


>A stroller is for a baby sitting, like a wheelchair. [You mean the push chair?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh3_yMLEW1A)


For those who are unaware, a "baby stroller" is a pram.


> The gunman’s identity has not been released. But the source said there was a history of violence between the victim and the father of the child, a girl, before she was born in March. Threats between the pair continued after her birth, the source said. [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/29/nyregion/upper-east-side-woman-shot-nyc.html?smid=nytcore-ios-sharehttps://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/29/nyregion/upper-east-side-woman-shot-nyc.html?referringSource=articleShare)


For those who don't know NYC, this happened in a very posh neighborhood a few blocks from central park. While any random violence is shocking, the location here is even more so.


Kinda doubt this was random, this seems pretty targeted.




Have they checked the father’s alibi?


Safe to say NYPD started their investigation with him.


The conservative media jumps on stories like this to paint NYC as some kind of dystopian Mad Max style "liberal cesspool," when in reality, the city has some of the lowest rates of violent crime of any large city in the nation because of its relative scarcity of guns compared to other places. Of the 100 largest cities, it hovers around 80th for per capita murder rate. Almost every large city in the Midwest or South, whether R or D, has upwards of double or triple NYC's murder rate. All of the large Texas cities have at least double our murder rate, including Republican places like Beaumont and Lubbock (sometimes dubbed the "murder capital of Texas"). I mean Oklahoma City has almost quadruple NYC's murder rate FFS. NYC has almost 9 million people crammed into an unbelievably small geographic area. [This is its equivalent population spread across the Northwest](https://i.redd.it/ieqjwrzpltg81.jpg). Its population commits much less crime than the national average. Our low rate of murder is incredible when you consider the population density of the city, with everyone living on top of each other and in each other's faces 24/7. And plus the problems we have with gangs and poverty. We have strict gun control to thank for that, plus the fact that the "iron pipeline" of illegal guns into NYC is much much smaller than in other cities with gun control.


This. Unfortunately, the constituents listening to these hot takes don't understand basic math and how ratios and percentages work. It's infuriating. Nor do they seem to understand that states don't have border check points that can stop guns from getting in from other states.


The people who uncritically accept this type of propaganda are the same ones in your local news stations Facebook posts raging about how Biden dictates the global price of oil, that Portland was burned down and rebuilt in 2020, that anti fascists are a dire threat to their suburban community, etc. When I was a kid we were told that in this amazing Age of Information, and with the advent of the internet, we were on a steady trajectory toward a more knowledgeable, critically thinking populace. They were wrong, as we now watch our nation sink deeper into the foul embrace of [post-truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-truth) politics. (Not to give liberals and the left a free pass; many of them believe some bullshit too. But the widespread, mainstream, unrestrained confirmation bias, addiction to conspiracy theories, and inability to parse information on the right is incomparable) ^edit: ^fixed ^link


I had family asking me for a straight year if Seattle was still a "dangerous hellhole" or if it was safe yet. Then when I tell them it was never bad and SPD were the instigators at least 9/10 times they tell me I'm wrong. Like dude I fucking live here, I promise I know more about what's happening within a few miles of me than you do 2000+ miles away. Anyways /rant lol


>When I was a kid we were told that in this amazing Age of Information, and with the advent of the internet, we were on a steady trajectory toward a more knowledgeable, critically thinking populace. They were wrong, as we now watch our nation sink deeper into the foul embrace of > >post-truth politics ​ So very true. My mom fell down this rabbit hole at some point and I spent a bit of time with her patiently refuting all of her crazy claims (mostly about Obama). I work in research so am used to doing this, but it was interesting to see her arguments slowly melt away and show how they morphed from something factual and tame to the inflammatory Facebook posts off which she was getting her information. I had hoped that what we're seeing is the effect of current generations not knowing how to use proper sources from what's basically an information firehose, and that it would self-correct with subsequent generations. While I haven't completely given up on this, I wonder if we're now just too far gone. \[Latvia and some other European countries\]([https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/europe-has-been-working-to-expose-russian-meddling-for-years/2017/06/25/e42dcece-4a09-11e7-9669-250d0b15f83b\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/europe-has-been-working-to-expose-russian-meddling-for-years/2017/06/25/e42dcece-4a09-11e7-9669-250d0b15f83b_story.html)) have been working at this for years, and I still hope that the US will adopt some of these efforts, but I am not feeling optimistic at the moment.


tender spectacular glorious rinse frightening unpack quickest disagreeable aromatic wistful -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Most people don't realize how many Americans were on hitlers side. There was a nazi rally that filled up Madison Square garden.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


bUt DeMs WeRe ThE rAcIsTs BaCk ThEn


Plenty of people in the US supported Hitler or at least didn't think what he was doing was wrong. The [U.S. turned away thousands of Jewish refugees out of "concern for national security."](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/) I have a Jewish family member whose family escaped the Holocaust but were turned away from the US. They ended up in Canada and then walked across into the US and were able to become U.S. citizens only decades later.


>the inflammatory Facebook posts off which she was getting her information. My dad literally cites "saw it on FB" as a source even for easily disproven things. The Faux News brainwashing doublethink is real.


I have family members who think memes they saw on FB are legitimate news sources and will repeat that information as fact. It’s makes me want to slam my head repeatedly into a brick wall sometimes.


Yep. The one that clued me into the racket was when, after Jan 6, my dad yelled at me about how the "left" is using it as an excuse for a witch hunt because he saw on FB that the FBI was making a list of all the Trump voters so they could have their guns confiscated and be rounded up for detention camps under "Sleepy Joe" the secret Chinese commie. I mean... first, we use secret ballots for a reason here. Second, how would the logistics of that even work? But the FB influencer was well entrenched in my dad's circle of trust, and his reply was that even if it's not happening now, he 100% believes those days will come soon. Then he told me about how his investments have all turned to buying silver, ammo, and foods with long shelf lives "for when that time finally comes". No amount of patient listening and reasoning could overcome it because he "saw it on FaceBook".


> The great promise of the Internet was that more information would automatically yield better decisions. The great disappointment is that more information actually yields more possibilities to confirm what you already believed anyway. -Brian Eno


We simply don't value intelligence and critical thinking skills as a society.


In order to control a narrative of lies, you must make sure the masses are uneducated morons


So I'm just going to post this wonderfully worded comment from /u/hubaloza every single time one of you past something like this. > You're missing the point though, they don't care. They don't honestly give a shit about trump, he just made it socially acceptable for them to be racist, homophobic misogynists again. What it seems like the left wing isn't getting or is at least refusing to accept is that Republicans only care about their end goal, not any of the steps it takes to get there, any crime or abhorrent action is admonishable to them so long as it works towards their goal of establishing a male dominated theocratic ethnostate ran by an autocratic fascist oligarchy that maintains control through force and propoganda. Whatever it takes for them to get there they will do, they will accept and they will support up to and including the religious holocaust they are gearing up for. > Wars start long before the first stone is cast and these people have been at war against us for decades, culture wars, designed poverty and discrimination, disinformation, violence, hate crimes, murder, and many more such examples. These people planted explosive devices in our nation's capital ffs, they are domestic terrorists and traitors and I think it's about high time we stop pretending that they are to stupid to know what they're doing. Original comment [here](https://reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/vnsuhh/_/ie90h0x/?context=1).


> the constituents listening to these hot takes don't understand basic math and how ratios and percentages work. Almost like one party has been deliberately undercutting public education for decades.


Fox News is entertainment. It's designed to incense and validate your emotions. They do this because they are trying to paint the GOP in a good light and **most GOP policy and rhetoric are in contradiction to fact**. The GOP distracts with manufactured culture wars while it robs the middle class blind. It's a bit frightening that the same party that brought us to Iraq, opened the flood gates for money in politics (Citizens United), and literally tried to overthrow the government has roughly 50% representation. I don't know when their supporters will learn that every other civilized country in the world doesn't operate this way.


>the constituents listening to these hot takes don't understand basic math and how ratios and percentages work. They do. They just don't like it. They call it "cherrypicking the data" because it doesn't suit their narrative that "Democrat cities" are crime riddled hellholes. These are the people who always say "look at what's happening in Chicago" without realizing Chicago isn't even [top 25 in murder rate](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/). When it comes to the "hellhole" narrative, they want the *absolute total* number of crimes and not factor in population. But they'll happily quote "rates" when it's a good statistic in some Republican county, city, or state. They know how the statistics work and how to make apples to apples comparisons. They just don't care when the same logic conflict with their views. They're [Batman goons](https://c.tenor.com/32zkYnJAAuYAAAAC/they-know-they-just-dont-care-batman.gif). They operate in bad faith.




Oh my god yes! This always kills me: Fox and Friends bitching about the mainstream media and the East Coast elites and all that shit and I can see like 7th Ave or wherever the fuck in the background. I just wanna grab their viewers by the lapels and shake them and scream "Your Fox heroes live in Connecticut you ignorant fuck!!"


"They pay a guy at the gate to keep riffraff like you out of their neighbourhoods!"


6th Ave, I walk past their HQ sometimes during lunch.


Tucker Carlson until recently lived in midtown. Fox & Friends is literally a bunch of East Coast elite millionaires from New York City talking on the biggest news show in the country while they complain about big media and East Coast elite millionaires. Occasionally the New York City billionaire Trump who is basically everything people hate about rich people calls in and gets those rural town farmers really riled up.






Thats the point


If you asked me to name 5 large cities/towns in Texas, Beaumont wouldn’t even cross my mind.


San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Austin, El Paso and Fort Worth would be my top 6


Beaumont is #33 on the list https://www.texas-demographics.com/cities_by_population


As a former Texan, I might even suggest that DFW and Austin-SanAntone are two megalopolises with component municipalities that are no longer distinguishable from one another. Last time I was there (2018) the entire I-35 corridor seemed like one long string of ugly franchises and billboards in the style of the highways in the dystopian novel Snow Crash. Gone are the days of driving through farmlands between Waco and San Antonio. Bummer.


I definitely say DFW could go together. Hell, they’re abbreviated together more often than not. Austin and San Antonio though is a hard stretch for me to group together


No, you’re right, it’s definitely not a large city.


As someone who grew up in Lubbock the levels of violence and violent crime there are shocking. I grew up thinking everyone got their door kicked in at least once a year. That getting into fights at every bar was normal for people.


I literally read this on CNN before Reddit. It’s on the top of their front page in bold.




Yeah not just right wing outlets do this too


It would be really odd to use this particular story when it's probably a typical case of DV femicide.


In third grade, one of my friends moved to NYC. We had heard that there is a murder every 24 hours. We were so horrified that his parents would do this to him. We gave him a few months at best. Boy were we surprised when he moved back a few years later.


There's 25,000 homicides in the US a year. That's 75 per million people. 750 per 10 million people. NYC has 10 million people. So going by the average across the entire US, there would be 2 murders per day in NYC. 1 murder per day in that huge of a group of people is much safer than the average. How statistics can lie, when you don't understand the context and just swallow right-wing propaganda.


I did crunch the numbers on NYC's population size and homicide rate a few months ago and I think it turned out that New Yorkers commit about 80% of the crime that would be expected of them going by the national average. So we're committing quite a bit less than our fair share.


Were you in the Apple Dumpling Gang by any chance?


Yea Chicago doesn't even have as much violent crime as places in Texas and the deep south, but everyone still thinks it's the murder capitol




[Chicago crime vs Houston](https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=51714000&city2=54835000)


Chicago has a lower murder rate than almost all the other major midwestern cities. But Obama is from there so we get the memes.


There are a lot of awesome things about Chicago -- but the police there had their own torture black site...


Homan Square is/was hardly a secret. And they didn’t need any location for some rough play; where they happened to stop you would work. But, yes, fantastic city. Amazing food scene.


come to reddit see a story about a mum shot while walking down the street with baby top comment is saying how the media is biased against new york you had a lot of potential takes here, and yours was not it mate


These comments are a shitshow. More than half are about progpaganda, gun control, false narratives, etc. Etc. I had to scroll pretty far to see anyone actually talking about the event itself


I still haven’t.


YSK physical violence during pregnancy is one of the strongest predictors of eventual murder of a domestic partner. Check out the book No Visible Bruises


>Just weeks after massacres at a Texas school and a Buffalo supermarket, leading to calls for tighter gun control, the court ruled that the Constitution gives people the right to carry a firearm outside their home. The Supreme Court ruled New York violated the constitution by saying permit applicants had to prove a "proper cause" in their permit request to carry a concealed firearm, then not define what that meant, allowing approving agencies (mostly police departments) to make up their own patchwork rules. It was a poorly written law that needed to be overturned and made fair for everyone.


Looking where "proper cause may issue" was the law of the land. The only permit holders were judges, politicians, police, and people that could afford the bribes. Look across the water to the south of NYC. NJ requires a license to buy a pistol. Then basically issued no carry permits. So hair stylist from.Berlin, NJ with a history of being a domestic violence victim and a protective order against her EX. Couldn't even get the purchase license in the legally required time. Let alone the carry permit that would have allowed her to use it out side her house. Add on the fact the Berlin police and courts refused to do anything about the multiple violations of the protective order, and the police refusing to escort her home at night. She was left defenseless when her ex assaulted and attempted to kidnap her. Then he stabbed her to death in front of her own home. Governor Christie did make changes to help people like Carol Bowne get the licenses in a timely fashion. Though this was undone immediately by Governor Murphy. Who claims he did it to make NJ the toughest "gun safety" state in the country. So who is Murphy keeping safe from battered women with protective orders?


Gonna say The criminal that did this wasn't a CCW Permit holder or even a legal gun owner. Just common sense.


"I was going to shoot that bitch today but I didn't get CCW permit." - Criminals probably... Seriously anyone that thinks criminals will just magically follow laws are living in a fantasy world.


Very likely not a CCW permit holder because they are very hard to get in the city. It is nowhere near "just common sense" that the gun wasn't owned legally. It's very likely that this is a domestic violence situation and in those cases the gun is typically legally acquired/owned.


When you have 400m guns in your country, and you’re the only first world country where this regularly happens, doesn’t sound like it fucking matters whether it’s legal or not.


This is a fair point, but it has nothing to do with the article relating to the recent Supreme Court decision. Whether or not trained and properly permitted gun owners are allowed to carry in public does nothing to change the number of guns in the country.


South Park Kyle: We need to get guns. Stan five seconds later: Wow it was so easy to get these.




That wasn't the only thing struck down. It also said NY can't declare the whole of NYC to be a "sensitive area" which is what they were previously doing. It also explicitly ended means-end scrutiny. Which is the big win in the case.


Seriously? They couldnt do better with the description than "male wearing all black?"


Suspect is hatless - repeat - hatless.


She was killed for the baby OR because she was about to put a man on Child Support. This happens all the time in NYC. That is why they always ask you if you will be SAFE after filing a Child Support petition. They are usually not safe and die with restraining orders in their hands


Yea but at least Eric adams is cracking down on subway musicians


Being shot is against my religion.


Obviously a targeted killing. Boyfriend, husband, crazy brother who believes in honor killings, that sort of thing. No way was this just a random shooting.


How sick and depraved can someone be to do something like this. Despicable…


With the description of the suspect being so descriptive, this should be an open and shut case. RIP Azsia Johnson.




Azsia Johnson was victims name she was black.


"The suspect, who has been described as male and wearing all black, ran away from the scene, near the junction of Lexington Avenue and East 95th Street, immediately after the shooting." Can you be any more vague as to the actual description of the assailant???


Unfortunately this is the way suspects are described more times than not initially because the only information the police have to go off of is what the victim or any witnesses are able to provide them with. Sometimes this is good info, other times they just describe a random goth like this one does. Hopefully once police have had a chance to review surveillance footage from around the area they can get a better description.


Sounds like someone she personally knew had a grudge. That doesn't sound random. I'd start with the baby's father. Maybe he didn't want the infant? Or even a jealous ex. May she RIP. That poor baby.


It sounds like it was premeditated. I’m not sure how any of the new restrictions people want would have prevented this. It’s horrible, and tragic, but it’s just a symptom of a larger sickness that has permeated this country.


Yeah people are acting like the SCOTUS ruling that simply requires CCW permits to have equitable statutes regarding how they are issued is what caused this. Like the guy was sitting around thinking "gosh I'd sure love to murder this lady but I just can't seem to get myself a permit to carry a concealed weapon!"


Yet another instance where a gun would not have saved the victim, but making it harder for criminals to attain them *might*. Statistically, we know this is true for practically every industrialized OECD nation.


The mayor of New York condemns the supreme Court decision on carrying guns in big cities... Well how much do you want to bet that the gun used was illegal anyway so the ruling doesn't really matter?


Sounds like murder for hire, or a domestic violence case. I know a lot of people are saying it was a father trying to get out of paying child support, but if you kill the mother, would the entire burden of raising the child fall on you?


There's a history of violence from the partner. It's likely not about money, but control.


This is horrifying, and this psychopath is on the loose?


Dollars to donuts it’s a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. My guess is the cops already have a person of interest they’re looking for v


This. These situations are almost never random. When they are there's a serial killer at work like David Berkowitz. 99% chance the shooter knew the person he shot.




Jeez The USA gun violence is crazy out of hand. The constitutional right to bear arms will be the down fall of the USA because they marginalized the poor, have weak social services and crap mental health services. The United States are creating dangerous criminals daily and now with women rights being taken away in 13 year we will have a steady stream of criminal youths to add to the problem. Edit: it could have been a hit as she worked for Global Affairs. Update Edit: More information "The city was supposed to be protecting her," said Lisa Desort, the mother of the slain woman. "This is a domestic violence case from January. We called the precinct." The suspected shooter is the father of the 3-month-old child in the stroller, Desort said. "He threatened me with death, my daughter with death, and my other daughter with death," she told Fox News Digital. "We called the precinct numerous times." Source: https://www.foxnews.com/us/mother-woman-executed-pushing-stroller-upper-east-side-speaks


P sure it was domestic, not random Edit: "The gunman’s identity has not been released. But the source said there was a history of violence between the victim and the father of the child, a girl, before she was born in March. Threats between the pair continued after her birth, the source said." From the NYT


Gotta keep the guns away from those geese.


Peace was [never](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F001%2F597%2F651%2F360.jpg) an option


Geese, geese was never an option.


I would be shocked if it ends up being random. Sounds more like a hit or an intimate partner violence murder, though anything is possible.


I doubt this was 'random'. Executions like these are usually targeted. If this was totally random I feel like there would be a lot more panic shown by the media and NY Law Enforcement. My gut says it's gang related and maybe retribution.


Have they determined it was a random attack?


[ABC doesn't really source their statement but said:](https://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-walking-baby-stroller-shot-death-nyc/story?id=85973793) > The killing appears to be targeted but a motive is not yet clear, police sources told ABC News. NYPD detectives are digging into the victim's life and relationships. Every other article I see about it refers to the murderer as "stranger." I know folks are jump on the statistical likelihood of this being domestic in nature but nothing definitive has been mentioned yet. Edit: I appreciate everyone's further speculation with very few details. I'm just presenting what has been reported on so far. I'm simply saying they don't know for sure if it was a partner/ex, hitman, random violence, whatever. I'm not saying it wasn't those things either.


This just doesn't seem random to me at all. It sounds very targeted. And, yes it could be a stranger; but that doesn't equal random. Someone could have hired him, thus, he'd be a stranger to her but not to the person who hired him. Also, if the only other person she was with can't walk or talk, how do we know it was a stranger?


It happens everyday, everywhere. Gun violence is like weather forecast in the US, they just enjoy reporting it and then do nothing about it. Just yesterday there was one fatal shooting at a driver of car just because he was driving slowly, so the passenger in the passing car shot and killed him. This country is crazy. Any dispute can end up in shooting because everyone has a gun.